HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 85 Extending tax payments o D u ORDINANCE NUMBER if: ~,,",.,. -'~n~ ' ,>.,,, -0 :~_N.>'\:.:_"~~ , ':\ (y AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EX- TENSION OF PAYMENTS, CANCELLATION AND REMISSION OF PENALTIES AND lNTEREST ON 1933 TAXES DUE TO THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T3XAS; PROVIDED SAID TAXES ARE PAID ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 3rd, 1934;: PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FULL FOREE IMMEDIATELY AFT:ER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDA.INED BY THE BOARD OF C<JdMISSIONERS OF THE CITY . OF WEST UNIV:ERSTIY PLACE, TEXAS:. " : SECTION I. Penalties and interest on 1933 delinquent Mun- icipal ad-vo10rem taxes due the City of West University Place, Texas, are hereby cancelled and remitted, provided the full amount of taxes due are paid on or prior to Feb- ruary 3rd, 1934. If, however, same are not so paid within the time specified herein, then legal penalties together , With 6% interest from and after the respective dates said taxes are due;: to-witt January 1st of each year, shall becbme due and payable. SECTION II. All payments of 1933 delinquent taxes shall be made to the City Tax Collector, who, upon payment of the full amount of taxes due 1s directed and instructed to issue Tax Receipt showing payment thereof. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall not in any way effect delinquent taxes except those for the year 1933. SECTION IV. There being no by-law, or Ordinances or law relating to the time of the taking effect of ordinances, this ordinance, therefore, shall take effect and be in force ~ediate1y after passage and approval by the Board of Comrnissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas. ' PASSED and APPROVED, this the ~ day of Jan- uary 1934 A.D. //;);J~",>, ' .' (/[/z4L'~ . YOR.') . ~ r-i j~ ~...u r