HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1643 - zoning ; peripheral areas & the commercial district
WHEREAS, the City Council and the Zoning & Planning Commission ("Z&PC") of
the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") have held a joint public hearing on a
proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City, as last reformatted and readopted
by Ordinance No. 1493, adopted December 19, 1994 ("Zoning Ordinance"), together
with companion and conforming amendments; and
WHEREAS, the ZPC has submitted it final report on the proposal and the
companion and conforming amendments, which report is attached as Exhibit A and
made a part of this ordinance by reference; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to proceed with the adoption process;
Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as indicated in the
attachment to the report of the Z&PC in Exhibit A, vvhich is attached and made a part of
this ordinance. Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as indicated
in Exhibit B, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance.
Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase,
clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting
has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion,
consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
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and the contents and posting thereof. The City Council officially finds, determines and
declares that sufficient notices of the joint public hearing were given, and the City
Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices, including the contents and the
method in which they were given.
Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following its
publication, as provided in the City Charter. The effective date of the temporary
regulations imposed by the ordinance calling a joint public hearing on this matter
(Ordinance No. 1635) shall be used for purposes of acquiring PNC status under
Section 12-102 of the Zoning Ordinance, but only for changes in regulations first
imposed at that time. Exception: For new construction within newly-platted townhouse
subdivisions, July 1, 2005 is the deadline to file complete permit applications and obtain
PNC status under Section 12-102(b). A "newly-platted townhouse subdivision" is a
subdivision (for attached or "garden-style" dwellings) established by plat or replat
approved finally by the Zoning & Planning Commission after January 1, 1996 but
before the adoption of the ordinance calling a joint public hearing on this matter.
PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading on ~ ~ , 2000.
Votihg Aye: (/
Voting Nay:
ATTEST: (Seal)
City Attorney
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Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council
Honorable Members of the Zoning & Planning Commission
Jim Dougherty
April 21,2000
SUBJECT: "Peripheral Area" Final Ordinance Package
Attached is a copy of the proposed final ordinance package for the "peripheral area"
proposals. A "Key Issue Chart" is attached this memorandum for reference. Here are some
of the late-breaking issues:
. Site Testing. We have worked with staff to "backtest" the new rules on a variety of
hypothetical' development sites. Here are the major findings:
· In general, the limiting factorJor every project was the amount of land required
for parking, driveways, loading areas, maneuvering areas, etc. The new rules
will require more pavement (and smaller buildings).
· It may be impossible to fit two townhouses onto a 50 x 100 site, either corner or
interior, because of the combined requirements for: (i) side yands, (ii) two-car
garages, (Hi) new minimum garage dimensions and (iv) maneuvering areas.1
The practical effect is that a townhouse project will require at least two small
· There were some minor or technical issues that are addressed in the final
recommended ordinance: (i) a small change in units per acre (17.5, up from
14), (ii) narrow landscaping strips, (iii) wheelchair accessible parking, (iv) curbs
for wheel stops, (v) driveway measurements, (vi) inserting "orphan" clauses
from the schedules that are deleted from the ordinance.
. PNC Status; Effective.Date. .The proposed adopting ordinance, in Section 5,
provides that, for purposes of acquiring prior non-conforming ("PNC") status under
Article 12 of the Zoning Ordinance, the PNC "effective date" is the date that the
temporary regulations were first imposed. This carries out the apparent intent of the
temporary regulations. It would certainly be anomalous to require compliance with the
new rules during the temporary period, then allow some permits under the old rules,
and then revert back to the new rules. In an exceptional case, however, a person
could proceed under the old rules by filing competed applications as late as 90 days
past the PNCeffective date. See Section 12-103(c) of the Zoning Ordinance.
1 Coincidentally, adovcates of a propsed two-townhouse project on Kirby attended a recent Z&PC meeting
to express concern about the new rules. They said they had prepared complete plans based upon the pre-existing
rules and now cannot use them. See "Effective Date Issues," above. The Z&PC debated a proposal to relax the
new garage rules, for small sites only, but ultimately decided not to do so, by a vote of 3-2.
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Key Issue Chart
SFD privacy protection
Tree areas
Parking, access
Garage dimensions
"Back-out" egress
Visibility triangles
Density Unitslacre
Yards or
':::[f~~it::::::i:::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::i::::I:i::'::'. .::_!:.pi.~i:::i'::i::::::'::::i::'
Basic Require studies and
requirements easements
(No regulation) Restrict sight lines
from third-floor space
Limited Require more street
requirements trees and shrubs
(No regulation) Require. pervious
"pods" for each
required tree
Basic Require engineering;
requirements prohibit above-grade
parking, etc.
g' per space x 18' 12' per space x 25'
(No special rule) Prohibit "back-out"
egress plans
Usually required Require for all TH and
C uses and on .
boundary. streets
RegUlate treeS, Regulate.fences,
bushes only buildings, etc.
21.5 17.5
(No regulation) 100% of building site
5' front, 3' side 10' front,S' side
: :.~iiml~::::.:l::::;:::::::::::::::::::':'::::'i::::::.::1.
Require new projects to
receive and handle
across-lot-line flows
Limits high "lookouts"
onto SFD sites
Generally 5' along all
streets, except SFD
Supplements Chapter
22 (tree ordinance)
Adopt Traffic
Engineering Handbook
For townhouses
ForTH, GR and C
areas; safety and
congestion control
Amend Chapter 6
(eXisting sidewalk
E.g., street corners in
For dwelling units
Compare: 80% in SFD
For TH areas
Chapter 20
Table 7-4b
Table 7-3
Table 7-3
Article 10
Table 7-4a
Article 10
Chapter 6
Table 7-5a
Table 7-4b
Table 7-4b
Table 7-2
. Expand zoning tables and add drawings.
. Delete nine attached "schedules" and shorten Article 10.
.. Update the subdiVision ordinance (Chapter 20) and streamline processing and site plans.
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Zoningj & Planning Commission
City of W~st University Place, Texas
380Q University Boulevard
Hquston, Texas 77005
April 17, 2000
Honorable Mayor &
Members of the city qouncil
City of West University P~ace
3808 University Boulevard'
Houston, Texas 77005
Subject: Final repo~t on a proposal to amend the zoning
ordinance qf the City of West University Place,
Texas ("City") to revise regulations applicable to
non-single-tfamily districts, including "peripheral
areas." C
To the Honorable Mayor :
& Members of City Council:!
The Zoning & Planning Commission of the City submits this,
its final report, on the ~ubjectproposal, for the assistance of
the Council as well as otner interested persons.
Scope of Proposal . ~he proposal is to modify existing
regulations and add new r~gulations applicable primarily to non-
single-family districts" ~ncluding "peripheral areas." A summary
of the proposals is attac~ed and entitled "Peripheral Area
Proposals." Detailed pag~s showing the amendments to the text of
the zoning ordinanc~ are ~lso attached.
Please note that the [detailed pages include a number of new
tables that consolidate r~gulations from other parts of the
Ordinance. The Commissioq recommends this approach, as it will
shorten the Ordinance aridimake it easier to use. The proposal
also contemplates "compan~on" changes in other ordinances of the
City. Excerpts from thes~ are also attached.
Joint Public Hearinq~ Data.
comments to this proposal iat the
27. The Commission has r~viewed
comprehensive plan and data from
Several citizens addressed
joint public hearing held March
them as well as the
the Commission and staff.
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Apr 21 00 09:31a
Sarita Energ~ Resources
(713) 224-1683
The Commission recommends including the fol:Lowing minor
changes in the final version of the proposals: (1) clarified
driveway and maneuvering area measurements, (2) conformed
requirements for narrow landscaping strips, (3) a cross-
reference to non-zoning requirements for wheelchair-accessible
parking spaces, (4) a calculation method for dwelling units per
acre, (5) a provision allowing the use of curbs as wheel stops
in park~ng areas, and (6) various provisions that would
otherwise be "orphaned" by the abolition of the PO'O and QMOS
schedules. (Note: Most of the orphans were relocated to
footnotes to tables in Articles 7 and 10.) All of these minor
changes are consistent with the purpose and intent of the main
Recommendation. Based on the hearing and review given this
matter, the Commission: (i) finds that the proposed amendments,
if adopted, would be in the public interest, would be consistent
with the comprehensive plan and would logically address
conditions that have arisen since the last update of the
ordinance, (ii) makes its final recommendation favorable to the
amendments, and (iii) recommends that the City Council adopt
The Vote. The following members of. the Commission approve
this preliminary report: Commissioners Nelson, Higley and Musher
voted "aye." Pohl and Kelly voted "no;" and Griffin and Boucher
not present.
