HomeMy WebLinkAbout09122024 ZPC Minutes tv of West University Place Public Works Department Zoning & Planning Commission MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES September 12,2024 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Powell STAFF PRESENT: Legal Counsel Philip Boedeker, Asst. Public Works Director, Brett Cast, Administrative Coordinator Josie Hayes, Permit Technician, Trina Tribble and Zoning Official Joe Newton GUEST: Councilmember, Clay Brett and Alida Drewes 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. John Cutrer, Presiding Officer, called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. John Cutrer asked staff to confirm that appropriate notices were given. Josie Hayes stated notices were posted per state and local laws. John Cutrer asked commission members and staff to introduce themselves. 2. Public Comments. Clay Brett provided an update regarding the 2025 budget that was recently approved, Phase II of the interviewing process for Fire Chief, Police Chief s upcoming retirement, Facilities Master Plan, the Comp Study Plan and the West Side Drainage project. Alida Drewes, 6112 Fordham stated the city needed to grandfather driveways for older homes within the city and allow alternate materials for them. 3. Discussion Items from City Council. • Lighting Ordinance—There are currently defined times in the ordinance for decorative lights for Halloween and Christmas. The lighting survey provided in the meeting packets that BBG performed, who is now SafeBuilt, was done in four phases. Initial one was a control plan, one was done during the Christmas time, a third during Halloween, and a final phase done after January 30 to see whether those decorations were being removed in the defined time. The report revealed that, in general, there is no significant potential lighting issue in the city. One of 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 itv of West University Place Public Works Department the minor issues was predominantly minor glare and overspill from security lighting. There was general discussion if the current ordinance should be widened to allow for flashing decorative lighting since the current ordinance only covers Christmas. Also discussed was if the dates should be expanded of when lights are permitted and the existing issue of casting glare outside of property lines. Staff stated there have been a few complaints concerning glare. There was general discussion pertaining to the current lighting ordinance that addresses these concerns. After deliberation, Sam Mazzu made a motion to send a recommendation to City Council that no changes be made. Second by John Howard. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN:None. Motion carried. • Noise Ordinance—Brett Cast provided the number of generators permits that have been issued in the previous years. There was general discussion the setbacks of where generators are allowed to be installed, if a noise dampening cabinet should be required to dampen the decibel output. If the manufacturer's specifications show their model is under the levels that is stipulated in the noise ordinance, a cabinet would not be required. The cost of the cabinets and if they expand the space requirement for a generator was also discussed. After discussion, ZPC asked staff to provide additional information regarding the drop in decibel levels and the cost of the cabinet at the next meeting with a proposed draft ordinance. • Quiet Hours—Joe Newton stated the focus of this item is to prevent construction going on during those quiet hours and complaints for neighbors who are having a party in their backyard that are violating the quiet hours. Staff was asked if the existing ordinance needed to be amended to add some clarifying language or make an exception for residents that are gathering in a small gathering in their own backyard. After discussion, Dick Yehle made a motion to send a recommendation to City Council that no changes be made. Second by Doug Rephlo. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. • HVAC unit Location—Joe Newton explained this also would include generators. The current setbacks were discussed, and that the existing ordinance does not specify a minimum requirement for the unit to the home or structure to where the equipment is set. The city currently goes by manufacturer's specifications which is normally 12". After discussion, ZPC asked staff to provide a draft proposed ordinance change at the next meeting for review. • Driveway Length from Garage Door and Materials—Joe Newton stated this item was briefly discussed at last month's meeting. Specifically for side street entry garages that are not your typical interior lot, front-facing garages. The issue is predominantly for corner lots that have a sidewalk approach to their door on the front of the street, and a garage approach on their side street. The current code 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 0 ..ty of West University Place Public Works Department specifies that from the property line to the garage door must be a minimum of 18 feet. Given the length of many modern vehicle models there have been concerns raised that this regulation might not be sufficient. It has been observed that many vehicles overhang by a foot or two into the sidewalk. This can create some life safety issues for pedestrian traffic, as they must divert temporarily into the street to get around the vehicle. There was general discussion if the 18-foot requirement should be raised to something slightly higher. Joe Newton stated there have been lawsuits that have been filed in other cities for not enforcing encroachment on the sidewalk from vehicles because it is an ADA issue. After discussion, John Howard made a motion to recommend to City Council that no changes be made. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. • Basketball Goal Location—Joe Newton stated this item was discussed in length at the last meeting. There were questions as to if basketball goals should be considered a structure. There was general discussion if a basketball goal could be viewed the same as a canopy or similar object designed or used to shelter a motor vehicle. The question was asked as to whether or not portable basketball goals remain in the same place for more than 10 days, can the city considered that a structure and therefore enforce it as such and if a permit should be required for them. After discussion, Sam Mazzu made a motion to recommend to City Council that no changes be made. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. • Definition of Structure—Brett Cast indicated that there is some ambiguity about the definition of a structure. The group discussed when a retaining wall should be considered a structure. Based on the language in the building code a bench, waterfall, or nearly anything could be considered a structure. There is existing language in the code that has a line item specially for retaining walls and it notes expressly that it cannot be higher than 6" in height. Joe Newton states there is some ambiguity in the definition that gives the city flexibility on a case-by-case basis and where and how is that height measured. Staff was asked to provide a draft of requirements concerning retaining walls. 4. Meeting Minutes. Sam Mazzu made a motion to approve the March 21, 2024, minutes. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. Dick Yehle made a motion to approve the August 8, 2024, minutes as amended. Second by Sam Mazzu. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion carried. [Adjournment] Myrenda Takashima made a motion to adjourn. Second by Dick Yehle. AYES: John Cutrer, Dick Yehle, Doug Rephlo, Sam Mazzu, Myrenda Takashima and John Howard. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. PASSED THIS\C)`t� DAY OF N0001' , 2024. John Cutrer, Ch 'rman ATTEST: QJ 1 i 1 Ms. Josie M. Hayes, Administrative Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830