HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 81 Amending Ordinance 80 to place sewers and drainage under supervision of City Secretary; sanitary sewer o o o . ..... ... .. . .....' J: ~:CEliO.l/. . . · '" '~~~AMEND!NG ,orm JOE NO. '.~ ',' ': ,,*' ANORD!NANC . PLACING T '-STE1!, OF SANITARY SE\VERSA1ID'ANY . 'AND ALL SYS .SOF SANITARY DRAINAGE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CITY S~ETARY: PROVIDING FOR THE CflARGE OF$l.od PER CONNECTION TO BE MADE FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE.: PRO- VIDING FOR THE DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECTION CHARGE TO 'BE MADE: PRQVIDIi~G FOR THE CHARGE OF ~l.OO TO BE MADE FOR THE INSPECTION OF CESS PDOLS AND SEF'TIC TANKS Fon rl'HE PROTECTION OF THE HEAL'rH OF THE CITIZENS or WEST UNIVEi-{SITY PLACE: PRO- VIDING WHEN SANITARY SEVIER. SERICE CHARGES ARE DUE: PROVIDING FOR" DISCONNECTION OF SEwER SERVICE UPON FAILURE rro PAY CHARGES FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF C01rr~ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrry PLACE:. AN ORDINAN~/A1IEit-JiDnTG ORDINANCE NO."~ a ' ,INCOMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO. ,AND MINUTES OF ,DEe .r~926, , Section 1. ~ The sanitary sewer system of the City of West . .":t~ . ""- : . ~:'. . , ~"7"'> ..:;:, Unive~ity Place is hereby placed under the supervision of the City Secretary ~r the purpose of enforcement of this Ord- inance and such Secretary shill have direct supervision ove r the City sanitary sewer system, including all mains, appa- ratus, equipment and other property belonging or appertain- ing thereto, including any system of drainage vnlereby foul waste or superfluous water, gas, vapor, or other fluids are discharged through a pipe or pipes from any building, lot, premises, or other establishments, into public or house sew- er, drain, pit, box, filter bed, cess pool or other receptacle, privately owned and not connected with the sanitQrY sewer system of the City, md the City Secretary shall also be charged with the enforcement of ali ordinances, rules and / regulations, gov,erning, effecting and pertaining to the same, subject to the direction of the Mayor and City Commissioners. Section 2. There is hereby created a charge of One ($1.00) Dollar per month for sanitary sewer service furnished through the sanitary sewer system of the City of West University Place for the purpose of assessing a direct charge against rl---: I r 11 "1'1 o o D ~~~i~t~~,:.,~:{ ... .... ...,' {: ~':' :. _ .J " ~""~I,:. "". ~ . . . .' ;'" ... . , . . , ',,\' _ .,. _ . - -. :. -_. ;.:t.~Q1Yn.ers"'bf' properties in -the Gity of'WestUniversity Pla.ce ,",". ....~.'....~.:v:in.~g.:::'p'roivit~...e~rL~~~ctidh~g~..i:fh.':....}trib.city..:,.s . sew.' er,service l:Ln' es ~i;;.{ ......:,.e~ver the' "ost of ma1ntenan.,e. imdoperation of the aity ~.~~: -.. - '.-. :.'.,," , : '.' ".'-" . .. ./ '''-~': "3r" .. ,',,-",.- -: expense incidental thereto, which services are not of a. all properties and property owners. . , . >', ":',- .section 3. ~, ~ . . . . ~;',,>..;\~~~~f~c..?:oprotectthe .he~lth of its citizens as well as '.);':c,;~~'.Jf}t'J:~1V~];lt.:s,ewerage overflowlng unto the properti.es of others ~~~:!," :..;~J:~~i~.)rihe'8tr~ett other than the property of the owner of :: ~:. .~:' . .' ~ .' . -. ;," . 0., 8u-eli a:ewer disposal system, there is hereby created a charge ,,'; ;'. ~, - ; ..J.'~. ' ofdQne{$l.OO) Dollar per month for the purpose of cov.ering : ~he cost of inspection and supervision of any and all systems ". -"" . '" .,' ".