HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1254 - ORD Relating to Swiming Pools Amending the Code
WHEREAS, it has been recommended that the City Council amend its
regulations relating to swimming' pools and include them in a new
section of the City's zoning ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to continue regulations relating
to swimming pools, but the City Council does not desire to include all
of such regulations in the,zoning ordinance, pending further study;
I l
Section 1. That Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances, City of West
Uni vers i ty Pl ace, Texas, is hereby amended to, add thereto a new arti cl e
which shall read in its entirety as set out in Exhibit A, which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference for all
Section 2. For purposes of codification, such new article and its
various parts may be renumbered in the usual manner, without
substantive change.
Section 3. Until new fees or charges are established by motion"
resolution or ordinance, the fees and charges most recently assessed
for licenses and permits contemplated by this ordinance shall continue
in effect.
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph,
section or other part of this ordinance, or the application thereof to
any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder
of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause,
sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any
other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Section 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of ' the ,conflict only.
Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and
declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and
subject of each meeting at which this ordinance waS discussed,
considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open
Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended,
and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by
law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The
City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the
contents and posting thereof.
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Section 7. This ordinance takes effect on the tenth day following
its publication, as required by Section 2.12 of the City Charter.
JANUARY , 1986. --
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley,
Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel
of FEBRUARY, 1986. -
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
Audrey Ni cho 1 s
City Secretary
( Sea 1)
James L. Dougherty, Jr.
City Attorney
Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley,
Bryan, Cummings, Schwartzel
Michael L. Parks, Mayor
E~hibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(a) Definitions. In this article:
(1) "Applicable regulations" shall mean and include all
ordinances and regulations of the City and all laws, rules and
regulations of the State of Texas and the federal government of the
United States, to the extent they may app ly.
(2) "Private swimming pool" shall mean and include all
constructed pools which are used or intended to be used as a swimming
pool in connection with a single--family residence and available only
to the family of the householder and his private guests.
(3) "Public and semipublic swimming pool" shall mean and
include any swimming pool other than a private swimming pool.
(4) "Swimming pooP shall mean and include any constructed
pool for swimming or bathing over 24 inches in depth or with a surface
area exceeding 200 square feet.
(5) "Swimming pool plumbing"shall mean and include all
piping, filters and appurtenances used for the proper functioning of
the swimming pool. The following definitions shall apply only to such
(i) Main outlet or suction piping: The piping
from the deepest part of the pool to the inlet or suction side of the
(ii) Vacuum piping: The piping from the
suction side of the circulating pump ,connected to a- fitting located
below the water line, and inside of the swimming pool.
I' (.ii;;) : -:Returnorreclrculatingpiping: The piping
which extends from the outlet side of the filters to the pool.
(iv) Backwash piping: . The piping which
extends from. :the ,backwas:hout'let 'O.f the fi:lters: [to +ts terminus at the
poi nt of di sposa 1. . I;
(.v) Facing piping: The piping, with all valves
and fittings, which is used to connect the .filter systemtogether&s a
Exhibit A, Page l'
L-'------'--'--~~~!~_~~_.l_~_______'~___~____------....LLUlll -I
. ._llIli.!lllIlitlllll' :11,' I 11111"11 "
36 Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(vi) Receptor: An approved plumbing fixture
or device of such material, shape and capacity, as to adequately
receive the discharge from indirect waste piping, so constructed and
located so as to be readily cleaned.
(vi i)
water is clarified.
Filter: Any material or apparatus by which
(viii) Underdrain: An appurtenance at the bottom
of the filter to assure equal distribution of water through the filter
(b) Construction Permits.
(1) Before commencing the construction of any swimming,
bathing, spray, fountain, public, semipublic or private swimming pool,
a permit authorizing such work shall be obtained from the building
(2) Applications for swimming pool permits shall be
accompanied by plans and specifications in duplicate, and- in sufficient
detail showing t~e following:
drawn to scale.
Plot plan, elevations with dimensions all
(i i)
Pool dimensions, depths and volume in
ga 11ons.
(iii) Type and size of filter systems, filtration
and backwash capacities.
(iv) Pool piping layout, with all pipe sizes
thereon shown, and types of material to be used.
