HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 9 - requiring permits 18 1,: ORDINANCE NO.~ 9. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL PERSONS, ]!ITRlVIS AND CORPORATIONS TO OBT AIN PERMIT S FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION OF ,SIIDEWALKS; PRESCRIBING THE WIDTH OF ALL SIDEWALKS; PRESCRIBTNG THE CHARACTER OF MATERIAL TO BE USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH WALKS; REqUIRll{G EXPANSION JOINTS IN ALL CEMENT OR CONCRETE WALKS; FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA'rION OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND DECLARING AN ~HERGENCY. . ~ 1 I i i ! i( ~~ ~~ ~~ ~i- ?~~ ?~ ~~ . BE IT ORDAINED BY TH.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section ~. That any person, firm or corporation who shall construct any sidewalk, along the str~ets and public highways of the City of West University Place,shall, ,before beginning' such work of constructIon, obt.ain a permit for, the same from the City Engin<7er. Section 2. , ~ The application for a permit to construct a sidewalk , ~ along the streets and highways of the said city, shall state the name of the owner of the property in front of which, or beside which, the sidewalk is to be constructed; the name of the cont're.:e\- tor or person who is to do the work of construction; thecharaat'er of material to be used in such work, and the exact location of the pvoposed sidewalk. Section 3. The City Engineer shall charge a fee of Fifty Cents (50~) for the issuance of the permit to construct any sidewalk in said city. Section 4. All sidewalks shall be constructed of cement, concrete or ;! 1 I I' 8.sphal t, and no sidewalk shall be constructed a10r:,a; any street or highway of said city les8 than four feet in width. ~,.~. -. --. .. I i I L.; , -1 I I I I U ! . 19 Section 5. In all cement on concrete sidewalks wb.tch may be constructed in said city, along the streets and highways of said city, expansion joints of asphalt or tar shall be placed every 36 feet of the length of said walk., and where the said walk shall abut " on any intersection cif the street with any other sidewalk alr.eady constructed, an ,expansiOn joint of asphalt or tar. Such expansion joints shall not be made by the insertion of a ,piece of wood or other material, but must consist of the most approved material for making such expansion jDints and be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Section 6. All sidewalk construction work shall be subject to the supervision of the City Engineer, who shall have authority to ~. stop such work if the same be not in conformity' with the ordinances of the said city~ Section 7. No sidewalk shall be constructed nearer than two feet ffro~ the property line, and any person, firm or corporation who shall desire to construct any sidewalk along the streets a:nq. highways of said city., shall call upon the City Engineer to furnish the correct property line, and it shall be the duty of the Oity Engineer to furnish the said line to all persons who have obtaii1ed permit to construct any sidwwalk in said city. Section 8. No person, fir'm or corporation shall construct any sidewalk along the streets and highways of said city, which shal,l be so constructed as to cause a drop in the line of the s'c.uface of said walk, but all walks Shl'111 be !!lade level, and . T' , 11 -Lr -----,~-~r". -- ''-------- 19 Section 5. In all cement or concrete sidewalks which may be constructed i I I L.. in said city, along tbe streets and highways of said city, expansion joints of asphalt or tar shall be placed every 36 feet of the length of said walk, and where the said walk shall abut " on any intersection of the street with any other sidewalk already constructed, an .expansion joint of asphalt or tar. Such expansion joints shall not be made by the insertion of a piece of wood or other mate~ial, but must consist bf the most approved material for making such expansion joints and be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Section 6. All sidewalk, construction work shall be subject to the 1 -1 I I I ! , I '---,.--- supervision of the City Engineer, who shall have authority to ".. stop such work if the same be not in conformity'with the ordinances of the said city~ Section 7. No sidewalk shall be constructed nearer than two feet ffrom the property line, and any person, firm or corporation " \ who shall desire to construct any sidewalk along the streets aF.!,Q, highways of said city, shall call upon the City Engineer to furnish the correct property line, and it shall be the duty of the City Engineer to furnish the said line to all persons who have obtained permit to construct any sidewalk in said city. Section 8. NO person, firm or corporation slmll construct any sidewalk along the streets and highways of said city, ~hich shal,1 be so constructed as to cause 8. drop in the line of the surface of said walk, but all walks sha,ll be i'llade level, and . JJ' 1 c 20 the City Engineer shall furnish the correct leve+ to all persons who obtain permits for the construction of walks. Section 9. I I I _J Any person who shall construct any sidewalk along any of' the streets and highways of said city without first obtaining a ' permit therefor, or who shall construct any sidewalk in 'such a "4,:t'.kl;:j manner as to violate any of the pr~isions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a miSdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the corporation court 'of said city, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed One Hundred DOllars ($lOO~OO). Section 10. That all prior ordinances covering the subject-matter of this ordinance and all prior ordinances or any parts thereof that are in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 11. ] The fact that certain original city ordinances are los~ or misplaced and/Gr there is conflict between ordinances and confusion concerning ordinances, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity, wherefore the second and third readings of, this' ordinance are hereby suspended and this ordinance shall become'" effective immediately upon its passage, apprmval and publicati&nc as required by law. Passed and approved this 'd d day of ~ < Febr1uary, 1929.