HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 Operating Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 2020 ADOPTED BUDGET https://actweb.acttax.com/tnt/application/reports/1571689119604.html[10/21/2019 3:21:37 PM] City of West University Place Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Cover Page October 7, 2019 This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year's budget by an amount of $576,735, which is a 2.94 percent increase from last year's budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $163,882. The members of the governing body voted on the budget as follows: FOR:Bob Higley, Mayor Kevin Trautner, Mayor Pro Tem John Barnes, Council Member Lauri Lankford, Council Member Ed Sobash, Council Member AGAINST: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Property Tax Rate Comparison 2019-2020 2018-2019 Property Tax Rate:$0.30921/100 $0.31680/100 Effective Tax Rate:$0.30264/100 $0.31519/100 Effective Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate:$0.18479/100 $0.19117/100 Rollback Tax Rate:$0.31909/100 $0.33049/100 Debt Rate:$0.11952/100 $0.12403/100 Total debt obligation for City of West University Place secured by property taxes: $39,033,024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 PAGE Introduction City Manager’s Budget Message.……………...………………………………………. 6 Budget Overview City-wide Organization Chart …………………………………………………………. 22 Comparison of 2019 Adopted Budget to 2020 Adopted Budget……………………… 23 2020 Budget at a Glance……………………………………………………………….. 24 2019 Estimated at a Glance…………………………………………………………….. 25 2020 Combined Summary of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance/Retained Earnings………………………………………………………………………………… 26 2020 Estimated at a Glance – Personnel Costs………………………………………… 27 2019 Estimated at a Glance – Personnel Costs………………………………………… 27 Positions by Department.……………………………………………………………… 28 Property Taxes Overview ……………………………………………………………… 29 General Fund Summary Discussion………………………………………………………………...…. 30 Administration…………………………………………………………………………. 39 Finance……………………………………………………………………………......... 44 Police…………………………………………………………………………………… 49 Fire……………………………………………………………………………………... 53 Public Works…………………………………………………………………………… 56 Parks and Recreation…………………………………………………………………… 67 Transfers………………………………………………………………………………... 76 Debt Service Fund Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 77 Water and Sewer Fund Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 81 Finance - Utility Billing.……………...………………………………………………... 88 Public Works - Operations….………………….…………………………………….... 91 Solid Waste Fund Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 95 Curbside Solid Waste……………………………………….…………………………. 101 Recycling Facility……………………………………………………………………… 102 Curbside Recycling…………………………………………………………………….. 103 Curbside Green Waste Recycling……………………………………………………… 104 Internal Service Funds Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 105 Vehicle Replacement Fund…………………………………………………………….. 107 Technology Management Fund………………………………………………………… 111 Asset Replacement Fund………….……………………………………………………. 114 Employee Benefit Fund………………………………………………………………… 118 Human Resources Services Fund……………………………………………………… 120 Special Revenue Funds Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………... 122 Parks Donation Fund…………………………………………………………………… 124 Friends of West University Parks Fund………………………………………………... 125 Court Technology Fund………………………………………………………………... 126 Tree Replacement Fund………………………………………………………………... 127 Court Security Fund……………………………………………………………………. 128 METRO Fund………………………………………………...………………………… 129 Police Forfeited Property Fund………………………………………………………… 130 Police Training Fund…………………………………………………………………… 131 Fire Training Fund……………………………………………………………………... 132 Good Neighbor Fund…………………………………………………………………… 133 Capital Projects Funds Summary Discussion…………………………………………………………………… 134 Capital Project Fund……………………………………………………………………. 135 Capital Reserve Fund…………………………………………………………………... 136 Transportation Improvement Fund…………………………………..………………… 137 2019 Certificate of Obligations Fund………………………………………………...... 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 PAGE Capital Projects Funds (Continued) Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund………………………………………………... 139 Community Improvement Plan Summary Discussion.………………………………………………………………..... 140 2020 Budget Allocations ….………….…………………….………………………… 141 5 Year Plan by Project Summary ……….…………………….………………………… 142 Current Projects Data Sheets ……….…………………….…………………………… 143 Ordinances Adopting 2020 Budget.……………………………………………………………….... 165 Levying and Assessing Ad Valorem Taxes for 2019….………….……………………. 169 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ANNUAL BUDGET 2020 INTRODUCTION This document has been prepared to help you learn and understand issues affecting the community of West University Place. The primary function of a City Budget is to provide a financial plan for the coming year. West University Place’s Budget is no exception and as such contains financial schedules and statistics. Financial plans cannot be prepared without defining what the organization intends to accomplish and how it intends to go about reaching its goals. Therefore, the 2020 Annual Operating Budget serves as a policy document that presents the major policies governing the management of the City. It is also an action plan to give the public, elected officials and City staff information about what the City is doing and how efficiently. Finally, the 2020 Annual Operating Budget functions as a tool, formally communicating the City’s financial and operating plan for the coming year. FORMAT The 2020 Annual Operating Budget is grouped first by fund and then by department. Like most other local governments, the City uses funds to account for its financial activities. A fund is simply a device to segregate and account for public resources. Financial statements, including the adopted 2020 budget, are presented for every fund. Like the checking account statement you receive each month from your bank, the statements show beginning balances, revenues, expenditures and ending balances for the year. Accompanying the statements are narrative discussions of each fund’s financial activity for the prior year a nd the expected activity for 2020. Graphs, schedules, and tables are provided to help illustrate and clarify certain points. Funds are divided into departments or projects. Each department is presented with a brief statement describing what the department intends to accomplish in 2020. Detailed schedules compare the department’s finances over several years, plus information about staffing. 5 October 7, 2019 City Council City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. West University Place, TX 77005 RE: 2020 Budget Honorable City Council: I am pleased to announce that our 2020 Budget continues the good management practices that have helped us to maintain our ranking as one of the most desirable places to live in the nation, to keep our focus on public safety, to enhance the maintenance of our infrastructure, and to provide exceptional service delivery – all the while understanding that, in the coming years, the City’s ability to fund enhancements or additional services may be limited due to the State’s infringement on cities to self-govern and determine the appropriate funding levels to support the services that their taxpaying homeowners want and at a service level that they expect. Considering that our City is built out and is 98% residential, maintaining our high service levels and healthy community is paramount to protecting our primary funding source for City services. The preparation of this 2020 Budget was particularly interesting for a few reasons – the impact of Hurricane Harvey on our assessed valuation appears to no longer be an issue; passage of recent State legislative action stripped approximately $95,000 from the City’s revenue overnight, limiting the City’s ability to regulate our precious right of way; and, lastly, pending revenue caps will hit the City in 2021. All of these issues weighed heavily in the preparation of this year’s budget to ensure that actions taken this year would not create a negative domino effect in 2021 and beyond. In the end, the City was able to lower the adopted tax rate for the first time in three years, while also investing in our service delivery, infrastructure, and future. The objectives of this Budget are to: 1. Maintain our position as one of the nation’s most desirable places to live 2. Implement the approved policy and management agendas 3. Continue our superior City-delivered services 4. Review all expenditures and ensure that our City remains financially sound 5. Minimize tax and rate increases 6. Increase public safety 7. Actively seek new funding sources for capital projects and services 8. Adopt an operating budget that is fair to all taxpaying homeowners This budget: 1. Lowers the adopted tax rate by 2.4% to $0.30921 cents per $100 assessed value, which represents an approximate $7 monthly increase to the average taxpayer 2. Updates the City’s strategic vision and goals 6 3. Restructures the compensation to fill long-standing vacancies in our public safety sector for police officers and telecommunication operators (dispatchers) 4. Adds new positions and restructures existing positions to improve service delivery 5. Adds a Grants/Purchasing Administrator to actively seek out grants to fund projects 6. Adds a Facility Technician position to help ensure proactive maintenance of our facilities 7. Restructures the Support Services Manager position and creates a Community Resource Officer in the Police Department, which will improve our crime prevention and public information services, and also serve as a liaison for residents for our alarm monitoring service (Direct Link) 8. Restructures the Communications Director position to be an Assistant to the City Manager role, which will improve our ability to provide analytical support throughout the City and to oversee our communications game plan 9. Restructures the IT Operations Manager and creates an IT Analyst, which will provide Citywide technical support, while also overseeing the City’s website and social media platforms 10. Relaunches an improved Direct Link alarm monitoring service to ensure that the City stays competitive in the alarm service market 11. Continues to invest funds into our dedicated/restricted funds for replacement of equipment, vehicles, and technology 12. Increases our investment in maintenance and replacement of our infrastructure (water, sewer, streets, sidewalks, and storm drainage) 13. Invests in cybersecurity training, penetration, and vulnerability to ensure that the City’s data remains safe and secure 14. Provides for initiatives to enhance communication and marketing 15. Changes our contracted City engineering services from a task-based approach to a retainer service model for increased efficiencies 16. Conducts a five-year review of parks programming, along with a needs assessment of our senior services 17. Begins the process of allocating monies from the Water & Sewer Fund to the Asset Replacement Fund for the future replacement of equipment 18. Purchases a $750,000 pumper truck, along with other vehicles, without adding debt 19. Funds significant projects (including the Buffalo Speedway replacement and drainage improvements, our Virtual Gate project, the replacement of equipment at the wastewater treatment plant, the investigation of alternative methods for stormwater detention, security and condition assessments of all facilities, and audio visual improvements for public meeting rooms. POLITICAL CONDITIONS This 2020 Budget anticipates continued pressure in the years to come from the State of Texas , which is currently casting blame for high property taxes on local government s. The end result is a continued assault on West U’s ability to self-govern and to fund the services that are wanted and expected by our residents. 7 This year, with the passage of this State legislation, West U collected fewer franchise fees, resulting in a loss of approximately $95,000. The passed legislation stated that it was unfair for a city to charge the same utility to use the public’s right of way for two different utility services. Basically, a company that provides both cable and phone services only has to pay a franchise fee for the higher amount. This simple act by the State removed funding that then had to be made up by the taxpayer in order for West U to avoid having to cut services. Next year will begin an even bigger issue for local, county, and special districts, and this issue involves revenue caps. West U will be faced with a revenue cap of 3.5%, which means that we can only increase revenue by 3.5% over the prior year without requiring a vote. Although this amount is currently higher than today’s inflation, the limit imposed will cause issues down the road when it comes time to add additional service and/or employees to meet the City’s needs. ECONOMIC CONDITION AND OUTLOOK The economy in Texas, and in Houston, is running strong, and, while the sales tax is a very small portion of our budget, a strong economy helps West U to attract new residents looking for a place to live and raise a family. West U’s appraised valuation continues to hold strong, due in large part to our safe community, location, and small-town feel; our excellent elementary school, outstanding parks, and green spaces; and our access to modern amenities and recreational opportunities. These factors, plus our consistent fiscal policies that keep the City financially sound with a triple-A (AAA) bond rating, enable the City to fund the superior services that are valued by our community. BUDGET OVERVIEW The 2020 Budget anticipates $96.23 million in available sources and $80.95 million in uses, excluding the internal service funds, leaving a reserve balance of $15.28 million at the end of 2020. The table below summarizes the 2020 Budget and the net results. City of West University Place, Texas SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS: 2020 BUDGET SOURCES OF FUNDS Non- Restricted Funds Restricted Operating Funds Restricted Capital Funds Restricted Debt Service Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Total All Funds Beginning Balance $8,191,721 $1,244,451 $6,215,780 $900,585 $826,178 $449,248 $17,827,963 Revenues $21,063,598 $1,179,900 $37,108,200 $9,047,724 $8,205,900 $1,797,000 $78,402,322 Total Sources $29,255,319 $2,424,351 $43,323,980 $9,948,309 $9,032,078 $2,246,248 $96,230,285 USES OF FUNDS Operations $20,890,085 $1,140,500 $7,023,100 $1,876,800 $30,930,485 Capital Projects $39,788,169 $39,788,169 Debt Repayment $9,047,783 $1,184,183 $10,231,966 Total Uses $20,890,085 $1,140,500 $39,788,169 $9,047,783 $8,207,283 $1,876,800 $80,950,620 ENDING BALANCE $8,365,234 $1,283,851 $3,535,811 $900,526 $824,795 $369,448 $15,279,665 8 Approximately $8.365 of the projected ending balance will be in the General Fund as an unassigned fund balance. West U maintains a very healthy reserve and, in 2020, I will be presenting a recommended revision to the City’s reserve policies for the Council’s consideration. Our current reserve requirement is to maintain 20% ($3.887 million) of General Fund operating reserves to cover a temporary downturn in the economy that we believe will be short lived. A healthy reserve also helps us maintain our e xcellent AAA credit rating. The 20% requirement is the industry standard, but our location on the Gulf Coast presents our community and operations with an annual threat of hurricanes and recovering from them. This 2020 Budget plans for an increase of the reserves from 20% to 30% ($1.943 million), which provides funds for disaster recovery and other issues where timing cannot wait. This additional 10% of reserves provides flexibility, and reduces our probability of having to utilize funds from our base minimum reserve of 20%, which is one portion of ensuring our AAA bond rating. The remaining amount ($2.535 million) will be available to use for one-time expenditures and to tackle items considered high priority as identified in our Five-Year Community Improvement Program. Additional meetings will be held to determine the most efficient and effective use of these one-time monies. Total expenditures in 2020 (excluding internal service funds) are proposed at $79.71 million, which is about 526% more than the adopted 2019 Budget. Operating costs are up 6.16%, while community improvement projects are up 518% over the prior year. Proposed community improvement projects include approximately $28.195 million that would be paid by the issuance of bonds. The City Council will be considering this issue through the end of 2019 and into 2020 to determine whether to pursue a bond program. The following table compares the prior four years of adopted budgets. REVENUES Total projected revenues for 2020 are $78.40 million, which is 559% more than the previous year. Most of the increase in projected revenues is due to the increase in community improvement projects, especially the Buffalo Speedway improvements and a possible bond program for drainage improvements. City of West University Place, Texas COMPARISON OF 2016 - 2020 BUDGETS Adopted 2016 Adopted 2017 Adopted 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 $ Increase / (Decrease) from 2019 % Increase / (Decrease) from 2019 Operations $27,639,223 $28,434,895 $29,323,500 $29,134,535 $30,930,485 $1,795,950 6.16% Capital Improvements $398,000 $1,055,000 $5,147,000 $6,235,000 $38,548,169 $32,313,169 518.25% Debt Service $9,336,350 $10,117,272 $10,050,279 $10,085,530 $10,231,966 $146,436 1.45% Total Budget $37,373,573 $39,607,167 $44,520,779 $45,455,065 $79,710,620 $34,255,555 525.87% 9 Revenue Actions The 2020 Budget has adopted the following revenue actions:  Reduced the adopted tax rate by 2.4% from $0.31680/$100 to $0.30921/$100 assessed value  Increased the water and sewer fees by 2.32% and 2.76%, respectively ($152,000)  Increased the solid waste fee by 5% ($34,000)  Increased fees for services that are projected to increase revenue by $674,000 Please note –of the $674,000 projected increase for services:  Approximately $277,000 is a result of increased services with our Direct Link alarm monitoring service, but there will be a corresponding expenditures for the majority of that increase for a 3rd party App service  Approximately $386,000 is for increased revenues in the Parks & Recreation Department associated mainly with swim lessons, but there is an corresponding expenditure for the majority of that increase to pay the swim instructors Property Tax Rate Decrease This 2020 Budget recommends a decrease in the tax rate for the first time in three years. As allowed by current State law, the City could have increased the tax rate to $0.31909/100 valuation (rollback rate). The proposed 2020 Budget is fiscally sound and sustainable, and, with additional modifications made by the City Council, we were able to adopt an even lower tax rate. The new rate will be $0.30921/$100 assessed valuation, which is $0.00759 lower than the current rate of $0.31680/$100 assessed valuation. The adopted rate will generate approximately $586 thousand in new revenue, and the average taxpayer will pay approximately $7.14 more per month. Misc. Fee Increases Adjustments were made to our Fee Schedule to ensure that the cost s of providing services were covered. Increases were made to some medical supplies for emergency medical services, water connections, and building and contractor permit fees. City of West University Place, Texas REVENUES BY FUND TYPE, 2016 - 2020 Type of Funds Adopted 2016 Adopted 2017 Adopted 2018 Adopted 2019 Adopted 2020 $ Increase / (Decrease) from 2019 % Increase / (Decrease) from 2019 General Fund $17,118,656 $18,178,923 $19,123,077 $19,941,318 $21,069,598 $1,128,280 5.66% Restricted Operations $542,870 $1,126,300 $1,165,710 $648,800 $1,173,900 $525,100 80.93% Restricted CIP $1,000,000 $1,211,500 $4,297,505 $6,561,768 $37,108,200 $30,546,432 465.52% Debt Service $8,455,950 $8,954,769 $8,850,034 $8,893,592 $9,047,724 $154,132 1.73% Water & Sewer $6,950,600 $7,240,000 $8,011,585 $7,982,000 $8,205,900 $223,900 2.81% Solid Waste $1,836,100 $1,654,000 $1,757,600 $1,761,000 $1,797,000 $36,000 2.04% Total Budgeted Revenues $35,904,176 $38,365,492 $43,205,511 $45,788,478 $78,402,322 $32,613,844 558.70% 10 General Fund Revenues General Fund Revenues are projected to be $21.1 million or about 5.7% more than the previous year. The primary reason for the increase is due to ad valorem taxes, but there were some increases in charges for services associated with the improvements to the City’s alarm monitoring service (DirectLink). The City will be collecting additional revenue from customers who opt for a higher level of service, but this revenue will have an offsetting expense. Other notable changes in the General Fund are the projected loss of $95,000 in franchise fees due to recent State legislation and also to a reduction of $66,000 in “transfers in” from the employee benefit funds for retirements. Enterprise Fund Increases  Water and Sewer Rates The monthly rate increase for water and sewer will be 2.32% and 2.76%, respectively, which will increase the average monthly bill by $3.59, or $43.08 per year. This is based on the average water use of 13,482 gallons per month. The last time water rates were increased was 2016, and sewer rates were increased in 2018.  Solid Waste / Recycling / Yard Waste Rates The monthly rate increase for solid waste/recycling/yard waste will be 5%, which will increase the monthly bill by $1.70 per month, or $20.40 per year. The rate increase for seniors and the disabled will be $.87 cents per month or $10.44 per year. The last time that solid waste/recycling/yard waste rates were increased was 2016. Staffing Levels The 2020 Budget adds two new positions, for a total of 128 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, excluding part-time and contracted services. The City averages around 107 part- time employees in the Parks Department, and nine contracted positions in the Public Works Department. The staffing levels have remained consistent over the last 17 years, with three new positions added since 2018. Otherwise, the City has remained leanly staffed , with its overall FTE count remaining consistent. $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,000,000 $22,000,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Est. 2020 Est. General Fund Revenue 11 New Positions:  Finance Department – The Grants/Purchasing Administrator will be a new position in 2020. Primary duties will be to actively seek grant funding and to centralize the City’s purchasing power. Additional responsibilities will include support for the Finance Department.  Public Works Department – This department will add a Facility Technician to increase the City’s capability of proactively maintaining the City’s aging facilities. Reclassified Positions:  Police Department – The Support Services Manager position is being reclassified as a Community Resource Officer. The duties of the Support Services Manager were transferred to a Patrol Sergeant who will become an Administrative Sergeant. The Community Resource Officer will serve as the department’s Crime Prevention and Public Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Position Summary DEPARTMENT 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GENERAL FUND Administration 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 Finance 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Police 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 35 35 35 35 35 38 38 38 38 Fire 24 25 25 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Public Works 21 21 21 20 19 19 21 20 20 20 19 18 18 18 18 18 19 Parks & Recreation 8 8 8 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND Administration - - - 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 WATER & SEWER FUND Finance - - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Operations 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 SOLID WASTE FUND Operations 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 Total City FTEs 120 121 119 121 119 119 122 123 125 125 121 123 123 125 126 126 128 12 Information Officer, as well as the liaison with residents for the City’s alarm monitoring service (DirectLink).  Administration – The Communications Director position is being reclassified as an Assistant to the City Manager. This reclassified position will oversee citywide communications and provide analytical support to all departments. EXPENDITURES: This 2020 Budget estimates $79.71 million of expenditures, including: Operations: $30.51 million Capital Projects: $38.97 million Debt Service: $10.23 million Overall, expenditures are recommended at $34.26 million more than in the adopted 2019 Budget, with the majority of the increase coming from capital improvements. Operating expenditures are estimated to increase 6.16% compared to the adopted 2019 Budget. Estimated Capital Projects expenditures are $32.31 million (518%) more than in the adopted 2019 Budget. Estimated Debt Service repayments are $146 thousand (1.45%) more than in the adopted 2019 Budget. Operations Estimated operating expenditures are $30.27 million, which is approximately $916 thousand or 3.12% more than in the adopted 2019 Budget. Operating expenditures consist of all City-provided services, and are distributed according to the pie chart to the right. 2020 EXPENDITURES Operations $30.51M 38% Debt Service $10.23M 13% Capital Projects $38.97M 49% 13 Below is a comparison of adopted budget expenditures by departments for 2019 and 2020. NOTABLE CHANGES The following were notable changes in the adopted 2020 Budget by department: City Council This department includes the City Council, boards, and commissions. Expenditures are estimated at $303 thousand, which is $70 thousand (30%) more than last year, and includes funding to update the City Council’s goals and vision statement. Administration This department includes the City Manager’s office, Human Resources (HR), and the City Secretary’s office. Expenditures are estimated at $1.26 million, which is approximately $130 thousand (9%) less than in the prior year, and includes funding for communication initiatives, along with a compensation study to ensure that the City compensation package is competitive within the marketplace. Additionally, the Communications Director was reclassified as an Assistant to the City Manager. Also, the City Manager retired in 2019, so the 2020 Budget saw a savings from that. Finance This department includes Finance, Budget, Citywide charges, and the Municipal Court. Expenditures are estimated at $339 thousand (15%) less than in the prior year, and includes adding a new Grants/Purchasing Administrator position to actively seek out grant funding and strengthen the City’s purchasing power. The majority of the reduction here is associated with the move of HR costs from the Citywide division to the Transfers division. 