(v) The rated capacity and head at filtration and
backwash flows of the pool pump in G.P.M. with the size and type of
(vi) Location and type of waste disposal
(vii) Structural calculations and details prepared
and signed by a registered professional engineer.
(3) The above requirements shall not void any requirements
by any other department, city, state or federal government for permits,
plans or approvals.
(4) The fees for permits shall be established from time to
time by the City Council.
Exhibit A, Page 2 /
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(5) The issuance of a swimming. pool permit, based upon
submitted plans and specifications, shall "not prevent the building
official or the City from requiring the correction of errors in the
plans and specifications, or prevent the stoppin'g'of construction
operations being carried on thereunder or prevent the revoking of any
approval or permit.
(c) Disposal of Wastewater. All swimming pools shall have
proper facilities for the disposal of wastewater.
(d) Indoor Pools. All equipment, construction and piping, for
i ndoor pools shall be equal to the types prescri bed in the pl umbi ng
code for indoor plumbing installations.
(e) Setbacks, etc. All outdoor swimming pools shall comply
with the followingregulations~ which apply in lieu of other similar
requirements elsewJ1ere in this ordinance:
(1) The setback distance from a lot line shall be not less
than a distance equal to the vertical depth of the pool that is nearest
and adjacent to the lot line (Le., a three-foot depth r.equires a
three-foot distance between the outside: pool wall measured from the
inside face of the excavation' for the pool wall nearest the lot line).
, (2) The setback distance ~rom'a,lot line that is parallel
and adjacent to a street on a corner lot sha.ll be not less than five
feet measured from the excavation for the pool wall nearest that lot
line. However, the setback distance from :the' rear: lot line of' a corner
lot shall be not 1 ess than a di stance equal to the verti cal depth of
the pool that is nearest ahd adjacent to the rear lot line (i.e., an
ei ght-foot' depth near:est and adjacent~ ,to ,the :rela:r lot llne requi res
an ei ght-foot di stance, between 'the outs i:de~ pool' waH: me-asured from)"
the inside face of the excavation for the pool wall nearest the rear
1 ot 1 i ne ) .
r I
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I 1
I '
I ". '_, ,l' ' j, j 2 .'3 :- I :~: -~ ~ ,J :
(3) A walkway around the perimeter of a pool may be
constructed in the area between the pool wall and a lot line that is
contiguous to the pool coping and is des1gnedto avoid ,wa,ter drainage
to adjacent property. '
(4) No pool, pool apron, walkway, pool equipment, or other
appurtenances- may be: pl aced or: constructedl,)irrr or on: any; easement.
- , '
. - ' . . 1 :: _ , ~ -: ~ . : 7' .-1 :;. ...
(5) The owner must provide with hi~ application an
on-ground staked survey, by a registered professional engineer or
1 i censed surveyor, of the lot 1 ocati ngthe ,1 otcorners, the: ut-i-li:ty or
other easements and the pool location on the lot prior to a permit
bei ng issued for: such construct ton.
, ", : J)'.: . _ -,. (',
,( f')EQu; pmetit and Ma:teri'als .;,A lTtypes ofequi:pment an.d I '
materi a 1 shall be of such desi go. and constructi on necessary to comply
wi tha 11 a'lip li cabl e :reguljati:ons~and must :bea:pproved-by, the building
official before :ins'talllation., '. , I; , , . : 'f:
',; I
, i
"Exhibit A;rPage 3
_..fllllllillill~lllr~ H'11
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(g) 'PhimhingMatters.. '(
".' " '. I:
(1) All plumbing- shall be'installed according to the
plumbing code and.all other applicable regulations., IThe installation
shall be under the supervision of a plumber licensedlacc.ording to .
applicable regulations. The plumber shall obtain all necessary
plumbing permits from the city before starting work and shall obtain
all the necessary inspections for such work during construction of the
swimming pool.
(2) The potable water supply to any swimming pool shall be
installed as required by applicable regulations.
