HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 10 - prescribing manner for additions 21 ORDINANCE NO. 10. I I' , ~ AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE MANJ\TER IN WHICH ADDI'l':IONS TO THE CrrrY OF WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE MAY BE LAID OFF; REQUIRING 'l'RE OWNER OR AGENT OF SUCH ADDITION '1'0 F'ILE A CORRECT 'PLAT THEHEOF WITH THE CITY ENGINEER; HEGULATING THE 'ESTABLISHlimiNT OF STREETS IN SUCH ADDITIOJlTS; PROVIDING FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF! SUCH PLAT AND THE STREETS THEREIN ESTABLISHED, BY THE CITY CpUNCIL; PROHIBIT I NG THE USE OF THE STREET S, ALLEYS AND HICHH1N AYS Olf' SAID CITY FOR EXTENSION OF PUBLIC SERVICE UTILITIES TO ~NY ADDITION THE' PLAT OF WHICH HAS NOT BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE COUlNCIL; REPEAL- ING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGEN[cY. . I i~ ~~ ~~ 7~ ~~ .~~ ~( ~r BE IT ORDAINED BY Th"E CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. That if any peI'son, firm or corporation shall desire to layoff and create any addition to the City of West University Place, any part of which addition being within the corporate r '1 ! ! I I Li limits of said city, such person, firm or corporatiOn shall sub- mit to the City Engineer, a correct plat of said proposed addition, showing thereon the exact location of all streets, alleys and highways in said addition, the width of such streets, alleys and highways and the place where such streets, alleys and higr~ays are to abut the established streets, alleys and highways of said city. Section 2. The city engineer shall' carefully inspect such plat and shall submit the same to the city council with his recommendations. If for any reason the said city engineer shall reco~~end that such plat be not accepted by the council, he shall file his reasons, in writing, for such recommendation. ,.-0~~: . . :4.. '[ - -."'~ - ;.". .j Section 3. The ci ty council of said c:'i. ty sh8.11 not accent any' ... :""'v- ~ . plat of any proposed addition in which the streets, alleys and 22 highwa'Y's therein shown are not in harmony with those streets," alleys and highways all~eady established ,in sa id city, but all such streets, alleys and. highways in such additions shall be in:,. , I I ! a direct liDe with the established streets, alleys and highways: of said city; shall be of the same width as the streets of whic~ they are to form an extension, and shall bear the same name as is already given to such established street or higrrnay. Section 4. . l.~r~ If the plat of such proposed addition shows that the same is laid off in conformity with the established part of said city, the city council shall approve said plat and ~how, by resolution duly adopted, that the same is so approved and that the addition, is accepted as a part of said city and that the streets, alleys,'a.nd highways therein are to become the pu.blic streets, alleys and n I I I J highways of said city, but in the event that the council do not~: approve such plat and accept the same, then none of the streets, alleys or highways therein shown shall become public streets., alleys or highways of said city. <'Section 5. "', '- "', \-'\ <<~:.:;;:.;~ If any person, firm or corporation shall create and establish any addition to the City of West UniVersity Place, the plat of which shall not have been accepted by the city council, the use of the established streets, alleys and highways of the said city shall not be granted' to any' person, firm or corporation for the purpose of extending to such addition or any part thereo~~ any water mains or pipes, ahd any gas mains or pines, and any sanitary or stO:PID sewers, or for tne, purpose of placing poles and running wires fOJ' any telephone 01' telegr.fDph sel'vi ce, or for any lighting or power . serVJ.ce. I" ~' --]I ..u' I' ~ . 'i" , zt) Section 6. i I I I L That all prior ordinances covering the snbject-matt,er of this ordinance and all pr'ior ordinances or any parts thereof' that are in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. The fact that certain original city ordinances are lost or misplaced and/or there is conflict between ,ordinances and confusion concerning ordinances, creates an emergency and an ~1:' imperative public necessity, wherefore the second and third readings, o~ tIlis ordinance are hereby suspended and this ordinance shall become effec.t;ive immediately' upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. ~ Passed and approved this ~~ay of February, 1929. r-- I I ' I I I i I I '-----' rr :~ :----:-f1-,- -.. ......--,... II" I' r---'----