HomeMy WebLinkAbout12052024 BSC Agenda Item 5 West University Place Public Works Department Building & Standards Commission Located in the Council Chambers, 3800 University Blvd, West University Place, Texas 77005 Meeting Minutes November 7,2024 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jonathon Hance, Bruce Beneke, James Craig, Matthew Brejot, Eddie Matthews and Spyros Maragos MEMBERS ABSENT: Gerry Spedale, Andy Fiedler and Krishna Shah STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Public Works Brett Cast, Administrative Coordinator Josie Hayes, Urban Forester, Craig Koehl, Assistant. Chief, Fire Marshal, James Novak, Planning and Zoning Administrator Chris Guess,Planning and Zoning Administrator Evan DuVall and Legal Counsel Philip Boedeker GUESTS PRESENT: Marianne Renner, David Cole, Kalie Rainsberger and Sam Harwell [Call to Order] Jonathon Hance called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Notices,Rules, Etc.Jonathon Hance welcomed BSC members and staff to the meeting. All members and staff introduced themselves. 2. Public Comments.Marianne Renner,3112 Wroxton Rd.read a statement for the King family at 3111 Wroxton Rd. who were not able to be present. They asked BSC members to revisit the disclosure notices that is referenced in Ordinance 18-55. David Cole, 4104 Cason St. spoke regarding the Fire Code needing some additional language added to the proposed ordinance and tighten up on the requirements for underground electrical services. The BSC asked that Mr. Cole submit his proposed language for review. Kalie Rainsberger, 3121 Wroxton Rd. also read a statement for the King family at 3111 Wroxton Rd. regarding the disclosure notices that is referenced in Ordinance 18-55. Sam Harwell, 3809 Marquette spoke regarding the Fire Code,Major Remodels, and HVAC location. 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 West University Place Public Works Department 3. Discussion Items from City Council. • Fire Codes: The board discussed proposed amendments to the city's Fire Code to address concerns related to electric vehicles and battery walls. The proposed changes would require a two-hour fire rated assembly for walls or wall assemblies in garages.The board acknowledged the need to tighten the language and consider alternative approaches, such as mandatory heat detectors,for retrofitting existing homes.James Novak stated that his staff reached out to other peer cities to find out what they have done to address the risks associated with battery walls. Only two cities responded to staff's inquiries and of these two neither municipality had adopted codes to regulate battery wall installations or permitting. There is an existing NEMA 3R rated enclosure that some municipalities are requiring to be used. Evan DuVall stated he believes there will be a code requirement in the next code cycle. ACTION: BSC asked staff to update the language to address and incorporate the details that were raised in public comment. The board will review this information at the next meeting before making any recommendations. • Major Remodels: There was general discussion regarding potential amendments to the definition of"major remodel"and how it differs from"major improvement". The goals are to have a clearer trigger for when certain requirements, such as sidewalk upgrades are required. Evan DuVall stated a major remodel would involve significant structural changes, with 51% of the house being stripped down to the studs. Maintenance or minor repairs that do not impact structural, plumbing, electrical or mechanical systems that are cumulative do not exceed 10%of original square footage would be excluded from a major remodel. ACTION: The BSC asked staff to provide clarification on the language and the cumulative impact of various projects over a 36-month period. The board will review the information at the next meeting before making any recommendations. 4. Discussion Items from Staff. • Building-Shared Fence Agreement Form: Brett Cast stated that while the city does not want to force people into sharing fences, it is effectively doing so,and the city doesn't want to oppose them either. Brett Cast stated the current ordinance already allows common fences to be constructed along the property line with written consent of the owner. The BSC reviewed the revised shared fence form which including clarifications on the requirements for eight-foot fence and the removal of the"agreement"language. Bruce Beneke made a motion to move the language from Chapter 18-203 to Chapter 18-201 and forward to City Council for approval. Eddie Matthews second. AYEA: Jonathon Hance, Bruce Benke,James Craig,Matthew Brejot and Eddie Matthews. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion approved. Eddie Matthews made a motion to approve the form as amended. Bruce Beneke second. AYES: Jonathon 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department Hance, Bruce Beneke, James Craig, Matthew Brejot and Eddie Matthews. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion approved. • Tree Ordinance: Craig Koehl stated the trigger for the amendment is reconciling city ordinances with new state law. The two primary conflicts were the size of the tree that the ordinance regulated relative to state law and the City's ordinance allowing the city to deny a property owner from removing a tree on their private property. The state law that was adopted no longer allows for these restrictions.Jonathon Hance made a motion to approve the proposed amendment in Chapter 82 and forward it to City Council for approval. James Craig second. AYES: Jonathon Hance, Bruce Beneke, James Criag, Matthew Brejot and Eddie Matthews. NOES:None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion approved. • HVAC Unit Location: Brett Cast stated that the Zoning and Planning Commission (ZPC) has discussed generators and potential mechanisms to quiet them. This issue has primarily arisen as a complaint during disasters, when a block of several homes is running generators, and residents without generators have expressed concerns about the noise. After several meetings with generator installers and builders, it was determined that there is no effective way to make the generators quieter.The ZPC discussed the implications of amending Chapter 18 to prohibit generators to project within 5' or the 10% side setback. The BSC discussed the proposed amendments to Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the location of HVAC units and other mechanical equipment. Additionally, staff and the board discussed an amendment to Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances to proscribe a minimum separation of 12" mechanical equipment and building walls. Evan DuVall stated this potentially would be an item that BSC and ZPC would be working on in tandem. ACTION: The BSC requested further discussion and input from the Zoning and Planning Commission before making a recommendation. 5. Meeting Minutes. October 3, 2024. Eddie Matthews made a motion to approve the October 3, 2024, minutes as amended. Bruce Beneke seconded. AYES: Jonathon Hance, Bruce Beneke, James Craig, Matthew Brejot and Eddie Matthews. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion approved. Bruce Beneke made a motion to adjourn. James Craig seconded. AYES: Jonathon Hance, Bruce Beneke, James Craig, Matthew Brejot and Eddie Matthews. NOES:None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 West University Place Public Works Department PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2024. Jonathan Hance, Chairman ATTEST: Josie M. Hayes, Administrative Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830