Respectfully submitted:
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Peripheral Area Proposals
Z&PC Final Report
Zoning Ordinance
Short Title And Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (no change)
Definitions and Interpretations. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Add to and amend; see attached
Zoning Districts Established. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., (change names of two PDD's only)
Zoning District Map.. .... . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . " . . . ... . . . .. (change names of two PDD's only)
Building Sites ........................................ Expand Table 5-1; see attached
Compliance Required .......................................... _ . . . , . . .. (no change)
District-Specific Regulation..........Make major changes to the tables; see attached.
Table 7-1. Uses....................................Expand and amend.
Table 7-2. Yards (or 'setbacks')............Expandand amend"
Table 7-3. Open & Pervious Areas.......Expand and amend"
Table 7-4. Buildings...........,..................Expand, amend* and split between:
Table 7-4a: Garages
. Table 7-4b: Buildings
Table 7-5. Certain Structures................Expand, amend* and split between:
Table 7-5a: Parking, Driveways
Table 7-5b: Ceratin Structures
Table 7-6. Projections Schedule............Minor amendments; see attached.
Additional Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Minor amendments; see attached
Planned Development Districts . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (no change)
Parking Areas, Driveway and Loading Areas .......... Heavily amend; shorten; see attached
Variances and Special Exceptions ......................................... (no change)
Prior Nonconformities .................................................... (no change)
Enforcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (no change)
Amendments ......................................................... . (no change)
Board of Adjustment, Zoning & Planning Commission ......................... (no change)
Schedule PDD-THI ......................................................... De/ete*
Schedule PDD- TH2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " De/ete*
Schedule PDD- TH3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete"
Schedule PDD- TH4 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . De/ete*
Schedule PDD- THS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete"
Schedule PDD- TH6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete"
Schedule PDD..TH7 . . . - , , - , . . . . . . . , . . - , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De/ete*
Schedule PDD-CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Delete"
Lot Division Schedule. .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (no change)
Driveway Visibility Triangle Diagram ..,',.,.,.,."",................... . . . . (no change)
QMDS Schedule (Qualified Medium-Density Subdivisions) . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De/ete*
* Most items from deleted PDD schedules are added to Article 7 tables and reformatted.
Change "PDD- TH3H to "PDD-SF1H and "PDD- TH6H to "PDD-SF2," throughout and in Zoning District Map.
Article 1,
Article 2.
Article 3.
Article 4.
Article 5.
Article 6.
Article 7.
ArticleB. .
Article. 9.
Article 10.
Article 11 .
Article 12
Article 13.
Article 14.
Article 15.
Code of Ordinances
In Chapter 6: Amend Section 6.411 regarding sidewalks. See attached.
In Chapter 20: Amend various sections regarding subdivision regulations. See attached.
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Amend Article 2 (Definitions) adding thefol/owing definitions (moved from the
QMDS Schedule) and amending them as fol/ows:
"QMDS" or "Qualified Medium Density Subdivision" means a subdivision established
by plat or replat that meets all the following criteria:
(1) Certain Districts, The area lies within one or more of these Districts: TH, GR-l,
GR-2, PDD-TH1, PDD-TH2, PDD-TH4, PDD-TH5 or PDD-TH7. and rDD-TUG.
(2) Internal Access Garages. It designates internal access garages for at least 80% of
the lots in the subdivision with suffiCient driveways, alleys, curb cuts and
maneuvering areas to serve them. "Internal access garage" means an enclosed
garage with a door that: (i) does not face the front street line of its lot, unless it is
40 feet or more from that line, and (ii) does not face a side street line of its lot,
unless it is 20 feet or more from that line. Exception: For subdivision of an old
building site (existing before October 24, 1987) with a width of 61 feet or less,
there may be a low-impact motor court instead of internal-access garages.
(3) Yards. It must designate all required yards~ front. side and rear. (Notes: Yards are
required only around the perimeter of the subdivision, not internally. However,
easements, open areas and other restricted areas may be required internally; see
below. Yards designatedbv OMDS olat control over general vard'definitions
elsewhere.) . .
(4) Access, Parking, Environmental Issues. Vehicular access, driveways,
maneuvering areas, streets and alleys (public or private), easements, curb cuts,
parking spaces, building lines, open areas and previous areas may be identified
and restricted by the plat so that, in the judgment of the Z&PC: (i) any impact. on
adjacent properties or neighborhoods is minimized, (ii) routine, emergency and
utility access are adequate, (iii) environmental effects (including runoff, tree
impacts, bulk, light. air, etc.) are mitigated. The plat may require such areas to be
larger than otherwise required by this ordinance. The Z&PC may require
dedication of a public street area or alley.
(5) Maintenance, Repair, Etc. It incorporates a permanent method for maintenance,
repair, insurance and reconstruction of: (i) private streets, driveways and common
areas, (ii) external features of attached dwelling units, (iii) common walls, and (iv)
other common structures. The method must be either a homeowners's association
with full authority to perform these functions and assess the cost to the owners, or
a substantially-equivalent method approved by the Z&PC.
(6) Easements. It includes any necessary easements for access to common areas or
structures and for maintenance, repair or reconstruction of non-common
(7) Building Lines, It includes building lines approved by the Z&PC based upon the
specific characteristics of the site and adjoining areas. Building lines may be
deeper (or greater) than the otherwise-applicable yard areas. Areas between a
building line and the street are designated and regulated as yards (front, side, etc.).
(8) Title Block; Restrictions. The title block designates it a "qualified medium-
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density subdivision" and incorporates the applicable provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance and Chapter 20. It must recite that all restrictions on the plat or
incorporated into the plat, shall "run with the land" and shall be.independentIy
enforceable by any person or entity having an interest in property included in the
plat (which may include the City) and by any homeowner's association that may
be created. Any such enforcement by the City is an additional, alternative remedy
for~he City.
A "low-impact motor court" or "LIMe" is a vehicle parking and maneuvering area in a
OMDS that meets all these criteria:
(1) One Curb Cut. Only one curb cut per 50 feet of frontage, maximum 12 feet wide
(measured at the narrow point of the apron)
(2) On-Street Spaces. In GR-I or GR-2, must leave at least two 18-foot curb spaces
per 50 feet of frontage.
(3) Landscaped Buffer Strips. Must include strips five feet deep in hom a1nmr c;:trppt
areas, two fi:.c.t 18 inches deep on sides. Must be landscaped with evergreen
hedges or shrubs.
(4) Street Trees. At least one per 24 feet of street frontage (round down)
(5) Pervious Pavement. Must be used throughout.
Note: Where an LIMC is allowed, internal access garages are not required: see above definition
"Pervious pavement" includes both: (I) specially-manufactured pavement blocks or grids
that have holes filled with pervious material, and (2) stones, bricks or pavers laid with
intervening gaps filled with pervious materials. Pervious pavement must have a pervious base.
"Visibilitv triangle" This term includes both "drivewayvisibilitv trianflle" a~ (h~finprl in
this Ordinance and "visibilitv triangle" as defined. in, Chapter 22' of the Code of Orciinanr.p~
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4.500 Square Foot Exception. A stnJcture may be located on an old building site with at least 40 feet of width artd at least 4,500 square
feet of total area, if the building site: (i) was improved with a principal building in existence on the 1987 effective date or for any period
of twenty consecutive years prior to the 1987 effective date, under circumstances where there was no additional land used for the building
site, and (ii) was erel!ted by subdivision plat and not made smaller thereafter except to provide public right of way or to accommodate
physical encroachments, or as specifically allowed by, Article 5.