14 Also located under this department are fees associated with employee benefits, which are approximately $157,000 lower than last year. Lastly, the City renegotiated its electricity contract, lowering the estimated cost by approximately $167,000, which is spread among the various departments. Police This department includes patrol, investigation, support services (911 telecommunications), and the City’s very own alarm monitoring service called DirectLink. Expenditures are estimated at $398 thousand (8%) more than last year, and include funding to restructure pay for entry-level police officers and 911 dispatchers in an effort to fill long-standing vacancies in the department. The department will relaunch a new and improved service for DirectLink, wh ich includes increased user functionality and the restructuring of the Support Services Manager position to Community Resource Officer, whose responsibilities will include overseeing crime prevention, public information, and the DirectLink service. Fire This department includes fire suppression, emergency medical services, fire prevention , and emergency management. Expenditures are estimated at $315 thousand (9%) more than last year, and includes funding to hire and train staff with their Emergency Medical Technician certifications as paramedics. Funding covers the cost of the school and required overtime for school, and to ensure minimum staffing levels. Parks This department includes the Recreation Center, Colonial Park, Senior Services, Parks Maintenance, and Administration. Expenditures are estimated at $101 thousand (2%) more than last year, and includes funding for a parks programming study and a needs assessment for senior services. This department has experienced some notable changes due to increased instructor fees that are coupled with offsetting expenses, along with the reduction of the $125,000 cash subsidy to the Tri-Sports Association. The City Council approved continued support for Tri-Sports, including an estimated $30,000 of in-kind services (water, electricity, solid waste service, and room rentals) and priority use of the recreation center fields with an estimated value of $100,000. A requested position for a Program Specialist was not approved. This position would have focused on community engagement, fundraising, and customer service follow-up. Public Works This department includes Public Works Administration, Community Development, General Services, Streets, Drainage, Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste. Expenditures are estimated at $260 thousand (8%) more than last year, and includes funding a newly added Facility Technician position, plus vehicle and equipment for this position, along with increased streets and 15 drainage maintenance, and moving to a retainer-based service model for contracted City Engineering services. Water and sewer expenditures included increasing our contribution to the Asset Replacement Fund; increasing water and sewer system maintenance; and funding for a variety of projects, such as replacing sludge lines clarifier #1, replacing the discharge line in Lift Station #2, removing grit from the digester basin, making safety improvements at the wastewater treatment plant, updating SCADA equipment, obtaining additional camera attachments, and replacing two lift station booster pumps. In an effort to make the department more efficient, the following restructuring was made in the 2020 Budget to consolidate like services. Restricted Funds Debt Service Fund – In 2020, the City will pay $9 million of debt service, fiscal agent fees, and issuance costs – an increase of $158 thousand, or less than 1.8%, from 2019. Funding debt service payments requires an ad valorem tax rate of $0.11952 per $100 of assessed value in tax year 2019, a decrease of 3.64% or $0.00451 per $100. Water and Sewer Fund – This fund’s total budget of $7.94 million is $185 thousand, or 2.4%, higher than the 2019 Budget. Included is $1.25 million transferred to the General Fund to reimburse for the costs it incurs on behalf of the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund. The transfer to the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund is continued for 2020 at $900,000. Water and sewer revenue debt service for 2020 is $1.18 million (principal and interest) on outstanding bonds. The debt service payments for the refunding of bonds are included in the 16 General Debt Service Fund; therefore, there is a transfer to the General Debt Service Fund in order to fund the water and sewer portion of the refunding bonds. The 2020 Budget includes the rate increases discussed previously, for the first time in years. At this time, I do not expect any additional increases, but , depending on the amount of increases from the City of Houston, this issue may need to be revisited. Solid Waste Fund – The good news is that our recycling or diversion rate for manual collection hovers around 40%, but the cost of recycling continues to increase because of market conditions for processing this recycling. The direct cost of collecting and disposing of solid waste is expected to be $1.866 million, an increase of $55 thousand, or 3%, over the prior year’s budget. Internal Service Funds Internal Service Funds provide accounting and budgetary controls for expenditures common to all funds. West U has established five such Internal Service Funds: Employee Benefit Fund – The Employee Benefit Fund provides a systematic approach to accumulating the funds needed for employee benefits. Each operating fund contributes to the fund on the basis of the projected cost of the benefits. Revenue in the amount of $1.92 million is expected from operating funds, plus $566 thousand from employee/retiree contributions and other miscellaneous earnings. Expenditures for the Employee Benefit Fund are expected to be $2.49 million, a $226 thousand decrease over the amount budgeted in 2019. This reduction was due to the movement of non-medical expenses to the new Human Resources Services Fund. While this budget saw a reduction in medical premiums of over $300 thousand, $223 thousand of these funds were reinvested in improving employee health benefits and offering employees Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) with City enticements for employees to migrate over from traditional health plans. Human Resources Services Fund – The Human Resources Services Fund was created in 2020 to break out non-medical expenses from the Employee Benefit Fund. The costs included here are accumulated sick leave and vacation leave and various HR expenses totaling $336 thousand. At this time, the General Fund contributes all funds needed for this fund. Vehicle Replacement Fund – The Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF) allocates charges to the major operating funds for departments, based on an estimated depreciation and replacement cost of existing vehicles in those funds. The allocation is for replacing vehicles routinely used to provide City services when they have reached the end of their service life. In 2020, expenditures are expected to be $959 thousand, which funds the replacement for the following vehicles:  Fire Department – A pumper truck ($750,000) and a pickup truck ($32,000) 17  Public Works Department – Two pickup trucks ($30,000 each), a code enforcement/animal control vehicle ($56,000), and a small SUV ($27,000) and hydro pack ($9,000)  Emergency Operations – A high-water vehicle ($30,000) Technology Management Fund – The Technology Management Fund allocates charges to the major operating funds for departments, based on their technology use. In 2020, managing, supporting, and replacing computers, networks, and communication equipment are expected to cost $1.6 million. This is approximately a $56 thousand (3.6%) increase from the prior year’s budget, primarily attributable to adding IT-related equipment in the City’s Asset Replacement Fund. Asset Replacement Fund – The Asset Replacement Fund (ARF) (formerly known as the Equipment Replacement Fund) is used to finance the purchase of equipment routinely used in providing City services. The ARF operates in the same manner as the Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF), in that each City department makes contributions to the ARF based on the estimated life and replacement cost of the assets it uses. The ARF purchases assets when a combination of age and repair cost indicates that the asset has reached the end of its service life. The 2020 Budget transfers $723,700 to the ARF for these future asset purchases. In 2020, expenditures are expected to be $181,800 for the following replacements:  Public Works Facilities – Water pumps and a chiller ($11,000)  Parks Department – Recumbent bikes ($5,900), treadmills ($18,800), a fixed-arm elliptical ($6,700), pool deck umbrellas ($5,900), pool chaise lounge chairs ($16,000), and Colonial Park Pool resurfacing ($117,500) Future years’ replacements are shown in the Asset Replacement Fund section of this budget document. Wages & Benefits This 2020 Budget includes funding for employees’ annual merit increases of up to 3% on their anniversary date, with the ability to receive up to an additional 1.5% for consistent exceptional performance. The particulars of this new program are being refined, but the basis for the evaluations with follow the guidelines established by the Council for its Mission, Vision, Goals, and Core Values – most notably utilizing S.P.I.R.I.T. in evaluating employees:  SERVE – means: Listen to customers and strive to understand their issues; be friendly, courteous, and polite; and take ownership of your services and decisions: solve problems to exceed customer expectations.  PROFESSIONALISM – means: Present a professional image; demonstrate competence in your job; pay attention to details; provide analytical, factual, and accurate reports; and develop and maintain your knowledge and skill sets. 18  INTEGRITY – means: Deliver on your promises and commitments; be honest and forthcoming; have a positive, can-do attitude; take responsibility and ownership of the tasks and your decisions; and communicate with a consistent, complete message.  RESULTS – means: Take pride in your work, and take the initiative; be a proactive problem solver; complete tasks on time and within budget; do jobs right the first time; follow through to complete the task at hand; and be self-motivated.  INNOVATION – means: Look for ways to continuously improve services, processes, and operations; learn from setbacks and failures; know current “best practices” and make suggestions for improvements; think outside the box; and be open to new ideas and look for them.  TEAMWORK – means: Work as a team; communicate in an open, direct, and timely manner; keep others informed; recognize the contributions of other team members; represent the City in a positive manner; and respect other team members. Community Improvement Program The Community Improvement Program took a giant step toward planning with the creation of the Five-Year Community Improvement Program, along with funding for the maintenance, renovation, and modernization of systems throughout the City. The 2020 Community Improvement Program budget is approximately $32.3 million, or 518% more than in the 2019 Budget. The largest contributors to the increased Community Improvement Program budget are the Buffalo Speedway replacement and drainage improvement projects, which will go out for bid in the winter of 2020. In addition, approximately $1.24 million of projects are estimated to be carried over from 2019. The following are the more notable projects that are budgeted for 2020:  Buffalo Speedway Replacement and Drainage Improvements This project replaces the existing roadway from Bissonnet St. to Holcombe Blvd., and includes associated drainage improvements that will add additional box culverts from Drainage $1,650,000 4% Water & Wastewater $1,340,000 3% Streets & Sidewalks $32,765,000 84% Parks $595,000 2%Facilities $75,000 0% Other Improvements $2,718,169 7% COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: $39,143,169 19 Bissonnet St. to our outfall on Poor Farm Ditch. The project’s design will be completed and sent out to bid by the end of 2020, with construction expected to begin in early 2021.  College Ave. Shared Drainage System This system is a joint project with the City of Southside Place that will construct improvements to the trunk line that runs along the city limits of both cities, from University Blvd. to Bellaire Blvd. The improvements will install a new alignment on Auden St. between University Blvd. and Bellaire Blvd., and remove existing connections from Auden St. to the existing trunk line. This project is contingent upon the cities receiving grant funding for the cost of the project.  Virtual Gate Project Phase I will begin construction in 2020 and should be completed prior to the end of the year, but could possibly extend into early 2021. Staff will allow Phase I to be fully implemented to ensure that the system is working as designed, before returning to the City Council for approval on Phase II.  Alternative Stormwater Detention Study A feasibility study will be completed to review alternative methods for stormwater detention in lieu of more traditional detention methods, such as detention ponds and linear detention.  Drink Water Distribution Efficiency Study This study will include a review of the City’s current water system to ensure adequate storage, pumping, and supply for the City’s demand now and into the future.  Wastewater Reclamation Study A feasibility study will be completed to determine if the City could reclaim wastewater from the treatment plant, which would significantly reduce our need for surface water.  Wastewater Treatment Plant Floodwater Protection Study We will develop options to protect the treatment plant from being inundated with floodwater during an extreme weather event.  Citywide Traffic Study A Citywide Traffic Study will review speed-related issues and make necessary recommendations for improvements, including revising the speed limit s.  Citywide Facilities Security and Condition Assessment A review of security vulnerabilities and condition assessments for all City facilities will be completed in order to develop recommendations, along with cost estimates for the recommended actions. SUMMARY This 2020 Budget:  Implements priorities identified by the City Council  Lowers the adopted tax rate for the first time in three years  Maintains fiscal responsibilities by maintaining a balanced budget 20  Adds two new positions (Facility Technician and Grants/Purchasing Administrator) to help maintain our aging City facilities, pursue available grant funding, and centralize the City’s purchasing power  Continues funding for our Community Improvement Program, which most notably includes the Buffalo Speedway replacement and drainage improvement projects and Phase I of the Virtual Gate Project  Implements annual updates to the City’s vision and goals  Increases funding for maintenance of the City’s infrastructure (including water, sewer, streets, drainage, and sidewalks)  Preserves the City’s reserves in order to maintain our AAA bond rating, while also remaining flexible to respond to natural disasters or State-mandated budget reductions  Maintains reserves adequate to ensure that resources are available annually for unexpected issues and the replacement of service vehicles and assets  Avoids budget and accounting procedures that would balance the current 2020 Budget at the expense of future budgets This year is an interesting year because of the looming implementation of the State-mandated 3.5% revenue cap and the loss of approximately $100,000 in franchise fees. The reality of revenue caps will start to become apparent in 2021, but the true effect will more than likely not be felt until three to five years down the road. The City’s ability to solely determine our funding levels to support the services expected by our residents is under assault, and I believe we will see legislation returning before the State legislature that failed during the last session. Lastly, the issue of drainage improvements is confronting many cities in the Houston metro area, and, with the recent passage of bond issues and available grant funding, we have seen many cities take up the call to construct improvements. This is both a blessing and a curse, as the demand for all things drainage-related continues to increase in cost and availability of materials to complete these projects. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Finance Director Marie Kalka, Treasurer Harrison Nicholson, Fiscal Services Officer Darla Steubing, and Public Works Director Gerardo Barrera, who helped prepare this report. This has been a team effort to provide the information needed to prepare the annual budget. Lastly, I would like to thank the City Council for its determination and effort in providing direction essential to preparing this 2020 Budget. Through our collaborative efforts, we continue to focus on ensuring service delivery and quality of life for the citizens of West University Place. Respectfully submitted, David J. Beach 21 ADMINI S T R A TI O N DEPART M E N T FINANC E DEPART M E N T POLICE DEPART M E N T FIRE DEPART M E N T PUBLIC W O R K S DEPART M E N T PARKS & R E C R E A TI O N DEPART M E N T CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 22 2019 2020 Amount of Increase (Decrease) Percent of Increase (Decrease) Governmental Fund Types: General Fund 19,902,135$ 20,890,085$ 987,950$ 4.96% Debt Service Fund 8,889,492 9,047,783 158,291 1.78% Total 28,791,627 29,937,868 1,146,241 3.98% Enterprise Fund Types: Water & Sewer Fund 7,883,888 8,207,283 323,395 4.10% Solid Waste Management Fund 1,821,100 1,876,800 55,700 3.06% Total 9,704,988 10,084,083 379,095 3.91% Internal Service Fund Types: Employee Benefit Fund 2,716,100 2,490,400 (225,700) -8.31% Human Resources Services Fund - 335,700 335,700 100.00% Asset Replacement Fund 257,800 181,800 (76,000) -29.48% Vehicle Replacement Fund 206,000 959,000 753,000 365.53% Technology Management Fund 1,557,500 1,613,500 56,000 3.60% Total 4,737,400 5,580,400 843,000 17.79% TOTAL 43,234,015$ 45,602,351$ 2,368,336$ 5.48% CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES COMPARISON Comparison of 2019 Budget to 2020 Budget $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 2019 2020 General Fund Debt Service Fund Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Management Fund Employee Benefit Fund Asset Replacement Fund Technology Management Fund $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 2019 2020 23 General Fund Debt Service Fund Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Technology Management Fund Total Revenues Property Tax 12,349,948$ 7,810,741$ -$ -$ -$ 20,160,689$ Other Taxes 2,180,500 - - - - 2,180,500 Licenses, Permits & Fees 574,000 - - - - 574,000 Charges for Services 3,457,000 - 8,002,000 1,786,200 - 13,245,200 Fines & Forfeitures 206,400 - - - - 206,400 Other Revenue 665,550 52,800 159,300 10,800 6,700 895,150 Transfers 1,636,200 1,184,183 44,600 - 1,680,500 4,545,483 Total Revenues 21,069,598$ 9,047,724$ 8,205,900$ 1,797,000$ 1,687,200$ 41,807,422$ Expenditures Personnel 13,064,910$ -$ 1,268,700$ 514,200$ 535,000$ 15,382,810$ Operating 4,984,075 - 3,337,900 1,041,600 1,058,500 10,422,075 Capital 143,500 - 266,500 11,000 - 421,000 Transfers 2,697,600 - 2,150,000 310,000 20,000 5,177,600 Debt Service - 9,047,783 1,184,183 - - 10,231,966 Total Expenditures 20,890,085$ 9,047,783$ 8,207,283$ 1,876,800$ 1,613,500$ 41,635,451$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON MAJOR FUNDS 2020 BUDGET AT A GLANCE Personnel 36.9% Operating 25.0% Capital 1.0% Transfers 12.4%Debt Service 24.6% 2020 EXPENDITURES -GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, WATER & SEWER, SOLID WASTE AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUNDS Property Tax 48.2% Other Taxes 5.2% Licenses, Permits & Fees 1.4% Charges for Services 31.7% Fines & Forfeitures 0.5% Other Revenue 2.1%Transfers 10.9% 2020 REVENUE -GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, WATER & SEWER, SOLID WASTE AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUNDS 24 General Fund Debt Service Fund Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Technology Management Fund Total Revenues Property Tax 11,873,000$ 7,620,100$ -$ -$ -$ 19,493,100$ Other Taxes 2,269,500 - - - - 2,269,500 Licenses, Permits & Fees 590,150 - - - - 590,150 Charges for Services 3,193,225 - 7,790,000 1,737,300 - 12,720,525 Fines & Forfeitures 216,400 - - - - 216,400 Other Revenue 694,700 52,900 190,700 11,400 7,000 956,700 Transfers 1,702,500 4,750 - - 1,617,100 3,324,350 Bond Proceeds - 1,196,038 - - - 1,196,038 Total Revenues 20,539,475$ 8,873,788$ 7,980,700$ 1,748,700$ 1,624,100$ 40,766,763$ Expenditures Personnel 12,126,140$ -$ 1,184,880$ 490,190$ 633,345$ 14,434,555$ Operating 4,631,830 - 3,157,800 747,900 997,020 9,534,550 Capital 776,700 - 47,400 35,700 - 859,800 Transfers 2,354,200 - 2,150,000 518,800 - 5,023,000 Debt Service - 8,841,492 1,196,038 - - 10,037,530 Total Expenditures 19,888,870$ 8,841,492$ 7,736,118$ 1,792,590$ 1,630,365$ 39,889,435$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON 2019 ESTIMATED AT A GLANCE Personnel 36.2% Operating 23.9% Capital 2.2% Transfers 12.6% Debt Service 25.2% 2019 EXPENDITURES -GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, WATER & SEWER, SOLID WASTE AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUNDS Property Tax 49.3% Other Taxes 5.7% Licenses, Permits & Fees 1.5% Charges for Services 32.1% Fines & Forfeitures 0.5% Other Revenue 2.4% Transfers 8.4% 2019 REVENUES -GENERAL, DEBT SERVICE, WATER & SEWER, SOLID WASTE AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUNDS 25 Beginning Balance (Estimated)Taxes Licenses, Permits, Fees & Charges for Services Other Total Expenditures and Transfers Out Ending Balance General Fund 8,828,468$ 14,530,448$ 4,031,000$ 2,508,150$ 21,069,598$ 20,890,085$ 9,007,981$ Debt Service Fund 900,585 7,810,741 - 1,236,983 9,047,724 9,047,783 900,526 Water and Sewer Fund 826,178 - 8,002,000 203,900 8,205,900 8,207,283 824,795 Solid Waste Fund 449,248 - 1,786,200 10,800 1,797,000 1,876,800 369,448 Capital Project Fund 879,284 - - 7,800 7,800 500,000 387,084 2019 CO Fund 2,534,669 - - 37,100 37,100 2,458,169 113,600 Transportation Improvement Fund 1,330,613 - - 36,142,200 36,142,200 34,611,000 2,861,813 Water and Sewer Capital Fund 1,471,214 - - 921,100 921,100 2,219,000 173,314 Employee Benefit Fund 1,057,513 - - 2,481,600 2,481,600 2,490,400 1,048,713 Human Resources Services Fund 427,366 - - 249,600 249,600 335,700 341,266 Vehicle Replacement Fund 3,236,835 - - 701,700 701,700 959,000 2,979,535 Technology Management Fund 73,700 - - 1,687,200 1,687,200 1,613,500 147,400 Asset Replacement Fund 2,542,229 - - 723,700 723,700 181,800 3,084,129 Parks Fund 96,254 - - 51,400 51,400 43,000 104,654 Friends of West U Parks Fund 617 - 478,000 478,000 478,000 617 Court Technology Fund 22,730 - - 8,000 8,000 2,000 28,730 Tree Replacement Fund 269,244 - - 34,600 34,600 50,000 253,844 Court Security Fund 45,779 - - 8,700 8,700 15,000 39,479 Metro Fund 113,351 - - 592,200 592,200 550,000 155,551 Police State Forfeited Property Fund 27,882 - - 500 500 - 28,382 Police Training Fund 26,279 - - 500 500 - 26,779 Fire Training Fund 1,518 - - - - - 1,518 Good Neighbor Fund 4,050 - - - - 2,500 1,550 Total All Funds 25,165,606$ 22,341,189$ 13,819,200$ 48,085,733$ 84,246,122$ 86,531,020$ 22,880,708$ Sources 2020 Combined Summary of Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance/Retained Earnings CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON 26 General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Technology Management Fund Total REGULAR WAGES 8,021,700$ 797,800$ 332,200$ 358,800 9,510,500$ PART-TIME WAGES 720,400 - - - 720,400$ ON CALL 21,200 14,800 - 2,800 38,800$ OVERTIME 656,600 80,000 18,500 8,500 763,600$ LONGEVITY 55,500 7,200 3,800 1,400 67,900$ TOTAL COMPENSATION 9,475,400$ 899,800$ 354,500$ 371,500$ 11,101,200$ HEALTH & DENTAL 1,210,400 147,300 63,500 62,700 1,483,900$ TMRS 1,170,700 118,100 46,300 52,900 1,388,000$ FICA 691,200 65,500 25,800 27,300 809,800$ WORKERS COMPENSATION 84,610 9,000 9,800 900 104,310$ ALLOWANCES 72,700 5,600 - 10,400 88,700$ RETIREE BENEFITS 94,400 - - - 94,400$ OTHER BENEFITS 47,200 3,900 1,800 1,800 54,700$ HSA CONTRIBUTION 187,000 17,500 11,000 7,500 223,000$ EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 31,300 2,000 1,500 - 34,800$ TOTAL BENEFITS 3,589,510$ 368,900$ 159,700$ 163,500$ 4,281,610$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS 13,064,910$ 1,268,700$ 514,200$ 535,000$ 15,382,810$ General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Technology Management Fund Total REGULAR WAGES 7,101,000$ 752,300$ 319,500$ 446,900$ 8,619,700 PART-TIME WAGES 703,900 - - - 703,900 ON CALL 17,500 13,800 - 2,900 34,200 OVERTIME 715,300 73,900 17,900 10,400 817,500 LONGEVITY 50,115 7,055 3,440 1,970 62,580 TOTAL COMPENSATION 8,587,815 847,055 340,840 462,170 10,237,880 HEALTH & DENTAL 1,040,000 143,000 60,700 60,200 1,303,900 TMRS 1,054,600 109,300 45,100 61,700 1,270,700 FICA 645,700 60,500 24,800 34,300 765,300 WORKERS COMPENSATION 93,870 12,900 12,700 1,300 120,770 ALLOWANCES 63,400 3,700 - 10,100 77,200 RETIREE BENEFITS 188,600 - - - 188,600 OTHER BENEFITS 384,730 3,500 1,300 1,700 391,230 HSA CONTRIBUTION 39,625 4,375 2,750 1,875 48,625$ EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 27,800 550 2,000 - 30,350 TOTAL BENEFITS 3,538,325 337,825 149,350 171,175 4,196,675 TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS 12,126,140 1,184,880 490,190 633,345 14,434,555 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON - PERSONNEL COSTS 2020 BUDGET AT A GLANCE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BUDGET SUMMARY COMPARISON - PERSONNEL COSTS 2019 ESTIMATE AT A GLANCE 27 DEPARTMENT 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GENERAL FUND Administration 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 Finance 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Police 33 35 35 35 35 35 38 38 38 38 Fire 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Public Works 20 20 20 19 18 18 18 18 18 19 Parks & Recreation 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND Administration 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 WATER & SEWER FUND Finance 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Operations 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 SOLID WASTE FUND Operations 8 8 8 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 Total City FTE's 123 125 125 121 123 123 125 126 126 128 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Position Summary 28 Levy Rate/ $100 Monthly Cost / Typical Family Levy Rate/ $100 Monthly Cost / Typical Family Maintenance & Operations $0.19277 $183.59 $0.18969 $189.47 $5.88 Debt Service $0.12403 $118.12 $0.11952 $119.38 $1.26 Total $0.31680 $301.71 $0.30921 $308.85 $7.14 Average residence homestead taxable value $1,142,858 $1,198,614 Tax Year 2018 Tax Year 2019 Tax Year 2019 @ Actual Rate @ Effective Rate @ Adopted Rate $1,142,858 $1,198,614 $1,198,614 0.31680 0.30264 0.30921 $3,620.57 $3,627.49 $3,706.23 $301.71 $302.29 $308.85 2019 Adopted VS 2019 Effective 2019 Effective VS 2018 Actual 2019 Adopted VS 2018 Actual $55,756 $55,756 Tax Increase (Decrease) from Value $0.00 $168.74 $172.40 Tax Increase (Decrease) from Rate $78.75 -$161.83 -$86.74 $78.75 $6.91 $85.67 $6.56 $0.58 $7.14 0.19%2.37% Average Taxpayer Annual Tax Increase (Decrease) over 2018 Increase (Decrease) per month % Increase (Decrease) YTY Average Taxable Value Taxpayer Average taxable value - residence homestead Tax rate per $100 assessed value Average Annual Tax Average Monthly Tax Value Increase (Decrease) Comparison of Property Taxes: Tax Years 2018 vs. 2019 FY 2019 / TY 2018 FY 2020 / TY 2019 Monthly Increase/ (Decrease) FY 2019/ TY 2018 FY 2020 / TY 2019 29 GENERAL FUND 2020 Summary Discussion The General Fund finances nearly all of the city’s services. The ad valorem tax rate, fees, objectives, levels of service, the number of employees, salaries and benefits are all determined during the preparation of the General Fund’s budget. The General Fund is the principal source of funds for six of the city’s departments: Police, Fire, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Finance, and Administration. Revenue Projections for 2019 - The 2019 Budget projected a revenue total of $18.24 million, excluding transfers to finance the General Fund’s services. Based on collections and data available through September 13, 2019, revenues appear likely to reach $18.84 million, 3.30% or $598,157 above the 2019 Budget projections. Several parks and recreation fee categories are expected to exceed the original budget projections by $410,425, sales tax receipts are expected to exceed the original budget projections by $73,100 and fines and forfeitures are expected to exceed budget by $57,200. Additionally, earnings on investments revenue are projected to come in over budget by $43,900. Expenditures Estimated for 2019 - The original 2019 Budget appropriated $19.90 million, including transfers out. Based on expenditures through September 13, 2019 and department estimates to complete the year, the total actual expenditures are projected to be below the appropriated amount by $13,265 or 0.10%. Financial Position in 2019 - The City of West University Place’s General Fund is projected to close 2019 in sound fiscal condition. The 2019 estimated ending fund balance available for appropriations in 2019 is $8.19 million. This amount represents 39.9% of the proposed 2019 revenues. The city’s financial policies require that General Fund unassigned and unrestricted reserves be maintained at 20% of the budgeted revenue for the coming year. The primary purpose of this fund balance reserve is to buffer the impact of unforeseen events and to provide funds for unanticipated revenue shortfalls. The General Fund’s unassigned and unrestricted reserves likely will close 2019 exceeding that target by approximately $4.08 million. Projected 2020 Revenues - The city’s General Fund revenues for fiscal year 2020 are forecast to increase 5.67% over 2019’s estimated revenue budget. Total 2020 revenues are expected to be approximately $21.07 million. Revenues from ad valorem property taxes (current tax, delinquent tax and penalty and interest) will increase by $429,480, a 3.6% increase. The ad valorem tax rate dedicated to maintenance and operations is proposed to decrease 1.60% to $0.18969 per $100 of assessed value. Taxable value in West University Place is estimated to increase $276.1 million or 4.46% to $6.32 billion. Values from new construction are certified at $52.64 million. Value increases of $49.45 million on existing property will be combined with the new construction value and an additional estimate of $148.25 million for property not yet certified by the appraisal district, which is expected to be added to the appraisal roll at a later date. Revenue generated by the city’s one-cent sales tax is budgeted at $1.18 million a 6.6% increase from 2019. 30 GENERAL FUND 2020 Franchise taxes are expected to provide approximately 4.7% of the city’s General Fund revenues, forecasted at $1.0 million. Franchise fees are received for electricity, telephone, natural gas and cable service provided to the citizens of West University Place. Revenue sources budgeted under the Charges for Services category includes ambulance service, alarm monitoring, parks fees, and other service related fees. Revenues from alarm monitoring are budgeted to increase $280,000 as one of our goals for 2020 is to grow the use of our Direct Link alarm monitoring system. This service provides direct connection to the city’s emergency dispatch, a key advantage over the private sector alarm monitoring services. Also, in 2019 Parks and Recreation eliminated the special facility use permits with aquatics contractors and brought in- house registration and payments for these classes. Budget year 2020 allows for better estimations using 2019 actuals which was the first year in-house registration and payments for classes took place. This line item increased approximately $340,000 from 2019. Expenditures in 2020 - The 2020 Budget appropriates $20.89 million, up $988 thousand, or 5.0% from the 2019 General Fund’s $19.90 million budget. Increase is due primarily to the increase from Parks and Recreation noted above as well as enhanced DirectLink services and an increase in street maintenance. Included in the 2020 Budget are the following transfers: Amount Transfer To Fund Purpose $341,500 Vehicle Replacement Fund Provide cash basis funding for replacement vehicles. ($1,800 decrease) $1,496,400 Technology Management Fund Provide operating funds for the centralization and management of city-wide technology needs. ($60,900 increase) $576,100 Asset Replacement Fund (formerly known as Equipment Replacement Fund) Provide cash basis funding for the purchase of high dollar equipment routinely used by the city. ($700 increase) $33,700 Employee Benefit Fund Due to a review of the Employee Benefit Fund for 2020 certain expenses were moved to a new fund, Human Resources Services Fund. Also, this was previously recorded as Other Benefits and not a transfer. ($33,700 increase) $249,900 Human Resources Services Fund This is a new fund for 2020. Provides cash basis funding that was previously funded under the Employee Benefit Fund for non-insurance related HR expenditures. ($249,900 increase) 31 GENERAL FUND 2020 Personnel costs, including benefits, will amount to $13.06 million, or 62.52% of the expenditure budget, and a 0.26% decrease compared to the corresponding 2019 budget. The city’s portion of health and dental care benefit costs are projected to total $1.21 million, a 1.73% decrease as compared to the 2019 budget. Required contributions to the Texas Municipal Retirement System are budgeted at $1.17 million, up approximately 2.78%. The increase is due to the increase in the contribution rate, from 13.03% to 13.09% of payroll. Since 2007, the TMRS board has adopted a series of actuarial and investment changes to ensure that TMRS continues to be well funded and members’ benefits remain secure and sustainable over the generations of workers. Cities were given the option of a Phase-in Rate or a Full Rate contribution, with TMRS recommending the Full Rate contribution, so as not to more adversely affect the city’s unfunded actuarial accrued liability and subsequent years’ contribution rates. This budget includes TMRS funding at the Full Rate contribution. As of December 31, 2017, the most recent available valuation, the City of West University Place is 90.33% funded. The 2020 Budget for employee regular wages is $8.02 million, up 1.3% over the 2019 Budget. The budget includes a 3% annual merit increase that an employee can earn on their anniversary date. An additional 1.5%, for a total of 4.5%, can be earned by an employee for exceptional performance. This helps keep the city aligned to the 75th percentile that was approved in the 2016 Budget. 