HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 66 Providing for electrical inspections and building maintenance o , '~ '.- ..;": ':-. ." ,',;" -, '~', .' !. .~~. '. Il.~, OR"I~r1 i\1\Tt"'E 1\'0 .I / 1.1.J \ri..L~v .l.... ."~. ,,,", . ;~'> 0- . <AN ORDIr,TANCErFOF. S/;J.';;EGUAHDIl'{G LIFE Arm '::P:R()PER'TY BY HEGULATING 'AND. F--ROvr:nHG " F'~R TE;E INSPECTION OF' THEtI'\-p-rSTALU'.':'ION ,.: .;.:. ,',,1U'ID I11AINTgNA..NCE TN BDILDI1~GS (_.F ~;LEC- , if:)~/:,~:~:~:titc Sf IRING , ELEC'l'HIC DEVICLS j~F') ." di?<>,p.~. ""j/..,/-," {~~;!\#f,;Up~j;t->tCI,qlTr.~RIAri :(''PF jl'l'nJ~' 'PH];' O"'~;'ICtj. 0 ;-/. /l '.J,J.. 0',.... J 'i~~:&.ECfui{'IrJAr;:'::trI'JEi'E;(;~0t;"-~~C;1JTT;n)~:;" }'OR. S'j2>~,~ (,01:.&:: ~ 1\.1../ \r, ::;~~~k%~~~9;t~~,O~f:S; fRii VIDi}~G- FOB - FEN.- " ,,/, ,,::,( ',' 'ES:!:EOJ:{~~l'CliA:TIDNa'li" THU:~ OHDINANCE '~ ,J 't;;;d;:P;u.-r,;b' .p" +'o""\JID--:I1J';'G- 'THArp c: ^ 1>r";;- 'T' ^KE' , ., t~~..~.r...~ .- .q.. . . -:" ,.1 _.. J. u.B..1L.~ .t"'.._ _ ' ,!t,:;:l\~~JI)~'I~E Hr,FQECE IlI':1:EDIA'I'ELY. ~::: ~'~~Y'~~;~il~1.~i'~'i'~~ B~~~~~~I~~~J[~~~ ~HERS CF THE CI TY y. . n;;. LI:<: There , ~ Ins1)8ct<w, of is "I,'::: ,,)\?~ /'J,.)~j \.,,/ ,It/i,' ~j:Ji'. . t tT eJ ~p , here created the office of Electrical ;.:"~ ~ ~'Jt ,) , '_/f' C'f~.;I <:.; ,', City of \Vest .University Pl[;.ce.~Tl-~'e toV.1-.7" "~ I,.:. ".: SEC1'ION I. .~' . . n'"' ""CmC:'IC' 'A'L' INi"'P+':-'"'TCIR .t'..LJ!. 11'. . '. 1.;:) l'i.'v._ ' the 2) 'nerso!WIchosen to ",'~. ,~ i'ill.. th~ office shall be v!ell versed .in aD')roved n:ethods c-!' electricc.l constl.'uctic-n -" - :'01' 's",.p'e+y +0 1i':'-'E: r'n''1 'Jro"Dl'+Y' ti-r.:o Ctc,.;"_+,:",~ ;..-" ~--,..,.--, ('-"'"'+e \._c.J. v v _.!.. c. \,.,oi. l. l)t:: \..r, 'I-_t:: ~-' :...-.\,,;U\.~,-,"-. .;..L L...._\...; 0l...c:..v Q.fTexas rel.ating to e:L'E:ct.ric:.l .',:;01'1\:,' th~s or.::iE2.nce .:~n(:: c.l1 otr-.er ol'(,"lincl1@.€'E:,o:' t.he City oi' ~'-iest Un.iversi tJ'r ~ . "!\. Place connected Y,ithV~'e subject fU:..tter '.___e.reo:C, and j other iTstallation ana safety rules ~nd st~nd~rds aprrov~d by the .American Standards Associ2tion. SI,;CTICN II. c: 1-iTI('! 1i' T ~~~~. r.~. > ~,Ji1' . . ThF Ele~ tricE.l f.P'pOIi'ITli"C<'~"(T SALA PY j.KD DUtj'T.,S ~ .&. n-' '~~~f\'--) .r:' --"T"" :.....~ ~,..J.....:..J_. ~~.v ~_\..!F EL1:'J~1Hld,^L .:!:.l.':Sl'.?Cl.~B~_._ hii'CI .1. n.~J~ . .J' l"'" . A.t-<Y'" (,./-. J~F~;V I ... ' t p:.,.... ~ i- ~:'ll b -\. n",j.)E:C UJ., .:..-'-~c\.... e [-.ppoin \.<e.6. -,~ b.y., I] .;., .~, '';~. .i' '~'c:;!:i:!I,a,.~~:..,):it~ . . . . .. .. . .. .,<,:,,1r9!f;6;V,~t.{that if ~J.1.;Gn all. El~<;tI'ice.l Inspectorb~ appOini~ed ~<;/i~~I~;~:ee::::t~:u::::<::. :::~l:fi:::.~ .::::i:::nt... .. J".,'.' ,,;w'.,.t:o...,t~e..f:::tr'st Tuesday if). April, 1933, or Uu":t.il hJ. s sue.. , . . ,;.::,.' '.. ". ".~' \ D .',';,' c..:'.... I . \.. . . ./" ;. the May'orvtith the advice, consent and approval of tbe . '. . . .' Board of Commissioners for a period of two years, oru.M:th~ 'untf:!