HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 82 Regulating vinous or malt beverages D o o "i 01'1 "" lpr.. . . . . . -' ," . . '. . . . . '. . . . . . . ,'AN ORDINAl'l:CE REGULATING THE MANUFACTUHE, SALE, ::::\:;nf.sTRIBUT:ION"DISPOSTTmON, STORAGE ~ND TRANS- .PPw;r,ATION OF VINOUS OR IviALT BEVE?.AGES, PRES- . ":~IBJ:NG>DEFINITIONS :AI\fD PROVIDING THE MEANS, . >';IVIAWNER>AND METHOD T:&IEREOF; }tJ:-tpVIDING FOR THE " 'LI;(iEN.$I<NG AND HEGULATING -OF't~RTAIN PERSONS. ,"',', . '. . .. - .... J <i.J.lAN:uFACTURING ,.. ,SEJ-,LirI-TG, TRJ~NSPOR T lNG, DI.~;.",. " . ..' 'POStl1G:OF STORING AND DISTRIBUTING SAME' . .... .. . '. " , , "P~OVTDING: . FOR THE 'ASSESSMENT, COLLEC1'ION , PAY- :".:MEN'lt"EVI-DENCING OF TAXES AND I'-'EES,'. .:fiND THE . tIME;AMQUNT, METHOD AND rLAl'.)1~ER THEHEQF;' ".. .PROVIDI1iG VlHEREVINOUS OR 1.iALT BEVERAGES I\.iAY . OR Ni..AY NOT BE SOLD;' PHOVIDIHG FOR THE' '!SSUAHCE AND REVOCATIONS OF LICENSES; PRES- CRIBINGTHE POW~R, RIGHTS, PRIVILEG~~k~D . DUTI~S OF CERTAIN OFFICERS; PRESCHIBlNG. . . . O~FENSES, PUNI SEJ:;~ENT AND PEKALTIES; DEOLA,,'q~ ING. AN EJ.1ERGEN'CY. . . .' "B$ IT ORDAINED BY THE BOAIW OF eOl;;. ::SSIONEHS OF THE CITY'OF' WEST UI~IVERSITY PLACE :.... 'q . ~2.'..' .' :...,'. '" .. ~./ ~". . . !:.', . . .. . ':;"'" :.;- ~. .~:''','\~;,;-, :..7-': " .~. ." "'.' ',:' " .~.., O:RDI~MNdE NO. 9 ~ SEC'):'ION I fa) The manufacture, sale and distribution ai' 'vinou.s or 4lalt beverages containiIlg one':'half (1/21 of one per cent (15) or mO:J:'e of a;Lcohol by. .. .volu.me and not more than three and-two-tenths percentLtm (3.2%) of alcohol by weight is hereby . authorized within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, subject to the . terms and conditions herein imposed. (b) The Vlord ltbeer.tt as hereinafter used l.n this ordinance and for the purposes of this ordina:nce' shall mean beer containing one-half (1/2) or one per cent (1%) or more of alcohol by vo:tUm.e..., . and not more than three and two~tenths per'.. .' centum (3..2,%) of alcohol by weight. SECTION II 'Baer can be manufactured, sold and' distributed ';ttj.',bar'reis,. keg$vbottles and other containers. r:-J :~c J " . - .~ '. "j, .... L ~ ':. ~ ,.f ," ..~. . ~. , :: ...:,.," o n o v" ." ", ..... l . i'" ...., ....-, , '}\ '.." .. ,. . ~/ .~. SECTION III . ., :":' '.' (a.) A Jtmanufacturertl is hereby' defined to be any per.$on licensed to nl81uf~<jlture or brew .......0ee1" and to distribute arid to sell same to othe.rsin the .originaJ. package. <(b) :A"general distrl.Dutor" is hereby defined ::'tob~any person licensed to distribute or to . sell ,'peer to local distributors, retail dealers " and/or others in the original pac~:age. (c) 'k uloca:ldistrib.m:,or 11 is11ereby defined to be any person licensed to ,:je11 C'Jld distribute bee'I-: t.oretail dealers and ultimate CO~lsumers in',the City of West Univers.i ty Plc.cein unbroken packages not, to b-e consumed oil'the premises where sold. .'" \. (d) A "retaildealerti is hereby derined to'be any person licensed to sell beer in bottles 'cmd from kegs; barrels or other contE~iners'to the ultimate conSUl11eT'. , / , (e) A