4.300 Square Foot Exception, A stnJcture may be loCated on an old building site with at least 40 feet of width and at least 4.300 square
teet or total area, if the building site: (i) was created by subdivision plat approved by the city councilor the Z&PC. (ii) has not been made
smaller thereatkr for any reason,
Certain Re-Subdivisions After October 24. 1987, A subdivided lot in a SF-I, SF~3 or GR-I District may be further subdivided to
produce a building site with less than seventy-five (75) feet of width or less than one hundred ten (110) feet of depth if all applicable
procedures under state law and the City's ordinances, rules and regulations are followed and one of the following three sets of
circumstances is present: (A) All portions of the subdivided lots are added to adjoining subdivided lots. (B) The number oflots is not
increased. and all resulting lots have: (i) a depth greater than or equal to the depth of the shallowest lot before the re-subdivision. and (ii)
a width greater than or equal to the width of the narrowest lot betore the re-subdivision; provided that no resulting lot is irregularly shaped
(unless it was so shaped before the re-subdivision). (C) A portion of the subdivided lot is needed for City use or utility or service use.
Width & Depthin GR-1 and GR-2 Dsitricts. Minimum widths and depths do not apply to single-family uses (attaChed or detached).
Area in GR-1 and GR-2 Districts. Minimum area is 2,000 sq. ft. for single-family uses (attached or detached).
Table 5-1:
Building Site Dimensions
Item Measurement
Old building sites Width. minimum
(before October 24,
See Notes 1 and 2. Depth, minimum
Area. minimum
New building sites (on or Width. minimum
after October 24, 1987).
See Note 3.
Depth. minimum
Area, minimum
Note 1.
Note 2,
Note 3.
Note 4.
Note 5.
General Rule: This table prescribes the minimum dimensions tor building sites. by
District. ("DU" means "dwelling unit, ") . Exceptions/Special Rules: ' (1) See PDD
~chedules for pl3JUleddevelopment districts. (2) See special notes in table. (3) The
Z&PC may establish different dimensions by approving a plan.. plat or replat (see Article
50 ft. 75 ft. 50 ft. N/A 50 ft. 100 ft. 75 ft.
See Note See Note
4 4
100 ft. 105 ft. 100 ft. N/A 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft.
See Note See Note
4 4
5,000 sq. 7.875 sq. 5,000 sq. 2.000 sq, 5.000 sq. 40.000 7,500
ft. ft. ft. Jt per ft. sq. ft. sq. ft.
DU. See Note See Note
5 5
75 ft. 75 ft. 75 ft. N/A 75 ft. 100 ft. 75 ft.
See Note See Note
4 4
110 ft. 105ft. 110 ft. N/A 11 0 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft.
See Note See Note
4 4
8,250 sq. 7,875 sq, 8,250 sq; 2,000 sq. 8,250 sq. 40,000 7,500
ft. ft. ft, ft. per ft. sq. ft. sq. ft..
DU See Note See Note
5 5
:XHIBii A-
:~-age ~ of U total pages'
Table 5-1~ cont.
Old building sites
(before October 24.
See Notes 1 and 2,
New building sites (on or
after October 24. ,1987)
See Note 3,
Width. minimum
Deoth. minimum
Area.. minimum
Width. minimum
Depth. minimum
Area. minimum
General Rule: lbis table orescribes the minimum dimensions fur buildinp ~il"" hv
District. ("DU" means "dwellinf! unit. ") ExcelJtions/SlJecial Rules' ()) See pnn
SChedules for planned development districts. (2) See soecial notes in table n \ Illl:
Z&PC mav establish different dimengions hv annrovinp' a "Ian "In. or rpnl~t ((Zpp. 4rti~l~
II 1I1IBII rill
100 ft,
5.000 SQ. ft.
75 ft,
II 0 ft.
8.250 sq. ft.
~ i.!U!.
~ ~
2.000 SQ. ft. per DU. 5.000 SQ.
N/A 50 ft.
!:U1 ~
2.000 sq. ft. per DU 5.000 SQ.
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All other uses
Note 1. [Reserved]
Note 2. (Reserved]
Note 3. Special Exceptions. A special exception may also specifY and limit accessory lISes and accessory buildings,
Note 4. Park. Playground. Etc. In this district, a park, playground or community center may be privately or publicly owned.
Note 5. Parking Use in PDD-SF2. The ZBA may issue a special exception to authorize parking of motor vehicles in cormection with nearby
commercial activities, upon approval by the ZBA of the types of vehicles, design of parking facilities (including landscaping, paving,
lighting, fences or walls. signs, etc.) and curb cuts, all of which may be included as site-specific conditions of the special exception.
Not e 6. Light Office Use in PDD-C 1. The only commercial use allowed in PDD-C I is light office use. meaning offices for conducting real estate,
insurance and other similar businesses and the offices of the architectural, clerical, engineering, legal, dental, medical and other established
and recognized professions. in which only such personnel are employed as are customarily required for the practice of such business or
Table 7-1:
Use Category
Specific Use
Other residential
Public and Semi-Public
Park, playground,
or community
center ( public)
School (public)
School (other)
Utility or service
use See Article 8.
PWSF use. See
PWSF Schedule.
Light commercial
See Article 8 regarding
certain sexually oriented
i~ ....,~~_..'..
General Rule: Within each District: uses marked "A" are allowed. uses marked "SE"
are allowed only to the extent authorized by a special exception (see Note 3). and uses
marked "X" are prohibited. E):cepllOns'Specwl Rules: (I) See POD Schedules for
planned development districts. (2) See special rules noted in table.
A or SE AorSE A or SE Aor AorSE A or SE Aor
'-'H'BIT A
:A I _ -'
.~ -age .L of a . total pagest
---...,-----~..--r'c'~"'" ""'-"'~~'~.1I".:'::l----'---'---r'-!-~~---':-----' "IILL.... _, .llL.J,L_ll..'.,J.LJlL.IiIiIIIIr
Table 7-1. cont.
Use Cate20rv
Specific Use
Other residential
Public and Semi-
Park. playground,
or community
center (public)
School (public)
School (other)
Utility or service
use. See Art. 8.
PWSF use. See
PWSF Schedule.
Light commercial
See Article 8
re2ardin2 certain
sexually oriented
All other uses
General Rule: Within each District: uses marked" A" are allowed. uses marked "SE" lOre
allowed only to the extent authorized bv a soecial excention (see Note 3'. and uses marked
~ PrUliibited, Exceptions/SpecIal Rules: ( 1) See PDD Schedules ti:li: nlanneel
deyelol>l11ent districts. (2) See slJecial rules noted in table,
X See
Note 8
X ,
~ ~ ~ A See ~ ~
Note 7
~ ~ ~ X See ~ ~
Note 7
L- X X X X X
L- X X X X X
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
:i.2!: ~
Note 4
Note 6
. X
Garden-style use in PDD-TH4. "Garden-stvle' sinlde family detached use is allowed in PDD-TH4if authorized bv a ~ Iilim.meetin..
the uirementsof Ordinance No. 1560. ad tedOctober 12. 1998. which is continued inefiect tor the ori 'nal site Ian and .
amendments.an -reolacements ofthatDlan. Such-asite DIan..8fter annroval hv. ordinance in RC".cnrl'lanr.p-withArt;l"Ip- ld ronntrnlQ n"p,.
any provision elsewhere in this ordinance.
Attached dwellin2s in PD~SFl. Any existin~ attacheddwellinllS which complied with the former Schedule PDD-TH3 {Brownin..
Townhouse'PDD)at the time oftherr,constmction have PNC status. under aridsubiect to Article 12 of this ordinance The minimnm
width for interior side yards for such dwellin~ units is zero where there is an existinl!: common wall (or ex,otinl' continunnslv_"hnftina
separate walls) aloDl~ the property line. in either case with a four.hour fife ratin~ or better. The minimum number of nark,n.. sqaces is
two per dwellin~,unit. and additional guest parkin~,'is not required. notwithstandin~ other nrovisiQns of this orelinanc," or anv .....cial
excePtion issued under this ordinance.
.vote 7.
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
- . . .