- his' successor is appointed and quali:fied. ~)t()vid~ed,' . qualified. T,ha:t thereafter';tbe be for' the period. of' two' is appointed and qualifi~d~ Inspector', before enterifig upon t1:iE~'dis9harge . of h:ls.~ duties, shall file a bond in the: . .' .. . .. . sum o'fo.ne Thousand ($1.000.00 ) Dollars, payable to the . . Ci'tyof W.est University Place; said bond to be approv-ed '. 'bY~'~ Jj;<g.~'td~~-~\lttIfii88i'On~ and concH tioned upon the :faithful performance. of his duties. He shall also take <and subs crib? ,to an oath which -together 'iiith the ce:r-ti- .'. I ffica~e of his appointment shall be filed with the City . ... . . .. . ", . 'Clerk. : 'ARTICLE' III. ... . The~ectrical Jpt: -4/cA ~~~ ' Inspector'shall receive . J.... such c om- p~~asmaY be prOVit~~d Dftrd. -e:f':,.CGfmB.ao3i'oners,.,' from time to time by the C:.4j "., J, :~: - ~t , ~. """,-:.~-qT~~~~~-'-------"--------~ . ,'0 ^rwJ , ",' -:', ' '., ,;i:,; i:-~.i~_;r-'- <.I'. /' 'i~~!:;'''(';;;~;,:~~t;~1~~l~}~~~::ft:, the. El:C~"i~_~~ _~nspe C t:r ... :r-'-:~l. c .. ~... - .: II . ,.;1 .. . "" o " ol! l I " , , r , . Or I . . ~ [ 'f.. .' . . ? .,- \' .. '~+_. / J / ./ ".p"-" ; i "(." t:../ . to engnge in the business of installCition Cind mainteEance ..~y) ':,./""., of' electric wiring, electric devic.es, and electric, material, either directly or indire~tly~ and he shall have no'fin~n- cial inter~st in any concern encaged in such business in the'C~ty of West Univer~ity Place at any time while hold- d' ing the 'office.of' Electrical Inspector. .~~----.~-~~--. ,.-t__________.. E;ECTION III. RIGHT OF ACCESS 'ro BUILDINGS Said electric21 .inspector s~~ll h~ve the rizht dur- . ing reasonable hours to enter c.nv building in .the .:iischc,ree . . ...M' .::,l . ".J..~ t.'-~ . . . ~...,....,.'\~~-~ . or ^for tre Pl.1l~pose. of TEe.kine 2.ny ~.Al, of his official.duties,. inspection 01'. test of .the inst'::.llcttion of electric ',;iring, electiicdevices ~nd/or electric ~~terl~l contained there- . in, .E:'.nd she-.ll' have the autho:C'i ty to Ce' use the turning off .of all electrical currents 2:l1d Ct:t or jisconnect in cases _ oi' en:ergencye.ny \'[ire ':II:ere such electrical currents GTe dangero~s to life or property or may interfere ~ith the . vrork of the fire department. SECTION IV. '.6B'TICLE-I. , . tu PERr;:ITS . Yw' ~-~ .,L~llit~.ev.. ---- ~ ~ 'N<Q' al tere.tions cr additions' sha].l be r::ade in thB . "_A. ....t,4.~,...~ , . . . .' /" r - C>\..1lV-...... ~~..J,'li-r.i:R-g-~f' any bui~ding,.n r shall c:.ny building be-wired for.the placing of any electric lights, motors, teating devices, or any apparatus requiring tte use of el-ectrico.l' current, nor s.hall any alterations be made ~r:-l ---" L -'-' TO> ':nLTiLlI L I, \ .: '. ,','. ", [l '" ...-~ \\ (,. . .+-. / \t}.H.J/;:'~'(;;'{."