32 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES: AD VALOREM TAXES 10,897,253$ 11,652,747$ 11,920,468$ 11,873,000$ 12,349,948$ SALES TAXES 1,064,672 1,172,256 1,110,900 1,184,000 1,184,000 FRANCHISE TAXES 1,159,730 1,128,060 1,085,500 1,074,500 985,500 OTHER TAXES 14,330 13,528 14,000 11,000 11,000 TOTAL TAXES 13,135,984 13,966,591 14,130,868 14,142,500 14,530,448 PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 542,903 668,594 527,500 590,150 574,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,803,900 3,034,958 2,782,800 3,193,225 3,457,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 172,569 220,610 159,200 216,400 206,400 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 42,852 248,349 213,300 257,200 225,000 OTHER REVENUE 417,977 808,083 425,150 437,500 440,550 TRANSFERS IN 1,751,400 1,530,048 1,702,500 1,702,500 1,636,200 TOTAL REVENUES 18,867,586 20,477,233 19,941,318 20,539,475 21,069,598 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION 1,209,075 1,317,355 1,623,685 1,578,950 1,565,010 FINANCE 2,217,546 2,006,284 2,207,500 2,936,680 1,867,675 POLICE 4,575,579 4,554,734 5,177,650 4,604,440 5,575,200 FIRE 3,492,944 3,598,587 3,589,450 3,613,330 3,870,000 PUBLIC WORKS 3,014,672 3,088,900 3,247,150 3,029,195 3,573,700 PARKS & RECREATION 3,597,884 3,698,880 4,056,700 4,126,275 4,154,900 TRANSFERS OUT 500,000 200,000 - - 283,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,607,701 18,464,739 19,902,135 19,888,870 20,890,085 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)259,885 2,012,494 39,183 650,605 179,513 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,905,484 6,165,369 7,192,857 8,177,863 8,828,468 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,165,369 8,177,863 7,232,040 8,828,468 9,007,981 ASSIGNED*119,000 119,000 127,000 197,000 203,000 RESTRICTED**403,747 403,747 439,747 439,747 439,747 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE 5,642,622$ 7,655,116$ 6,665,293$ 8,191,721$ 8,365,234$ * Assigned for City Manager's Contract ** Restricted for PEG fees ADMINISTRATION 7.5% FINANCE 8.9% POLICE 26.7% FIRE 18.5% PUBLIC WORKS 17.1% PARKS & RECREATION 19.9% TRANSFERS OUT 1.4% 2020 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 33 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY ACCOUNT Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES: AD VALOREM TAXES 10,897,253$ 11,652,747$ 11,920,468$ 11,873,000$ 12,349,948$ SALES TAXES 1,064,672 1,172,256 1,110,900 1,184,000 1,184,000 FRANCHISE TAXES 1,159,730 1,128,060 1,085,500 1,074,500 985,500 OTHER TAXES 14,330 13,528 14,000 11,000 11,000 TOTAL TAXES 13,135,984 13,966,591 14,130,868 14,142,500 14,530,448 PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 542,903 668,594 527,500 590,150 574,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,803,900 3,034,958 2,782,800 3,193,225 3,457,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 172,569 220,610 159,200 216,400 206,400 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 42,852 248,349 213,300 257,200 225,000 OTHER REVENUE 417,977 808,083 425,150 437,500 440,550 TRANSFERS IN 1,751,400 1,530,048 1,702,500 1,702,500 1,636,200 TOTAL REVENUES 18,867,586$ 20,477,233$ 19,941,318$ 20,539,475$ 21,069,598$ EXPENDITURES: REGULAR WAGES $ 7,116,550 $ 6,935,850 $ 7,915,500 $ 7,101,000 $ 8,021,700 PART-TIME WAGES 495,042 617,347 716,100 703,900 720,400 ON CALL 19,515 17,700 20,400 17,500 21,200 OVERTIME 546,957 673,331 561,400 715,300 656,600 LONGEVITY 50,833 48,467 54,200 50,115 55,500 HEALTH & DENTAL 1,102,880 1,040,364 1,231,750 1,040,000 1,210,400 TMRS 1,071,031 1,081,467 1,139,000 1,054,600 1,170,700 FICA 609,456 611,593 676,100 645,700 691,200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 88,752 91,360 96,600 93,870 84,610 ALLOWANCES 71,065 76,854 76,500 63,400 72,700 RETIREE BENEFITS 240,400 180,000 188,600 188,600 94,400 OTHER BENEFITS 382,365 309,325 391,600 384,730 47,200 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 39,625 187,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 17,758 25,216 30,800 27,800 31,300 RECRUITING & HIRING - 461 - - - PERSONNEL 11,812,603 11,709,334 13,098,550 12,126,140 13,064,910 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27,722 30,038 37,100 40,000 44,300 APPREHENSION & JAILING 1,348 1,563 1,400 1,400 1,400 OPERATING SUPPLIES 194,061 226,075 235,200 234,800 239,300 FUEL 60,780 70,444 92,000 70,000 80,000 EMERGENCY GENERATOR FUEL 4,083 2,576 3,700 3,700 3,700 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 26,979 27,537 33,100 31,600 33,100 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 69,287 85,381 111,600 107,950 113,500 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 105,218 123,148 80,600 86,700 83,500 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 140,952 129,988 135,400 134,400 73,000 SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE 75,607 71,395 78,500 78,500 98,400 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE 8,748 14,529 25,000 35,000 35,000 STREET MAINTENANCE 103,382 106,279 103,000 115,000 190,000 TRAFFIC CONTROL MAINTENANCE 18,402 28,137 26,000 21,000 23,000 COMMUNICATION 82,110 91,989 113,300 108,200 121,525 ELECTRIC SERVICE 327,495 319,908 342,500 329,800 300,900 STREET LIGHTING - ELECTRIC SERVICE 82,520 82,447 83,800 83,800 71,000 SURFACE WATER - - - 1,000 1,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 22,660 21,327 26,550 21,500 23,900 CONSULTANTS 47,236 86,975 61,000 71,000 71,000 LEGAL 185,415 181,038 185,000 185,000 185,000 34 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY ACCOUNT Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 43,311 41,892 40,700 36,680 39,200 PROFESSIONAL DUES 26,065 29,537 33,435 34,700 37,050 PUBLICATIONS 13,592 18,033 17,900 17,900 24,050 TRAVEL & TRAINING 114,052 131,293 176,600 155,000 188,000 CREDIT CARD FEES 42,747 46,094 56,900 54,400 60,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 940,665 1,010,372 1,015,250 1,117,850 1,553,100 LOBBYIST - - - - 30,000 INSTRUCTOR FEES 448,977 577,392 729,900 850,000 850,000 TRI-SPORTS 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 - GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 9,280 8,991 12,000 8,400 10,000 ERRORS & OMISSIONS 20,231 18,745 20,000 16,600 20,000 LAW ENFORCEMENT LIABILITY 15,820 16,280 18,000 15,200 15,200 CRIME COVERAGE FIDELITY 1,673 1,977 3,000 3,000 3,200 AUTO LIABILITY 42,260 41,637 47,000 37,600 43,000 AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE 22,382 28,693 27,000 26,700 31,000 UNDERGROUND STORAGE LIABILITY 863 889 950 950 950 REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY 85,754 91,117 105,000 100,500 107,000 DEDUCTIBLE 2,584 (968) 10,000 10,000 10,000 PROPERTY TAXES - - - 11,300 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS 80,402 49,152 56,600 42,700 101,800 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 2,974 4,369 5,000 5,000 5,000 ELECTION EXPENSE 9,803 - 15,000 18,500 18,000 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 65 35 - - - CASH SHORT - - - 138,500 - FURNITURE & EQUIP < $5000 9,052 2,504 5,500 5,500 1,800 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - 6,768 - - - LIGHT TRUCKS - - - - 40,000 LAND ACQUISITION - - - 678,300 - OTHER EQUIPMENT 136,434 119,925 74,900 58,900 32,700 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 17,006 7,370 7,500 7,500 5,000 OTHER CONSTRUCTION COSTS 16,000 40,824 26,500 26,500 64,000 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - 200,000 - - - TRANSFER TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 500,000 - - - - TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 331,300 390,300 343,300 343,300 341,500 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 1,301,100 1,394,100 1,435,500 1,435,500 1,496,400 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND 851,700 653,500 575,400 575,400 576,100 TRANSFER TO EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND - - - - 33,700 TRANSFER TO HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS FUND - - - - 249,900 CONTINGENCY - - 45,000 45,000 45,000 OPERATING 6,795,098$ 6,756,595$ 6,803,585$ 7,762,730$ 7,825,175$ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,607,701 18,465,929$ 19,902,135$ 19,888,870$ 20,890,085$ 35 Note: Electricity percentage is manually entered to get total rounding of percentages to 100% for total items AD VALOREM TAXES 58.6% SALES TAXES 5.6%FRANCHISE TAXES 4.7% OTHER TAXES 0.1% PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 2.7% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 16.4% FINES AND FORFEITURES 1.0% INVESTMENT EARNINGS 1.1% OTHER REVENUE 2.1% TRANSFERS IN 7.8% 2020 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY TYPE PERSONNEL 62.5% INSURANCE 1.2% ELECTRICITY & NATURAL GAS 1.8% VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1.6% TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 7.2% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 2.8% MAINTENANCE 3.0% FUEL 0.4% OTHER OPERATING 17.2% TRANSFERS 1.6%CAPITAL 0.7% 2020 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY TYPE 36 GENERAL FUND DETAIL STATEMENT OF REVENUES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAXES $ 10,840,595 $ 11,592,193 $ 11,865,468 $ 11,800,000 $ 12,293,948 PRIOR YEAR PROPERTY TAXES 15,990 22,108 17,000 26,000 18,000 PENALTY AND INTEREST 40,667 38,446 38,000 47,000 38,000 AD VALOREM TAXES 10,897,253 11,652,747 11,920,468 11,873,000 12,349,948 SALES TAX 1,064,672 1,172,256 1,110,900 1,184,000 1,184,000 SALES TAXES 1,064,672 1,172,256 1,110,900 1,184,000 1,184,000 ELECTRICITY 549,889 548,572 547,500 547,500 547,500 NATURAL GAS 161,488 173,673 148,000 158,000 158,000 TELEPHONE 104,681 91,712 100,000 89,000 5,000 CABLE 309,969 284,142 290,000 280,000 275,000 TELEPHONE-PEG FEES 33,702 29,961 - - - FRANCHISE TAXES 1,159,730 1,128,060 1,085,500 1,074,500 985,500 MIXED BEVERAGE TAX 14,330 13,528 14,000 11,000 11,000 OTHER TAXES 14,330 13,528 14,000 11,000 11,000 TOTAL TAXES 13,135,984 13,966,591 14,130,868 14,142,500 14,530,448 BUILDING PERMIT 196,769 273,087 200,000 240,000 220,000 PLUMBING PERMIT 61,072 80,025 65,000 65,000 65,000 HVAC PERMIT 55,105 57,257 45,000 50,000 50,000 FENCE AND SIDEWALK PERMIT 38,010 42,734 35,000 40,000 40,000 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 39,196 52,608 37,000 40,000 40,000 TREE DISPOSITION FEE 26,895 34,455 30,000 30,000 30,000 LOW IMPACT INSPECTION FEE 15,450 17,100 16,000 16,000 15,000 ALARM PERMIT 54,074 49,380 52,400 51,900 52,400 DRAINAGE PERMIT 5,893 7,880 6,500 6,500 6,500 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 450 400 600 500 500 FIRE SPRINKLER PERMITS 1,380 2,128 3,000 3,000 3,000 PET LICENSES 2,035 1,850 2,000 2,000 2,000 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT 450 4,690 - 250 4,600 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PERMIT 6,600 300 - - - CONTRACTOR PERMIT 39,525 44,700 35,000 40,000 40,000 ROW USE PERMIT - - - 5,000 5,000 PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 542,903 668,594 527,500 590,150 574,000 PLAN CHECKING FEE 95,177 127,614 95,000 100,000 110,000 ZPC & ZBA FEES 1,414 1,800 2,500 2,500 2,800 BUILDING STANDARDS FEE 250 - 400 - - RE-INSPECTION FEE 300 - - 125 - PLAT REVIEW FEE 720 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 PREMATURE WORK FEE 75,885 68,936 75,000 70,000 70,000 AMBULANCE SERVICE 145,371 193,400 145,000 165,000 150,000 CHILD SAFETY 18,319 18,494 18,000 18,000 18,000 ALARM MONITORING 711,318 706,139 700,000 705,000 982,000 OTHER FEES AND PERMITS 17,077 24,613 15,000 20,000 15,000 SENIOR SERVICES EVENTS 75,803 97,094 65,000 86,000 86,000 RENTALS - COMMUNITY BUILDING 58,582 66,887 52,000 52,000 52,000 MEMBERSHIPS - RECREATION CENTER 216,016 248,580 208,400 208,400 218,000 DAY PASS - RECREATION CENTER 18,680 16,380 14,700 14,700 15,000 AQUATIC CLASS FEES - RECREATION CENTER 332,974 441,687 593,600 930,000 937,000 37 GENERAL FUND DETAIL STATEMENT OF REVENUES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 CONTRACTOR USE FEES - RECREATION CENTER 225,350 143,536 17,100 35,000 36,000 RENTALS - RECREATION CENTER 25 - - - - RECREATION CENTER - SPECIAL EVENTS - - - - 10,000 MEMBERSHIPS - COLONIAL PARK 151,829 176,373 170,400 187,000 175,300 DAY PASS - COLONIAL PARK 52,271 51,375 56,900 45,000 42,000 COLONIAL PARK - SPECIAL EVENTS 4,960 10,593 1,000 3,400 3,400 POOL RENTAL - COLONIAL PARK 39,174 32,802 35,400 35,400 33,000 PAVILION RENTAL - COLONIAL PARK 13,325 11,464 12,500 12,500 11,300 CONCESSIONS - COLONIAL PARK 289 9,081 2,000 6,000 6,000 CONTRACTOR USE FEES - COLONIAL PARK 3,600 6,840 6,200 6,200 6,200 MISCELLANEOUS - CULT & REC 545,193 579,772 495,700 490,000 477,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,803,900 3,034,958 2,782,800 3,193,225 3,457,000 MUNICPAL COURT FINES 160,462 213,034 150,000 210,000 200,000 TRAFFIC FINES 2,747 4,416 3,000 3,200 3,200 CHILD SAFETY FEE 1,175 725 1,200 1,200 1,200 FALSE ALARM FEE 7,025 1,300 4,000 1,000 1,000 PET IMPOUNDMENT 1,160 1,135 1,000 1,000 1,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 172,569 220,610 159,200 216,400 206,400 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 103,538 221,300 213,300 257,200 225,000 GAIN/LOSS ON INVESTMENT (60,685) 27,049 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 42,852 248,349 213,300 257,200 225,000 FEDERAL GRANT - 451 - 14,000 - FEMA REIMBURSEMENT - 262,144 26,250 1,500 26,250 STATE GRANT - 6,513 - - - SOUTHSIDE PLACE 254,744 256,955 256,900 258,600 258,600 SETRAC - 8,877 - - - SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 1,802 (0) - - - RESEARCH & COPIES 685 1,091 700 600 500 AUTO DECALS 201 247 200 200 200 INSURANCE REFUNDS - 11,390 - - - NSF CHECKS 275 - - - - CASH OVER/SHORT (127) (314) - - - MISCELLANEOUS 38,372 101,214 10,000 31,500 17,000 CYCLONE CYCLES 44,500 79,662 49,100 49,100 53,500 GOODE COMPANY 77,526 79,854 82,000 82,000 84,500 OTHER REVENUE 417,977 808,083 425,150 437,500 440,550 TRANSFER FROM EMERGENCY GRANT FUND - 20,048 - - - TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 1,545,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 TRANSFER FROM SOLID WASTE FUND 59,400 260,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 TRANSFER FROM EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 146,500 - 142,500 142,500 - TRANSFER FROM HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS FUND - - - - 76,200 TRANSFERS IN 1,751,400 1,530,048 1,702,500 1,702,500 1,636,200 TOTAL REVENUE 18,867,586$ 20,477,233$ 19,941,318$ 20,539,475$ 21,069,598$ 38 Budget 2020 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT The Administration Department is responsible to the City Council for the efficient delivery of city services. The City Manager serves as chief administrative officer and has day-to-day responsibility for the conduct of all City activities. The City Secretary is responsible to the City Council for recording and maintaining ordinances, resolutions, meeting minutes and legally required publications. The City Attorney provides City Council with general legal counsel, litigation, contract review, and ordinance review. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Administration – The City Manager, City Secretary, and Human Resources Director together with their support staff, are all compensated in the Administration Division’s budget. The cost of printing the West University Place City Currents is also funded in this budget. (2020 Budget $1,261,900) City Council – Costs directly associated with the City Council; including council salaries, legal fees and election expenditures. (2020 Budget $303,110) ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS City Secretary  Procure Board/Commission Applicant Tracking Software.  Decrease inventory stored at SafeSite.  Finalize Council agenda submittal form/process. Human Resources  Improve and maintain affordable healthcare benefit options for employees.  Implement an employee self service module for employee benefits.  Expand existing employee recognition and appreciation program to encompass City initiatives (SPIRIT).  Create alternatives to one-size fits all evaluation process.  Continue to provide employee training to expand on recent trainings in relation to customer service, safety, and other employment concerns.  Evaluate and revise the city-wide certification compensation structure. 39 Budget 2020 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 6 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 6).  Legal fees – $185,000 (2019 budget - $185,000).  Technology Management Fund charges assessed - $137,300 (2019 budget - $133,600).  Total budget - $1,565,010 (2019 total budget - $1,623,685). 40 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Administration Personnel 790,729$ 861,804$ 1,090,000$ 972,530$ 903,200$ Operating charges 199,005 230,243 302,085 372,600 358,700 Total 989,734 1,092,047 1,392,085 1,345,130 1,261,900 Council Personnel 15,510 15,128 15,600 9,320 2,610 Operating charges 203,831 210,179 216,000 224,500 300,500 Total 219,340 225,307 231,600 233,820 303,110 Total Department 1,209,075$ 1,317,355$ 1,623,685$ 1,578,950$ 1,565,010$ Administration Department Staffing Schedule 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Administration City Manager G50 1 1 HR Director G41 1 1 112,207 190,753 City Secretary G40 1 1 106,864 181,669 Communications Director G40 1 0 106,864 181,669 Asst to the City Manager G22 0 1 58,859 88,288 Executive Assistant G16 1 1 48,972 71,009 HR Generalist G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Total Administration Department 6 6 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE Determined by Council 41 Administration Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 568,535 $ 638,836 $ 809,900 $ 697,300 $ 638,700 PART-TIME WAGES 14,532 - 15,000 23,100 15,000 OVERTIME 3,285 1,552 3,500 3,000 3,000 LONGEVITY 2,485 2,030 2,200 2,430 2,700 HEALTH & DENTAL 49,383 45,576 52,800 51,000 61,700 TMRS 82,099 91,444 109,800 94,500 87,000 FICA 39,947 45,608 51,400 58,200 46,800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,194 1,280 1,300 1,400 1,000 ALLOWANCES 21,720 23,051 26,200 22,200 21,200 OTHER BENEFITS 3,741 2,128 2,900 2,400 3,100 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 2,000 8,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 3,807 9,955 15,000 15,000 15,000 RECRUITING & HIRING - 344 - - - PERSONNEL 790,729 861,804 1,090,000 972,530 903,200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,603 5,578 7,000 10,000 10,000 COMMUNICATION 32,209 39,867 55,000 55,000 55,000 CONSULTANTS - 16,711 5,000 5,000 - EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 9,937 7,999 10,000 6,000 8,500 PROFESSIONAL DUES 7,709 6,969 7,985 7,000 7,900 PUBLICATIONS 4,009 9,473 4,500 4,500 2,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING 6,428 7,676 20,000 20,000 25,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES - - - 81,500 50,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 410 1,171 14,000 5,000 17,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 132,700 134,800 133,600 133,600 137,300 CONTINGENCY - - 45,000 45,000 45,000 OPERATING 199,005 230,243 302,085 372,600 358,700 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION TOTAL 989,734$ 1,092,047$ 1,392,085$ 1,345,130$ 1,261,900$ ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 42 City Council Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 14,400 $ - $ - $ - $ - PART-TIME WAGES - 14,031 14,400 8,600 2,400 FICA 1,102 1,073 1,100 700 200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 8 23 100 20 10 PERSONNEL 15,510 15,128 15,600 9,320 2,610 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 600 - - 1,500 COMMUNICATION 23 - - - - CONSULTANTS - 15,000 - - 30,000 LEGAL 185,415 181,038 185,000 185,000 185,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1,281 591 2,500 6,000 7,000 PUBLICATIONS 1,280 2,246 2,500 2,500 15,000 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,976 8,209 6,000 7,500 11,000 LOBBYIST - - - - 30,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3,052 2,494 5,000 5,000 3,000 ELECTION EXPENSE 9,803 - 15,000 18,500 18,000 OPERATING 203,831 210,179 216,000 224,500 300,500 CITY COUNCIL DIVISION TOTAL 219,340$ 225,307$ 231,600$ 233,820$ 303,110$ ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 43 Budget 2020 FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Finance Department provides a wide range of financial and administrative services to citizens and to other City Departments including: purchasing, budgeting, cash management, payroll, accounts payable and financial reporting. The Finance Department directs the administration of the City’s Municipal Court. Finally, expenditures and transfers that cannot be allocated to other departments in a satisfactory way are included in the Finance Department budget. FINANCE DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Finance – Provides the traditional accounting, accounts payable, payroll, cash management, financial reporting functions. (2020 Budget - $1,041,325) Municipal Court – Administers the city’s municipal court. (2020 Budget - $280,800) City-Wide – Provides for expenditures, such as insurance and utilities, which cannot be allocated to other departments in a satisfactory way. (2020 Budget - $545,550) FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS  Continue to ensure that the City is financially sound while providing superior service valued by the community.  Work with the various City departments on the development and adoption of the Community Improvement Program.  Continue to improve on the percentage of utility customers that receive their monthly statement electronically through the Keep West U Green promotion.  Develop and implement the City’s fixed asset inventory and audit.  Continue to review and update, as necessary, the City’s financial policies, including policies and procedures for collections of aging utility receivables.  Review and update, as necessary, all financial processes such as financial reporting and auditing, bank reconciliations, accounts payable, payroll, utility billing, and municipal court.  Continue Government Finance internship program. FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees - 6 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 5).  Total budget - $1,867,675 (2019 total budget - $2,207,500). 44 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Finance Personnel 444,544$ 342,662$ 438,800$ 421,360$ 551,600$ Operating charges 523,910 534,407 480,300 439,900 489,725 Total 968,455 877,069 919,100 861,260 1,041,325 Municipal Court Personnel 251,318 241,757 256,950 254,920 266,100 Operating charges 13,052 12,429 18,100 15,250 14,700 Total 264,370 254,186 275,050 270,170 280,800 City-Wide Charges Operating charges 984,721 875,029 1,013,350 1,805,250 545,550 Total 984,721 875,029 1,013,350 1,805,250 545,550 Total Department 2,217,546$ 2,006,284$ 2,207,500$ 2,936,680$ 1,867,675$ Finance Department Staffing Schedule 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Finance Accounting Finance Director G42 1 1 117,818 200,290 Treasurer G32 1 1 89,541 143,266 Fiscal Services Officer G22 1 1 58,859 88,288 Grants/Purchasing Administrator G22 0 1 58,859 88,288 Municipal Court Municipal Court Clerk G17 1 1 52,400 75,981 Accounting Specialist-AP G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Total Finance Department 5 6 FINANCE DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE 45 Finance Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 309,330 $ 235,431 $ 297,900 $ 294,600 $ 380,700 PART-TIME WAGES 20,202 14,134 23,400 15,300 23,400 OVERTIME 162 - - - - LONGEVITY 387 105 200 360 500 HEALTH & DENTAL 32,688 32,799 43,300 37,700 52,700 TMRS 43,694 32,933 39,700 39,200 50,500 FICA 25,904 17,572 23,700 23,100 25,500 WORKERS COMPENSATION 698 485 600 600 600 ALLOWANCES 5,804 5,640 5,700 5,400 6,300 OTHER BENEFITS 1,854 829 1,300 1,300 1,900 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,000 6,500 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 3,821 2,734 3,000 2,800 3,000 PERSONNEL 444,544 342,662 438,800 421,360 551,600 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,209 5,177 5,000 5,000 5,800 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - - 500 200 500 COMMUNICATION 1,855 1,506 2,200 1,700 2,025 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 7,067 6,168 4,600 4,400 4,400 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1,671 1,525 1,800 1,100 1,100 PUBLICATIONS 2,396 2,505 2,500 2,200 2,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,449 3,874 7,800 3,300 11,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 367,263 374,953 318,900 285,000 318,600 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 136,000 138,700 137,000 137,000 143,300 OPERATING 523,910 534,407 480,300 439,900 489,725 FINANCE DIVISION TOTAL 968,455$ 877,069$ 919,100$ 861,260$ 1,041,325$ FINANCE DEPARTMENT 46 Municipal Court Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 149,658 $ 122,038 $ 131,300 $ 127,700 $ 132,300 PART-TIME WAGES 31,773 56,766 61,300 63,800 68,500 OVERTIME 14,243 8,789 8,000 8,800 8,000 LONGEVITY 2,680 2,800 3,000 2,920 3,000 HEALTH & DENTAL 17,871 17,842 18,550 17,600 18,800 TMRS 19,098 18,649 18,600 18,200 18,700 FICA 14,512 13,940 15,100 14,900 15,800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 356 362 400 400 300 OTHER BENEFITS 1,126 571 700 600 700 PERSONNEL 251,318 241,757 256,950 254,920 266,100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 247 2,229 3,000 4,000 3,000 COMMUNICATION 343 508 1,000 300 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 537 497 600 600 600 PUBLICATIONS 476 (6) 600 750 600 TRAVEL & TRAINING 2,975 2,989 4,000 4,200 4,000 CREDIT CARD FEES 3,811 3,063 3,900 400 500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 4,664 3,149 5,000 5,000 5,000 OPERATING 13,052 12,429 18,100 15,250 14,700 MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION TOTAL 264,370$ 254,186$ 275,050$ 270,170$ 280,800$ FINANCE DEPARTMENT 47 City-Wide Division Budget Detail by Line Item Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 HEALTH & DENTAL $ - $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 $ - RETIREE BENEFITS 240,400 180,000 188,600 188,600 94,400 OTHER BENEFITS 325,000 274,500 348,300 348,300 - HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - - 17,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE 149,442 141,569 160,000 147,000 135,000 STREET LIGHTING - ELECTRIC SERVICE 82,520 82,447 83,800 83,800 71,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 2,267 2,898 2,700 3,200 3,000 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 9,280 8,991 12,000 8,400 10,000 ERRORS & OMISSIONS 20,231 18,745 20,000 16,600 20,000 CRIME COVERAGE FIDELITY 1,673 1,977 3,000 3,000 3,200 AUTO LIABILITY 42,260 41,637 47,000 37,600 43,000 AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE 22,382 28,693 27,000 26,700 31,000 UNDERGROUND STORAGE LIABILITY 863 889 950 950 950 REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY 85,754 91,117 105,000 100,500 107,000 DEDUCTIBLE 2,584 (968) 10,000 10,000 10,000 PROPERTY TAXES - - - 11,300 - BAD DEBT EXPENSE 65 35 - - - CASH SHORT - - - 138,500 - LAND ACQUISITION - - - 678,300 - CITY-WIDE DIVISION TOTAL 984,721$ 875,029$ 1,013,350$ 1,805,250$ 545,550$ FINANCE DEPARTMENT 48 Budget 2020 POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is established and shall be maintained to preserve order and to protect citizens from violence and their property from damage and loss. POLICE DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Patrol – Provides patrol, enforcement and investigative services. (2020 Budget - $4,593,400) Support Services – Provides emergency dispatch for both Police and Fire departments and monitors alarm systems that are serviced by the City’s Direct Link alarm monitoring service. Additionally, provides the administration of the City’s Direct Link alarm monitoring program. (2020 Budget - $981,800) POLICE DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS  The department will continue to advocate for City interests working with the Texas Police Chiefs Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police Legislative efforts.  Complete Virtual Gate Phase1.  Complete enhancements to the DirectLink alarm monitoring system.  Develop a Crime Scene Search Unit.  Full police staffing for Officers and Dispatchers. POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 38 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 38).  Total budget - $5,575,200 (2019 total budget - $5,177,650). 