HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1962 'It)~ REGWLAR MEE':t'DGOFClTY' ,C@MMISSION MaDAY, : 'JAmrARY '8, , '1962 The City Cemis,sion convened in r~limiiir sa$si-6ri at the Oity Hall on Monday, January 8, 1962, 7:30 P,.:M.p with the following member:$,:J-resEnit: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners 'Boli'lllan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The SityManageranq. Qity Attort1ey were als~ present. Commissioner, :BoWBJa;n prqm;)u1'lcedthEIInvocation. , " : '. '. -'." ~ .".". :.' ":" . .' . .' . Ma.yor Lamkinannelinced ;'that the first order of business to bediscl1ssed 'WouJ,.d be the matter of issuance of $135,000 Refunding Bonds. Mr'. Marv{n More1and,re .:. ,present~~ M<;:p,luJ!\g, &; J{nfl.ckerp09ker, ,stated that sllchtransaction obtainiJ:l~ a" , lower interest r'a;te wOl1'Ld save, ,the' aity.a~proximatel,y $1,400 ~n, interest,,;"'. A.f'ter discussing.t~e ma~~eJ:" ~h.orG>~ly,'the,f0..ilowing ,aetioriwas takel'H, ' @rd.inance :fo. '797, : captioned' aSfeildws,- was kub~itted toth~ C~mmissien ~n,d '~ead in full: Aif '(i)imJ:iwlcE, A11.fl{~BX~n~~?~, ,1SSlJIANcmo;F. ,$135,000 It~.~~~ Motion bYd~~i~sii;on~z. ,', LJ1t~',:f'&ec9~~ed~ ~yt:~:r,nIr1i~s~onl!!rWall, tmLtord~nanc_e, ,}f.o,.. 797, authorJ.zu,l'g ,theissuanc~ of .:L35,.Q9Q R,ef'und.1.~Bonds.,Series196a,:. :,-:,' ' be passed and appr9ved as read. " . Toting Aye: ":rtayor La..iri,C,P~~sliUi,oners, Bomn,,'Lutz, Rice at;ld:WalL Toting No:,' .~ne., '" , ' ," ,',' ',,, - ',' " . .":) -: <".- . \ ~;. Mr. William ~erritt" Jr., 370l S~~se:t ,:Blvd." .ap,peBJ;'ed before ,the . o oll!ll1iss;I.on'-:ta request peruiit.ssion t6"install a gas'a.i.r corid1:Honil'lg' unit on, ~the: lles:t'si~e' o:r.; his home within the 3 ft. side' ~etbaek area. After considerable discussion,-" it was decide!i t.9 re~~;t i;h!!.llla:tte.:r to tl:leZ9niJlg;Boar~~l::\d Mr~ ~e:Fr.i1;~:w.tiLs, in- vi ted to a:t~ear' befbr'~ th:~ ',~9tiing Bo~r~ ~t tl.llf"-ne~ ,mee1:>i)3,g"", Jan~~y , ~J.;~;;, 19~? ~ - . -. --' '.. , " - . ::.' .' .' ".,. ~.... ," . . '" - . -"~.:"'. ... ... .. . The Commission then heard Mrs. D. Merrell, 3762 Rice Blvd., who appeared re- garding the proposed BO_UBi ty C~nter. Jlt;'s. Merre 11. had several questions about the 'pro..o~al.',(l.:L!f~e.t~e,I" i?~,'~~nj~y Center would be noise-free, and (a ) what the charges would Di:f:far use of' the Center. III answer to Mrs. Merre 11' s quest"1ons, the.. CommiS'$iO'llr' ste.ted that"" the';C Senter would be cemplete ly free from noise and that no cbarges wou1.d,'be made for activities under the sponsorship of ,the Direetor,; however; there 'Would be a charge for privateaetivities. , , At this time, Mr. Hal Biggers, 3617 Albans, voiced his protest against the, .. proposed bond election to be held January 20, 1962, stati~g,that this 'WIis: a major expense for this co~nity and that West University Place ,wQuld not be able to stan<i the financial burden n.eeessary to take;care of the.,'QP~ra- tion of the O(;)mDlunity Center facilities each yea.r." ~Qtnmi.s~iQ.uerB~1a. ,., '. . '. -' ...:....- '---'" ....~...~-,......- .-. '-'~, -.... . .'" .." asserted his beUef that if West University Flacedoes :1\lllSt':'ci'~:~n:~~~s!i.Jfr,:: , "T' "':P'-'<1 l' -. ,- n_ ~71 r' ,"" ~,rl n, LJ i t -' o f\ IJ OJ s L':1 o ~ U' cr:l CO o o 21)9' with previding facilities for the young, they will go elsewhere. West Universi~y Flace is becoming a city of middle aged and elderly folk, and if the youth of our community have nothing to hold their interest here, ' they will not continue to 'patroni'ze our colJllJIilni ty . And ' without youth, West Wniversity Place would be a 'dying city' . He also stated that he had the experience of depositing his growing children at the recreational facilities of other neighbo~ingcities and felt that West 'University Place citizens b~ve a 'right to 'expect adequate educa- tional and entertainment media for their children. Mr. Gl-eorge Adams, 3215 Rice :Blvd., ,was, present and voiced his approval for theeommunity eenter, saying that he looked on it asari investment. , , The Comm.ission,c:;onsidered the 'matter of a 99-year lease between 'the city and the 1raternal Home Association of Houston for use of an un- opened, unused and 'unnamed rtght-of~waylying between aDd adjoining ,Blocks 1 and 2 of' Bissonnet Place, ''bounded on the north by Richmond Road aad €In the south by Browning street. The Fratermal Home Associa- tie>n dellsires use' of'the right-ef,..way in connect'ion with the construction of a new bUilding.The proposed lease agreement, as follows, was read' and discussed, by tbeeomniission: ' 'This c,ontract, made this 8th day of Jauuary, 1962, bya.nd between the City of West University Plae",a munici~lcorporation, acting by and through its duly author:Lzed official, party 'of the f'irs't part, and ' hereina~ter called Lessor and Fra.ternal Home Association, a corpora- tion, ~tyof the second part, and hereinafter called Lessee. W I TN, E,' SSE '1', II . --..- ..~ ---- .". In consideration:- €IfCthe rents ana- cove>nants ~erei.naf~er res~;rved Lel!isor ' does hereby demise, and let to -Lessee'- all the follOWing desc:dbed premises situateq. arid being iii"the eity_ofWestltJni:Yersity Place, County' of'-- . . . - Harri~, state of Texas; ,'to-wit: , ' BEGINNING at a 'point in' the north line of" BrQW1'1ing street~ which is the southw.est corner of 'Block 2, , B:t:ssonnet Place;" , THENeEin a. no;r.-therly direction along the west l:ine p:fllloek2."BissonnetPlace, 70.2 feet to the :P.l). of a curvetootlUile .r:i;ght with a ra.dius o:f'191.11. feet and w:(~h a. central. angle of 60 deg .29 IJ THENCE a).~ng curve aq.;stanee Q:f'203.8teetto a poin~' in ,tl1e sQutheast rig~t':'of-wa.y: line':of ,aiehlilond Road, f/aid,poillt.' being o;tlthe inter- , secti€lu o:tthe east line of", Lot.',4",;JJ-loek.2,and , the west line o:f'Lot 5; -Jloek2,Bissonnet Pla'ce, with the southeast right-of-:-waY,line of Richmond Road; , .' , ~NeE south 51deg. 30' west along the south- east,right-of-way line 'of ~ichmond Road to the ]I. T. of" .'!3-curve Jrith a radi1iS ,of 50 feet , and w;i;th a. central angle of, :l.l?l deg 0- 31':, 1'--' -- --- .-::;::.:m -' __l-'- . .-1 27ft' THENOEalqng$aia curve a distance o~ 104.75 feet to the'P.C. otsaid curve; TBENOEin a southerlydir,ection along the east line of Bl(1ck 1, ,Bissonne't Place; a distance' of 61..6 feet to the $Outheast eorner,of Bl~ek. 1,' Bissonnet , Pl8.ee; , ''.flIENClE, in" a.t1 easterly dir,ection along the, north line of Broning street; a distance of 60 feet to the Place of Beginn.ingj and containing approximately .31 of an acre. liMe: ' , " " , TO JTAm) ,AID ":0 lIOU:>, the sa~, with' all the rights, privileges, ease-, ments and appurtenances thereunto attaching and belouging unto Lessee, for and during the term. of 99 years;eommeneing on, the ,Sth day of Jantmry, 1962, and ending on the 7th day of January, 2061, the Lessee and the personsholiing:un([er it paying rent there:ror'a.nd yieldiq possession thereof, a~ hereinaf;ter provided.' ' , , , Lessee inconsideration of the leasing" of said premises' Ilovenants and agrees to and w~tla ,Lessor to pay Lessor, its successors or assigns, 'the sumQof $3,000.00 with the sum of $1,500.0Gl)ei.ngpaya.blesixty " days after date of this lease and the further sum of $l,500.0Gbeing payable:omeyear from the date ,of this lease. 111 UJ As, a further eonsiderati01\\ of the leasililgand demising aforesaid,Lessee" covenan1H!I, anti agre,es 'to bear" pay and' discharge" in addition to the,' rent herein reserved, a~l taxes~ assessments and levies, of ,every name, natlllie a.nd kind, including tha.t whieh may be taxed, charged or assessed against said premises, or, which may be lev~edor im~osea upon the leasehold estate hereby created or upon the reversionary interest in said estate, "~tiring the term hereina"bove granted,.- 1]1 ' ! I I " , It is ex:presslj'tinde~stood;a:ndagreedthat if ,the Less~:r shall place' the leased premises on the tax roll of the 6:ity of WEuif't tJniversityPlace,; Lessee shall bear and pay all taxes'assessed by the City of West llJni - versity Place. " .' ' Lessee will at its own eost and expense keep the premises together with the sidewalks and any alleY- oralley$ adJoining'said, premises in goed and safe condition; and Lessee shall eoliform'to' al1"munlc:l.pal ordinanees or laws affeetingsaid ,premises; and LeSsee shal:t>keepahil save Lessor, its successors, and assigns; harmless fr0many pellalty ,'damges 'or eharges impiJeed or incurred for:a-tly violationoI' said ordinances or laws whether occasioned by the neglect : of' Lessee, or ani agent; tenant :or' C0l'l.tractor, then upon or USing said,prem'1se::f.' J1.essee shal:lalso save Lessor, its successors and assigns barml~ss'aRafree ;fremany laws; cost, damage or expense arising out ofa.ny aeeident .urath$r ;ioee~remee, 'causing injury to any person or proper~y, ati1ddue d:irect1:y~r indirectly-to thellse or occupance of said premises by Lessee ~r other person aolding under it. .... ~{' , , Lessee shall not sell, assign aI" jiu.b..;let this lease or any part;t:b.i!reof unless or until obta.ining the I>rior'witten approval of Lessor to said sale, assignment or sub-letting and'anyattempt:to sell, assignor sub- let without such prior written approval is hereby declarell to be. null and void of no force; aud effect. m 1'~~~jEr![- ,_[-" ~'-, ~~~1 -1i" 2 71 <3 It is'furthercovenanted an4.agreea 1;iy'and betweeritheparties hereto that in the~v~nt'tbiit'Elef'a.ult'should'bemB.de'bYLessee in the' keeping 9:t any.. covenaiilts:er a~eements of this lea,se and if' suchdef'ault; shall continu&'thirty,days after notice in, writing given by Lessor, its'successors'and assigns, or agents or attorneys to Lessee or 'its agent, Lessor may at its option, after thirty days notice :i:n w;ritiilg 'given to'J.,essee, ,declare this lease cancelled ana.' the te1":ms,the,:t'e()f~ended,. and may' enter upon said premises, with or without process of law, and take poss.essionthereof'. o , " IN WI'fEESS WHEREOF ,the parties liereto have subsc:dbed their names this the 8th day of January, 1962, this indenture 1;ieing executed in triplicate. Motion by Commissioner Lu~z,'seeonded bY'Commiss10ner Rice, that the 99 year lease agreemeHatoetween the CitY of l(est University Place and Fraternal HQ~s ~Af.Bo~:iatJ.on of. Roustonf'oruse of the, unopened and unu.s(!d ,-right -:of:-way between" B:Loeks, ,1 and 2, ,Bisson- net Place, be approved, and 'the Mayor authorized, to execute the agreement on behalf of' the city. Voting Aye: . Mayor. r.a._in:;GolQDli:ssioners ,B6W1Jl8;l'l,' Lutz; Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. ,~esolution 6)2-1,'as to,11o'.W'~,Wl3.:s'intr(?ducedancl.,rea.d in full:. I i L- A RESOLftION BEOOONIZIIfe TIlE AeCO:MJ?LISIIMDTS OF PROFESSOR IEWIS :B.1tY0.~:A: e:rrIJ:Z.1ilK GFWEST lJlJI - , VERSITYPLAOE",~XAS,;,!fBE~ ~'rE, OF TEXAS, Am> ,THE.~ STATES, 0F AMERICA.' .:1 wmmEAS, Professor Lewis :B~ Ryon, of the' Oi.ty of West University Place, Texas, has served his City, his state and his Country in var-ieus capacities, sl,lQhas -Mayor o1'11is eity,llirector' of' Research'" conducted for the United stat~iatFort'Ho0d, rtexas, and,member tqf the Board of'tke ,lJnit'~dStates,Mereant, Marin.eAcadeDJYat,King r S, ' I;'oint, New York;' 'anci ~s, ,Professor Lewi~ E. Ryon 'l:las;f'urtherserved his Ci~y,his state and his Country by contributing of himself' to the stli!.dent8' . of Rice University in Houston, Texas, over a period inexiess of' forty years as In's.tructor~na: ProI;eSsorofc Civi,lEngiDeering; and ' 'tilEEREAS, , Professor J.ewis~. Ryon has been Professor Emeritus of Oi"[1,l Engineering at Rice UniverSity, Houston, 'fexas, beginnillg in 19;8; ,and, , ' , " o ~, Professor LeW'i.s~. Ryon,hasre,centlyassisted in the,." continuing devel()pment of thepliysi;ca,lfe;eilUiesofRice Uni- versity by 1IjS.kingposs:l;ble a new building to house the Department of Civil Engineering of that University; and. T~-~==----l~r1t _ ___r'~'. - ,,- - r ,.------=-~"'l -' 272 WlJEREAS,such '. attaillments; ae:ceml,1l1:iJsli'melii!;sam<il.eentrioutieDs of' Profess.orI;ewisB.RY€lna.$'hereiH~f:0re ,stated 'Would not ,have' been Ji)ossib1e withou:t; theae'lii-Ve a:ndenthusiasti<f pa,rticipat16n " and help of his d~voted 'andlovj;t1~:,wif'e;~a;ndhel~ma.te, Mrs. Mae' M. :&yon, ;: "" '::.':'''."".-,..: ,,-' ' .' w . , New, TBFlB:E'F0RB, B FfRE50L'VEJ BYM C:J:'fr cemzssIoN OF !FiE cro(j)FWEa~-m1IVERSm:PLAR,"'~i; . ;" "'._. -"-'.' .., "'., ;" . - ~.~ L 'fhat the eontri'b1.itiens of Prefessor and Mrs. Lewis :a. By-olf to the welf'are and well-being of' their City, tl:1eir "sta:te" and their eountrybeand: they are herebyrecogti!tzed ~ 'and 'aa~ knewledged, ' ',,' .., 2. 'fhat this fact be duly reeorded on the official r~cords of' -tbe' 01 ty 'of'We:st tJn'iversity Plaee,' "re~as~ . . . . ; ., ~ . i-; .,;: :i"':~' . . ., ~;. ,"(",.-.. :. 3. 'fhata,reeor\t'of,t;p:isaction'be:tran$mtted:toProf'essor and _I:-:s. ~ Lewis .:9 .'~ R:yea'}i;.''t-he'' f'b:t"tii. araB: effieialeopy of' tais R-es'olutiotl.,. c' : '.: ' . , --~ ,'. ! ~ .!" Motion by Commissioner :Bowman, seconded by Clommissioner Rice, that , Resolution 6~-1'; recO'glliziLng:;the aecGmpl1shme.ts; doff Professor LewisB. :Ryon, be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Ayef' Ms,yerLalnld.n:;GGmm1ssio'Bers, ~n; Lutz,' Rice and' Wall. Voting No: Bone. ~~, ~. . . '. - .....: . ....,.,,=,; ......,;...:.;.' ;'." ....:.. _: :. ~ ":;, ': _\ . .. .... . W,l i I The eommissioD.'ws at1lvIseil iha.t';i:stjJ.triate~'-No.:::r1i:i,'-&he':amount "of $3,318.00 was due;iH~ "A~;:Jfleti:s?:mGtistr,licitign>COm.panY'for' alterations '8.11dadditions to the water pum.piq:a.nd~- of:e;;icebuflditil;:l.n ac - cordance with architect's certificate submittied by Smart and Whitellead''i.~,.J,; ,'" , , . ..]-:'.-: ~ <: t , ,~: . -~ .~-:' : ," . '.\', "",' Motioa/by Oommiss:l:crae'r lU.ee ,sec0lided.by @ommiss!enerBiDWmail,tM1f" Esti:ma;te ':W:Q~ ,::2;; in:the' ~moumt OJf'~$~,'318te(r,be'pa!i ,n. A:.1tlerks :p'" :", e0l1s~rUiat;t0n\:C'0mpsny" ifor:'alteratibns 'and jaa€tltrtonsto'the' Wa. ter" Puinp and Offi.c~ :Building" as recommended by Smart alaQ Whiiehead) Are:~Hteets. -- VotirigA;ye: ;';Mayor '1.Ia.mk:ill,'(J$tDmisSiOQers <Bowmam, Lutz, 'Rice andweiiL VotingJlo::"-BoD.e~,~ ',:"';> " . " .' A;-wri ttend~rep(}rt' ,W'~s ,revi''ewed 1tY"the'comrsSi-ar:l' ,cemparingadvalorem taxes for 1961 with those of' 1960. . -.". 'F."._, .; .~ .~-. _.i :.L.::"'~~~: d A letter.. da.ted leee-Utber.':H3, ,1901 ,signed ii{y'W ~- FeriiatidQW11iia~ j ::' a representl1l.tive of R. E.Smith, Houston,lfexas, requested the ciiif" to 'join with Mr". B. E. Smith in dedioat:Lon of a right-of-way for ex-, tending, Jildloe'Str:ee'b-ifrGm:tl'le:"seu'&b:W'-es'tFreeiay, 'south to the 'sA:-~:fi.' railroadtrtitru:, 'a.nlitG'part-icf,a.-'tfe',j:ti th)g' pavfn~f eoSt"whlch was'e1iJ: timatedtto'be; ap'proximait;elY:'$B5~Q:to~t~e'ci:tt~r:s, part:' ,J .'<'< :r ~ . . . ;" ~: ~ ~ :.:. ":' .," :. ' '.' . '.", Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner BOwman, authoris- ing.the City Manager to confer, with the City of Houston regarding details fordedieating right-of-way for the extension of Edl~ street ) 'lJ l.....--~ o L'? o """ u ~ CO n 'I ; LJ n' J ! \---1 L 273, and the ~aviog of the city's portion for aD. estimated cost of $2500 and thatfioal negotiations oe submitted to the City Commission for consideration. , Toting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, OOmmissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. Resolution 62..,2, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the Oity of West University Place has cash available' h in the !nsttt"anee Reserve Fund, Health Fund, Sanitary Sewer'ea}!)ital Improvement Fund and Fire '!'ruck Fund which will not be required for current operatinge~penses, and w~s, it is. the objective of the city Comm1ssiento kee~ all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is '. . necessary' and prudent to Jauthorize investment of these certain sums of money. Naw,. THEREFORE,m: IT RESOLVEl) BY THE .CITY C0MMISSION OF THE eIn, OF WEftma:'l/ERSIfi'PLAeE, TEXAs, that the City' 'freasUrer is hereby . directed to invest fUnds in the amount of: . Insurance Reserve Fund Health Fund Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement FU11-d Fire'fruolt Fund" $8,300.00 1,200.00 3,655.00 4,000.00 to be invested in Savings and Loan Associations at their prevailing rate of diviaend 01'4#. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seeondedby Commissioner Wall,'that Resolution 62-2, direoting'the Ci.ty Treasurer to invest'$8,300 from Im.surance Reserve Fund, $1,,200 from the Health' Fund, $3,655 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement'Fund and $4,000, from the Fire Truck Fund, with Savings'& Loan Associations at. their prevailing rate of divinend, be passed and approved as read. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Qommissioners B0wman, Lutz, Rice aD:d Wall. }tone. ' Garage apartment violations were discussed by the CommiSSion and it was decided that the City Manager and City Attorney would meet in order to ascertain what tyPe of evidence is needed for presentation in our Corporation Oourt and in District. Oourt. Mayor Lamkin BQ~uested a list of additional violations by next meeting, January 22, 1962. Commissioner Bowman suggested the city send a letter to those citizens who had beerr asked to abate a zoning ordinance, and had done so,expres- sing appreciation for their compliance. r=:== Irl1 lor r-.- -, ~r.. , 27-4; Thee i ty Manager was asked to write' a letter - to Rev. W. c. Webb in regard to his mother Who resides at 3018 Nottingham; as" the Oommission never eff'icially granted.a postponement to Mts . Webb ,:whose . S0n' had' requested. same in order to give her time to recu.perate from surgery. W. : I II The zoning' law- suit agai~st the city filed by Mrs. Roy Logsaeu, 3601 Nottingham, 'was mentioned but nothing definite was decided as th~ officials of the city had not received a citation. The case' of the City of: West lIniv~rsi.tyP1ace vs. Mrs. Jane Handrick, 3830 Tennyson, on: charges (Dr arson, was 'discussed. The City Manager stated that the Grand Jury had no-billed Mrs. lIandrick. Th~eo:mmission requested the. City Manager to determine whether conde~~ation proceedinas could be instigated. ~llutes'of'theni.eetings of December 11,.18 and 21,1961, were ap~ proved as submitted. . . . , -'". ~.. '.' '. , " With l'l:e>f'urthe!b'ilsin~ss to 'COllie before the COlllDlissiolil at this' time ,upon: motion duly made , ,seconded and ca1'ried, them.eeting was adjourned at 11:45 P~M. . ~~~ .. .'. Mayor City of West University ,Place, Texas ] . A'f'!'ES~: '. ] L-_~.:.. I ~~~lcrr _c-- -----=---=--r~-.1 _~ --'.I' ,0:1 !! o 01 'I ; ! i 275 REGtnAR , MEE'fIHQ!, ' CITY GODISSION MODAl, JAnARY22, i962 The City eommissio'B'convened ~nregular 'sess1on at the Oity Hall on Monday, January 22, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members' present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rieeand Wall. The City Attorney andOity 1(a.mager' were alSo preselilt. ' 'l'he'Invoeationwas pronou.lleed:'by OpmmissfoIl.ef' Lutz. " Mayor Lamkin presented to PFofessor; atidKrs. Lewis~ ;B~ Ryon a eOB'i of Resolution No. 62-1, which vas passed and approved the 8th of January, 1962. The Resolutionreeognized ,the eontributiolls of Professor and,Mrs~' -,L. B.' Ryon to th~ welfare and well:"'beimgof' their city, 'their state and their 'country; and his assistance in the,continu.ing development of the phy$iqa'l facilities of' R:Lee,lIn'iversity. ' ", Ineemplianee with previous aetion ,t~lten'by ,'tke Ci'ty Commission and Notiee to Bidders duly pUQ,liilh,~d in t~ ,ef:i':~e:ta:~l'1e1t~,pa.perof, th,e,city, bids re- ceived for delivery,ofe~ght velii~l~~:::w~re" opened~,~d, result$" anneuneed. , Motion by eommissi0nei"..ic;:e"" se:~o~eci,bi"C~mPdi.sione~ B(l)~n, ,that bids received for foUr paSflen,ger: ,c~rs' f'pr th~:~ ~iil4eeDePEtrtmeIit, one passenger carf:or the rnspee'tion:1i)~,~:i;-ttaEm;t,:ence',;~,ie~p truel(,forthe :Health Depart- ment, one pickup, tri;1ck for: 't~e Wa:~er, >>~~t~nt and one" cab' and cDssi. :for the Garbage Depa.rtment, ,b~ referre,d to tlie ,Oity _!!Luger aria ,department heads for tabula tien 'and recOU1111~~Gta~:tOn ~ .... '.' ". " ' . . "."-- ."'. .,,- -. ~ ;' :.- Toting Aye: Voting No: I(ayor LaInkin'-e.o~~ss~one.i-s ~~~ji.~:Lu;trz;,,:Ric~~and Wall. None.," ' .' ',' . ",., .., . Bids received for furnishing and deli~ering coediving toWer and accessories were aleo epened and th~f9J,.lQWiJ;1g ~es~lts"announeed:_ ;Colli}1)any Httgb.es Pool Supply, Inc,. Eiult Pool Supply;' Ine~ .' Abernathy eGlllpanY-'Swimmng Pools 'ft1Dr:mnt:: $S63~35;f .o.b- job site 472;00 ' . 418.00 ' Motion by Oommissioner Lutz, seeond~d by eommis~ioner Rice, that bidsre~eived for one diving tower' and 'access@ries;' be~;' 'r-e'ferred' to the eitYManager for. tabulat:t(;)nand'r-eeommeudation. .:.:, ',; , " ,.... ' . ' . .' " . ' :' .", \ Voting Aye:' :Mayort.amkili,COtrUftf~lii~ners, ~owman, I~utz, Rice and WalL T(i)tingNo:Notie. ' '. . . , . ;~.. ..' ~. . Mayor Lamkin announced that in compliance with Oharter and'State requirements, returns' of. the, S~e1.aJ,. Boll<il Eleeti~lll!.eld on January 20, 1962, for tl,1e, .pur-. pos'e of determtng:wkether, or not ta.:tbonds in the principal amount of' $325,000 shall be i~s,ued for construction of a new Community Center, would be canvassed at this time . , , The four Precinct Ju~esl official returns were submitted to the eommission whereupon, after inspection of: the poil and tally lists by the City Commis- si(i)n, it appeared that the returns ,submit8ed by the Precinct Judges were in , 276 I IEn,pi'..."," Alii order, and. revealed:'828 votes for an4 ~:L,524 votes against the bond issue. Resol\lti9~<6\)2",,:3,: af3follows, :w:a!iJsubmit:J;;ei to. theC0mmi.s~io.nand . ~ea..d ; i.... ~1J-~; ":::', > __ . _ ' ,~. . ":. :J'" i ' . . . . ~ .. ~_ ~ ," i' .' A RE$OJl'lTI0N CAlWASSJ::NG. ~W$@F A SPECIAL, :B0DELEC~IQN BELD ON, ,'; " SA~BAy,JAmJARY 20, 1962, FOR 'fEE PURP0SE OFJ)ETElU{tNG WlIE'fHER 'fAX . BODS D .m-. PRmOIFAL'AJftv:tlf'::.F,::$32,,900'SB.A!Llii,D $$S~ FOR'GOISIflUJa.;,.": 'flOW OF FDMAXEft,PllBLIC IMP.RevEMENTS, TO-WIT: A BlJII.l)ING TO HOUSE A L~.A8,A.~tm~~FeIt SA:a-.~C1H;<'.. . . ..i....~;:..~;!;.~.,~': ~ ~);; t.h~;t",Ci(:':was heli: ilLtlle,Cit',Y ot'West:UniversityPlace, TexaS:{'Q.n tb,~:,2(i)1&h1:ja-YQf.,'J~J!!.~ry, 1~62, a s}leeial,bond-eleeti.om. at which time-<there wa,i;rs'u:pm1ttedi,toA~he ,(tulyq-aal:ifd.e,Q resitient;eleetors of'said city Who .own taxable pr0pei"ty in said city and. 'J;J.addllly;rendered same for ,taxes',:. t1,1-':- following proposition, .to-wit: n'~' .'; ;!~.';" ", ;-:moP'0B"I'fIeW" , ", i;. A:':L~i~~~~~~I:~~t~:~~~=JFT:~i.m}S'" , ." ~:R~iiJt:i~~~I~~~~:e:~~~!.:~ c;::c;~"C~~~~.~fi~:~ . AJ$' .'0 :rm- !'~s .UPON ALL TAXA:BLE~j:'RO~*fi . .-c"' ..- ..D~;:[:iii'Gi~iI;'~I~~~~,.~i'~~,~ , A:D 'mOVIDEA S~Gl:J!tmJ) 'fO PAY THE PRINOIPAL '. , ,,~~.~~.:,B~~/~,~~~~~!. . ..' ,." ...., .' '.' ". .,.. wm:REAS, in aecor~i1ee;'iiith.tettd<1a.nd' pr6visiol1ls of state sta.tutes of'" the Texas Eleation:i'Etoa.e},:an~~ tb,e City Oharter, the managers'{FreSiding JUdge~.. ,f' t,h~ Eala~i>T91i~jhave malie out, signed"and delivered {riase~led env~lo~e,'t~e~ret~ns:,~t said election, together,vi~li::tlle:polliifi~s and ta;].1y lists, ~e )~~ Mayor and: Ci'!!y, Comm1~~iQ~er.:o:fthe, Oi:ty of West University Place, Texas; and ~~~ (:;~iii~'~.~~~.~qd",~i;;::;'~~mJ!l.iSf!~O~er;s "G)f . the Qityof West '\Tni," , versity Flace, Texas, in regular seSSion, ~ssem~"J:.ed;on,J/il;n~y -22; ,'C';' 1962, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed t~e ;-r~su~~,s 'jt,h.e-;r~~:r;::i;:n" a~.~Q.~~a~~e;:,:w;itll '~~te ,S~atutes.al;li City'Charte~it'~ and as aresu.lt 61' such examltnatiem and canvas, saidJ(~y.0r and ;sa:ici ~;C:,;- City Oemmilllsioners find that at such eleetion the fellowing votes were "cas~._, 't,~, :'; ';'[!" <'",','-', " ' . ," '.: ," [i ::~..' ,', :';,,";;..; :. '_~' , "'.."-r . :..~' :':)i)':. . o Predinat":N6 : . .:" ", ~!,., " :.: ;_.'..;.:" . '7. . 'J': '. ': 'Agai,nst " . 't'_-' . ,~.- >te~ .:' 'l'q+'B: l1P.A.flh'Pl-Acdnnt " 15' ;':' y" :;'; ',;:'.' 87 .133.", '. " "'_i8~ ''- ,~L',l.;"" " "'387 ,'" 448 34~.. '8' """; 3:3' 1 ;524, , 'blO 638 520 624' \2,39l1? '223 ' , 190 ,;1,74 , :241 ] :; : .....:: ., 52'8 f"".,~~,' ~ , , ,.r-- 1.~_1_ o L":) o ~ u CO C:Q o Jl . I LJ I it":lN~h.\.. i U, ,277 WEEREAs, there were coast at said election 2,392 votes of which number there were cast:. FOR mfj. ISSUANCE OF).$325,OOO BONDS AGAINST ^TBE'ISSUANCE OF $325,000 . BO:NFJS 828 votes. . 1,524 votes MAJ@RITY Against THE ISStJANCE OF $325,000 BONDS 696 votes as shown in the official election returns heretofore submitted to the City Commission and filed with the City Secretary,; therefore r BE . rr BESOLVEDBY THE em COmMISSION OF THE em OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACiJE, TEXAS: ' . . Section l. . That said election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law, that said election was held in the,manner required by law,; that dlie returns of said. electiotl have been madli!l by the proper offioials; tha.t said electien has resulted unfavorably to the issuance of the bonds de$cribedinsaid proposition and that a majority of the votes cast at said election were cast againstth~ issuance of the bonds des- cribed in said proposition and that the proposition has failed to carry by-a majority vote~ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seeol)ded by Commissioner Llitz, that Res01u- tion 62-3, canvassing returns of a special bond election, held on Saturday, Jan~ry 20, 1962, for the 11>urpose of de terming whether tllX bonds in the principal amount of $325,000 shall be issued for constrllctionof'perma- nent, -public improvements, to..,wit:-a ,building to house a library and a~ditorium, be passed and approved.as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Oommissioners Bowman, Ll1ttz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning and Planming Board held on Janua:r;-y 11, 19b2, were presented and the following action ta.ken: Mr., E. E. Griffin, 3520 'rangley, appealed to the ComuisSion with refer- ence '-to the'Board,ts recommendation for denial of hi's request to subdivide Lot, 4,Bloek7~, West UniversityP~eeSecond Addition, into two lots 50 x 150 ft. for a distance' of,llOft~ nortn and his retaining 5 x 40 ;l:'t. from the north west portion (;)1' t:tle'easthalfof the lot, making the morth .40 ft. 'of the lot only 45 feet iti:'width. ~e rea:son for his desiring to re'4a:i'ntne 5 x 40 ft. strip .ef'.laridwa,i:due .to the fa~t that his existing garage would extend approximately one foot over the center li~eo1 the lot. It was brought out that the lot is of su~h depth that the 5,000 sq. ft. minimum. lot requirement would. not be affected and Mr. q-riffin asked that a public hearing beocailed iuerder that an exc12ption might be made if possible in order to provide aD additionalouilding site on his LOG x 150 ft. tract of lahd.' :It was'the' opinion of the Commission that perhaps Mr. Griffin should be granted a hearing in the matter, ,therefore the f ,.r-n---;:----r--:;-,----" T-~='!-',tJ.q.; _!-f:--.....~_nf'._: r ~ '-'-r ~,S q,:. following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the request of Nt. E. E. Griffin:; 3520 Tangley, berefflered back ',' to the Zoning Boardtfor recousd.deration. ,'j o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, CIJmm.is~ioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. N~. . Mr. W. M.Merri tt, Jr., 3701 Sunset Blvd., also apl'Sared before the Oommli.ssion on behalf' of his' request forperrmtssion to locate a ' gas air conditioning u.nitrom the west' side ,of hisresidemcewithin the'3 ft. side setback requirement.The Zoning Board had taken action to aJj>prove the re que s-t provided the City Attorneysubmitted'an OPinion that the proJj>osed air conditioning facilities would not e.onstitute either a building or a structure insofar as the zoning ordinance is c'oncerned. City AttorneyCharlesCockrel'lgave aV'erbal opinion, a.fterreview,.., ing the buildingcbde and'zoning ordinance definitions ofa structure, that the housing for the'air ~eondi:tion'ing unit, as proposed by Mr. Merritt, would be 'cGlnsidereda s:tructure:andwould be a violation. The Cemmissionagreed, howev:erjthat' they would not 'be -aclverse to call'ing, a public hearing if recommended by the Zoning Board, in order to estab- , lish the fact's involved in Mr. Merritt's problem of finding a suitable location~o. his property.;t'er the unit and to eonsider amending the ,zoning ordin~llae for this"purpese. ' Mot'ionby eomm.issioner<Bo~n, ~seeondedbyeommissioner Rice, that. the request of :Mr'.W. M. Merri1lit, Jr.., 3701 Sunset ~lvd.:, to locate a gas air con:ditioningunit'onthe west side of his hollie, within the 3 ft. side setback area, be referred back to the Zoning Board' for reconsideration.."," n u Voting Aye: :Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wa':L1., Voting No: ,None., ... ,- , ' Mr. :Marvin Rorela.nd,-reJjlresenting McClung & Knickerbocker, appeared. before the eommi&sJ.on stating ,that: Oi:"dinance 797, passed em JanufiI,;ry 8, 1962, authori~i:rig' issua.nei~<'o1': $;1..15,000 City of ,w~st University' , Place Refunding Bonds,Se.i":les--196~,;'whe1':eJ)y the fii"S~,inte:r!est. Q.Qupon payment. dateort ~he 'coiipems wi1J:: ,bElie-ame due on July 1:5/ 1962 ~ -b,e c amended,siriceitCha.s'aeetl,aetei-iD.ined'f'rom'thejotld,])ep~tmentofthe Attorney Generalfs 'Of:Hce' that, ';bhe~',first; lriterest coupon payment. ,c date shot1~d be JanUary 15', "196&,aoQ;',re'e'OlRlDSndeli that Orclinane,e ,79-7" ':be amended to provide' f()r.' p/l!.ymant: on that Q:a,te,. . "." ... ....,. Ordinance 798, captioned as follo:ws~ was presented 'and read in full:, KN ORDIlIlAWCE ADNDIliI, AN ORD:INA.WCE AvrJiORIZING" THE 'ISSt1ANCE 'GF.$i-3,DtOOO I\l!:ir.mmmG~OD$,,.$ER~S 1962; PBESGRltBDG- fiE: TEmJSl~~' FR0>Y,IS;hONS .IfRERElOlf! j LEV'YIlfGTAXElit If€) J?~Y; THE: PRIwonAi.. ~(i)li' "lU11l . DTEBE~'f, Tl1EiE@W,;' . P.R(~JV;mmG _FOR 'fBE "EXCHAlf&E OF, SA:rn BOm>S, FeR THE :B~!WS _ ~mG ~~ T~Bl; AND CONTAINDIG (Yl'DJl, FiOVISI(;)~S RELATING, TO 'fEE SUBJECT. rt ;J I, l Hi'!>.fI>-l!<lt'l;,'"I ff;" r"" ~ "L '''''', , r --r 279, o Motion by Oonn'Di-ssioner Wall;-seconded' bY commissJ.oner Lutz, that Ordinance 798; amending' Ordina:-nce 797; authorizing the, issuance of $135,000 Refunding Bonds, Series 1962, prescribing the terms and pr,-visions thereof; levying taxes to'pay the principal thereof and interest thereon; etc., be passed and approved as read. L":> o ~ u CO Q:j . Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. Votlng No: None. , Minutes of the ~e~ti11g (;)1' January 8, 1962j were read and approved. With no furtherbu-siness to come before the' Commission. at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting vas re- cessed at 11:50 P.M. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, January 29, 1962,7:30 P.M., with the' following members~present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Oommissioners Bowman, Rice and WalL. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Lutz and City Attorney Charles . Cockrell were absent. n u Commissioner Rice pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Lamkin presented a letter from Karl E. Kraft, requesting that he be relieved as Judge of the Corpora~ion CoUrt, due to personal business reasons and. expressing his regret for the necessity of requesting this action. . Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the resignation of Karl E . Kraft,' as . Judge .01" the Corporation Court, be ac- cepted, effective February 15, 1962,aridtliat Mayor Lamkin write a letter to him expressing the commission's ,appreciation for the efficient manner in discharging his duties as Judg~. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall; seconded 'by Commissioner Bowman, that Attorney D. Gale Reese, 2716 A1bans~ be appointed as Judge of the Corporation Court, effective Feqruary 15, 1962, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of KarlE. Kraft, at a salary of $125.00 per month, as ap- propriated in, the 1962 budget. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None o The Oath of Office was administered to D. Bale Reese as Judge of the Corporation Court by Mayor Lamkin. : I.. '28(l, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ~Ebanks, Mr. J. K. Hilliard, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Blackwell and Mr. R. A.Richards, all residents and property owners in the 4000 block of Case street, appeared with reference to their previous discussion with the Commission about paving their block aR we11asu others within the city. The residents vl~re ad- vised that 29Q' fetters l1ad been mailed out in October,' 1961, to , proper:tyowners on 24 unpaved "p'locks advising themthat~iRe Comni.is- sionwouldinitiate apaving,pr,ogram' if 'enough property owners would, sign petitious showing their willingness, to enter int05ucha program, and to pay their portion of the'~ost involved, which has been e$timated: at approxima.tely $7.50 per:t:ro,ntfoot.A ,report of the ,results obtained from the letters having been mailed to prop-, ' erty owners was presented, which shQwed that petitions 'had been signe,d by :~he ,ow~ers on 6 blocks; however, interest has" been ex- pressed on several other streets and petitions were being circulated on ,4 aq,ditional block/?o 'rl U < . '. -. The Commission agreed to start assessment proceedings and advertise for bids if signed petitions could be obtained from at least 10 blocks. Mr. Ebanks and Mr. Hilliard v$lunteered to ,assist in trying ,to obtain signatures on, other streets in order that the project could be initiated. Minutes of the 'speci~l ~eeting of the Zoning and planning Board on January 25, 1962, were submitted to the Conimission and the f"ollow,ing action taken: . ' Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner BoWman, that the requestqf' ..~_ E . E.: Gr.iff"in" 3520 Tangley, to subdivide 'Lot 4, Block 72, West University Place Second Addit~on, .into two lots; ~nd the request qfMr". W. M.Merritt , Jr., 3701 Sunset Blvd., to loca.te a gas air conditioning unit wHhin the side setback requirement, be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. ,II U Voting Aye: Voting No: ,Mayor LaWt;in, COll$lissioners Bowma~, Rice and Wall. ' None. The Commission discussed the ,a~yisability'of amending the ordinance to permit installation of air conditioning equipment. :Within the side set- back requirements and agreed to pursue such action as quickly as possible; however, they were not of the opinion the ordinance should be amended for the sake of one individual property owner, but 'for all of,WestWniversity Place as a large number of property owners are instal- ling 'such 'units and haVe the:aa:ine problem a~ Mr. Merritt.' It was the d,ecision of the Commission to refer this subject to the,Zon- ing and Planning Board for further review and study. ( , In compliance with act.ion taken by the City Commission on January 22, 1962, a tabulation of bmds receivedf"or delivery of 8 ~ruck and auto~ ~. motive units, was submitted with a,recommendationfrom the City Manager. thatb:i,ds be accepted as follows: J I ,1Ht-llli,...~i.,..-Ui. r "'" . ~n -"'"":I'" '"'' . c,. ~."'r l_~~_ 6),.8 ," ~. 1: ~!~ "It is my recommendation that Units'Nos. 1 through 7 . be purchased according to the ~ollowing: [] Unit I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of Company Net DeliveTY ~i~~ Jimmie Green Chevrolet Ivy-Russell Motor Co. Ivy-Russell" tI Jimmie Green Chev. Ivy-Russell Motor Co.' Jack Roach Luke JoJ:.lnson $2 ,19l. 93 755.11 730.11 .903.43 1,430.77 983.51 1,168.21 L"':) o .~ u CO CO You will please note that the low bid in each ~ase has been selected with the exception of Unit #4, and it is recommended that a Chevrolet be purchased for an-additional cost of $23.32"over the low bid submit.ed 'by Ivy-Russell for a . . Ford automobile. " In considering the recommei:ulatiori"f'br the four passenger units for the Police Department, a costHrecord.'wh1ch had been kept by the Chief of Police for the past year was reviewed. The record indicated theav- erage cost per mile and the gasoline consumption per mile for the three patrol cars which had been in s~rvice,. a.adfollows: Average cost Der mile MilF?R pP'Y' g~l ggC!t."\l~tl~ rn Car No. vn 1961 2 dr. Ford .032 9.6. , , Car No. 102 1961 2 dr. Chevrolet .031 l,9.3 ' I : , Car No~ 103 1961 2 dr. l!'ord .041 9.0 jJ It was the recommendation of the Chief of Police that all foUr units be pur- chased from Jinnnie Green Chevrolet, even though three of the bids were higher than the low bid of Ivy-Russell, by $98.32,'$123.32 and $23.32, for the following reasonsi . , ',0 l. 2. 3. .' ., 4. 5. 6. 7. Chevrolet gets better gasoline mileage. Chevrolet has a better transmission and less major repairs Chevrolet allows ~G% discount on maintenance parts - Ford allows2CPjo. General Motors stands behind their ,guarantee better than Ford. Hea~ Duty equipment (attached). Chevrolet generator is mounted above engine - no danger i'n high water., . It cost about $50 per unit to get the heavy duty brakes put on the 1961 Fords - equipment brakes would not work properly. (In t'h/& basis of the records submitted, and the recommendation from the City Manager and Chief of Police, the following action was taken:, OJ Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager be accepted inasmuch as all are the low bids, with exception of Unit #4, and, on the basis of records kept for the year 1961, it is considered to the best in~est of the'city to accept the bid of Jimmie Green Chevrolet in the net amount of $903.43, rather than the I 1 " . I lki!:IBUf.\ill::::tii" Hi r,'H~'.rr r,r' .-==t~r ' .tJ a Em low bid of Ivy-Russell Motor Company in the net amount of $880.11; action on Vnit, #8 to be deferred for further study. , ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. Action on bids received for delivery"of a diving tower and acces- sories was deferred for further study. The Commission discussed the advisability of amending Or~inance' No. 792, Section 2, to declare the "existence of'a. vehicle which is il- legally parked in accordance with 'tne"provisions of the said ordinance., a violation after the first five day notice has been given in compliance with the ordinance. , Minutes of the meeting of January 22, '1962, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the commission at this time., upon motion duly made, seconded and carrie~, the meeting was adjourned. f ~~~ MAYOR ,City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: I, ; I i{,"lL,j1J"1:-J- q; I j T"T'"'''' .' -"'~~.'.'l_r o n I LJ' J w L":l o ~ u CO ~ n , I ! j LJ m I ! I II ' -L} ..'" ; , 283 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION , FEBRUARY 12, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 12,1962, 7:30'P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Comm:lssioners'Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Wall. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on Feb- ruary 8, 1962, ,and a recessed meeting on February 10, 1962, were presented and the following action taken: ,Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the re- quest of'M;r. Kenneth Bauman to'construct a 84 x 30' three car garage on 'the rear of the premises at 2730'Arbuckle, be approved, subject to obser- vance of all setback requirements and the remodeling of the existing attached garage into a porte-cochere approximately 24' in length for the purpose of permitting an unobstructed driveway to the proposed garage and subje'ct to the removal of the main bUilding; further provided that an affidavit is executed by Mr. Kenneth Bauman and also his mother, Mrs. Bernice Bauman Churchill, owner of the property, that the 24 x 30'struc- ture will not be used'for rental or commercial purposes, as recommended byUhe Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mqtyor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by commissioner Rice, that the re~uest of Mr. J. E. Kilgore, 6528 Wakeforest, to construct an ad- dition to the rear of his present garage 20 ft. in width and approximately 8 ft. in depth, to be used for storage and a wood~orkinghobby shop, be approved, subject to no plumbing facilities and only 110 volt electric service and also execution of the usual affidavit that the struct~re will not be used for rental 'or commercial purposes, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion bY,Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. March 12, 1962, to cons~der amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivlsion of Lot 4, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into two lots, in order to pro- vide an additional building site 50 x 110' on the southeast portion to front 50' on Tapgley and extend north a distance of' 110', subject to a 10 x 40' easement being dedica~ed off the remaining north portion of the lot along the east property line for utility purposes, as re- commended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. r "f I ~ , '~ 2~8.~" Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by ConnnissionerRice, that . the request of Mr. G. W. Weinle, 3618 Duke , fo:r permission to construct a cantilever awning 11" in width'on the west side of his house to e~tend from. north to soutna distance of apprOi~imately 53', be approved, as reco~ended by the Zoning and Planning Board, with the understanding there will'be no upright supporting posts witl?-in the 3' setback requirements. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, C,ommissiop~rs Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None ~ '. Mr. David Hannah, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Board, and Messrs. E. R. Davis and Bert Fischer, of the aeating and Air Conditioning Board, met w~th the Commission and explained their reasoning for recommending, that no steps'be taken toward amending the Zoning Ordinapce to permit' , installation of :air, conditioning 'equipment within the side setbackre- quirement. , Some ,o:f the pointf; discuss~dwere the following:' 1) The City Attorney has given a verbal opinion that housing for air conditioning equipment wQuldbeeonsidered'as a structUre. The Zoning Ordinance requires a3 ft. setback with no 'upright structure. 2) One of the big objections in putting a unit along the side of a house is the noise. Noisy' units between houses'. cause a nuisance to ad'- ' jacent property owners. Units e~aust both ways, up and also out. 3) Installation of such equipment within the 3'f't. setback ~ould be conside:red an a~ditional fire hazard. 4) A unit can be,installe<iat the :rear of' the hquserather than the, side for very little '0:1." no addition~l cost~, Uni~ would be quiete:r if' installed at the, rear of the house rather than at the side. , ' I o 5) The noise factor of e~ectrical units compared with gas units is variable depending on' the unit. Noise comes" from the propeller fan rather than, the compressor. - The City Commission concurred in the recommendation of the Zoning Board that the Ordinance not be amended to permit such installation within the 3i setback requi:l."ement. Estimate No.3 f.romR. A. Ki~r:ks: Construetion 'company in the amount of $7,233.85 for work complete4inconnection with alterations and additions toth,e water pumping and, office bliil'ding, was presented, together with a certification fro.mSmartand Whitehead, Architects. The Certification' revealed'thefo,llowing information: Original Contract Sum" Change Order No. 1 Total amount of Contract - Less retainage 5% $12,450.06 , 416~16 12,866.16' 643.31 Total to be'drawn(to date)-$12,222.85 Certificates previously is~uea,989.00 This certificate -$ 7,233.85 O ': , ' 1'1 . IFHH'. ..... .> Ii I I r-i-:-'- -, .----n ---=-:I~. ~ '.,. ..,....-..~r '-I ,285' n Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that . Estimate No.,3, in tlie amount of $7,233.85 due H. A. Klerks Construction Company for alterations and additions to the Water Pumping and Office Building, be approved;.for payment as recommended by Smart and Whitehead; this 'leaving a balance due of $643.31, which represents a retainage of 5% of the eontract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A statement~tom Smart and. Whitehead for architectural services rendere in connection with altering and remodeling the Water Pumping,and Office Building, was submitted as follows: L'? o ~ u ca CO . 6% of contract price of $12,866.16 Amount previously paid Balance due $77l.97 512.25 259.72 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Smart and Whitehead be paid thebalance due'of $259.72 for architectural ser- vices rend.ered in connection with plans and specif"icatmons for altering " and remodeling the Water pumping and Office Building. Vqting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. n I I f I LJ The Commission discussed the desirability as to whether a note in the amount 01'$16,666.66 plus accrued interest at the rate of 4~, making a total amount of $19,685.56 due on March l,~, 1962, from Mr. Earl Gammage, should be extended or called for payment. The City Manager explained that this was the balance of an amount due the city from the sale of property on Alief Road formerly used as the city's garbage disposal grounds. 'Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded byCommiss~oner Ri~e, that the City Manager advise Mr. Earl'Gammage that the note in the amount of $19,e?85.56, wiil be due and payaBle on March 13, 1962. t Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A list of delinquent taxes due the city as :eeflected by the records of the Tax Department as of February 10, 1962" was submitted to the Commission for consideration. The list revealed that the total amount of delinquent - taxes listed with $14,896.53. After ~onsideration by the Commission, it was decided that steps should be taken in the following manner to collect delinquent taxes: 1) City Treasurer t'h write letters giving specific time for payment, 2) if no action, then a second letter to be writtenlby the City Attorney, and 3) suit to be filed for collection by an approY-ed Tax Attorney. o The City Manager advised that a letter had been received from Mr. Fernando Williams with reference to the extension and paving of Edloe street ad- jacent to the city's tract of land on the Southwest Freeway. Prints of a rw:m~HJ" ~.;:.1~ r~:'7' -, ""-""'~1 i'-' '-", r'------ 2 t; ij, preliminary layout, prepared by Turner .& Collie, Consulting Engi- neers, Inm., of the extension of Edloe from Old'Eichmond Road to the Southwest Freeway were also included with the letter together with the information that the city's cost for the improvements,would amount to approximately $3,000.00. fO-- { The Commission was requested to approve purchase of a two-way mobile radio and heavy'duty generator for the automobile for the Police Chief, the es.timated- c6st being $664.50. The City Manager explained that there was appropriated in the 1962 budget $5,500 for replace- ment of 3 patrol cars'and'purchase of anew car for the Chief. The net cost of the fourdnew units was $4,580.58; therefore, it was re- commended that the radi6'and gerie~ator be purchased for the new car and that the City Commission authorizere-c1assification of the Capital Expense items of the Police Department budget so that the sur- p'lus appropriated'for replacement of', automobiles may be used for the purchase of _ this needed equipment. ' - Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Capital E~penseitemS of the 1962 Police Department budget be re- classifi~d in order that the surplus appropriated for purchase of automobiles might be used to purchase a two way radio and heavy duty generator. Voting Aye:' Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners B01~n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. City Manager lQJ.ittJohrisoiiaskedthathe be given additional,tim~ for making a recommendation on the purchase ofa diving tower and acces- sories on which bids were recedved on January 22, 1962;' as he desired to give the matter further study and perhaps see the equipment which might be installed at some other,. pool in the Houston area. rJ. '. The Commission ';las apprised of - the fact that Mr ~ Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton, had asked for permission to replace his existing 3 ft. sidewalk with one of the same width instead 01'4 ft. as prescribedb~ ordinance inasmuch as the other existing wall~s in the block are only 3 ft. in width, and construct- ion of a 4'sidewalk would probably caUSe the loss o:f two large oak trees. The City Manager and Buildin~ Inspector, after viewing the premises and adjacent area, had granted Mr. Reiger permission to replace the walk with one 3 ft. 'in wiath to correspond with the existing ones in the block, and also due' to the fact that construction of a 4' walk would possibly cause the 10S8 of the trees. Motion by Commissione~, Bowman-"seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the action of the City Manager and Btiilq,ing Inspector, permitting the side- walk inri'ront of 6516 Brompton to be replaced.. with a 3 ft. walk, be~ ratified, in view of the fact that other sidewalks are3'in width in the same block and installation of a 4' walk would probably cause the loss of two large oak trees. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma~mr Lamkin, Comznissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. J I 11r:w.:t." l'" fc" ,- r~ ""j< r ---- , r 4104'- o The following list of u~authorized garage apartments being rented in violation of the Zoning Ordinance waspreseQted and turned over to the City Attorney to notify the owners thereof that they would be given until March 21, 1962, to abate the violation : 3405 Amherst Mrs. Jane Demmon 2915 Carnegie~. F. H. Siever 2604 University Mr. Richard N. Duffy 3001_A~bans Mr. Max L . Marks 2930 ,~uenby Mr. C. H. Bass 2802 Plumb - Mrs. Joel R. Hood 3201 Amherst Mr. J. C. Herndon L":) o ~ u CO CO It was reported that the unauthorized garage apartment located at 5820 Fordham and owned by Mrs. a.A. VoebelwaB still occupied by Darvin J. Day and wife as of February 9, 1962, after having been given until January 1, 1962, to abate the violation. The City Attorney was instructed to file suit in Corporation Court agaiQst the owner, Mrs. C. A. Voebe1, and the occupant, Darvin J. Day, for violation of the Zoning Ordinance. , , The City Manager 'was instructed to contact Rev. W. C. Webb at:ld explain to him that the City Commission should be furnished with information concern- ing his request to permit his Mother ,Mrs .W. C. Webb, 3018 Nottingham, to continue renting the unauthorized -- garage apartment at this location until after her recuperation from: eye sUrgery; otherwise the CommissiQnwill have to proceed as outlined in his letter to Mrs. Webb,dated November 17, 1961, by the City Attorney. o Consideration was given to an ordinance amending Ordinance 792, howev~r, after,discussing the fact that the ordinance provides onl;y for the person ownin~ the lot on which a motor vehicle or parts thereof is illegally parked to be convicted, it was deemed advisable to give the ordinance further study and provide for the conviction of the bwneror anyone who might be in control of the premises on which su~h nufsance exists. The following summary of the recent action taken by the Supreme Court of Texas was submitted to the Commission: "city officials of the City of West University Place have been informed by the Supreme Court Of Texas that the application for, the Writ of Error applied for by the Plaintiffs in the ease of Marshall et al vs. City of West University Place was refused on January 31,1962. By this action the Supreme Court upheld 'and firmed the judgment of DistrictC01~t of Harris Countyapd the Waco Court of OivilAppea1s. T1ie-,la:w"suit :arosewhen 12 ' lot owners fronting on Bellaire Blvd. sued West Uni- versity Place to allow their residential property to be used as business property. They asserted that the action of the City Commission in refusing to rezone their lots was unreasonable, arbitrary and ~apricious. o lQlcf~-,. \ The District Court found that all of the lots involved were usable 60r single family dwelling purposes, as presently zoned. The Court further found that the City of West University Place did ,not ab~se its municipal discreti~n' in refusing to rezone the lots in question .' Both the Court of Civil Ap- peals and'the Supreme Court of Texas agreed with ,the, judgment of the District Court. II iltlitll1:ild:G' 15fiir'thel"f'~l1tiooa:B ~t1deomsibB.fd1n,;;tl!.ikecase of Marshall et al vs. City of West Univers~ty Pl~ce had been rendered, the Commission w.as re- quested to appro:vea statement of charges from Attorney Paul strong amounting to $251.49 for his services in connection with handling the case. __ , ' Motion by Gommissi9ner BOWman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the statement from 'Attorney Paul strong in the amount of$25l.49" represent- ing the balan~e'duefor services rendered in connection with the Marshall etal vs.,City',of West"University Place, be a,pproved for, payment as authorized by Ord'inance 766. .., ... '. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, commissiopers Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL None. The minutes of the recessed meeting of January 29; 1962, were read and approved as submitted. With no further business to"come' ':before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad,- ' hourned at 11:45 P.M. -A..l.-:_ - ~ 1- f';) , "\ ' , ~~, '~~k~~' , MAYOR . , City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: I H y.;, to, rCC'"'~l " o [] / J o lJ? o ~ u CQ CO o OJ rrr",;l!t!!;'''' "': A.IUi)! REGULAR MEETING OF' CITY COMMISSION FEBRU~Y 26, 1962 The City Commission'convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 26, 1962,'7:30 P.M., with the f'ollowing members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bb'~n,Lutz, Rice ,and Wall. The City ,Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Lamkin. ~nutes of' a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board, concern- ing a request from Mr. Edmunds Travis, Jr., 2632 Pittsburg, for modification of an existing garage apartment which predates zoning, were presented and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Mr. ,Edmunds Travis, Jr., 2632 Pittsburg, be pe~~tted to make repairs, per- form maintenance work and modify the existing garage structure on his premises provided the existing 'kitchen facilities are eliminated and the eXisting garage apartmentismodif'ied in a manner that it may be utilized as a,part of the main dwelling by members of the family; and fUrther provided that Mr. Travis execute an affidavit'that the premises will con- sist of only a single family dwelling unit and the garage structure will not be used for rental or commercial pur,poses, as recommended by the Zon'ing and Planning Board. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Mrs. Joel R. Hood, 2802 Plumb, appeared before the Commission with re- ference to a letter she had received from the City Attorney, advising her that she was violating the singie family dwelling provision of Ordi'- mance No. III by occupying an unauthorized garage apartment and'~enting the house located on the same lot to a tenant. Mrs. Hood related the fact that she used the garage apartment mainly for storage as she spent a lot of time wi~h her two daughters who live in other sections of Houston and also with her sisters in California. She stated that she would be leaving shortly for California to visit with a sister who is ill and would not return until possibly October or November. The GommisJ3ion agreed to permit Mrs. Hood to continue, use of' the pre- mises for storage purposes; inasmuch as the living quarters ~ill not be physically occupied, until her return from California 4uring the month of October or November, 1962. Mrs. Hood was asked to contact the City Manager's office upon her return at which time further considera- tion could be given. It was brought to the attention ot the Commission that Section Article XXVI of the City Charter required an official newspaper to be selected annually for the publication pf ordin~nces and official notices. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by CommiSsioner Bowman, that the Houston Ohronic1e and/or the Southwest 'Peach' (a section of the Houston Chronicle) be designated the official newspaper for the city during the ensuing year. '''-., r~""~ -==,""""T" "'Y'lJ'il1i r '-I ........, - IV ~!,!.~:.' 'r Voting Aye; Voting No: Mayor ;Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. o A request f'rom the Eastern Star Temple was reviewed by the Commis- sion whereby the organization was asking for additional time, 'not to exceed one year, before constructing a sidewalk along the 4000 block of Browning street abutting the property on which their new building is being erected. The Commission instructed the City Manager to handle the matter as an administrative function by extending the building permit tin;te. Voting Aye: Mayor La~in, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. The City Manager advised' .the Commission that Rev. W. G. Webb had con- tacted his office by telephone, in response to a letter written b~ him in accordaqc~with.the Commission'S .instructions, and advised that his mothe]?,Mrs.. 'w. e. Webb, 3018 Not'tingham, had undergone eye surgery and needs the help of the tenants occupying the unauthorized garage apartment on the premises 'f'or at least another month. Rev. Webb re-~ quested the Commission to extend the time for vacating the garage apartment until April 1,1962. The Commission agreed to give Mrs. Webb until April 1st to'abate the violation created by renting the unauthorized garage apartment on her premises at 3018 Nottingham~ A letter, dated February 12, 1962, addressed to Mayor Lamkin, written' by Mrs. Frank Siever, 29i5 Carnegie, was read and discussed. Mrs. Siever had written the letter in regard to the unauthorized garage ap~rtment located on her premises and e:xplained that her husband was an invalid in a wheelchair ,and is.almost entirely helpless, cannot walk or talk or even 'dress or undress himself, and that the additional income is desperately needed a;t this time. The Commission agreed to consider the ma~terat a future date du~ to the facts, stated by Mrs. Siever, ~ndverified by the City Manager after visiting in their home on the date of 'February ?~, 1962.. ' . , The City Manager reported that the unauthorized garage apartment on the premises at 6424 Mercer; owned by Mr. Harry Leritis, had now been vacated as requested by ,the 'City Attorney. The Commission instructed the City Attor'J?:ey- to write Mr.,Leritis a letter in answer .to one re- ceived' fro.m.him,' dated February 20, 1962, ~nd explain certain facts of the Zoning Ordinance which Mt. 'Leri tis referred to in his letter. It was reported that an investigation of an existing garage apart...; ment at 6510 :we.kef'orest and presently owned by Mr ~ E. F. Thomas, had revealed the following facts: ~No permit records fqund.Evidently built about or prior to 1929. Both house and garage apartment. !tIt . was the opinion'ofthe City Commission that the additional recognized living quarters at-this address.should be listed on the tax roll as a non-conforming use, and that the owner should be requested to install a separate wat~r meter. o o r ".;~ ",,';, n "--Tn" -,:t~., "H"{,'r ~ o tQ o o:::j"l u CQ ao o ~ il:''1IJl!,':':,~ ~ bI ,yo A. .-,:. It was also reported that the unauthorized garage apartment located on the premises at 4040 Byron, which hadbeeri vacated as of December 5, 1961, was now being occupied by the owner, Mrs. Lucy Darling, while the house at 4040 Byron was now occupied by tenants. The Qity Attorney was instructed to advise Mrs. Darling of the zoning violation and give until A~ril 1, 1962, for, the garage apartment to be vacated. A letter from the City Manager was submitted with a recommendation for the purchase of one 3-meter diving tower, rails, steps and adjustable. fulc;rum from Abernathy Company on their bid submitted January 22, 1962, on the Astra-LineG 830-16 for the amount of $418.00. ' , Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the recommendation of the City Manager tor the purchase of one 3-meter diving tower, rails, steps 'and adjustable fulcrum qn the Astra-Line G 830-16, from the Abernathy Company, on their low bid submitted in the amount of $418.00, be accepted and a purchase order issued.' . , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz,Rice and ~all. None. A recommendation was also made by the City Manager that the bid of Ivy- Russell Motor Company, in the amount of $3,249.46, for delivery of a 1962 mod~l cab and chassis for the Garbage Department be accepted in- asmuch as this bid meets the city's specifications and the low bid sub- mitted by Don McMillian, Ford, Inc., in the amount of $2,662.57~ arid other lower bids submitted, failed to comply with the specifications. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the bid of Ivy-Russell Motor Company in the amount of $3,249.46, for de-' ~ivery of a new'1962 model cab and chassis for the Garbage Department, be accept,ed as recommended by the City Manager. ' ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 'llheCity Manager submitted a. tentative program to increase efficiency in the Garbage and Trash Department and for operation on a more econo- mical basis: 1) 'Eliminate Saturday morning trash pickup and transfer to Wednesday pickup. All equipment could be devoted to trash pick- up on one day. On Saturday morning,'many homes do not receive service as the trucks pass by before the resident places his trash on the curb. 2) A definite plan for repairing and servicing equipment meeds to be installed. 3) Employment of an assistant to the Garbage Superintendent to supervise truck routes arid personnel and perform minor re- ~airs to trucks and equipment. 4) Purchase one additional open type garbage truck and bed and dispose of one of the packet type units. r'~'~'" .~I' ," , ,":'~T , -r .1' U~jl' kl ~-' M 5) By elimination of Saturday morning trash pickup, the service on Saturday morning of approximately 35 employees ih the > trash ,department can be eliminated, and the Street Department and Water Department can be operated with emergency crews for this 4 hotirSaturday , morning period; thereby saving an additional sum on labor cost. o 6) These changes and eliminat-ion' of SatUrday morn- ing operations will affect a $7,000 to $8,000 annual saving. The City 'Commission authorized the city Man~ger to proceed with the details of the plan asoutlinea and to prepare a definite recommendation, for further consideration. ' A Civil befense operational plan, complying with Ordinance 795, was submitte,d for consideration by the Commission. After studying the' plan, it was the opinion of the Commission that the plan should be adopted as presented; however, it'was deemed 'advisable that a Resolu,- tion should be prepared for adoption. Ordinance 799, captioned as follows~ was submitted for consideration' and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINA.WCE NO. 792 DECLAAINQTEE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON ANY RESIDENTIAL LO'l'S EXCEPr IN SPECI- FIED PLAcES A'NUISANGE; 'AMErnDING SUCH ORDINANCE TO PROV'IDl!: THAT NO NoTICE EJHALL BE REQUIJ!{ED FOR ANY SECOND OR SUB- SEQUENT OFFENSE' UNDER SAID ORfJINANCE , WITHIN SPECIFIED TIME: AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. OJ' i ' , Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that , Ordinance 799" amending Ordi~ance 792, declaring the parking of motor: vehicleS on an:{residential lots except in s,pecified places a nuisance; and amending such ordinance to pr~Yide that no notice shall be requir~d for any second or subsequent offense within a specified time, be passed and approved as read. " Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor'Lamkin, Commissioners :Bowman, Lutz" Rice, andWalJ,.. None. '\ The Commission was advise'd that Baker, Botts, Andrews & Shepherd, at- tornies for Travelers Insurance Company, representing the city, was requesting permission from the city to plead governmental immunity in' connection with the-automobile collision sllit styled Dorothy A. Wright, et al VB. City of West University P1ace'and Joe Hammons, which occurred near'the intersection o'f Buffalo Speedway and on University Blvd~, October 2, 1961. After discussion, the following action was taken: ,'O! '! . i Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Baker, Botts; Andrews & Shepherd, attornies representing the city - " 11"1., T ,~ , ,--,;; 1 .1'. :,1 r r o ~.~3 in the case styled Dorothy A. Wright, et al VB. C~ ty of West University Place and Joe Hammons, be authorized'ahd instructed to plead governmental immunity as a defense. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma.yorLamkin, Commissioners Bo~n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1962, were approved as submitte~. With no further business to come before the CommiSsion at this time, upon motiouduly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad- journed at 11:20 P.M. .L~ o ~ u ~ CO ATTEST: o ~. MAYOR ,City" of West Unive:r:sity Place, Texas , City Secretary o ~.;Y '1; REGULAR MEETING' OF 'CITY COMMISSION MARCH 12;, 1962 The City Commission convened inregu~ar session at the March 12, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with,the following members Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Lutz', Rice and Wall. ney and City Manager were also presertt. Commissioner absent. City Hall on Monday, present:' Mayor ' The City Attor-' Bowman was The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. In compliance with legal notice duly publIshed in the official newspaper of the city, Mayor ~a!I).kin announced ~hata--public hearing was in order to consider amending the city's zoning" ordinance to- permit subdivision of i.ot4, Block 72, West Universityi"PlaceSeconaAddition, as requested by Mr.' E. E. Griffin, arid recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. - .- .. City Manager Whitt Johnson, after befng"duly sworri, testified in answer to questions by the City Attorney tha.t allreq'uirements of the city's ordinance to calla ,public hearing haid been complied with and it was his opinion,that the, hearing was in order.. Me. E. E. Griffin, 3520 Tangley, having been duly sworn,. stated that it was his desire to subdivide the 100 x 150'ft. lot .into two lots -.in order to provide a 50 x 110 ft. building site on the southeast portion of Lot 4, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition, to front 50' on 'l'ang- ley and e:){tenCl north a distance of 1l;0 ft., . with a 10 x' 40' easement to be dedicated off the remaining north portion of the lot along t~e, east property line for utility purpos~s. Wit~ no interested parties present desiring to be heard in connection with the subdivision of Lot 4, Block :72, West University Place SecOud Addition, as requested by Mr. E.,E. Griffin, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, secondeq by Commissioner Lutz, that the hearing called for the purpose of amsndingthe city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Bloc~ 72, West University Place Second Addition, as requested ~y Mr. E. E. Griffin, be closed. Voting Aye: 'Mayor Lamkin, Commissiouers Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city's zoning ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Block ~2, West University Place SecondAdditionTi~to~~~o. lots to pro- vide a 50 x 110 ft. building site on 'the southeast portion to front 50 ft. on Tangley and extend ~orth a distance of 110 ft. with alO x 40 ft. easement to be dedicated off the remaining north portion of the lot along the east property line for-utility purposes, as requested by Mr. E. E. Griffin, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and-Wa~l. ~one. Mr. R. H. Swann, 3512 Rice Blvd., appeared before the Commission, asking that he be permitted to install a pipe 'in the gutter at his driveway in order to get his automobile in and out of the steep o ,~. o D o L'j o ~ u CO CO o o 29!l: incline without damage. Mr. Swann was advised by the Commission that this practice of installing pipe in the gutters had been discontinued several years ago due to drainage problems 'and also because it was con- sidered to be a traffic hazard. The Qommlssion desired to study the matter further before making a decision on Mr. Swann's request. Mr. Douglas S. Mc~~, 3720 Plumb, presented a letter signed by Elisa- beth Crawford, M~D., advising of the general health and the results of ' ,recent eye surgery performed on Mrs..' W. C. Webb, 3018 Nottingham, and requested that Mrs. Webb be permitted to allow her tenants to remain in the garageapartmen~ due to the fact they are assisting her during her recuperation from the recent eye sUrgery. Dr. Crawford aiso stated that Mrs. Webb is classified as legally blind. The Commission agreed to give Mrs. Webb an additional six months' time to abate the viola- tion of the zoning ordinance. Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board-'in regular session on March 8, 1962, ..ere presented to the Commfssionforconsideration. It was recommended to the Commission that a comprehensive study of the city's ~future needs be made by an independent, professional organization fully qualified to make suc~ study. The City Commission agreed to interview various professional organizations for this purpose. A'letter from Mr,.H~ E. Schulze, Jr., 2634 Tangley, submitting his resignation as a member of the perxonnel Board of the city was pre- sented to the Commission for consideration. Mr. Schulze explained in his letter that he was moving from taeCity of West University place creating the necessity for his resignation. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the resignation of Mr.H. E. Schulze, Jr., be accepted with regrets and that a let~er be written to him, expressing appreciation for service. , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Resolution 62-4, as follows, was submitted and read in full: WBEREAS,the City Commission 'of ,the City of West University Place, Texas, adopted an ordinance creating a Municipal Civil Defense and Disaster Belief Organization to provide emergency protection of the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of West University Place, Texas; and " WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 795 creating such Municipal Civil Def~nse and Disaster Relief Organization provides :For a planning section,!3.nd op- erating section; and WBEREAS, the City Commission has agreed upon a workable base Civil Defense plan designed to save lives, minimize danger and restore and rehabilitate society in an emergency in the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the base plan, \-Thich sets forth the authority and defines purpose, mission, situations and assumptions to effectuate such plan, 't.... r,"n-~"~, n " ',~,___ -. l -r -r 296 an exact copy of which is marked"Exhibit .(1", and made a part hereof, is hereby a~proved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place"Texas. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner ~utzTthat Resolution 62~4, adopting and apppoving a Civil Defense p1any be passed and approved as read. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager asked authority to advertise for bids for the pur- chase ofa new fire truck, suggesting that bids be received on the date of April 9, 1962. It was explained that funds were appropriated in the 1962 budget, and also after discussing the possible sale of 'the old 1928 Seagraves truck, it was determined that it would be to the city's advantage to keep the old truck. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received . until 7: 30 P.M., April 9, '1962, for one piece of fire apparatus con- sisting of a one thousand (1,000) GPM triple combination pumper with cab and chassis and a positive displacement rotary type pump arid a centrifugal pump, together with certain fi\f1e and tool equipment to be outlined in detailed specifications. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. . Authority was also requested to advertise for bids for the purchase of a back-hoe attachment to be mounted on the 1956 Case tractor presently owned by the city and operated by the 'street Department, and for a new tractor shovel with a 1 cubic yard hydraulic controlled bucket attachment. o Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Ric~, that bids be received until 7:30 P.M. April,9, 1962, for purchase of a back- hoe attachment ,to be mounted on the 1956 Case tractor presently owned by the city and for one new tractor with a 1 cubic yard front /end loading attachment, appropriation of ' funds which are provided in " the 1962 budget. .. . . ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin7 Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The Commission waR apprised of the fact that various street materials and concrete pipe amounting to approximately 800 tons of crushed limestone asphalt aggregate, Grade 3; 500 tons crushed ,limestone as- phalt aggregate, Grade 10; 1,OOO'tons crushed limestone base material, Designation 215; 80,000 gals. Colas; 300 ft. 12 inch and 200 ft. l~' inch reinforced concreterf(pipe, would be required for the ensuing year and authority was requested to advertise for these items. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until o . ,I fJ.. . *~ f""'- - ," "'"1> J - , I -r o L":) o ~ u CO c:o o o \ <!f;fi~t~~~ St ..~~.' 2:97 7:30 P.M. April 9, 1962, for street material requirements for the ensuing year, as requested. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A report was made to the Commission that investigations had been made on alleged garage apartment violations at the following addresses; 2737 Casem~ 2736 Pittsburg- 654!~ Sewanee 2739 Talbot 3111 Plumb 3805 Swarthmore-- Occupied by tenant '3/9/62 Occupied by motner.76-in-law , 3/9 2 Occupied by owner 3/9/62 Vacant 3/9/62 Vacant 3/9/62 Vacant 3/9/62 Mrs. LaRue Beasley Mr. Henry Brandt Mr. Geo. M. Brown Mrs.Margaret Sue , Reid Mrs .Loretta J. , Reynolds Mr.C. H. Cathey The City Attorney was instructed to notify the owner of the property at 2737 Cason, Mrs. LaRue Beasley, and also the tenants, that the' premises at this address are being used,in violation of, Ordinance No. III by permitting one or more individuals to occupy the unauthorized garage apartment and such violations must be abated by April 16, 1962. It was deemed advisable to further investigate the alleged violation at 2736 Pittsburg and 6544 Sewanee before taking any action.lt was de- , termined that there' is no existing violation at 2739 Talbot, 3111 Plumb or 3805 Swarthmore. ~neCity-Attorney was instructed to write a letter to the owners of these premises advising them of the inves- tigations and extending to them the Commission's commendation for their co-operation in abating the violations voluntarily. City Manager Whitt Johnson submitted details of a plan for eliminating trash pickup on Saturday morning and picking up trash from all resi- dences on Wednesday. l.fu. Johnson advised that Mr. Buford' Largent had been employed to assist Garbage Superintendent O. D. Gregg in super- vising truck routes and personnel and to perform minor repairs to trucks and equipment. It was his opinion that by elimination of Saturday morning tra'sh pickup, the service on Saturday morning of ap;,;- proximately 32 employees in the trash department can be eliminated and the Street and Water Departments can be operated with emergency crews for the 4 hour Saturday morning period; thereby effecting a $7,000 to $8,000 annual saving. , After discussing the details for elimination of trash pickup on Saturday morning and picking up trash from all residences on Wed- nesday, the City Commission authorized the City Manager to institute the ti!:lash removal program as outlined, beginning March 21, 1962. A proposal was svbmitted to the Commission for installation of 16 - 20,000 lumen mercury vapor street lights with underground service or). University Blvd'. from Mercer.Street to Auden Street; on Auden Street from University Blvd. no~th to Rice Blvd. and on Edloe STreet from University Blvd. north to Rice Blvd. The annual cost for these r-~".-'--~-~='=~'-~'lff,'m~tCi"""'>2I"""!I"r~-'-'-'~-'--'- '" 1 r ' 298' lights, recommended by engineers of Houston Lighting & Power, ~ Company, would be $1,248.00, or $78.00 each, per year, less a credit for lights to be removed amounting to $168.00 annually, leaving an additional net annual cost of $1,080:00. o Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that installation of 16 - 20,000 lumen mercury vapor lights, with. underground service, on University Blvd., Auden and Edloe, as outlined, for an additional net annual cost of $1,080.00, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor La~~in, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of February 26, 19~2, were approved as corrected. WitF no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made~ seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~..~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas , ATTEST: o City Secretary ..0 \ ,~-,."-j,.,, ..c,' '< J.;o, f;~:l'~:;:-:r:=r==~-~;=::::'-"":O-,,!! "...._ '--'>[' ----,---,---.-----"-'"]. -F .299 , I . REGULAR lYIEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 26, 1962 ' rn u The City Commission convened in regular session at the City' Hall on Monday, March 26, 1962, 7:30 P.M~, with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin" presiding; Commissioners BOI,rman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and'City Manager Were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Bowman. A letter from the American Cancel' Society-, Texas Division, Inc., re., questing the Commission to issue a Proclamation deSignating April as Cancer Crusade Month was presented and nhe Proclamation was read in full; Lr:> o '.~ u CO ~ Motion by cpmii'lissioner Rice, seconded b;yCo!lllJlissioner Bm-rrilan, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute the Proclamation designating April as Cancer Cr'usade Month, as requested by the Amer~can Cancer Society, Texas Division, Inc. Voting Aye: MaJor Lamkin, Commissioners BOvnnan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: . None o City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that it had been determined necessary to revise the specifications for fil'e apparatLcs J a 1000 GPM triple com, bination pumper with open type cab and' chassis J on ,;rhich action had been taken March 12, 1:,;62, authorizing the publication of a Notice to Bidders on March 21, V?62, announcing that bids \,rould be received until 7:30 P.M. April 9,' 1962.. Mr. Jol'lnson asked the Commission to authorize publication of a Notice to Bidders announcing that bids wo~ld be received until 7:30 P.M. April 23, 1962, for this apparatus, in order to revise specifications to permit all compa.nies furnishing this e~L',i p'112nt to comply. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authox'ized to re --advertise for bids tc be recei ved~D:t::Lone piece of new fire apparatus, 1000 GPM triple combination pumper with. open type cab and chassis, eztending the time from April 9J 196~, to permit additional time for revising'the specifications as requested by the Fire Chief and City Manager. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bovnnan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting Wo: None . A report was made to the Commission that investigations had been made on alleged garage apartment violations at the following addresses: ,6504 Be Imont Mrs. E. N. Howze, O,mer Occupied by Tenant 3/22/62 3901 Coleridge Mr. M. R. Lee, Ovme1' II II 3031 Robinhood Me. E. M.Faubion, Owner II II 3910 South\iie stern :Mr. Frank Schembera, Otmer II II 3131 Tangley Mr. W. F. Ca,;rlfield, Owner II II 3009 Universit.y Mrs. Blanche r. Watson, Owner " II 6331 Vanderbilt 1>'11' . L. E. Wells, Ow'ner ' " " ill 2a~'-' Sunset. Id:r. M.Aust.in Hart, O,.,ne1' Vacant ,/jc: 3)+23 Sunset Dr. M. L. Elliott, Owner " " , 3006 Tangley John R. Cardone, Owner Occupied by son \ It.l:"'~-M~""~' ...j- ~ t- 1"T:1 . ..- '" ':1.. '.'f Q:.~~r~(~,i,'?~;~~tt~{;" " ,~">. , , , ~ . .. - , It ioTas determined that the 'CitYAi;t6~'!i~Y' should notify all of theab9Y~.) named ,property owners that they wereV:Lolating the single family dwel+i:tig': " provision of the Zoning Ordinance, giving until May 1, 1962, for the vio- lation to be abated, with exception of the owners of 2932 Sunset and 3423 Sunset; where the accessorybuilding'isvacant, and 3006 Tangley, where the son is occupying the accessory building. It was reported that violations of the Zoning Ordinance at 3l~05 Amherst and 3001 Albans had been abated. Due to a delay in delivery of,eertified mail notifying lVIr. Richard N. Duffy of a violation at 2604 University, 'thEiCOrr'l.'1lission agreed to give a,20 day extension, or until April 11, 1962', fc5r"'aoatement of the violation ':rhereby he is permitting unauthorized living quarters on the rear of the ,property to be occupied by tenants. ' ' ~. .~ '~ , A letter from I'1r. J. C. Hernd6n;3201Amherst,,-rl1o had received notice i'rom the City Atto;t'riey thatl1e' ~Tould De-- given until March 21, 1962, to abate violation of the s:Lngle'-=r'a.m:lly dlielling provision of OrdiDance No. 111, was presented to the coiriuii'i:ls:Lon for consideration. ',Mr~ Herndon re- quested that he be granted' ,anexte11sion of 90 days beyond the deadline date of March 21, 1962, for the'j;iurpose'of'disposing of his property. After discussion of this J.:'equest, it -ijas the deciSion of the Commission to grant an additional 90 days to'a'ba,tethEi violation and the City Manager was in- structed to so notify ]fIr. Herndon. Procedure for' condemning ana: removing--theremains of a house owned by Mrs.. Jane Handrick, 3830 Tennyson,''whicli'was almost totally destroyed by fire, Ivas discussed.iJ:1heCity Mariager"was 'lristructedto contact- the insurance ' company to determine if any arrangements'nad'been made for r~moving,the re- mains of the house which is causing a nuisance' to the neighborbood aswe.11 as creating a hazard. With reference to the request-made by' :vli. R. H'. Swann, 3512 lUce Blv<:l., that he be permitted to install a pipe in the gutter at his d:dveway in order to get his automobile in and out of the"'steepincline vrlthout damage, it was the opinion of the COIDTllission' thatrirr. 'Svrariii' sreciuest should be g'1'anted in- asmuch as there area nLl!liber"of'othei' 'drfve-ifayS irithe 'same block 'i'There' this same type of installation was per~itteaseveral years ago. The City Manager' "'ias instructed to adviselvir'. Swarin thatpermissiori would be grante'd for in- stallation of the pipe and' asphalt'''iil the gutter at his drive,vay, on the basis of $3.00 per foot, for pipe asphalt and labor costs, as established by the CitY-Commission in JUly, of 1957. . The Mayor presented the ~uesti6n of desirability to add to, remodel or modernize the present Community Building for use as a cownunity center and ~, library and suggested that it Viould bE! advisable taU employ a recognized structural engineering firillt6"maKe' a professional study to determine if the present building Vias structurally souridand suitable for this p~r- pose. The Ma.yor advised'that he and the City Manager had interviewed three. firms; Ellisor and Gaddy, Walter P. Moore, Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, and he fe 1 t that the firm Walter P. Moore" Inc., would be the logical firm to employ, inasmuch as they had worked with Pierce & Pierc~ during preparation ""-'-V. , ~, ,I ;.~ , it ,,-, ' , " r ,," ,:~ ", '~J 0- \~- ..