(3) All pool piping shall be inspected to ensure compliance
with applicable regulations and to ensure that the installation and
construction, of the pool piping system.is in accerdance:wHh the
approved plans. The entire-pci)(ll.piping"system shan be tested with a
water test of fifty P.S.I. and proved tight before covering or
concealing. '
: i.,' )
, (4~ Wastewater shall:. be, .di scharged, to a: storm'sewer when
such is available~ If none:is:avai]able,special permission is
requi red to di scharge into the sanitary sewer. Where :space and
conditions are such that no hazard, nuisance or unsanitary conditions
may occur, swimmi.ngl pool waste' water may, be used for irrigation or
subsurface spreading. In all cases, sufficient area shall be provided 01.1
on the premises for the subsequent installation of disposal
facilities. I No other method shall,be used: unless specifically approved
by the building official. J" -I'
,II .
(5) Swimming pool water heating equipment.. shall conform to
the design, construction and installation requirements as set. forth in
applicable regulations for domestic water heaters.
(6) Gas piping used in the construction or maintenance of
any swimming pool shall comply with applicable regulations.
(h) Electrical Matters.
(1) All electrical wiring shall be installed by an
electrician~ licensed according to appl~cabJe 'regulations, who shall
supervise the installation of all electrical work and obtain all
necessary inspections during construction of the swimming pool.
". !. -,.' '.i
(2) The electrician shal,l obtain all necessary e,lectrical
permits before starting work.
. ,
(3 ) All e 1 ectri ca 1 wi ring, ..fi xtulres, motors, pu.mps or other
necessary electrical equipment for use in proper operation of the
swimming pool shall be installed according to applicable regulations. r-l
("i) Fences. Every per,son constructi.ng a swimming pool under JU!
the provisions of this article shall construct, or cause to be
constructed, a fence (or wall) around the swimming pool area at least
Exhibit A, Page 4
Exhibit A
(Relating to. Swimming Paals)
, '3n
six feet in height, which fence shall campletely enclase such swimming
paal and shall meet all applicable regulatians. Where the yard in
which the swimming pool is canstructed is campletely enclased with an
appraved fence, the above pravisian shall nat apply,ta the swimming
paal area itself.'; ,-
(j) Fi lters.
(I) Every swimming paal shall be equipped with a pressure
sand filter meeting the requirements 'Of this article or with an
equivalent device appraved' by, the,bu:ilding 'Official. The building
official may nat apprave an, equivalent device unless certified test
results from an independent testing labaratary are submitted and
indicate that the device is equal to ar better than the required
pressure sand filter in the fallawing respects:
(i) clarity af effluent,
(i i) di rt-remava 1 capacity,
(iii) simplicity af aperatianand maintenance, and
(iv) durability.
(2) The pressure sand filter shall have sufficient capacity
to. provide a camplete turnover af the pool'water in eight hours or
less, when 'Operated at a rate nat ta exceed three gallans per minute
per square faot-af f:i 1 tejr a,rea~ : ; lie I
, , r
. .'
(3) The recirculating pump shall have sufficient capacity ta
backwa:sh the filte'r at>a: rate 'Of at least ten gallans per minute per
square fa at 'Of fil ter area, when operating against the tataJ head af
the backwash system~ The pump matorshallnat be 'Operated at averlaad
which exceeds the service factar.
'(4) Pool pumps schall ,be e:qu~pp-ed 'O'n., tne..inlet' side with an
approved type hair and lint strainer. The basket 'Of the strainer shall
be nancorras:ive and have a'n apen.iscreen: surfa'ce: o.f a,t le_ast. ten times
the crass-sectionalare'aof the in~et:ptpe.: -, :1: !' '
.' .. ~! . '" : ~ i"' . i I. i-~ -: .' ~ : ~ .,-
(5) Filter sand shall be a hard, unifarmly graded silica
material with effe,ctive parti'de;!sizesi be'tween 0.45 and 0.55
millimeters in diameter with a unifarmity caefficient of 1.45 ta 1.69.
There shall be na limestane or clay present.
(6)' Filter sand ;shaUlbe; no.: Jess' than nineteen inches in
depth with a freebaard 'Of no. less than nine inches 'Or no. mare than
twelve inches. :
(7) There shall be na less than faur grades 'Of rack which
shall be clean, nancrushed; rounded, nancalcareaus material.