49 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Patrol Personnel 2,858,894$ 2,938,596$ 3,258,100$ 3,032,940$ 3,396,400$ Operating charges 761,613 847,371 876,550 864,100 1,197,000 Capital 111,294 - - - - Total 3,731,801 3,785,967 4,134,650 3,897,040 4,593,400 Support Services Personnel 841,840 768,426 1,040,200 704,900 979,000 Operating charges 1,939 340 2,800 2,500 2,800 Total 843,778 768,766 1,043,000 707,400 981,800 Total Department 4,575,579$ 4,554,734$ 5,177,650$ 4,604,440$ 5,575,200$ Police Department Staffing Schedule 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Police Department Patrol Police Chief G42 1 1 117,818 200,290 Police Captain G33 1 1 93,823 150,116 Police Sergeant P23 5 6 76,889 103,801 Police Officer P22 19 18 62,691 81,494 Community Resource Officer P22 0 1 62,691 81,494 Support Services Support Services Manager G31 1 0 71,309 114,095 Administrative Assistant-PD G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Emergency Telecommunications Operator P15 9 9 44,387 59,925 Office Assistant- Direct Link G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 Total Police Department 38 38 POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE 50 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 1,842,191 $ 1,900,114 $ 2,120,500 $ 1,948,000 $ 2,202,000 OVERTIME 227,981 236,933 245,000 276,700 245,000 LONGEVITY 10,692 11,338 12,200 11,215 12,600 HEALTH & DENTAL 277,552 272,922 328,000 267,400 325,000 TMRS 288,800 297,127 311,900 293,300 323,500 FICA 153,382 158,534 174,700 166,800 179,400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 32,922 36,544 41,200 37,800 31,000 ALLOWANCES 7,356 9,657 7,700 7,400 8,300 OTHER BENEFITS 15,358 10,983 13,400 9,700 15,100 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 12,125 51,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 2,662 4,443 3,500 2,500 3,500 PERSONNEL 2,858,894 2,938,596 3,258,100 3,032,940 3,396,400 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8,329 7,189 8,600 8,600 8,600 APPREHENSION & JAILING 1,348 1,563 1,400 1,400 1,400 OPERATING SUPPLIES 38,867 53,543 55,000 55,000 53,800 FUEL 36,066 39,090 54,000 42,000 45,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,447 595 2,300 2,300 2,300 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 40,016 44,332 25,000 25,000 24,000 COMMUNICATION 724 1,414 2,000 2,000 2,000 CONSULTANTS 5,379 3,771 6,000 6,000 6,000 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 6,229 6,865 6,300 7,700 7,700 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,449 5,269 3,050 4,000 3,500 PUBLICATIONS 3,651 - 5,000 5,000 - TRAVEL & TRAINING 26,175 25,156 35,000 35,000 36,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES - - - - 269,500 LAW ENFORCEMENT LIABILITY 15,820 16,280 18,000 15,200 15,200 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 913 903 1,000 1,000 31,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 99,000 100,000 104,000 104,000 108,500 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 475,200 541,400 549,900 549,900 582,000 OPERATING 761,613 847,371 876,550 864,100 1,197,000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 111,294 - - - - CAPITAL 111,294 - - - - PATROL DIVISION TOTAL 3,731,801$ 3,785,967$ 4,134,650$ 3,897,040$ 4,593,400$ POLICE DEPARTMENT Patrol Division Line Item Budget 51 Support Services Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 516,044 $ 479,571 $ 649,300 $ 433,300 $ 609,400 OVERTIME 86,595 68,759 80,000 77,700 80,000 LONGEVITY 4,770 5,139 5,500 4,650 5,200 HEALTH & DENTAL 96,075 92,358 149,000 76,200 122,400 TMRS 83,706 76,337 96,100 67,200 90,900 FICA 45,326 40,911 53,500 38,300 50,200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,263 1,042 1,300 900 900 ALLOWANCES 2,040 1,987 2,100 - - OTHER BENEFITS 5,021 2,320 3,400 2,400 3,000 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 4,250 17,000 PERSONNEL 841,840 768,426 1,040,200 704,900 979,000 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,939 340 2,800 2,500 2,800 OPERATING 1,939 340 2,800 2,500 2,800 SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL 843,778$ 768,766$ 1,043,000$ 707,400$ 981,800$ POLICE DEPARTMENT 52 Budget 2020 FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department is responsible for providing Fire Protection, Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Management services to the community. FIRE DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Fire – Provides fire inspections, fire prevention, fire suppression, public education, emergency medical service, and emergency management coordination. FIRE DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS  To provide superior Fire & EMS response services to the community.  To provide the highest level of customer service to the community and to other departments within the City.  Continue striving for service excellence by ensuring members receive superior Fire & EMS training.  Continue employee development efforts by providing management and leadership training for all members.  Continued focus to reduce Fire & EMS turn-out time to maintain benchmark standards.  Continue to provide life-saving public education programs within West University Place.  Maintain fire and life safety inspection efforts to ensure commercial occupancies are properly maintained through the enforcement of adopted codes and ordinances. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees - 23 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 23).  Total budget - $3,870,000 (2019 total budget - $3,589,450). 53 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Fire Personnel 2,873,736$ 2,885,778$ 2,907,300$ 2,949,480$ 3,196,100$ Operating charges 599,404 690,312 621,750 613,450 648,400 Capital 19,805 22,497 60,400 50,400 25,500 Total 3,492,944 3,598,587 3,589,450 3,613,330 3,870,000 Total Department 3,492,944$ 3,598,587$ 3,589,450$ 3,613,330$ 3,870,000$ Fire Department Staffing Schedule 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Fire Department Fire Chief G42 1 1 117,818 200,290 Fire Marshal/ Assistant Chief G33 1 1 93,823 150,116 Fire Captain F24 3 3 89,209 116,857 Fire Lieutenant F23 3 3 76,907 106,234 Firefighter/ Paramedic F21 15 15 56,398 77,828 Total Fire Department 23 23 FIRE DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE 54 Fire Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 1,872,455 $ 1,748,536 $ 1,894,000 $ 1,796,000 $ 2,015,300 OVERTIME 164,185 320,801 185,000 315,000 285,000 LONGEVITY 14,241 12,691 13,300 12,880 14,300 HEALTH & DENTAL 338,245 313,073 339,000 325,700 308,100 TMRS 284,005 287,383 273,900 280,100 303,600 FICA 149,483 153,243 153,600 158,800 169,100 WORKERS COMPENSATION 25,756 27,271 25,300 26,800 27,400 ALLOWANCES 8,880 9,290 8,900 8,500 8,900 OTHER BENEFITS 14,015 9,944 11,800 11,200 13,400 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 12,000 48,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 2,471 3,428 2,500 2,500 3,000 RECRUITING & HIRING - 117 - - - PERSONNEL 2,873,736 2,885,778 2,907,300 2,949,480 3,196,100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,031 2,267 3,000 3,000 3,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 41,876 49,650 45,000 45,000 48,000 FUEL 8,162 10,484 12,000 10,000 12,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 9,611 16,028 16,000 16,000 16,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 44,099 48,545 42,000 42,000 45,000 COMMUNICATION 260 342 500 500 500 PROFESSIONAL DUES 4,295 5,466 4,800 4,800 4,800 PUBLICATIONS 1,385 1,937 1,500 1,500 1,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING 33,586 36,984 44,300 40,000 44,300 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 34,963 36,993 39,350 37,350 43,400 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3,335 3,716 4,000 4,000 4,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 158,000 219,000 168,000 168,000 167,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 210,400 214,100 222,700 222,700 231,400 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 47,400 44,800 18,600 18,600 27,500 OPERATING 599,404 690,312 621,750 613,450 648,400 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 - 2,504 1,500 1,500 800 OTHER EQUIPMENT 19,805 19,993 58,900 48,900 24,700 CAPITAL 19,805 22,497 60,400 50,400 25,500 FIRE DIVISION TOTAL 3,492,944$ 3,598,587$ 3,589,450$ 3,613,330$ 3,870,000$ FIRE DEPARTMENT 55 Budget 2020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department is a diverse department and is responsible for the following services:  Permits  Inspections  Planning & Land Use  Code Enforcement  Animal Control  Storm Water Drainage  Traffic Control  Fleet Maintenance  Facility Maintenance  Engineering  Capital Improv. Projects  Streets & Sidewalks PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Administration – Provides management and leadership for the entire Department and is responsible for customer service, emergency management, contract administration, personnel management, public education and managing the City’s Capital Improvement Program. (2020 Budget - $378,000) Community Development – Provides plan review, permits and inspection services to ensure that all residential and commercial buildings comply with the City’s adopted building, plumbing and electrical codes, as well as being responsible for code and animal related ordinance enforcement. For 2020 the Planning Division, which ensures compliance with the City’s development polices, ordinance, and zoning requirements, is now included in Community Development. (2020 Budget - $907,750) Streets & Drainage – Maintains the City’s streets, sidewalks, and storm water drainage systems. (2020 Budget - $567,100) Facilities Management – Maintains and oversees the City’s buildings and related equipment. (2020 Budget - $1,030,600) General Services – Provide the maintenance to all the City’s vehicles and equipment, as well as ensure the proper installation and maintenance of all traffic signals, street signs, and pavement markings. (2020 Budget - $690,250) Planning –Prior to 2020, the Planning Division was its own separate division. Beginning in 2020, it will be included in Community Development. (2020 Budget - $0) 56 Budget 2020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS Administration  Work with the engineers to complete the roadway and drainage design of Buffalo Speedway.  Actively pursue alternate funding sources and programs for future infrastructure construction projects.  Maintain monitoring and continue to report infrastructure reconstruction projects in areas within close proximity to the City to minimize impact on West U.  Re-establish and maintain the City’s Community Improvement Program (CIP).  Achieve and maintain the American Public Works Association (APWA) Accreditation.  Work with City Boards and Commissions to evaluate and make the necessary revisions to the City’s Code of Ordinances.  Continue to explore regional detention options (i.e. use of Ruffino Hills property) and land acquisition for future drainage projects.  Continue to maintain current certifications, licenses and continuing education requirement s for staff. Community Development  Evaluate the City’s permit process to ensure best practices are being followed and streamline the submittals and issuing of permits through the use of new software and technology.  Review and enforce local amendments that have been affected by new State legislation.  Establish an Animal Control Enforcement Policy for weekend and after-hour coverage.  Continue review and update of all forms being used by the Department as part of the permitting process.  Continue to implement and evaluate permit procedures for installation of small cell nodes in the City’s Right of Way.  Review and evaluate code compliance procedures while strengthening zoning enforcement.  Continue to review tree preservation regulations that focus on the preservation of canopy coverage and site conditions versus preservation of individual trees.  Continue the tree canopy program to diversify the tree species in the City limits.  Establish new tree planting standards that do not interfere with infrastructure within the City’s Right of Way (ROW).  Through appropriate Boards and Commissions, continue to evaluate and recommend desired changes to the City’s current noise ordinance. Street & Drainage  Create a robust program to evaluate and repair streets and sidewalks annually that are starting to age, show wear and are being affected by trees, roots, etc. 57 Budget 2020 Street & Drainage (Continued)  Create alternatives to one-size fits all evaluation process.  Actively document problem areas that are experiencing water ponding and continue implementation of appropriate maintenance.  Develop a comprehensive condition assessment of the City’s storm sewer system.  Implement a comprehensive maintenance program to clean outfalls, trunk lines and culverts of the City’s storm sewer system. Facilities Management  Continue to work with Information Technology Department to evaluate and implement a building management software program that is able to integrate all facilities to better track issues with equipment, track inventory and work orders.  Continue to explore processes to reduce energy consumption in all City buildings.  Strengthen relationships with area Facility Managers to create a network of Facilities Management Professionals.  Continue employee development through technical, management and leadership training. General Services  Continue working relationship with the Harris County Mosquito Control Division and create a new standard to the mosquito spraying schedule.  Continue public education and enforcement of vegetation maintenance over roads, sidewalks and regulatory signs throughout the City.  Continue to be recognized as a top performing Fleet Maintenance program amongst other national programs.  Continue to exceed compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards for all road and street pavement markings in the City through continual inspections and use of high quality materials.  Continue employee development through technical, management and leadership training. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 19 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 18).  Total budget - $3,573,700 (2019 total budget - $3,247,150). 58 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Public Works Administration Personnel 185,693$ 186,632$ 192,300$ 53,505$ 163,500$ Operating charges 137,635 147,850 164,100 224,300 214,500 Total 323,327 334,483 356,400 277,805 378,000 Community Development Personnel 482,270 490,879 510,600 480,600 775,500 Operating charges 20,778 20,684 38,900 91,800 132,250 Capital 1,280 3,380 6,000 - - Total 504,327 514,944 555,500 572,400 907,750 Streets & Drainage Personnel 145,747 68,859 152,900 83,240 134,100 Operating charges 310,113 263,452 266,800 286,000 433,000 Capital 1,461 27,875 - - - Total 457,321 360,186 419,700 369,240 567,100 Facilities Maintenance Personnel 113,355 159,761 182,300 176,345 257,600 Operating charges 558,656 599,675 657,700 645,700 669,000 Capital 19,874 94,464 26,500 26,500 104,000 Total 691,885 853,900 866,500 848,545 1,030,600 General Services Personnel 410,619 435,805 444,000 427,525 462,000 Operating charges 309,601 273,951 230,650 208,750 215,250 Capital 17,006 22,407 17,500 17,500 13,000 Total 737,226 732,163 692,150 653,775 690,250 Planning Personnel 219,906 195,079 239,700 220,130 - Operating charges 80,680 98,146 117,200 87,300 - Total 300,586 293,225 356,900 307,430 - Total Department 3,014,672$ 3,088,900$ 3,247,150$ 3,029,195$ 3,573,700$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 59 Public Works Staffing Schedule (General Fund) 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Public Works Public Works Administration Public Works Director G41 1 1 112,207 190,753 * Community Development Chief Building Official G32 1 1 89,541 143,266 City Planner G32 0 1 89,541 143,266 Administrative Coordinator (PW)G17 1 1 52,400 75,981 Building Inspector G16 2 2 48,972 71,009 Code Enforcement/Animal Control Officer G15 0 1 41,638 60,376 Permit Technician G14 2 2 35,887 52,036 Operations Maintenance Worker III G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Maintenance Worker I G12 1 1 28,313 41,054 Facilities Maintenance Facilities Maintenance Manager G31 1 1 71,309 114,095 Facilities Maintenance Technician G15 1 2 41,638 60,376 General Services Assistant Director of Public Works G33 1 1 93,823 150,116 Lead Mechanic G17 1 1 52,400 75,981 Lead Traffic Technician G16 1 1 48,972 71,009 Mechanic G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Traffic Technician G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 * Planning City Planner G32 1 0 89,541 143,266 Code Enforcement/Animal Control Officer G15 1 0 41,638 60,376 Total Public Works Department 18 19 * Planning division has been moved to Community Development division SALARY RANGE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 60 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 132,293 $ 134,398 $ 137,400 $ 36,800 $ 114,900 LONGEVITY 745 805 900 1,100 1,100 HEALTH & DENTAL 11,132 10,598 11,000 900 7,200 TMRS 19,226 19,499 19,000 4,900 16,000 FICA 10,080 10,097 10,400 2,800 9,300 WORKERS COMPENSATION 308 270 300 50 200 ALLOWANCES 6,840 6,840 6,900 2,300 6,900 OTHER BENEFITS 825 446 600 30 600 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 625 1,500 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 4,244 3,679 5,800 4,000 5,800 PERSONNEL 185,693 186,632 192,300 53,505 163,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,031 1,954 4,500 4,000 4,500 OPERATING SUPPLIES 677 1,138 2,000 2,000 2,000 COMMUNICATION 1,202 56 1,000 1,000 1,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE 6,510 6,166 6,500 6,300 6,000 CONSULTANTS 29,033 36,494 35,000 45,000 35,000 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 6,624 6,993 7,500 7,000 7,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1,193 1,615 2,000 2,000 2,100 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,392 5,800 6,500 2,500 7,000 CREDIT CARD FEES 9,158 10,477 9,500 10,900 12,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 21,129 16,814 16,000 70,000 54,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 587 344 1,000 1,000 5,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 56,100 60,000 72,600 72,600 78,900 OPERATING 137,635 147,850 164,100 224,300 214,500 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION TOTAL 323,327$ 334,483$ 356,400$ 277,805$ 378,000$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Administration Division Line Item Budget 61 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 346,060 $ 354,568 $ 373,800 $ 352,200 $ 563,500 OVERTIME 6,410 4,516 4,300 4,100 5,100 LONGEVITY 3,220 3,580 4,000 3,000 5,200 HEALTH & DENTAL 43,605 46,127 44,400 42,700 72,300 TMRS 49,753 50,146 50,100 47,100 75,500 FICA 26,890 27,236 29,000 26,000 42,800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 999 1,004 1,000 900 1,100 ALLOWANCES 2,040 2,040 2,100 2,000 3,600 OTHER BENEFITS 3,293 1,662 1,900 1,600 2,400 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,000 4,000 PERSONNEL 482,270 490,879 510,600 480,600 775,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 903 267 - - - OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,855 1,617 5,100 4,500 7,100 FUEL 1,036 1,112 2,000 1,000 4,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 417 2,513 1,000 1,500 2,500 COMMUNICATION 148 58 1,000 700 5,500 SURFACE WATER - - - - 1,000 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 1,358 1,442 1,800 1,500 1,500 PROFESSIONAL DUES 785 280 800 800 1,850 PUBLICATIONS - 1,478 500 500 1,000 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,607 6,202 6,700 6,000 11,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 669 564 11,700 70,000 82,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 2,000 152 3,300 300 2,300 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND - - - - 7,000 OPERATING 20,778 20,684 38,900 91,800 132,250 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 1,280 - - - - OTHER EQUIPMENT - 3,380 6,000 - - CAPITAL 1,280 3,380 6,000 - - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL 504,327$ 514,944$ 555,500$ 572,400$ 907,750$ Community Development Division Line Item Budget PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 62 Streets & Drainage Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 82,623 $ 39,305 $ 90,000 $ 46,500 $ 74,800 ON CALL 2,820 1,905 3,300 1,400 3,300 OVERTIME 10,272 6,808 8,000 8,000 8,000 LONGEVITY 440 380 500 440 600 HEALTH & DENTAL 26,213 8,798 27,700 12,000 24,300 TMRS 13,228 6,670 13,300 7,900 11,300 FICA 6,938 3,643 7,400 4,500 6,100 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,240 1,121 2,200 1,200 1,300 OTHER BENEFITS 974 229 500 300 400 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,000 4,000 PERSONNEL 145,747 68,859 152,900 83,240 134,100 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,501 1,423 1,800 2,000 2,200 FUEL 2,208 3,522 4,000 2,000 3,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 209 443 1,000 500 1,000 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE 8,748 14,529 25,000 35,000 35,000 STREET MAINTENANCE 103,382 106,279 103,000 115,000 190,000 TRAFFIC CONTROL MAINTENANCE - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TRAVEL & TRAINING - 111 500 - - OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 5,265 8,347 15,000 15,000 45,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 180,800 120,800 106,500 106,500 146,800 OPERATING 310,113 263,452 266,800 286,000 433,000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,461 27,875 - - - CAPITAL 1,461 27,875 - - - STREETS & DRAINAGE DIVISION TOTAL 457,321$ 360,186$ 419,700$ 369,240$ 567,100$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 63 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 53,339 $ 104,357 $ 118,800 $ 118,000 $ 163,400 ON CALL 4,740 1,860 2,800 2,700 2,800 OVERTIME 4,730 2,080 3,500 2,000 3,000 LONGEVITY 620 180 300 345 500 HEALTH & DENTAL 30,516 24,489 26,800 23,900 41,600 TMRS 8,734 15,019 16,500 16,100 22,300 FICA 7,278 7,967 9,300 9,000 12,400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,157 2,527 2,700 2,900 2,800 ALLOWANCES 105 840 900 800 1,500 OTHER BENEFITS 1,136 442 700 600 800 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - - 6,500 PERSONNEL 113,355 159,761 182,300 176,345 257,600 OFFICE SUPPLIES 268 - - - 2,500 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,209 1,278 3,800 3,800 6,300 FUEL 671 1,029 1,000 1,000 2,000 EMERGENCY GENERATOR FUEL 4,083 2,576 3,700 3,700 3,700 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 44,959 50,054 74,500 74,500 73,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 904 1,668 1,000 5,000 1,000 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 47,925 55,483 48,000 48,000 48,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES - 699 500 500 600 TRAVEL & TRAINING 199 4,944 6,000 5,000 7,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 253,138 312,644 315,000 300,000 312,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 23,300 23,000 22,800 22,800 26,100 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 174,000 138,300 173,400 173,400 178,800 OPERATING 558,656 599,675 657,700 645,700 669,000 LIGHT TRUCKS - - - - 40,000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 3,874 53,640 - - - OTHER CONSTRUCTION COSTS 16,000 40,824 26,500 26,500 64,000 CAPITAL 19,874 94,464 26,500 26,500 104,000 FACILITY MAINTENANCE TOTAL 691,885$ 853,900$ 866,500$ 848,545$ 1,030,600$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Facility Maintenance Division Line Item Budget 64 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 270,390 $ 281,385 $ 296,400 $ 282,500 $ 301,700 ON CALL 9,975 11,850 11,000 10,500 11,000 OVERTIME 8,579 14,254 7,000 11,000 8,000 LONGEVITY 2,710 3,045 3,400 2,300 2,500 HEALTH & DENTAL 48,285 50,076 52,000 49,400 59,400 TMRS 40,236 42,952 41,700 40,300 42,500 FICA 21,594 22,957 23,500 21,700 23,400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,492 5,909 5,400 5,700 4,300 ALLOWANCES 856 2,040 2,100 1,500 2,100 OTHER BENEFITS 2,502 1,338 1,500 1,500 1,600 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,125 5,500 PERSONNEL 410,619 435,805 444,000 427,525 462,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 539 - - - - OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,858 6,861 11,000 12,000 12,000 FUEL 5,764 7,276 9,000 5,000 7,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,599 8,202 6,500 3,500 6,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 16,334 9,416 7,000 8,000 8,000 TRAFFIC CONTROL MAINTENANCE 18,402 28,137 25,000 20,000 22,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE 4,653 5,240 5,000 5,500 5,200 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 691 848 850 900 900 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 232 254 400 300 300 PROFESSIONAL DUES 1,949 2,053 3,400 2,500 3,200 PUBLICATIONS 395 400 800 950 950 TRAVEL & TRAINING 7,258 7,718 10,000 8,000 8,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 19,306 22,537 36,000 25,000 30,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 50,021 24,109 2,000 3,400 2,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 31,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 28,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 28,900 27,500 30,000 30,000 30,200 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND 113,700 95,400 55,700 55,700 51,500 OPERATING 309,601 273,951 230,650 208,750 215,250 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 15,037 10,000 10,000 8,000 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 17,006 7,370 7,500 7,500 5,000 CAPITAL 17,006 22,407 17,500 17,500 13,000 GENERAL SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL 737,226$ 732,163$ 692,150$ 653,775$ 690,250$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Services Division Line Item Budget 65 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 164,127 $ 145,022 $ 181,300 $ 166,000 $ - OVERTIME 754 216 1,000 600 - LONGEVITY 1,690 1,810 2,000 1,930 - HEALTH & DENTAL 14,353 14,342 14,900 14,100 - TMRS 23,096 20,376 24,200 22,200 - FICA 12,754 10,989 14,100 12,800 - WORKERS COMPENSATION 476 436 500 500 - ALLOWANCES 1,376 1,200 1,200 1,200 - OTHER BENEFITS 1,281 687 500 800 - PERSONNEL 219,906 195,079 239,700 220,130 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 63 - - - - OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,774 1,994 2,200 2,000 - FUEL 1,717 2,023 3,000 2,000 - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 695 867 1,200 2,000 - COMMUNICATION 4,616 5,145 4,000 4,000 - SURFACE WATER - - - 1,000 - CONSULTANTS 12,825 15,000 15,000 15,000 - PROFESSIONAL DUES 780 910 1,000 1,000 - TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,951 2,284 4,700 3,000 - OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 48,600 64,119 78,000 50,000 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1,360 505 2,800 2,000 - TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 - OPERATING 80,680 98,146 117,200 87,300 - PLANNING DIVISION TOTAL 300,586$ 293,225$ 356,900$ 307,430$ -$ * Moved to Community Development in the 2020 Budget Planning Division Line Item Budget PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 66 Budget 2020 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for operating and maintaining the West University Place Recreation Center, the Colonial Park/Pool, the Community Building/Senior Center, the Scout House and nine (9) municipal parks and playgrounds. The department also is responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating a variety of recreational/leisure activities and special events for all ages. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS Administration – Provides management and leadership for the department’s divisions; includes Friends of West University Place Parks Fund Executive Director. (2020 Budget - $469,200) Senior Services – Provides transportation, leisure and social services for the senior citizens of West University Place. (2020 Budget - $444,300) Recreation Center – Operation of the pool and recreation facilities at the West University Place Recreation Center and special events. (2020 Budget - $2,035,400) Parks Maintenance – Maintains the city’s parks and landscaping. (2020 Budget - $715,100) Colonial Park Pool – Operation of the pool at Colonial Park. (2020 Budget - $490,900) PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS  Complete a five year follow up parks and program preference survey.  Update Friends of West U Parks Fund bylaws.  Complete a Senior Services Needs Assessment and Plan.  Continue to explore and develop public/private partnership opportunities.  Increase marketing efforts to engage more resident participation in activities, classes and special events.  Increase the number of Recreation Center and Colonial Park Pool Memberships.  Evaluate Work Order request system.  Complete playground and lighting updates to Colonial Park East.  Enhance Colonial Park Pool customers’ experiences by completing improvements. 67 Budget 2020 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 12 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 12).  Total budget - $4,154,900 (2019 total budget - $4,056,700). 