~~ :.. ":. ~ . . of' the preliminary design- o:ftile proposed cOID:l1unit;y- :facilities and had some knowledge of the construction of the present COi]j:~nuntt:y BUilding. I ,Motion by Commissioner Rice,secorided by Commissioner BO\~I~an, that the firm of Walter P. Moore, Consulting Engineer, 0e engaged to prepare a study of the structural condJ.tion - of" the present Community Building and that a rr.aximum of _ $l~OO. 00 VToulct be appropriated for this service . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor La~in, COlmnissioners Bm~~n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None , ..- Minutes of the meeting of March 12, 1902, were approveo. as presented and correcteo.. With no further business to come before the COllil1ission at this time, upon motion duly u~de, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~-~~ - - , ~-:- i ':-: . .f ".-:' ..-' .. ".', . . .".,",' tfAYOR City of West University Place, Te};:as ATTEST: '".- City Secretary ....'i. -- \, ;.. . 0- - .: ... , -." ._~ 1-- ~1 ~r '--, 1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY OOMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1962 . [ The City Commission convened in regular session at the qity Hall on Monday, April 9, 1962, 7:30 P.M. , with the following members PI1esent: Mayor Pro-tem Lutz, presiding; Commissioners Rice and Wall. The City ~ttorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Lamkin was absent as he; was out of the city on company business and Comm:i.ssioner Bowman was absent ~ue to illness. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rice. M ~ (X) c.,:, CQ CO In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly p~blished in the of- ficial newspaper of the city, bids received for one whe~l type tractor shovel , I and one Qackhoe attachment to be mounted on the city's Qase tractor, were opened and results announced. I Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner W~ll, that bids received for a wheel type tractor shovel and one backhoe attachme~t to be mounted on the city's Case tractor, be referred to the City Manager! and street Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. .. Voting Aye: All No: None o Bids received'for street material requirements opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ri~e, that bids received for 800 tons limestone asphalt, Grade 3, 500 tons lime stene asphalt, ,Grade 10, 6,000 tons limestone base material, Designation 215, 80,poo gals. 'Colas', 300 ft. 12" reinforced concrete pipe; 200 ft. 15" reinforced concrete pipe,be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintende~t fpr tabulation and recommendation. i . I i I Final estimate in the amount of $643.31; due H. A. Klerk~ Construction Company, as final payment for alterations and additions to the Wa~erPumping and Office building, was submitted for consideration. A certifieatipn stating that all bills, labor and materials for sub-contractors had been tully paid was also submitted from H. A. Klerks. Arch;iteets for'the project, I Smart & Whitehead, had attached a certificatio~ ta the final estimate reco~ending payment. i , for the erSUing ye~r were also Voting Ayet All No: None Motion by Commissioner Wall, 'seconded by Commissioner Ri~e, that the final payment in the amount of $643.31, due H. A. Klerks Construction Company, be paid as recommended by Smart & Whitehea.d, Architects. i Voting Aye: All No: None i 1 '-..- Authority was requested by the City Manager to advertise'for purchase of 500 water meters. The Commission was advised that the city h~s in service 5,250 water meters of whicih 1607, are Watch Dog meters, some being 30 years old and that 448 of these have been changed out three or more ti~es since 1947. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ri~e, that the City T ~~~ -"~ f' ~ -,- "1 .-J :2 Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., Monday, May 14, 1962, 1'or the purchase 01' 500 water meters, 1'unds for 'Which have been appropriated in the 1962 budget. Voting Aye: All No: None o Authority was also requested by the City Manager to advertise for' chlorine requirements for the ensuing year, which 'Would amount to approximately 40,000 Ibs. in 1 ton containers and approximately 13,500 Ibs. in 150 Ib~. cylinders, funds for this purchase having been appropriated in the current budget. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Oommissioner Wal~, that bids for chlorine requirements for the ensuing year amounting to approximately 40,000 1bs. in 1 ton containers and 13,500 Ibs. in 150 lb. cylinders, be received until 7:30 P.M., May 14, 1962, as requested by the City Manager. Voting Aye: All No: None Resolution No. 62-5, as 1'ollove, was presented to the Commission for con- sideration and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund and Sanitary Sewer capital Improvement Fund which will not be. required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is t~e objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. ../ NOW, 'l.'~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE, 'fEXAS, thai; the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invesi; funds in the amount of $115.00 from the Street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund (to be added to Account No. 574, American Savings & Loans Assn) and $65.00 from Sanitary Sewer capital Improvement Fund (to be added to Account No. 427, American Savings & Loans Assn), to be invested with Savings and Loan Associations at the prevailing rate of dividend 01' 4~J iJ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-5, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $115.00 from the street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund, and $65.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Oapital Improvement Fund, with Savings & Loan Associations at the prevailing rate of dividend of 4~, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: All No: None The paving of Edloe Street adjacent to city owned property on the Southwest Freeway was further considered in compliance to an additional letter from ,Mr. Fernando Williams, representing Smith-lIofheinz, who own the property on the opposite side of Edloe Street in this area. A copy of a letter from Turner & COllie, Consulting Engineers, Inc., for the project, advised that the City of Houston iad insisted that a 4j grade for the railroad crossing not be exceeded' and that concrete pavement be used throughout. These re- quirements would appreciably increase the total cost of the paving project which would amount to an estimate of $12,280. The City Attorney,after '--I LJ f"i~ ,-, -r- F~ _____ ~{. J I ,'~ ' r-1 LJ ~ 00 00 C-" CQ CO il I 1_, [I L --' ~ ;) being questioned by the City Commission, stated in his opinion the city did not have a right to proceed with such project inasmuch as the location was outside the city's corporate limits. He stated, ,however, that the city could co-operate with the City of Houston if it was their desire to carry out assessment proceedings. The City Manager was instructed to notify Mr. Fernando Williams of the city's willingness to ce-operate with the City of Houston if the property is assessed through proper legal procedure. A report of various alleged zoning violations was made by the City Ma.~ger. Mr. Henry Pilsner, 4009 Tennyson, had been contacted with reference to his operating an appliance repair shop at his home, and he agreed to comply with the zoning ordinance. . A letter from Mrs. Bland1e I. Watson, 3009 University Blvd., asking that the Commission reconsider their request for her to ask the tenants in the un _ authorized garage apartment on the premises to move. A letter from Attorney Leonard Z. Finger, a neighbor of Mrs. Watson, was also received, which ex _ plained the facts in Mrs. Watson's circumstances. It was explained that Mrs. Watson is 75 years old a~d is not in goOd health and if she is forced to move, it may have a very detrimental effect upon her health. After hearIng the facts, it was the opinion of the' Commission that the case of Mrs. Blanche I. Watson needed further investigation and the matter would be considered at a later date. It was reported that Mr. George M. Brown, owner of the property at 0544 Sewanee, is living in the unauthorized dwelling unit on the premises and that another family is living in the main house. The City Attorney was instructed to advise Mr. Brown that the unauthorized dwelling improvements are to be vacated permanently by May 16, 1962. It has been determined after investigation by the Building Inspector and Police Department that the premises at 3001 Amherst contains three living units; two " of which were constructed prior to the passage of the zoning ordinance and one allegedly in 1943, which would be in violation.The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to the owner and invite him to come to the office to discuss and review the records on the property in order to determine whether or not one of the living units is being used in violation of the city's zoning ordinance. Ordinance No. 800, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for con- sideration and read in full: AW ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH MID ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TEl> TEE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC ,HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCEN0.111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS" SO AS 'TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF rm 4, BLOCK 72 ,WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE' SECOm> AD:DITION INTO TWO LOTS; FI:NDING THAT A. PUBLIC HEARING FOR TBE PllJRPOSE OF CeNSIDERING AN AMENDMEET TO GRDINANCE NO.lll HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF Tm: ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF Tm: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOm:..D BE AMEDED SO AS TO PERMIT sueH SUB- DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 :PERMI'fTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. T' "'I 'I' ,,~ 1 , I ,~ " ,',', "1 --r i'" 4 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance No. 800, amending Ordinance No. 111, and permitting subdivision of, Lot 4, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into two. lots, be passed aTJ,d approved as read. ' i~ Voting Aye: All No: None A letter from'Mrs. Aline Cover, 4028 Coleridge, protesting handbilts being left at houses in West Wniversity Place and aSking that the matter be looked into, was presented to the Commission for consideration. After dis- cuslIli.ng the matter, the Oity Manager was instructed to write a letter to Mrs. Cover and advise her of the considerati0n and study previously made 01' the problem. Minutes of the'meeting of March 26, 1962, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come'before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly tnade, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ~~~ MAYOR ATTEST : 1 I I ;~ L~ ASS IT . CITY SEORET.AR ~. 1--_) .~.- -. I - .......",. 5 REGULAR ~rNG OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1962 (~- ! I :! The City Commission convened in regular' session at the City Hall on Monday, LJ April 23, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Lutz, Rice, :Bowman and Wall. The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was absent due to illness. M 00 00 c...':'J CO CO r-i ! i I~i I I I I LJ . I i ftr-"^!/''''- ~ The Invooation was given by Commissioner Wall. In compliance with previous action taken by the Commission and legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for de- livery of a new 1000 GPM fire !ruck were opened with results announced as follows: American LaFrance; Elmira, New York Mack !rucks, Inc., Allentown, Fa. Seagraves Corporation, Columbus 7, Ohio "'" $24,975.00 25,782.25 25,650.00 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ceived for delivery of one new 1000 GPM fire truck be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for study and recommendation, with the City Commis- sion to meet at 8:00 A.M. Friday, April 27, 1962, to consider acceptance of the bid deemed most advantageous to the city. Voting Aye: All None No: Mr. W. C. Morris, 3728 Rice Blvd., appeared before the Commission in re- sponse to a letter received from B. F. Kingman, Building Inspector, advising him that he was violating Zoning Ordinance No. 111 by operating and maintaining an office at his home in connection with a sporting goodS business. Mr. Kingtna.n had been tnad.e aware of the violation after he had issued Euilcling Permit No. 11132 on March 12, 1962, for a 12 x 22 ft. ad- dition over the existing garage adjacent to a bedroom, and waacalled on April 19, 1962, for an inspection of electrical installation by the Manning Electrical Company for 3-phase service for air conditioning.Upon inspection of the work installed, he diseovered that the addition was being used 'as office space in conjunction with his business and that the adjoinimg bedroom had also been conver:ted into office space. Mr. Kingman had decline~ to authorize Houston Lighting & Power Company to connect the 3-phase air conditioning service'until the problem is resolved by the Commission. M;r. Morris told the Commission that he was not aware that he was violating the orliiiance by maintaining an office in his home; however, upon being advised of' this fact, he was now trying to locate an office building in a commercial area and requested the CommiSSion to grant him 30 dayS im which to find a. suitable building space to relocate his office. He also requested that in the meantime'theBuilding Inspector authorize the Houston Lighting & Power Oompany to make necessary arrangements for the air conditioning service to be turned on. Mayor Lamkin asked Mr. Morris to submit this re- quest in writing and that he felt that the matter would be favorably considered. r~~~'~" I~,':J. _ ~l --=r i'ii' , 'I 6 A letter from the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, re- questing the Commission to issue two proclamations; one designating May 1, 1962, as Loyalty Day in the City of West University Place, and the other to designa1;eMay 26, 1962,'as Buddy Poppy Day in the City of West University Place, was presented. The Proclamations were read in full and the following action taken: I '1 i~ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded bY Commissioner Rice, that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Proclamation designating May 1,1962, as Loyalty Day in the City of West lJniverl;lity Place, as requested by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Voting Aye: All No: None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded ':by Cemmissioner Rice, that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Proclamation designating May 26,1962, as BUddy Poppy Day in the City of West Uriiversity Place, as requested by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United states. Voting Aye: All No: NODe In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on April 9, 1962, a tabulation and recommendation on bids received for delivery of certain street materials was presented for consideration. It was recommended by St~eet Superintendent A. L. :Bearden and City Manager Whitt Johnson that the low bids from Houston Concrete Pipe Company for 12" concrete pipe at $.95 per ft. and 15" concrete pipe at $1.10 per ft; Wright Asphalt Products Company for 'Colasl at $0.1116 per gal., Duncan Materials for base material designation 215 at $2.54 per ton; and Texas Construction' . . Materials Company for limestene asphalt, Grade 10; however, it was re- commended that bids on limestone asppalt, Grade 3, be rejected for reason that the price was out of.line with previous quotations and that . the material could be bought on purchase ord~r as required at a' lower per ton rate than the bids quoted. -, I I ;~J It was the opinion of the CommiSSion that only the biis received ,for' concre~epipe and Colas should be accepted and all others rejected with another Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of the city and bids again be received for 800 Tons limestone asphalt, Grade 3, 500 Tons limestone asphalt, Grade 10, and 6,000 Tons limestone base' material, Designation 215, until 7:30 P.M.,May 28, 1962, as the ones received on the date of April 9, 1962, seemed to be out of line with previous quotations. ~ Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner :Bowman, that the low bids received on April 9, 1962, from Houston Concrete Pipe Company for 12" concrete pipe at$.95; per ft. and 15" concrete pipe at $1.10 per ft., and from Wright Asphalt Products Company for Colas at $0.1116 per gallon, be accepted, and other bids for limestone asphalt, Grade 3 & 10 and limestone base material, Designation 215, be rejected, with another Notice to Bidders to be published in the official newspaper of the city and bids again be received on these items until 7:30 P.M., May 28, 1962. 1-: Voting Aye: All No: None I~,' A recommendation from street Superintendent A. L. Bearden and City Manager Whitt Johnson for acceptance of the bid submitted by Mustang 11 r .,-~~- ==-1" Jl _. ------.-L[ -1 ~ r u ~ 00 00 c...':'J ~ CO r-I LI 7 Tractor Company for a back hoe attaohment to be mounted on the city's Case tractor, Model No. 425, for the sum of $3,864.50, less 2% cash, was presented for cons~deration. No recommendation was made for purchase of a front end loader (tractor shovel) at this time as all bidders had not had an opportunity to demonstrate, the equipment on which bids were sub- mitted. It was decided that Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Wall and Rice would meet at 8:00 A.M. Wednesday mo;rning, April 25, 1962, to accompany the Oity Manager and street Superintendent to a demonstration of three pieces of equipment on which bids were submitted. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid of Mustang Tractor Oompany for a back hoe attachment to be mounted on the city's Case tractor, Model No. 425, for the sum of $3,864.50, less 2!f, cash, be accepted, as recommended by the Street Superintendent and City Manager, and that action on accepting a bid for a tractor-shovel , be deferred until the low bidders have had an opportunity to demonstrate, the equipment on which bids were submitted. Voting Aye:' All No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on April 12, 1962, were presented to the Commission and read in full. The minutes indicated that fr. B. C. Wynn, Chief Engineer f'or Triangle Refineries, Inc., appeared before the Board in response to a letter by the City Manager re- garding use of the property located at 2616 Nottingham for the purpose of storing records. After an explanation to Mr. Wynn that the property is zoned for single family residential use, he indicated that the firm o~ 'friangle Refineries, Inc. would co-operate and cease USing the residence for com- mercmal purposes. A recommendation was submitted by Ohief of Police H. E. Shipp that STOP signs be placed on Quenby Street, Robinhood street and Tangley street, at the inters~ction of wakeforest, due to the number of collisions at these intersections. Motion by CommiSSioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the re- commendation of Chief H. E. Shipp be approved and S'rEf>P signs ins~alled on Quenby, Robinhood and Tangley Streets at the intersection of Wakeforest street, to control both east and west bound traffic. Voting Aye: All No: None It was brought to the Commission's attention that additional signs were needed at the curved intersection on Edloe at Georgetown as there have been several accidents in this area. The'C;ity Manager was instructed to have additional reflectorized signs installed at ,this location. It was also brought to the attention of the Commission that something needed to be done about the radius on the southwest corner of the inter- section of Richmond Road and Auden street, due to the fact that busses going east on Richmond Road and turning south on Auden street cause a hazardous condition when cars are waiting on Auden for, a change in the I traffic signal light. The City Manager was instructed to investigate i i ~J I 'Pi' r =~~o,'<o~ -1-' -, "" r . . .- .. ~-, i nr ~ the situation and contact the proper $ffteials with the City of Houston as the street right-of-way on Richmond Road is within the corporate limits of the City of Houston. 1 I :-.J The Chief of Police was instructed to investigate the parking situa- tion on Euffalo Speedway near the intersection of Bissonnet and if necessary, submit a recommendation for NO PARKING signs to elimiD&~e any hazardous condition. Commissioner Lutz also brought up the matter of automobiles traveling at a dangerous rate of speed on University Blvd. between Kirby Drive and Buffalo Speedway. The Chief of Police was instructed to make an investi- gation of this matter. Mrs. R. C. J'arb0e, 3027 Rice Blvd., appeared before the Oommission, protesting action being taken by the Oity Commission in asking property owners to have unauthorized garage apartments vacated. The ordinance was explained to Mrs. Jarboe and she was assured that the Commission was try- ing to uphold the zoning in West University Place and that everything was being done for the best interest of the city as a whole. Minutes of the meeting of April 9, 1962, were approved as submitted. Wihh no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded a.nd carried, the meeting was recessed at 10:45 P.M. until 8:00 A.M. Friday, April 27, 1962. RECESSED MEETING, OF CITY COMMISSION FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1962 I '-3 The City CommiSSion convened in recessed session on Friday, April 27, 1962, at 8:00 A.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presidlfmg; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wall. The Commission convened in recessed session for the purpose of considering bids received April 23, 1962, for delivery of 1000 GPM fire truck, and to consider bids received and recommendation for the purchase of a new front end loader (tractor shove 1) . Bids received on April 23, 1962, for 1000 GEM fire truck were tabulated as follows: American LaFrance Mack S~~6l'avQliI Lump Sum Bid 24,975.00 25,782.25 25,650.00 F.O.B. delivery charges + 500.00 "'500.00 None $25,475.00 $26,282.25 $25,650.00 ,L-' I' T 0''',_' "~" -I' ~"1 , r'~ '~.-- -, I CT r- , I i l_! M 00 00 ~ CO CO I) i : L__,; ~ The City Manager stated that he, Fire Ohief C. E. Duffin and Volunteer Fire Chief o. V. Reynolds had met on three'different occasions with re- presentatives of the respective bidders and had a thorough understanding of the bids submitted. . . The City Manager advised that he, Chief Duffin And Chief Reynolds desired to inspect two new fire trucks which were to be shipped into the area in the immediate future. One is a Seagraves truck, which is to be delivered to'the SpriDg Branch Fire Department and th~ other is an American LaFrance truck to be delivered to Jasper, Texas. The City Manager asked the Commis- sion to withhold their decision to award the contract for construction and delivery of a new fire truck until the two fire trucks of similar specifi- cations could be inspected. ,It was the decision of the Commission that ample time should be given for inspection of two fire trucks of similar make and design as are being con- sidered for purchase and should be inspected by the City Manager, Chief Duffin and Chief Reynolds a.nd also that members of the City Commission should make a personal inspection of the fire trucks if at all possib1e. A tabulation of the bids received for delivery of a front end loader (tractor shovel) was submitted to the Commission with a recommenda~ion from the City Manager that the low bid of Pearce Equipment Company, for delivery of 1 - Michigan Model 55A Loader, be accepted on their low bid of $9,93.0.:00. ... ."; " ... ~ ~ .--- There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion by Commissioner Rice, and second by Commissioner Wall, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 A.M. ,~~~~ MAYOR A'l'TEST: ~4/~ ASS IT.cITY SEC ,Y * Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the recommendation of the City Manager for the purchase of a Michigan 55A Loader from Pearce Equipment Company, be accepted, on their low bid of $9,930.00. (-, ; , Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. '- '=~11 I'IT ' , '.._-'-~'~" '1 .LV REGtJLAR MEETING OF. CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 14, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 14, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney 'Were also present. Oommissione:6 Bowman was absent. 1-', , ' '_--1 Mayor Lamkin pronounced the Invocation. In compliance wit~ previous ~ction ~aken by the Commission and legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for chlorine requirements for the ensuing year and for 500 water meters were opened and read aloud. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bids received from Diamond Alkalm Company and Dixie Ohemical Company, ~or delivery o~ liquid chlorine in one ton containers, approximately 40,000 lbs. and in 150 lb. cylinders, approximately 13,500 lbs., be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All No: None Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bids received from Neptune Meter Company and Rockwell Manufacturing Company, for delivery of 500 -5/8" x 3/4" water meters, be referred to the City :Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All No: None r-' I ; I -..! Mr. Jim Baumgartner, representing Neptune Meter Company, and Mr. Harold Strickland, representing Rockwell'Manufacturing Company, demonstrated the type of water meter on which they had submitted bids. Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board meeting of May 10, 1962, were 'presented for the Commission's consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Co_issioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M., Monday, June 11, 1962, for the purpose of considering amending the cityls zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition into two lots, 50 x 150 ft. each, as requested by Mr. J.B. Baird, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: All No: None Inasmuch as a vacancy, exists on the Personnel Board due to the recent resignation of ,Mr. 'E. E. 'Schulze, Jr., the following, action was taken appointing Mrs. Jackie Greer as a member of the Board. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mrs. Jackie Greer be appointed as a member of the Personnel Board to fill the vacancy recently created by the resignation of Mr. E. E. Schulze. Voting Aye: All No: None r -'T~==:n r ~--;~--- - r -:-'1' ' 11 Mayor Lamkin administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Greer as a member of the Personnel Eoard. (--, I . ,i : L._i Plans and specifications for paving approximately 9 blocks, where petitions have been signed by a majority of the property owners and for paving the 22 skip areas which yere left unpaved during the course of various street paving projects over the past 14 years, were pre - sented to ~he Commission. Ordinanee No. 801, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: (-' I ! ! I ' L..I AN ORDINANCE DE'l'ERMINING TE;E :NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING .THAT CERTAIN NRTIONS OF: ISWAR'l'lIMOBE STREE'f IN THE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; AMHERST S'fREE'l' IN THE 4100 BLOCK 'fHIl:REOF; BYRON STBEET IN THE 4000 AJID 41~0 BLOCKS TREREOF; . RILEY BT1l1!lJ!.4f IN TIlE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; BRGWNING STREET IN '!'BE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; MARQ'tlETTE STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 3800 AWl':) 4200 BLOOD TBEREOF; CASE S'l'REE'1' IN 'fHE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS -THEREOF; CASON STREET IN THE 4100 BLaCK THEREOF; SOl1fll.WEST.E:RN S'1'REE'f IN THE' 4200 :BLOCK THEREOF; :DARTMOU'!'l:I STREET IN 'fIE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; LEHIGH STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; AIm WEST POnT AVElIlUE IN THE 6400 BLOCK BETWEEN CASE Am) BYRON STRUfS, IN THE eITY OF WEST lJ.NIVElRSrrY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPltOVED; AP- PROVING AND ADOPfING PLANS AND 'SPEeIFICATIONB FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; mOVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF PORTIONS OF, SAID $'l'l'U!.iJ!,'TS, mro SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTION SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE ,AND cmtPLE!lE UNIT; .DIREC'fING AIm REQtJIRING THE ENGnEER FOR THE CITY 'f0 'PREpAU AN ESTIMATE FOR 'fiE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMlmTS AND AWRI.TTEN STATEMEN'f OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON :EAClI PORTION OF EACH STREET TO BE IMmOVED, TOGETHER WITlt A DE - , ScmIPrION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES; PRovmI:N€I THAT A PART OF THE CaST OF SAID IMPROVl!lMmNT SHALL BE PAID :BY THE CITY Al'lD A PART OF THE eOST OF TEE SAm IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABU'l'rING PROPERTY AND THE 0WltERS THEREOF, Alm FOR INOIDENTALMATTERS; DECLARING THAT 'l'lIIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FUR'l'HER PROOEEDINGSRELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL :BE TmDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105 (b) OF THE REVISED STAwrES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE OITY SECRETARY TOFII.Ji: A NOTICE OF THI;S ORDINANCE Wl'fH TEE COtmTY CLERK OF HARRIS COtmTY, TEXAS, .AS FRovtDED, BY JAW AND TO ADVERT~ . FOR ~IDS '1'0 :BE RECEIVED AND FILTID WITHn THE TIME PROVIDED; MID DECLARING AN EM:F;RGENCY. ~ 00 Cf) '-'=' 'CQ CO r I , Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance 801, determining the necessity for and ordering that certain portions of various streets in West U'niversity Place be improved, approving and adopt- ing p~ans and specifications for suc~ improvements, directing a notice to be filed with the County Clerk, and to advertise for bids to be received and filed until 7:30 P.M. June 11, 1962, be passed and approved as read. "'-n Voting Aye: All No: None T~~-~~~ ", -,il r-~ . - 1 .1 'n . l~ Resolution 62-6, as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: WBEREAS, the present system of issuing water meter deposit refunds to close out a customer's account, is antiquated, time-consuming and in need of revision; and ___J WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Oity Treasurer that the present system be revised to encompass the following: (1) That a revolving fund in the amount of $500.00, to be known as CITY OF WEST l).N~ VERSI'fY PLACE, TEXAS - WATER :METER DEPOSrr FUND, shall be created with limited use as an expedient,means to refund customersl water meter deposits, funds for said account to be derived by transferring $500.00 from the present TRUST AGENtrr FUl'ID. (2) Ohecks to be signed by two of three authorized signatures of either the City Treasurer, City Controller or City Manager. (3) All water meter deposits be refunded by a hand-written or typed check drawn upon the revolving fund as CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS _ WATER METER DEPOSIT FUND. (4) In event a customerls service is discontinued voluntarily or otherwise, and the final aCcount remains unpaid, a check in the amount of the unpaid amount is to be prepared payable to the Water-Sewer Fund and applied against the ameunt due. If the'account is less than the WElter meter deposit, the balance of the deposit is to be transferred to UNOLAIMED DEPOSrrS ACCOtmT. f -, NOW, THEREF6Rl!l, BE, IT :RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST OlU. VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: is;' Section 1. The present system of iSSUing water meter deposit refunds be changed in accordance with the recommendation of the City Treasurer and that a new bank account ,in lilie maximum amount of $500.00, titled CITY OF WEST tm~SITY PLACE, TEXAs - WATER METER DEPOSIT FU:NJ), be created and that two of three appointed city officials' signatures be authorized for withdrawal of funds on the said account and that refund checks be hand- written or typed as may be deemed advisable. Section 2. If customer's serv~ce is discontin~ed voluntarily or otherwise, a check be9preparedpayable to the Water-Sewer Fund and applied against the amount due and in the event the account is less than the deposit, the balance be transferred to UNCLAIMI!lD DEPOSrrS ACCOBNT. Section 3. That the system for refunding water meter deposits shall be- come effective June 1, 1962. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-6, changing the procedure of issuing water meter deposit refunds, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: All No: None ' rM~~~i1 i '~~,.-- ,Ir ~ TO' 16 (-. , { I A re,ort from the Tax Assessor-Collector, William Dittert, Jr., was ,resented which listed the following property owners who owedelinq~ent taxes and did not respond to a certified letter mailed in February, 1962, to all owners of property who owed 4 or more years of back taxes. \_____i A. W. ROyder Lot 2, Blk.30, eel. Terr.' '$190.96 Francis W. Jones Lot 44 - Fairhaven 94.94 Kirksey Young Lot 5; Blk.6, Preston Pl. 308.48 Sarah Walker Gresham N60lLot 12, Blk.15, WUP 1st 363.42 H. :B. Richards E i Lot 6, Blk. 46, WUP 2nd 1227.11 :R. D. Moncrief Lot 4, Blk. 58, WUP 2nd 839.45 Julian A. Weslow );at 4A, :Blk. 73, WUP 2nd 16.00 1958 thru 1961 1955 tr 1961 1954,'58 thru i961 1956 thru 1961 1951 " 1961, 1957 II 1961 1957 "1961 M '00 00 c.!:s CO CO Motion by Oommissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Eice, that the City Attorney be instructed to write a letter to the 7 property owners listed, advising them that the taxes must be paid within 30 days from date of the letter or legal colleetionproceedings will be instituted. Voting Aye: All No: None The Tax Assessor-Oollector was instructed to prepare a list of uncollectable delinquent taxes, both personal and real, and a detailed statement as to the reason they are uncolleetable in order that consideration m~ght be given by the'Commission to :authorize the list of delinquent taxes charged off' if' deemed advisable. A copy of a lease agreement for the swimming pool concession was reviewed by the Commission and the following action taken: r-- i I I l_' Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute the agreement leasing the swimming pool concession for the 1962 season to Mr. J. R. Howard. Voting Aye: All No: None The Commission was advised that the Committee to make a recommendation on purchase of a new fire truck has asked that they be given additional time for making their recommendation as they had not had an opportunity'to. see demonstrations of all three trucks on which bids were received. The City Commission granted a 30 day extension to the Committee to make a recom- mendation on purchase of anew fire truck. The Commission was asked to consider a Release of a note on 12.1047 and 7.1043 acres, totalling 19.119 acres of land, on which the note is being paid in full. Final payment in the amount of $19,833.16, including ac- crued interest, is to be lII.ade TueSday, May 15, 1962. The deed, dated , March 13, 1956, was property conveyed to Robert Vernon King and later deeded to Messrs. Earl W. Gammage and John G. Holland. r- I I Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute the release of a deed of trust for re- lease of the note on the 19.119 acres of land which is being paid in full in the amount of $19,833.16, including accrued interest; the original deed being dated Mar.ch 13, 1956, on property conveyed to Mr. Robert Vernon King and later deeded to Messrs. Earl W. Gammage and John G. Holland. '--- ' Voting Aye: All No: None -T"'" ~'-~- , nf""l~--'''' 'I' '-"\-- ----or , "I ill Chief H. E. Shipp recommended that part of' Buffalo Speedway from Albans Road to Bissonnet on the west side and from Wroxton Road to Bissonnet on the east side be made a "NO P.ARKJJI1G7 A.M. to 9 A.M. & 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. - TOW AWAY ZONE". . '\ , , .- Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the recommendation of &he Chief of Police be approved and signs be in- stalled on the east side of Buffalo Speedway from Wroxton to Bissonnet and on the west side of Buffalo Speedway from Albans to Bissonnet, and signs installed with the wording "NO PARKI:NG 7AM to 9AM & 4PM to 6PM - TOW AWAY ZO:NE If . Voting Aye: filL No: None Minutes of the meeting of April 23rd and recessed meeting of April 27th were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad- journed at 11:30 P.M. ,~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~.97~ ASS'TCITY SECRETAt'lY I ", lIil ,.. - '--1-. ,Ir -, ~HT 1 5 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 28, 1962 L The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 28, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Lutz pronounced the Invocation. Duncan Materials Co. Texas Const. Mtls. Co. Uvalde Rock Asph. Co. Whi te 's Mines Zapp Company In compliance with previous action taken by the Commission, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news~aper of the city, bids received for delivery of 800 Tons of Grade 3 Limestone Rock; 500 Tons of Grade 10 Limestone Rock and 6,000 Tons of Limestone Base Material, were opened and results announced as follows: Grade ~ l.30 Frt.2.02 1.00 2.08 2.50 2.39 1.50 2.39 l.20 1.92 Graop- 1() 'Rasp- M.cd-:~'Y'; R 1 Frt. 2.02 2.08 2.39 2.39 l.92 .70 Frt .1.84 No Bid No Bid No Bid .85 Frt.1.77 l.35 LOa 2.00 2.00 1.40 Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceived for delivery of street materials be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. 1 ! I A tabulation of bids received on Mayl14, 1962, for de11vHTy of 500 water meters r j L.-J was submitted with a recommendation from the City Manager that the low bid sub- mitted by Rockwell Manufacturing Company, for 500 -' 5/8 x 3/4" sealed register, magnetic driven type water meters, at $26.00 each,be accepted. Votine; Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the recommen- dation of the City Manager and Water Superintendent be approved, and 500 water meters be purchased from Rockwell Manuf'acturing Company, on their low bid of $26.007each for sealed register, magnetic driven type meters, in ac _ cordance with their proposal submitted May 14; '1962. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A tabulation of bids received on May 14, 1962, for delivery of liquid .chlorine in ton containers and 150 lb. cylinders,was presented by the City Manage~ with a recommendation that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company be accepted, inasmuch as it had been determined that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company amounted to $5.64 per 100# and that of Dixie Chemical Company amounted to $6.00 per 100# in one ton containers and both companies bid $llli~OO per 1001 in 150 lb. cylinders. It was also recommended that the city use its own truck and facili- ties, at a cost of approximately $17.27 per trip, to obtain chlorine in ton containers as needed rather than pay the $34.85 charge per trip for each ton container as quoted in the proposal submitted by Diamond Alkali Company. L_ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company, in the amount of $5.64 per 100# in ton containers and / rO""~".""~O'iI~-~r" "~'''r' "~l .II , T~"'" 1 6 $11.00 per 100# in 150 lb. cylinders, be accepted, as recommended by the City Manager, and the city USe its own truck and facilities to ob- tain the chlorine in ton containers as needed rather than paying the $34.85 charge per trip for each ton container,as quoted in the pro - posal of Diamond Alkali Company. Voting Aye: ' Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 1 _1 The City Manager advised that in his opinion the City had, for a number of years, heeded a mechanical street sweeper but that there had never been excess money in the General Fund to purchase a new sweeper at an estimated cost of $10,000 to $12,000. Consideration had been given to purchasing a used street sweeper and the Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. had demonstrated a used Austin-Western Model 40: motor sweeper to members of the City Commission and street Superintendent. It was reported that the sweeper was one formerly owned and OIDerated by the Humble Oil Company and was in good condition. The Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. agreed to lease the sweeper to the City from the present date until December 31, 1962, for the sum of $900 which could be paid on a monthly rental plan of $300 per month, for the months of June, July and August, 1962, 'and would enter into a supplementary agreement for an option to purchase the equipment for a total consideration of $2,850.00, with the $900 rental to be applied against the purchase price and would also grant am10ption to renew the rental at a. rate of $390 per month until the total consideration of $2,850.00 had been paid. Motion by- COpmlissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the. Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement with Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. for lease of an Austin-Western Motor Sweeper, Serial No. 8-1374, for the period beginning June. 1, and ending December 31,1962; said lease considera- tion to be paid in three monthly installments of $300 each, payable on the 22nd day of the month, 'beginning June, 1962, and to execute a supplemental agreement which provides an option topurcb.ase the street sweeper with prev- ious monthly rentals to apply against the purchase price and/or an option to rxl1~}f the rental agreement at a monthly rate of $390 until the remaining con- sideration has been paid at which time the street sweeper will become the property of the city. r i J !...