See ~
Note 5
.X _X
-:XH\BlT b- -'
'~-age ----1- 01
-I 11
, ~,!.Ili 1I111
tola\ ~l
Table 7-2:
Yards (or 'set
Front yard
Interior side yard
Street side yard
Rear yard
SF Bufferyard
Note J.
Note 2.
Note 3.
Note 4.
Note 6.
Note 7.
Distance from ,front
street line.
Distance from side
property line (each
Distance from side
street line.
Distance from rear
property line.
Distance from
nearest part of an
SF District
General Rule: No pan of any strUcture may be located within a part of a building site included
within a yard defined. by District. in this table. (UN/An means the rule does not apply.)
ExceptIonS/Special Rules: (1) Structuresmay be located in yards to the extent allowed by the
Projections Schedule. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3) See PDD Schedules tor Planned
Development Districts. (4) &~e alkrnate .1I14 ",l~ :.. t1., 01.IOG Ekl.eJ..k (5) See additional
setbacks in the PWSF Schedule.
20 feet if the building site depth is 110
feet or less; 25 feet if the building site
depth is more than 110 feet but not
more than 125 feet: 30 feet if the
building site depth is more than 125
feet. See Note 5.
20 ft.
See Note 7 and 8..
30 ft.
See Note
Greater of 10% of building site width
or 5 feet. See Note 2.
3- ~ ft.. See Note 4. See Note 7.
5 ft.
See Note
Greater of
10% of
ing site
width or 5
a, See
Notes 2.
Greater of 10% of
building site width or 5
feet. See Notes 2. 6,
10ft. See Note 7.
20 ft. See Note J.
20 ft. See
Note 7.
5 ft. See Nole 7.
5 ft.
I Nt'
20 ft. See Note 7.
"Through Lots." If a building site extends all the way through a block. so that the front and rear both abut a street area,. there is no rear yard, but
the site is treated as if there were two front yards, each with the same depth as the average front yard on the same side of the block.
Narrow Site "317" Exception. Alternate side yard areas apply to a building site meeting all four of the following criteria: (A) The building site is
less than 55 feet wide. (B) The use is single-family (detached) use. (C) Outside the rear yard.. no wall ofany building is closer than 10 feet to
any wall of a "prior building" on another building site (unless there are "prior buildings" on both sides.. each within seven feet of the property
line), A "prior building" is a building in existence, under .construction or covered by a eurrent building pennit when a building permit is issued
for the subsequent building. (D) The owner has designated alternate side setback areas in a form approved by the building official and in
accordance with all of the following criteria: (l) Minimum setback. interior: 3 feet. (2) Minimum setback. street side: 5 teet., (3) Minimum
setbacks. both sides combined: greater of 10 feet or 20% of the building site width. (4) On each side. the setback is uniform. See Article 10
regarding "alternating driveway" rule.
Rotated Corners, For rotated comer building sites (SF-I District only), the minimum side street yard width is: (i) 10 feet if the building site
width is 65 feet or less. (ii) 10 feet plus the distance by which the width of the building site exceed 65 feet. if the building site width is more than
65 feet but less than 75 feet, (iii) 20 feet if the building site width is 75 feet or more but less than 100 feet. or (iv) for building sites 100 feet wide
or more. the side street yard width is determined by the same rules as the front yard depth,except that the "depth" of the building site is measured
from the side street line.
Common Walls. In the TH. GR-2 and C District. the ZBA may issue a special exception for a zero-width side yard. but only upon application by
both property owners and only if the special exception is conditioned upon the construction and maintenance of a conunon wall or continuously-
abutting separate walls (in either case with a four-hour life rating or better) along the property line. See. also, QMBB BeheduJ.:. Note 7. below,
for OMDS.
Major Thoroughfares. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a front yard less than 30 feet deep abutting a major thoroughfare, if the front
yard prescribed is at least 10 feet deep, and if the special exception requires the greatest practicable amount of pervious area in the front yard.
Special Exception, The ZBA may prescribe a different street side yard by speCial exception relating to frontage. See Article 8-
Yards In QMDS, Bel:. OMDS Beh~dtd~ 1'G~_d~l/taIlCldlltc. ~ desietlltiOll" A.ld~ ~<'liCGliollll ill d ~ In a OMDS vard~Me!llllY
re uired around the erimeter of the subdivision and are desi ated bv the subdivision lat. See detinition of MDS. Standard o' ections.into
ar are a ow er e ectlons e u e. a bon:
l!} ront tJr -1 or -_ n: rtl1C1 a UI m with an internal access ara e ma ro' ect as close as 10, feet to the street area
if. in the ro' eelin art: a there IS a irst- oor rch or WIth at lea.'lt 80 s . ft. of floor s ce 0
e core u no
s aceincludin en or screened hes.. are allowed above all the orch or court. c the cornice hei t docs not exceed 27 feet:
llftC(d) there are no more than 2.5 stones; an (e) ere IS no garal!e space.
{]U Front yard: Bav windows canopies and balconies at least 18 inches above I!l1lde.maY proiectJIP to 24 inches bevond ~ nrincinal
buiJdinil Stene:; a.nd handrails mav nroiect uo.to 30 inches- bevond the nrincinal buildin,g.
ftl Rear Yard and SF Bufferl!ard. Buildings up to 10 feet high (measured from tinished l!I'ade to top of roof plate) mav oroiect. but lli!.t
closer than 10 feet to the propertY line. ' ,
~H1BIi ..A-
. age ~ of 2f,., total pages'
"___I.LI. __I.LL..;...J...1
- -~~~l!Ir.:r.:l~"1I~r
Table 7-2.. cont.
General Rule: No Dart of any structure mav be located within a part of a building site included
within a vard defined:. bv DiStrict in this table. C;N! A" means the rule does nQt applv.)
exceptionS/Special RIlles: ( I ) Structures maY be !ocated in \lards to the extent allowed by the
ProTections Schedule. (2) See specIal rules noted m table. (3) See PDD Schedules for Planned
Develo "ent Districts.' 4 ' See additional
setbacks in the PWSF Sch ule.
a 1111
Front vard
Distance from front
street Ime,
10 ft. See Note 7.
20 ft.
5 ft.
'BIVd. )
Interior side yard Distance from side Greater of 10% of 5 ft. See Note 4. See Note 7, 20 ft. ~
oroDCrtv line (each building site width or (south
SIde). , 5 feet. See Note 2. ~
Street side vard Distance from side Greater of 10% of 10ft. SeeNote 7. 10 ft. See
street line. building site width or (Bisson- NOte 8.
S ft. See Notes 2. 6. ~
Rearvard Distance from rear 20 ft. See Note I. 20 ft. See Note 7. S ft. (west See
property line. Rrollertv NOte 8.
SF Bufiervard Distance from ~ 20 ft. See Note 7. ~ See
ne8restRart of an Note 8.
~~ Oidr1iot
:XHtBrr Pr-
. age -LL- of ~~
total pages'
rn .L' .L.. ;lld U.Lu.....1J 'ltl.:J1..h._.llJllEaA."
Rear Yard Adjacent to Non-SF. 11le ZBA may issue a special exception to reduce the requirement lor open area in a rear yard in a SF District to
not less than 40%. if the rear yard abuts a non-SF District.
P~1"I!iOUS Area.in QMDS. ' .. ..r:'~"-" .....__...... .__...._~. Front ~
mmunum rYlOUS area re ulrement m a IS 0.. or ,0 or a on var m a ,OW-1m act motor court.
Landsca in Stri s. Ve etate IOUS areas re Ire as 0 ows: a mm. . WI e a acen 0 eac e area or . ft. iflocated in front of
a ence or wa at e ee'-. ana miii:"'T8'iiicneS WIae to arate eacn ' avea vehicUlar area rromaIence or 5uo<bvlslon or orar
boun . Exce rion: Stri are not re ulre a on a evs or w ere ev must be crossed 51 ewa or vewa a on s e areas
must have bve. ever een s maxImum s actn IS 3. . an Ive u Ie trees un er a ter 22 0 e C e of mances maxunum
s aci is 20 ft. . The buildin official ma a rove different s acin for shrubs or trees. u on a showin that i the s acin is allowed b
standard urban orestrv critena for the oartieular sPeCies and location and (ii) the spacme; will comply WI C apter 22. The ZBA may issue a
special exception to allow a landscapine: strip to be located in whole or in part within a street area. if the ZBA finds that the particular
landscapine: will, m all probabilttv. be allowed to remain intact tor at least 50 years and that it can be mamtamed and will function as well as a
strip located completely on pnvate propertv.