68 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 P&R Administration Personnel 415,128$ 364,642$ 365,600$ 367,555$ 383,300$ Operating charges 223,950 225,121 212,300 208,100 85,900 Capital - 6,768 2,200 2,200 - Total 639,078 596,531 580,100 577,855 469,200 Senior Services Personnel 221,878 227,205 241,200 229,995 246,500 Operating charges 142,800 146,894 155,500 172,900 197,800 Total 364,678 374,100 396,700 402,895 444,300 Recreation Center Personnel 616,498 708,165 782,800 771,255 802,300 Operating charges 868,832 998,900 1,166,800 1,270,200 1,232,100 Capital 5,171 - - - 1,000 Total 1,490,501 1,707,065 1,949,600 2,041,455 2,035,400 Parks Maintenance Personnel 192,092 194,110 218,800 213,540 225,400 Operating charges 401,704 367,701 391,000 385,050 489,700 Total 593,795 561,810 609,800 598,590 715,100 Colonial Park Personnel 167,446 167,046 219,500 217,600 208,300 Operating charges 339,785 292,328 299,200 286,080 282,600 Capital 2,601 - 1,800 1,800 - Total 509,832 459,374 520,500 505,480 490,900 Total Department 3,597,884$ 3,698,880$ 4,056,700$ 4,126,275$ 4,154,900$ PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 69 Parks and Recreation Department Staffing Schedule 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Parks and Recreation Administration Parks and Recreation Director G41 1 1 112,207 190,753 Administrative Manager G31 1 1 71,309 114,095 Executive Director FWUP G23A 1 1 53,482 85,572 Senior Services Senior Services Manager G23 1 1 61,802 92,703 Program Specialist-Sr. Services G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Recreation Center Recreation Manager G31 1 1 71,309 114,095 Assistant Recreation Manager G22 1 1 58,859 88,288 Program Specialist- Aquatics & Recreation G17 2 2 52,400 75,981 Parks Maintenance Park Maintenance Manager G31 1 1 71,309 114,095 Parks Technician G12 2 2 28,313 41,054 Total Parks and Recreation Department 12 12 SALARY RANGE 70 Parks and Recreation Administration Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 302,420 $ 257,251 $ 257,300 $ 256,800 $ 266,500 OVERTIME - 86 - - - LONGEVITY 2,478 3,025 3,300 3,205 3,400 HEALTH & DENTAL 33,584 36,541 38,600 41,000 40,200 TMRS 43,008 37,011 35,200 35,100 36,400 FICA 22,828 19,228 19,600 19,000 20,200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 618 522 500 500 400 ALLOWANCES 7,859 8,993 8,900 8,500 8,900 OTHER BENEFITS 1,580 1,008 1,200 1,200 1,300 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,250 5,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 753 977 1,000 1,000 1,000 PERSONNEL 415,128 364,642 365,600 367,555 383,300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 956 883 1,000 1,000 1,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,652 6,228 3,000 3,000 3,000 SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE 6,621 2,777 - - - COMMUNICATION 25,985 26,099 25,800 24,000 30,200 ELECTRIC SERVICE 10,523 11,553 11,000 12,000 - NATURAL GAS SERVICE 1,147 1,099 2,000 1,000 - EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 3,550 3,864 4,000 4,000 4,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,247 2,534 3,000 2,600 2,600 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,832 2,604 6,100 4,100 6,000 TRI-SPORTS 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS 4,338 4,480 4,500 4,500 12,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 36,100 38,000 26,900 26,900 27,100 OPERATING 223,950 225,121 212,300 208,100 85,900 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 - - 2,200 2,200 - FURNITURE & FIXTURES - 6,768 - - - CAPITAL - 6,768 2,200 2,200 - PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION DIVISION TOTAL 639,078$ 596,531$ 580,100$ 577,855$ 469,200$ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 71 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 128,040 $ 131,365 $ 139,800 $ 138,900 $ 143,200 PART-TIME WAGES 40,354 46,311 48,000 39,900 48,000 OVERTIME 1,388 1,284 1,400 1,200 1,400 LONGEVITY 1,540 (67) 1,500 1,320 1,500 HEALTH & DENTAL 17,050 14,851 15,400 14,600 15,400 TMRS 18,008 18,100 18,600 18,400 19,100 FICA 12,793 13,283 14,500 13,700 14,700 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,550 870 1,300 900 1,000 ALLOWANCES - 618 - - - OTHER BENEFITS 1,153 589 700 700 700 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 375 1,500 PERSONNEL 221,878 227,205 241,200 229,995 246,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 530 768 1,000 800 800 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,325 3,770 3,000 3,000 3,000 FUEL 1,363 1,564 2,000 2,000 2,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 128 236 - - - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 375 2,424 1,000 1,200 1,000 COMMUNICATION 12,225 11,530 12,000 12,000 16,200 ELECTRIC SERVICE - - - - 10,200 NATURAL GAS SERVICE - - - - 1,500 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 1,374 1,388 1,300 1,300 1,300 PROFESSIONAL DUES 170 289 300 300 300 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,019 669 1,700 1,200 1,200 CREDIT CARD FEES 2,788 3,099 3,700 3,600 4,000 INSTRUCTOR FEES 42,144 49,510 44,500 65,000 65,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 14,385 11,279 18,000 15,500 24,500 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 2,974 4,369 5,000 5,000 5,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 46,200 42,600 49,800 49,800 50,000 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 4,800 4,400 3,200 3,200 2,800 OPERATING 142,800 146,894 155,500 172,900 197,800 SENIOR SERVICES DIVISION TOTAL 364,678$ 374,100$ 396,700$ 402,895$ 444,300$ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Senior Services Division Line Item Budget 72 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 250,325 $ 237,573 $ 278,400 $ 267,300 $ 273,200 PART-TIME WAGES 229,716 332,501 347,300 352,800 365,000 ON CALL 885 645 1,500 1,300 2,300 OVERTIME 11,120 5,362 12,700 4,800 8,200 LONGEVITY 1,705 1,250 1,500 1,555 1,800 HEALTH & DENTAL 35,110 26,851 30,200 30,000 29,100 TMRS 37,289 49,999 51,500 51,300 54,200 FICA 37,301 43,826 48,800 49,400 49,600 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,653 5,549 6,600 7,200 8,000 ALLOWANCES 4,150 3,608 2,900 2,800 3,500 OTHER BENEFITS 2,244 1,002 1,400 1,300 1,400 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,500 6,000 PERSONNEL 616,498 708,165 782,800 771,255 802,300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,272 2,843 2,500 2,500 2,500 OPERATING SUPPLIES 54,073 62,223 65,700 65,000 68,200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 9,144 11,388 14,600 14,600 14,600 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 9,786 8,285 8,100 8,100 12,000 SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE 26,328 24,008 25,500 25,500 22,000 COMMUNICATION 1,864 4,712 5,500 5,000 6,100 ELECTRIC SERVICE 96,691 102,804 97,000 107,000 89,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 17,916 15,797 20,000 15,600 17,500 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 6,564 6,438 4,400 4,000 4,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 999 840 1,700 1,500 1,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING 9,143 10,300 10,000 10,000 7,700 CREDIT CARD FEES 24,519 25,380 35,600 35,600 39,200 INSTRUCTOR FEES 406,833 527,882 685,400 785,000 785,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 85,500 98,400 104,000 104,000 102,600 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND 118,200 97,600 86,800 86,800 60,200 OPERATING 868,832 998,900 1,166,800 1,270,200 1,232,100 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 5,171 - - - 1,000 CAPITAL 5,171 - - - 1,000 RECREATION CENTER DIVISION TOTAL 1,490,501$ 1,707,065$ 1,949,600$ 2,041,455$ 2,035,400$ Recreation Center Division Line Item Budget PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 73 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 112,488 $ 126,090 $ 139,400 $ 139,100 $ 142,100 PART-TIME WAGES 7,858 2,565 6,000 2,000 6,800 ON CALL 1,095 1,440 1,800 1,600 1,800 OVERTIME 6,746 1,663 2,000 1,800 1,900 LONGEVITY 430 357 400 465 600 HEALTH & DENTAL 31,215 30,620 35,100 33,300 32,200 TMRS 17,051 17,589 18,900 18,800 19,200 FICA 9,642 9,779 11,000 11,000 11,100 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,263 2,308 2,500 2,500 1,900 ALLOWANCES 2,040 1,050 900 800 1,500 OTHER BENEFITS 1,263 647 800 800 800 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,375 5,500 PERSONNEL 192,092 194,110 218,800 213,540 225,400 OFFICE SUPPLIES 229 104 300 300 300 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,911 3,273 4,100 4,100 4,100 FUEL 3,793 4,344 5,000 5,000 5,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,111 668 1,200 1,350 1,700 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 2,379 13,383 2,400 2,000 2,000 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 93,027 73,315 87,400 86,400 25,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE 14,162 13,329 16,000 14,400 13,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,125 5,432 4,500 2,700 4,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 185,668 170,252 180,300 179,000 343,600 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 20,000 18,400 23,700 23,700 24,600 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND 66,300 57,200 58,100 58,100 57,900 OPERATING 401,704 367,701 391,000 385,050 489,700 PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION 593,795$ 561,810$ 609,800$ 598,590$ 715,100$ Parks Maintenance Division Line Item Budget PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 74 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 1,830 $ 11 $ - $ - $ - PART-TIME WAGES 150,607 151,039 200,700 198,400 191,300 OVERTIME 506 226 - 600 - TMRS - 231 - - - FICA 11,703 11,705 15,400 15,000 14,600 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,800 3,835 3,400 3,600 2,400 PERSONNEL 167,446 167,046 219,500 217,600 208,300 OFFICE SUPPLIES 514 180 1,200 800 800 OPERATING SUPPLIES 31,481 33,078 33,500 33,400 29,600 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 17,835 16,149 18,500 17,000 18,500 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 438 871 1,500 1,500 1,000 SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE 42,659 44,610 53,000 53,000 76,400 COMMUNICATION 655 752 3,300 2,000 2,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE 45,514 39,247 47,000 37,600 42,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 639 685 1,000 800 1,000 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 377 480 400 480 500 CREDIT CARD FEES 2,472 4,076 4,200 3,900 4,300 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 50,700 57,200 62,500 62,500 62,900 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND 146,500 95,000 73,100 73,100 43,600 OPERATING 339,785 292,328 299,200 286,080 282,600 FURNITURE & EQUIP < $5000 2,601 - 1,800 1,800 - CAPITAL 2,601 - 1,800 1,800 - COLONIAL PARK DIVISION TOTAL 509,832$ 459,374$ 520,500$ 505,480$ 490,900$ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Colonial Park Division Line Item Budget 75 Transfers Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 TRANSFER FROM EMERGENCY GRANT FUND - 20,048 - - - TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 1,545,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 TRANSFER FROM SOLID WASTE FUND 59,400 260,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 TRANSFER FROM EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 146,500 - 142,500 142,500 - TRANSFER FROM HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS - - - - 76,200 TRANSFERS IN 1,751,400$ 1,530,048$ 1,702,500$ 1,702,500$ 1,636,200$ TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECT FUND - 200,000 - - - TRANSFER TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 500,000 - - - - TRANSFER TO EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND - - - - 33,700 TRANSFER TO HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS FUND - - - - 249,900 TRANSFERS OUT 500,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ 283,600$ GENERAL FUND 76 Budget 2020 DEBT SERVICE FUND SUMMARY DISCUSSION The Debt Service Fund is established by ordinances authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds. These same ordinances call for levying an ad valorem (property) tax to provide the funds to pay the principal and interest due on the city’s general obligation bonds and certificates of obligation. In simpler terms, the Fund accounts for the repayment of borrowed money and the payment of interest that lenders charge the city to borrow. The City of West University Place uses debt financing to fund large capital investments. Streets, drainage, water and wastewater systems are all constructed with borrowed funds. The Debt Service Fund does not finance all of the city’s bonded debt service. The Water and Sewer Fund also provides funds to repay debt. Funding the 2020 debt service payments requires an ad valorem tax rate of $.11952 per $100 of assessed value in tax year 2019, a decrease of 3.6% or $0.00451 per $100. In 2020, the Debt Service Fund will pay $9,047,783 of debt service, issuance costs and fiscal agent fees, an increase of $158,291 from 2019. The City Charter limits the city’s bonded debt to no more than 5% of the assessed property values. Since the projected assessed value for the city for tax year 2019 is estimated to be $6.522 billion, the current debt limit under this provision is $326.1 million. As of December 31, 2019, the city will owe a total of $34.50 million to bondholders for all existing outstanding principal. Of this total, the Debt Service Fund, using property taxes, will provide $30.74 million. The funding for the remaining $3.76 million in debt is generated from user fees in the Water and Sewer Fund. The most recent Standard and Poor’s Investor Services bond ratings for West University Place’s General Obligation Bonds were that agency’s highest rating, AAA. Relative stability in assessed values, the political stability of the community, and the underlying strength in the Houston Area economy have kept the City’s credit ratings high. FUTURE ACTIVITY Annual debt service on the current outstanding bonds will reach a maximum of $8.99 million in 2020 and will significantly drop off in 2021, if no additional debt is issued, when the outstanding bonds issued prior to 2009 are retired. During the recent period of historically low i nterest rates, the city continued to refund all bonds that are available for refunding, significantly reducing interest that the city had to pay. Most outstanding bonds are at interest rates close to the current market; however, in early 2020 the City is refunding some debt to take advantage of the exceptionally low interest rates. 77 DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES: CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAXES 7,645,144$ 7,544,671$ 7,634,454$ 7,600,000$ 7,791,641$ PRIOR YEAR PROPERTY TAXES 20,210 17,475 16,700 20,100 19,100 PENALTY AND INTEREST 31,389 26,071 32,500 32,400 32,500 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 7,214 19,740 13,900 20,500 20,300 TRANSFER FROM 2019 CERT OF OBLIGATION FUND - - - 4,750 - TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 1,193,554 1,200,246 1,196,038 1,196,038 1,184,183 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS 9,965,000 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 18,862,511 8,808,203 8,893,592 8,873,788 9,047,724 EXPENDITURES: BOND PRINCIPAL 7,485,000 7,770,000 7,910,000 7,910,000 8,060,000 INTEREST ON BONDS 1,422,468 1,063,783 920,492 920,492 930,783 FISCAL AGENT FEES 4,000 6,250 9,000 6,250 7,000 ISSUANCE COSTS 82,050 - 50,000 4,750 50,000 PAYMENT TO REFUNDED BOND ESCROW 9,881,593 - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,875,109 8,840,033 8,889,492 8,841,492 9,047,783 NET REVENUES (12,598) (31,830) 4,100 32,296 (59) BEGINNING BALANCE 912,718 900,120 850,523 868,289 900,585 ENDING BALANCE 900,120 868,289 854,623 900,585 900,526 78 Principal Principal Amount Outstanding Outstanding Series Obligation of Issue January 1, 2020 Principal Interest Total December 31, 2020 2009 Permanent Improvement & Refunding 11,740,000 3,600,000 140,000 148,788 288,788 3,460,000 2009 Certificates of Obligation 1,295,000 920,000 55,000 38,544 93,544 865,000 2010 Permanent Improvement 5,000,000 2,135,000 100,000 74,350 174,350 2,035,000 2010 Permanent Improvement Refunding 11,145,000 2,485,000 1,240,000 68,400 1,308,400 1,245,000 2010 Certificates of Obligation 6,900,000 2,905,000 100,000 101,838 201,838 2,805,000 2010A Certificates of Obligation 1,660,000 945,000 90,000 35,550 125,550 855,000 2011 Permanent Improvement Refunding 4,790,000 395,000 395,000 5,925 400,925 - 2011 Certificates of Obligation 910,000 750,000 20,000 16,625 36,625 730,000 2012 Permanent Improvement Refunding 8,555,000 2,990,000 2,990,000 29,900 3,019,900 - 2013 Permanent Improvement Refunding 16,360,000 2,445,000 2,445,000 21,394 2,466,394 - 2016 General Obligation Refunding 3,170,000 1,135,000 390,000 13,583 403,583 745,000 2017 General Obligation Refunding 9,965,000 9,755,000 95,000 195,121 290,121 9,660,000 2019 Certificates of Obligation 4,040,000 4,040,000 - 180,767 180,767 4,040,000 Total 34,500,000$ 8,060,000$ 930,783$ 8,990,783$ 26,440,000$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT SCHEDULE OF FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS Principal & Interest Requirements for 2020 79 Fiscal Year Principal Interest Due 2/1 Interest Due 8/1 Interest Total 2020 8,060,000 519,927 410,856 930,783 8,990,783 2021 3,575,000 410,856 352,099 762,956 4,337,956 2022 3,555,000 352,099 291,717 643,816 4,198,816 2023 2,710,000 291,717 242,674 534,391 3,244,391 2024 2,740,000 242,674 194,669 437,343 3,177,343 2025 2,825,000 194,669 158,177 352,846 3,177,846 2026 2,895,000 158,177 120,758 278,935 3,173,935 2027 2,970,000 120,758 82,198 202,956 3,172,956 2028 3,050,000 82,198 42,400 124,599 3,174,599 2029 320,000 42,400 36,000 78,400 398,400 2030 330,000 36,000 29,400 65,400 395,400 2031 345,000 29,400 22,500 51,900 396,900 2032 360,000 22,500 15,300 37,800 397,800 2033 375,000 15,300 7,800 23,100 398,100 2034 390,000 7,800 0 7,800 397,800 34,500,000$ 2,526,475$ 2,006,548$ 4,533,024$ 39,033,024$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS As of January 1, 2020 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 202020212022202320242025202620272028202920302031203220332034Annual Debt Service Requirements Principal Interest 80 Budget 2020 WATER AND SEWER FUND SUMMARY DISCUSSION The Water and Sewer Fund (W&S Fund) is an enterprise fund and, like business enterprises in the private sector, is meant to be self-supporting. The W&S Fund accounts for the revenue, expenditures and transfers associated with the operation of the water and wastewater systems. User fees finance the systems and their services. The W&S Fund budget is similar to the General Fund budget in that it is prepared using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they are earned, because they are considered measurable and available to finance current operations. Expenditures are recognized when they are incurred. Debt service is recognized when paid. In terms of revenue, the W&S Fund produces less than half the revenues generated in the General Fund. In spite of its smaller revenue base, the W&S Fund’s impact in the community may well exceed the impact of the General Fund. Often the initial operation of a city is its water utility and, in many cases, the reason for incorporating a city is the need for clean, safe drinking water and the sanitary disposal of wastewater. Water and sewer systems are capital-intensive and expensive to construct. Operating costs are insignificant when compared to expenditures made to acquire and repair other capital assets. In order for the W&S Fund to be self-supporting, the water and sewer service fees must reflect both the cost of operations and the cost of capital, or else the system will deteriorate. Typically, the cost of capital is reflected in the water and sewer rates by charging a rate sufficient to cover the operating costs plus the debt service costs associated with major capital maintenance. FUND FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 2019 Financial Activity - W&S Fund gross revenues are expected to be $7.98 million, consistent with the budgeted amount of $7.98 million. Operating expenditures in 2019 are expected to be approximately $5.59 million, which is below 2019 Budget appropriations of $5.73 million. Debt service, administrative cost and a transfer to the Water & Sewer Capital Project Fund adds $2.15 million more to the total expenditures. Altogether, W&S Fund 2019 expenditures are expected to total approximately $7.74 million which is below the 2019 Budget of $7.88 million. 81 Budget 2020 The 2020 Budget - The 2020 Budget anticipates total Water and Sewer Utility Fund revenues of approximately $8.21 million which is consistent with 2019 revenues. These revenues include an approximately 2.32% rate increase for water and a 2.76% increase for sewer. System operations, including the Utility Billing division, are appropriated at $6.12 million, including $1.25 million transferred to the General Fund for the administrative cost allocation The transfer to the Water & Sewer Capital Project Fund is $900,000 based on the 2017 Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Design Study. Debt service for 2020 is $1.19 million (principal and interest) on outstanding bonds. The total debt service for the remaining bonds will steadily decrease from a high of $1.19 million in 2020 to $954,137 at the final payment on February 1, 2022. For the Future - The W&S Fund is the most difficult of all of the City’s funds to predict. Water usage can vary dramatically with the weather. All projections and budgets are based on averages and likely to differ considerably from actual results. Most costs also var y as revenues fluctuate, but are generally expected to increase an average of 3% per year. While much of the system’s delivery and collection infrastructure is new, some key components are aging dramatically: Lift stations, elevated towers and water wells will all need major overhauls in the foreseeable future. Anticipated rate increases from the City of Houston above 5% budgeted and increasing costs of service could require additional rate increases to keep pace with the City of Houston’s rate increase for treated water and other operational costs of providing service. 82 WATER AND SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES: FEMA REIMBURSEMENT -$ 54,672$ -$ 22,500$ -$ WATER SERVICE 5,021,910 4,837,966 4,900,000 4,810,000 4,932,500 SEWER SERVICE 2,398,041 2,849,955 2,950,000 2,980,000 3,069,500 PENALTIES 53,487 60,405 55,000 62,000 60,000 CONNECTION FEE 62,395 99,850 70,000 88,300 80,000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 915 3,193 - 13,000 12,300 MISCELLANEOUS 9,062 52,591 7,000 4,900 7,000 TRANSFER FROM EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND - 29,700 - - - TRANSFER FROM HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS FUND - - - - 44,600 TOTAL REVENUE 7,545,810 7,988,332 7,982,000 7,980,700 8,205,900 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT: DEBT SERVICE 1,250,528 1,196,193 1,196,038 1,196,038 1,184,183 FINANCE 278,441 238,800 246,800 239,005 271,700 PUBLIC WORKS 3,976,083 4,154,929 4,291,050 4,151,075 4,601,400 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 1,545,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 TRANSFER TO WATER & SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,050,552 7,739,923 7,883,888 7,736,118 8,207,283 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)495,257 248,410 98,112 244,582 (1,383) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 76,163 333,186 779,995 581,596 826,178 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 571,420$ 581,596$ 878,107$ 826,178$ 824,795$ OPERATIONS 56.1% FINANCE 3.3% DEBT SERVICE 14.4% TRANSFERS 26.2% Water & Sewer Fund 2020 Expenditures by Department 83 WATER AND SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES: FEMA REIMBURSEMENT $ - $ 54,672 $ - $ 22,500 $ - WATER SERVICE 5,021,910 $ 4,837,966 $ 4,900,000 $ 4,810,000 $ 4,932,500 SEWER SERVICE 2,398,041 2,849,955 2,950,000 2,980,000 3,069,500 PENALTIES 53,487 60,405 55,000 62,000 60,000 CONNECTION FEE 62,395 99,850 70,000 88,300 80,000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 915 3,193 - 13,000 12,300 MISCELLANEOUS 9,062 52,591 7,000 4,900 7,000 TRANSFER FROM EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND - 29,700 - - - TRANSFER FROM HUMAN RESOURCE SVCS FUND - - - - 44,600 TOTAL REVENUE 7,545,810 7,988,332 7,982,000 7,980,700 8,205,900 EXPENDITURES: REGULAR WAGES 734,995 720,429 743,500 752,300 797,800 PART-TIME WAGES - - - - - ON CALL 13,125 14,265 13,800 13,800 14,800 OVERTIME 73,443 71,285 80,000 73,900 80,000 LONGEVITY 8,015 7,067 7,800 7,055 7,200 HEALTH & DENTAL 139,644 149,659 158,050 143,000 147,300 TMRS 115,461 112,431 110,900 109,300 118,100 FICA 60,611 58,610 61,700 60,500 65,500 WORKERS COMPENSATION 12,804 13,234 11,700 12,900 9,000 ALLOWANCES 6,913 6,337 5,000 3,700 5,600 OTHER BENEFITS 6,784 3,308 3,800 3,500 3,900 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 4,375 17,500 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,305 1,402 2,500 550 2,000 ACCRUED VACATION (15,588) 4,306 - - - PENSION EXPENSE 113,757 11,795 - - - OPEB Expense 8,762 44,780 - - - OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,657 2,039 1,800 1,700 1,800 OPERATING SUPPLIES 22,720 16,547 20,000 20,000 24,500 FUEL 9,846 12,118 14,000 14,000 17,000 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 87,255 104,152 120,000 100,000 100,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 31,517 22,334 27,000 25,000 27,300 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 19,012 22,760 15,000 15,000 15,000 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 30,534 68,762 51,000 50,000 50,000 WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 115,612 154,300 160,000 160,000 198,000 SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 166,735 127,096 151,000 151,000 170,000 COMMUNICATION 22 - 400 50 50 ELECTRIC SERVICE 400,641 431,309 450,000 450,600 370,000 SURFACE WATER 1,460,902 1,470,385 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,530,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 301 327 350 350 350 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 6,397 3,912 5,350 4,400 4,800 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,478 226 2,700 2,700 2,800 TRAVEL & TRAINING 10,862 9,303 35,500 20,800 25,500 SLUDGE REMOVAL 42,550 51,010 55,000 40,000 55,000 CREDIT CARD FEES 36,333 37,824 38,300 47,000 56,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 308,019 316,119 315,900 310,900 354,400 RESIDENT REIMBURSEMENT - - - 1,500 3,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 10,178 10,880 20,000 15,000 13,000 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 1,884 - 500 400 500 84 WATER AND SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 OTHER EQUIPMENT 9,535 14,063 42,500 32,000 101,000 OTHER CONSTRUCTION COSTS - 80,658 85,000 15,000 165,000 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 2,801 (4,053) - - - INTEREST ON BONDS 54,173 - - - - TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,193,554 1,200,246 1,196,038 1,196,038 1,184,183 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 1,545,500 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 TRANSFER TO WATER & SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS - 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 76,000 87,000 90,000 90,000 92,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 123,500 131,700 137,800 137,800 140,000 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND - - - - 86,900 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,050,552 7,739,923 7,883,888 7,736,118 8,207,283 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)495,257 248,410 98,112 244,582 (1,383) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 76,163 333,186 779,995 581,596 826,178 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 571,420$ 581,596$ 878,107$ 826,178$ 824,795$ PERSONNEL 15.46% EQUIPMENT, VEHICLE, BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1.12% WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 2.41% SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 2.07% ELECTRIC SERVICE 4.51% SURFACE WATER 18.64% DEBT SERVICE 14.43% TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 15.23% TRANSFER TO W&S CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 10.97% VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 1.12% TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 1.71% OTHER OPERATING 11.27%ASSET REPLACEMENT 1.06% Water & Sewer Fund 2020 Expenditures by Type 85 Principal Principal Amount Outstanding Outstanding Series Obligation of Issue January 1, 2020 Principal Interest Total December 31, 2020 2010 Perm Improv Refunding Bonds (W&S Portion)*5,080,000 1,965,000 720,000 60,600 780,600 1,245,000 2016 GO Refunding Bonds (W&S Portion)*3,170,000 1,135,000 390,000 13,583 403,583 745,000 3,100,000$ 1,110,000$ 74,183$ 1,184,183$ 1,990,000$ * Portion of debt is transferred to General Debt Service Fund CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE WATER & SEWER DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE OF FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS Principal & Interest Requirements for 2020 86 Fiscal Year Principal * Interest Due 2/1 * Interest Due 8/1 *Interest Total 2020 1,110,000 43,900 30,283 74,183 1,184,183 2021 1,050,000 30,283 14,137 44,420 1,094,420 2022 940,000 14,137 - 14,137 954,137 3,100,000$ 88,320$ 44,420$ 132,740$ 3,232,740$ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE WATER & SEWER DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS As of January 1, 2020 * Includes amount transferred to General Debt Service Fund for W&S portion of 2010 Permanent Improvement Refunding Bonds and 2016 GO Refunding Bonds. $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 202020212022Annual Debt Service Requirements Principal Interest 87 Budget 2020 FINANCE DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) The Finance Department responsibilities include billing and collection of West University Place’s water, sewer, solid waste, Direct Link and other miscellaneous charges included on the customer’s utility bill. FINANCE DEPARTMENT DIVISION (W&S FUND) Utility Billing – Bills and collects fees associated with the City’s water and sewer systems, solid waste and Direct Link. (2020 Budget $271,700) FINANCE DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) 2020 GOALS  Continue utility customer service training for all Finance staff members.  Review and update, as necessary, all utility billing financial processes to maximize efficiencies.  Achieve over 50% of utility customers that receive billing statements each month electronically versus regular mail.  With the implementation of the new online payment portal, continue to increase customers that pay their monthly utility bill on an automatic recurring basis.  