I J;;
(8) The tatal depth 'Of the rock-supparting bed shall be no.
less than fifteen inches and each grade shall be twa inches 'Or greater
Exhibit A, Page 5
" II .' ! d 'm [[11I1MIIII-
. ~..JM'llIlll.I'IIP 1111 I
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
in depth~ J Each layer, of.rock shall :be.leveled-to prevent intermixing
of adjacent grades ~ ,. . . . .
'(9) . The: top layer, s'halLvary:'in size between one-eighth
(l/8) inch and one-fourth (1/4) inch. The next layer shall ,vary in
size between one-fourth (1/4) inch and one-half (1/2) inch. The
next layer shall vary in size between one-half (1/2) and:., :
three-quarter (3/4) inch. The bottom layer shall vary in size
between one (1) inch and one: and': one.'-ha 1 f~ ([ - 1/2) i nth. t : :
0) I' j'. ... ' i. (. ';~' 'f :'~ . - -. -. ~ ') ~'; J; ~! .
',,:(.10) Filter tankslishaJl:beLbujJtfor:alminimumJoffifty",
pounds working presstJre, with a ; safety I factor off: four. The fi lter
underdrain shall have an effective distribution of at least
three-sixteenths (3/16)inches:in thickness,:with:an approved-
noncorrosive exterior coating, Filter'tanks shall be supported in a
manner to prevent tipping or settling.
l ._ ,~ J
(11) Operating instructions shall be posted on every filter
system and all valves shall be properly designated with metal tags
indicating purposes or methods of use.
. .
(12) The filter system shall be equipped with the following:
(i) a pressure gauge on the influent piping,
(i i)
a pressure gauge on the effluent piping,
a method of releasing, the air at the top of
: !
I i
the filter,
'. (i v) a :backwa'sh sight: 'glass if the. backwash
discharge ou"tlet to the receptor is not visible, from the backwash,
control valve. (Sight gla:ss shall be installed adjacent' to the'
backwash control valve.),,: '" ':."
,(13): Pool piping' .shall 'be sized :to' perm;.t the ,rated flows
fori filteringrand backwashing without"exceeding the maximumhea~ at
whi ch the pump :w>i 11 provide such flows'.. :In ,general, the; water veloci ty
in the pool piping should not. exceed ten feet per second,. . The. :r
recirculating piping and fittings shall meet the following requirements:
(i.) The vacuum inlet'f:itting(s) sha.ll be located
in an accessible position(s) below the water line.
(ii) An outlet shall be placed at the deepest
point in every pool for recirculation and emptying the pool.
, ,
(14) Fullway valves shall be installed to ensure -proper
functioning of the filtration and piping system.
. ,J
'. ei) A,valve ,shall, be installed on the, main suction
line located in an accessible place outside the wall of the pool.
Exhibit A, Page 6
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(, - - ~
(ii) Valves up to and. including two inches in size
shall be brass. Sizes over two inches may have cast-iron or brass
bodies. All working parts of valve shall be of non-corrosive
materials. ' .
(iii) Combination,v,a,lves-lilay be installed if the
materials and design comply with the intent of this section.
(k) Chlorinators.
(1) Where devicesi forlfeeding gaseous chlorine are.,
i nsta 11 ed" they sha 11 meet"app 1 tcable regul ati ons.
, ,
(2) Each gaseous chlorinator shall meet the following
minimum requirements:
" " :;.)
- 1 _ -
(i) ;Injector-operation type.
(ii) Vacuum or semi-vacuum operation type,
or equivalent .device approved by the bui,lding official.
, \
i .
I \
(iii) The chlorine feed shall be in water solution.
(iv) Machines shall be equipped with pressure
and vacuulil relief vent.
. ? ;
(v) Arrangements shall be made for reading the
rate of chl ori ne~ feed in pounds per, twenty-four' hours. . .
1, - > i '; ~; I -' " . 1 -=-. ~ ..., !
,: t (vi) : Chlorinators shall be construoted to ';- ,
automatically shut off the'gas inicase of vacuum failure.- .
( vi :i)
water pressure gauge..
Eacn c-hJo.r.inato,r:shal:l, b.e prov,ided with a
. ~ ;" - '.
(viii) A pressure-gauge shall be provided to register
chlorine cylinder pressure.