/" of insta.lla.tion '. "'""...." .. .I to eng~ge in the business and maintenance of electric viring, electric Gevices, and electric.material, either directly or indireptly., and he shall have nofin~n- .J{ j cial interest in Lny concern enL~ced i~ such business in the city of West Univer~ity Place at any time uhile hold- ing the office of Electrical In:::pector. --"..-__.._-~-",_._",,---,-c~_,.,_________._~._~ ::;ECTION III. 1 I RIGHT OF ACCf~S T~LB1n112IFG~_ Sai~ electric~l .inspectcr ~}:all ~~.ve the ri~:ht dur.- ing reEsonable h~urs to enter ~nv building ;,I" ~,.. ~ .'-' J , ..,p.M -j.,J~.... to" """,,",,,~1t' "\... aI' Ior ,!!e :'tll'"lpOSE: ^ - in ~-.he :iischc.rse il '-- of hi S/ (I f'fi c i2.1 Ul::.t i as, O r'" r'-;:- k l' n ;~- " Yl V r.~. t. -t.A1-. 1._...._............... ..........1.;."'~ inGpection 0:- test of .the in2t~.1:~,tion of e }.ec L'ic .....i.J'ir:g, electiic jevices ~nd/cr e10ctric ~~teri~l cont~ine6 there- in, ~nd sh&ll have t~e autLc~ity to c:~se the turning off .of' E.ll electrical cu~rents c.l1'~: Cl.:t Cl" ..:.i:.:;C:o~nEc~. ill Co.SE:S .0:;'" en:e:r-ge:ncy c:..ny ';,:1re ';,'t.el~e such eJ.ecty'icc.1 currents ere c:.[:.Yl~erO~lS .tc J_iioe OIl ~~ro:)eI~t~,r or. T7;a~'. ir:.t.er:C~]..e \','i th t-:ne . ';'ol"k 0:' the fire Je~~~2.rtn:ent. SEC'I'ICN IV, .6BTICL~-.l.. FERf.:ITS , .-,-.fl.J--" ---- Yi.o _~.~.,." llJ. LlC;:\.!'..i...cv-. . ~ u..,.. It t . -" . . + . ...........tA;. -: , " ~~h" .~ a e.r'&. .1ynS ~r .::..C1(.ll L.lons S::'C:.j,.!. De n~Dce ~~l~ ;_A. H.. t..t"".*.# , '. /''' - 0>\, tJV........ ........r..:_+-~'Y"'--,.. ,....:.......-.;~...... r....c~ .....n... """Ul.1r:;1'I"g on <:.-1-""'1 .- ..., .'d' t;~~..t5_..'4H~.I.H"'rrS--=-1. co.~:; u "':'-'- ~ ,. nG... ..:>...:C-.l._ c..l1,y .)U1..L J.ng ;-l I L.-~ ., be:wi~ed.rQr.tt.e pl~cing of any electric lights, motors, ~i.eating devices, or any app2.ratus recluirir.g tr:e u.se of el.ectricc;';.l' c'u--r.l~e11t, nOl- sh 11 1 t . . - - . .2.._ any cc_ erG:.t.lons be ma.de r I . 11 , . D. ......,. ;: ...~'..' . . i _ .... "': . D o .J , tn,the wiring in any building c.fter inspection, without . , '. ,~firstcnotii'ying the electrical inspector and securing a . . '.' .. ~permit. therefor, &XC ept minor:. :-eiJ.air ;iork, 1U€h,-as~e~~i~:"\ . :tui-ilU:SlhanEl-.8.na-p.-&w.i~. replac,ing fuses, changing '.' . . . . . , . . ',' . . lattlp:so):~ketsand receptacles, taping .?~re joi!.1ts an1. re-,vJrEP" . .' '" .' ""i.J . . (i.. , J.o'. t.iJtMU'\ c.A ..' . . ..pairAi):~(drop cords. ~""Applic8.tions :fOl' siI:c:h permi't;','q.escri-P- .;~~t~~:'~:~ll"'be made by the person, firm or corpor- . .. I:. . . - . . . . " '. ." '.' . . ~ at'~'oir'.~-nstalling same and permit when' issued shall.beto' such applicant.. This section shell not apply . ..... 'Co maJ.n"en- . FDce end repairs on the premises'Aof c" person, firm or cor- ()..u. ~w,.(.>~.e. . . pOl'ation'regul<:~r1y employing^j oUI.~ne:ymen electric ie,ns for th;;;t purpose. ARTICLE II. API?licc=tion for 'such permit, descr ibi:::.g the 'cwork to 8 )-. . iii ~ ~"'.:~C~~1 . e-:t.e-c-tr:r-e':;.:i J.~eetor' --.-------..