distributor, lQcal or gene:cal, may . maintain necessar.y warehouses, for storage purposes only, from which delivery may be made 'without such we.rehouses being licensed. .. (' " . (f) "Persontl shall include any COrlJOration," partnershi~, association and person or group of persons. SECTICN IV - It shall be UIl~awful for aJ.1,f person to mc;Jlufacture or bI'ew for. the purpose of 8&le or to sell or. distribute' any beer 1,!;ithout :first 1:e.vii1g applied for and secured a l:;..cense cs re" uired by Ulis ordinance. ..k..... ~.;;" . r'r'l : ,~1~/;. ~ '" , r II 'j" o , . ':' :$ECTIC.iN..iV'.' .". . . .':.\ ":- " .;l#'4~~'1_~!i~~!~r~~m!::~~~~~~~e;~r~~a~:~11 .; ... . 'e', a.t"lif~' office, for tl1e use and benefi,t~ of "ort 'saier"City., Annu&:I;. fees requiJ:'ed :t"'or '~.".. ~~:zed1}ytnis or.din.lrlce' shall he as fol.~?w$; . . ,." . ".~ . .. " ,",,, ",' "., . ", ," .... ':~"'~:~):'~'i.Qefise'autl).orizing them8.11'ufacture.. akcC.." ie~6tilner,T1';0 Hnnd:ved Fifty Doll;ars($250.0D). ,~:~;_:_'.~--i:.;?J;.;-,~-": .... - '. . -.' . . . '. distributor ;1'I-ttiJ:ialtHmii"';;'''';;....:"'fjoo .' - ..-. ,'.' -. . /(;i')Eit'~~.:~"$9'b.clld.istributor, 'Twenty . Five Dollars .- '~,-:-. - .~._' - '. - . -." -., ,_',.-. -',-, ..- .' .- '. -. . . '.'.,,,,' . , \~}'.for-'a' lie ens;E? authot'fz ing the .sale' of' De:erby ~"''dealer ,for consumi1ti6n on or o:[,f' 'Gile'premises 11here Doliars($'~O,~OO)~, -. 11 ." .. ,". . ",' ",> "fe.). For Ii-cense authorizing the sale 01 beer by . ....I"i,,;:i~Ji~~~~~~:~:i~~~:~e~;~~;~~:~~l:r~:~: Q~~~i ~~g~.. ~~e t~~n~.. ,~'~,~;,"';;',~' ':(f:') All.,lic'enses issued uncle!" the terYiis of' this. :)!lr!i~1~i~~~~~~~~:~~~;~5gf:i:~;~!:i~~~~;;;~~i:::~.... ........... ............ . ';';f!i'::,C;011$e::tbr6::f'the City of West University Place ,: not more' ;,"":jf~',~.'i:1:hai#::t}d,rtY,~3?) days prior to~1;le first day. 01;' c!anu.8.!:Y).', ....'~:/: :::l":e,n~w such l1.cense so held by h1m. Such &ppl1catlon shallp:e; ,;'\.:~~:', :,;$i1,:,i;rsit:i:]:lg, signed b~r the applicant and contain fu.ll. and,' :'< \:~:':,::.::i\;'.,:b:6nl:piete.' inforn.iation as to the busine.ss to be conduetedan,.d ,-: ::{,.;i .,.~~,l:othef',inf.ormatiQnasset out and re~iuiredih the, orig':': ');;'o.}~~:~>;.;'Pl~~1.'<'a:pp:iicat;:i,onUPOiJ.'i'lhiChSUCh origi1ial 'license Vias ..' '.' . ,,~~'s)J;e<(f;:.accoln;paiJ.iedby a fee of One Dol.lar ($l. 00), 'yr:qi9h,' ,i -' , :.'..,f..~,f~'~2f~;:iSt:1i(;t.sUlIl.Of One. Dollar ($l..OO) shall be inaddi t~ont'9)t:b:e,' <:i'", .....:; ..c,' , ;afuttMts:~n this ordin~l1cereciuiredto be paid for annU.~4!': .....<! \" .," :";';-;::~;' ~'. : ..; ~--~: -',' . D .: - . "~' " ..". . .... :>.:--';';:;:.1.. "\l~'ii~~i! ...; ',. -~:.::; .~::,J: .~'~:'::7-:', -:-_~ . .-' '., ~t~~\~. ,-:'. :-; < ~:Lt5}~.:~~t:":-7:";'~ ,~:~~:~.. . .- -~" r- I II '1" o II LJ In j I I '--- '.,,-~-<;:;-:,;-~,;,\.. c :,\'.'","',<Y'~:'.- :.",.::." '~-;: " ,~..." - "",x.",<'- . , ' ", ,: ,,",.- , '. '. r ~!y*Ti1fii:v~psity Placet'o 'forthwi thissue such renewal $i~:se'l1p.onthe :f'brmto be prescribed by the 'CitY of ;t;:ii]Jf1.:milie:r'~d. tyPlace; ];')l'ovided ,however, that no" ',' " , <;:';:~;\:~<.