- 0,1'"drainage, privately owned and, operated within the City 'Of West University Pla.ce., which are within three hundred ", ." . feet ofa connection maintained by the Oi ty of West Univer- . sitypJ.ace to such private sewer lines to the nearest pro- p:erty line. of such. ovmer or owners of iElproved property, but !< .... . which COIl.Jl6ction from a private sewer line or lines has not been made or. ordered, or not connected with the sanitary se,Y'er system of the city, whereby foul waste or superfluous. . 'water, gas, vapor, or other fluids are discharged through a .' p~pe- er . pipes from any building, lot, premises, or other :e's:l;- '~b,~'1shihents". .11'.!-to public or ~ouse sewer, drain,' pit, box,' '.t:il-ter bed, cess pool, or other receptacle. All inspection' ...... . .,ree::0J:'t'ees notpaidw:\.thinThlrty (30) Days after due. date ~f~~t;,~~1~i~~~:::'::1::ditiona1 charge of 10 per cent (lG%l " ... .~,~s:;~~~,:"~::r.-."~' /. ':,. :'~; ,',~,~.:;:":: ~}~':.~:: '. .' ". ......._ . . ~}f: 'r_ >l, "1 ~ 'f" L-J . I I ..,.."' 'l:lIt --------I: ~ ~_I: ~ XI o o !'-.: '.;;,,: '.: . -' ',;~ , .p;?t;: ~.~ " .": ",::'1;,0~(~"(:::~Jj,:~ ' ,'" }:~:~:2:f~~!,' .., ';., ./i<~""" ," ',. :~ The charges for sanitary sewer service and fQP! :': 1:;-; inspection, and supervision, o:f..,pri~'EllY.i),owned and opera tad " ' s~stems of sanitary drainage within the City of ' West Univ- ersity Place shall be due and payable at the City Hall in the City of West Universi ty Place, in cash, on the first day of each month commencing with the'first day of month ij !; hereafter, or with the first day' of, the month following in- stallation of sanitary sewer service. If not paid by owner or his agent within thirty (30) days after becoming due, the City reserves the right to discontinue such sewer service and disconnect such private sewer line from the City sewer lines and system. Sewer co~nection with the City's sewer lines when disconnected will be re@6stablished only upon payment of past due sewerage charges and,all labor and material ex- pense incurred by the City of West University Place in mak- ing such disconnection and re-connection of private sewer lines from its service lines before being reconnected. Sanitary sewer service will not be furnished in any case to any person other than the owner of the building or premises on which the sanitary sewer service is furnished; and such owners or owner shall be liable for charges for all sanitary sewer service furnis,led to said premises, whether ,occupied or unoccupied, or whether there be one or more ten- ants thereon, and the City will not in any case furnish san- itary sewer service to tenants on their own responsibility, or look to the tenant for payment for sanitary sewer, service furnished to the particular premises, and unless the owner of the prpperty orpremlses pays the charge for sanitary sewer '~; '. service 'for the' premises in accordance with the ordinances ri - I r '1 11 " "I ' o D [ ~-.l- __...._"""'. . .~~:~~~~~~~".~\.. . .,' . . \ ~.: ;~- : .-', . '.;;}.\;sf;JrjfSt: "',-' - .J8{~1Iitl~~::::::::::~::::::::~:::::::::::~:;::::::~::~:::;hing.". ':. ...........;;:- ,"' iii*~~<)li;~!:!:::::~:::::.:~:o::s::::g t~_.. .... ."::- .'>'~'(-:' ,-~ ..' ;;,,":- " Section 4. '".~. .~.' ;~:i:~', . ..,~. . "-; -. ~\." .: in pri vi ty of contract' with.. the ovm,er, of the. pa;yment of H -;.- If any. part or sec tion .of this Ordilla:nce ia . ;~<~- " ...:..., f'!6~1id"bythe ..doUrts .to be invalid it shall not' inval'idateany ..' :(:;:t!ler~portion or section of this Ordinance. " " . Thi~Ordinance shall take et:fect il,nmedia tl91yup,6~ its. passage and approval. .1' . Pas sed 'and approved this the..2? . . ;;lV" .,.';....;,'. ~.""... . '. ,'.' '(11.:.' ;'c th day" of . "'<" . , :. ", . . .,'~;' '. A.~; B.,L933.' "," '-~---:'L_I APPRO~~ .' YOR . \