-------- ..---..,.--..------ be done, shall be in writing to the by the person, firm or corporation inEt~lling the work and th-e permit, vrhen issued, shC:.ll be to such C!.pplicant. The person, firm or corporation Qaking application for s~ch p~rrnit 'shall state in the ap~lication, the size of ~on- d\lctors :to be used in or. upon any bui lding for E~ll eer-vic es, .( ~ains, feeders End sub-fe~ders, the &reas to be served by such c9nduct6~s~and-the ba~isused in computing the required _ r" . sizes of .8u'c:11 conductors .'?nd shc~ll :'::hen J:'eq,uired bj the e2ec- tric[:.~l. ir:syector, file .;:i th him complete plans e.nd s;:'eci:::'ica- ti'ons f'or the installations -. . snO\nng Slzes cf 8.11 conductor.s ,;~: ". ~ . ."'7 ~:~_'\}~ . : .~^ o end such other details as may be necessary to determine ~h~t~er the ins~allation 2S described will ~e in conform- .... ..~t.~-~ wi t.h(.;t~l~: requirements ':J11en issued, sh2~11be for of t~is or~inance. iH The permit, . . sue h in;:;t2.ll,:.:.tlon as is deser ioed ~n t]1e applicc_tion Li.l1':'1 no s.eviation ::.:1 he r::o.::1e fror.1 the installation so Jescribeci ,;i thout tt..:.: . '1"'i tten E:.?proval of the~lerltrical inspector. '"j" ARTICLE -.:tII. 'No permit for the i!1Stellatio?' _ j:' E.n:/ electric vrir- ing, de~ices,equiprnent, or electric' _ ~ork where permit is ::-equired under the terms of t~:i.s.' :.in.o.nce, to e.n;)'. n8r- rr son, :firm or. C orpoI'c:.tion unless s2.i(.~ _ ,,1'80n i = lr::-, or' 001'201'- lLl ~tion ~as duly qualified under the t0~~;S and conditions of tl1is or;dinc.nce. to do cmJ. perform sai. ..ork. l. SECTI Ol~ V. Fc,:ES POB PRr-WT'f'S AIL! _1~L~E~CTIOlfS The folloning i::;ermi t ,::.n-:1 inE3~. :; tion fees 2ne.ll be. . cl1E:.rged, E:.;rl<2 before 2.ny ;?eTtrnit ts ~~.~ ;'_~-~ed, the reouicite fee shall be paid in cash to the City of Jest University Place. . Inspection fees shall also D~ )aid in c~sh to the CitY- of West University Pl2.ce. (l) Electric viiring :for li;;11".:.:;; f~ns, and heecting devices in either conduit, conceaL:;._.:. :.::ob c~n6.tube or open n .. L-I wor~j '25~ p~r o~tlet for the first ~~~ outlets; 15~ per outlet. f.or'the second ten oatlets; l\~ ,:: per outlet there- . . . . .' . " . 'iStftecl" '~'" ., ..: .,; ~. :G;~~~\., . ~:~:.~}>'~' :."'. .", ." f .: .....; ",' 7-':,~'~:{:_'", ,.~':.~ :: .~i.~~~~~:~,~:~., ":':'" ~ .. ~ . ", r: -I "--:..i C. -'-" . I 1 I I 1 1 j ~:: D.... n......: I' '---' D . .~ and such other details as mc.y be" necessary tQ determine' ". - \i:hether the insialle.. tion c~s desc~~qed will be in c'onf'orm-' '. ." ~'~:-~~~-f:\-J~~~:~"t~~~,.. '.'1hen i~sued, l~ehU; T'en"el-~"'" ...j, .~,... ....t ; ~'~p of t.bJs 01,;i~inance ~ The. permit, . .': /' .<'::.:~:.~ . ... ..... . . -\.. .',' . . . ~. . . such inst'allation.as 1S described she,ll be for ~n tf1t;. application ci.nz.l no ceviation <_~,ll be made from the '" .'.1.. - ....1 .'.3.. ~., . n 1 .l.he. eeCvl 1.I;;a inBIJGctOIa. , . ARTICLE ..I;I T. " . ~ " ',-'liQ permit for the installatio?'