~:p:p+'~caIith:for alicenseun<ier ,\jhe terms 01"' this ol"diil,ance :~'~"'" :~ib~e:~:S;~~:~r~~~ ~:~>iIc ~~;e~n~e;~~~c1~l~~'eb~~~~U~~e,' " :,~i>::1;d.;;Qant:shal~a.lw,ays be required to pay such t'eesin ~~~~~il~~i;~~!~;iii:;~:;i:~~~~~~Ji;f~~::E~;~;: :~t.:i,;S~~):,():t)jeeember I"ollowing, and" only such propor- :~:'~~p~tt;,qt $1Jcho~nu:al lic'ense :fee 2.S reciuh~ed under ''tIiW:,'~f:,tQ.is ordinance as the periOd of .time bet"i!ee:ri :";<:~,,,~. , ':,-: , ,,:':;J~':~~1;l,t~~4bct~.;:il~~ ,~~~ ~;~e~~~.~t~~~;r~~8.~~Yb~,fr;:C- :\:/'~,:,:,~~", , ," 'qti:ired t:o"be 'paid by such applicant. ,#""'" ,( .. ,( "'"' ..t:. ... . , ' . ," . . " " " ,,' ,.:<g) i~o manufacturer, general distributor, local ais-4ributor or retail dealer' shall c.a.rry on (.ouch business '~tmdrethan one place under the same license, 'out a '~epa,i'ate' license r:l'ustbe obtE~ined for each place of bus- 'iness~, nor Bl18.11anj such lic~nse. be voll;,r;.tarily assigned more.than once, but before assignee of such license can ',' engage in business thereul1c',er he or tl'ley 8[1<:.11 c "nnply ,v.{,ith 'the "proviaions of' tl:.is crdine.Dce a~ re'.uired by :"0' ~+g"'l"n'al ' -i.c' el'see ~n.:l '^'~:'o---ia'leQ~ PUI'"',~',e''' +-'<:l+ +-11e c~l p, OT~:';UC1_'1 ~.:.oJ. . .. ..L~. _..... cu._u. l!J. V _ _ _ L__ J. v.....c.v v__ 00.__ ............. iicense, 1vh~therin the name of' the original license~ or assignee, may be J:lade 'lmder exec"~"tion or mortgc:..ge a.ndthe purchaser of such licel'jse in such, s2").e,'1-~&11 ,nave the right' ,to surrender ,such license to the City of ',fest Univer'sity ,',' Place which is, the D2.sis ther'eoi' .s.na 81.:'2.11 receive therefor ".the, pro rata up-e a,rne 0. , portion of Euch license, provided ,that shotild said original licensee or his assigne~ desire, to che:Jige the p12.ce f:.esig:1cted in said license he r,ay do 8,0 by applying to the assessor and colJ.ectoro:;:~ taxes of said city as in the case oi the original-BiP1ication for Tf-qense.,as'provided in this ordiLance. " .:'<,:,:.~:s~.' , , ., ~ .' .. "" <.,"". . .., SEe II' I eN VI ,', , " ,..:~ny person desiring a license to Lcanui'acture, sell and/or distribute beer vii thin the corpoY'c,te limits of tl1e 'City of Wept qui versi ty Plac e, 'I1exas, shall, be required t-rv' do <'na~ -o-r-foT']'~ +'ne .c;'u',llo-"'.!n~. ~/'V . ........ 1. ' .J,; ~ - _ i~ \.r 1 -L..L. h..l._ 0 . /, (a) Present to the J.ssessoI' and Collector of ':raxes of the City o:{ .i est University l"lace, Texas, 'for exa.Ininc"ti on, at his of:E'ic e, a license issued by the County Tax Collector .1...-_ J ~ " . "J" o o D l' - i' ,- <""""1""~" - :;~~~;~-;~~~<~~~~jc~~l~"~~.iS !C~$~~~",~~;!~I!tl~"~",... \y;:1t\~eli. i?-ev;oke:a.~..:.- -.. :";',-,:-. <":.:.,--.'.--",,-'-': -".. .'; -' " .~- ~ '- ~ -;: _:, _ -~-: ':i .. ~ ',,-,'-"':' ". ". . .' '." ;', - ; .rst~:i,l\;..,6a't.tis ,ilii-der the laws of the Stateo.f''':... oX' said',i;;~ii[{!~{';'; . ;"''';-'':,-,. ~~.:;.:(,~~~:}:::-;.(,::::.'~~~~>::: ; ..,.' .,_..;~ ,. ',:" ~ ;-c' :<. - . , ", ~;":.;' -', -' ~--".- ;, ,-;'-' ~ . . ~~,)-),::,::-~\-- -; :~'. rl ,', -'I' o ",,__-~__, -_.'-'.;:0 .