HomeMy WebLinkAbout11062024 ZPC Agenda Item 6 City of West University Place Public Works Department Zoning & Planning Commission MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES October 10,2024 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Powell STAFF PRESENT: Legal Counsel Philip Boedeker, Asst. Public Works Director, Brett Cast, Administrative Coordinator Josie Hayes, Permit Technician, Trina Tribble and Zoning Officials Joe Newton and Jordan Cruz GUEST: Councilmember, Clay Brett 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. John Cutrer, Presiding Officer, called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. John Cutrer asked staff to confirm that appropriate notices were given. Josie Hayes stated notices were posted per state and local laws. John Cutrer asked commission members and staff to introduce themselves. Brett Cast provided an update on new staff. Christopher Guess, Planning and Zoning Administrator start date is October 21, 2024. 2. Public Comments. There were no public comments. 3. City Council Updates. Clay Brett provided an update on recent city council actions, including approving the 2025 budget. Key infrastructure projects discussed included the West Side Drainage Project, water infrastructure improvements; and Wastewater Treatment Plant flood resilience upgrades. There was discussion around the level of police staffing and the city's approach to permitting and customer service issues. 4. Replat without Vacation — 6714 & 6718 Belmont. Staff stated the application was not in attendance. Joe Newton stated the applicant proposed a townhome development at 6714 and 6718 Belmont St. During the initial staff review, it was discovered that the current plat for these lots specifies a minimum front yard setback of 30-feet. The information was then relayed to the applicant, who expressed significant concerns as their 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department plans had been designed based on that a 10-foot front setback. The applicant then began revising their plans to comply with the required 30-foot setback but voiced further concerns that these modifications would substantially alter their original conceptual design for the development. The ZPC discussed a replat request to remove a 30-foot setback that was previously imposed on a townhome development. Joe Newton stated staff does not object to the approval of the replat request, as the current zoning requires a 10-foot front setback. The board discussed the history of the 30-foot setback that was required when the lots were originally replated in 2017 and the potential impact on the surrounding neighborhood, but ultimately decided to move forward with a conditional approval of the replat ACTION: Sam Mazzu made a motion to conditionally approve the replat subsequent to a Public Hearing. Second by Myrenda Takashima. AYES: Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: John Cutrer. Motion approved. 5. Discussion Items from City Council. • Noise Ordinance — Brett Cast stated the origin of the complaints received were during large-scale outages. Staff was asked to research sound absorbing cabinets to see if these aftermarket products could be a viable option for damping the sound coming off of active generators. Brett Cast stated that the major brands being installed in West University Place were Generac, Kohler, Cummings, and Briggs. After reaching out to several of the contractors that install these products in West University Place it was determined by city staff that manufacturers would void their warranties if it became clear that these cabinets were installed on their product. Staff also share information about how the more robust and expensive generators between the different brands only offer about 10-15 decibel difference between the less expensive options. As an alternative to sound cabinets and or specific generator product restrictions Joe Newton presented ZPC with a typical building site configuration that shows where generators and mechanical equipment are currently allowed. Staff suggested the projection allowance that is currently authorized for mechanical equipment in the side yard be removed in Note 6 of the Projections Table. This would require mechanical equipment to be set back 5-foot from the side and back yard property lines. Rather than being a prohibition on side yard mechanical equipment, this would softly encourage homeowners to put generators in the rear yard. There was discussion whether generators should be required to be installed closer to the home instead of closer to the fence line. Sound measurement practices and constraints were discussed. Additionally, the allowance of a 15-foot projection in the rear yard was discussed by the board. 3826 Amherst St. zvzvzv.zvestutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department ACTION: After discussion, ZPC asked staff to provide a draft ordinance with the language change to the next meeting for review. • HVAC unit Location — Joe Newton explained this issue goes hand in hand with the generator noise ordinance. Currently, the ordinance does not provide regulations for how far mechanical equipment is required to be from a structure. There were two options provided for the additional language to be added. Option one would be to make an addendum to Table 7-5b which provides regulations for certain types of structures. A separate entry for mechanical equipment would be added with a regulation with a minimum clearance. Option two would be to forward to the Building and Standards Commission (BSC) to edit Chapter 18. Either option would be enforceable. ACTION: After discussion, John Cutrer made a motion to direct staff to forward to BSC. Second by Sam Mazzu. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. • Basketball Goal Location—Brett Cast stated there was a second motion at the last meeting to bring back this item with some clarification about the word street line verses the right-of-way. Joe Newton stated there was a minor adjustment in the draft ordinance to Table 7(s), Note 7 which applies to basketball goals being measured from the street line. John Cutrer stated that during his travels around the city he found a basketball goal that was around only 10-feet from the street and within public right of way. John Cutrer asked if a public hearing was required for this change. Phillip Boedeker stated one would not be required since it is not a substantive change and only clarifies what this was always meant to say. ACTION: After discussion Sam Mazzu made a motion to approve the draft ordinance with the minor correction and forward to City Council for approval. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. • Definition of Structure — Brett Cast stated at the conclusion at the last meeting, that staff was asked to look into retaining walls. Joe Newton stated currently the only way a retaining wall could be installed is if it was less than six inches in height. There was discussion about where the height of a retaining wall should be 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 ity of West University Place Public Works Department measured, the house side or the street side. The proposed edit allows for retaining walls higher than six inches, but not higher than 24-inches. There were questions about the 24-inch cap. Staff suggested an allowance for retaining walls between 6- inches and 24-inches measured from the adjacent curb line was a reasonable and non-obstructive requirement to use. These retaining walls would be properly engineered and walls over 24-inches would not be allowed in the front yard. ACTION: The ZPC directed staff to return with a proposed definition of retaining walls and recommendations on height limits and engineering requirements for retaining walls to review at the next meeting. 6. Meeting Minutes. Doug Rephlo made a motion to approve the September 12, 2024, minutes as amended. Second by Sam Mazzu. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. [Adjournment] Myrenda Takashima made a motion to adjourn. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF z 2024. John Cutrer, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Josie M. Hayes, Administrative Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830