Pervious Pavement. In a MDS; the area of the holes or
U% out ot any area WIth perviOUS pavemen ~ counll
Table 7-3:
Open & Pervious Areas
Open area
Front yard.
Pervious area
Rear yard,
Entire building site.
Front yard.
, percentage
Entire building site.
Landscaping strips
Qualified trees
Pervious pavement
Parking areas.
Note 1.
Note 2.
General Rule: Every building site must have the minimum open and pervious areas sho\\ll. by
District in this table. ("~/A" means the role does not apply.) ExceprionsiSpecial Rules: (I)
See PDD Schedules for'planned d"vdopment districts. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3)
See the Projections Schedule for details about calculating open and pervious areas.--f'lt&ee
QMDS S~h~llul.:. for ,,1t'fhMlI p'n;"t1~ /bell r~'ltlb~lue.lls au'; f-'l .i6t1~ f-a.eldc..t r,!.~IAtioll1>
. ........ ........................
...............--.... - .................
.. .. . ...... . .. . -.
;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.::.:.;.:.:.::.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.::.;-;; .;.:.;.:.:.:.;-:.::.:.::::.;;.:.;.:.;.:.;
::;:::::::::;::::::;:;:::::::::::::::;:;.;:;:::;:;:::::::;:;::';::::=::::;::::-:::.;'::;::; ::;:;:::::;:;:::;::;::;:;:":;:::':;:::;:::::;:
, :lii:f'1111:i;:.:i:~!:1:11:::iBI::::~..::::.I: 1:::rll:11111.1.llll':'11
N/A 40% N/A
25% 25% 15%
50% See 50% N/A
Note 2. See Note 2,
15% 15~'o 15%
60%. See Note 1.
Required. except tor sm uses on building sites with 5.000 SQ. ft. or more. See Note 3.
Except tor SFD uses on buildin~ites with 5.000 SQ. ft. or more. each Qualified tree required by
this ordinance or Chapter 22 of e Code ofOrdmance must be located wlthm a contiguous and
reasonablv cOffi1la't:ervious area containinihat least 25 'sQ. ft. ' However. additional or better
etV10US area ma I' uired to com I WI Cha er,22.
~H'B1T Pc
. Cl'}e ~ of
total pages'
r-~ - '-, ~', - "lIr:l.
Table 7-3~ cont.
Pervious area
Front yard. ~ ~
Rear yard. 60%. See Note 1. N/A
Entire buildinl!: site. ~ ill!
Front yard. ~ 50% See Nore 2.
24% ~
()Pen area
Landscaping strips
Required. except tOr SFD uses on building sites with 5.000 SQ. ft. or more. See Nore 3.
Qualified trees
Except for SFD useson.buildingsites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more. each qualified tree requiredbv
this ordinance or Chapter 22 of1he Co$ ofOi-dinance must be locatedwithin a contiguous and
reasonablv compact pervtous area contaming aBeast 25 Sq. ft. However.'llddltiona! or better
ious area may be re' uired to com Iv with Cha ter 22.
Pervious pavement
Parking areas.
~HIBrr It ~
"'~ge Jl ofc!e total pages;
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II ,I -rTIIIiII'~ - r ---
,,- 'li'llmni"'I11I'
Table 7-4a:
Garaee space
Gefu!ral Rille: Everv building site. p-ar.age. spa~e and related ~cture must conform to the
applicable regulations shown. by Dlstnct m thiS table. ("N/.-\. means the rule does not apply,)
ExceptionsiS~ial Rules: 0) See special rules noted in table. (3) See Article 9 regarding Planned
Develooment Districts. t3YSee,Note 1rellardini! soecial exceotions.
Garage space. in general
Garage parking
spaces. See Article
Min. 1.0 per DO., Max. 1.0 per l.500of Min. 2.0 per mJ. ~lust be in an enclosed garage.
building site area.notto exceed 4.0.
Minimum garage
12 ft. wide per space; 25 ft. deep,
Garage doors or openings
Maneuverim~area N/A
Required at garage opening. See Note 2.
Door or opening
facing front street
Prohibited unless all gara~pace is
located ten feet or more the front
(May aIfect eligibilitY as QMDS.
See definitions in Article 2.)
Door or ooening
facmg Side street
Prohibited unless: (i) all garage sPace is
ten reetor more from the side street
line. and (ii) there is only open area
above the drivewav for 10 t;'et inward
tram the side street line.
(May aIfect eligibilitv as QMDS.
See detinitions in Article 2.)
Garage accessory
Limit on non-garage
Max, 600 SQ. ft GF A in anyaccessorv
buddmg containing garage sPace.
ial exc tion for a atkin
rescn y IS elm I: I tOStiOf
not si . lcantl . alter acceSs for Ife- I tm an Slnu ar nee ; 11 e 0 er ocatlon or eSI WI revent e estnlcUon 0 a ua I
(iil) m the case 0 ,e remodelmg 0 a POllCllla' UI mg. ocatlonrequeste IS , e same ocatlOn as an eXlsllllg P
driveway. or (iv) the location or design requested is necessary forsafetv considerations.
Garap.e maneuvennp. area. , Minimum dimensions are 24ft. long and at least 2,ft. wider than the ,garage opening. Reasonable. usable
"overhang" above low Ilmdscapinl!. ahd sinular areas may be counted !:>ward reqUired marteuverinl!. area.
~H1B1T I~
. ~~~ -d- of Zb.- total pages'
_.._.".._____~...."''''.-c..=~ _'.1=!'1~~
'.~.1J..o.",--..~ ~ __li.~
Table 7-4a. cont.
Gara~e space. in ~eneral
GaralW doors or openmm;
Gara~e accessory
Gara~e parkin~
spaces. "S'ee7micle
Minimum ~ara~e
Maneuverin~ area
Door oropertjng
facing front street
Door or opening
facinl!: side street
Limit on non-I!:arli~e
General Rule: Everv building site. garage space and related structure must conform to the
applicable regulations shown. bv Dislrlct.; In this table. ("NI A"' means the rule does not apply.)
ExceptionstS~ial Rules: ( I ) See sPeCial rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned
Develo ent Olslrlcts. 3 See Note 1 re lirdin s eClal exe bons.
Min, 1.0 per DU. Min. 2.0 ~ Ou. Must be ~ an enclosed ~ara~e.
Max. r:O'pet'T,5'OO of - -
'5iiililiiiifSife areii:iiiif
to exceed 4.U.
Prohibited unless all
garal!:e space is
lo(:ated ten teet or
more from the front
Prohibited unless: (i)
all I!:aragespace is ten
feet or more from the
side street line. and
, (Ii) there is onlY open
area above the
driveway tor 10 feet
inward from the side
street hne.
Max. 600 SQ. ft. GF A
in an,y accessorv
garage space.
E.!!:wide f:rspace; 25 ft. deep .
Required at gara~e openin1:l' See Note 2.
(Mav affect elilribilitv as QMDS.
See definitions in Article 2.)
(Mav affectelilribilitv as QMDS.
See definitions in Article 2.)
~H1B\T A-
I r .?J!L . total page~l
'age ~ of
-", TIT :11'.,:, I I ,illd !Iid li,l\;i liJ\'I'I~dlJ~11Ii1
------m1Tli1i'mnnr-,---- ,
Table 7-4b: B
Dwelling units
Framed area. all
buildings on a building
Length or width. any
Exterior materials. any
Separation of DU's
SF privacv protection
Accessory buildings
See Article} 0 regarding
garage space.
Principal buildings
See Article} 0 regarding
garage space.
.\ule },
Note 2.
Note ],
Note 5.
Note 6.
