HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 75 Repealing Ordinance 71 D o o "'" .......\i ............,'; "'.'(, " 'i> . ,<.\ Ii: X."."C '.,"i' ....'A'T .... ....:....S '.:'.' I~f. '.,' OF "~r Ii: ,':,;'/ <' ,':::~?;/?;( ~:J '.' ,".-' ,.. ',. " >.'~t,;},;' ~~~ TIDi: ClT?{:nw-,' ";-C,.., ,i" , .' -~: .)~', \:;';:: ,. :.':"'<" :'~:~\:e,; . ..,,')c ,. .,'" <,,:)~;:V> . ',~",j,,;rZ~:::~' .... '.'..''.,'': "', , >:'~.:,..,~.,.-. """i:"W":":;:"':" ,,',-'.:, f;- , ... 7" " , .:: :." ,'.,- '. . ,> ".. i~lg:: ~, " >l<, ,.:',. .'. .' '0 R:-\l ,'F "".c " ~_ ' 'r ,n t: H:' ',:, ::.: .''-.,', ," : ". "':', , ~:, . ,', ;,,:;;:?" ,: ,":."":. " }t; T. ': .:, " '..:::',"', ,. . r: '", ,<=> an ordinanceprovld ':'.'-'- :>. :~',' : ' '," '-~- , , ,', "'" .''-,',.:,'' , . . ':','.' . <}}orporation Court of' ,theCi,ty' :' '",";.:" . - u~s election but pending the'n,~."x,'t.'~.... "-':; <' ,'<,".' " .' ,uv,held on,th~ :tir-st Tuesday in Ap'ril,:.. o ' .' " ."':"'L:.i:L. '" '. b '-..~;..', 1I!!";..." . th t" t" f t1.' '.y",',,'ne=y,or Wl ne conseno. ".,4:e,' "':'-':::\ ,.' , -'..:...:.;'i_....~ . "'id"" t'l,..~t h' t' d 'prov ,J:ng lU;l. e ac as re corer ,'. ",.' "'--, ' <};-':< :t" ln'the abs~nceof the Recorder; pro,viding' ':,' "'-'i ".:'f"Y: ,,' , , ,. :' ,:','~~;:',;; -:,:t" :dut,lesand t ixing his compensa t iori ' anaftirtli-et::;?~::',:~Zft '"~">,:,(:i",:;j< . ',' ,,'-:<:}:?,:~<'~!i:"',_:' :'" ., "',~,'H'n+ "+b-r~<lii1anae takeeffec t and be in fUllfo:r-ce>';( ,', ";",:)~;-~:-~,, :. '. '. '.' " '-,;a'tter"i~s pa's.s~ge and approval, is hereby: repeal. ed,'" ' >;:~:':::~ii'i~;,~::.,H,., ,< - , . .' , ::'" ...~('f'~~,., . . "';::'e~.<; ....,".,. '~\ . ,,' . SECTIOn 1,'1. "',: :" (;I'/'i,;~i':'Grdinan"G sball takG effect .and be ii'1for';"J,\!,""S1~" ":.c: H" .' ,,:': .' \. <~.>, ::~,,:;:i '.':;and.a:iter the date o'f it.s Dassageand,~un:r";~ri;\hr~:;;:~';d}} ";"::,': " . , ~ .' ',- ~ ' 7'" :~,'H,,; 'i/':' ;> IA;'C"'~~"'~~ APPROVED, thi'S":,.~,f,~'_'".','.',".. day of AP;'i,l,'" in;Z,~_ ,:A;, ::~" ,:'~,~:~~, ~f ':/~:':'" '.~. - .... .' .' _ '. ~ . .. - , _ .. ,j;:-c;: ", . <{",,:::":';::, . .- '. .~,. ."'":.~:"'..:..."";,,,,.. ;::(''-;.,:~:'i':>;.:\ <'>:::"'; . .' , .' ~...'- .' " .- -- '",',,', " . ',':. ".', ;,,:,:: ":: ('c.,",: if.: ..,{:i, /" , "': . " : '>. '. ' .....':' ~. :,:.;' ; . ,'.; ;. _~ ::')}\>?' ~;_>'~::';,~X, '-. .';/; ,< ,?"l't;':-',:/J; .,'," :', ,.: .,.... ;:.:','X:' /":.""'/")' '.'.: ';' :'".- ,."'t,,':":.., .., .,,', ii'" ", , :",-,'. .;::,::,:/,),' " , ......\{f'."'. '. :-:'; , ' , :' ,',,' . ",.):"'"./>: ' - ~(;c::.;,~ '''/,;' ..... . '. :-("".'::', OI.,the';':'c r~,..' ,~ ,', "":'\:, ::~ . I . _L I I _ I.....D ...t'. n..1l1