Utilize the City’s website, social media, emails, and mailings to continue to strive for superior customer service. FINANCE DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 2 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 2)  Total budget - $271,700 (2019 total budget - $246,800) 88 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Utility Billing & Customer Service Personnel 162,848$ 142,452$ 145,250$ 135,405$ 151,500$ Operating charges 115,593 96,347 101,050 103,200 119,700 Capital - - 500 400 500 Total 278,441 238,800 246,800 239,005 271,700 Total Department 278,441$ 238,800$ 246,800$ 239,005$ 271,700$ Finance Department Staffing Schedule (W&S Fund) 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Finance - Utility Billing Accounting/Sr. Customer Service Rep G16 1 1 48,972 71,009 Accounting Specialist - Utility Billing G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 Total Finance (W&S Fund)2 2 FINANCE DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE 89 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 118,097 $ 89,053 $ 97,000 $ 94,800 $ 99,500 OVERTIME 18,693 6,652 10,000 3,900 10,000 LONGEVITY 750 85 200 255 400 HEALTH & DENTAL 11,074 13,536 14,550 14,300 15,000 TMRS 18,906 13,265 14,000 12,900 14,300 FICA 10,449 7,296 8,200 7,300 8,200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 262 180 200 200 100 ALLOWANCES - 641 - - - OTHER BENEFITS 850 463 600 500 500 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 750 3,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - - 500 500 500 ACCRUED VACATION (34,068) 4,607 - - - PENSION EXPENSE 16,584 1,391 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 1,252 5,283 - - - PERSONNEL 162,848 142,452 145,250 135,405 151,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 47 641 200 100 200 COMMUNICATION 22 - - - - EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 5,299 2,872 4,150 3,200 3,600 TRAVEL & TRAINING - - 2,500 2,000 2,500 CREDIT CARD FEES 36,333 37,824 38,300 47,000 56,500 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 73,892 55,011 55,900 50,900 56,900 OPERATIONS 115,593 96,347 101,050 103,200 119,700 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 - - 500 400 500 CAPITAL - - 500 400 500 FINANCE DIVISION TOTAL 278,441$ 238,800$ 246,800$ 239,005$ 271,700$ WATER AND SEWER FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Division Line Item Budget 90 Budget 2020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) The Public Works Department responsibilities include operating the City’s water and sewer systems. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIVISION (W&S FUND) Operations – Operates and maintains the City’s water and sewer systems. (2020 Budget - $4,601,400) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) 2020 GOALS  Complete a flood protection study for the Wastewater Treatment Plant offices and equipment.  Review and evaluate the Wastewater Master Plan to determine alternatives in wastewater processing.  Complete an inventory of all pre-1939 cast iron water pipes to maintain a proactive replacement program.  Identify excess inflow into the sanitary sewer system to reduce flow and processing at the treatment plant during rain events.  Complete the installation of new weirs for the clarifiers at the treatment plant that are beyond their service life.  Complete the installation of additional water disinfection equipment at the Milton Street and the Wakeforest Street Pump Stations that ensure compliance with drinking water standards.  Create a comprehensive project and equipment list to ensure they are included in the Community Improvement Plan and Equipment Replacement Fund.  Develop a robust cross training program and provide more install training opportunities to supplement current staffing. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (W&S FUND) BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 11 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 11)  Total operations budget - $4,601,400 (2019 total budget - $4,291,050)  Purchase of surface water from the City of Houston - $1,530,000 (2019 Budget - $1,500,000)  Increase in water/sewer maintenance ($57,000)  Enhanced City Engineer Services ($25,000)  Began Funding of equipment to be replaced in the Asset Replacement Fund ($86,900) 91 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 W&S Fund Operations Personnel 1,117,184$ 1,076,456$ 1,053,500$ 1,049,475$ 1,117,200$ Operating charges 2,847,480 2,983,754 3,110,050 3,054,600 3,218,200 Capital 11,419 94,720 127,500 47,000 266,000 Total 3,976,083 4,154,929 4,291,050 4,151,075 4,601,400 Total Department 3,976,083$ 4,154,929$ 4,291,050$ 4,151,075$ 4,601,400$ Public Works Department Staffing Schedule (W&S Fund) 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Public Works - Operations Public Works Manager G32 1 1 89,541 143,266 Field Services Supervisor G18 1 1 57,500 83,376 Plant Supervisor G18 1 1 57,500 83,376 Crew Leader G16 2 2 48,972 71,009 Plant Operator, Sr.G16 2 2 48,972 71,009 Plant Operator G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 Driver/Equipment Operator G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 Maintenance Worker I G12 2 2 28,313 41,054 Total Public Works (W&S Fund)11 11 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SALARY RANGE 92 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 616,898 $ 631,376 $ 646,500 $ 657,500 $ 698,300 ON CALL 13,125 14,265 13,800 13,800 14,800 OVERTIME 54,750 64,633 70,000 70,000 70,000 LONGEVITY 7,265 6,982 7,600 6,800 6,800 HEALTH & DENTAL 128,571 136,123 143,500 128,700 132,300 TMRS 96,555 99,166 96,900 96,400 103,800 FICA 50,161 51,314 53,500 53,200 57,300 WORKERS COMPENSATION 12,542 13,055 11,500 12,700 8,900 ALLOWANCES 6,913 5,696 5,000 3,700 5,600 OTHER BENEFITS 5,934 2,845 3,200 3,000 3,400 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 3,625 14,500 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,305 1,402 2,000 50 1,500 ACCRUED VACATION 18,481 (301) - - - PENSION EXPENSE 97,173 10,404 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 7,511 39,497 - - - PERSONNEL 1,117,184 1,076,456 1,053,500 1,049,475 1,117,200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,610 1,398 1,600 1,600 1,600 OPERATING SUPPLIES 22,720 16,547 20,000 20,000 24,500 FUEL 9,846 12,118 14,000 14,000 17,000 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 87,255 104,152 120,000 100,000 100,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 31,517 22,334 27,000 25,000 27,300 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 19,012 22,760 15,000 15,000 15,000 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 30,534 68,762 51,000 50,000 50,000 WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 115,612 154,300 160,000 160,000 198,000 SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 166,735 127,096 151,000 151,000 170,000 COMMUNICATION - - 400 50 50 ELECTRIC SERVICE 400,641 431,309 450,000 450,600 370,000 SURFACE WATER 1,460,902 1,470,385 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,530,000 NATURAL GAS SERVICE 301 327 350 350 350 EQUIPMENT LEASE/RENTAL 1,098 1,040 1,200 1,200 1,200 PROFESSIONAL DUES 2,478 226 2,700 2,700 2,800 TRAVEL & TRAINING 10,862 9,303 33,000 18,800 23,000 SLUDGE REMOVAL 42,550 51,010 55,000 40,000 55,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 234,127 261,108 260,000 260,000 297,500 RESIDENT REIMBURSEMENT - - - 1,500 3,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 10,178 10,880 20,000 15,000 13,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 76,000 87,000 90,000 90,000 92,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 123,500 131,700 137,800 137,800 140,000 WATER AND SEWER FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Operations Division Line Item Budget 93 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 WATER AND SEWER FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Operations Division Line Item Budget TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND - - - - 86,900 OPERATING 2,847,480 2,983,754 3,110,050 3,054,600 3,218,200 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 1,884 - - - - OTHER EQUIPMENT 9,535 14,063 42,500 32,000 101,000 OTHER CONSTRUCTION COSTS - 80,658 85,000 15,000 165,000 CAPITAL 11,419 94,720 127,500 47,000 266,000 OPERATIONS DIVISION TOTAL 3,976,083$ 4,154,929$ 4,291,050$ 4,151,075$ 4,601,400$ 94 Budget 2020 SOLID WASTE FUND SUMMARY DISCUSSION The Solid Waste Fund is an enterprise fund and, as business enterprises in the private sector, is meant to be self-supporting. The Solid Waste Fund accounts for the revenue, expenditures and transfers associated with the collection and recycling or disposal of solid waste. Financial Activity in 2019 - For the year ending December 31, 2019, the Solid Waste Fund is expected to have revenue of about $1.75 million for solid waste services. The direct cost of providing solid waste services in 2019, excluding transfers, is expected to be $1.53 million. Direct costs include personnel, capital equipment, supplies and services directly related to the curbside collection of solid waste, recycling, trash disposal and street sweeping. The largest single service cost is the fee for the collection and disposal of solid waste. Administration, human resources, legal services, risk management, utility billing, finance and accounting are examples of indirect costs associated with providing solid waste services. The Solid Waste Fund reimbursed the General Fund $260,000 for these indirect costs, bringing estimated 2019 total costs of service to $1.79 million. The 2020 Budget - For the year ending December 31, 2020, the Solid Waste Fund is expected to have revenue of about $1.80 million for solid waste services. Rates for Solid Waste customers will be increasing by $1.70 per month (5%) for regular customers and by $0.87 per month (5%) for senior discount customers. Total expenditures are expected to be $1.88 million. This budget increases the transfer to the general fund for indirect costs to $310,000. The Recycling Facility division remaining minimum costs were transferred to the curbside solid waste division in 2018. Based on changes made the working capital is anticipated to be healthy and well in excess of the 10% reserve requirement. 95 Budget 2020 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (SOLID WASTE FUND) The Public Works Department Solid Waste & Recycling Division is responsible to provide curbside solid waste, recycling, green waste collection and street sweeping. Residents will receive manual curbside solid waste collection twice per week, manual recycling collection once per week, green waste collection once per week, and street sweeping services once per week. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIVISIONS (SOLID WASTE FUND) Curbside Solid Waste – Collects and disposes of solid waste. (2020 Budget - $971,800) Recycle Facility – Balance of costs transferred to curbside solid waste in 2018. (2020 Budget - $0) Curbside Recycling – Collects and recycles recyclable waste. (2020 Budget - $395,100) Curbside Green Waste Recycling – Collects and recycles recyclable yard waste. (2020 Budget - $199,900) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2020 GOALS (SOLID WASTE FUND)  Explore education concepts to reduce the amount of waste being generated per household.  Continue to work with the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction board to increase the City’s recycling efforts and reduce contamination in the recycling stream and evaluate the recycling collection process.  Continue to push technology to continue to educate and enforce the City’s solid waste, recycling and yard waste placement guidelines and reduce the use of print.  Actively monitor and continue to enforce the City’s proper placement requirements.  Continue to achieve a high satisfaction service rating for all collection services while minimizing misses and complaints.  Create a formal safety incentive program for Driver/Equipment Operators.  Continue employee development through technical, management and leadership training. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS (SOLID WASTE FUND)  Authorized full-time employees – 7 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 7).  Total budget - $1,876,800 (2019 total budget - $1,821,100).  Fees for disposal of solid waste - $318,000 (2019 budget - $296,000).  Payment to the General Fund - $310,000 (2019 budget - $310,000).  Recycling disposal/processing fee increased $20,000. 96 SOLID WASTE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES FEMA REIMBURSEMENT -$ 19,873$ -$ -$ -$ SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 1,729,184 1,750,275 1,752,000 1,735,300 1,785,700 SOLID WASTE SPECIAL COLLECTION 100 500 500 2,000 500 SALE OF RECYCLABLES 12,876 2,319 - - - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 3,292 9,638 7,900 10,700 10,200 MISCELLANEOUS 39,881 10,348 600 700 600 TOTAL REVENUE 1,785,333 1,792,954 1,761,000 1,748,700 1,797,000 EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION CURBSIDE SOLID WASTE 940,481 980,557 953,600 966,940 971,800 RECYCLING FACILITY 7,356 - - - - CURBSIDE RECYCLING 291,184 340,477 365,800 373,625 395,100 CURBSIDE GREEN WASTE RECYCLING 153,562 167,587 191,700 192,025 199,900 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 59,400 260,000 310,000 260,000 310,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,451,983 1,748,622 1,821,100 1,792,590 1,876,800 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)333,350 44,332 (60,100) (43,890) (79,800) BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL 209,278 448,806 555,092 493,138 449,248 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL 542,628$ 493,138$ 494,992$ 449,248$ 369,448$ 97 SOLID WASTE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2015 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES FEMA REIMBURSEMENT $ - $ 19,873 $ - $ - $ - SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 1,729,184 1,750,275 1,752,000 1,735,300 1,785,700 SOLID WASTE SPECIAL COLLECTION 100 500 500 2,000 500 SALE OF RECYCLABLES 12,876 2,319 - - - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 3,292 9,638 7,900 10,700 10,200 MISCELLANEOUS 39,881 10,348 600 700 600 TOTAL REVENUE 1,785,333 1,792,954 1,761,000 1,748,700 1,797,000 EXPENDITURES REGULAR WAGES 303,953 312,644 323,100 319,500 332,200 OVERTIME 22,006 15,992 20,500 17,900 18,500 LONGEVITY 2,530 3,020 3,600 3,440 3,800 HEALTH & DENTAL 69,005 60,511 58,200 60,700 63,500 TMRS 45,373 45,603 45,800 45,100 46,300 FICA 24,037 24,244 25,800 24,800 25,800 WORKERS COMPENSATION 12,520 13,002 12,500 12,700 9,800 ALLOWANCES - 234 - - - OTHER BENEFITS 2,938 1,650 1,900 1,800 1,800 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 2,750 11,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,172 1,332 1,500 1,500 1,500 ACCRUED VACATION 3,586 (9,286) - - - PENSION EXPENSE 39,258 26,899 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 3,755 18,162 - - - OFFICE SUPPLIES - 145 200 200 200 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,381 8,834 12,200 12,200 12,700 FUEL 36,105 47,841 57,000 51,000 61,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 29 39,965 2,000 2,000 2,500 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 99,813 78,963 43,500 73,000 61,500 ELECTRIC SERVICE 595 2,287 1,600 600 700 SURFACE WATER - 502 4,000 4,000 4,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 281 237 900 900 900 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,805 3,407 5,000 - 3,000 DISPOSAL FEE 201,154 259,903 296,000 295,000 318,000 LANDFILL MAINTENANCE 6,439 9,450 12,000 12,000 12,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 248,071 239,470 289,000 280,000 285,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 6,629 18,764 25,000 17,000 21,000 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 930 847 - - - OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,256 5,600 8,000 33,100 8,000 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 10,160 - 3,000 2,600 3,000 98 SOLID WASTE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2015 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 59,400 260,000 310,000 260,000 310,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 192,000 217,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 45,800 41,400 43,800 43,800 44,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,451,983 1,748,622 1,821,100 1,792,590 1,876,800 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)333,350 44,332 (60,100) (43,890) (79,800) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 209,278 448,806 555,092 493,138 449,248 ENDING FUND BALANCE 542,628$ 493,138$ 494,992$ 449,248$ 369,448$ 99 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 Curbside Solid Waste Personnel 390,290$ 379,309$ 362,100$ 360,340$ 376,000$ Operating charges 599,375 861,249 898,500 836,500 902,800 Capital 10,216 - 3,000 30,100 3,000 Total 999,881 1,240,557 1,263,600 1,226,940 1,281,800 Recycling Facility Personnel -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Operating charges 6,156 - - - - Capital 1,200 - - - - Total 7,356 - - - - Curbside Recycling Personnel 86,498$ 78,066$ 72,600$ 71,825$ 77,300$ Operating charges 204,686 256,812 285,200 296,200 309,800 Capital - 5,600 8,000 5,600 8,000 Total 291,184 340,477 365,800 373,625 395,100 Curbside Green Waste Recycling Personnel 53,346$ 56,633$ 58,200$ 58,025$ 60,900$ Operating charges 100,215 110,955 133,500 134,000 139,000 Total 153,562 167,587 191,700 192,025 199,900 Total Department 1,451,983$ 1,748,622$ 1,821,100$ 1,792,590$ 1,876,800$ Public Works Department Staffing Schedule (Solid Waste Fund) 2019 2020 POSITION GRADE BUDGET BUDGET MINIMUM MAXIMUM Public Works Curbside Solid Waste Crew Chief G17 1 1 52,400 75,981 Crew Leader-Solid Waste G15 1 1 41,638 60,376 Driver/Equipment Operator G14 3 3 35,887 52,036 Curbside Recycling Driver/Equipment Operator G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 Curbside Green Waste Recycling Driver/Equipment Operator G14 1 1 35,887 52,036 TOTAL SOLID WASTE FUND 7 7 PUBLIC WORKS SOLID WASTE SALARY RANGE 100 Curbside Solid Waste Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 221,743 $ 226,314 $ 235,400 $ 232,000 $ 241,400 OVERTIME 16,222 11,401 15,000 12,700 13,000 LONGEVITY 1,700 2,040 2,400 2,340 2,600 HEALTH & DENTAL 53,682 48,456 45,700 48,600 48,900 TMRS 33,158 32,974 33,100 32,700 33,600 FICA 17,501 17,474 18,600 18,000 18,500 WORKERS COMPENSATION 9,135 9,508 9,100 9,200 7,200 ALLOWANCES - 234 - - - OTHER BENEFITS 1,990 1,178 1,300 1,300 1,300 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 2,000 8,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,172 1,332 1,500 1,500 1,500 ACCRUED VACATION 2,469 (8,628) - - - PENSION EXPENSE 29,013 22,101 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 2,504 14,923 - - - PERSONNEL 390,290 379,309 362,100 360,340 376,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 145 200 200 200 OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,643 7,837 11,000 11,000 11,500 FUEL 20,986 26,169 29,000 30,000 35,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - 39,048 1,000 1,000 1,500 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 55,401 46,746 25,000 25,000 30,000 ELECTRIC SERVICE - 2,287 1,600 600 700 SURFACE WATER - 502 4,000 4,000 4,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES 281 237 900 900 900 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,805 3,407 5,000 - 3,000 DISPOSAL FEE 175,565 167,075 180,000 180,000 182,000 LANDFILL MAINTENANCE 6,439 9,450 12,000 12,000 12,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 121,983 128,395 144,000 140,000 140,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 441 6,503 13,000 10,000 10,000 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 930 847 - - - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 59,400 260,000 310,000 260,000 310,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 123,000 137,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 22,500 25,600 26,800 26,800 27,000 OPERATING 599,375 861,249 898,500 836,500 902,800 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,256 - - 27,500 - CONSTRUCTION COSTS 8,960 - 3,000 2,600 3,000 CAPITAL 10,216 - 3,000 30,100 3,000 CURBSIDE SOLID WASTE DIVISION TOTAL 999,881$ 1,240,557$ 1,263,600$ 1,226,940$ 1,281,800$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 101 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 HSA CONTRIBUTION $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PERSONNEL - - - - - FUEL (39) - - - - ELECTRIC SERVICE 595 - - - - TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 5,600 - - - - OPERATING 6,156 - - - - CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1,200 - - - - CAPITAL 1,200 - - - - RECYCLING FACILITY DIVISION TOTAL 7,356$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Recycling Facility Division Line Item Budget 102 Curbside Recycling Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 48,691 $ 48,302 $ 49,400 $ 48,900 $ 50,900 ON CALL - - - - - OVERTIME 4,169 2,911 3,500 3,600 3,500 LONGEVITY 830 890 1,000 950 1,000 HEALTH & DENTAL 6,582 5,047 5,300 5,000 7,300 TMRS 7,383 7,158 7,200 7,000 7,200 FICA 3,987 3,755 4,000 3,700 4,100 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,041 1,984 1,900 2,000 1,500 OTHER BENEFITS 513 244 300 300 300 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 375 1,500 ACCRUED VACATION 805 (260) - - - PENSION EXPENSE 10,245 4,798 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 1,252 3,238 - - - PERSONNEL 86,498 78,066 72,600 71,825 77,300 OPERATING SUPPLIES 738 997 1,200 1,200 1,200 FUEL 10,691 15,994 21,000 15,000 18,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 29 917 1,000 1,000 1,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 34,666 24,895 13,000 35,000 21,500 DISPOSAL FEE 11,777 81,354 100,000 100,000 120,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 71,897 64,595 80,000 80,000 80,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 6,188 12,260 12,000 7,000 11,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 51,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 TRANSFER TO TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 17,700 15,800 17,000 17,000 17,100 OPERATING 204,686 256,812 285,200 296,200 309,800 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 5,600 8,000 5,600 8,000 CAPITAL - 5,600 8,000 5,600 8,000 CURBSIDE RECYCLING DIVISION TOTAL 291,184$ 340,477$ 365,800$ 373,625$ 395,100$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 103 Curbside Green Waste Recycling Division Line Item Budget Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REGULAR WAGES $ 33,519 $ 38,028 $ 38,300 $ 38,600 $ 39,900 OVERTIME 1,615 1,680 2,000 1,600 2,000 LONGEVITY - 90 200 150 200 HEALTH & DENTAL 8,740 7,009 7,200 7,100 7,300 TMRS 4,832 5,470 5,500 5,400 5,500 FICA 2,548 3,015 3,200 3,100 3,200 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,344 1,509 1,500 1,500 1,100 OTHER BENEFITS 435 229 300 200 200 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 375 1,500 ACCRUED VACATION 312 (399) - - - PERSONNEL 53,346 56,633 58,200 58,025 60,900 FUEL 4,466 5,678 7,000 6,000 8,000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 9,747 7,322 5,500 13,000 10,000 DISPOSAL FEE 13,811 11,475 16,000 15,000 16,000 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 54,191 46,480 65,000 60,000 65,000 TRANSFER TO VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 18,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 OPERATING 100,215 110,955 133,500 134,000 139,000 CURBSIDE GREEN WASTE RECYCLING DIVISION TOTAL 153,562$ 167,587$ 191,700$ 192,025$ 199,900$ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 104 Budget 2020 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS SUMMARY DISCUSSION Internal Service Funds provide accounting and budgetary control over expenditures that are common to all funds. Furthermore, they centralize the budget authority over costs that can vary significantly from year to year. The City of West University Place has established five Internal Service Funds: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND The Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF) finances the purchase of rolling stock routinely used in providing the city’s services. Trucks, automobiles, tractors, trailers, ambulances and vans are examples of the types of vehicles this fund finances for other funds. Each city department makes contributions to the VRF based on the estimated life and replacement cost of the vehicles it uses. The VRF makes purchases when a combination of age and repair cost indicates that the item has reached the end of its service life. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND The management and funding of the city’s technology is accounted for in the Technology Management Fund. Technology is integral to the city’s ability to provide efficient and necessary services to citizens. The cost of implementing new technology and maintaining the city’s existing computer hardware, software and networks has grown into a major expenditure. The Technology Management Fund was created to centralize those expenditures, consolidate the management of the resources needed to maintain existing information technology systems, and to deploy new solutions. ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND The Asset Replacement Fund (ARF) prior to 2020 was formerly known as the Equipment Replacement Fund (ERF). This fund is a newer fund that began in 2011. The seed funding came from a transfer from the excess General Fund reserves. The ARF finances the purchase of assets routinely used in providing the city’s services. The ARF operates in the same manner as the VRF in that each city department makes contributions to the ARF based on the estimated life and replacement cost of the asset it uses. The ARF will purchase assets when a combination of age and repair cost indicates that the machine has reached the end of its service life. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND The Employee Benefits Fund provides a systematic approach to accumulating the funds needed for employee insurance benefits. Each city operating fund contributes to the Employee Benefits Fund on the basis of the estimated cost of each employee’s insurance benefits. 105 Budget 2020 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (Continued) HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES FUND The Human Resources Services Fund was created in the 2020 budget. The City General Fund contributes to the fund. The Fund provides a mechanism to pay for non-insurance related human resource expenses and to fund large retirement payouts when needed. 106 Budget 2020 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND The Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF) facilitates the accounting and oversight for the purchase of rolling stock routinely used in providing City services. Each department makes contributions to the VRF based on the estimated life and replacement cost of the vehicles it uses. The VRF makes purchases when a combination of age and repair cost indicates that the item has reached the end of its service life. Currently there are 60 vehicles across various departments maintained by the City.  37 for Public Works Department  12 for the Police Department  7 for the Fire Department  4 for the Parks & Recreation Department The City also maintains 11 items such as backhoe, excavators, etc. and 13 utility trailers. 2019 Financial Activity - Revenue in the VRF will be higher than anticipated than the 2019 Budget due to retired vehicles sold at auction and higher earnings on investment. Expenditures in 2019 to the VRF will be higher than originally budgeted due to the addition of two police vehicles, approximately $90,000 total that was added during 2019 by budget amendment. 2020 Budget - Transfers from other funds in 2020 are expected to be $648,300. The budgeted expenditures in 2020 are $959,000, which refurbishes or replaces the following: Fire  Replace Pierce Fire Pumper ($750,000)  Purchase Fire Marshall Truck which replaces Fire Marshall SUV ($32,000) Public Works  Animal Transport Vehicle replacement ($56,000)  Ford Escape replacement ($27,000)  Chevrolet 1500 Pickup replacement ($30,000)  New High Water Vehicle ($25,000)  Chevrolet 1500 Pickup replacement for Water/Sewer ($30,000)  Stanley Hydo Pack replacement for Water/Sewer ($9,000) 107 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 10,850$ 875$ -$ 15,850$ -$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 17,619 41,915 34,000 48,700 46,200 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 331,300 390,300 343,300 343,300 348,500 TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 76,000 87,000 90,000 90,000 92,000 TRANSFER FROM SOLID WASTE FUND 192,000 217,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 TOTAL REVENUES 627,769 737,090 682,300 712,850 701,700 EXPENDITURES AUTOMOBILES 5,277 48,081 30,000 212,000 115,000 LIGHT TRUCKS - - 26,000 28,000 60,000 TRUCKS 30,166 18,193 150,000 150,000 775,000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 2,014 4,193 - 4,600 9,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37,457 70,467 206,000 394,600 959,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)590,311 666,623 476,300 318,250 (257,300) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,661,650 2,251,961 2,367,761 2,918,585 3,236,835 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,251,961$ 2,918,585$ 2,844,061$ 3,236,835$ 2,979,535$ 108 UNIT #VEHICLE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT YEAR ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST 101 F-150 Ext. Cab PU 4x2 Police 2021 $45,000 104 Chevy Caprice - Unmarked Police 2021 $44,000 130 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2021 $54,000 132 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2021 $54,000 653 Ameritrail 8x16 Trailer (long trailer)Public Works 2021 $4,000 707 F-250 Reg. Cab Public Works 2021 $41,000 745 Case Backhoe - Model 580SN-2WD Public Works 2021 $100,000 823 Kubota Trackhoe - Model KV41-VR1T4 Public Works 2021 $35,000 $377,000 102 Toyota Sienna Mini-Van Police 2022 $38,000 218 Surburban 4x2 - Command Vehicle Fire 2022 $69,000 302 E-250 Ford Van with Maven Conv. Kit Public Works 2022 $68,000 409 E-350 with Starcraft 14 passenger bus body Parks 2022 $80,000 412 Ford F-250 Ext. Cab w/ Service Body Parks 2022 $51,000 702 Ford F450 w/ Teletop Service Body Public Works 2022 $72,000 703 Ford F450 w/ Teletop Service Body Public Works 2022 $72,000 704 Ford F450 w/ Teletop Service Body Public Works 2022 $72,000 712 Ford F-250 Diesel with RKI L56 Service Body - 4x2 Public Works 2022 $47,000 749 GMC W5500 Jet Tricl Public Works 2022 $133,000 818 TCM Forklift - Model FD25 T7 Public Works 2022 $35,000 826 6' x 10' Utility Trailer Public Works 2022 $5,000 913 Freightliner FL70 w/ Altec 42' Bucket Public Works 2022 $100,000 915 Ford F450 Truck w/ Utility Body Public Works 2022 $56,000 919 F-250 Extended Cab 4x2 Public Works 2022 $43,000 $941,000 1 Ford Escape Public Works 2023 $35,000 134 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2023 $55,000 135 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2023 $55,000 213 Trailer Fire 2023 $15,000 601 F-250 Extended Cab w/ Dump Body Public Works 2023 $64,000 658 Trailer Mounted Pressure Washer Public Works 2023 $10,000 670 Volvo VHD w/Heil 2500 Durapack 25 yd body Public Works 2023 $327,000 819 Kubota Excavator - Model U45 Public Works 2023 $70,000 821 Air Compressor - Ingersol Rand XP185WIR Public Works 2023 $22,000 822 20' Utility/Equip. Trailer Public Works 2023 $14,000 827 Enclosed Cargo Trailer - 20' Traffic Response Public Works 2023 $12,000 $679,000 City of West University Place, Texas VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE 2021 - 2025 2021 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Cost 2022 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Cost 2023 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Cost 109 UNIT #VEHICLE DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT YEAR ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST 2 Ford Escape Public Works 2024 $34,000 136 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2024 $55,000 137 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2024 $55,000 138 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2024 $55,000 139 Ford Interceptor Patrol - SUV Police 2024 $55,000 550 F-450 Dump Truck Public Works 2024 $91,000 645 F-750 XLT w/Davis 5/6 Yd Dump Body Public Works 2024 $117,000 657 Intl 4300 M with Schwarze A7 Torndado Body Public Works 2024 $295,000 671 Volvo VHD w/Heil 2500 Durapack 25 yd body Public Works 2024 $328,000 705 F-350 XL Crewcab with Service Body Public Works 2024 $68,000 735 F-750 XLT Dump Truck Public Works 2024 $115,000 $1,268,000 307 Ford Escape Public Works 2025 $34,000 411 F-250 XL Ext. Cab with Tommy Lift Parks 2025 $51,000 548 2000 Ameritrail w/ Miller WEL w/ Doors Public Works 2025 $12,000 642 JD 410J Backhoe Public Works 2025 $161,000 672 Volvo HDR w/ Heil 2500 Durapack 25 yd body Public Works 2025 $334,000 902 Sprinter Van 144" WB / 2500 High Roof Cargo Van Public Works 2025 $77,000 903 Ford Explorer - 4x2 Public Works 2025 $45,000 $714,000 * The replacement schedule is shown for informational purposes only. Depending on various factors, vehicles may get replaced before or after stated years shown. 