General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable n:gulations shown. by District. in
this tabler:-I!A" means the rule does not apply.) ExceptIOnS/Special Rules: (1) See special
rules noted in table. (2) See POD ScheJl1ks Article 9 regarding for Planned ~velopment '
Maximum number per
building site
One. plus one accessory quaners (AQ)
Maximum area as a 80%
percentage of building
site area
Maximum horizontal ~
~ N/A
Fire-rated wall ~
See Nole 7. ~
Maximum number per Three
building site
Height. maximum 25 ft.
Stories. maximum Two and one-halt:
:.:.:.:.:.:.....:... .,::': :.:.:: ".: II~.n:;:: ;.:.; ;.~ \:}:;.;.~.;. {:t~~~}~~~~:~~111t/ ~i~~~~l~tff~@I~l}jj
:1:llijltll::/:i:lillli ::j':li~!ljl;!;!::I:; ;.~!II~!;lil:llll'~l'!l: l:l.II'111'illllll:ll'I!~ljll:
ill *='5 Two
per acre.
See Note 8
24 per
See Uses
table and
Art, 9
NM 100% See NOle 4.
136 feel. See Note 3.
Must be of equal g..ade and Quality. all sil1.rs. See
Section 8- I 04.
A four-hour tire wall. or its equivalent. m'!;! separate
adioining dwelling units. See Notes J and 5,
~ }-N/A
35 ft. See
Note 2.
Three. Bftf
Jt:t: OUDS
T n611lld ~lIIC li,tlE. But
JU Q.'.{DS See Note 6:
35 feet: 25 feet in rear yard See Note }. Eh<t ou. QMDC Cdl(;dlt:~
750 sq. ft. each DU
1,400 sq.
Height. maximum
Minimum gross floor
1,400 square feet. if used for residential
~ ~ Su SCI>r. J. NHt
Amennas and chlinneys. Rool~lllounled radio or television antelmas 011 a prin.:ipal builditig in a residential distri':lmay project up to iour teel above
the root: The maximum height of chimneys attached to a principal building is the greater 01'35 feet or tour teet above the roof.
Height In C District In the C District. no pan of any structure (except a tence) may be higher than the horizontal distance from that pan to the
nearest pan of an SF District.
~ DetaiL TH. PDD-TH and GR Districts. A MtI. I.vll< I..w nail. Of ;13 '<111; .r-Iwllt, mast S~p...4t.:. lI.1jlli"iut, li..dl;'1& IlIIil3. Nil "11;\.1;"5 .t'lok)
~ MeiI. greatwr 1I.lii\l3lnat. 1 o'sep"1irale DUllamgs, mere must De open area"'1ifTeast tlve teet WIGe mamtamea so mat nrengllters"Wirh
hoses could pass ""iJirou ... . . . .
Framed Area In OMDS. Allowed s uare too13 e tor a v rou tI tn e a owa e
slesarea us an ocae 0 mr . a es e . .
arenot anofabuildin site. Theallocated anis ro ionaltothebuildin site'sareadividedbvtheareaofallbuildin sites in the same MOS.
ui In 0 e. e aratlon re U1rert1etl are III aoolllon 10 omers re Utrel1letllS 01 DU1l0iiiif'Ci50es aiiif orner orolllances. seer:oaeo
ei tin CI a UI III In - or I may e ee s orles 1 . U su e 0 e ower el urn
proleCtlng spaces. ee a e - ., ote .
Width. minimum
Illn 1\11III1'
3S ft. See
Note 2,
1.200 sq.
ft., ea.:h
16 ft.. each
Nt A But see OMDS
Schedule. -
.~7: .: },~ ;'811'
total pagesl
Ie:, _
Note 6.
'Note 7.
Note 8.
Note 9.
Table 7-4b~ cont.
General Rule: EvelV structure must confonn to the applicable regulations shown. by District. in
this table.C'NI A" means the rule does not applv.) ExcelJlionSiSpecwl Rules: ( I ) See special rules
noted in table. (2) See PDD Se~di11':3 Article 9 regarding tOr Plarmed Development Districts.
II !I II II lIa!lll
Dwelling units
Maximum number
per building site
17.5 %+.-5 per acre. See Note 8.
plus one
Framed area. all
buildings on a building
Maximum area as a
percentage of
building site area
100%. See Note 4.
130 feet, See Note 3.
Length or width. any
Exterior materials. any
Separation of DU's
Must be of equal grade and Qualitv. all sides. See Section 8-10.(
Fire.rated wall
A four-hour firewall. or its equivalent. must separate adjoining d':!'~
units. See Notes 3 and 5. See also Note 9 (PDD- TH7 only)
SF privacy protection
Applies. See Note 7. See also Note 9 (PDD- THi onM
See Note 7.
AccessolV buildings
Maximum number
per building site
Height maximum
35 ft.
Note 2.
See Article J 0 re~ardin?
~araf!e space.
Principal buildings
Stories. maximum
s..~.!. tid-e : B 1 ~.o!a. ~';,,~
J:a, a~~ J/,:ldG"(::.
Height., maximum.
in feet
35. See Notes J and 6.
I 1.600 1,300
each DU
I ~
- .
Minimum gross
floor area. square
1.200 each DU
Width. feet ( min. ),
outsIde to outside
16. each DU
I 5.... ,\'ot.: ~.
into yards. See Tables 7-2 and 7-6.
rrd-floor vie
or ower,
mt: I Wit m
int i'1
oor VIe
Figure SFP.
insert drawin to illustrate "SF riva rotection" includin buildin site and SF boundaries. "third floor vie int"
an nvacY zone.
~H1B\1 Jl:r..
'_.gge L2- of
tata\ .1)age&\.
," .~- ~~~n--;r-
r ,"
. . -- n'll
II ill
Table 7-5a:
Parkim!. driveways. etc.
Off-street parking spaces
Other re~lIlations apply:
see. e.~. ArtiCle 1U
Number. size
Setbacks for ~arking
areas anQoea emt
or stuoariVeWays.
Gro~inl!. or sharin\t.
:;ee ate 2
Exclusive use for
Minimum width
Drivewavs and private
Maximum length.
measured along
centerlme Irom
tarthest end pomt,
Required type. See
ll.-Iarkings: wheel stops.
Required tvpe
Max. width per 50-ft.
segment of street line
Visibility trianlrles (see
aetlmtlons m ArtlC eLl
Forbidden structures.
~ and lither
Note 2
"Wile 3
NOte 4
Note, 5
.Vote 7
General Rille: Everv buildin!! site. vehicular area and related structure must contono to the
aDDllcable reinllattons shown. bV Istnet. 10 this table. ("N/A' means ilie ru e does not aDDiv.)
~xceDttoOSl~DeClal'Kules: I :see sDecial mles notea m talne. (,I) :see Article 9 re!!ardin!! Planned
lJeve opment UIstncts, ( .j) :See Note 7 rel!,ar 109 SpecIal excepllons.
B IilJ II II III 11I11
Depends on land use. See Article /0.
Must be behind the princi~al building
or surrounded bv opaque fences or walls
at least six feet in height. Not allowed
in front yard See Article 10.
Nt A. See Note 2.
Spaces may be located ~ drivewaxs
and maneuvenng area (l lISe mttV .
Depends on land use. See Article 10.
No narkin!! sDace maY be: (i) closer than
10 lee. to a streel area. except an alley.
or ( ii) farther than 500 teet (drivm!!
distance) from a street area. See Art. 10.
i See
I Amcle 10.
Allowed for two or more DU's. but ~
m a OMDS platteiJ Parkin!! reserve.
See Note
Parking s~acesN::v? be used for motor vehicle
parking. ee ate ,
20 ft. via Dublic or nrivate street. to each o-:rnciDal buildin!! and each DU. (Other re!!Ulations also
allPly. e.!!.. tire code.)
SFD use: Max. 12 feet (rear !!arage or a
smlne tront Ilaralle lor LU eet' larller
tron t Ilarall'e . see Note
See Notes 6 and 7.
Hard-surfaced pavement required lor
each parking space. Twin "ribbons" of
pavement are pennitted.
Maximum one per subdivided lot.
