HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 14 - livestock at large ,LJ Ul , i , .1 ORDINANCE NO. 14. 3"9;01; ,'/~'~~ 'AN ORDI Nl'1..NCE PROHIBITING THE RUNNING Nr LARGE OF LIVE STOCK OF ALL KINDS WITHIN THE CORPOR~rl'E LIMITS OF THE CITY OF -WEST 'wJIVERSITY PLACE: PROBHIBITING THE STAKING OF ANIMALS SO AS TO ALLOW THEM TO GO'UPON SIDEWALKS AND IN DRAINAGE DITCHES; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR 'l'HE VIOLA'f'ION OF THIS ORDINANCE;, REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~~ ..}~. ~) ~)\,. '",~ ?~- ..k .~i: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY OF WES'l' UNlvE RS ITY PLACE: Section 1. That it s11all be unlawful for any person, per sons,' firm Or corporation to allow and permit any cows, horses, mules, jacks, .~' j ennet~, goats,' sheep, swine or any cattle of any char~~/;ter to oe at large upon the streets, alleys, public highways, public parks, public lands, or u~on any vacant lot or lots ~ithin the corporate limits of the City of West University PJEace. Section 2. That it Shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporat!on to ~take or cause to be staked, any of the animals enumerated in Section 1 of this ordinanee, in such;proximity to any si~ewalk, or place reserved for such sidewalk, and in such proximity to any drainage ditch along the streets and public highways of said city, as 'to permit such animal to enter upon such sidewalk or space reserved ,for the same, or to enter into " '"i,f any drainage ditch along any of\\. the ,s t:Fee ts b~ highv'Jays of said , city. '\ I., , Section 3. Any person violating any of the provisiors of this, ordinan'ce'shall be deen'l.8d guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor in the corporation court of said city, shall be fined in sum riot to exceed On'e Hundred Dollars (~~lOO.OO). ;, "l.') l.T c;~ j.;..j " y., ~ -~ -----.-- ~.. ;""-r " ,~ L 11 34 Section,4. It shall be the duty of the' city marshal or any other po~ice officer of said city, to impound cattle and other ani- I ! mals which may be discovered staked in such a manne~ as to violate Section 2 of this ordinance, the same as if such ani- mala. were running at la rge, and any animals so impounded shall be subject to all the ordinanyes and regulations l'egulating the, ; impounding of animals found runn.ing at large. S e c t i on 5. The payment of pound fees shall not exempt the owner, or person 1n control of animals impounded, from pro~Bcution " under the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That all prior ordinances covering the subject-matter>.~f this ordinance and all prior ordinances or any parts thereof that are in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby I repealed. Seotion 7. The fact that certain original city ordinances are lost or misplaced and/or there is conflict between ordinances and, confusion concerning ordinances, creates an emergency and an' readings of this ordinance are hereby suspended and this ordinance . sh~ll become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as 11equired by law. 1/..- ~.::.--- Passed and approved this Id day 0 :c~~ I / l'uary, 1929. r--.- 1 ' ~ , :I ------r r-------------1J I' 'i I