2024 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Cost 2025 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Cost 110 Budget 2020 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND Technology plays a major role in the efficient, cost effective delivery of all City services. The Technology Management Fund was created to centralize costs and standardize the City’s technology infrastructure. 2019 Financial Activity - In 2019, transfers from other funds are expected to be $1,617,100 and total revenues are projected to be $1,624,100. Total expenditures are expected to reach $1,630,365. 2020 Budget - The 2020 Budget projects transfers from other funds amounting to $1,687,200. Expenditures for operations are budgeted to be $1,613,500. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND 2020 GOALS  Perform Penetration and Vulnerability testing 1. Penetration test - colloquially known as a pen test, is an authorized simulated attack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system. 2. Vulnerability test – Conduct Vulnerability An assessment process that is intended to identify threats and the risks they pose typically involves the use of automated testing tools, such as network security scanners.  Migrate in-house Exchange 2013 (End of Life) to Office 365 (G3 – email only) email system.  Review and assess vendor security and data access to the City’s network and data.  Evaluate auditing software that can provide control over changes, configurations, and access to IT environments.  Evaluate network and system management software for visibility (dashboard) of network resources, alerting systems, and critical system.  Introduce Miel MicroLab software features and benefits to end-users. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS  Authorized full-time employees – 4 (2019 authorized full-time employees – 4).  Total budget – $1,613,500 (2019 total budget – $1,557,500).  Began funding of equipment to be replaced in Asset Replacement fund ($20,000). 111 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES CHARGES TO OPERATING FUNDS TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 1,301,100$ 1,394,100$ 1,435,500$ 1,435,500$ 1,496,400$ TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND 123,500 131,700 137,800 137,800 140,000 TRANSFER FROM SOLID WASTE FUND 45,800 41,400 43,800 43,800 44,100 FEMA REIMBURSEMENT - 33,731 - - - MISCELLANEOUS 3,159 740 - - - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 3,182 5,757 4,200 7,000 6,700 TOTAL REVENUES 1,476,741 1,607,428 1,621,300 1,624,100 1,687,200 EXPENDITURES REGULAR WAGES 365,570$ 398,876$ 415,500$ 446,900$ 358,800$ ON CALL 4,560 2,640 2,800 2,900 2,800 OVERTIME 17,508 9,310 8,500 10,400 8,500 LONGEVITY 1,582 1,730 2,000 1,970 1,400 HEALTH & DENTAL 55,983 61,147 63,500 60,200 62,700 TMRS 55,276 58,152 57,200 61,700 52,900 FICA 27,874 29,380 30,400 34,300 27,300 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,289 1,288 1,200 1,300 900 ALLOWANCES 11,367 10,560 9,800 10,100 10,400 OTHER BENEFITS 2,406 1,525 1,800 1,700 1,800 HSA CONTRIBUTION - - - 1,875 7,500 ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE 310 - - - - ACCRUED VACATION 10,926 13,967 - - - PENSION EXPENSE 44,234 53,446 - - - OPEB EXPENSE 2,504 23,161 - - - PERSONNEL 601,387 665,182 592,700 633,345 535,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - - 1,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES - - - - 10,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 33,287 21,784 20,000 20,000 9,500 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 523,157 490,469 600,000 575,000 630,000 TELE-COMMUNICATIONS & DATA & RADIO 223,245 164,156 227,000 264,120 229,000 SOFTWARE LICENSES - - - - - CONSULTANTS 21,834 8,477 15,000 15,000 15,000 PROFESSIONAL DUES - - - - 1,200 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,157 8,426 12,800 12,800 11,800 OTHER CONTRACTED SERVICES 12,146 - - - 61,000 TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS 12 925 - 20,100 - HIGH TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENTS 41,747 107,177 90,000 90,000 90,000 TRANSFER TO ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND - - - - 20,000 OPERATIONS 860,586 801,414 964,800 997,020 1,078,500 112 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,461,973 1,466,596 1,557,500 1,630,365 1,613,500 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)14,768 140,832 63,800 (6,265) 73,700 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE*28 (22,157) 74,302 118,674 112,409 ENDING FUND BALANCE 14,796$ 118,674$ 138,102$ 112,409$ 186,109$ *2018 beginning fund balance reflects a prior period audit adjustment 113 Budget 2020 ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND The Asset Replacement Fund (ARF), formerly known as the Equipment Replacement Fund prior to the 2020 Budget, began in 2011. The General Fund transferred excess reserves in 2012 and 2013 as seed funding for future asset replacements. Additional funds from the EnerNOC, Inc. Demand Response Sales and Services Agreement are deposited into the ARF. The ARF is used to finance the purchase of assets routinely used in providing the city’s services. The ARF operates in the same manner as the Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF) in that each city department makes contributions to the ARF based on the estimated life and replacement cost of the asset it uses. The ARF purchases assets when a combination of age and repair cost indicates that the asset has reached the end of its service life. The ARF is made up of various assets including equipment, furniture, and infrastructure improvements with a cost of greater than $5,000. 2019 Financial Activity - In 2019, transfers from other funds are expected to be $575,400 and total revenues are projected to be $625,100. Total expenditures are expected to be $412,100. 2020 Budget - Transfers from other funds in 2020 are expected to be $656,000. The budgeted expenditures in 2020 are $181,800, which is for the following purchases:  PW-Facilities – Water Pump #1 and #2 Chillers for total of $11,000  Parks-WURC – 2 Recumbent Bikes for a total of $5,900  Parks-WURC – Two treadmills for total of $18,800  Parks-WURC – Fixed Arm Elliptical for total of $6,700  Parks-COL – Umbrellas for total of $5,900  Parks-COL – 70 Chaise Lounges for total of $16,000  Parks-COL – Quartz Aggregate Plaster for total of $117,500 The planned expenditures for the next five year period are also listed following the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. 114 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 507$ 2,100$ -$ -$ -$ MISCELLANEOUS 13,311 6,418 10,000 10,000 10,000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 851,700 653,500 575,400 575,400 569,100 TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND - - - - 86,900 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 13,450 35,994 28,200 39,700 37,700 TRANSFER FROM TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FUND - - - - 20,000 TOTAL REVENUES 878,968 698,011 613,600 625,100 723,700 EXPENDITURES OTHER EQUIPMENT 12,596 24,501 257,800 213,000 181,800 CAPITAL PURCHASES RECLASSIFIED AS ASSET 74,153 376,426 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 86,749 400,927 257,800 213,000 181,800 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)792,219 297,084 355,800 412,100 541,900 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,040,826 1,833,045 2,130,129 2,130,129 2,542,229 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,833,045$ 2,130,129$ 2,485,929$ 2,542,229$ 3,084,129$ The Asset Replacement Fund was formerly (up to fiscal year 2020) called the Equipment Replacement Fund. ASSET REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 115 DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT YEAR ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST Clary UPS-Buffalo/Rice Traffic 2021 6,000.00 Clary UPS-Buffalo/Sunset Traffic 2021 6,000.00 Clary UPS-Weslayan/University Traffic 2021 6,000.00 Clary UPS-Weslayan/Rice Traffic 2021 6,000.00 Pedestrian Indicators Traffic 2021 7,200.00 Pedestrian Indicators Traffic 2021 7,200.00 Pedestrian Indicators Traffic 2021 7,200.00 Pedestrian Indicators Traffic 2021 7,200.00 Pedestrian Indicators Traffic 2021 7,200.00 Signal Indication/Illumination Traffic 2021 13,750.00 Signal Indication/Illumination Traffic 2021 13,750.00 Signal Indication/Illumination Traffic 2021 13,750.00 Signal Indication/Illumination Traffic 2021 13,750.00 Signal Indication/Illumination Traffic 2021 13,750.00 Traffic Light Poles (2) and Mast Arms (4) (non- decorative)Traffic 2021 40,000.00 Traffic Light Poles (2) and Mast Arms (4) (non- decorative)Traffic 2021 40,000.00 Traffic Light Poles (2) and Mast Arms (4) (non- decorative)Traffic 2021 40,000.00 Traffic Light Poles (2) and Mast Arms (4) (non- decorative)Traffic 2021 40,000.00 Traffic Light Poles (2) and Mast Arms (4) (non- decorative)Traffic 2021 40,000.00 RayPak Pool Heater PARD- Recreation Center 2021 20,166.00 UV System-6030 PARD- Recreation Center 2021 27,000.00 Lady Alligator PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2021 5,950.00 UV System-6050 PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2021 45,000.00 2021 Replacement Cost 426,866$ LifePack 15 cardiac monitor - Medic 1 Fire 2022 34,000.00 Video Processors Traffic 2022 5,000.00 Video Processors Traffic 2022 5,000.00 Video Processors Traffic 2022 5,000.00 Video Processors Traffic 2022 5,000.00 Video Processors Traffic 2022 5,000.00 Non-Potable Water Booster Pump 1 PW Operations 2022 9,800.00 Precor 835 AMT (2)PARD- Recreation Center 2022 16,500.00 Precor 833 TRM Treadmill (2)PARD- Recreation Center 2022 16,800.00 Wier Tennis Court Resurfacing PARD- Park Maintenance 2022 7,000.00 Judson Park Lighting PARD- Park Maintenance 2022 15,900.00 ASSET REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE FIVE YEAR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE 2021 - 2025 116 DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT YEAR ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST ASSET REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE FIVE YEAR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE 2021 - 2025 Wier Irrigation PARD- Park Maintenance 2022 18,500.00 Lily Pad Entry Pads PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2022 21,400.00 2022 Replacement Cost 164,900$ PWPACK Facilities 2023 5,000.00 IceFD Facilities 2023 6,500.00 Air Handler #1 - CH Facilities 2023 12,100.00 Air Handler #2 - CH Facilities 2023 14,200.00 Air Handler #3 - CH Facilities 2023 13,700.00 Air Handler #4 - CH Facilities 2023 13,800.00 Submersible Pumps General Svcs 2023 9,600.00 Precor 835 EFX - Elliptical (moving arms) (2)PARD- Recreation Center 2023 15,500.00 Precor 833 TRM Treadmill (2-1)PARD- Recreation Center 2023 16,700.00 Whitt Johnson Irrigation PARD- Park Maintenance 2023 18,000.00 Huffington Irrigation PARD- Park Maintenance 2023 22,100.00 2023 Replacement Cost 147,200$ Pool heater Facilities 2024 27,000$ Non-Potable Water Booster Pump 2 PW Operations 2024 9,800$ Precor 835 Recumbent Bike (1)PARD- Recreation Center 2024 5,400$ Feature Pads (2)-1 PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2024 4,300$ Feature Pads (2)-2 PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2024 4,300$ Fabric for all structures PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2024 14,900$ UPS Tech Replacement Fund 2024 100,000$ 2024 Replacement Cost 165,700$ Bunker Gear Replacement - mandated by Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP)Fire 2025 63,800.00 Water Pump #1 - CH Facilities 2025 6,000.00 Water Pump #2 - CH Facilities 2025 6,000.00 Large Grinder General Svcs 2025 5,600.00 Striper/Driver System General Svcs 2025 12,000.00 Tables-6030 PARD- Recreation Center 2025 5,250.00 Furniture replacement PARD- Recreation Center 2025 37,313.65 Defender (SP-41-48-1038)PARD- Recreation Center 2025 85,000.00 Town Center Irrigation PARD- Park Maintenance 2025 11,000.00 CB Irrigation PARD- Park Maintenance 2025 14,400.00 1M Dirafirm Diving Stand PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2025 9,300.00 Defender (SP-55-48-2076)PARD- Colonial Park Pool 2025 123,000.00 2025 Replacement Cost 378,664$ 117 Budget 2020 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND The Employee Benefit Fund facilitates accounting and oversight for the cost of health care, Worker Compensation, dental plans, and life and disability plans. 2019 Financial Activity - The city’s Employee Benefit Fund revenue is anticipated to be at $2.47 million to fund employee benefits and the administrative costs of providing those benefits. Charges to the operating funds are expected to be $2.06 million and the balance of $0.41 million comes from employee/retiree contributions and other miscellaneous earnings. Expenditures are expected to be $2.52 million, approximating to appropriations. 2020 Budget - Charges to operating funds in the amount of $1.92 million plus $0.56 million from employee/retiree contributions and other miscellaneous earnings are budgeted. Expenditures are expected to be $2.49 million, an 8.00% decrease from the 2019 budgeted expenditures. During the 2020 Budget process it was decided that certain items in this fund such as other employee benefits, HRA costs, accumulated sick and vacation leave, recruiting and hiring, events, awards, tuition and software licenses needed to be placed in a separate fund and not the Employee Benefit Fund. Due to this, the Human Resources Services Fund was created. 118 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES CHARGES TO OPERATING FUNDS: ER - HEALTH $ 1,309,281 1,253,008$ 1,443,600$ 1,280,000$ 1,551,000$ ER - DENTAL 58,231 56,174 62,100 61,300 80,600 ER - LIFE 17,918 26,971 14,000 27,800 33,500 ER - DISABILITY 30,637 24,058 29,500 25,800 37,200 ER - WORKER'S COMPENSATION 115,365 118,916 126,100 122,150 102,200 ER - RETIREES 240,400 180,000 188,600 188,600 111,400 ER - OTHER BENEFITS 359,442 283,449 348,300 354,300 - EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS: EE - HEALTH 285,508 297,963 336,800 304,100 426,900 EE - DENTAL 16,523 15,086 16,300 13,300 20,800 EE - VISION 13,395 13,058 13,100 13,900 13,200 RETIREE CONTRIBUTIONS 1,012 - - - - COBRA CONTRIBUTIONS 40,893 57,931 59,100 58,600 56,000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 8,146 17,848 15,000 21,200 15,100 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND - - - - 33,700 TOTAL REVENUES 2,496,751 2,344,461 2,652,500 2,471,050 2,481,600 EXPENDITURES MEDICAL PREMIUMS - ACTIVE 1,644,374 1,544,952 1,780,400 1,603,700 1,977,900 MEDICAL PREMIUMS - RETIRED 117,792 140,057 158,600 141,800 121,700 MEDICAL PREMIUMS - COBRA 26,998 45,363 36,700 50,300 41,400 DENTAL PREMIUMS - ACTIVE 79,269 73,533 80,500 76,800 105,100 VISION PREMIUMS - ACTIVE 13,147 13,041 13,300 14,600 13,700 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 97,876 95,593 100,000 90,600 102,200 LIFE & AD&D, DISABILITY 53,687 44,752 50,800 59,400 59,700 UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS 84 22 10,000 10,000 - HRA COSTS - 1,731 5,000 2,500 - OTHER ADMINSTRATIVE COST 22,757 13,584 20,000 15,000 15,700 WELLNESS PROGRAM 17,812 2,131 20,000 10,000 18,000 ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE - - 90,000 90,000 - ACCRUED VACATION - - 60,000 60,000 - RECRUITING & HIRING 16,894 18,231 25,200 20,000 - EVENTS 12,646 18,568 15,000 15,000 - AWARDS 1,307 3,245 3,000 6,000 - TUITION 14,753 19,302 44,000 25,000 - SOFTWARE LICENSES - - 17,200 12,000 - CONSULTANTS 47,469 12,500 43,900 76,900 35,000 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,791 - - - - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 146,500 - 142,500 142,500 - TRANSFER TO WATER & SEWER FUND - 29,700 - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,315,156 2,076,303 2,716,100 2,522,100 2,490,400 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)181,595 268,158 (63,600) (51,050) (8,800) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,086,176 1,267,771 1,183,721 1,535,929 1,057,513 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,267,771$ 1,535,929$ 1,120,121$ 1,484,879$ 1,048,713$ 119 Budget 2020 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES FUND During the 2020 Budget process, it was decided to create a new fund, the Human Resources Services Fund for items such as other employee benefits, HRA costs, accumulated sick and vacation leave, recruiting and hiring, events, awards, tuition and software licenses. These items prior to 2020 were accounted for in the Employee Benefit Fund. 2019 Financial Activity – Since this fund will be new for 2020, there is no 2019 financial activities to report. The items that make up this fund are accounted for in the 2019 Financial Activity of the Employee Benefit Fund. 2020 Budget - Charges to operating funds in the amount of $245,000 plus $5,000 from and other miscellaneous earnings are budgeted. Expenditures are expected to be $336,000. 120 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS - - - - 5,000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND - - - - 244,600 TOTAL REVENUES - - - - 249,600 EXPENDITURES UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS - - - - 10,000 OTHER ADMINSTRATIVE COST - - - - 5,300 ACCUMULATED SICK LEAVE - - - - 70,000 ACCRUED VACATION - - - - 40,000 RECRUITING & HIRING - - - - 33,600 EVENTS - - - - 15,000 AWARDS - - - - 6,000 TUITION - - - - 30,000 INCENTIVES - - - - 5,000 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND - - - - 76,200 TRANSFER TO WATER & SEWER FUND - - - - 44,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - 335,700 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)- - - - (86,100) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - - - - 427,366 ENDING FUND BALANCE -$ -$ -$ -$ 341,266$ 121 Budget 2020 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SUMMARY DISCUSSION Special Revenue Funds are created to account for the proceeds from specific revenue sources that are restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The City has ten active Special Revenue Funds in 2020: THE PARKS FUND - The Parks Fund accounts for donations made by citizens for West University Place parks. THE FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARKS DONATION FUND – This fund accounts for donations and expenditures funded by the Friends of West University Parks. THE COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND - The Court Technology Fund accounts for a $4.00 fee added to traffic tickets issued in West University Place. State law restricts the use of the revenue generated by this fee to technology used to support the City’s Municipal Court. THE TREE REPLACEMENT FUND - City ordinances require that trees that are damaged destroyed or removed during construction be replaced. The Tree Replacement Fund accounts for funds paid by builders in lieu of planting replacement trees. THE COURT SECURITY FUND - Similar to the Court Technology Fund, the Court Security Fund accounts for a $3.00 fee added to traffic tickets issued in West University Place. Revenues generated by this fee can be used only to provide security for the building housing the Court. THE METRO FUND – In 1999, The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) and West University Place entered into an interlocal, multi-year Congestion Mitigation/Traffic Management agreement. This agreement was modified and extended to December 2025 by the Harris County voters in November 2012. The payments from METRO are due not later than 30 days after each quarter. These funds are used for transportation related capital projects. POLICE STATE FORFEITED PROPERTY FUND – Certain property used in the commission of crimes or proceeds from criminal activity is subject to forfeiture. Funds generated from the sale of this property are set aside for the use of the Police Department. FIRE TRAINING FUND – Accounts for grants, donations and other funds set aside for training firefighters. POLICE TRAINING FUND-Accounts for grants, donations and other funds set aside for training police officers. 122 Budget 2020 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (Continued) GOOD NEIGHBOR FUND – The City receives donations to fund the activities of the Good Neighbor Team, specifically “Handy Man” home repairs for resident senior citizens. The Good Neighbor Fund restricts the use of those donations to that specific activity. 123 PARKS DONATION FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1,746$ 2,744$ 1,400$ 1,000$ 900$ DONATIONS 226,514 51,960 45,500 55,200 50,500 TOTAL REVENUES 228,259 54,704 46,900 56,200 51,400 EXPENDITURES OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,017 17,999 65,000 57,000 28,000 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 - - 12,200 12,200 15,000 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 56,806 126,395 - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 68,823 144,394 77,200 69,200 43,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)159,436 (89,689) (30,300) (13,000) 8,400 BEGINNING BALANCE 39,507 198,943 115,143 109,254 96,254 ENDING BALANCE 198,943$ 109,254$ 84,843$ 96,254$ 104,654$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 124 FRIENDS OF WEST UNIVERSITY PARKS FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES FRIENDS OF WEST U PARKS -$ 295,290$ -$ 267,000$ 478,000$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 0 6$ - - - TOTAL REVENUES 0 295,296 - 267,000 478,000 EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION COSTS - 295,290 - 267,000 478,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 295,290 - 267,000 478,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)0 6 - - - BEGINNING BALANCE 611 611 611 617 617 ENDING BALANCE 611$ 617$ 611$ 617$ 617$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 125 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES MUNICIPAL COURT FINES 5,673$ 8,297$ 5,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 32 173 - 100 - TOTAL REVENUES 5,705 8,471 5,000 8,100 8,000 EXPENDITURES HARDWARE & SOFTWARE MAINTENACE CONTRACTS - 2,454 - - - FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 - - - - 2,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - 2,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)5,705 8,471 5,000 8,100 6,000 BEGINNING BALANCE 454 6,159 11,259 14,630 22,730 ENDING BALANCE 6,159$ 14,630$ 16,259$ 22,730$ 28,730$ COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 126 Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES OTHER FEES AND PERMITS 45,450$ 43,400$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 2,127 4,690 3,800 4,900 4,600 TOTAL REVENUES 47,577 48,090 33,800 34,900 34,600 EXPENDITURES TREE REPLACEMENT OPERATING EXPENDITURES 12,670 27,427 35,000 46,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,670 27,427 35,000 46,000 50,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)34,907 20,662 (1,200) (11,100) (15,400) BEGINNING BALANCE 224,775 259,682 260,782 280,344 269,244 ENDING BALANCE 259,682$ 280,344$ 259,582$ 269,244$ 253,844$ TREE REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 127 COURT SECURITY FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES MUNICIPAL COURT FINES 4,329$ 6,226$ 4,500$ 8,000$ 8,000$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 412 753 600 800 700 TOTAL REVENUES 4,741 6,980 5,100 8,800 8,700 EXPENDITURES REGULAR WAGES - 6,700 7,250 6,300 10,500 TRAVEL & TRAINING - 534 - 1,000 3,000 FURNITURE & EQUIP <$5000 4,576 171 1,500 500 1,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,576 7,405 8,750 7,800 15,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)165 (426) (3,650) 1,000 (6,300) BEGINNING BALANCE 45,040 45,205 43,204 44,779 45,779 ENDING BALANCE 45,205$ 44,779$ 39,554$ 45,779$ 39,479$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 128 METRO FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES METRO 532,336$ 586,114$ 555,500$ 592,000$ 592,000$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1,361 1,264 1,800 200 200 TOTAL REVENUES 533,697 587,378 557,300 592,200 592,200 EXPENDITURES TRANSFER TO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND 500,000 732,000 600,000 600,000 550,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 500,000 732,000 600,000 600,000 550,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)33,697 (144,622) (42,700) (7,800) 42,200 BEGINNING BALANCE 232,076 265,773 80,273 121,151 113,351 ENDING BALANCE 265,773$ 121,151$ 37,573$ 113,351$ 155,551$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 129 POLICE STATE FORFEITED PROPERTY FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES FORFEITED PROPERTY 18,333$ -$ -$ -$ -$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 118 453 400 500 500 TOTAL REVENUES 18,451 453 400 500 500 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)18,451 453 400 500 500 BEGINNING BALANCE 8,478 26,929 27,329 27,382 27,882 ENDING BALANCE 26,929$ 27,382$ 27,729$ 27,882$ 28,382$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 130 POLICE TRAINING FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES STATE GRANT 2,035$ 2,835$ -$ 2,800$ -$ EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 168 371 300 500 500 DONATIONS - 302 - - - TOTAL REVENUES 2,203 3,508 300 3,300 500 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)2,203 3,508 300 3,300 500 BEGINNING BALANCE 17,268 19,471 19,771 22,979 26,279 ENDING BALANCE 19,471$ 22,979$ 20,071$ 26,279$ 26,779$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 131 FIRE TRAINING FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES STATE GRANT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ SETRAC - 4,154 - 4,100 - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 60 241 - - - DONATIONS 5,223 (3,461) - 100 - TOTAL REVENUES 5,283 934 - 4,200 - EXPENDITURES OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,394 2,362 - 11,400 - TRAVEL & TRAINING - - - 1,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,394 2,362 - 11,400 - NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)889 (1,429) - (7,200) - BEGINNING BALANCE 9,257 10,146 10,347 8,718 1,518 ENDING BALANCE 10,146$ 8,718$ 10,347$ 1,518$ 1,518$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 132 GOOD NEIGHBOR FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 29$ 67$ -$ -$ -$ DONATIONS 995 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 1,024 67 - - - EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY RELATIONS - - 2,500 - 2,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 2,500 - 2,500 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES)1,024 67 (2,500) - (2,500) BEGINNING BALANCE 2,960 3,984 4,084 4,050 4,050 ENDING BALANCE 3,984$ 4,050$ 1,584$ 4,050$ 1,550$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 133 Budget 2020 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS SUMMARY DISCUSSION Capital Project Funds are used to account for the purchase or construction of equipment, property and buildings. Capital projects accounted for in these funds are characterized by their cost (normally exceeding $50,000), relatively long operational life of each asset and their impact on a department’s operating budget. These funds are usually created to account for a single project or a related group of projects and are closed when the projects are completed. For 2020, West University Place has four active capital project funds as the Capital Reserve Fund was eliminated in 2019 and the 2019 Certificate of Obligation Fund was added in 2019. CAPITAL PROJECT FUND The Capital Project Fund is used to account for projects associated with the city’s Capital Improvement Program. Funding for projects financed in this fund comes from transfers from the General Fund and bond proceeds. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND The Capital Reserve Fund served as a pass-through fund and accounted for funds set aside by the City Council to help finance future capital projects. The city targeted excess reserves in its General Fund and transferred any surplus to the Capital Reserve Fund. This pass-through fund was eliminated in 2019 with the excess reserves flowing straight to the Capital Project fund. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND The Transportation Improvement Fund accounts for capital projects to improve roads and the associated drainage issues. 2019 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION (CO) FUND The 2019 Certificate of Obligation (CO) Fund accounts for CO funds purchased in 2019 to be used for the purpose of purchasing, constructing and installing a traffic surveillance and security system within the City. WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL FUND The Water and Sewer Capital Fund accounts for funds set aside to be used for Capital Projects related to the Water and Sewer Utility System. 