See Note I.
lilt 1 :11' ]I. 111'1I~ 1111....-
The fo\l~~ are forbidden on parts of a building site within a visibility triangle: structures. plants
or .other mgs taller than 2;0 ft. or shorter than 8.0 ft. This does not require removal of trees in
eXIstence on July 1. 1992. ifJ(eptpnmed. ' .
Drivewav QDrOnS, WIdths aPDly t6 drivewa' and Darkin!! areas. if allowed. unon a buddln!! Site WIth SFD use only. Anv driveway or pnvate
street may have a reasonablv-size<l 'llare or amen in the area where it annroaches the street.. but It must be cotlImea to the oart Olthe street area
that direct y abuts the bulldmg si~ the driveway serves.
.. ~Jr 1111 i
Miitimum 10 feet or 17 feet iftwo-wav and serving
tI1ree or more Ul J'S (nom unOMtmcte<l. access nath and
oavementJ. MlIX1mum!:l tt. I servin!! onlv one or two
JJl s Otherwise ,.. 11. measurea al me narroweSt DOlO
o me amon
160 feet. drivillll distance to the nearest street area. A
onger Qrtveway IS a110We<llnnere IS an approvea
turnaround or second means of egress. or ifiJie
dnvewav is platted as part of the conunonarea within a
Reinforced concrete, with curbs and drains required for
all vehicular areas. In a QMDS only. pervious
pavement IS allowed.
Parking spaces must be clearlv marked on the
pavement. Wheel stons retluired. See Note 12.
See Note 5.
1- Max. four feet plus maximum driveway
width prescribed above.
::<111811 .A- u
~. ~ge 11- of -
total pages'
Table 7-5ar cont.:
Off-street narkinQ' soaces
Number, size
QtbcJ:. ~annlv.
see e.ft.Artie e 10
Setbacks for parking
areas and dead end or
stub driveways.
l'Tronnino m: ~harinp"
Siui:. /ifnI" :1
FYr.hu~ivp. ~ fur
Emergency accessway
Minimum width
Driveways and private
Maximum length,
measured along
centerlme trom
ranneSl ena pomt.
Required type. See
Note 4.
Markings; wheel stops.
Required type
Curb cuts
Max. width per SO-ft
segment of street line
Depends on land use.
See Article 10.
Must be behind the
princiual building or
surrounded by opaque
fences or walls at least
six feet in height. Not
allowed in front yard.
See Article 10.
NI A Si"e /lfnle 2-
Depends on land use. See Article 10. SizJz.nlon Tnhln 7 '.~
(">!arden style" inPDD-TH4).
No parking space may be: (i) closer than 10 feet to a street
area. except an alley, or (ii) farther than 500 feet (driving
distance) from a street area. See Art. J O. See also. Table 7-
1. Note 7 ("f<arden style" in PDD-TH4),
AlIWlVedmriWllD.1:ll1lltf\.llIJ:. hut nnly;n 0 Ql\ID~tted
v..arkine:r.es.erve See aL~o Table 7-1. Note 7 (Upnrdp.n ~t1J/':~"
Snaces mav be located Parkinp ~na~ IWlYmWc ~ llGdfur motor vp.hidp. n~rkina ~oo 1:lats..3..
noon drivewavs imd
1TI~np.l1vP-rina .aa=a.
20 ft, via public or priv'1'e street, to each principal building and each DU (Other regulations also
auply, e.g, fire code.)
SID use: Max. 12 feet
(rear garage or a single
front garage) or 20 feet
(larger front garage).
See Note 1.
See Notes 6 and 7.
pavement required for
each parking space,
Twin "ribbons" of
pavement are
Minimum 10 feet, or 17 feet if two-way and serving three or more DU's
(both unobstructed access path and pavement). Maximum 12 ft. if
serving only one or two DU's, otherwise 24 ft. (measured at the
narrowest pomt 01 me apron)
160 feet, driving distance to the nearest street area. A lon~er driveway is
allowed if there is an approved turnaround or second means of egress, or
if the driveway is platted as part of the common area within a QMDS.
See Note 10.
Reinforced concrete. with curbs and drains required for all vehicular
areas. In a QMDS only. pervious pavement is allowed.
Parking spaces must be clearly marked on the pavement. Wheel stops
required. See Note 12.
Maximum one per subd!vided lot. See Notes 5. 8. 9 and 11.
See Note 1 [ Max. four feet plus maximum driveway width prescribed
above. .
.The foJl.o.win2..are..furbiddenDn pads .af.ahuildin,g.site.l&'i1hio.a .1Zisibili1.y,tr.i~~~
or .otha" thinp$;. .1allcr .1ban 2.J1.Jl....ar ~.ihan.8..D. fi. Thfc:! ..1np.~ .....nt..J:e.QJJ.ire rp.rnl'\'t~ 1 ,...-f~
existence on Julv I. 1992. ifkept pruned.
it site abuts both Bellaire Boulevard and another street, then all velncu lar access shall be from the other
sa e e veomeno 0 . an ee eneeo
r m a om ve 0 men WI , ve leu ar aecess
e au-e ou evar ve Ie sm e Iml e 0 wo
F.owddro ~ructnres
nlantR and other
Cllrb Cuts in PDD- TH 1.
e an
sa e11l11e
cur cu .
'Eiff'ifB.iis in PDD- TH5. (i) If a building site abuts both Academy and Bissollllet, no curb cuts on Bissollllet and nor more than two curb cuts on
Aca<lemy are penmtled. (II) U a btul<llllg site abuts only tllssonnet, there may be no more Ulan two curb cuts.
iJrrvewa)Js In l'iJiJ-1lt t. CuHle-sac <Irlveways m t'lJj)-lti I may not excee<l)U teet mlenfi,th, or ZUU teet It a tenninus is provided with
<IllllenslOns adequate for turmng. '
CurD cuts In l'iJiJ-1lt.t. (1) 11 a building site abuts both Kirby Drive and another street. there may be one curb cut,mlKiIbY ~ aJJd~
other abuUmg street. (11) 11 a bUlldmg SIte abuts OIllY !\.Irby lJnve. ventcUlar access shall be lImIted to two curb cuts.
CurDs as Whee/sto S. CurbS ma be used as Wheelsto s. Area outside a curb-WJleelsto counts toward nU1l1mUm arkino s ace dimensions if
ac u y usa e as over lan~ . an no nee e or maneuvenng area.
Yisibilit.v :trillI1rles.{~
definitions in Article 2)
Nnte 10
/lfnlp 17
n -roO'" ,c,n'......',. "'..-IF"1~-rn.,~'~~n~~'~.,.:n' \ I
~X~m1n 6.,,,,.
/1# .:t ~- tcf~t~! .pS~.;b*~.
,& ~..,,f,; .' / 'ilJ1 ~.I!:.e-~
:......~;.H'.:v ...'c.'::r~-.;:::.o
11111 III Hll-----m'TJ1ITfllllU"'--,I-u-,
Tennis Courts.. Swimming Pools in SF District!.. Each tennis court in a SF District must; (i) be a private accessory structure tor a single
building site, (ii) be used for residential purposes only, (iii) be open to the sky, but enclosed and screened to a height of at least eight feet on all
sides, and (iv) never be lighted for play. Each swimming pool in an SF District must be a private accessory structure for a single building site
and used for residential purposes only.
Swimming Pools. Tennis Courts In TH District!.. The ZBA may issue a special exception for a tennis court or a swimming pool if the ZBA finds
that the proposed facility will not create a drainage or ~oise problem and will not cause a significant increase in traffic on nearby streets. Tennis
courts and swimming pools must comply with the tenOts court and swinuning pool regulations in the SF Districts. but mav serve commonlv-
~Iatted or restricted sites. See Note J. -- -
felght In <.. UlStrlct. In the C District. no part of any structure (except a tence) may be higher than the horizontal distance ti-om that part to the
nearest part of an SF District.
Table 7-5b:
Certain Structures
Item Regulation
Swimming pools Maximum number
per building site
Tennis courts Maximum number
, per building site
All structures Height, maximum
See. also. Article 8.
Note J.
Note 2.
.vote 3.