. f any electric vlir- ing, devices,. equipment, or electric:: ~ \';ork where permit is y'equired under the terms of this :~';.inG~nce) to e.ny. per- son, fi~m or co~poration unless said ~erson, ., . Ilrm OIl corpOT~- . .:::..tion r.c~s duly qualified under the tel':1iS and conditions of t11is ol>dine.nce to do anJ. perfo~m saL~ ..ork. < SECTION' V. ir.:ES FOR PERr'.<TTS Arm T7'TSPECTIONS The follouing permit and ins;~ction fees shall be . clHlrged, cen.} before e:ny :;!ern1i t is ere1: tecl, the reclui::: i te fee shall be lJaid in ce.sh to the City of West University Place. Inspection fees shall also b0 ?aid in c2sh to the City of Hest University Pl&ce. ( 1) Electric r.'i:i."'ing for lights ~ f'c;ns, andheE, ting devices in either conduit, conceale'.i i_~10b E',nd ,tube or ope:1 wor~j '25~ p~r o~tlet ~or the first ~e~ outlets; 15~ per oui1let. f.o:r"the second ten oatlets; lei per outlet there- . . -'after.., . -::" ..., . . . ~ . '" . ,;t(..... C...JL...... ~ L 'j I "TI . r.... . II ~ .1 ".j 1.0 '. ~ . ...." ' '. ..' , '. ," II t~~'~~'~;;;~??t~~~rl'rl1~inHlng signs, p ers tgn, $1. 00 :' ,1)'f.i~:~\::11lot:i;,};f;',I0rmotors Tilhel."el:lo ed on rsgtllar lJ'oht.l.n!S,5,Ystem., ." ,'.-.- :., .,.. ,.. . . -. ,.... - -." . horse~p6w~r, this shall b~ included a~ ,on~j. . ~. .<.. .:' ~- .,,'] . " ..;:. there~lllar ligbting system. " :Ne:~'i SerVlC<1 C onnectiQllS, $1.00'0 ,.:~',:'??':e:'~~~'N eY! meter-loop, $1.00., ,,;,!:<~t)',New se,rv-ice and a r::eter-loop, $1.00. '{8)Ihspe~t{hg temporary installations, $1.CO. I " " (9) Electric range, $1.00. , " (10) Electric ~ater-heater, $l.CO. .__-1 ;SLCfIICL '11. ,- :i D;SPEC'T' JON Upon the completion of the vliring or other electri- cal installation of any build.ing it shall be the .luty of the person, firm or cor~~r t~on inst~llinb the same to notify, the . IJ,J,;./.'f ~u!'~- A4.(.~ '_ A..u..iJ.u..fZ( . electl"'"ical in-spect' 'A,';ho shall iRbIJfH~t t~ installa~io1(wi th- in twenty-four hours of the time such .notice is given~ All wires Yihich are to be hi:"..den from view' shall be inspected be- fore concealment, and any person, firm or corporation install- . . .. . _ . "*':i"J.'~~1.~ J.j,ift,;U,'~"'>.x..#'d lng such Wlres shall not11y the ~~ectrlcal ~ ~r~~tQr, glvlng -~, t~\l:enty-four hours in ivhich to make the required inspection L.' . f ' - oe ore such vfires ,are concealed. If" upon inspection the: in- 'stallat1briis ,not found to be fully in complianc e with, this 1 II I 'I l-' L 'I I I ~ f ,". -', >.... , .~. tt.~ ~~~ J. A.J.P. ""~J:>/"'~v . ;lo-J)- ""J'P.' inspector~hall at once notify in , '. :. " thO ~l' .1.' 1 o!'d:~nance} .B,..e eCl-rlCa .ttA.~th' . c'- . . 11' iV'1."~ ~ng^ e person, :LIrm or cL)I'porat~on J..nsta ~ng same, ..~. -..... '-~--'-" stat- " ing the' defe;cts which have been found t.j exist. No connection , c' ,l~ to~theeleetrical service or turning on of electrical current shall be permitted until ~aid defect; have beenl~medied a~d ..t~~ LM;Ll ~4.u!.t>>:J Bh ttf.