134 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated P/Y Proj Bal R/O to Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 REVENUES FRIENDS OF WEST U PARKS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - FEMA REIMBURSEMENT - - - 15,711 - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1,388 10,853 6,000 13,000 7,800 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND - 200,000 - - - TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 200,000 649,505 6,968 6,968 - TRANSFER FROM 2019 CERT OF OBLIGATION FUND - - - 150,707 - FUTURE BOND PROCEEDS - - 2,140,000 - - TOTAL REVENUES 201,388 860,358 2,152,968 186,386 - 7,800 EXPENDITURES PROJECT EXPENDITURES ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER 7,089 2,769 60,000 60,000 LIBRARY RENOVATIONS 93,170 - VIRTUAL GATE-PHASE I* 45,542 2,140,000 105,165 - WURC WESTSIDE CONCRETE PARKING LOT 100,000 - PW MAINTENANCE PARKING LOT/WASH BAY 175,000 - CITY WIDE ENGINEERING TRAFFIC STUDY/IMPLEMENTATION 150,000 BRIDGE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 65,000 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 100,000 CITYWIDE FACILITIES CONDITION & SECURITY ASSESSMENT 75,000 CITY HALL AUDIO/VIDEO UPGRADES 110,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100,259 48,311 2,300,000 340,165 - 500,000 BEGINNING BALANCE 119,887 221,016 448,997 1,033,063 879,284 ENDING BALANCE 221,016$ 1,033,063$ 301,965$ 879,284$ 387,084$ *Virtual Gate Expenditures Moved to 2019 Cert of Obligation Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 135 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 REVENUES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS $ 4,568 $ 3,901 $ - - $ - TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 500,000 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 504,568 3,901 - - - EXPENDITURES TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 200,000 649,505 6,968 6,968 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 200,000 649,505 6,968 6,968 - BEGINNING BALANCE 348,005 652,573 6,968 6,968 - ENDING BALANCE 652,573$ 6,968$ -$ -$ -$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 136 Actual Actual Budget Estimated P/Y Proj Bal R/O to Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 REVENUES FEMA REIMBURSEMENT $ - $ - $ 1,173,750 $ - $ - $ 1,600,000 SOUTHSIDE PLACE - - 58,125 - - EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 12,288 30,259 23,200 34,000 32,300 FEDERAL GRANT - - 800,000 1,040,100 8,222,600 TRANSFER FROM METRO GRANT FUND 500,000 732,000 600,000 600,000 550,000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION PROCEEDS - - - - 25,737,300 FUTURE BOND PROCEEDS - - 833,125 - - TOTAL REVENUES 512,288 762,259 3,488,200 1,674,100 - 36,142,200 PROJECT EXPENDITURES CITY WIDE DRAINAGE STUDY 11,101 - KILMARNOCK RETAINING WALL - - 30,000 ROADWAY REPAIRS/OVERLAY/ REPLACEMENT - 152,638 150,000 150,148 WESLAYAN RD REPAIRS 78,701 - BUFFALO SPEEDWAY 120,082 139,034 2,400,000 4,617,000 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY DRAIN 823,000 185,000 16,538,000 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY ROAD 84,170 1,216,000 176,000 11,445,000 SHARED DRAINAGE SYSTEM - DESIGN 465,000 SHARED DRAINAGE SYSTEM 1,600,000 ALT STORMWATER DETENTION OPTIONS FEASIBILITY STUDY 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 209,884 375,842 3,015,000 2,219,148 361,000 34,250,000 BEGINNING BALANCE 1,186,840 1,489,244 1,674,544 1,875,661 1,330,613 ENDING BALANCE 1,489,244$ 1,875,661$ 2,147,744$ 1,330,613$ 2,861,813$ TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 137 2019 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated P/Y Proj Bal R/O to Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 REVENUES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS - - - 76,500 37,100 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION PROCEEDS - - - 4,040,000 - PREMIUM ON BONDS - - - 559,845 - TOTAL REVENUES - - - 4,676,345 - 37,100 PROJECT EXPENDITURES VIRTUAL GATE PHASE I* 2,141,676 298,169 VIRTUAL GATE PHASE II 2,160,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - 2,141,676 - 2,458,169 BEGINNING BALANCE - - - - 2,534,669 ENDING BALANCE -$ -$ -$ 2,534,669$ 113,600$ * Includes Issuance Costs STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 138 Actual Actual Budget Estimated P/Y Proj Bal R/O to Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 REVENUES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 13,500$ 27,540$ 20,600$ 35,700$ 21,100$ TRANSFER FROM WATER & SEWER FUND - 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 TOTAL REVENUES 13,500 927,540 920,600 935,700 - 921,100 PROJECT EXPENDITURES BELT FILTER PRESS REPLACEMENT 51,327 - - - - LIFT STATION RENOVATIONS #8-12 11,669 209,082 - - WWTP OUTFALL RELOCATION 104,253 - - - BISSONNET WATER LINE REPLACEMENT - - - 650,000 WWTP CLARIFIER REPLACEMENT 396,146 - - - WWTP AERATION BASIN MONITORING EQUIPMENT 15,751 - - - WWTP FENCING - - 60,000 50,000 SEWER INFLOW & INFILTRATION DETECTION/ REDUCTION - 2,381 - 44,500 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY RECONSTRUCTION 14,495 10,666 - - WWTP WEIR REPLACEMENT - - 400,000 41,000 559,000 WWTP FLOODWATER PROTECTION - - 50,000 - DRINKING WATER DISINFECTION UPGRADES - - 180,000 60,000 320,000 WWTP EFFICIENCY STUDY - - 90,000 90,000 WWTP LIGHTING REPLACEMENT - - 115,000 115,000 LIFTSTATIONS 1-12 LINING PROJECT - - 25,000 400,000 WATER PUMPING & STORAGE STUDY - - - - 150,000 WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - - - - 250,000 WWTP CLARIFIER AUTOMATION - - - - 200,000 SCADA WATER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT - - - - 95,000 RECLAMATION FEASIBILITY STUDY - - - - 50,000 FLOW METER REPLACEMENT/ INSTALLATION - - - - 110,000 BOOSTER PUMP REPLACEMENT - - - - 200,000 WWTP GATE REPLACEMENT - - - - 120,000 WWTP FLOODWATER PROTECTION STUDY - - - - 75,000 WWTP INFLOW AND INFILTRATION STUDY - - - - 90,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 593,641 222,129 920,000 1,450,500 879,000 1,340,000 BEGINNING BALANCE 1,860,744 1,280,603 1,085,204 1,986,014 1,471,214 ENDING BALANCE 1,280,603$ 1,986,014$ 1,085,804$ 1,471,214$ 173,314$ WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES 139 Budget 2020 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN SUMMARY DISCUSSION Leading up to the 2020 budget process, the City began working on a 5 year Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP is a 5 year plan that serves as a planning document, identifies community improvement projects, identifies options for funding the projects and identifies the impact on annual operations and maintenance budgets. The 2020-2024 CIP will address two broad areas of expenditures: protection of previous investment in physical assets (infrastructure) through maintenance and renovation and planning and construction of new infrastructure to improve public safety, service delivery and quality of life for residents. The CIP is broken down by project types (categories) which are drainage, water, wastewater, streets and sidewalks, parks and open spaces, facilities, and other improvements such as land acquisition, traffic, security, etc. The CIP also identifies how projects will be funded. Various options include using budgeted cash funds from existing revenue sources, issuing debt, donations, local/state/federal grants, or a combination of all the above. The following pages will give a summary of budgeted projects for 2020, a 5 year summary by project types, and the data sheets for 2020 projects. 140 PROJECTS FUNDING SOURCE 2020 ADOPTED BUDGET 1. Bridge Management Plan Cash General Fund $65,000 2. Storm Water Management Program Cash General Fund $100,000 3. Citywide Facilities Security & Condition Assessment Cash General Fund $75,000 4. City Hall Audio/Video Upgrades Cash General Fund $110,000 5. Citywide Engineering Traffic Study/Implementation Cash General Fund $150,000 6. Shared Drainage System Federal Funds $1,600,000 7. Alt. Stormwater Detention Options Feasibility Study METRO Funds $50,000 8. Virtual Gate Prev. CO's Issued $2,458,169 9. Water Pumping & Storage Study Cash W & S Fund $150,000 10. Water Line Replacement Program Cash W & S Fund $250,000 11. WWTP Clarifier Automation Cash W & S Fund $200,000 12. SCADA Water System Replacement Cash W & S Fund $95,000 13. Reclamation Feasibility Study Cash W & S Fund $50,000 14. Flow Meter Replacement/Installation Cash W & S Fund $110,000 15. Booster Pump Replacement Cash W & S Fund $200,000 16. WWTP Gate Replacement Cash W & S Fund $120,000 17. WWTP Floodwater Protection Study Cash W & S Fund $75,000 18. WWTP Inflow and Infiltration Study Cash W & S Fund $90,000 19. Buffalo Speedway (Prev. approved $2.4M)CO’s and Federal Funds $32,600,000 Total amount for CIP projects per 2020 Adopted Budget $38,548,169 Note 1: $595,500 included for Parks on Year 2020 5 Year CIP relates to Friend of Parks and Equipment Replacement Funds $595,500 Total amount Per Year 2020 in 5 year CIP $39,143,669 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS 141 5-YEAR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN BY PROJECT SUMMARY BY PROJECT TYPE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Drainage $ 1,650,000 $ 30,869,000 $ 24,842,200 $ 13,461,000 $ - $ 70,822,200 Water $ 805,000 $ 300,000 $ 309,000 $ 368,000 $ 756,000 $ 2,538,000 Wastewater $ 535,000 $ - $ - $ 12,843,000 $ - $ 13,378,000 Streets and Sidewalks $ 32,765,000 $ 353,000 $ 406,000 $ 609,000 $ 612,000 $ 34,745,000 Parks $ 595,500 $ 293,000 $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ 1,063,500 Facilities $ 75,000 $ - $ 106,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ 381,000 Other Improvements $ 2,718,169 $ 310,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,028,169 Totals $ 39,143,669 $ 32,125,000 $ 25,838,200 $ 27,481,000 $ 1,368,000 $ 125,955,869 Drainage 56% Water 2% Wastewater 11% Streets and Sidewalks 28% Parks 1% Facilities 0.01% Other Improvements 2% Drainage Water Wastewater Streets and Sidewalks Parks Facilities Other Improvements 142 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 0 0 0 65,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 65,000 65,000 Total Funding 65,000 0 0 0 0 65,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: This project will consist of removing and replacing the wood decking at all three bridges to ensure safe pedestrian mobility across the Poor Farm Ditch. TBD PROJECT COSTS Pedestrian Bridge Renovations Public Works Streets DESCRIPTION: Rehabilitation of three (3) pedestrian bridges that cross Poor Farm Ditch. Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals Totals FUNDING SOURCES Totals Capital Projects Fund (General) Total Costs Study Engineering Construction Contingency 143 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 100,000 103,000 106,000 109,000 112,000 530,000 100,000 103,000 106,000 109,000 112,000 530,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 100,000 103,000 106,000 109,000 112,000 530,000 Total Funding 100,000 103,000 106,000 109,000 112,000 530,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Total Impact Capital Projects Fund (General) IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals Through the use of televising video equipment, staff is able to inspect the City's storm sewer system to identify potential issues in the underground pipes. This managment program will identify those problem areas to allow for the debris removal to maximize flow and capacity of the storm sewer system. TBD PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES JUSTIFICATION: Storm Water Management Program Public Works Streets DESCRIPTION: Perform a extensive debris removal program to ensure maximum drainage of the City's current stormwater sewer system. 144 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 75,000 75,000 Total Funding 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals Total Impact Capital Improvement Fund (General) Totals The purpose of this study will be to analyze the condition of all City facilities, as well as perform a security assessment that ensures the safety of both staff and the general public. TBD PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES JUSTIFICATION: City Wide Facilities Master Plan Public Works Facilities DESCRIPTION: Perform a condition and security assessment of all City facilities. 145 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 110,000 110,000 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 110,000 110,000 Total Funding 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 Totals Contingency FUNDING SOURCES Totals Capital Projects Fund (General) Total Costs Study Engineering Construction JUSTIFICATION: Current equipment is over ten years old. Viewing area is limited to seats near the front TVs. The interface controller (AMX) is difficult to use. Audio quality for council area is limited by gooseneck microphone. TBD PROJECT COSTS Audio Visual Upgrades to Council Chambers IT Technology DESCRIPTION: Upgrade Audio/Video equipment in Council Chambers and Bill Watson Conference Room at City Hall. 146 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 150,000 150,000 Total Funding 150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Total Impact Capital Improvement Fund (General) IMPACT ON BUDGET Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Design JUSTIFICATION: This study will provide empirical data that will make a recommendation from a licensed traffic engineer to determine if the conditions exist to support lowering of the speed limit. TBD PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Construction Contingency Other Costs City Wide Traffic Study Public Works Other Improvements DESCRIPTION: Perform a City Wide traffic study to review and analyze current conditions within the City limits to determine the feasability to reduce the posted speed limit from 30 MH to 25 MPH. 147 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1,600,000 1,600,000 Total Funding 1,600,000 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Operating Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: The contruction of this new storm sewer system would eliminate existing drainage connections from Southside Place on the 66" line that is between the boundaries of both cities and improve drainage to areas downstream of Case St. to Bellarie Blvd. TBD PROJECT COSTS College Avenue Shared System Public Works Streets and Drainage DESCRIPTION: In conjuction with the City of Southside Place, this project would design and construct a new storm sewer pipe along Auden Street. Totals Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Totals Total Impact City of Southside Place CDBG/HGMP IMPACT ON BUDGET 148 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50,000 50,000 Total Funding 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: The purpose of the study will be to identify alternatives (i.e. raingardens, microdetention, etc.) that will allow the City to fully utilize proposed drainage improvements with no restrictions. TBD PROJECT COSTS Alternative Stormwater Detention Study Public Works Streets DESCRIPTION: Perform a feasability study for stormwater detention alternatives available to the City that are not considered traditional detention methods. Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals Study Totals FUNDING SOURCES Totals Capital Improvement Fund (General) Total Costs Engineering Construction Contingency 149 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2,460,000 2,460,000 2,460,000 0 0 0 0 2,460,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2,460,000 2,460,000 Total Funding 2,460,000 0 0 0 0 2,460,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Certificates of Obligations Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals The City is encountering an increase in criminals that pass through the City that have extensive criminal histories. Do to the proximity of the City of West University to one of the largest cities and counties in America the overload from those counties is creating in increase in pass through crime. The traditional response to an increase in crime is to add additional police officers, however with the advances in technology the City is using this approach to supplement current police operations. PROJECT COSTS Totals Total Costs Study Design Engineering Contingency Construction FUNDING SOURCES JUSTIFICATION: Virtual Gate IT Technology DESCRIPTION: The "Virtual Gate" is a network of intersection video that includes cameras and license plate readers that will cover all entrances to the City. The network includes a comprehensive technology system to help with crime detection and resolution. The project was authorized by City Council in 2017 to be implemented over two Phases where Phase I will provide cameras at (15) locations and Phase II will provide cameras at the remaining (25) locations. 150 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 150,000 150,000 Total Funding 150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 Water and Sewer Capital Projects Totals The system was designed in the 1950s. Since that time, water distribution technology has advanced and the housing stock, land footprint, and land use has changed over the years resulting in larger homes, more irrigation systems etc. This study will inform future renovations/replacements needed to system to ensure proper capacity and pumping requirements to meet future demand. TBD PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES JUSTIFICATION: Drinking Water Distribution Efficiency Study and Future Projects Public Works Water DESCRIPTION: Perform engineering study to analyze the operations and capacity needs of the City's Water Distribution System. This study will inform future renovations/replacements for the water system. The City has an asset renewal conceptual plan informed by annual inspection reports and recurring asset renewal best practices. The need to maintain the critical service assets over the next five years requires substantial funding that may require bond funding. Replacements/Renovations costs below are pre-liminary estimates provided to staff by engineers. 151 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 100,000 100,000 0 150,000 250,000 259,000 268,000 278,000 1,205,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 309,000 318,000 328,000 1,505,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 250,000 300,000 309,000 318,000 328,000 1,505,000 Total Funding 250,000 300,000 309,000 318,000 328,000 1,505,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: This plan will identify the remaining cast iron water lines that are still in service and implement a replacement program. Due to the age and conditions of the pipes, they are highly susceptible for failure causing unnecessary waste of water and increase maintenance costs. TBD PROJECT COSTS Water Distribution Replacement Assessment Public Works Water DESCRIPTION: Perform City Wide inventory of water lines with a phased in approach for replacement. Totals Study Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Engineering Totals Total Impact Water and Sewer Capital Projects IMPACT ON BUDGET 152 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 30,000 30,000 170,000 170,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 200,000 200,000 Total Funding 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: WWTP Clarifier Automation System Public Works Wastewater DESCRIPTION: Installation of an automated cleaning system for the newly installed clarifier weirs. FUNDING SOURCES Totals Water and Sewer Capital Projects Study Engineering Construction Contingency The clarifiers provide a lot of surface area for algae growth and debris accumilation within the weirs that can cause premature failure to the weirs. The new system will eliminate manual cleaning and improve safety, reduce unexpected maintenance costs and optimize the treatment process. Annual Preventative Maintenance PROJECT COSTS Totals Total Costs Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals 153 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: JUSTIFICATION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 95,000 95,000 0 95,000 0 0 0 0 95,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 95,000 95,000 Total Funding 95,000 0 0 0 0 95,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Annual Preventative Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0 The current SCADA and PLC uses proprietary software and limits the service providers able to access the program. The system is over 20 years old and obsolete. A new PLC will monitor many more alarms than our current system to ensure optimal operation of the system. The PLCs give operators an early warning that something has gone wrong - before the process can be impaired by a failure. The system needs to be replaced to meet today's technology standards to allow for maintenance and performance testing. Supervisory Control Data Acquisition (SCADA) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Replacement and Upgrade Public Works Water DESCRIPTION: Replace drinking water system Supervisory Control Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Programmable Logic Control (PLC). Annual Preventative Maintenance PROJECT COSTS Totals Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Water and Sewer Capital Projects Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals 154 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50,000 50,000 Engineering 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 50,000 50,000 Total Funding 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: This study will identify options and requirements needed for direct potable reuse utilizing the City's treated effluent water. This study will also look at indirect potable reuse to identify other potential revenue generating options. TBD PROJECT COSTS Feasibility Study for Water Reclamation Public Works Wastewater DESCRIPTION: Perform a feasibility study for water reclamation. Totals Study Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Totals Total Impact Water and Sewer Capital Projects IMPACT ON BUDGET 155 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 110,000 110,000 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 110,000 110,000 Total Funding 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: Installing the meters will allow us to better monitor our water production and have better process control. The plan will replace 2 wells flow meters, 3 distribution flow meters and install 3 surface water meters. Annual Preventative Maintenance and Calibration PROJECT COSTS Flow Meter Replacement Program Public Works Water DESCRIPTION: Remove and replace all water flow meters for the water distribution system. Totals Study Engineering Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Totals Total Impact Water and Sewer Capital Projects IMPACT ON BUDGET 156 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 200,000 200,000 Total Funding 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Replacement of 6 booster pumps for the drinking water distribution system. JUSTIFICATION: The current booster pumps have been in service since the 1950's and are nearing the end of their useful life. Newer pumps are designed to be more efficient. Annual Preventative Maintenance to pumps. PROJECT COSTS Booster Pump Replacement Program Public Works DIVISION: Water DESCRIPTION: Totals Construction Contingency Study Engineering Total Costs Totals Water and Sewer Capital Projects Total Impact FUNDING SOURCES IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals 157 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 120,000 120,000 120,000 0 0 0 0 120,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 120,000 120,000 Total Funding 120,000 0 0 0 0 120,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: The current gates are no longer functioning properly. The gates are used to control and maintain the water level on one side and allow for the isolation of the basin to allow for maintenance work. The gates will reduce maintenance costs as staff will no longer require the rental of additional equipment to perform needed maintenance. TBD PROJECT COSTS Slide Gate Replacement at WWTP Public Works Wastewater DESCRIPTION: Replace slide gates at the influent and aeration basins at the waste water treatment plant. Totals Study Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Engineering Totals Total Impact Water and Sewer Capital Projects IMPACT ON BUDGET TBD 158 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 75,000 75,000 Engineering 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 75,000 75,000 Total Funding 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Water and Sewer Capital Projects Totals The purpose of the study will be to identify options to protect the treatment plant from future flooding events. This will include flood protection to the interior and exterior of the facility, as well as identify the need to elevate the equipment. PROJECT COSTS Totals Study TBD DESCRIPTION: JUSTIFICATION: WWTP Flood Protection Study Public Works Wastewater Perform a feasibility study for flood protection at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 159 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 90,000 90,000 Engineering 90,000 0 0 0 0 90,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 90,000 90,000 Total Funding 90,000 0 0 0 0 90,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUSTIFICATION: The wastewater treatment plant is currently being affected by inflow and infiltration during storm events. Addressing the causes for this would help lower the water being treated at the plant and help stabilize the water characteristic seen in the influent. TBD PROJECT COSTS Inflow and Infiltration Study Public Works Wastewater DESCRIPTION: Perform an inflow and infiltration study to determine where storm water is entering the sanitary sewer collection system. Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals Totals FUNDING SOURCES Totals Water and Sewer Capital Projects Total Costs Study Construction Contingency 160 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Location Map to be inserted later. BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 4,617,000 4,617,000 16,538,000 16,538,000 11,445,000 11,445,000 32,600,000 0 0 0 0 32,600,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 32,600,000 32,600,000 Total Funding 32,600,000 0 0 0 0 32,600,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Total Impact Transportation Improvement Fund IMPACT ON BUDGET FUNDING SOURCES Totals Construction Drainage Study JUSTIFICATION: Details of the project can be found in the 2018 Drainage Preliminary Engineering Report. TBD - (does not include additional detention costs) PROJECT COSTS Totals Engineering Construction Road Contingency Total Costs Buffalo Speedway Public Works Streets DESCRIPTION: This project consists of engineering design and construction services of the Buffalo Speedway Drainage System. This project is being funded by the City and may qualify for future grant funding through FEMA. 161 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: JUSTIFICATION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Engineering 115,000 115,000 2,500 2,500 117,500 0 0 0 0 117,500 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 117,500 117,500 0 0 Total Funding 117,500 0 0 0 0 117,500 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET TBD PROJECT COSTS Totals Equipment Replacement Fund Totals Study Contingency FUNDING SOURCES Construction Total Costs Colonial Park Pool Improvements Parks and Recreation Colonial Park Pool Resurfacing was last performed in 2010 with a useful life of 9 years. This is the plaster covering of the gunite walls of the pool. Best practice is to strip all plaster to the gunite, wash, repair any cracks and apply new plaster coating. Safety and protect the asset of the pool. 162 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: JUSTIFICATION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 0 Engineering 205,000 205,000 10,000 10,000 215,000 0 0 0 0 215,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 215,000 215,000 Total Funding 215,000 0 0 0 0 215,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Friends of West U Parks Fund, Inc. TBD Colonial Pool Water Feature Replacement Parks and Recreation Colonial Park Pool Replacement of outdated water features. The existing features work as intended except for the rain cloud and the stairs to the big slide. Replace play features - Tot slide, remove rain cloud and replace with bobble #2, and Splashtacular Slide - stairs and treads due for replacement at minimum. These projects will preserve the quality of life for West University Place Citizens. 163 City of West University Place Five Year Community Improvement Project Sheet PROJECT NUMBER:TBD YEAR:2020 PROJECT NAME: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: JUSTIFICATION: BUDGET IMPACT: Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Design 233,000 233,000 30,000 30,000 263,000 0 0 0 0 263,000 Five Year Plan Estimates 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 263,000 263,000 Total Funding 263,000 0 0 0 0 263,000 Impact on Operations 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TBD 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Impact IMPACT ON BUDGET Totals PROJECT COSTS Totals Study Construction Contingency Total Costs FUNDING SOURCES Totals Friends of West U Parks Fund, Inc. TBD Colonial Park Redevelopment - East Parks and Recreation Parks Maintenance Redevelopment of Colonial Park playground areas and add lighting to the east end. Demo existing wooden play structures and sand volleyball court. Refurbish playground equipment, potentially install zip line or fitness course with shade depending on user group and Parks Board input, install dog drinking fountain and enhance Case St. playground entry. This park redevelopment project is in direct alignment with Recommendation #1 the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. The wooden play features were installed in 2000 and have outlived their useful life. These projects will preserve the quality of life for West University Place Citizens. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171