HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 84 Requiring all vehicles to stop at certain instersections o D III w <;/'1 .I. ).__~. A' H. .Ai W . ORDINANCE NO. A,N ORDINANCE REQU'IRING ALL VEHICLES 'f0 COME 'DO A 'FULL Am> COllPLETESTOP ImFoRa ENTERING THE. INTERSECTION OF CERTAIN STREETS, AVENUES AND BOULEVARDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST" UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;PRO'VIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOIA- TIO~J OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT THIS CEDINANCE TAKE EFFECT :(MMEDIATELY AFTER PASSAGE AND PROpm fOSTING. ~ . ; . i' ',.E ..It.1'ORDAINED BY '!.'HE BQARD GF COMMISSIONlllS OF THE CITY >,.. aSTUNIV!IlSI'l'Y P'faACE: gee-tlon 1. All fthI:cl.8 ot eyer"! kind and character .hall Come to a ru1l and complete atop bef~e entering the inter- ..ctldtl of the here1nat'ter named.treet., a't'enuea and bouleftrd. located with1n the corporate 11mi ts of the Clt~l of We stUni't'erai t,. Place, Texas , to-wit:: A. All a-treats, ..enuea.d boule't'ar~ inter- .ecting with SellalPe Boule.ard. 8. The tollOWing .tre~lIJ a"naes and boule...ards Intersee'tlng With tJn1..erait, Boule't'ard on either aWe th.....ot:. WaketGr..t; BeJ.mont, and 8utfalo Speedway. C. The folloWing streets, ayenaea and boulevards interaecting w1th Rice. Bouleyard on either side thereot:. 1telmont, Waket'orest, and Fordham Street. D. The follGwlng street., avenues, and boulevards 1nter-aectlns with University Boulevard on eith-er alde the.reor:. Auden and EdloeStreets. Section 2. Sa14. yehiclea ahall COGle to sald atup at an 1m- qbar)' iue that connect. the pOint of tatlsency of the olarb return. and the ,.traight line <'ut'-b a.~t.1.on.t tn. tlMl't'- . eled roadwaJ'. beIng approxlma tel,. the prop&rty lineot" ''the ~ 'c.~.<J~.':~. ~ I ;1 .. lJ :-["",1. i~ ~ii>l:f.~M_-"'_'M~,.~;tP-f 'i.f~"l.'ti'!,f'f'l' f I i r o o o ~,- ,_~I,:..<I "\. !."c , J', ,. . 1ntersecting street with the roadway traveled. Section 3. ,>- An7 person or persona T101ating ant provision ot this ordinance shall be punishable upon conviction by- tine of not leas than One Uoll~r' ($1.00) or not q f more than One Hundred Dollars ($10:/.00) and each failure to .0 atop ahall constitute a separate offense. PASSED and AHPROVED this II ~ day or September A..D. 1933. APmo~ ~ . ~ , , .... ,y / 1, ;' 7 .fi- f. 1'\' . \ U..v.. . . -? Z <, .\. . - ORDINANCE NO. Jl",i,: ..::::...::L · AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL VEHICLES TO COME '1lD A FULL AND COMPLETE STOP BEFORE ENTERING THE INTERSECTION OF CERTAIN STREETS , AVENUES AND BOULEVARDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLA- TION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFt-ECT,IMMEDIATELY AFTER PASSAGE AND PROP~ POSTING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONm.S OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. All Tehlclea ot every kind and character shall come to a tull and complete .top bet.::)l'e entering the inter- .ection ot the hereinatter named streets, avenues and boulevards located within the corporate limits ot the City or West University Place, Texas, to-wit: A. All .treets, avenues and boulevards inter- .ecting with Bellaire Boulevard. e. The tollowing streets, aTenues and boulevards intersecting with University Boulevard on either side thereot: Waketorest, Belmont, and Buffalo Speedway. C. The tollowing .treets, avenues and boulevards intersecting with Rice Boulevard on either side thereot: Belmont, Waketorest, and Fordham street. D. The following streets, avenues, and boulevards intersecting with University Boulevard on either side thereot: Auden and Edloe Streets. Section 2. Said vehicle. ahall cOQe to said .tup at an im- aginary line that connects the )oint ottangency ot the curb return and the .traight line ourb section of the trav- eled roadway, being approximately the property linear the $>,,'.iW1.1:_ _-....--..<~"",.~.:~..._.. ._......... . ~