HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 70 Authorizing an agreement with Robt. L. Sonfield; o o ~' 'i II ;~ ~~ t, r~-... '" I U ORDINANCE NO. 70 . AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MlYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO EXECUTE -A CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE- CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE WITH ROBT. L. SONFIELD, RELATIVE TO PAYING AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY AND J. W. WILDER OF FEES FOR EXAMINING INTO THE TITLE TO LOTS AND TRACTS OF LAND SHOWN ON DELINQUENT TAX ROLL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR THE YEARS 1925 TO 1931 INCLUSIVE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT TO ROBT. L. SONFIELD OF HIS COMPENSATION FOR SUITS FILED AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER AND FROM THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION I. ~he Mayor of the City of West University Place is authorized to enter into the following contract With Robt. L. Sonfie1d: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS THIS MEMORANDUM OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE (hereinafter designated City) AND ROBT. L. SONFIELD (hereinafter designated second party) W*I*T*N*E*S*S*E*T*H _ ~ _ That whereas second party has, in his capacity as _Cit~At~orney of saidfclty, been e~gag~d in co11ect~ng the de11.nquent ad valorem taxes due sal.d Cl.ty and contalned on the delinquent t4x .r911s of the years 1925 to 1931, both inc1usive~ anddhas ~lled nUmerous tax suitsL and in order to cOllec~. sal. taxes and ~!le said suits iv has been neoessary to have .,:the deed ,'etc. records of Harris County ~~amined for the purpose of ascertaining the names of the o!ners and ~ienho1ders of said property, and in order to a~certain said information second party has employed J.W. W1LDER and,.;~MERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY to mak.e said -.""" , - ~' :i ~, - - -O()~l . ; ~ '1 :"": H.~~~'~<-l~:..~ E. - --r'" I III nil I~' ( I' ".""'f1 o o o /r;. examinations and report at a cost and charge of 25~ per lot (or for each separate tract of land, where same is not sub- . divided into lots) payable if and when said taxes are col- lected,out of the costs to which second party is entitled to receive, and said work has been accomplished by said persons and they have not received their full compensation therefor for the reason that said taxes have as;* vet not been collected; an~, the second party has received-no compensation for the suits filed and now pending, IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO: FIRST .wt;; .Attached hereto as EXHIBIT "A" and made a part hereof is an itemized list of all lots and separate tracts of land wherein.A14ERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY furnished the names of oWn~rs and lienholders; the said names on the balance of said'delinquent rolls having been furnished by J. W. WILDER. It is agreed accordingly that the City will provide for the payment to said respective parties of-said sum of 25~ per lot or separate tract out of the costs against said delin- quents, if and when said taxes are collected by the City and will pay same therefrom. SECOND Ooncerning the suits filed by second party for said City and now pending and uncollected, it is agreed that second party shall receive in cash the costs provided to be paid by the City Ordinances, and agreed to be paid to him as his compensation by resolution heretofore passed by the Board of Commissioners of said City, if and when the taxes covered by said suits are paid; that is:$2.50 per lot or separate tract of land; and, in this connection where any lot or sep- arate tract of land is d~linquent for more than one year, then the said charge of $2.50 applies to said lot or lots or separate tract or tracts for each year so * delinquent. 'However, if any other person than second party procures judg- ment in any of the now pending tax suits, the person so pro- curing judgment shall be entitled' to any additional fee for the taking of said judgment as may be provided by law or the ordinances of the City. . It is also agreed between the parties found to be a fact by the City, that second , time earned the compensation due him on the pending and covering the lots and/or tracts therein. It is further understood that second party will pay to AMERICAN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY and to J. W. WILDER Said fee of 25, per lot or separate tract of land on all such lots or separate tracts of land contained in said tax suits now pend~ ing,-if and when said taxes are paid and second party receives ii cash the compensation agreed to be paid to him and hereto~ fore earned by him. ~ . EUCUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGIN.L this the /f- day of 41>1'11, A.D.1933. ~ .' ". '<. hereto, and so party has at this tax suits now of land set foIth "" u ._" ....:..... -:~\~;,_:;{{;,;:;~~i W .h!-f.:)r-;~~n.t~,l;~ .'~...~ ~-"----------'" r-- '" 1 _~I::II. . "~!' . r. L!J o II . I L: r SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage and , approval. ' PASS:mn AND APPROVED., this the )h1:g day of April, :AD 1833. . :..--. ',. . ,,' 'A,tift:st:: u ,ur ....1 [II .2;:5 'j;.'(J'J'" . - . ;." ~: '-' .-~{ : ~ ," '.' -' ...'" ,:~:" '." ."\