HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 8 - issuance of building permits ( i L l L- r 15, ORDINANCE NO.8. AW :(JRDI~NA]LC.E PROVIDING 'F01~?T:a:e,:< ISS'TJAN\CE ~GF-' .BUll/DING PERMITS::<FOR <THE. C:oNSTRlIG.T.IC0:N' (GrF mTJ5rLB.'1:NG:fL IN T-H.ECJTY. ,D.J;i1,:;2)l[E'ST: i.m1VER:~rI~Y ]?LACEY';FTXINGI['HEf!lfEE~r:'.'r0'13E' CHARGED FOR, ,SUCH ~ERMI+S;: Wi1\KING, 'mr;A, 1'lI'IISDEMEANORLiT O:.@'0NSTR:DX~T1\NY BUILJ')INJJ :0:R" 1'0, EBECT, ANY ':ADDIT.IOU r.r'PIERET 0 OR MAKE REPAIRS THEREON, WITHOUT FIRST OBT AIU- ING A PERMIT FOR THE SNVffi; PROHIBITING THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY BUIfLDING NOT IN CONFORWIITY' WITH THE RESTRICTIONS IN THE DEED TO THE LANDON WHICH SAID BUILDING IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED, WHERE SUCH RESTRICTIONS RUN AS A COVENANT WITH THE $OIL; FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~~ 4i- 1t-- ~( ~i- ~~ -1; ?r BE IT ffiRDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST Tn~IVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. That any person, firm or corporation who shall desire to construct, repair or alter any building within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, shall before commencing such work, seCl~re a permit therefor from the city engineer of said city. Section 2. The person, firm or corporation( '\I'lho shall make applica- ti6n to the city engineer for a permit to construct, repair or alter any building iri said city, shall submit to said engineer a plan and specifications, of the building Which is to be constructed, repaired or altered, and shall advise said engin- eer as to the estimated cost of such work of construction, repair or alteration. " Section 3. The city engineer shall not issue to any person, persons, firm or corpollat ion a permit to construct any' building of any character within said cit.y, unless tIle plans, specifiea.... tions and estimated cost of <~uch proposed building' shall , '\, .. l..~ . .18 contom, in ,all things, to the building restriction's contained in the deed to,the land on whi~~ .said building is to be ereoted, ~ where su~~ restriotioPs \ are shown in s'aid deed to be cov'enaIlt"a runniJ;1g.w1tb: th:e soil. 'Section 4-.. Betore issuiDg the pe~t to!! such WOK, the .eit7 eDgineer shall oo11ect a tee ot tw$nt~ cents. (20st). t.or' ~ach, one hunch-e~ . dollars or'~ajor traotion or one hundred dollars ot the es~1mated. -. . cost ot such.~ork~ but. in no case shall the. tee tor. such per.m1t. be 1es~ than one dollar. ,. Sect.ion 5. It any. person shal1.construot, repair 01' alter any'bui14- ing within tne corporate,1im1t~ of said' citr without tirst h&vi'ng secured 'th~:pe~it.th~retor'~~ is herein.p~oVided. or' ~~il .b~~lri such wark ot construction~ .repair 01' alteration wi~hout such . :\ . , permit, he shall be doemed guiJ:ty ot a misdemeanor and upo~ 'Gon- . . .. . viot~on t~e~eot in the ~orporation.coU1't ot sa1d c1ty, sna;i be tined'1n any sUDi,not to exceEtd One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OQ). Section 6. Each 'day or part ct a 4&,. that any pelt. on shall bep e~aged , 1n such work.ot construotionl..repair or alterat10n, shall be a' separate ottense~ .'- Section 7. ... .' ~er'1. person. ~ho s}1..all have secured the permit as, '1s herein' provided shal~) as soon as the work ot construct1on, " . . repair or alteration be beg~,.po~t such pe~1t i~ a conspicuous 00 .... .... place where it can rea411., 'be seen by' '~~e 01 t'f\. enginfier ~1' any . . . . "0. .::=... police ott1cer ot said city, and such permit SAa11.remain so ~ . . ...... posted lintil the work tor which it gives .permissioii' sl'iall: have '0 been completed. Such p+aoe ot posting ot said pe:r:'U'lt shall be 1._..... .:. r--. .I...d; 0--. .._~ . -.-,-... ....-. . -:IT. 00:- ., I .... -, - ....., .. . "] ';J. . , . . ."..~ .:. ..\~~:.. ... . . .i-I .~~ i ~ :.-.J . : r I I L-! .. , - ",\ r~, ' l~. I ~;' .J,,, . on the premises where the work is undel' progress and 'as near as possible to tb~ actual work being done. Sectiol1 8. If any person sp.all secure a permit and proceed wi tb. such work without posting saidDpermi t, suc};J, person sball be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less .than One'Dollar ($1.00) or more than Five Dollars ($5.00), and each day of continuing such work without posting said'permit shall constitute a separate offense. Section 9. That all prior ordinances covering the subject-matter of this ordinance and all prior ordinances or any p~rts thereof .that are in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby rep ealed. Section 10. .(1 "," The fact that certain original city ordinances are lost o~misplaced and/or t~ere is conflict between ordinances and '~nn~usiQn concerning ordinances, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity, wherefore the second and third readings of this ordinance are hereby suspended and this ordinance shall bec,,?me effective immediately upon its passage, a,pproval and publieation ,as required by 2 Passed and approved this 'Jf' ~ay of February, 1929. .... .~~) ./ / / / / 1 l.'. .....-rr- .. t-, '--Oil - 1 II~