-e..<<i corrected and inspected by the~elJctric~l inspecto~.A If said eiec.tricallnstallations and ;::ork .is found to be f'J.lly in com- plianc:e with this ordine.nce and does not constitute & hazard to life and property,he shall issue to such person, firm or corporation fo~ delivery to the owner, a certificate of in- spection autllOrizing connection to the elect:::'ico.l 3ervice c,nd the turning on of the current. PI' ovic1ed, hO'd(:ver, that no such certificate shall be issued until a~ permit anj inspection fees shall have been paid in c~.sh to .the city of West UnivBr- sity Place. SEC1'IOE VI I . HEINSPECTIOK o>>-~,,{ The electrical inspector 3h&11 make periodically a A thorough reinspection of the installation in buildings of all electl'i,:; v:riring, elect:c'ic devices &nd electl'ic L,ateri2.l now installed or t:l[~t ;;,e.y her'e2:L.ter be in::..;te.lled, '':; ithin the City of \Vest UYliversi ty. Place, ar!.Q ~~;11en the instc.llation of" 2..n~r such 'airing, devices a11:':Vo1' me.terial is :Cound to ;::;e F' C:~ d:mgel'ous or unsafe cO:ldi tion tile lJe:t'so11, :;:'irm or corporation (Y;nl.l1G' UO;Y1(-;- "'., o,~",:".~+~ ,~r- .. b' Q --"'0 .v.- .l..IC..L Co. 'J.J..".1t; the S2me shall be notified .2..11d shall, m~~ke -I-1.1e -neceC's~r'. v. h >OJ d.. J repairs or changes requir~d to place such Dr f [: c ....~.... 0i~iQg~ devices and material in ~ safe conJition and have such work qompleted iwi thin fifteen dc_ys, or any. longer period speci- fi~d by,the electrical inspector in s~i~ notice. 1'he electri- cal ins})ector is hereby. empo-jie:r-ed.o to '~~isc onnect or ordel' the discontinuance of electrical servic~ to such viring, ~evices and/or material so feline:, to bE: de:t".2ctiv2ly ins1:.2.1180. until the installation of such wiring, .Jevices an-l materiel h&.,=~ 1,)Getl made safe as directed by the electrical inspector. SECTION VIII. CONSTHUC'i'ION REQUI ~mhJ~NTS No certificate of inspection sllall be issued ~nless the electric ,lights, power, heating installations and all other electrical installations are in strict conforsity uiththe provisions of t1~is ol'din~:.nce <..nd t::.e St2.tutesJf the St2.te of 'I'excs, ~nj lli"1.1ess they al'e in c onfo?f-:i ty ',:i th the approved methods of construction for safety to life 2nd property and the regulations as laid down in the National Electric~l Code," 2.8 c:pproved by the American Stanc1f.:::'ds Association, and in the National Elect::.'ic:::.l Safety Code, ~:.S 2_pproved by the American standards Associ&tion, &nd other installation and s~fety re- gulations api)roved by the An;erican Standards Associ2..-tion, all of which shall be prima i'-acie evii.lenc e of such approved nethods. S:iCTIO~r IX. RECCRDS . .The ~lect:cical records of all per:mits issued and inspections made and other of'fic ial iJ{Qr~'.. .J I ..L ~ .ll i',}i1\'L' ... ... Di I:.;,j:~;.;.~...~..~,.. .'..' . ". . I ^" .. ""'. ." ....