HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 16 - unlawful to interfere with or obstruct public improvements ORDIVANCE NO. 16. ~l:t AN ORDINANCE MAKIl\TG IfJ] UNLAWFUL TO INTEFFERE VJITH OR OTHEF\WISE OBSTRUCT PUBI,IC IMPROVEMENTS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES AND DECLARDJG AN EHERGENCY. I I L ~t 1~ ?~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VilEST / Ln'J'rJERSITY PLACE: > Sec,tion 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, O!' association, or corporation, or any officer, representative of employee of same to interfel'e with or obstruct any pu1:)lic improvements authorized by the City Council of West University Place<or~he malor or the city engineer thereof, as ,the ca!~- ~ ,r ..,~ I may be, by means of threats, coercion, or duress, or either directly or indirectly, no matter by what method employed. Section 2. ,J~ u That upon conviction of violation of the above section, the person, firm, association or corporation, or any officer, representative or empl~Jee of same, 'shall be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and each separate act in interfering 'with or obstructing said work shall be deemed a separate and independent offense and shall be penalized as such. Section 3. That all prior or:dinances covering,the subject-matter of this ordinance and all prior ordinances or any parts thereof that.are in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. The fact that certain Qriginal city ordinances are ~ l> -- lost or misplecedand/or there)3 conflict between ordinances r ' I . 11 r' II - r~ r~ , r~T~ i)~ / and confusion concernitig ordinances, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity, wherefore the'second. and third readings of this ordinance are hereby suspended and this ol'di nance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as Passed and approved reQUired'r" . , this ~ day of February, 1929. ~ il i I '--, '!f .. ~ -_______________ '~ r, ,---r - .--- -,I < '-I' 1