-.i Vbting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin,Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Commissioner Bowman expressed commendation to all department heads and em- ployees for the excellent manner in which they have maintained the city's equipment. It was suggested that the Department Heads be advised of Com- missionert~oIman's remarks. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on March 26, i962, authorizing the. firm of Walter P. Moore, Consulting Engineer, to make an investigation of the structural condition of the present Community BUilding, a report was submitted from the firm, stating that a check had been made of the building drawings to determine the adequacy of the foundation and structural framing details, and an inspection of the building had been made, checking the wall framing, roof trusses, roof and ceiling joists,masonry,windows , doors , trim gutters and downspouts. It was reported that !fall structural elements (roof framing, wall framing _I ahd the foundation) seem to 'be in very good condition; considering the age of the building. There is some separation at joints in the wood roof trqsses. However, if the building is to be renovated, I would recommend some reinforce- (U1 ! 1_; ~ 00 00 C.!:3 CO CO r 1 L_; 17 ment of these joints. Other roof framing is in good condition, but I would recommend additional bracing. "It was also reported that there was no apparent damage done to the wood studding and sole plates because of termites and no settlement was indicated in the foundation; however, moisture has entered the structure at some points due to the finish grade being very near the floor level and having practically no drainage away from the building. It was suggested that the following items need to be done: (1) Replace gutters and downspouts; (2) Replace exterior wood trim at the roof line; (3) Caulk all windows and doors; (4) Scrape and paint all exterior wood and metal; (5) Replace all wood base in the in- terior; (6) Refinish all interior floors, walls and ceiling. It was suggested that if an addition to the present structure is contemplated that the addition be of no better construction than the existing building; however, if the building is to be replaced in the near future, the new ad- dition should be of permanent construction and that it be part of a master plan and'separated from the existing building. Mayor Lamkin asked that members of the Commission meet on Monday, June 4, 1962, 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall, to discuss various possibilities and also the matter of placing an amount in the next annual budget for improve- ments if deemed advisable. In connection with the report from Walter P. Moore, Consulting Engineer, an invoice in the amount of $95.00 was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the in- voice in the amount of $95.00,submitted by Walter P. Moore, Consulting Engineer, for making an investigation and report of the structural condition of the Community Building, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: ' Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Cdty'Manager Whitt Johnson advised that he had received an instrument from the City of Houston with a verbal request for execution by the Mayor, whereby the City of West Univer~ity Place would grant the City of Houston a right-of- way on Edloe Street,east of and adjoining the Southwest Freeway, for the purpose of extending Edloe Street. The area of land involved would be 4,074.6 sq. ft. and in lieu of City of West University Place receiving cash for the said 4,074.6 sq. ft. of land, the developer, City of Houston and Harris eounty Flood Control District, had agreed to realign the Poor' Farm Ditch which will make available to the City of West UniversityPlaca for its ex- clusive use, a tract of land approximately66,000 sq. ft. in area. In answer to questions by the Commission, the City Attorney advised that provisions of the city's charter refers only to land within the corporate limits as far as limiting the sale of city property, and as far as the legal aspects of the city granting the right~of-way on Edloe Street, no provision , of the Charter or 'law, in this respect would be violated. It was the opinion of the Co~ssion that a letter of intent and proper re- quest from the City of Houston should be obtained before the instrument is executed by the Mayor. ~i=~=;;"IT ,~, '[' r' ~ -, ~I' ~,. ~"''-' Ilf 18 The Commission discussed selection of an independent auditor for'the coming year. The City Manager advised that he had discussed the matter with the present auditor, Mr. Everett P. Green, CPA. It was the decision of the City Commission that the Mayor and City Manager sh~uld confer with Mr. Everett P. Green, CPA, concerning a proposal for auditing the cityls records for the year 1962. 1'-') I_I An invoice from Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. for a book forwarded to the City Attorney Charles F. Cockrell; Jr., entitled" Southwestern Legal Funda- tion Institute on Planning and Zoning - 1961 ",in the amount of $10.00, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the invoice in the amount of $10.00 from Matthew Bender &'Company; Inc. be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The Commission reviewed written requests from Mr. L. K. Barry, Director of the Surplus Property Agency, demanding that city officials either return, request a transfer to Civil Defense, or abrogate surplus property received through the Harris County Health Unit, amounting to $137,000.00; the demand being made by Mr. Barry inasmuch as it had been determined, retroactively, that the city and its Health Department was ineligible to receive donated surplus property. After thoroughly discussing the question of eligibility to receive surplus prop- erty and demands made by Mr. L. K.Barry, Executive Director of Texas Surplus Property Ageney, and the value of the property now in the cityls possession, it was determined that authority should be requested for most of the items to be retained by the city under Civil Defense eligibility and to return a number of unusable itelllS to the Texas Surplus Agency and to abrogate the following on a reduced value. i _I ITEM SHIPPING DATE GOVElRNMEIDlT INVOICE PROPOSED ABROGATION PRIaF. 'AY W _H 'p Crane, Truck Mounted, 10 T lift - Model TLDT-20, Sere No. 3985, mounted on pneumatic tire truck chassis 11-16-59 1684 lID $ 1,410.50 Tractor (BUlldozer) full tracked Int. Harvester TD-1S Sere No. 7407T4 11-21-58 8639 GC 1,410.50 .'~ Tractor, Crawler, (BUlldozer) D-4 Caterpillar,Ser.No. S-8197 3-7-60 2582 lID 1,209.00 TOTAL $4,030.00 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the property acquired through the Surplus Property Agency be either returned or request. made for transfer for Civil Defense use, and that the three items listed be abrogated for a total consideration of $4,030.00 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissiorlers~ Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. r- i_ L I ii:UI . r - -' L ~ 1-==-"="=1 _Ir ..-.~Tr".- l~ "''') Minutes of the meeting of May 14, 1962, were read and approved as submi tted. ' u With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion dUly?made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. ~ ~ 00 C!,j CO CO ~ ~ ATrEST: r'Tl" ! .. LL, // g(~" 95 ~ CITY SECRETARY ~SSISTANr) {' I I'" r-+i"-.~I>i'll .. r~"~~"""'~~~~~~l r"'- r"'''''.'' 20 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION J'tllm 11, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on . Monday, June 11, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Bowman was out of the city on company business and the City attorney was out of the city on vacation. { -!,__J Invocation wasCpronounced 'b~"'Commissioner Rice. Mayor Lamkin announced that a public hearing had been called for 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition into two lots 50 x 150 ft. each, as requested by Mr.J. B. Baird' and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Inasmuch as Mr. J. B. Baird had not arrived, it was deemed advisable to proceed with the next order of business and proceed with the hearing after his arrival. In compliance with previous action taken by the Commission, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids re- ceived for paving certain portions of nine streets and various skips in the' west section of the city were opened and read aloud. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceived for paving the 3800 block Swarthmore; 4100 block Amherst, 4000 Byron;' 4200 block Riley, 4000 block Case, 4200 block Marquette, 4100 bloc~ Cason, 3800 and 4200 blocks Oberlin, 3800 block Browning and various skips, be re- ferred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. _J Mr. J. B. Baird arrived at this time and Mayor Lamkin stated that the. Com - mission would proceed with the hearing as previously announced. City Manager Whitt Johnson, after being duly sworn, testified in answer to' questions by the Mayor that all requirements of the city's ordinance to call a public hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdiviSion of Lot 6.1 Block 57, West University Place Second Addition, as requested by Mr. J. B. Baird, had been complied with and it was his opinion that the hearing was in order. Mr. J. B. Baird, having been duly sworn; stated that he had deeded this lot to his three daughters and it was their desire to sell ~he E half of the lot for an additional building site. He stated that there is an existing re - sidence on theW half of the lot and a survey pl~ indicated that the existing improvements would comply with the setback requirements. lath no interested parties present desiring to be heard in connection with the subdivision of Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition; as requested by Mr. J. B. Baai~d, the following action was taken: , Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the hear- ing called for the purpose of considering an amendment to the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 6.1 Block 57, West University Place Second Addition, as requested by Mr. J.B. Baird,be closed. !____f Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and tY'all. None ~ ( 1 i I ~, M 00 00 e,:, CO CO r I L' i I L~ 21 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the cityrs zoning Ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition, into two lots 50 x 150 ft. ,to front on Rice Blvd., as requested by Mr. J. B. Baird, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting NOi Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A recommendation on bids received for delivery of a 1000 GPM fire truck was presented by the City Manager. He explained that the Committee and members of the Oity Commission had inspected new trucks from the three companies who had submitted bids on April 23, 1962; namely, a Seagraves truck which had been delivere.d to the Spring Branch Fire Department, an American LaFrance for the City of Jasper, Texas, and a Mack truck for the City of Rosenberg, Texas. After taking all factors into consideration, the Fire Truck Committee recommended the purchase of the 1000 gallon per minute apparatus as manu- factured by the Seagraves Oorporation, for the sum of$25,ib50.00. The City Manager explained in his recommendation that the bid prices submitted were approximately equal; however, in addition to facts contained in the recom- mendation of the Committee, parts for the Waukesha engine used in the Seagraves truck could be obtained locally and that the city has operated a Seagraves truck satisfactorily with a minimum amount of maintenance since 19?8. Before finally considering the recommendation of the Fire Truck Committee, and entering into a contractural proposal for manufacture and delivery of the fire truck, the Commission discussed available funds and the necessary appropriations to make available sufficient funds to purchase a fire truck. The amount available in the Reserve Fund for purchase of a new fire truck was stated to be $23,500.00 and an additional amount of $2,150.00 should be made available through additional appropriation. The question of appropriat- ing additional funds for the purchase of fire hose, mobile radio equipment and other appurtenances for the new truck was determined to be a matter of later decision when exact details of cost are known. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that additional funds in the amount of $2,150.00 be appropriated from the General Fund to supplement the available $23,500.00 for purchase of a fire 'truck. Voting Aye; Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and WalL None Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the recom- mendation from the Fire ~uck Committee and the City Manager be accepted, and the Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract with the Seagraves Corporation, ColumbUS, Ohio, for the manufacturing and delivery of a 1,000 gallon per minute fire truck with high pressure and volume pumps, in accordance with the cityrs approved specifications and their bid received on April 23, 1962, for a maximum sum of $25,~50.00. Voting Aye: Voti:ng No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None T~~ ,-_._~ ...._'==~~ F"-"-.-'~-~~F--~~--~-~~ , _ _---...i.l 22 A tabulation of bids received on May 28, 19l?>2, for delivery of asphalt rock and base material for the street Department was presented with the fol~ow~ng recommendation from the City Manager and the street Superintendent: ft That the City Commission accept the low bid submitted for street materials in accordance with the following: 1 800 Tons Grade 3 Limestone Aggregate ,eo Tons Grade 10 Limestone Aggregate 6,000 Tons Limestone Base Material - Designation 215 Zapp Company $3~4~6 per - Duncan Materials-$3.6ft;6, per Duncan Materials-$3;,;3C( per c .y. c.y. c.y. II Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager and street Superintendent's recommendation that the low bid submitted by Zapp Company for approximately 800 Tons of Grade 3, Limestone Aggregate at $3.416~ per C.Y.; and Duncan Materials for 6,000 Tons Limestone Base Material, Designation 215 at 3.30~ per C.Y. and approximately 500 Tons Grade 10 Limestone Aggregate at 3.646~ per C.Y., be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A letter was received from the Houston Lighting & Power Company advising the new rates which had been granted by the Houston City Council~ to be effective in the City of West University Place. The Company had first filed an application to increase its residential and small commercial rates on September 27, 1960, with the City of Houston, and since that time various proceedings have been held which were open to the public, and each of the various municipalities were in- vited to have representatives present. Representatives from the City of West University Place attended several of the hearings. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the rate schedule filed by the Houston Lighting & Power Company, to become effective with the JUly, 1962, meter reading date, and which is the same schedule adopted by the Houston City Council for this district, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. In compliance with action taken by the Commission on May 28, 1962, theMayorre- ported that he had consulted with the present auditor, Everett P. Greeq, OPA, regarding a proposal for:auditing the city's records for the year 1962, and that Mr,. Green was willing to again perform the audit work for a fee of $2,000.00 per year; with any special work performed to. be under authorization of the City Manager. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city con _ tinue with the services of Everett P. Green,CPA, to perform the audit work for the city for the year 1962, ~9r a fee of $2,000.00, with any special work performed to be authorized by the City Manager: - -, ,,-- Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. I r-'~ !rim . r" I "I If - - --~-----O~~IT=--- . T~:T- 23 I I i L: Minutes of the meeting of May 28, 1962, were read and approved as corpected. l-lith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. M ~ 00 ~ .:Q CO ~~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ,,/ . ~. / '~_....-J ,/J.". CITY SECRET (AS2:tSTAm') r I I i L' . __I. 1'.~'"C~:~C_::='~-:-_-=::Jm _ JJC"~-'~'-'-~-' --;'1 _ _ ._.-1' 24 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 25, 19)62' The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 25, 1962,7:30 P.M., with the ,following membersCpresent: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. The ity Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Rice was absent~attending Mayors & Councilmen's Conference in McAllen, Texas. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Bowman. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on June 14, 1962, were pres~nted to the Commission forconsiderat~on and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that a public hearing be called for 8:30 P.M. July 16, 1962, for the purpose of amending the city's zoning Ordinance to permit use of Lot 1,Block 91, West University Place Second Addition for construction of a new church sanctuary, as requested by the West University Church of Christ ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor'Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Dr. John B. Young, 2728 Pemberton Drive, pe permitted to add an ~ x 21 ft. addition to his existing garage and storage room, in order to provide a 14 x 14 ft. storage room and a 7 x 14 ft. tool room, in a.ccordance with his amended request and revised floor plan, subject to execution of an affidavit that the addition will not be used for commercial or rental purposes. Voting Aye: Voting NO: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, and Wall. None 1 I I i '______1 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the request of Mr. J. H. Barlow, 6402 Vanderbilt, to rewire the garage apartment located at 6354 Va.nderbilt with 110 wiring, be approved, inasmuch as the garage apart- ment predates the zoning ordinance and the rewiring would be construed as general maintenance and would eliminate an existing fire hazard. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Co~issioner Lutz, that the request of Mrs. A. C. Chandler,6315 Vanderbilt for permission to instaila new 110 velec- trical circuit in the existing garage room, be approved, as this structure predates the zoning ordinance, and such installation would be construed as gen- eral maintenance and elimination of afire hazard. Voting Aye: ,Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, and Wall. None Upon request of Mr. H. L. MCCormick, 6344 Sewanee, action was deferred on his application to resubdiVoide Lot 1, Block 24, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 ft. lots. V ot i ag A;;c: Voting No: ~~~~T"':::-::-;~:-: _', .:--- Mayor Lamkin, CommigsioBers Bm1iaQ.n, Lv..tz ane. Uall. None ~U:I . _~~,r'--' i ,1--; cv:J 00 00 c..:;, .::c CO 25 Mrs. Helen Painter, owner of the property located at 6512 Rutgers, ap- peared before the Commission, asking permission to rent her garage apartment located on the premises at this address, stating the structure was built prior to 1937 and had been used for rental purposes. The Commis- sion asked ~s. Painter to submit d9cumentary evidence that the property had been used for rental purposes since construction and further considera- tion would be given to her request. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that funds had been provided in the 1962 budget for purchase of new office machine equipment to handle water billing, payroll, tax billing, monthly budget reports and posting of other accounts. City Treasurer William Dittert, Jr., having spent considerable time in _ vestigating a new machine accounting program, outlined details of the new system, and introduce~jMr. John Gray of National Cash RegisterCompany,who was invited to appear before the Commission and present his company's method of machine accounting. . The Commission discussed appointment of persons to serve as members of the Tax Board of Equalization for 1962, and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Messrs. David G. Wynne, 3115 Wroxton, Richard Ayres, 2723 University Blvd. and Thomas A. Lee, 4040 Villanova, be appointed as members of the Tax Board of Equalization, for 1962, with Mr. David G. Wynne to serve as Chairman. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~ayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None In compliance with action taken on June 11, 1962, the City Engineer sub- mitted a tabulation and recommendation for awarding a contract for paving various streets and skip areas on which bids were received and opened on June 11, 1962. It was recommended by the Engineer that the low bid of Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. be accepted and that they be awarded a contract for this project and assessment proceedings be initiated. Treasurer's Certificate stating that the sUm of $31,250.00 for paymeBt of the city's part of the cost of paving and improving various streets and skips was available in the ,fund to the credit of the Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948, for appropriation for this purpose, was submitted to the Commission. Ordinance ~ro. 802, captioned as follows, vTaS' presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $31,250.00 OUT OF TEE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMElNl' BONDS, SERIES 1948 , IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY TRECITY'S ESTIMATED PART OF TEE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; AMHERST STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; MARQUETTE STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS TEEREOF; ---r='C~~"~~l1~tiI--'-r~'~~C'~'~"='1 r '~:TI ;C> -~--. - if'--- i 26 L 0BERLIN STREET:i:IN TEE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASE STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASON STREET IN TEE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; . SOUTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; DARTMOUTH STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; LEHIGH STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; AND WEST Po:rnr AVENUE IN THE 6400 BLOCK BETWEEN CASE AND BYRON STREETS: AND DECLARING AN EME:RGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordinance No. 802, appropriating the sum of $31,250.00 out of the fund to the credit of Street Improvement Bond, Series 1948, to pay the city's estimated part of the cost of paving and improving of certain portions of various streets, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Ordinance No. 803, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DO:NE PREREQUISITE TO TEE EXECUTION OF THE CON - TRACT FOR TEE PAVING AND IMPROVING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; AMHERST STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; BROWNnJG STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; MARQUETl'E STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASE STREET m THE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASON STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; SOUTHWESTERN STREET IN TEE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; DARTMOUTH STREET m THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; LEHIGH STREET IN TEE '4200 BLOCK THEREOF; AND WEST POINT AVENUE IN TEE 6400 BLOCK BE'I't-JEEN CASE AND BYRQN STREETS; APPROVmG AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF TEE ENGlliIEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR AND THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTmG THE BID OF RUSS MITCHELL CONSTRUCTORS, mc. AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF TEE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT TEE CO:NTRACT FOR TEE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID POR- TIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING TEE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF TEE PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONl\lECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEmNTS; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR TEE INIPROVEMENTS ORDERED; APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY TEE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordi- nance 803, authorizing Mayor Lamk~n to execute a contract with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., be passed and approved as read. --'--r ' ~-~'-:. '--JLJ: "':I' i _Cn_- - ''T-.~-~I ...J , i:' ! ! i i '--' cY:j 00 00 c...':'J .:Q CO f "27 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Ordinance No.804, captioned as follows, was presented and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING MID ADOPrING ESTIMATES OF TEE COSTS AND TEE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF TEE COST FOR TEE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS; AMHERST STREET IN TEE 4100 BLOCK; BYRON STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS; RILEY STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS; BROWNING STREm' IN TEE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS; MARQuETTE STREET IN TEE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS; CASE STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS; CASON STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK; SOUTHWESTERN STREET IN TEE 4200 BLOCK; DARTMOUTH STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK; LEHIGH STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK; AND wEST POINT AVENUE IN TEE 6400 BLOCK BETWEEN CASE AND BYRON STREETS, IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR TEE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE jDETERMINING TEE :NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING TEE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF TEE COST OF SUCII IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND TEE OWNERS THEREOF INTBE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PRO- VIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN ,AS TO SUCR PRO- POSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELIlTING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCR HEARING;DIRECT- ING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQ'QIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance No. 804, approving and adopting estimates of the costs and the various por- tions of the cost for paving portions of various streets,as prepared by the Engineer, determining necessity and declaring intention of assessing part of the cost of such improvements against properties abutting said portions of said streets; ordering that a hearing be held; setting and fixing the time for such hearing; directing that the City Secretary give notice as required by law, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: r1ayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bot-nnan, Lutz and Wall. None In accordance with action taken by the Commission on March 12, 1962, authoriz- ing the City Manager to institute a trash removal as outlined in the minutes of February 26, 1962, authority was requested to advertise for bids to be re- ceived for the purchase of one additional open type garbage truck and bed to replace one of the packer type units. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authorized to, advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., Monday, July 16,1962, for purchase of one 2 ton truck cab and chassis, and T~~~""~G""'''='~''~~1r:r:r~''----r~'-'''--'='-~~'1 Jr'-- __u___ 28 an open type body with hoist for use as a garbage truck, in accordance with action taken by the Commission on March 12, 1962, approving program outline for increasing efficiency in the garbage and trash department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Resolution No. 62-7, as follows, was submitted for consideration and the following action taken: WEEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Trust Agency Fund and street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948, Fund, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WEEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn ad~itional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE OITY OOMMISSION OF THE, OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS THAT the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $600.00 from the Trust Agency Fun9. and $385.00 from the street ImprOvement Bonds, Series 1948 Fund, to be invested with University Savings and Loan Association at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4ii. Motion by Oommissioner Lutz, seconded by CommiSsioner Wall, that Resolution No. 62-7, directing the Oity Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $385.00 from the Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948, Fund and $600.00 from the Trust Agency Fund, with University Savings & Loan Association at their pre- vailing rate of dividend of 4~, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Oommissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None In accordance with action taken by the Commission on May 28, 1962, request- ing that a letter becobtained from the City of Houston before authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement granting right-of-way on Edloe Street near Alief Road adjacent to the Southwest Freeway for the purpose of extending Edloe Street, a letter was received from the Department of Public Works and signed by Eugene Maier, Director. . Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the Mayor be authorized to execute a right-of-way agreement with the City of Houston, granting them a right-of-way on Edloe Street east of and adjoining the South- west Freeway, for the purpose of extending Edloe Street, with the City of West University Place to pay their assessed portion for the cost of the permanent paving of this section of EdlQe street in the amount of $3,200.00. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Ordinance No. 805, captioned as follows, was presented and read in full: L. M 00 00 c.,:, CC CO I L 29 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AI\1D DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF Lar 6, ,BLOCK 57, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PtJBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIpERING AN AMENDMENr TO ORDINANCE NO.l11 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND, PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID StJBDIVmSION; FINDING THAT ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SIIOUIJ) BE SO AMENDED; AMEl'IDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUB- DIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance No. 805, amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition, into two lots 50 x 150 ft., to front on Rice Blvd., as requested by Mr. J. B. Baird, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None The question of efforts made to obtain removal of a house at 3830 Tennyson, partially destroyed by fire and owned by Mrs. Jane T. Handrick, was dis _ cussed by the Commission. It was determined that the most feasible way to eliminate the hazard was through condemnation. Motion by e~mmissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that City AttorneyCbarles Cockrell be instructed to enter into condemnation pro _ ceedings for the removal of the house at 3830 Tennyson, owned by Mrs. Jane T. Handrick, on the basis of its condition constituting a hazard and being a menace to public health. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Oommissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None Minutes of the meeting of June 11, 1962, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. .~.:i-.-~ MAYOR ATTEST: /,"0". ,/ " , o '0'1''t /74 J Ii /__><"-M./;";Y 7/ . ~ ASS IT. CITY SECRETAR r- _'_l_,. __,__".:c..______..lE:Jjf" ~_~_;--.:... [ ."'"':=~""Ol"'=="'-~r--~=--="'''-o--='_. "1 ____-----...J1 ,.lL i 30 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 9, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Monday, July 9, 1962, with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wall. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McCormick, 6344 Sewanee, appeared before the Commission, ap- pealing action taken by the Zoning ahd Planning Board with reference to his r request for permission to resubdivide Lot 1, block 24, West University Place First Addition into two lots 50 x 150 ft. Mr.McCormick t'Old the Commission that he did not appear at the Zoning Board meeting to explain the facts. The City Manager advised the Commission that action had been taken in 1959 sub- dividing Lots 1 & 2, Block 24, West University Place First Addition into three lots of 60, 90 and 50 foot frontages on Sewanee Street and submitted the plat . which was approved at that time after a public hearing was held by the Commis- sion. The plat indicated that the existing residence located on Lot 2 is approximately It ft. from the property line on the south which is the north property line of Lot 1. Mr. McCormick explained that he wcDuld be willing to provide a deed restriction requiring a 5 ft. setback from the north property ,line of Lot 1 for any residence which might be constructed. It was the opinion of the City Commission that all the facts might not have been submitted so therefore the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the request, of Mr. H. L. McCormick, 6344 Sewanee, for permission to resubdivide Lot 1, Block 24, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, be referred back to the Zoning and Planning Board for further consideration. _J Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Mrs. Milton Perry, 3764 Tangley, advised the Commission that she was very . interested in something being done ab9ut the Community Building in order that recreational facilities mig~t be provided for the children of West University Place, and asked if the Commission planned to do anything toward this project in the near future. Mayor Lamkin answered MI's. Perry by stating that thi,s Com- mission does not plan to do anything toward a new community building as time would not permit before election of new city officials; however, it was the desire of this Commission that some plans would be pursued for recreational facilities and improvements to the Community Building, even though it is on a smaller scale than, the original plans which were submitted for a bond issue. Mrs. Perry volunteered her services in any way that she might be of assistance in a project to provide recreational facilities for the citizens of West Uni- versity Place. The Commission further discussed purchase of a new office machine for use in water billing, payroll, tax billing, monthly budget reports and posting of other accounts, as outlined by the City Treasurer at the meeting on June 25, 1962, and tor which funds have been provided in the 1962 budget. T .~~~"'= jL[jJ. r" ~.,-~~~~ ~ --II '7 ' L ; ! I i ! ~J ~ I 1- '3 1 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., August 13, 1962, for delivery ofa new machine to be used for water billing, payroll, tax billing, monthly budget reports and posting of other accounts. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager advised that one meeting had been held with department heads on the budget re~uirements for 1963, and that the Charter re _ ~uires that a public hearing be held during consideration of the budget for the next fiscal year, and recommended the date of August 27, 1962. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for 8:00 P.M., Monday, August 27, 1962, to consider adoption of a budget for 1963. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The Commission again discussed the elimination of the hazard caused by the house at 3830 Tennyson which was partially destroyed by fire, and owned by Mrs . JaneT . Handrick. It was considered advisable that the City Manager and City Attorney, attempt to contact Mrs. Handrick and discuss with her the possibility of the city demolishing the structure rather than having to enter into condemnation proceedings. A recommendation from the Chief of Police that STOP signs be placed on Sewanee street at Amherst in order to slow, traffic traveling on Sewanee street was presented to the Commission for conside~ation. After discussing the recommendation, the question of traffic at the corner of Mercer and Amherst being increased was brought up. It was decided that the matter should be referred back to Chief for further study. The City Manager SUbmitted a request from the Houston Coca-Colla Bottling Company for installation of an additional sign on the tank part of the water tower located on Wakeforest near Alief Road. The HoustonOoca- Cola Bottling Company agreed that if the presence of the signs on the tank result in a higher cost for the repainting of the tank, they would pay the difference above what it would cost if the signs were not there. An agreement with the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company, dated May 20, 1959, and an amendment, dated June 2, 1959, was revie,wed by the Commis- sion. Motion by Commissioner Rice, second,edby Commissioner Lutz, that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Houston Coca- Cola Bottling Company to install an additional sign on the tank part of the water tower located on Wakeforest street near Alief Road and the Southwest Freeway. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BQ,'wriian, Lutz, Rice anq, Wall. None. '~-r'~'"'='~_'H' ,.., '''1!,,;rr-'- I"C~'~~'~_~-_~ ir 3 2 Minutes of the meeting of June 25, 1962, were approved as presented. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was re- cessed at 10:45,P~M~ ~n~i~ Y:?O_P~M~"M?n~a!',J~l! ~6? 1962. ******~************* T] RECESSED MEETING OF TEE CITY COMMISSION JULY 16, 1962 The City Commission convened in r~cessed session at ,the City Hall on Monday, July 16, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following membeEs present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Lamkin. Mayor Lamkin explained to the group present that a hearing had been called for 7:30 P.M. to consider benefits to be derived from paving certain portions of various streets in West University Place, and stated that money had been appropriated from Street Improvement Bond Funds to pay the city's snare of the costs. He also explained that the 16 skip areas had been left unpaved during the 1948 to 1952 pay- ing program but a policy had since been established ttequiring that an entire block be paved if a majority of the property owners desired such improvement, and that no area 'Would be skipped; therefore, it was con- sidered desirable at this time to also pave the unpaved sections of improved streets in order to eliminate the high cost of maintenance, provide better drainage and improve the appearance. I! ' lL',. ,. : r Mayor Lamkin then turned the hearing over !to City Attorney Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. Mr. Tom L Jones, duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, stated in answer to ques- tions by the City AttoI'ueythat he was Erigineer for the City of West University Place, having had various experience in street paving with consulting engineers, and that he had prepared plans and specifications for this pt;lving projecturider consid.eratiorivthich had been submitted to and approve.d by the City Commission. 'l1e stated that the proposed cons- tructionconsistedof6" reinforced concrete pavement wi thmonoli thic curbs, and that an estimate of cost of such improvements was made and submitted to the COmmiSsion. After bids were received and tabulated, es- timates revealed that the low bidsttbm1ttedbyRuss Mitchell Constructors, Inc. would result in a front foot cost to property owners of $7.00 per linear foot wheretheeritire blocks aFe to'be paved and $8.00 per linear foot where only skipped areas are to be paved. He explained that the cost of paving the skip areas would be higher "as, it would be, necessary to ex- cavate the smallsectione by hand. Mr. 'Joriesrelated the fact that the Commission had awarded a contract to the low,bidder, Russ Mitchell Cons- tructors, Ine. and stated that in his opinion the design and specifications meet good construction and engineering practices and would be standard for this type of work. Mr. C. E. Whatley, being duly,swo!'n by Mayor ti!l"ttild,n, stated in answer to quest iohs 'prop'bunded'~ by:Mr..'Cack);'e'll, tha,t:-'he- was;'a'~:real:":esta. tebroker and had beeh:'active,:'iri. the real estate businesS"forthei:>pasVtEmcyears ih:Gulf r _I r-'~~"~~,=CCl _ _--,---.:_I --------- _......J..l r--' , , I i~J "'" 00 00 ~ CO CO r-' 1 , Li '-I :33 Coast area, Houston and West University Place, dealing with both comm@rcial ~9~inesidential property. He also stated that he had been a resident of West University Place since 1943 "and was very familiar with the condition of the area and the residential values within the city both on the paved and unpaved streets. He further stated that he had been furnished with a list of the properties inviDlved in the proposed paving project and that he had ex- amined each of them. He testified that based upon observation~ consulting ,with the Federal Housing Administration and developers throughout the area who evaluate property, it was a foregone conclusion that property i,s worth more when located on a paved street instead of an unpaved street; therefore, the property in his opinion would be enhanced in value approximately $10.00 per front foot, which exceeds the proposed assessment of $7.00 and $8.00 per front foot. Mr. Paul Dale, being duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, also stated that he had been in the real estate business abou:t 10 years appraising property values; that he was very fl1miliar with property in West University Place and had examined the property abutting the streets included in the proposed paving project, and in his opinion, the value of each piece of property would be increased approximately $10.00 per front foot. After being duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, City Manager Whitt Johnson testi- fied that a notice of this hear1rigin session had been duly published three. times in the-of'ficialnewspaper of the city and letters had been written to all property owners involved notifying them of the date and time of the hearing with a copy of the notice which was' published in the newspaper, and in his opinion,1111 requirements of the City Charter and also those of Article 1105b of the State Statutes had been complied with inso- far as calling a public"hearing for the purpose of considering benefits to be derived from the proposed improvements. Speaking in oppositIon tothe'proposed paving was Mr. George P. Murrin, representing Mrs. Mary Ulrich, 4019 Browning, owner of Lots 6& 7, Block 3, Bissonnet PIecef'Mr. R.T . Coley, 4039 Riley, ownerq of Lot 1, BloCk 24,. CollegeviewFirst - Additio'rij , and' Mr. Eddie L. Nix, 3815 Marquette, all abutting skipped areas. Mr. Robert O. Randle, 4204 Byron', and Mrs. 