-- ~f~~,/::~"~:c':1!~r~prin~d un<'Ler ~,. --.c.,;" ',., ',", .' .".. f.,,;--: _._, . I' . . , A ~EVIE~ ~'. 'un." t ~, t. l' -"l 11 ''';J.~eh; he"elec rJ.ca J.~E'.pector ....condemns e. or 'pe.rt 911"~:#:,,ctri,cai in~t~llatiim or "" reinspect~ a . , >,' ,~~ . _ ~!P.w""~ . . '~~i'J:dihg.,^defects ~re. found b;i-t-he'--ele-ct-r'lc-e:l'-l:ns-p-ec'tor ~~..::.~.:.;. [r'" . 1.< . .. ! r.')-,, , . :.", ". ;....':.'.. .-.'.-.; r' .' .'~ . , . ~ '.... 11~~<f> ii'''' r . the. provisions of th:ls, ordinance. ~;""m:ra-j;:r .,' >. c_ ~o ~~event di~eonnection or discontinuance of electrical .~ .. se~rvice ,'the owner may, \'dthin five days after receiving ~~. . electrical lnspecv~file a peti- written notice from the t'ion ih vri'iting for review o~ said e..ctio!l of the' eleQtrical' . ' ~ a...~~-J..; inspector with the l\.o~:ro _,_o.:f-.-e-emm'i-s-sTo-m-rS''''o-~ of, . d;:l....... t.....>"\,^-......4L West Uniyer.si ty Place, whereupon th..is-~El:--Gf---.c,Q.mmi.s..s.i.Qn.e.~s shali set said appeal down for hearing and shall notify "~(.., the' QVi:ner of. the date of said t,earing. The &e-a~J.,"e-emm- ".. . ' '. i~~io!'lel--s, shall thereupon renderi ts decision which shall .be f'inal,.and binding and frqm"""hich no aFpeal shall be pros-. ecu ted-. SECTION XI. BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXPj'uNERS . <ARTICLE!. I' i I .l 3 '.II II 1_; "/7 . ',.' ".~ .~ " .~' . . . arid\vi tb,the consent of tr: e Board of Conlmiss io:nel'.'s; of "':~1;hi~hthe .electrical ir..spector shall constitute a r.:;ember.. : >':;,:,~ . -'~ . :~ . ..' ,";>--,;\~'- . . . i,}\if~1i1b~r.g. .o'ther tbanl:1spe't::torshC'.ll pOSE8SS such ,quaIific'a- ,. . ~'," '::ti'oris' as woulo. entitle . . ". .thisordinance. theTa to rec 8.ivea 1 :j.~ense uncle!' ~. .. .' . .. .::~nIT,I OLE It. . ,....,: . . . < ," '..Thi:s Board shall . be appointed :::01' a' period of two ::~'9:~8.r~s",Qr,.'un~~fr s~cce~sors Cere 2cppoiritE!C1 and ciui:.~li='ied. ~t'rGVi(l.ed,~~V[E:~eI', the,t if t:'8 Board ,)1'. Electricc"l EX8Jlliner's ......::..ii;;-'B&;;ppointecll)ereunder prior to the' first Tue~<i.c.,Y ire, April, .:.,. .. . . . . ..:. ", . .~ . '. ". . . - . . ",::l9,'?3.,then: thefra?paintrnEmt s~lall be or1y unti12c'i.:1 first 'T."'es' d'::i,y.' in. A~,)ril,. 10.<)":< or until their C1'00,'::"C'''''-'''(:' o'l"~" .,~ .~: ",..._ .VU\.,..', .... ~ ._.\".01..... ........o,;;..>'-'.:-~. L-'_ \... a.IJpoirit.- ed o,nd qualified. Thereafter said c,_ppointn,ents to be for " . 1- . .". "tIie fl1J,l period of ty:-o yeE..rs. ... ARTICLE III. No :persoIl sh2-11 be perLi ttSQ to:~o electr:ic2.1. '::iring ".': ~..' '. ,of on,r 01"'" 1" "c + e"; ......... J . ~,,-- ~'\,. \.... ... 01" e~_ectric~.l ~...rcrlc -\":i t:-~irl ~;:.E~ Ci~:{ of West ,>." ~.~< University Place (p.{r>"'~'+ -'-;..~+ ",-,.-,-;('.11 --<J \, '-.. ~l..... '.....c. v ~. ~._ __. is speci:fic8.1Iy ~:o pro- " vijedher'ein) ,;;i thout first, obtaining a licel'lse fror:: tr.G . Board' of 31ectl"icE.l Examiners; C' ~ ",':; 1':,~ ,..' i., t ~ - ' d' ;J"'-.Lq .J.,..:.ce.l.