~ ::/:~{;:(;t~'i---'.:-: '::~~:. o ", i"~ ", :};'" . L."';,;';" '_, _:H_<<__'-'_~ -.- . ..~,. -,-.:::-": ." j ",' ,~:::~::>\:'<: :..;~~~- ,:" ,~F? ,-. , '. - ... .'~;~~' h ":'.; .:..;- . ,":'.' '._~" ',' - -. . . '.. . '.. -". ~,;:.:~ ~ ...~-.f;:~>:~:>" ;;In<i{he'ev'en:t',bf.the. death of -any'"'licenB,e,,e :\ -". '~,' ";~" -',"~:'~'~~;'::' ~ ~ -.....,' ~ . , .';'-.',.- ;.-" '.,. ';-" -":. . . .:"~';-~__7. -,~~:):~.":~';~ ."'~~.~;:~~~"'.~~:" '<." ~. .' :;):'~.?~~'.~.>~~::(f:,/: . ,~':~~~',~~\':_,'''''-':?~';,~'_::-;:' .'-' ."'.' . > , " ..~: -,' . 'G}:~{;'~~d~:,'\~?~. '. <;"r,o< ':- ,,;,.:,' .' Sli!~n.'~O~ '. Ylrt ' , " . . . -..'." ;, .',~';-t:"../.~._, '-'- " .;~ '.', ,.... .'" .~ ,'I n i~j " ,-' . ':~'~ :...... ." :.- "..,: .:~." -.:<;:-: ,.' \.... ~ " o ,.~~:;:;'~;:':~~ '~:-:;""'":'"';~.',,,',,?f,,',':,,:~,:._,,,,:,_,:,,,~",~",~;",:,:}~.r,c,1.~",'fl,.)~:,~0,',~,~,~tee,';r'~e':, hlel.~eal1':l;c\e~,'ni:,:ere i hhs aaS~s e ~ e;~' :~~ o~~. Coliect or ti~;~:'~{;~:~'~ , "c", ',<U nn v :;; been convicted of' .,", '~'V~bli:ti:tig'the state L~:.w regulating the manufacture, sal~, ':'~':'.dJ;str:ibution, 'disposition,' storage and _tran;sportation .. i~;: 'of' v;inou8ormalt beverages, 'or of violating this ordinance. ,-- o SECTION X In case the license or any licensee hereunder is forfeited under the prmvisions of' this ordinance, never- 'tnelesssucn licensee shall be authorized to sell or dis- ':p-o~e oT: in bulk any stock of beer he may ltc,ve on hand' G,t 1:.118 time such license is forfeited. SECTION XI. ~Vhomsoever violates any of the terms and provisions' of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdereanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100.00. SECTION' XI'I If any section, paragraph, sentence or phrase of this ordinance be invalid then such invalid portion shall not. in any way affect the remaindel'" of this ordinance and it is hereby declared as the intent of the Board of 'Commissioners of the City of West University Place that. the remainder of this ordinance Will have been passed by , said Board of Cow~is2ioners, notwithstanding the invalidity of such se~tion, paragraph, sentence or phrase. o ~,,~"","'..,... I r 'T--::- _ .. ~r-" 1...1 . . l' J. o o o -.":.::-.', ~. ~'..' '"':':,..> ..;'.:c",.'" . ~..;.' .:.-,', , ", , , ':., ~:,\,;~ "u, ~ _ .' ',' ':r;' :'~.:' -', . '" " :.Z.>. ,"" "'. -~. .. ... "' -, '. ' . ,," ,," . '" , I /..' , .," ~ SEQ~'~I;~jtiiIp"":.' " <:'.~' c. . .~"._. :~);~:.:;1:":;.5;.~:{;,':~.....:... . . "-,.." _"' l~tt~~~~!~~~~~t":~:~~~~~f~~x~~~fciti~fd;~~~~ ... ;f:~~};~u{'c,:: "P~SSED AND APPROVEH) thi's "th'~';'Sth day, of, ",,;<,:c;>.~,~~t~:~lj;hD.:~933.' '," "iH ~~~~t3f~~~~;~i~4~~' :',.. ~~?,. . ...' . . . .' ~. :.:", ".' .'. "~': .~. .~':~ It, ," ",' '-: . _:~ '.:' .: ,.... :. . .~._:;f.;;:;: . ~ . .~<'. .i .::. . ,'.', -' 'i"-- .( ;~ ,'~~ 1" " 'i,f' OJ c:Y'~ ~ ~~- ,....... .J.... .?,~ ~~ 7<~ &~ ~ ,,' ,,~~ ,6:''- ~ c:-r-, )-;::~:,/'~ rrI~ c..>/~ '~ S~ ~-'/733- . ~. . ~ , , '" ,- . . '". .;. ;<. ", ~. X G-Z- ~ ; '.. ~, . . . ~ /' - . . ... . d..~ ;',' '. """,- . ~- ~,.:~_:: ' .-;; .- ,: ~, " ;~) I' 'I, r-I.. II ,~ f :.,..-~ ':~l.~ ~ s/~ o ,~ , 'I .. , "