'M. L. Barkley, '4203 Case, owners of Lots 12 &'13, :Block 9'; ColonIal Terrace, abutting skipped areas on West Point street, submitted a'-letter of"protest signed jOintly. Mrs. Leon Redman, 5648 Auden, who has property siding on the 380Q block of Browning, stated that she did not feel that sliewould gain on the value of her property by th~ side street being paved. Mr. George Harbeson, 4140 Cason,' owner of Lot 22, Fairhaven Additiori;stated that he had no objectIon to the paving of the 4100-block of"Cason,however~ it was his feeling that the Southwestern Bell Telepnone Company should'pay a part oftfie cost as :.the street is used daily as parking area by employees of that company. Mrs. George P. MunsOn-,- -J:1:'. ,4:2:21-Riley, owner of Lots 17, 18' & E t of 19, Block 3, 'Colonia:lTerrace 'Addit:ton, 13pokein favor of the paving and ex- pressed appreciation to everyone-on the 4:200 block-Riley for signing the petition and to the Commission for initiating the paving program. 34 Mr. D. L. Harvley, 4215 Milton, expressed a desire for paving in front of his home, but stated that he had moved to this location about 30 days ago and their block was not included in the present project. Mayor Lamkin asked that the meeting be recessed for about two minutes. .. At this time, Mayor Lamkin annqunced that a zoning hearing was scheduled at 8:30P.M. to consider a request to amend the city's zoning ordinance to permit use of Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition for church purposes, as requested by the West University Church of Christ. The hearing was called to order, and with the consent of the representatives of the Church, the meeting was recessed until 9:30 P.M. The street paving hearing was then re-convened, and the City Attorney asked if there were any other persons present who de~ired to be heard~ other property owners speaking in opposition to the paving program were Mrs. Marvin Petty, 293l ATIh~erst, owner of Lot 17, Block 10, Collegeview First Addition (rent property at 3830 Oberlin) and Mr:. ,L.q;, Graves, 3833 Oberlin, owner of Lot 1, Block 7, Collegeview First Addition. Property owners speaking'on behalf of the paving program included Messrs. John Bringhurst, 3820 Swarthmore; G. H. Smith, 4226 Oberlin; Karl F. l.Joodard, 3801 Browning;C. 'Q~Harr:ison, 4103 Cason; Fred Drew, 3832 Swarthmore~ W~ J. Ebanks, 4029 Case; James K. Hilliard, 4002 Case; H. L. Chauvin, 38lOBrown:ing~ Frank G: West, 3824 Browning and Mrs. Rolf Kronenwerth, 3906 Byron. Nt . Chester R. Kline ,4136 Cason, asked ":' for information regarding'drainage in the 4100 block of Cason. The City Manager advised of the improvements being made to the Academy Street outfall ditch and stated that drainage would be improved to a great extent. At 9:28 P.M., the Mayor declared the meeting recessed in order to re- convene, the hearing called to consider amending the zoning ordinance to permit use of Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition, for Church purposes. After being duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, City Manager Whitt Johnson, in answer to questions by the City Attorney, stated that notice had been published in the official newspaper of the city, announcing the date and time of this particular hearing and also notices had been mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of the property mnvolved,being Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition, and in his opinion:,;all requirements of the City Charter and zoning ordinance with regards to calling a public hea:ing had been complied with. Mr. Jack Castles, representing the Church of Chdst, being duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, testified that it ~as the intention of the church members to erect a new building on Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition, using'the same architectural design as'J:1lhe present building on Lot 2, Block91;'V1est'ttniversltYPlace Second'Additio'n, which would serve as anew sanctuary and also to provide additional parking.facili _ ties. He stated that drainage conditions on the rear of the property had been looked. intO a'rid that adequate storm sewer would be installed to properly drain the area. I ~----'_J z-" lijhil ,- [-- -1l _.-'.'--''''''''''''=~-_._. ---.---------,-,--,JlT~r-' 05 r-l ! ' I j ,-.I Mr Ed Mainous, 5321 Sewanee and Mr. F. M. Mainous, 3420 Albans, ad- ,joining the said Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place ,$et1ond,,;Addition to the south, stated they did not object to the use of the lot for church purposes and their only concern had been the problem of drainage and if this waS properly provided they were in favor of the church using the property as requested. With no other citizens present wishing to be heard on this matter, the following action was taken: ~ 00 00 C2:1 :::Q CO Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit use of Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition for church pur - poses, as requested by the West University Place Church of Christ, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting lifo: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 1,11 be amended to permit use, of Lot 1, Block 91, West UniversitY-Place Second Addition, for church purposes, as requested by the West University' Church of Christ, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None (i ,I ' i ' Li In compliance with notice duly publishedt~n the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of one new truck cab and chassis for the Garbage Department and co'nstruction and installation of an open type body, were opened and read aloud, with the results announced as follows: CAB'AND CHASSIS Bidder Don McMillian Ford, Inc. Ivy Russell Motor Company, Inc. Jimmie Green chevrolet Company Jack Roach Ford Motor Company Net Delivery Price $2422.00 3000.00 2835.33 2635.60 OPli1N 'flVPlil 'ROT)'''' Texas Truck Equipment, Inc. CaTroll Service Company General Body Manufacturing Company Childs Truck Equipment, Inc. Lowe,).; Equipment Company $2157.00 2038.00 3726.00 1779.63 1710.00 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ceived for delivery of one truck cab and chassis and an open type body for the Garbage Department be referred to the City Manager and Garbage Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None " -- !11m ~"~_r~~'""T'~'~'~I~ If ------------ ,.Ii: i 3D At 10:05 P.M., the Mayor announced that the hearing on paving benefits would be resumed and asked ifthere~"was anyone else who desired to be heard. With no other proponents or'opponents desiring t6be heard, Mayor Lamkin introduced Ordinance No. 806, captioned as follows, which was read in full: !) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING 0NFCERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET, IN THE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; AMHERST STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK' THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 3800'AND 4000'BLOCKS THEREOF; MARQUE'ITE STREET IN TEE 3800 AND' 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE' 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASE STREET IN THE 4000'AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASON STREET IN TEE 4100 BLOCK'TREREOF; , SOUTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; DARTMOUTH STREET IN TEE 4200 BLOCK THERffiOF; LEHIGH STREET IN THE 4FQo' BLOCK THEREOF; AND WEST POINT AVENUE IN TEE 6400 BLOCK BETWEEN CASE MID BYRON STREETS, AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE 0wm:RS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IM - PROVEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS'~,'TO THE, ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF TEE PRO - CEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSE,SSMENrS, AND ANY MATl'ER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FIND- ING AND DETERMING TEE REGULARITY OF ALL PROeEEDINGS AND THE PER- FORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING' TEE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPr AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FnIDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY BEASON OF SAID IMPROVEM:E:NrS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOtINT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESS- MENTs AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS, FIXING A CHARGE AlilD LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMBHOVD:;AND AGAINST TEE TRUE OWNERS TEEREOF FOR TEE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN TEE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MA.NNER OF THEIR COL- LECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' l~ ----, i ' . I I : , ILl Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 806, closing the hearing given to owners of property abutting certain por- tions of Swarthmore, Amherst, Byron, Riley, Browning, Marquette, Oberlin,Case, Cason, Southwestern, Dartmouth, Lehigh and West Point Avenue; fiXing a charge and lien against the respective properties abutting on those portions of said streets to be improved and providing for the issuance of assessment certificates, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None 1--' l < , In response to the Mayorls request, and questions by Mr. Randle, the City Attorney explained the steps to be taken by a property owner if he desires to protest the assessments as set out in Ordinance No. 806, stating that the I u.,,' ,~~ ~rq ,,- .., ~- -. --, '1 ,I 3 7 first step is to file protest in writing with the City Commission and within 15 days from the date of the hearing, he would have the right to appeal by instituting suit for tpat purpose in any court having jurisdiction. .".'- -. , L-i The minutes'of the Zoning" and Plannlng Board lneetingof July 12, 1962, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commfssioner Lutz~' seconded by Conrrhissioiler Wall, that a public hearing be called for Monday,' August 13," 1962, 7:30 P.M~ ,to consider amending'the city's zoning ordinance to permitre-subdivision of Lot 1, Block 24, West'UniversJ.tY place First Addition, into two'lots 50 x 150 ft. to front"on'Sewanee, as' requested by the owner, Mr. H. L. McCormick, 6344 Sewanee, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor'Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. NOne'>:":. '~",j :,;'O:;,",',,;:i,*% :~:j: ,'~j: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a hearing be called for Mond~y, August 13, 1962, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Addition, into two 50 x 150 ft. lots to front onSewanee, as requested by the owner, Mr. Meyer F. Brochstein, 6355 Sewanee, and re- commended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded'by Commissioner Bowman, that a hearing be called for MondaY, August :I:3, 1962, 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permlt subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72,'WestUni versity PlaceSeconuAddltibn into three lots; two 50'x 100ft. lots to front on Rooinho6d and one 50 x 100 ft. 'lot to front on'Sewanee, as re- quested by the'6wner, Mr. M. :L. Woodfin, 3501 Robinhood, and recommended by the Zoning 'and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None A recommendation from Chief o~ Police"tt. E. Shipp for installation of STOP signs on Mercer and Sewanee streets, at Amherst, WaS considered by the Commission, and the following action taken: , '. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner'Wall, that STOP signs 'be'iristallEid 'on Mercer and Sewanee, at Amherst, as recommended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None The City Manager 'advised that 1200 ft.' of 2t"and 200 ft. of l!" fire hose would be required to equip the new fire truck when delivered. He stated that the Fire Chief had recommended purchase of Dacron hose in- stead of cotton or dacron filled hose, at an estimated cost of $2,950.00. l,_ "'111 "-~"'F~~ '~~'1 ,/" 3 8 Motion by Commiss'ionerBowman~ . seconded by Cmniriissioner Lutz, that bids for 1200 ft. of 2t" and 200 ft.'oflt" fire hose be received until 7:30 P.M. August 27, 1962; this hose to be used to equip the new fire truck scheduled for delivery during December. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Minutes of the ,tne,eting of July 9, 1962, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission: at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and'carried, the meeting was ad - journed at 12: 15 A.M., July 17, 1962. ~-~r~ MAYOR ATl'EST: ~~ I=~~~~~ -,[,I ~ I ,I I I; :, ij ) '- I! \ Ii , i U__. "'~~" . i 39 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 23, 1962 r L The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, Ju1y 23, 1962, 7; 30'YP.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. Also present was the City Manager. Commissioner Lutz and City Attorney Charles Cockrell~ Jr. were absent as they were out of the city on vacation. Commissioner Rice pronounced the Invocation. Cl'j .~ 00 c:.;, CO CO Mayor Lamkin announced that Judge Gale Reese had planned to be on vacation on the 1st of August and it would be desirable to appoint an Assistant Judge to take over court duties during vacation time and at any time the regular Judge might not be available. He stated that Attorney Karl Kraft had consented to serve in this position if he was appointed by the Commis- sion. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Attorney KarlICraft be appointed as Assistant Judge of the Corporation Court to serve during the absence of the regular Judge; the Assistant Judge to be compensated for the times he serves during vacation period on the same basis as the regular Judge. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman~ Rice and Wall. None. {~ 1- l I l__., The City Manager submitted a tabulation of bids received on July 16~ 1962~ for delivery of a new open type garbage body~with a recommendation that the low bid of Lowe Equipment Company in the amount of $1,7l0~for construct- . ion and installation of body with hoist~be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the , low bid in the amount of $1,710.00, submitted by Lowe Equipment Company~ for fabrication, construction and installation of an open type garbage body with hoisr,', be accepted and a purchase order issued. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. ' The City Manager also recommended that the bid of Jack Roach Ford,in the net amount of $2,635.60 for delivery of a F750 Ford cab and chassis~ be accepted inasmuch as the low bid submitted by Don McMillian Ford in the net amount of $2~422.00 was for a F700 Ford cab and chassis and did not meet the specifications. The City Manager stated that Mr. C. H. Mitchell of Jack Roach Ford Company had advised that the Ford Motor Company had discontinued assembling 1962 Models and had agreed to assemble a 1963 Model Series F750 Ford for the same price as quoted in their bid. Motion by Commissioner Rice~ seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid of Jack Roach Ford for delivery of a 1963 cab and chassis, Model F750, in the net amount of $2~635.60, be accepted as recommended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin~ Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None r~'"'~~I,!iiI r '~~~'~~'~'F"~'~'C"'I .[.-- i'........ ""TI1;'-i 40 It was reported that a portion of the area surrounding the swimming pool waS rather slippery when wet and waS in need of some type of material placed on the concrete in order to prevent accidents. The City Manager was instructed to take the necessary steps to eliminate this condition. J~ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ~~~ :MAYOR ATTEST: I -' i~l I" ,.........-r'"'~~~~,o':~~~~~= ~_~r_=-:~-.=--'-===p"=-"'_. ~:~'~:-1 --' 41 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AIJGUSrr ] 3. 1 q6~ :... . . ~ ['-"1 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday" August 13; 1962, 7:30 P~M., with the'following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman,Lutz" Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. M 00 00 c.? CO CO Mayor Lamkin announced that three public hearings were scheduled for this meeting to consider subdivision of'lots as requested by Messrs. H. L. McCormick" Marvin L.' \.foodfin and M. F.. Brochstein, owners of three separate lots within the city" and stated that the first hearing involving the request of Mr. H. L. McCormick was now called to order. City ManagerWhi tt Johnson and Mr. H. L. McCormick were duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin and the hearing was then turned over to the City Attorney. City Manager Whitt Johnson testified in answer to questions by the attorney that all requirements of the cityls ordinance to call a public hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 1" Block 24" West University Place First Addition" as requested by Mr. H.L. McCormick" had been complied with and it was his opinion that the hearing was in order. r-; ! ! Mr. H. L. McCormick;stated that it waS his desire to subdivide Lot 1" Block 24" West University Place First Addition"in order to make two building sites 50 x 150 ft. to front on Sewanee. He explained to the Commission that he has exist- ing improvements on Lot 2" Block 24" and that the residence was approximately 1 foot from the south property line; however" he would be willing to establish a 5 ft. side setback line for a residence on the north line of Lot 1 in event the north 50 x 150 ft. is sold as a building site. , j ,--- With no interested parties present desiring to be heard in connection with the subdivision of Lot 1" Block 24" West University Place First Addition, as re- quested by Mr. H. L. McCormick, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissione~ Rice" seconded by Commissioner Bowman" that the hearing called for the purpose of considering an amendment to the city's zoning ordi- nance to permit subdivision of Lot 1" Block 24, West University Pl~ce First Addition" as requested by Mr. H. L. McCormick" be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin" Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the cityls zoning o~dinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 1" Block 24", West University Place First Addition" into two 50 x 150 ft. lots to front on Sewanee" subject to a 5 ft. setback requirement being established on the north property line of the N t of Lot 1" as requested by Mr. H.L. McCormick" and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Li Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin" Commissioners Bowman" Lutz" Rice and Wall. None r-~~_~~:'~~~~__---.1DJl ...____ __ _ ___.~~L'",,-7""==c==:c-'''-;-'r~''''',"-'''o.c.''-.=<'''~-1 ---1 4:C; The hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into three lots, in order to establish a building site on the south 50 x 100 ft. of the lot as requested by the owner, Mr. Marvin L. Woodfin, was called to order by Mayor Lamkin and then turned over to Attorney Cockrell. City Manager I-Thitt Johnson, having been duly sworn, testified in answer to questions by the attorney that all requirements of the cityls ordinance to call a public hearing to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition, had been complied with, and in his opinion the hearing waS in order. ' Messrs. W. D. Duffy and Horace Estess, representing Mr. MarvinL. Woodfin, after being duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, stated that Mr. Woodfin desired to establish a new building site on the south 50 x 100 ft. of the 100 x 150 ft. lot. A plat presented to the Commission revealed that the lot had been pre- viously divided by deed into two lots fronting on Robinhood Street and that two residences have been constructed on the lots; also that the present utility lines cross the proposed building site. Mr. Duffy stated that all utilities would be relocated at Mr. Woodfin's expense and further that a 5 ft. easement would be dedicated for this purpose off the south 50' along the west property line and also east along the north property line of the proposed lot for a distance of approximately 60 ft. There being no interested parties present desiring to be heard in connec- tion with the subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into three lots, as requested by Mr. Marvin L. Woodfin, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the hear- ing called for the purpose of considering an amendment to the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into three lots, as requested by Mr. Marvin L. Woodfin, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the city's zoning ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into three lots; two to be 50 x 100 ft. to front on Robinhood and one to be 50 x 100 ft. to front on Sewanee, as re~ quested by Mr. Marvin L. Woodfin and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board; subject to dediCation of a 5 ft. easement eff the south 50 x 100 ft. along the west property line and also east along the north property line of newly created 50 x 100 ft. lot for a distance of approximately 60 ft. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None The third hearing, called to consider amending the cityls zoning ordinance to pemit subdivision of Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Ad, dition into two lots to front on Sewanee, as requested by Mr. Meyer F. Brochsten and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, was called to order. 1 '- f![] r- ._..~ml il ""ir I r-'i I ' j , I L, M ~ 00 \...? CQ :Q ,.---, I . 43 Having been duly sworn, City Manager Whitt Johnson testified in answer to questions by the City Attorney that notice had been published in the official newspaper and notices also mailed to all property owners within 200 ft. of Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Addition, giving them information concerning the hearing called for this date; and in his opinion all requirements regarding the calling of a public hearing had been complied with.' Mr. and Mrs. M, F. Brochstein, 6355 Sewanee, stated that it was their de- sire to subdivide Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Addition into two lots to front on Sewanee in order to provide an additional build- ing site on the N 50 ft. of the tract. A plat of the property showing a recent survey indicated that there are improvements existing on the south ! of the lot with no encroachments. . With no interested parties present desiring to be heard in fonnection with the subdivision of Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Addition, the following action was taken: P Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the hearing called for'the purpose of considering an' amendment to the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 15; Block 23, West University Place First Addition, as requested by Mr. & ~~s. M.F. Brochstein, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin~ Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall~that the city's L__' zoning ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of L6t 15, Block 23~ West University Place First Addition~ into two lots, 50 x 147.5 ft., as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Meyer F. Brochstein, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, COmIilissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the of- ficial newspaper of the city, bids'received'forfurnishing new office machine equipment for. use in water billing,' payroll, tax billing, monthly budget reports and posting of other accounts, were opened and results announced as follows: Burroughs Corporation Natll. Cash ~egister Co.- Internat'l.Bus.~fuc.Co. $11,212.00 14;310~00 17,930.00 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ceived for 'new office machine equipment be referred to the City Manager and City Treasurer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None 44 Mrs. Van Hetherly, 4039 Villanova, appeared before the Commission, stating that she and other residents west of Weslayan Avenue who have children walking to the West University Elementary School, were re- questing that consideration be given to installation of a traffic signal light at the corner of University Blvd. and Weslayan Avenue. Mayor Lamkin related to Mrs. Van Hetherlythat consideration was being given to such installation in the 1963 ,budget. Mr. Peter Licce, who has~anew home under construction at the corner of Rice Blvd. and Rutgers, requested permission to omit construction of a sidewalk on the Rutgers side of the property inasmuch as'there are no other sidewalks on this block and in his opinion just one strip of sidewalk on his property would be of little use to anyone. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that pro- visions of Ordinance No.' 31~., requiring construction of sidewalks along any street to which the property abuts, be waived with reference to Lot 6, Block 57, West University Place Second Addition, in order that Mr. Peter Licce be permitted to omit construction of a sidewalk along the Rutgers side of the property, as requested. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. N:me Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on August 9" 1962, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Comznissioner Lutz, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. September lO, 1962,' to consider amend - ing the city's zoning Ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 7,.Block 39, West University Place First Addition into two lots; 100 x 100 ft. to front on Westchester and 50 x 100 ft. to front on Carnegie, as requested by Mrs. W. C. Muhlhausen, 6601 Westchester, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~wyor Lamkin, Commissioners Bmvman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing also be called for 7:30 P.M. September 10, 1962, to consider amending the'city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivisioDof Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition' into two 50 x 150 ft. lots to front on Sunset, as requestbdbyMrs. Frances A. Keefe, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None The City Manager advised the Commission that the Zoning Board had held a special meeting on this date, August 13, 1962, to consider a request from Mr. C. J. Tamborello, 4025 Villanova, for permission to have 220 v wiring installed in a small study, 6~ x 11 ft., located in his garage, in order that he might install an air conditioning unit. The Board re- commended approval of Mr. Tamborello's request. ---- -------,J .0 _ ...:__1.:" --'~-l ___ __--1. ._--,,-.........,,-'~...-CT---- :1< . M Xl 00 c.':l CO CO 'l~ Motion by Commis~ioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the re- quest of Mr. C. J. Tamborello, 4025 Villanova, for permission to install 220vwi:dng in his existing 6~ x 11ft. study room located in the garage, be approved, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None A letter signed by Mr. John B. . Meriwether, Chairman of the Diaconate of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 5308 Buffalo Speedway, requested that parking restrictions in the block on Buffalo Speeaway, between Bissonnet and Albans, be changed to read ltexcept Sunday". :Mr. Meriwether stated in his letter that the parking restriction was working a hardship on members of the congregation attending the first service. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that action taken by the Cou:rmission on May 14, 1962; be amended and the words "except Sunday" be a,dded to the signs on Buffalo Speedway between Bissonnet and Albans, which noW reads It:No Parking 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Tow Away Zone", as requested by officials of the st. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Mayor Lamkin announced that in accordance with a previous decision of the Commission (November 13,1961), planning consultants had been interviewed with reference to a comprehenSive planning survey and it was unanimously agreed that the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, Planning Consultants, were fully qualified to make a survey and do the planning work desired by the city. A 'contract agreement between the city and Caudill; Rmilett and Scott, was pre- sented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, Seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute the contract agreement on behalf'ofthe city with Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, for professional planning services. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None ~he Mayor also stated that inasmuch as the City Commission had agreed on basic facts concerning construction of a library arid"rehabilitatirig the present Community Buildirig, and the need for a master plan for a Community Center to be constructed in the future, it was necessary to enter into an agreement for architectural services. He also stated that the architectural firm of' Pierce & Pierce had agreed to perform certairi preliminary work on a time and materials basis which was outlined in a letter dated July 27th. After reviewing the pro- posal, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute a letter agreement with the firm of Pierce & Pierce, ! Architects, for preparation of a master plan for a proposed Community Center, . including a library, on the basis of time and materials. .r'o~~""'~~~'~~H,IT-'-r~" ---~~~-'~~~~I------ ..---:r ;,,,-,..,c--l"cccrrm ""~.~ "~"I 46 Vot~ng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Mayo!' Lamkin stated that he had conferred with E. Kelly Gaffney, Archi- tect, concerning an architectural agreement for preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of the present Community Building. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the ~~yor be authorizeQ to enter into an agreement with E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, for preparation of plans arid specifications for rehabilitating the Community Building; said fee and total cost of rehabilitation not to exceed a maximum of $15,000.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~yor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Minutes of the meeting of July 16th and July 23rd, 1962, were approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,' seconded and carried, the meeting vTaS adjourned at 1:15 A.M. August 14, 1962. ~~ MAYOR Tl ! I I ,Li ATTEST: L~..,' . .~ Asstt~City Secreta y ~~L ~,~.-- lurT [ -r==--=' - ..JI ~ r~r::" ~jL i CVj Q:j 00 c.,:, c.Q CQ r i L_l l.....__ 47' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUsr 27, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 27; 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the folloi'Ting members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. Chief H. E. Shipp, having worked for the city twenty years as of August 13, 1962, was awarded a service pin by Mayor Lamkin. His wife, Naomi, and daughter, Marilyn, were present for the award, as well as members of the Police Department. In accordance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the of- ficial newsp~per of the city, bids received for delivery of 1200 ft. of 2ilt fire hose and 200 ft. of lilt fire hose, were opened and results an- nounced as follows: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that bids received for delivery of fire hose be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None A tabulation of bids received on August 13, for furnish~ngoffice machine equipment, was presented with a recommend4tion from the City Treasurer and City Manager that the bid of National Cash Register Company, in the amount of $14,310.00, be accepted. It was explained that 'a thorough investigation had been made of the three different makes of machines on which bids were submitted and in taking all factors into consideration, it was the opinion of the City Treasurer and City Manager that the bid of National Cash Register Company was the most advantageous to the city. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bid submitted by National ,Cash Register Company for one NOR model 1443-1 Electric Computer and complete system program for handling deta;Ued requirements for Utility Billing, Expense and Revenue Control, Payroll Application, Tax Billing and Budget Accounting, for the sum of $14,310.00, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Mayor Lat$in announced that a public hearing would be held at this time in com- pliance with City Charter requirements and previously published legal notice, to consider adoption of a budget for the fiscal year January 1, 1963, to December 31, 1963. The Mayor stated that the City Commission had considered the proposed budget and after final revision it had been referred to the Finance Committee for their study and recommendation. After reviewing the proposed budget on August 21st, the Finance Committee agreed to endorse the budget as submitted in final form and recommended its adoption. .. '~T~~~' .~...,~., "."~.O-"O~~"'il~~---r,"C-~'~.~.'~".!OO~~~1 .. " c r'''''"~. ' If ;Ii i 48 Ordinance 80T, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ! AN ORDINANCE LEVYING MID ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF TRE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE: YEAR 1962, MID PROVIDING FOR TEE COLLECTION THEREOF. ! ' '-' Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance 807, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax on property within the city for the year 1962, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Ordinance 808, captioned as follows, was submitted fbr consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING MID ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR TEE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1963, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1963; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRI- ATION OF PUBLIC FUl\IDS OF THE: CITY FOR USE AJID EXP.E1IDITURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Mot'ion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordinance 808, approving and adopting a budget for the city for the fiscal year beginning JanUary 1, 1963, and ending December 31, 1963, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None City Manager Whitt Johnson advised thathe had received letters from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., requesting authority to proceed with the paving of B~Ton Street in the 4000 block, Riley Street in the 4200 block, and Oberlin Street in the 3800 and 4200 blocks, although 6 property owners on Byron, 1 on Riley, and 10 on Oberlin had refused to sign a mechanicls lien contract for various reasons. After reviewing the various reasons for the property owners not signing a mechanicls lien contract, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc.,be authorized to proceed with the paving of the 4000 block Byron, 4200 block Riley and 3800 and 4200 blocks Oberlin Streets, in their entirety, with the city to take an assignment from the contractor of the paving certificates where mechanic's lien contracts have not been obtained. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bawma.n, Lutz, Rice and WalL, None L-,'........_,L_ "''''r~~- ''''" ,~~:":~L:Cl __...:~r"":=' - ~ --~:~------ --- -----------,..-----r:''':": "-':m:-Ti---' r~ I I l__ ' (~~~, ! ! l___ r i l '-- I: , I~L 4 9 City Attorney Charles Cockrell was instructed to prepare an ordinance setting forth terms and conditions for paving the 4000 block Eyron~ 4200 block Riley and the 3800 and 4200 blocks of Oberlin streets, and authorization to obtain assignment from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. of paving certificates where mechanic's lien contracts bave pot been obtained. The City Manager related to the Commission that some of the property owners abutting the streets to be paved had expressed a desire to pay cash for the paving rather than sign a mechanicls lien contract and had asked the city to act as escrow agent for this purpose. Resolution 62-8, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration: WHEREAS~ the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas~ has entered into a contract with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. for the paving of certain streets under a paving assessment program; and WHEREAS, a substantial part of the cost of the pavement is to be borne by the property 0W11er and payment made to the contractor through satisfactory arrangements' of execution of mechanic's lien contract or through cash pay- ment; and WHEREAS, certain property owners desire to pay cash ra~her than execute mechanic's lien con~ract; and WHEREAS, 'the City Commission has agreed for the city to serve as escrow agent between the property owner and Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. to receive and disburse money paid for street paving. NOW, TEEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~ TEXAS: Section 1. That. from and after the 27th day of August, 1962, there shall be and is hereby created in the University state Bank, Houston, Texas, a depository bank of the City of West University Place, a separate €utidknown as cm OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STREET PAVING ESCROW FUND . All sums of money received for street paving under the Russ M:l.tchellConstructors, Inc. paving contract, given to the city'tq be held in escrow, shall be deposited in said fund until thirty (30) days after completion of the street paving and ~cceptance by the city. Section 2. Authority for deposit and withdrawal of money deposited in the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STREET PAVING ESCROW FUND shall be vested in the City Manager, City Treasurer and City Controller. Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any two of three persons serving in the respective official capacity of City Manager, City Treasurer or City Controller. Said signatures of all three shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University state Bank. Section 3. Funds deposited in the said bank account~ as set forth in Section 1, shall not be paid out to Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. until the City Engineer of the City of West University Place has certified that the street paving of each respective block, where money has been placed in escrow, has been completed in compliance with plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the city. -r~=~""~~~}JjDr ,. _ ['--~-=--~-CP.._--~~---~'l u--->.! .llLi 5,0 Mo'j;lion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-8, establishing a separate fund to be known as City of West University Place street Paving Escrow Fund, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz and Wall. None ,~ A certification was presented from the City Engineer, Tom I. Jones, that improvements constructed by the street Department of the city on the 6300 block of Rutgers have been completed,and it was his re- commendation that the Commission accept the improvements as constructed. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that improvements on the 6300 block of Rutgers be accepted, as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Authorization was requested by the City Manager to sell 223 water meters which had been taken out of ser~ice. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for the sale of 223 water meters, with bids to be received until October 8, 1962, 7:30 P.M. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Resolution 62-9, as follows, was submitted and read in full: \~S, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Trust Agency Fund which will not be required 'for current opera- ting expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional Lincome and it is neces.,. sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sumsoftnon~y: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST tnITVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $850.00 from the Trust Agency Fund, to be invested with University Savings and Loan Association at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4~. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Reso- lution 62-9, directing the investment of $850.00 from the Trust Agency Fund with University Savings & Loan Association, at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4~, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mawor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None The 1962 tax roll, showing a total valuation of land and improvements; in the City of West University Place at $25,536,696.00, with taxes T"" -"""~'''''~'~'--"'''rill [ , '~~T II "~~-i'~m' - .- -""m' Ctj 00 00 ~ CQ CO (-" ----) 51 amounting to $454,553.12, certified by the City Tax Assessor-Collector, was submittedfor approval by the City Conmlission. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the tax roll for 1962 be accepted and approved as certified by the City Tax Assessor-Collector. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None A statement in the amount of $1,500.00, plus blueprinting, for an ad- ditional amount of $16.07, from the office of George Pierce-AbelB. Pierce, Architects and Planning Consultants, for professional services rendered through August 20, 1962, in connection with the preparation of a revised master plan for the proposed West University Place Community Center, ~lhich includes provision for a new library, was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the amount of $1,516.07: be paid to George Pierce-Abel B. Pierce,Architects and Planning Consultants, for profess~onal services rendered through August 20, 1962, in connection with a. revised master plan for the pro- posed West University Place Community Center, which includes provision for a new library. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None An agreement with George Pierce-Abel B. Pierce, Architects and Planning Consultants, for preparation of plans and specifications for erection of a library building as the first unit of the master plan for the proposed West University Place Community Center, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Mayor be authorized to execute the standard AIA form of agreement with George Pierce~~bel B. Pierce, Architeeti and Planning Consultants, for preparation of plans and specifications for erection of a library building as the first unit of the master plan for the proposed West University Place Community Center; the basic rate for such services to be 7% of the construction cost of the project, which shall not exceed $70,000, unless written approval of an increase in the limit is given. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Resolution 62-10, as follows, was read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has long recognized the cityls need for a larger and more adequate library for the use of the cityls citizens; and WRmREAS, the present City Commission and preceding Commissions devoted ex- tensive time and study to the proper and most economical procedure to satisfy such need; and ____ _ _::-==~==~-r~:::::~=="~~=~_~-c-:<::."::,=-~-,:C":,:..."!E::::::l '52 \iff&REAS, a thorough study of the city's financial condition has revealed that funds are available for the rehabilitation of the present Community Building and the construction of said library, which building when constructed would be of"such size.. design and location so as to fit on the present site with the existing Com _ munity Building and be compatible with any future development; and \{BEREAS.. in order to make the necessary funds available for the construction of said library and rehabilitation of the present Com- munity Building, it is advisable and necessary to transfer certain funds from the Water Fund and from a special account of the Water Department, entitled Account No. 4-255 - RESERVE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT, which funds were deriveafrom the sale of land on Edloe street south of and immediately ad,jacent to the Southwest Freeway, to ~he General Fund of the city; NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY;'PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance No. 653, per- mitting the transfer of funds ,from the Water Fund to the General Fund, the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund, the sum of $64,000.00, and in furtherance of such transfer, Ordinance No. 808 adopting the 1963 budget, authorized and provides for the transfer of $64,000.00 as herein made. Section 2. T~~t the eity TreasUrer is hereby authorized to t~ansfer from the,Account No. 4-255 - RESERVE FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND to the General Fund the sum of $32..416.07. Section 3. That of the funds hereinabove authorized to be transferred to the General Fund.. the sum of $15..000.00 is to be expended for archi- tectural fees and the rehabilitation of the present Community Building. ;___J Section 4. That of the funds hereinabove authorized to be transferred to the General Fund, the sum ~f $81,416.07 shall be expended for archi- tectural fees and the cost of ~construction of the aforesaid library. 'Motion by Commissioner Lutz, Seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-10, authorizing ,the transfer of $64,000 from the Water Fund to the General Fund; $32,,416.07 from the Account No. 4-2555 _ Reserve for Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund; and authorizing the expenditure of $15,000 fo~ architectural fees and the rehabilitation of the present Community Building; and the sum of $81,416.07 for archi- tectural fees: and the cost of constructing a new library, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin.. Commissioners Bowman.. Lutz.. Rice and Wall. None I :: :,~ _ u _~::In _~__~F"-~' - '--.~:l ___ _ __.!.r "-"--'--'-T",n;c"m I.,,' j -"'~-:'"r-' 53 The minutes of the meeting held on August 13, 1962, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting WaS adjourned at 1:15 a.m. August 28, 1962. M 00 00 c.:s CO CO ~~ MAYOR ATI'EST: L ", ' ~ . .,' _ -'Z~ . ......././~ . City secreta~~ss;stant ""Jj':.-'-'-r-" ~q REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER la, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, September 10, 1962, 7:30'P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. THe Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Bowman. Mayor Lamkin announced that two public hearings were scheduled for this meeting to consider subdivision of lots, as requested by Mrs. Frances A. Keefe, 3301 Sunset, owner of Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition, and Mr~. .W. C. Muhlhausen, 6601 Westchester, owner of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place First Addition, and stated that the first hearing involving the request of Mrs. Frances A. Keefe was now called to order. City Manager Whitt Johnson and M:rs. Keefe were duly swonn by Mayor Lamkin and the hearing was then turned over to the City Attorney. City Manager Whitt Johnson testified in answer to questions by the City Attorney that all requirements of the city's ordinance to call a public hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit sub- division of Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition, as requested by Mrs. Frances A. Keefe, had been complied with and it was his opinion that the hearing was in order. Mrs. Keefe stated that she desired the subdivision of Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition, into two 50 x 150 ft. lots in order to provide an additional building site on the east half of the lot. She explained that there is an existing residence on the west half of the lot and a survey plat indicated that there were no en - croachments into the required setback distance. -'1 ! i '-) There being no interested parties present desiring to be heard in con- nection with the subdivision of Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition into two lots, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Bm-nnan, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the hearing called for the purpose of considering an amendment to the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 80, West Uni - versity Place Second Addition, into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, as requested by Mrs. Frances A. Keefe, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the city's zoning ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 80, West University Place Second Addition, into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, to front on Sunset, as requested by Mrs. Frances A. Keefe, and re- commended by the Zoning and Planning Board, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The second hearing, called to consider amending the city's zoning ordi- nance to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 39, West University place T~-~ .~In I'C~~"'~~" . - '1 il --'~~-- "'~i~- Li Cl'J 00 Q') ~ CQ CO -, First Addition, into two lots, as requested by Mrs. W. C. :MuhlhauSen, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, was c,alled to order. Having been duly sworn, City Manager Whitt Johnson testified in answer to questions by the City Attorney that notice had been published in the official newspaper and notices also mailed to all property owners within 200ft. of Lot 7, Block 39,-West University Place First Addition, giving them information concerning the hearing called for this time,and in his opinion all requirements regarding the calling of a public hear - ing had been complied with. Mrs. Muhlhausen, having been duly sworn, stated that she desired to establish a new building site on the east 50 x 100 ft. portion of the 100 x 150 ft. lot. A plat presented to the Commission revealed that the existing garage on the west 100 x 100 ft. of the lot would be ap - proximately 5 ft. from the proposed lot line of the 50 x 100 ft. section. Mrs. Muhlhausen also stated that she would dedicate a 5 ft. x 50 ft. utility easement along the south property line of the proposed building site. Present at the hearing were Mrs. William L. Mach, 6616 Westchester, Mrs. R. E. Abel, 6611 Westchester and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Herrmann, 6619 Westchester, all stating they were neighboring property owners and had no objection to the proposed subdivision of Mrs. Muhlhausen1s lot. The City Manager stated that Mrs. D. L~ Terry, owner of Lot 6, Block 39, West University Place First Addition, had come to the City Hall in con- nection with the proposed subdivision of Lot 7, and said that she would not enter a protest, however, she did request that the driveway on the proposed building site be constructed on the east side of the property. With no tther property owners desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the hearing called to consider amending the city1s zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place First Addition, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city1s zoning ordinance be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place First Addition; one 50 x 100 ft. lot to front on Carnegie and one 100 x 100 ft. lot to front on Westchester, as re- quested by Mrs. W. C. MUhlhausen, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to the following conditions: (a) dedication of a 5 x 50 ft. utility easement along the south property line of the east 50 x 100 ft. tract; (b) installation of a 6" sanitary line in the 5 x 50 ft. easement to service the residence on the west 100 x 100 ft. lot; and (c) in event a residence is erected on the 50 x 100 ft. lot that a drive- way be constructed on the east side of the structure. Voting~: Voting nro: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. I~~:~::'o::!":"~':'''':"~~~-~~~~___~''''~'-"'~'-"'-'~'''-'''''"''r'="-~- 55 .. ." 56 Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on September 5, 1962, were presented for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of Mr. Ed Walters, 3224 Amherst, for permiSsion to erect a 12 x 26 ft. addition to the east of his existing garage to be used as a utility and hobby room, be approved, subject to his execution of the usual affidavit that the structure wiil not be used for commercial or rental purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor U;1mkin) Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, reported on progress of preparing plans and specificat~ons for rehabilitation of the present Community Building. His estimated total cost for air conditioning, new vinyl asbestos flooring, 7 ft. paneling on walls, replacing all gutters and downspouts) acoustical tile on ceiling of present library room, which will be converted into meeting room, and paneling on walls, reinforcement of wooden trusses in main auditorium; painting, replace plumbing in baths and kitchen, replace two, wooden doors, etc., a:t $14,325.00. ' Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Architect Kelly Gaffney be instructed to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications as outlined and the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., October 1, 1962. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. In compliance with instructions of the City Commission on August 27, 1962, a tabulation of bids received for delivery of 1200 ft. of 2~t1 fire hose and 200 ft. l!" fire hose, with a recommendation from the City Manager that the low bid on 100% Dacron hose submitted by American LaFrance Corporation, be accepted, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid of American LaFrance Corporation for delivery of ~1I - 100% Dacron fire hose D.J.; 600# test, at $l. 74 per foot, a.,nd It" - 1.00% Dacron fire hose D.J., 600# test, at $1.24 per foot, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lut;z, Rice and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 809, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1962, FOR TEE ELECTION OF A MAYOR Al'ID FOUR COMMISSIO:NERS FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS AND APPO:rnTING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR EACH POLLING PLACE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordinance 809,calling an election within the city o~ the 6th day of November, 1962, for the election of a Mayor and four Commissioners, be passed and approved as read. I" ~~:':'"::: , _'::__-11:[1 .__....:_1. ", -, "~~.I ---L(_.--~--_.- r~-'TT~':- - --- -"-."."""..,,,-.,---- '""" _I fi ! i ' ,---' Cl'j 00 ao c;, CQ CQ 57 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. A recommendation from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp for installation of STOP signs on Amherst and Milton streets at Academy; and on Mercer, Sewanee and Westchester at Albans, and on Albans at Rutgers, as re- commended by the Chief of Police. Motion bY,Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that ST.oP signs be installed on Amherst and Milton Streets at Academy; and on Mercer, Sewanee and Westchester at Albans, and on Albans at Rutgers, as recommended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No': Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bomnan,Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 810, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN .oRDINANCE APPROVING AND AD.oPrING, AND DIRECTING TEE EXECUTION BY TEE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY OF, A CERTAIN AGRE:EM:ENr. EXECUTED BY RUSS MITCBELL CONSTRUCTORS, mc., C.oNTRACTOR, DATED SEPl'EMBER 10, 1962, WITH REFERENCE TO PROMPT PROCEEDING WITH TEE IMPROVEME:N'l' UNDER TEE CONTRACT OF JUNE 21, 1962, F.oR THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTI.oNS .oF BYRON STREET, RILEY STREET, ~ OBERLIN STREET, .oRDERED IMPROVED BY THE " MAY 14, 1962, .oRDINANCE NO. 801 AND THE PURCHASE BY TEE CITY 0FASSESSME:NT CERTIFICATES ISSUED AGAINST EXEMPT H.oMESTEAD PR.oPERTIES UNDER CERTAIN COJiIDITI.oNS AND UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND THE ASSIGNMENTS THEREOF TO THE CITY; DIRECTING, THE INCORPORATI.oN AS A PART .oF THIS ORDINANCE OF A con OF SAID AGREEMENT; LIMITING THE PURCHASE AND LIABILITY OF .TIIE CITY;- FINDING THI\T PROPER APPROPRIATION HAS BEEN MADE TO caVER THE ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordinance 81.0, directing the execution of an agreement with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. with reference to the proceeding with the improvement of certainpor- tions of Byron Street, Riley Street and Ober_lin Street, and the purchase, by the city of assessment certificates issued against exempt homestead properties under certain conditions, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager advised that a letter dated August 27 , 1962, had beenre- ceived ~rom Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., requesting authority to proceed with the paving of the 4200 block of Marquette Street although 7 property owners had refused to sign mechanic's lien contracts. r--r ili; i -'-T~-C'-~=-~--'-~"InT--'---'--<~ ,,- ""-'f -----'--~>>T "-c...,.,~.,, .'1 TI'T~";~ 'I - ____nn_ 58 Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. be authorized to proceed with the paving of the 4200 block Marquette Street, with the understanding that the city will purchase assessment certificates issued against exempt homestead properties~n accordance with Ordinance 810 and agreement dated September 10, 1962, between the qity and Russ Mitchell Co~structors, Inc. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager reported that he had held a conference pursuant to instructions of the City Commission, with Mr. Robert a.Randle, 4204 Byron, and Mr. John Barkley, representing his mother, Mrs. M. L. Barkley, 4203 Case, relative to the amount of the proposed assessment for paving West Point Avenue, abutting the east side of Mr. Randlels and Mrs. Barkley's property, and it had been determined in the con - ference that property owners were entitled to, an adjustment of the original assessment of $8.00 per front foot by virtue of the existence of the swimming pool and the problem it creates. After reviewing the problem and a scale of percentage assessment pre- sented by the City whihh was discussed with Messrs. Randle & Barkley, the following action was taken by the Commissi9n: Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that in view of the benefits to be derived by the City and its citizens generally and the location of the swimming pool adjacent to the property to be paved which creates excessive vehicular traffic and parking problems, that Mr. Robert O. Randle and Mrs. M. L. Barkley, owners of property on West Point Avenue,across the street from the city's swimming pool, be given credit for 60% of the costs of improving West Point Avenue abutting on Lots 12 and 13, Block 9, Colonial Terrace Addition. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager reported that Mr. Sam Wynn, Regional Representative, Division of Surplus Property Utilization, Department of Health, Education and Welfare (Dallas Region) had rejected the city's payment of $4,030.00 authorized for payment by the City Commission on ~ 28, 1962, for ab:- rogation for the following three pieces of equipment obtained through the Texas Surplus Property Agency: l. Crane, truck mtd. Mod. TLDr-20 Servo #3985, Inv. 1684 IID 2. Tractor (Bulldozer ) full tracked, Int .Har. TD-18,Ser .#7407T4, Inv. 8639 GC 3. Tractor/(BuaLldozer) D-4 "Cat" Sere #8-8197, Inv. 2582 ED Orawler The Commission reviewed the letter dated July 20, 1962, signed by Mr. L.K. Barry, Director, Texas Surplus Property Agency, which stated that Mr. Sam Wynn was contending that the fair value of the property should be 59.7% discount, amounting to $6,944.70 for the three pieces of equipment instead of the 40.3% which the city had offered to settle for previously. F-'~~- --~~~~~',I~t1r-'-'-----.-r'---' --!..- '.-.-1 -....._-....-...."T'"T~''''' 'iil i 5 9 r It was the opinion of the City Commission that the three pieces of equipment, the mobile truck mounted crane, the TD-18 tractor and the D-4 nCatH tractor were being used effectively in the city's operation and had saved a considerable outlay of capital expenditure and the City Commi~sion would be justified in abrogating the restrictions on this equipment by paying the TSPA the sum of $6,944.70. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the City Manager be authorized to niake final settlement with the TSPA by paying the sum of $6,944.70 for the fOllowing tbXee pieces of equipment: l. Crane, truckmtd. Mod. TLDT-20 Servo #3985, Inv.1684 lID 2. Tractor (BUlldozer) full tracked, Int. Har. TD-18, Sere #7407T4, Inv.8639 GC 3. Tractor, Crawler (Bulldozer) D-4 "Cat" Ser. #8-8197 ,In.v .2582 lID Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and 'Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of August 27, 1962, were approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. 1\ ! ' , ~t-~ MAYOR' ATTEST: ~." / .-;/ J. . f7'~-,__~ 0t"//.-/ . City Secretar Assistant) r" i l_ r_- .~ .. .lOWl ____c..~~~~"-[~~'~ 1 _...l- "I"I:r:; "'wi I " bO REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION S;IDF,TEMBER 24" 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 24, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. 1 _1 The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner WalL Mr. John H. Sieber, owner of property at 3621 Georgetown, Lot lA, Block 54, West University Place Second Addition, requested permission to omit cons - truction of a sidewalk west of a proposed driveway and in front of a house he plans to build at this location. Mr. Sieber stated that the west property line of this lot borders the Poor Farm Ditch and a sidewalk would serve no function. Motion by Commissioner Bo'~n, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the sidewalk requirement be waived as requested by Mr. JohnH~ Sieber, for the portion which would extend west of the proposed driveway, in accordance with plans presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL None Minutes of the regular Zoning and Planning Board meeting on September 13, 1962 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the request of Mr. A. Van Zyverden,6118 Fordham, for permission to construct a 12x18' room in connection with his garage to be used as a den or playroom, be approved, subject to execution of the usual affidavit that the structure will not be used for rental or commercial purposes, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. 1-1 ! t_) Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None I Mr. Dale Mathis, representing Continental Oil Company, presented plans and specifications for construction of a service station at the corner of Kirby Drive and Bissonnet street and it was brought out that the "pump islands" and canopies did not meet the 30 ft. setback requirement. It was determined advisable to defer action on this request until a further study could be made?:'l" to determine whether or not such structures would be considered a violation of the zoning ordinance and whether or not a precedent had been set in the city by other service stations. The question of installing a 6" water line on Bissonnet, from the existing 8n line east to Kirby Drive and south on Kirby to Wroxton Road, to service a fire hydrant for the commercial building, was discussed. An estimate of the cost for installing the 6n C.I. waterline and fire hydrant along the 130 x 130 ft. off the southwest corner of Kirby Drive and Bissonnet, which has' been leased by the Continental Oil Company, amounted to $1,520.00. It was recommended that Continental Oil Company pay this portion of the total estimated cost which will amount to approximately $3,600.00. Mr. Mathis 1 .~_L T~=~~~mil r~~~~'" Y" .,. 1 11--- --,,~ , -TIT: '..mrr r--I LI M 00 ~ ~ CQ CQ -I i I_I 61 stated that he would contact officials of the company to determine whether or not they would authorize participation to this extent. The req,uests of Mrs. Frances L. Wall, Mr. Sam Semo and Mr. Paul Canto were noted and action taken by the Zoning Board upheld. Mr. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, presented plans and specifications for re- habilitation of the Community Building for review by the Commission, and advised that four contractors had taken out the plans and specifications and indicate4 their desire to bid on the project. The City Manager advised that a letter dated September 21, 1962, had been received from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., req,uesting authority to proceed with the paving of the 4100 block of Cason street, although four property owners had refused to sign mechanic's lien contracts. Motion by bommissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. be authorized to proceed with the paving of the 4100 block of Cason Street,betweenFairhaven,and West Point, with the understanding that the city will purchase assessment certificates issued against exempt homestead properties in'accordance with Ordinance No.810 and agreement dated September 10, 1962, between the City and Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. Ordinance No. 8~1, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL \ THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUB- LIc BEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE cm OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 1;, BLOCK .~, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST AD- DITION;FINDING'THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY. HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPr- ING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING. THAT ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSm PlACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO,. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordinance No. 811, amending Ordinance No.lll to permit subdivision of Lot 1, Block 24, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, as req,uested by Mr. H. L. McCormick, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. " None r..'.....'...." "" iI,I:\ if--- --------'---------- - --",""'-.--c-=T""n~;-.---- " " , 1 .iHi i ti~ Ordinance No. 812, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING A1iJD DE'rERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOIDING OF A PUB- LIC HEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CI'fi OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, - TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 15, BLOCK @3, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST AD- DITION; FTIlDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HEID; APPROVING AND ADOPr- ING THE REPORTED' RECOMMElIDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLAJilNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 OF THE' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ! 1 ~ Motion by Comttlissioner Rice,seconded. by Commissioner Wall, thatOrdi- ~ance No~ 812, amending Ordinance No.lll to permit subdivision of Lot 15, Block 23, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, as requested by Mr. M. F. Brochstein, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 813, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commis- sion and read in full: 1 1 i I _ : I !~ AN ORDINANCE FTIlDING AND DETERMINING, THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 72, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEElI! DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING THE, REPORTED RECOMMENDATION BF TEE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO.ll1 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FTIlDING THAT ORDINANCE NO.lll OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.lll PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 813, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 72, West University Place Second Addition into three lots, as requested by Mr. Marvin L. Woodfin, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL None i___=----i r - mm r ...---.,-.. 'F~~"~"'~1 - ------- ----- iI "-r'.''':T'j--C------- -"i]ij '."1 r- H \- Cl'j 00 <X> C-" CQ CO } ". I i '- 63 Ordinance No. 814, captioned 'as follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING .Al\JD DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF TEE PROCEEDINGS MVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREBEQUISITE TO TEE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEAR- ING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO.lll OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 80, WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE SECOlm ADDITION; FIlmING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR TEE PURPOSE OF CO:r-rSIDERING AN .AME:NDME:NT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING TEE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING Alm PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOUID BE SOAMElmED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordi- nance No. 814, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 3, ~lock 80, West University Place Second Addition into two 50 x 150 ft. lots, as requested by Mrs. Frances A. Keefe, be passed and approved as read. Voting Mre: VotingNb: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Ordinance No. 815, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FIlmING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF TEE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO TEE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO.ll1 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT TEE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 7, BLOCK 39, WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR TEE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMElmMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY EELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMME:l'IDATION OF TEE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ,ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS . TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FIlmING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOUIJ) BE SO AMEl'IDED; AMEl'IDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordi- nance No. 815, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place First Addition into two lots, as requested by Mrs. W. C. Muhlhausen, be passed and approved as read. r~.r~==-'~" . ---ilir- ir-" ,__._________nm "-'"'-'l~ir .....lIiiT.'--- r-- "'-~I-~~~"'l ti4 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 1 Minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1962, were approved as read and corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, second~d and ca~ried, the meeting was recessed at 10:40 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., Monday, October 1, 1962. . . - . . - - - . - . - . ********************* ,.. RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 1, 1962 The City Commission convened in rec~ssed session on Monday, October 1, 1962, 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney 'VTere also present. Commissioner Lutz was absent. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for rehabilitation and remodeling the existing Community Building at 6104 Auden Street, were opened . and results announced. Motion by commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids received for rehabilitation and remodeling of the existing Community Building be referred to Architect Kelly Gaffney for tabu- lation and recommendation. i_ Voting Aye: Voting NG: Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on September 29, 1962, were presented for consideration. Mayor Lamkin~ Commissione~s Bowman, Rice and Wall. ,None;,.'. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for Monday, October 22, 1962, 7: 30 P.M., to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance of setback requirements in order that a pump island might project 5 feet into the 30 foot setback and the canopy to have an overhead projection of 13 feet into the 30 foot setback on Kirby Drive and the canopy on Bissonnet to have an overhead projection of 8 feet into the 30 foot setback, as requested by the Continental Oil Company, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. ~_. I ~ ' - .. ~,[j::J. . - .[ . .:1 __--11 ~---_.._..._._----- . ""'--"--cn='n..-,,,------- , ' -'":JTIT":-.'--- t)~ Resolution 62-11, as follows, was submitted and read in full: ~--; WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be required for current operating expense, , and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. OJ 00 CO 1..:1 CQ CO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $100,000.00 from the Tax Col- lector's Fund, as funds become available through collection of current taxes, in sav{ngs and Loan Associations, at their prevailing dividend rate of 4~. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-11, directing investment of $100,000.00 from Tax Col- lector's Fund as funds become available through collection of current taxes, in Savings and Loan Associations, at their prevailing dividend rate of 4~, be passed and a~proved as read. . ( Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting on Septembe~ 24, 1962, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. /~:JJ~~a=~~ MAYOR ~' /?/ ". w:. . /J -' '. i ,~~'~~ City Secretar . Assis ant) --. 1 , i i_ rr-I 1=F'~~=-'-"'ll!m 1~"'",c"'~~'r~~~~C"1 .. ------:r -. .. "--I'~:"~ ''''mi;'\ 66 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 8, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following membe~s present: ~yor Lamkin, presidmng; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. The City Attorney was also present. Commissioner Rice and City Manager Whitt Johnson were out of the city attending the Texas Municipal League Con- ference, held in Fort Worth. - ! The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. In compliance with previous action taken by the'Commission and notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received from parties inter~sted in purchasing 223 used water meters which have been removed from service by the city's Water Department, were opened andre- suIts announced as follows: Name of Company Amount Bid Lone Star Meter Service $8.00 per meter Meter Repair Service 4.50 It II City of Muskogee, Oklahoma 2.10 II' II City of Malakoff, Texas 5.10 II II Keene Water Works 6.00 II tI Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid from Lone star Meter Service, in the amount of $8.00; per meter, be accepted. ;"--, Voting Aye: , Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Corrnnissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. i___J Mr. E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, submitted a tabulation of bids received on October 1, 1962, for the rehabilitation of the Community Building, with a recommendation that the low bid of Cook Construction Company be accepted. Mr. Gaffney pointed out that the base bid submitted by Cook Construction Company amounted to $12,085.00, and with the five alternates included in the specifications,the total amount would be $14,479.00. After considering the base bid and the total amount which included all five alternates, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the low bid in the amount of $14)479.00, 'including the five alternates, be accepted, as recommended by Architect E. Kelly Gaffney, and the Mayor be authorized to e'xecute a contract Glhtbehalf of the City. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. The following residents appeared before the Commission, requesting installa- tion of mercury vapor street lights on University Blvd. to the intersection of Sewanee: Mrs. Charles Miller, 3504 University, Mrs. Lucille PressleY,3428 University and Mrs. Charles Olds, 3425 University. Mayor Lamkin advised the citizens that additional funds for this purpose were not available in the 1962 budget, and suggested that they come to. the first meeting in December to discuss the matter with the new City Commission. I ~j Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for construction of a (-'I I . l_, Ctj 00 00 c; CQ CQ (--~ , i,_i L._::'___;...!___L.:~ 67 new library, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Pierce & Pierce, Architects. Motion by Commissioner BOivrnan, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., October 22, 1962, for construction of a library building. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. The Commission was advised that letters had been received from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., requesting authority to proceed with paving on the 4000 block of Case street and the 3800 block of Swarthmore street, although 7 property owners on the two blocks had refused to sign mechanic's lien con- tracts. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. be authorized to proceed with the paving of the 4000 block of Case street and the 3800 block of Swarthmore street, with the understanding that the city will purchase assessment certificates issued against exempt homestead properties, in accordance with Ordinance No. 810 and~greement dated September 10, 1962, between the City and Russ Mitchell Constructors,Inc. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. A letter was received from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, advising the new rates which had been adopted by the Houston City Council, and which would be effective in the City of West UniveDsity Place. The letter, signed by Mr. John'3H. Wimberly, President, advised that various proceedings had been held, all of which were open to the public and the various municipalities serviced by the Houston Natural Gas Corporation were invited to have re- presentatives present. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the rate schedule filed by the HoustoQWatural Gas Corporation be accepted, to become effective after the first meter reading date in October, the schedule being the same adopted by the Houston City Council for this district. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. The Commission discussed the proposed State Constitution Amendment No. 14, "Trial de novo" and agreed that the City Commission should go on record as opposing same. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Commission go on record as opposing the proposed State Constitution Amend- ment No. 14, and authorizing the Mayor to execute a resolution to be prepared by the City Attorney on that basis. "~.-;""",:~~'~.___ __ ____ _-:_1~ ,,-, '''r---''-T''''~rr::~--- ~~~:J:'-~ C-T-" ...:-.:_c. -""'...="""=.~.- ,.. ~___..___--c,,", _'1 ~' 68 I I I I I I I I b~_ _I Votfng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin~ Commissioners Bowman~ Lutz and Wall. None. 1--) Minutes of a recessed meeting on October l~ 1962, were approced as presented. ,_I With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made~ seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. L?!iJ:~ Ass'tOity Secre ry ----~-~~ro~oc=--..-,o----~ , xn. ~.~'._~"C-"_C'=""=r=='~'=::.'r- ~'f-~~, MAYOR '--,; _ _ ______-11 - :r~:;r;~ Co, I - , 69 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DOTmmmL22, 1962 r-- . , , The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall Monday, October 22, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the foilowing members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. i__ Mayor Lamkin pronounced the Invocation. '" 00 00 c;, CQ CO The Mayor announced that a public hearing had been called for 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance in set- back requirements for a proposed service station at the southwest corner of Bissonnet Street and Kirby Drive., as requested by the Continental Oil Company and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. City Man~ger Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lamkin, tes- tified in answer to questions by the City Attorney that all requirements of the ~ity's zoning ordinance to call a public hearing had been complied with and in his opinion the hearing was in order. Mr. Dale Mathis, representing the Continental Oil Company, after being duly sworn by the Mayor, stated that his company had leased the 130 x 130 ft. tract of land at the corner of Bissonnet and Kirby, where they proposed to erect a service station with a pum.p,island on the Kirby Drive side to proj~ct five feet into the 30 ft. setback and a canopy with an overhead projection of 13 ft. into the 30 ft. setback. The canopy on Bissonnet would have an overhead projection of 8 fe~t in the 30 ft. setback. l_. Mr. Mathis also stated that the present building, which will be dem.olished, ~ms constructed on the property line; however, it is proposed that the new structure be erected beyond the 30 ft. setback 'line; with only the pump islands and canopies extending into the setback requirement. ,The City Manager related other nominal cases in West University Place where service stations encroach into the setback distance. Mr. W. H. Krenzler, owner of adjacent property, after being sworn by the M~~or, stated that in his opinion the proposed structure would be an asset to the area. With no other property owners present desiring to be heard on this matter, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the hearing called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance in setback requirements for a proposed service station at the corner of Bissonnetand Kirby Drive, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma;lor Lanikin; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Com~issioner Wall, that Zoning Ordinance No.111 be amended t~ permit a variance of setback requirements in order'tbat a pump island might project 5 feet into the 30 ft.' setback T~OF".~.n""'""~~T:W----"-'-'-"'~~~'~=P-~- . '1 :,,- :'TITI1'~ i ~, l) '-' and the canopy to have an overhead projection of 13 feet into the 30 ft. setback on Kirby Drive and the canopy on Bissonnet to have an overhead projection of 8 ft. into the 30 ft. setback, as requested by the Continental Oil Company~ and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. 1"--[ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Laml~in, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Mayor Lamkin awarded twenty year service pins to Mrs. Trulah Everett of the Water Billing Department and Captain G. E. King of the Fire Depart- ment. Both employees were commended for their long years of service with the city. Mr. Tom Lochridge, 4018 Byron, appeared before the Commission, protest- ing the fact that the mechanic's lien contract he and other property owners had executed with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. had specified the unit price of 69~ per linear foot for curb and they were paying for curb across the openings for driveways where no curbing was being cons- tructed. Mr. Lochridge was assured that the matter would be checked and satisfactory arrangements made. Authority was requested for permission to advertise for bids for a 60 watt 2-way radio for installation on the new fire truck, scheduled for delivery in December. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 12:00 noon, November 12, 1962, for one 60 watt transistor type, com- bination transmitter and receiver, mobile radio unit, for installation on the new fire truck. :-..-'1 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. 'None. Messrs. Robert A. Green and P. C. Williams, representing the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, Planning Consultants, presented an oral report on the progress of a comprehensive plann{ng survey. A letter from Russ Mitchell Constructors, InG., requesting authority to proceed with paving of tskip' areas, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. be authorized to proceed with paving of tskipt areas, listed in their letter of October 9, 1962, with the understanding that the city will purchase assessment certificates issued against exempt homestead properties in accordance with Ordinance No. 810 and agreement dated September 10,1962, between the city and Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc; further, that property owners be given credit for the unit price where there is existing us~ble curb and gutter. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. After discussing the collection of delinquent paving accounts, the Com- mission authorized the City Manager and City Attorney to proceed with diligent efforts to collect all paving accounts for the entire paving __J I'C'''T~'''': "];;i 71 program and to file suit thereon if necessary within the Statutes of Limitations. A letter from Dr. Ben Walpole, Chairman, Board of Health, recommending an increase in fees for dog license from $1.00 to $2.00, and the daily board fee from 50~ to 75~, was reviewed by the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordi- nance No. 255 be amended to increase the fee for dog license from $1.00 to $2.00 and the daily board fee from 50~ to 75~, as recommended by the Board of Health. cY:) 00 00 C..':1 CQ CO Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 816, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration, and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINll.NCE NO. 791 WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE: CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE,' TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1962, AND ADOPl'ED ON TEE 28rH DAY OF AUGUST, 1961.. Motion by CommissionerPJlreee, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordi- nance No. 816, amending Ordinance No. 791, to provide additional expenditures amd revenues in the 1962 budget,be!~assed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The Commission again discussed installation of a 6" water line on Bisson- net in the 2600 block, then south on Kirl::>y to tie onto an existing 6" iliine; the total distance being ~40 ft. for an approximate cost of $3500.00. It was the opinion of the Commission that it would be fair and reasonable ftDr~dhhe Continental Oil Company to pay $1520.00 for the cost of 260 ft. of pipe along their property and for one fire hydrant and one gate valve. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the Con- tinentalOil Company be billed in the amount of $1520.00 for their proportionate share of the cost involved in installing a 6" water line on Bissonnet in the 2600 block and on Kirby Drive south to an existing 6" water line, with fire hydrants to be installed on Bissonnet and on Kirby Drive. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 12:00 noon Monday, November 12, 1962, for 540 ft. of 6" C.I. water line, 3 - 5" fire hydrants, 3 - 6" M.J. gate valves and miscellaneous C.I. water pipe fittings,for installation on the 2600 block of Bissonnet and on Kirby Drive from Bissonnet to tie into an existing 6" line. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bov~n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. i L_-L_ r- "TI'~tT ; ~ I "="f-,-.....-,-~~=~=--- ...-1. _.....;.L--,------- ,..,- ,.c-" T".''':'i:'~ T~~~-.": 7'2 Resolution 62-12, as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: WHEREAS, a general election will be held in the state of Texas on November 6, 1962; and WHEREAS, such election ballot on that date will contain fourteen (14) proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, proposed Amendment No. 14 would grant to the Legislature power to provide for trials de novo on all appeals from actions, rulings or decisions of administrative or executive agencies of government; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that passage of said proposed amendment would destroy the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the State and local governments; and WHEREAS, the broad and sweeping language of this' proposed amendment would nullify any and all actions, rulings or decisions of all state administra- tive agencies and departments, counties, cities a.nd towns and other 'local governmental units by mereJy filing ~n the proper court an appeal therefrom if the Legislature so desired; and WHEREAS, this amendment would empower the Legislature to burden courts and juries allover the state, or if exclusive venue is lodged in Travis County, at times distantly removed from the sites of the original actions appealed from, in full, solemn trials of issues administrative and technical in nature and alien to our jurisprudence and thus impair and interfere with the ability of our courts to perform their basic judicial functions and require a great increase in the number of our courts: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That each and every citizen of the City 'of West University Place, Texas, is hereby urged to fully acquaint himself with proposed constitutional Amendment No. 14 as well as the effects of such proposed amendment upon the functions of our state and local governments. Section 2. That the City Commission of the City of West ,University Place, Texas, is strongly opposed to the passage of the aforesaid proposed Cons- titutional Amendment No. 14. Section 3. That the City Secretary is directed to spread this Resolution upon the Minutes of the City Commission and to furnish a copy hereof to each of the daily newspapers serving this community. Motion by CommiSSioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-12 opposing the passage of Constitutional Amendment No. 14 which would grant to the Legislature power to prOVide for trials de novo on all appeals from actions, rulings or decisions of administrative or'executive agencies of government, be passed and approved as read. ~C_' dd . I -- ,..-- ,..- ,'" .'1 ... _......iI -"--.,.,.,,r-"T:,""fLIT ',:ili: lJ I~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of October 8, 1962, were approved as submitted. cY:) 00 CO c..!:S :Q CO With no further business to come before the'Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was re - cessed at 1:15 A.M. until 7:30 P.M. on November 8, 1962. **************** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, November 8, 1962, 7:30 P.M. ; with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz and WalL The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Rice and the City Attorney were absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wall. In compliance with Notice to aidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for construction of a new library building were opened and results announced. - Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ceived for construction ofa new library building be referred to the City Manager and Architects Pierce & Pierce for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, WalL None Commissioner Rice arrived at this time. Mayor Lamkin announced that it was necessary to canvass returns of the Gen- eral City Election, held November 6, 1962, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners. The four Precinct Judges' official returns were submitted to the Commission, whereupon, after inspection of the poll list and return sheet, it appeared that the returns submitted by the Precinct Judges were in order. Resolution 62-13, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No.809 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City Election was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on November 6, 1962, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Co~~ssioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P.1097, ch.492, Article III],the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the J' iniT r ~~c.~~-,...., , 1 ir- - -----.----,---'.-r~'..-c"T'''nn~ '~]il-.T--'--- 14 returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHER~S, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in Recessed Session assembled on November 8, 1962; have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097; Ch. 492, Art. 116, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: Name . Candidate For No. 183 No. 15 No. 133 No. 87 DuPree Holman Mayor 822 43~ 535: 537 Loys E. Vest Commissioner 780 415 504 519 Richard Ayres Commissioner 793 428 515, 520 Horace A. Rice Commissioner 799 423 523 527 Charles L. Wall, Jr. Commissioner 802 427 507 529 and, WHEREAS; as a result of such election, it appears that DUPREE HOLMAN with a total number of 2327 votes cast for him ,vas elected Mayor of the City of West University Place; Texas; and LOYS E. VEST with a total number of 2218 votes cast for him, and RICHARD AYRES with a total number of 2256 votes cast for him, and HORACE A.RICE with a total number of 2272 votes cast for him; and CHARLES L.WALL, JR. with a total number of 2265 votes cast for him, have been elected C6mmissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS; that; , l. The official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, puxsuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: DuPree Holman was elected Mayor Loys E. Vest was elected Commissioner Richard Ayres was elected Commissioner Horace A. Rice was elected Commissioner Charles L. Wall; Jr. was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, at the said election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each DuPree Holman, Loys E. Vest, Richard Ayres, Horace A. Rice and Charles L. Wall, Jr., as his Certificate of El~ction, and duplicate copies hereof shall be de - livered to the City Secretary of the City of West University Place; Texas, and the County Judge of Harris County; Texas, as provided by law. '~ 75 Motion by Commissioner Lutz" seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Reso- lution 62-13, canvassing returns of the election held in the City of West University Place" Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None Resolution 62-14, as follows, was presented to the CommiSSion and read in full: WHEREAS the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax M Co11ectorls Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, 00 and 00 ~ WHEREAS" it is'the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's 00 money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $150,000.00 - Tax Collector's Fund, as funds become available through collections of current taxes, in Savings and Loan Associa- tions, at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4~. Motion by Commissioner Rice, secGnded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 62-14, directing investment of $150,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund as the -funds become available through collection of current taxes, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman,Lutz, Rice, and Wall. None A letter from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc.,requesting authority to pro- ceed with paving of the 4100 block of Amherst and 3800 block of Browning,was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall" that Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc.bee authorized to proceed with paving of the 4100 block of Amherst Street, and the 3800 block of Browning Street, with the understanding that the city will purchase assessment certificates issued against exempt homes- tead properties, in accordance with Ordinance No. 810 and agreement dated September 10, 1962, between the city and Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL None Estimate No.1, from Russ Mitchell Constructors" Inc., for work completed under t4e street paving contract with the city, in the amount of $3,824.09, was sub- mitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by CommiSSioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Estimate No.1" from Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., in the amount of $3,824.09, be approved for ~ayment, as recommended by the City Engineer and City Manager. 1--- ....11:.u , . _.._...-'-..:.....L~~~~~===:=-IO'-=-''''-_.~.''''''-~~-l ----.l -- _______n_____ ------------ - '- - r~:rr: J ,,- i 76 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BOvman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that he had consulted with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc. and they had agreed to share the cost, for installation of driveway returns and curb lay-down which were omitted from plans and specifications under the contract between that firm and the city, if the city would pay 25~ per linear foot. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the city pay 25~ per linear foot as a share of the cost for installation of driveway returns and curb lay-down, which were omitted from plans and specifications for the paving program. Voting Aye: Voting ,No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. An invoice from Everett P. Green, CPA, dated October 26, 1962, in the amount of $200.00 for a special detail examination made in JUly, 1961, of all open items appearing on the Police Court docket for the years 1959 and i96o, was submitted for conSideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, second~d by Commissioner Bowman, that Everett P.Green, CPA, be paid the amount of $200.00 for special detail work in July, 1961, of all open items appearing on the Police Court docket for the years 1959 and 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. "! The Commission was advised by Mayor Lamkin that he had transmitted a letter to Mr. Everett P. Green, dated October 23, 1962, advising him of the agreement concerning,his appointment as Auditor for the city for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1962, on the same fee basis as in previous years, which was not to exceed $1,700.00 for examination of accounts, books and records, and not to exceed $300.00 for conferences and consultations, such conferences and consultations to be authorized by the City Manager. Members of the Commission concurred in this action taken by the Mayor, which was deemed advisable to avoid any misunder - standing regarding fees on the basis of his appointment and also for special work performed. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 22, 1962, were approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 10:30 P.M. until 1:30 P.M., Monday, November 12, 1962. ************** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, November 12, 1962, 1:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presidingj Commissioners Bowman, Rice Lutz and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. - - "".--,,--"'.....on..,,--.-- l...ll.j U::iIT: 77 The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rice. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the o~~icial news- paper o~ the city, bids received for 500 ~t. o~ 6" C.I. pipe, 3 fire hydrants and miscellaneous C.I. water pipe fittings, for installatiop on the 2600 block o~ Bissonnet and on the 5300 block o~ Kirby Drive, were opened and results announced as follows: ; i I_I Municipal Pipe & Fabricating Company Utili ty Supply Company Mabry Foundry & Machinery Company $2,089.14 2,033.93 1,88l.15 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ceived ~or water pipe, fire hydrants and miscellaneous water pipe ~ittings be referred to the City Manager ~or tabulation and recommendation. C'Yj 00 00 c..'::1 CO CQ Voting, Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Boww.an, Rice, Lutz and Wall. None. Bids received for delivery of one 2Bwatt transistor type, combination trans- mitter and receiver, mobile radio unit, for installation on the new ~ire truck, were opened and results announced as follows: Communications Engineering Company General Electric Communication~Products 'Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc,. - $ 545.00 514.00 490.00 11 I i I--..J Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that bids re- ~eived ~or delivery o~ one 25 watt transistor type, combination transmitter and receiver, mobile radio unit, be referred to the City Manager for tabu- lation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz and Wall. None. A tabulation of bids received on November 8, 1962, was submitted by Mr. Edwin J., Goodwin, Jr., representing the architectural ~irm o~ George Pierce- Abel B. Pierce, with the following letter o~ recommendation: r-1 l_, I " This letter serves as our recommendation regarding the selection o~ a contractor to build the new City of West University Place Library Building. It is apparent ~rom reVc~ew of the bids taken on the subject project November 8, 1962, that Rovon Construction Company, Inc. is the low bidder at $79,997.00. This is based upon pro- viding all labor and materials for the proposed building according to plans, specifications and details,including Addendum 'No.1 dated October 19, 1962. In accordance with your acceptance o~ Alternate No.1 ~or installation o~ a roo~ drain system in the amount o~ $1,466.00 arid subsequent deletion o~certain construction items speci- ~ically listed in Addendum No.2,dated November 12,1962, which amount to a credit of $5,131.00, all totalling $76,332.00, we recommend the City of West University Place enter into an Agreement with Rovon Construction Company,Inc.,in the amount of $76,332.00 to per~orm the a~orementioned work. r:. . :=: ..:"'--'11",\1 ...J . .,,[" '::m1'i '.1 78 Past experience has indicated Rovon Construction Company, Inc., to be a dependable organization. This Company contracted with the City of Houston and satisfactorily built and completed two Fire Stations on which Pierce and Pierce were the Architects. ; I ' I~ Sincerely, Vs) The Office of George Pierce-Abel B. Pierce Edwin.J. Goodwin, Jr. tl Resolution 62-15, as follows, was presented to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, has here- tofore, by Resolution No. 62-10, transferred certain funds from the Water Fund to the General Fund for the construction of a library and payment of'architec- tural fees; and WHEREAS, bids for the construction of a library building were received on November 8, 1962, and the lowest acceptable bid plus Alternate No,. 1,and in- creased architectural fees, exceeded the amount of funds appropriated by Resolution No. 62-10: ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1 I ,_I Section 1. That Section 1 of Resolution 62-10 is hereby amended to ap- propriate an additional $1,000.00, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to ,transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund the additional amount of $1,000.00. Section 2. That Section 4 of Resolution 62-10 is hereby amended so that funds in the total amount of $81,416.07, heretofore appropriated and authorized to be transferred, shall be increased to $82,416.07, which additional amount is required to be made available before execution of a contract for construction of a library building and for payment of agreed architectural fees. Section 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to make such transfer in keeping with Resolution 62-10 as amended by this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 62-15, appropriating an additional $1,000.00 from the Water Fund to the General Fund, thereby increasing the amount appropriated and authorized to be transferred by Resolution 62-10, from a total of $81,416.07 to $82,416.07, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Lamkin be authorized to execute a contract with Rovon Construction Company, Inc., to construct a library building for the sum of $76,332.00, as recommended by the architectural firm of George Pierce-Abel B.Pierce. , ;~ ('j Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz and Wall. None. r--, l '-.--- Mayor Lamkin stated for the records that II in order to hold construction price of the library building to a minimum and because of other pertinent facts, we have deleted from construction detail plans and specifications all furnishings, shelving, supplies and floor covering. II Ordinance No. 817, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQ,UISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO. PERMIT AN EXTENSION OF IMPROVEMEi'lTS INTO THE SETBACK LINES ESTABLISBED FOR BISSONNET $,TREET' AND KIRBY DRIVE; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. lll:El'AS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD APPROVING AND, ADOPI'ING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING 'BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH EXTEN:SION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMEIIDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH EXTENSION INTO SAID SETBACK LINES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that,Ordinance No. 817, amending Section 24 of Ordinance No. 111, permitting an ~xtension of improvements into the setback lines established for Bissonnet Street and Kirby Drive, be passed and approved as read. i l__ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice,Lutz and Wall None. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on November 8, 1962, were submitted for consideration by the Commission. After reviewing the request of Mr. Art Tantillo, 4111 Ruskin, for permission to construct an ,8 x 16 ft. utility house, to be used by him for working with electronic eqUipment (tape recorders,amplifiers and computers), action was deferred until the meeting of the Commission on November 26, 1962, as more - definite information is needed on the intended use of the accessory building. Minutes of the meeting of November 8, 1962, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 P.M. ~~ ~;:A~ MAYOR ATTEST: /'-' ,,/ C/~,. -. ,Cf:;':~" ~ ? .' ".:...-'-.:/";---7..., Iv / / I '-'~'<2/ Assft.City Secreta~y r-.. --.---1 _...-I." _.._..~._._____._____..___,~,"'--'--"-r-~--- --------.--.~.tTI~..~- 80 I I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION ! NOVEMBER 12, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 12, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor stuart L. Lamkin, presiding; Mayor elect DuPree Holman, Commissioners W. w. Bowman, W. T. Lutz, Jr., Commissioners~lect Horace A. Rice, Loys E. Vest, Richard Ayres and Charles L. Wall, Jr. The City Attorney and City Manager were also pres~nt. -) 1 I _J The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. E. Leo Allen, Minister of the West Univer- sity Methodist Church. Mayor Lamkin announced that the newly elected Mayor and Commissioners would be installed at this meeting and e~tended a cordial w~lcome to all present. Former Mayor Cecil P. Lanmon was introduced and in turn introduced all other former Mayors and Commissioners in the audience. Former officials present were H. E. Terry and Edwin W. Morris, who had s~rved as Mayor; R. W. Goff, M. C. Halbert, E. R. Davis and DuPree Holman, who had served as Commissioners. After appropriate remarks by former Mayor Lanman, Commissioner Bowman and Commis- sioner Lutz were introduced and they expressed their appreciation for having had the privilege of. serving as a member of the Commission. Former Mayor H. E. Terry'was asked by Mayor Lamkin to administer the Oath of Office to Richard Ayres, Lays E. Vest, Horace A. Rice and Charles L. Wall, Jr., as Commissioners to serve for the ensuing term of office. After appropriate re- marks by each Commiflsioner, Mr. Terry than administered the Oath of Office to DuPree Holman as Mayor of the City. At this time, the following remarks were made by stuart L. Lamkin, retiring Mayor: '- " In just a few minutes it'll be time for me to pass the gavel. In case any of you don't know what tlpass the gavel" means-- it's just a nice way to say "pass the buck!" But before I do, there are a few things I want to say -- not only to the new Mayor and Commission, but to you, their feJ,.low citizens, to whom they will be looking for support during the next two critical years. First, serving on the Commission and as Mayor has been quite an experience. It's been gratifying because of the confidence shown in me and the feeling that I have participated in the accomplishment of some progress. It's been demanding for the night hours and weekend hourS and vacation hours it has required. Sometimes even dreaming hours! It's been frustrating for the inability, because of time and other limitations, to get some things done that need doing. _J It's been educational because of the knowledge I've gained of the problems this City has. 1.._11" '::iIlr'i 81 r- 1 It's been rewarding for having been able to make a host of new friends -- high up on the list of which is the group of able, dedicated City employees we are so very fortunate to have. i~_ And then it's been surprising for several reasons. I've ~een surprised at the almost complete lack of knowledge of practically all our citizens about the City's operations. C't'J 00 00 c.? CQ CO I've been surprised to find the apathy and resist- ance to change that so many people have. And I've been saddened, as well as surprised, to find that many people, when incited and fed bad in- formation and rumor, will take hysterical,unthinking action without attempting to determine the true facts. During these last four years I've had it said to me on many occasions, "We've reached our ultimate growth and we have no problems here in West University." This conception of our City I've found sUrprising. You know, nothing ever stands still -- neither a person, nor a house, nor a business, nor a City. . Each of these is always moving. This movement is never level. Itls either up or it's down. L-l I've been living in West University for a little over ten years now and I've shocked a number of people recently by saying that West University has been going down-hill. None of you, I am sure, like to hear this, but if you think it isn't so, r challenge you to roll:,,'Your memory back to ten years ago and remember the appearance of your neighborhood and your City. Then get in your car and dXiye slowly up one street and down the other and really look at what you see and compare it with the way it looked ten years ago. You probably won't have to drive dO\m somebody else's street -- look at your own street -- the block in which you live -- and rIll bet you can find evidence of de- terioration real close to you. I know there's some of it that wasn't there a few years ago in the block where I live. Another evidence of this condition is the increase in the number of rent houses in West University. On January 1, 1959, there were 622. A month ago there were 753 -- an increase of 131. For some reason most landlords usually don't keep up rent houses as well as owners do when they live there. 82 l----::- :~.- City Commissions have constantly strived to prevent this downward trend by improving city services and appearances. Here are some of the things we have done over the past four years. (1) Instituted off-street garbage pickup which vastly improved the appearance of West Uni- versity streets four days a week by getting garbage cans and their spilled contents off the streets. i_I (2) Concentrated trash pickup to one day a week instead of two, which also improved the ap- pearance of our City streets. (3) Completed the Miltom street service center building program started several years ago. This has eUminateCi the dilapidated, unsanitary unsafe structures that used to house our street, Water, Garbage and Sewer Departments. (4) Arranged for the installation of modern street lights on Buffalo Speedway and around the elementary school to improve the lighting and appearance conditions in those areas. (5) stepped up our street cleaning program by ob- taining a street sweeper. (6) Finally brought to a decision the vexing prob- lem of our Community House and have now' refvxbished it to improve the utility and ap- pearance of this structure. i I I~ (7) Let a contract for a new building to house our library as a result of which we will be able to provide more of the expanded library ser- ices we all need so badly. (8) Encouraged new residential construction and remodeling of present homes and commercial structures. (9) We are currently engaged in a 10-block con- crete paving program including the paving of all areas which had been skipped in previous paving programs. (10) We have arranged for a planning study to pro- vide the basis for the long-range planning that is vitally necessary because of our City's strategic location in Harris County, in view of developments in the metropolitan area which are expected to take place in the next 20 to LEO years. 1. i_-, ~~lI!'~ . C_':---~' --- - Cl'j 00 ~ c.,:, CO CO ~ ; Li \ ; 83: We have felt that it is very necessary that we know where this general area is going in the way of development so that West University can prudently, efficiently and properly plan its own path in this pic- ture at the least possible cost down through the years. We believe our downward trend has been slowed. We are en- couraged by the fact that 20 new homes have been built since January 1, 1961. In addition, while remodeling permits have steadily increased over the last four years, the number of additional homes be- coming rent houses each year has decreased considerably. To illustrat,e: this latter point, in 1960 there were 83 homes that became rent houses, but in 1962 the additional number of rent houses will be only 20 to 25. These indications are definite proof that progress has been made in stemming our downward trend. However, even though we have these encouraging in4ications, we must not relax our efforts. Let's keep moving forward. let's search out ways and means to modernize our City, to make it more beautiful, to make it an ever more desirable place in which to live! To continue progress on these objectives during the next two years, DUPree, Dick, Horace, Loys and Charlie are going to need your understanding and your b~cking and your help. They've got a big job to do, so let's really get behind them! And now, finally, I would like to tell you that I appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to you these last four years. It has been a real privilege to have served both as a Commissioner and as Mayor. I especially want to express my appreciation for the team- work of the wonderful fellows who have been my companions on the Commission which includes our capable City Manager, Mr. Whitt Johnson. It has been an inspiring experience. Thank you. II Mayor Holman offered thanks to all citizens for his election to office and pledged that this Commission would act with all diligence to promote good government and to support worthwhile civic projects. Mayor Holman introduced City Manager Whitt Johnson who presented all department heads of the City. '::lliT"-i ~4 In compliance with charter provisions, Mayor Holman stated the first order of business would be the selection of a Mayor Pro tem to serve for the ensuing two year term. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Oommis- sioner Rice be named Mayor Pro tem for the ensuing two year ~erm. i_I Voting Aye: Voting :No: ,Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. :None. Mr. Edwin vI. Morris announced that a public reception for inCOming and out- going City Commissions would be held immediately following the close of this meeting at the Community Building. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: L9J~ Ass1tCity secretar~ , I i_~ ,_I M 00 00 c.,:, CO CO r- '-- --r-, tJ5 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 26, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on November. 26, 1962~ 7: 30 P.M., \vith the following members present: Mayor DuPree Holman, presiding; Commissioner$ Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was given by Oommissioner Wall. Mrs. Jackie Greer, Chairman of the Personnel Board, appeared before the Commission and presented for consideration a plan to honor members of , various boards, committees and City Commissions of past years, with the names of the various members enscribed on parchment paper in a permanent- ly bound book, which is to be placed on a stand located in the City Hall. Estimated cost of the project was $150.00. Mayor Holman requested the Personnel Board to pursue the proposal to final completion and explore the possibilities of obtaining two books, each cover- ing a ten-year period, and each of which would have enscribed the names of the citizens who have served as elected and appointe~ officials and those who have given of their time voluntarily as members of boards, committees, etc. :Mr. E. J. Murphy, 3912 Rice Blvd., :Mr. Harold M. Hawkins, 6546 Buffalo Speedway and ~~. ,~lliam F. Marshall, 3718 Robinhood; were present in order to request the Co.mission to allow the West University Place Shamrock Booster Club to rent the 'ommunity Buiiding on December 31, 1962, for the purpose of raising funds 0 support the activities of the Booster Club. The,matter was discussed at ome length and it was decided to defer action on this item until it could be dealt with later in the meeting. A tabulation of b ds received on November 12, 1962, for furnishing and de- livering 500 feet of 6" C.I. pipe, 3 fire hydrants and miscellaneous C.I. water pipe fittin s, for installation in the 2600 block of Bissonnet and the 5300 block of Kirby Drive, ..ras submitted by the City manager. Motion by Commiss'oner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Commis- sion accept the bOd of Utility Supply Company in the amount of $2,033.93, which is the lowe t bid meeting specifications. Voting Aye: Voting No: Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. A tabulation of b watt mobile radio was presented wit of Motorola Commu be accepted. ds received on November 12, 1962, for one - two-way, 25- unit,for installation in the new Seagrave; fire truck, a recommendation from the City Manager that the low bid ications & Electronics, Inc., in the amount of $490.00, Motioh bY'?l;:ommiSff -oner ,.Ay:t:es;s.econded?by CDnJm1t~siRd)'neJ; l{;ica, ,::"bl:lalk,t:fu.13 low bid'Of MotoroUi~C 'mmunications and Electronics, Inc., in the amount of $490.00, for one otorola U43GGT~1100C, 12 volt, 25 watt, trunk mount transistor power upply mobile unit complete, be accepted, as recommended by the City Manag r. r==-~~-~~~ln1T ;1 r.' . ._.,..!.._..-~...1 ~ilil'i ~b Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest ;'lnd Wall. None. E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, employed to prepare plans and specifica- tions for rehabilitation of the Community Building, presented for consideration Estimate No.1, in the amount of $14,500.00, for work performed and material furnished by the Cook ,Construction Company in connection with the Community Building project, and recommended same for.payment. --~') ~i Mr. Gaffney presented a brief resume of the work performed and the un- completed items. The Commission was advised of extra work performed and authorized by Mayor S. L. Lamkin, and the following Change Orders presented in addition to the general contract. Contract price $14,497.00 Change Order No. 1 Remove all loose cement topping from old cement floor and pour new cement topping to permit laying of new asphalt tile $ 473.13 Change Order No. 2 Furnish and install three (3) new thermostats for the existing unit heaters- $ 99.00 Change Order No. 3 Install two (2) additional circuits for ceiling heaters, lights and exhaust fans in toilet roo~ qs 72.00 ,--, , I i . ; ,_.._.i Less Contingency Allowance $ $ 100.00 200.00 Less allowance for heater parts - Net Amount Due $14,708.90 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Estimate No. 1 due Cook Construction Company, in the amount of $14,500.00, recommended for approval by E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, be accepted, . and $208.90 be withheld pending the completion of certain minor items by the Contractor. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ay-.ces, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Manager mentioned additional items which are desirable for the remodeling of th~ Community Building, such as, refurbishing of the Venetian blinds, extra coat of paint in the restrooms, double, glass doors and an aluminum awning to go over the glass doors, amounting to approximately $763.00. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Archi- tect E. Kelly Gaffney be authorized to proceed with the additional items considered desirable to complete the rehabilitat~on of the Community Building - reconditioning all Venetian blinds, extra paint in restrooms, I ! '.'I'''1'..;n H':'m~ '[ " M 00 00 c...':'J CO ~ ( ~7; new front doors to be oonstructed of glass and an aluminum awning over front doors, amounting to an estimated $763.00, plus 10% for architect's fees, ex- clusive of any fee included for reconditioning of Venetian blinds. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None. Minutes of the regular meeting on November 8, 1962, and special meeting on November 21, 1962, of the Zoning and Planning Board, were presented for con- sideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Nommissioner Rice, that Mr. J. R. Hymel's, 3403 Nottingh~ be permitted to construct a hothouse adjacent to his two-car garage, subject to setback lines and building code requirements, and execution of an affidavit that the structure will not be used for rental or commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None. Action was deferred o~ the request of Mr. Art Tantillo, 4111 Ruskin, in order that Mr. Tantillo might be invited 'be appear before the Commission at the next regular meeting on December lOth and explain'his contemplated use of the structlU'e. An invoice from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott for partial payment under the terms of the contract for professional planning services for preparation of the first phase of comprehensive plan, in the amount of $3800.00, was presented for con- sideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that invoice in the amount of $3800.00 from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, for preparation of the first 'phase of comprehensive plan, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None. The City Manager presented invoice from Pierce and Pierce, Architects, for pro- fessional services under the terms of the contract in connection with preparation of pians and specifications and awarding of contract for the construction of the new library building, in tJg;e amount of $2,782.43, stating the invoice was in order and approved for payment. Motion by Commissioner ",Ayres,' seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the statement in the amount of $2,782.43 from Pierce and Pierce, Architects, for professional services in connection with the preparation of plans and specifications and awarding of contract for construction of library building, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The rate for swimming pool season tickets and the installment plan method of payment was discussed and the following action taken: i"''''' ,.,....'---ll',i\ ;:mlT' r , -'-=~~1 if - ---------- -.->7--,o--r~--- 85 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that charges for family season tickets and general admission rates for the sWimming pool for the 1963 season be set according to the following: GENF:RAT. ADMT88T()1\T CTFfARnw.g 1 i i ,~ Children Adults Non-swimmers who desire to enter pool area 35~ 65~ 25~ SEASON TTCKF.'1' Single ticket for adult or child Family of 2 participating members Family of 3 participating members Family of 4 or more participating members $10.00 14.00 16.00 '18.00 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The Commission also approved the installment method of payment for season tickets. The Learn-to-swim program was discussed and it was suggested that an increase in charges for lessons be considered. Discussion was held of proposed rules, regulations and rental rates for the remodeled Community Building and it was decided to defer action until the meeting of December lOth and refer ,the matter back to the City Manager. The Commission decided to permit the West University Place Shamrock Booster Club to use the Community Building for the evening of December 31, 1962, at a rate of $25.00, to include the kitchen, with the understanding that this is a !tone time onlytl arrangement', 1.ith hours to be 9: 00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M., and that the Commission will not consider this a precedent. The City Treasurer has requested removal from the records of the cityfs lia- bility in the amount of $183.30, which amount was retained from an invoice from C~yStal Pools, Inc. which was forfeited due to unsatisfactory work in the swimming pool. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City , Treasurer be authorized to record in the records that the amount of $183.30 being held on the contract with Crystal Pools, Inc., because of the failure of Crystal Pools, Inc. to carry out their contract, shall be treated as liquidated damages for breach of contract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Manager requested permission to purchase 50 new chairs for the Com- munity Building, and the following action was taken: ~'~~-~-,--"'-~-~~------'"'ffi~ I'''------.-~---.,-.