~se" ,;[;,6n 0..... c",lne " :~hall be 'carried upon their person end s~2ll be prod0ced ;"hen request there:'or is made by tl1e El::,ct,:i.'icccl In'spE'~ctor.' .tt_RTIc.L~ IV. N6 person shall be issued ~ license by s~id Board of . Elect1"ice.l Examiners v:ithout first paying tG the City of Wes~ University Place, a fee in the 8lli2 of Fifte~n (S15~CC) r~-- ,:.., I ~ DOllar's, ~';hich fee sl1c:~ll entitle 8&.id person to E~. Iji-::2Tlse . . , . , for B. ~period of on8 ye&r. Provided, ho',;ever, thE.t Sccid . .:~"." ',',,:'." 'licGn:;em.ay bererrewed from year to year by the pa::rme~lt " . '~:' .. ". '. ..}~- ".~ ''. ~.-:~~:<-.;~:~ II ':.... ~--.~ '_.~~. ':....,.:".' ",;.::' .,....---_"""""'.I"_-~ .. . "." .'" . .' -'~"'~~."_'_ .. ""_.f'_' ...~...-:."_'..7 .-...."'._ '"."':-Y'_'" .-- ---~'--.V .,,_.. ..-.- . ',> .. .". " ~ ..... . . \_- -., .'" ,-,' ",-,rj~~ >fift~en- ($15~QO) _ Dollars a y€:ar, unless $ame be rev:bked-' '<-;, ':',.'>~~~'lie;einaf:ter~.prov ided" ..... ....:,... " . '-i,'O;'.' ;;:A~m;t.6LE -il.. ..-- ~.. '.~:;;~<:{.:~: ,--~'#~. -~.' . ~-_...._-: ~~!,:~ . !" . . . - . ... '." ,........, .." "/.': ,," . . -. >':>_Ea~h person, before being issueda license' shail' also ."....,-'.. . .' . ,,',,':;' :~i~.;-'ri~<1'a;;r:eti-<tgexecut'e a bond with two good and sufl'ic ient. r<:.:;~~~~.f;:'<"b~~~~~i7~':>?r:"-:a'suretycompany, in the _-sum of One Tbousand t'.~':.~:.L~i~'(i)~~O-) Dollars, payable to the City of West University - - ~ - .' , .. If _o'_:<P-1.abei,-and c6hdi:tioned upon the faithful discharge o~ his -. - . '-'dutie-.sandthe- payment of _ all fees due the City of VI es~ ... . .Uiliversi ty Place ~ . ARTICLE vI.. Licenses granted bereu..'1der shall be non-transfer8.o1e... SECTION XII. , PENALTIES FOrt VIOLATION ',,-.:.. . ARTICLE I,. . ~~y person found guilty of violating.this ordinance s:h~ll be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upo!lconviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding One. Hundr,ed ($lOO~OO) Dollars. Each separate violation shall be deemed ~. offe,ns e . ARTICLE. II.. .Inaddition to the penalties hereinabove provided any _ contra:ctor holding a lic ense under this ordina11.c e ., upona-v':LolatJ.on of same, ;::m~~.,. have his license cancelled. ..;.<>-. . .-' " '. " '<r ," . .:..: .~,: :.~. . .." . .. ARTICLE 'r:I-I:~ " . ," ", . .' "~' .... """~. .;'.<, "'':;:'.: L ...;- ~ ';~. ., I L-- ,.., ,-- .... Any corporation or other organization shall be deemed a person within the purview of this ordinance, andthe,p~nalti~s herein provided.~~ SEC'l'ION XIII. This ordinance sh~ll take effect and be in fbrce 'i~medi?-tely from and. ;:~fter its passage, approval and pub- lication as required by law'.. . '~J.- !.{,;;'~.r<....".':-.. .' . . . PASSED AND APPROVED this +'he /} ~ v~~ ~1ay . A.D., 193.3. "'l;:. . , AT.T1.;S""" .: - J:.... -. J..J. ..:.;-~. : " '1 1 >.: :'1 . ....:...:..... .. '.,