, ) , ", ,- ", ,II : :_ !::,', ; , ", i
( i x) BaokHow (protect] on ' sha-llbe provided
when the water supply is connected to the potable water service.
! ,j - ~
"1 ,
,- , ':'(x)" Where the wat.er supply press;ure is less,than
that necessary to operate: the,: _ch~orinator at its maximum rated, ,
capaci ty, ,a pooster pump sha;llbe' provj-de:d'.. ';: ';
:(xi) The, supp-ly of, ga,seous chlorine sha 11 be
store'd' as pres:cribe-d by, applicable regulati:ons.l
, I
I ,
I ~
(1) Wastewater Receptors.
(1) Wastewater from any filler, gravity'scimi gutter,
over>flow",poo:l :emptyi'ng'line 'or similar apparatus or appurtenance
shall discharge into an approved type receJ!>tor, except for surface
;nExhibit-A, -Page 7
. -----L- -llL.Jl1JelUII !JJHII.I- .
. .
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
.(2) . The flood rim of,ea~h such receptor shall be at least
twe 1 ve . inches above the flood 1 evel of, the, adj acent ground. "
,. \. !' "
(3) Receptors shall be of such materials, shape, and capacity
to adequately receive the backwash wastewater, except that no
receptor trap shal~ be less than,three'inc~es in'diameter.
(4) Each receptor,' when connected t~ any part of a sanitary
drainage system, shall be properly trapped and vented as required in
the plumbing code and other applicable regulations; otherwise, the
wastewater Gischarge from any peol or filter shall be protected from
backflow by an air gap of at;least one:inch,above the flood rim of
the receptor.
(5) No gravity scum gutter drain, overflow drain, backwash
discharge drain or pool emptying line shall enter any receptor below
the rim, unless the pool piping at itsodeepest depth, the bottom of the
filters and the bottom of the scum gutter drain trough (or overflow
inlets)'are all at least twelve inches above the overflow of the
receptor. Where a pump is,used, .it must discharge: into aoreceptor as
required herein.
(m) Drain and Waste Piping.
(1) Piping serving gravity scum gutter drains shall be
installed with a minimum fall of one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot.
(2) Drainage piping towhiCh,individual gravity'scum gutter
outlets are connected shall be at least three inches in diameter,
unless thirteen or more outlets. are. connec-ted to the piping, in which
case it shall be at least fbur;jnches in diameter.
(3) Drainage piping,may.be ofrionmetallic material approved
for such use by applicable regulations if installed at least two, feet
beyond the outside of the pool structure and not less than one foot
below the surface of the ground.
(4) Joints and connections shall be made as required in the
plumbing code and other applicable regulat~ons.
(5) Scum gutter drainage fittings shall be of a type not
less' than two-inch iron pipe size ,and .provided with a strainer
securely attached thereto.. The, :open:'area of the strainer shall be.
equivalent to the cross-sectional area of a two-inch pipe.
(6) . All scum gutter dr.a i n~ shall be tested, inspected and
proved tight before concea'Ung or cover.fng, bY fi Hi ng th~ sys tern wi th
water to the highest point.
, ,
, '(1.): All public.,andsemipublic; swimming pools sh~llbe.
properly maintained throu:ghoutall times of use and shall be ,inspected
at least once each month of usage.
Exhibit'A,:Page 8
Exhibit A
(Relating to Swimming Pools)
(2) All public and semipublic swimming pools must be
licensed by the building official. Licenses expire on the first day of
May each year, and may be issued. for an unexpired portion of the year
upon payment in advance of the annual fee, which shall be established
by the City Council.
(3) All public and semipublic swimming pools shall maintain
a water pH between 7.2 to 7.8; shall maintain a free chlorine
residual of 1.0 ppm to 0.5 ppm (ppm = parts per million); shall
be kept in a sanitary condition, free of algae, dirt, oil and litter;
shall maintain the water ina reasonably clear state; and shall be kept
free of glass and glass containers.
(4) All public and semipublic swimming pools that are not in
use shall be kept clear enough to see to the bottom, or shall be
(0) Penalty. Any person violating this article shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less
than one dollar nor more than $1,000. Each day such violation occurs
shall constitute a separate offense.
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Exhibit A, Page 9