-'------''"-l ir- - - -,~ r'":r, '-;:m-j '~1- -, r" L_ I I' L' r i L 89 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authorized to puxchase 50 new, No. 254 folding chairs, with plyYTood seats, @ $4.66, from American Seating Company, for use in the, Community Bui~ding. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 818, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE Jl...MENDING ORDINANCE NO. 255 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSm PLACE" TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A FEE OF $2.00 FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A DOG LICENSE AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR A FEE OF $0.75 PER DAY UPON THE REDEMPrION OF ANY ANIMAL FROM. THE POIT.ND TO HELP DEFRAY THE EX- PENSE OF FEEDING suciI ANIMAL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance No. 818, amending Ordinance No. 255, increasing dog license fee from $1.00 to $2.00 annually, and board fee from 50rf, to 75rf, per day, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-16, as follows, was presented and the following action taken: . WHEREA~, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to invest the city's available cash which is not required for current operation of the various municipal activities, in shares and sav- ings accounts, with recognized savings and loan associations, chartered in the state of Texas, operating under Federal regulations and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that one of the elected officials of the City of West University Place, Texas, be appointed for and on behalf of the City ,of West Universit~ Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, withdrawal or exchange of funds in said savings and loan associations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has elected to deposit its funds in tru~t ac- counts limited to a maximum of $10,000.00 in ea'ch trust account in said savings and loan associations in order to obtain Federal insurance coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section 1. That DuPree HOlman, Mayor of the City of West University Place, Te~as, be appointed Trustee representing the city and authorized to sign tr~st fund accounts in the aforementioned savings and loan associations doing business in the City of Houston, with a maximum of $10,000.00 in each of such trust accounts. r ' - .. I~if,' - -----'ilrT~-~---'.- 111m [' "1 'I 90 Section 2. That the appointment of Mayor DuPree Holman as Trustee rep- resenting the city for tlle handling of trust fund accounts shall supercede the action of the City Commission contained in the regular minutes of December 12, 1960, which appointed Mayor stuart L. Lamkin as trustee for similar circumstances. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Reso- lution 62-16, authorizing that Mayor DuPree Holman be designated as Trustee representing the city for the handling of trust fund accounts, in s~vings and loan associations, be passed and approved as read. 'l e. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62.,.17, as follows, was presented and the fOllowing action taken: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to invest the city's available cash in shares and savings ac- counts with recognized savings and loan associations, chartered in the State of Texas, operating under Federal regulations and doing business in i,; the City of Houston,Texas, which is not required for current operation of the various municipal activities; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain elected and appointive officers of the City of West University Place; Texas, be designated to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the de- posit, witbdrawal or exchange of funds, 'in said savings and loan accociations; and WHEREAS, signatures of designated officers are required and authority shall be invested in three of the five such officers, one of whom shall be an elected city official, either Mayor Pro tem Horace A. Rice or Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr., to act for and on b~half of the City of West University Plac~, Texas, in connection with the handling of shares and savings in the savings and loan associations, as set forth herein; and I : I i ----....J ,~S it is necessary to substitute the names of one of the elected city officia Is to serve in lieu of Mayor Pro tem William T. Lutz, Jr., \-Those term expired on November 12, 1962. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ': Section 1. The herein designated officers are hereby authorized to open an investment share account for the City of West University Place, Texas, and to invest its available funds from time to time. with recognized savings and loan associations chartered in the State of Texas, operating under Federal regula- tions and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, and that said associations are hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with signature cards bearing the signatures of three of the. five such officers, ugless and until the associations have been notifed in writing of any change of officers or further authorization for other individuals to so sign. '--I i I '~~~'~ '-'T-" r----, U M 00 00 C.!:l C;Q C':l o t__ 91 Horace A. Rice Charles L. Wall,Jr. - Whitt Johnson WilliamTIittert,Jr. - George P.Corry Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner City Manager City Treasurer City Controller Section 2. Each of the five des~gnated officers shall execute signature cards required by the association, with a specimen of their signature. Section 3. This Resolution shall supercede the authority contained in Resolution 60-24 applicable to the said savings and loan associations, where William T. Lutz, Jr., Mayor Pro tem was designated as the elected officer of the City eligible to act on and behalf of the City of w~st University Place, Texas. ~he signatureand authority of William T.' Lutz, Jr. -,- is hereby removed inasmuch as his term of Mayor Pro tem of the City of West University Place, Texas, expired on November 12, 1962. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution 62-17 authorizing signatures ~or investment of funds for the City of West University Place, in savings and lOan associations, be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Commission considered it inadvisable to meet on the fourth Monday of December, 1962, which is Christmas Eve, and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the regular- ly scheduled meeting of December 24, 1962, be changed to December 27, 1962. , . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The resignation of Mr. LoysB. Vest as a member of the Zoning Board, ef- . fective November 12, 1962, was accepted by the City Commission. Mayor DuPree Holman announced that members of the City Commission had investi- gated and contacted numerous citizens to serve on various boards and committees and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning and Planning Board: Messrs. o. P. Gill, E. J. Haralson, A. Gordon ,Jones, H. Edgar Lott, J. C. Snyder and R. C. Hilton to serve as alternate member. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. . Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the follow- ing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Doctors Howard L. Evans and N. C. Windrow, Messrs. James R. Sims, George Dickinson, James Hammond and Dr. L. D. Farragut, Ex Officio member. I'" .....:..1-,. -- - '--'--~'--""-'~-T~niE~--'- --- ;l:rrrJ-":T-" - -- 1J,CI __ _~..:...... r. ,:- -'._.:'=T~-="'--='=-:CC'=-=~~.-y 92 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the following persons be appointed to serve as members of th~ Personnel Board: I~ Mrs. Jackie Greer, Messrs. J. C. Morton, W. E. Furley, Thad Sanders, Advisory Member. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres,Rice, Vest~and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the follow- ing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals: Messrs. Ralph Browning, M. C. Halbert, Paul Childers, George McGhee and Ray Fitzgerald. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the foJ""low- ing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Plumbing Board: ~ Messrs. Tom I. Jones, B. F. Kingman, G. E. Smallwood, R. G. Wallace and Warren Richey. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners A;rres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. J Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the follow- ing persons bere-appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board: . Messrs. A. L. Bodden,B. B. Byrne, A. B. Fisk, J. S. Waters and B. F. Kingman. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Minutes of the recessed meeting of November 12, 1962, and the regular meeting of November 12, 1962, were read, and approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made,: seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 A.M. ,Tuesday, November 27, 1962. . , ,I " / P.JJ~~ MAYOR A~ ~ Ass -10; . .eft;!: .seem;!: . .. . 1- F-.-'-."-~- .' :~ 11:m Tlln'-~i--' ""~[,,..., --1" -'-'l':'~,,:-L;~ .''',,1 ;--] i---.J Ct:) 00 00 ~ CO CO n , I LI :--'1 i I L-,. ~f3 REGtJhAR ~~ETING OF CITY cO~~rrSSION DECE~ffiER 10, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 10, 1962, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City At- torney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Rice pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office to Messrs. O. P. Gill, E. J. Haralson, A. Gordon Jones and J. C. Snyder as members of the Zoning Board, and to Mr. R. C. Hilton as an Alternate Member. Mr. H. Edgar Lott was absent. The Oath of Office was also administered by Mayor Holman to Messrs. Ralph Browning, Paul Childers, George McGhee and Ray Fitzgerald as members of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Mr. M. C. Halbert was absent. Mayor Holman requested the two Boards to convene in special session and elect a Chairman. I~. Art Tantillo, 4111 Ruskin, appeared before the Commission and explained his contemplated use of an 8 x 16 ft. structure which he proposes to place on the southeast portion of his lot at the aforementioned address. :Mr. Tantillo stated that the building would be used as a utility room for miscellaneous tools and items that are now occupying space inihis garage,and also as a hobby room where he would work with electronic equipment, such as tape recorders, amplifiers and computers. He also stated that the hobby was not connected in any way witl.i his regular occupation and he would execute an affidavit that the structure would not be used for any commercial purpose or as living quarters. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Mr. Art Tantillo be permitted to erect an 8 x 16 ft. utility room on his premises at 4111 Ruskin in accordance with the sketch submitted and as recommended by the Zoning and P~anning Board in regular session on November 8,1962, and subject to Mr. Tantillo executing an affidavit that the structure will not be used for com- mercial purposes or as living quarters. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Meeting dates to consider various phases of a comprehensive planning report being prepared by the planning firm of CaUdill, Rowlett and Scott were discussed by members of the Commission. The following dates,were agreed on as being de- sirable for conferences to present the various phases of the program: December 17, 1962 January 21, 1963 February 18, 1963 Land use and circulation utilities and drainage Final revie,'T, complete plan It was deemed advisable by the Commission to ask the Zoning and Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment and Appeals to be present at -the meetings. A report from Tax Assessor-Collector William Dittert, Jr. on 1962 current ta~ collections,showing a total of $214,443.44 having been collected through December loth from a tax levy amounting to $454,449.59,compared to $198,307.70 having I I'"' ,. "T"~"!f~--- Tm;ni ' I. '--=:nm f"" .~'l 94 been collected during the same period of 1961 from a tax levy of $453,015.65, was presented to the Commission. A list of insurance agents who received a pro rata share of commis- sions on insurance premiums paid by the City of West University Place during 1961, with the names of two additional agents who had requested that they be permitted to share in the commissions to be distributed for 1962, was considered. It was determined that the name of Charles Hughes should be deleted from the list as he is de- ceased and also the name of ECl. J. Curry should be deleted as he was not considered eligible under the established qualifications. L...i Motion by CommiSSioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a pro rata share of commissions on insurance premiums paid by the City be distributed to Messrs. John E. Boyd, Jr. and Sr., l.Jynn L. Creekmore, W. J. Gebhard, Robert F. Hughes, Ray W. Laird, R. B. Overstreet, Seth W. Ramey and C. Van Berson, Fred Rhodes, Jr., W. B. Ruth, T. P. Hewitt, Jr., C. D. Whatley, Joe o. Eason, J. P. HUff, ltJ'aylandHancock and Aubrey Frye, all having been determined to be recording agents, owners of property in and residents of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. An announcement was made that the Board of Adjustment and Appeals had met in special session and elected Mr. George McGhee as Chairman and Mr. Ray Fitzgerald as Secretary. It was also announced that the Zoning and Planning Board had, in special session, elected Mr.' O. P. Gill as Chairman and Mr. H. Edgar Lott as Vice-Chairman. '-I Rules regulating use of the Community Building and a rate schedule were considered. It was unanimously agreed that the following rules and rates should be adopted to regulate use of the newly renovated Community Building. 1. Reservation rental periods and rate schedule: 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. 1 P.M. -6 P. M. 6 P.M. - 12 Midnight (Night rates effective at 6 P. M. ) RATE SCHEDULE: NON RESIDENTS: DAY - - NIGHT - Mp-p-tin" Room AllniT.()'Y'i~m 15.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 RESIDENTS: (Civic & Educational groups, as Garden Clubs, PTA's, Service Clubs, Boy & Girl Scouts, Civic Club, Church use other than Sunday Services,etc.) DAY - - - NIGHT RESIDENTS: (Social functions for private groups as Teenage groups, Adult Square Dance, Club or private dances, private clubs and organizations) DAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NIGHT - - - - - - - - - - - 7.50 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 i i~ I' , .. - ~ _I .:::1 _C." "~"'.,-~ 95 USE OF KITCHEN: Kitchen may be used for preparation of food for serving dinners,banquets, etc. at the rate of $5.00 for residents and $10.00 for non-residents. I i \-.-J The rental charge for use of the Auditorium, either day or night, includes use of kitchen for coffee and refreshment service. 2. A $5.00 deposit is required when application for building is made to assure prompt return of the keys. 3. Groups will be classified as non-residents when less than 50% of attend- ance are residents of West University Place. ~ 00 CO c;, CO CX) 4. Applicants making reservations are required to pay the fixed charge at the time application is made. Refunds are permitted on cancellations prior to two :weeks of reservation date but otherwi,se the fee is retained unless the building is reserved after cancellation. 5. The person or persons reserving the building will be held responsible for any damages to the building or property which may occur during their reserva- tion period. 6. Users of the building must, be out at expiration of the designated reservation period, all dishes washed and put away, all decorations removed. If janitorial services are desired after regular hours, ,previous arrangements must be made withthe Building Custodian. ri I I 7. Decorations are nermitted in the building provided nails, screws, masking tape or other materials which would deface the building, are not used. The use of hay, untreated crepe paper or any other inflammable decoration or material, is prphibited in the building. Decorations are not permitted on the walls or light fixtures. 8. No intoxicating drinks are to be served in the Community Building or con- sumed on the premises. 9. The piano in the building is available for use. All other musical equipment and public address system is to be furnished by the users. 10. No ch~irs or equipment of any kind in the building are loaned for private use off the premises., Motion by Commissioner Vest, sebonded by Commissioner Wall, that rules and rate schedule regulating use of the Community Building at 6104 Auden street be adopted as agreed upon. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-18, as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Commission of the City of West University Place as soon as practicable after the election of a new City Commission to appoint a Judge of the Corporation Court of said City, a City Attorney and such ; '- 1."'='''''=r=''=1=_=- - ~.lLI:J. ~_~r:-.".""""~'==-"=,--'-.-----.C .-._-1 ---1---,-,--------- ~1:llrr'''T-O'- ~ti Assistant City Attorneys as necessary to transact the Cityls legal matters, and a City Treasurer, Tax.Assessor-Collector; and WHEREAS, the present City Commission was elected at the last regular election held on the 6th day of November, 1962: I' NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA9E, TEXAS: ; ~ I~ Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place hereby names and appoints D. Gale Reese, a diUly licensed and practicing attorney, Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all powers and authority as set forth for a Corporation Court Judge in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., a duly licensed and practicing attorney, City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 3. The City Commission hereby names and appoints O. Joseph Damiani, a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Assistant City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. The City Commission hereby names and appoints William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of the duties and re - sponsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes I of the State of Texas. i_I Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution 62-18, appointing a Judge of the Corporation court, a City Attorney, an , Assistant City Attorney, and a City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 819, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPOINTINq ONE CLERK AND FTIlE DEPmFY CLERKS OF CORPORATION COURT OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AlilD PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 819, appointing Mrs. Pearl Reynolds as Clerk of the Corporation Court, and Mrs. Lola Glick, Mrs. Virginia Hood, W. T. Henderson, James A. Cheek and Donald E. Mathes as Deputy Clerks, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman,CommissionersAyres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-19, as follows, was presented and read in full: -' -'-~I!iI r' ._~~.~~"~.. .. 1 ,I ..':T';j'.---- --~~F; , !}7 , I l_, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been informed of the death of Preston Russell Plumb on November 25, 1962, and VnmREAS, in 1926 the said Preston Russell Plumb developed Preston Place one of the first additions in the City of West University Place, and WHEREAS, in subsequent years said Preston Russell Plumb developed or as- sisted in the development of Rice Court, Pemberton Addition and Monticello Addition, all in the City of West University Place; M 00 (X) c.!:i CQ CO WH&~S, in 1939 he constructed the present St. Mark's Episcopal Church building and was very active in the early civic and religious life of the City of West University Place, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of said Citylesires to give recognition to this pioneer in the development of the city of West University Place: NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission expresses its sympathy to the widow and family of Preston Russell ~lumb and also expresses the City's ap- preciation for the prominent work done by Preston Russell Plumb in the early development of the City of West University Place. f I ' ,-J Section 2. That the City Secretary is directed to deliver to the widow of Pveston Russell Plumb a copy of this Resolution duly executed by the Mayor. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission and that a copy of said Resolution be furnished to the newspapers. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution 62-19, expressing sympathy to the widow and family of Preston Russell Plumb and also expressing the city's appreciation for the prominent work done by ~tr. Plumb in the early development of the City of West University Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Manager advised the Commission that in order to install a water line in the 2600 block of Bissonnet it was necessary to obtain a dedicated right-of'-way from Messrs. W. H.and Karl E. Krenzler, to which they had agreed. An instrument for this purpose was submitted by the City Attorney for consideration. 'I i i LJ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Holman be authorizeo_ to execute the instruments with Messrs.W .H. artdKarT E'. - KrenzTerdedicatirtga;5 ft'~'right;..of::'-way along the north line of their 'rmr"T--.rc- 98 property in the 2600 block of Bissonnet street for the purpose of installing a 6" water line and fire hydrants. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. 1 ., , Li City Manager Whitt Johnson discussed with the Commission arrangements made with the Seagrave Corporation for the Fire Chief and another member of the Fire Department to drive the new fire truck from the f factory located at Columbus, Ohio, to West University Place, and that the Seagrave Corporation had agreed to allow the sum of $450.00 for this purpose. After thoroughly discussing the matter, it was deter- mined that a letter should be obtained from the Seagrave Corporation stating that they would be responsible for the truck until it was de- livered to the city and officially accepted and also an understanding as to liability and insurance coverage. The City Manager stated that two of the volunteer firemen,had expressed an interest in making the trip with the Fire Chief and driver and stated that an additional sum of $150.00 would be required to pay the expenses of the two volunteer firemen. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authorized to send the Fire Chief and one driver from the Fire Department, and two volunteer firemen to Columbus, Ohio, to drive the new truck back from the factory to the City of West Univer- sity Place, and that travel expenses not to exceed $700.00,including the $450.00 allowance of the Seagrave Corporation, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. , ;~ The Commission was advised by the City Manager that considerable trouble nas been encountered with the pump in the sanitary sewer lift plant on Weslayan Street near University Blvd. intersection and also that a 12" vitrified clay sewer line in the 3900 block Swarthmore had broken down in several places and the problem of quicksand had been discovered. It was the City Manager's opinion that services of a consulting engi- neering firm should be engaged to study the problem and submit a proposal for correction. The Commission authorized ~J:r. Johnson to pro- ceed with plans to obtain the services of a consulting engineering firm for advice relating to this existing problem. Appointment of additional committ7es was discussed and the following action taken: Mo~ion by Commissioner Wal*, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Messrs. Fred A. Rhodes, Jr., C. V. (Van) Berson, J. O. Eason, John E. Boyd, Jr. and R. B. Overstreet be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee. During discussion of this motion, Mayor Holman objected to the appointment of an Insurance Committee vTithout including the name of Mr. Gus Comiskey who has continued working faithfully and diligently with the Insurance Committee and on the city's insurance program even though he is no longer a resident of the city. Mayor Holman stated that Mr. Comiskey was Chairman of. the r : I '",---" l~cc~c..~_.. ~~=-""~"~~" =-==-'-"l===--="!:,01 '~~:r::: ., :- - , 99 i l_J Insurance Committee and was primarily responsible for the orlgln of the city's insurance program which has proved sound and equitable and has provided a fair and equal distribution of commissions on insurance pre- miums paid by the city to all insurance agents residing in West University Place. Mayor Holman also stated that Mr. Gus Comiskey's brother, Ross ComiskeY7 is a resident of West University and also a partner in the firm of Comiskey Insurance Agency. For these reasons it was Mayor Holman's opinion that Mr. Gus Comiskey should be appointed as a member of the Insur- . ance Committee. M 00 00 c.;:, CO CO . After this discussion Mayor Holman called for a vote on the motion made by Commissioner Wall and the following vote was registered. Voting Aye: Voting No: Commissioners Ayres" Rice, Vest and Wall. Mayor Holman. Motion by Commissioner Ayres7 seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Messrs. o. O. Mitchell, L. B. Bricker7 K. D. Toft, Beeler W. ~~ers, Jr., Walter E. Davis, Rolland A. Gray, E. A. Nisbet and Clarence S. Redford be appointed to serve as members of the Finance Committee. Voting.Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres7 Rice, Vest and Wall. None. ,-'. , 1 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Messrs. Donald H. Bond, Russell Brannon7 Lloyd B. Quinby and C. H. Goodnight be appointed to serve as members of the Corrosion Prevention Committee and that Mr. George T. Pike be appointed to serve as a Consultant member. I 't_' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice., Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Ayres7 seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Messrs. E. R. Davis7 Frank Pugsley, Bert Fisher, W. R. Dadisman, Tony Fenoglio, John McKinney, Frank Seymour and Ralph J. Speich be appointed to serve as members of the Heating and Air Conditioning Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Minutes of the meeting of November 267 1962, were read and approved as corrected. with no further business to come before the Commission at this time,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 11:15 P.M. until 7:00 P.M., Monday, December 17, 1962. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- ._--, i i , : ! I i The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, December 17, ,1962, 7:00 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Rice7 presiding; Commissioners Ayres and Wall. The City Manager was also present. Mayor Holman ,,,as out of the city on company business and Commis- sioner Vest was absent as he was in charge of a meeting of the West University ~'-~~cc :n::I:I:r .. _ne-~....._--- F~.~::-r-- --' i::.,;Lj un -----~;'TT~-'. 100 Little League. The City Attorney was also absent. The Invocation was pronounced by City Manager Whitt Johnson. Mayor Pro tem Rice announced that the purpose of this meeting was to consider action taken by the Zoning and Planning Board on the re~uest of Mr.E. W. Farmer, who had re~uested permission to construct a 16 x 18 ft. hobby shop and storage area in connection with his existing garage at 6332 Sevmnee. I i I~ After reviewing Mr. Farmer's re~uest and action taken by the Zoning and Planning Board, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, s~conded by Commissioner Wall, that the re~uest of Mr. E. W. Farmer, 6332 Sewanee, for permission to construct a hobby shop and storage room 16 x 18 ft. in size be approved, subject to his execution of an a~fidavit that the structure will not be used for commercial purposes nor as living ~uarters. Voting Aye: Voting No; Mayor FvQ~$e~ Rice, Commissioners Ayres and Wall. None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 f. M. until December 27, 1962. 1lY~.~~ Mayor - I :.----1 ATTEST: 52~//'~-' . .~.(..' A~ se'~reta~~-.J : I l_j 'I'.-".~..- 'mil r-' ._-- '''''''.,'' -"" ",-, "I _if ----------~----~=~~'l'~~Tr--- ';:mr:: ' (I ! LJ M, 00 00 ~ CO Q:) (~i (~'~1 I : i l_J 101 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMJyIISSION DECEMBER 27, 1962 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Rall Thursday, December 27, 1968, 7:30 P.M. (postponed from Monday, December 24,1962) with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Vest pronounced the Invocation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on December 13} 1962} were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Co&missioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the re~uest of Mr. Paul T. Good, 3762 Georgetown, for permission to add a 10 x 12' work- shop and storage room to his existing garage, be approved, subject to execution of an affidavit by Mr. Good that the room will not be used for commercial pur- poses nor as living ~uarters, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres} Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Vest} seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for 7:00 P.M., January 28; 1963, to again consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance of the setback re~uirements for construction of a service station at the corner of Bissonnet and Kirby Drive by the Continental Oil Company, ,as recommended by the Zoning and Plan- ning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commmi'$sit)'ger.,:~Vest'ys.eb9ndedby Commissioner Ayres, that the re~uest of Mrs. N. A. Eley, 39G2 Amherst, for permission to construct a carport on the rear of her property to front on College Avenue, with'the upright support- ing posts to be placed along the same bUilding line, and same building ~oundation as the previous garage and existing driveway, be approved, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board; this proposed construction being considered as modernization of a previous non-conforming structure. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, }Zest and Wall. None. (It was the City Attorney's opinion that the existing driveway and building foundation was a part of the non-conforming structure and removal of the old garage building and erection of a carport would be considered modernization of the non-conforming structure.) Estimate No.2 and Final, in the amount of $8,711.08, due Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., for paving having been completed in accordance with Ordi- nance No. 801 and contract with the city, was presented for consideration with a certification from the City Engineer that the work has been completed, tests have been made and recommending acceptance. L::,~'" , ~'I:iITrT'~ ~Lill , ~[' ---11 ' ~m___~, 'T::I!i '"I 102 Ordinance No. 820, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETER1\1INllIG THAT THE IMPROVE- MENTS OF CEBTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; AMHERST STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; RII..EY STREET IN TEE 4000 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4000 BLOCKS THEREOF; :MARQUETTE STREET IN THE '3800 MID 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 3800 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASE STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASON STREET IN TEE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; SOUTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; DARTMOUTH STREET IN TEE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; LEHIGH STREET IN TEE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; 'VlEST POINT AVENUE IN THE 6400 BLOCK BETVlEEN CASE AND BYRON STREETS, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ' TEXAS, AS PROVIDED ,IN ORDINANCE NO. 801 Ai\TD OTBERORDr:JIJANCES AND IN THE JUNE 21, 1962 CO:NTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL CONSTRUCTORS, INC., CONTRACTOR, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPrING THE WORK AND IMPROVE- MENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S . FINAL ESTH-1ATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE T:fIEREtHTH A...l'ID WITH TEE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 810, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. U ) ! Lj ~_i Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 820, ~inding and determining that all improvements as provided in Ordinance No. 801 and the contract with Russ Mitchell Constructors, Inc., have been completed, accepting the improvements, approving the Engineer's final estimate and directing settlement, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AyTeS, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-20, as follows, was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, by Resolution 62-10, Section 3, passed and approved the 27th day of August, 1962, the City Commission authorized the transfer from the Water Fund to the General Fund the sum of $15,000.00 for Architectural fees and rehabilitation of the present Community Building; and WHEREAS, on the 1st day of October, 1962, bids were received for rehabilita- tionofthe Co~unity Building and after review of the bids, it was determined that the Cook Construction Company had submitted the lowest and most re- sponsible bid in the amount of $14,497.00, and a contract was accordingly awarded to the Cook Construction Company; and .. "\ I ! WHEREAS, the City Commission on the 26th day of November, 1962,authorized additional expenditures to cover cost of double glass doors for the front entrance, $340.00, 10 x 16 ft. marquee, $290.00, repairing of venetian i--.J _ I ~W.r:I:' _ c..r.~- , . 1" 'T~' '~':r::' 'AT r 103 blinds 7 $138.907 and extra cost of painting restrooms7 $65.007 increas~; ing the cost of the project for rehabilitation of Community Building to a total sum of $15,542.30, exclusive of Architects fees; and WHEREAS, the City Commission had heretofore engaged the services of Architect E. Ke,lly Gaffney for a standard A. LA. fee of lafo of the total cost of the project; and WHEREAS, 'the amount now determined to be due E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, for services performed, is $1,554.23; and CI'j 00 00 c.,:, CO CO WHEREAS, it has been determined that the entire cost of remodeling the Community Building and architects fees amount to $177096.53; and WHEREAS, it now becomes necessary to appropriate an amount of $27096..53, in addition to $15,000.00 heretofore appropriated. \.---- Sect'ion 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to make the ,necessary transfer during the fiscal year 1962 in order that the above.. mentioned sum of $27096.53 will be available to pay all of the outstanding obligations in connection with the rehabilitation of bhe Community Building. n-1 ,---- Motion by Commissioner Rice7 seconded by Commissioner Vest7 that Resolution 62-20, authorizing transfer of $27096.53 from the \'Jater Fund Account No.4-280, Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund, to pay the outstanding obligations in connection with the rehabilitation of the Community Building, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman7 Commissioners Ayres7 Rice7 Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-21, as follows, was presented and read in,full: 1.fEEREAS7 in anticipating of purchasing a new fire truck and related equip- ment on a cash basis7 the City Commission of the City of West University Place7 Texas 7 created a Fire Truck Reserve Account; and WHEREAS 7 through the sale of a 1939 fire truck no longer usable by the West University Place Fire Department7 the sum of $850.00 was deposited in the Fire Truck reserve Account; and W"IiEREAS, the City Commission has for the past five years annually appropriated the sum of $4,000.00 for purchase of a fire truck and related equipment and in said fund there has now accumulated $23,529.15, including accrued interest; and r---: WHEREAS 7 it was determined advisable to purchase a new fire truc~ and related equipment during the current year in view of rising costs and that it was known that attractive proposals were being offered on fire trucks during the year 1962; and \_J I ~-__:_' n _lLm _. c._F~---"-----' -,---------._1 ----'.1 - -..,---,-,-,-'-,,--~--,,-T~~.-..- ~ijlij '~i : 104 WHEREAS 7 specifications were prepared7 Notice to Bidders were forwarded to companies specializing in construction of fire truck apparatus, and sealed bids were received and opened7 whereupon it was determined that the most advantageous bid submitted for a new fire truck was from the Seagrave Corporation, Columbus, Ohi07 in the amount of $25.,150.00, and for a two-way mobile radio unit from the Motorola Radio Company, Dal1as7 Texas7 in the sum of $490.00, and for fire hose from the American LaFrance Hose Corporation, Elmira, New York7 in the amount of $1,339.28, for an aggregate cost of $26,979.28; and WHEREAS, it now becomes necessary for the City Commission to appropriate an additional sum of money in the amount of $3,450.13 in addition to the sum of $23,529.15 heretofore accumulated to pay the cost of a neW fire truck and related equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1.JEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $37450.13 be transferred from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280, Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund to theccredit of the Fire Truck Reserve Account. Section 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby direQted to make the necessary transfer during the fiscal year 1962 in order that the afore- mentioned sum of $267979.28 will be available for paJ~rent of a new fire truck and related equipment. Motion by Commissioner Vest7 seconded by Commissioner Rice7 that Reso- lution 62-217 authorizing transfer of $37450.13 from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280, Unappropriated Earned Surplus to the General Fund to the credit of the Fire Truck Reserve Account, in order that the sum of $26,979.28 will be available for payment of a new fire truck, and related equipment, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-22, as follows, was presented and read in full: 1tJEEREAS"o~:'the various City Commissions over the past years have recognized the necessity for a comprehensive, long range plan to determine the city's future needs with respect to land use7 zoning, a thoroughfare plan, storm drainage, water and sewer utility; and WHEREAS, various firms offering professional architectural, municipal planning and engineering services were interviewed, and in the opinion of the City Commission, the firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, with prin~i- pal offices in Houston, Texas, was capable and had the necessary qualified personnel and facilities to prepare a comprehensive plan for the City of West University Place, therefore, a contract for personal services was entered into between the City of West University Place andCaudill,Rowlett and Scott7 on the 13th day of August, 1962, for consideration of $8,400.00; WHEREAS 7 $67100.00 was appropriated in the 1962 and 1963 budgets for professional services for preparation of the comprehensive plan. \~ --.1 and "1 i \---, -.liiIlJT;~ 105 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: , i i.-J Section 1. That the sum of $2,300.00 be transferred from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280 - Unap~ropriat~d Earned Surplus, to the General Fund7 in order to make funds available for payment of professional services to Caudil17 Rowlett and Scott, during the year 1962. Section 2. That the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to make the transfer during the year 1962 in order that the aforementioned sum of $2,300.00 will be available for the purpose required herein. co 00 00 c..? CO CQ Motion by Commissioner Wall; seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution 62-22, authorizing the transfer of $27300~OO from the Water Fund, Account No. 4-280 - Unappropriated Earned Surplus, to the General Fund, in order to make funds available for payment of professional services to Caudil1,R6wlett and Scott, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice7 Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 62-237 as follows, was presented and read in full: . WHEREAS, the City of 1;-lest University Place has cash available in the Trust Agency Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and (-, I I WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all 'of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE7 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $500.00 from the Trust Agency Fund, to be added to our Account No. 2690 at the University Savings and Loan Association at their anticipated dividend rate of 4~ for the first quarter of 1963. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution 62-23, directing the City Treasurer to invest $500.00 from the Trust Agency Fund7 at the University Savings and Loan Association at their anticipated dividend rate of 4!%, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres7 Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Manager advised that funds have been provided in the 1963 budget for the purchase of various equipment and requested authority to advertise for bids on the following: Police Department 3 patrol cars :1> 3,500.00 3 mobile radio units 1,500.00 Fire Department 200' - ll" fire hose 300.00 ----J 400' - 2I" fire hose 700.00 , Street Department 1 tractor with mOWer attachment 37000.00 Water Department 1 pickup 1,400.00 'j:iiir:T---'- 106 L. Motion py Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M.7 J1:l.nuary 287 1963, on equipment for the Police, Fire, street and Water Departments, as requested. Voting Aye: Voting No: . ) t____i Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice7 Vest and Wall. None. Minutes of the meetings of December lOth and 17th, 19627 were read and approved as amended. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. JJ.J1/LlV' Mayor ATTEST: '---1 , ! ' I ~ I----.J