HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 12 - prohibit construction and maintenance of surface privies -----, LJ ',," 1-1 i ! I i L! ":'kJ .. ORDINANCE NO. 12. AN OH.DINANCE TO PROHIBIT ,THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SURFACE PRIVIES AND PRIVIES AND WATER CLOSETS WHICH ARE NOT CONNECTED PROPERLY WITH AN ESTABLISHED SE~rnR SYSTEM, OR CESSPOOL OR SEPTIC TANK; PROVID1~G EXCEPTIONS TO THE OPERATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TH:8i SAME; REPEA-LING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~~ '* ?f. ?~~ -}~ ?~ {( .}~ ~r BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST ~IVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to construct or maintain, within the limits of the z said city, any surface privy or water closet or any privy or 1jV?-ter closet, which is not properly connected with an established system of sewers of said city, or in the absence of such system of sewers, connected with a cess pool or septic tank, in such a " manner that the execrem~nt and waste deposited in said privy or water closet shall be carried into said sewer or cess pool or septic tank._ Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation which may be engaged In " the construction of any building, or in the' pav mg of any' streets, or in doing any other work wi thin the said city which requires the employment of workmer;., may obtain a permit from the city marshal authorizing the construction and maintenance of a tempo- rary privy or water closet: for the use of such workinen, and such temporary privy or watet closet may be constructed without connection with sewers or cess pool, but in the event of the construction of such temporary privy or water closet, the same shall be maintained only during the time necessarily con~umed in the work of construction for whose accomodation it is built, 11 r ~11 ~y T~~" 28 "t and ~edlately atter the oompletlon ot suoh work, the owner or oOD~raotor sbal+ remove suoh temporary privy or water oloset and shall remove' all night soil and hlDll&D excrement, so that the' prEmises shaJ.l 'be clean and t.ree ot all otteDsive sights and odors. Sectlon 3. All privies and watet' cl08et8 which are DOW :[n use within ~ { I I '. the said cltl', which do not mee16 the requirements ot this ord1naDce, mal' be cODtlrmed 1n use tor a. period ot one year ~om the date or the passage hereot. , Section 4. .: ~, . Any persoD, firm or oorporatioD who shall const1'Uct or ,,- -maintain 8n7 p1'1Vl or water closet within the said oity, in vioia- , . tion ot an7 ot the prov'J!ions Ibr thi8 ordinance, shall be deemed , . . guiltJ' ot 8: misdemeanor and .pOD oODvictioD thereor 1.Ji the corper a- tiOD oourt or said citT, shall be punished bJ a tine ot not le8s ~an Ten Dollars <tlO.OO) Dor more than One Hundred Dollars <1100.00). .In IJ Section 5. ~t all prior:ordlnancea'cove~lng the subject-matter of this ordlnanoe and all prior ordinances o~ any parts thereot that .,. . are 1n confliot herewith, be and the same are herebJ' repealed. Seotion 6. The tact that oertain original c1 t7 ordinanoes are' lost, " or'misplaced an~or there is conflict '~etween o~inances and contusion oonoerning ordinanoe's, oreatsCt. 'an emergen07 and an 1mperativ~ public neoessit7, wherefore the second and th11'd . . readings ot this ordinanoe are Mreb'f. suspended and this ordi- . . Damoe shall beoome etteotiv~ immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required ~aw. , ~'e=- Pa ssed and, a 'Jproved this :..L day ot Feb Att~~;z .' i 4 .' .. ..