-11- ; ,.
f'----- -- --.
General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown. bv District. in
this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) ExceptionS/Special Rules: ( I ) S'ee special
roles noted in table. (3) See PDDS,h,dtd.:3 lor Anicle 9 regarding Planned Development
-- ........... ......... I:~
. ... . - . - . . . .
One. See Note J. See Note N/A
One (may onlv be a private tennis
court). See Note J.
25 feet. But see "Buildings" table for certain building height Ii mils. I 35 ft.
See Note
:XHIBIl /~
r Bge ~ of LA; total pa~'
't1t ,Iilll.;, I: ,11111 - ; IJllr Ii ,Ill IIL11~1.I1l.... .-'--~- --1------
- ~"i1fii11ifini'i"'.'~'Tr,-,----------
Table 7-5b. coot.
General RIlle: Everv stnIcture must conform to the annlicable re,'nlations shown. bv District. in
thIS table. (":'Ii.'\.' means the rnledoesnot 3nnlv.) acefltlOns/SiieciiifRil es: , See snecla
i'iiTes ~eo In laDle. (-" ;see I UU /)'11(;(1111'3 I r Arnele ':I rel(arOlnl( t'lannea uevelopm~
II Ii 11111111 &I II
Swinunin ools
Maximum number
per bUlldlnl( site
Maximum number
per buildinl( site
One. See Note J.
See Note 2.
One (mav onlv be a
'eeNote 1.
Tennis courts
All structures
Heililit.. maximum
25 feet. But see "Buildings" table (or certain building height limits.
35 ft.
NOte 3.
See. also. Article 8.
Tennis Courts.. Swimming Pools in SF Districr. Each tennis court ina SF District must: (i) be a private accessory structure for a sinlde building
site ii be used for residential u ses ani iii be 0 en to the skv. but enclosed and screened to a hei t of at least ei t teet on all sides and
IV never Ite or a. Eacswirnmin 00110 an SF District must be a nvate aecesso structure tor a si e buildm site and used or
reiiideritiitl pUl1Xlses 6iJ1v.
Swimmin Pools. Tennis Courts in TH District. 01 if the ZBA [mds
that me ro ea' ncisl: rca:nt'i1lCl'l:tie-in .
cou~=~ III';,;' "ullllj~cnnis"co\:ll't"'llrttl~ldt;OI\~ i.1 tbe-&F-~ hal...~, ~L.,~ wu..uv..l,
platted or restncte 81 es. ee oTe'T:"""'"
71eiIlFit In -r:::TJmFrCI. m (he C Dbu ict. no art of an structure exce t a fence may be hi er than the horizontal distance from that art to the
nearesli5llft I an ~r UI.'ll'lt:r.
:J<HIBIT B-' - .
') J f -a total paoesl
'nq9 ~ 0 ~ -
,,-' -- r~C"C,~-,--",=o~'f1~
I "'i'
'11'11, \ 11\\\ 'I',rr;rr;--,.~ "---1--
~1'i:!m7i1ii.'m r ,,.--oo
Table 7 6 P
S h d I
Type Of Structure
Certain Basketball goals
Playground equipment
Swimming pools
Tennis courts (with
associated screens)
Lights and lampposts
Gate closers
Signs (see Code of
Note 7.
Note 8.
Note 9.
Note 10.
:Vote II.
Note 12.
- . rOlectlons C e U e. na~e III
Maximum Allowed Projection (In Inches). Measured From
The Inside Edge orThe Yard.
Special Rules For
Front Yard Rear Side Yard SF Buf- Calculating Open &
Yard feryard Pervious Areas
120" No No limit No limit The area may count as
limit generally, but see bo~ open area and
Note 7. pervious area.
0 No 0 No limit The area may count as
limit both open area and
pervious area.
120" 0 0 0 The area may count as
both open area and
pervious area,
0, but see No No limit, but see No limit The area does not count
Notes 8 limit Notes 8 and 11. as either open or pervious
and 12, are,a..
0 O,but 0, but see Note 9. No limit The area counts as open
see area. Only the water area
Note counts as pervious area.
0 0 0 No limit 'Ille area counts as opom
area but not pervious
area (unless the area is
- made of grass).
No limit No No limit No limit The area may count as
generally, limit generally, but see generally, both open area and
but see genera Note 10. but see pervious area,
Note 10, lIy, but Note 10.
24" No No limit No limit The area may count as
limit both open area and
- pervious area.
No limit 0 0 0 The area does not count
as either open or pervious
- - . . .
Basketball Goals. No part of the equipment may be closer than ten feet to any street line.
Fences, Fences may project into front and side yards to the extent expressly required or authorized by City ordinance (e.g..
provisions in Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances requiring front fences for temporary construction purposes and to screen
nonresidentialuses;provisionsinPDDschedulesforfrontfences).,fll.....J......Qlln('l1'l1 illl :- ":-' ,- In~OHDi
low fences (3.5 feet or lower) may be located anywhere, if made of ornamental metal or white nick"t.
Swimming Pools. Except as specifically allowed by another ordinance of the City governing setbacks for swimming pools and
Lampposts. Maximum diameter of projecting posts is six inches; maximum height is eight feet.
Rotated Corner Fences. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance or any other ordinance, 110 lellce is allowed ill the
side street yard of a rotated comer building site (SF-1 District), ex~t lor temporary construction lences required by Chapter 6 or
the Code of Ordinances.
Front Fences in Townhouse Districts. On a building site in a townhouse district (including the TH and PDD- TH districts). there
may be fences in the front yard. but not higher than seven feet and not closer than five feet to the front street line. More-permissive
provisions :..\ tile PDD TII "~I,~dale3 or elsewhere. mav also aonlv
=){H1B\1 --."7 /
7' L of L.-'\:>
~age':'::-- ---
total page~'
- - ------------.-.---r.----O,,-'--~~~~=~,~-c=,=<==='9~".'~~-
Section 8-100. Purpose And Applicability.
This Article prescribes additional regulations to supplement the district-specific
regulations and to reduce adverse effects upon adjacent properties and districts. Unless
otherwise specifically indicated, the regulations in this Article apply in all districts.
Section 8-101. Building Site Requirement.
See Article 5 for the requirement that each structure be located upon a building site
meeting certain criteria.
Section 8-102. Accessory Structures; Use And Density
(a) Number. The number of non-building structures per building site is not generally
restricted, but each one must be accessory to a lawful use of the building site,
(b) Accessory Status. Any buildings in addition to the principal building on a building
site must be accessory to the principal building and accessory to a lawful use of the principal
(c) Density Compliance. Any structure designed, constructed, adapted or maintained
for a use or a density not specifically permitted by this ordinance is: prohibited.
Section 8-103. Transition Features.
(a) When Required Each building site must have the transition features required by
this section if it lies directly across the street from, or within 20 feet of, another building site
restricted by this ordinance to a use less intensive than the actual use of the first building site.
Intensities of uses are ranked in the following order, beginning with the least intensive use:
(1) single-family (detached) use,
(2) single-family (attached) use,
(3) other residential use,
(4) any other use.
(b) Fence Or Wall. If the building site lies within 20 feet of the less-intensive use,
there must be an opaque fence or wall eight feet in height separating the more-intensive
activities- on the building site from the less-intensive use. The side of the fence or wall facing
the less-intensive use must be finished. ExcelJtion: In PDD-Cl the fence or wall mm:t hE'! M
least six. but not more than seven. feet high.
(c) Across-Street Requirement. If the building site lies directly across the street from
the less-intensive use, there must be the greatest practicable amount of pervious area within the
ten feet of the building site closest to the less-intensive use.
~HlBrr .1L --7
2 r;> f '7 jl total pages;
. age -2- 0 -!:.d2
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[Final.J-J7-00} Note: This Article is heavily amended. , Only changes ofsubstance are
marked. Many existing provisions were relocated to tables and notes inArticle 7.
Section 10-100. Off-Street Parking.
There must be off-street parking spaces for each occupied building space within the City,
as set out below, and subject to the other provisions of this ordinance: .
Use or type of space
SFD use on a'building site containing 5.000 SQ. ft. or more.
Other residential space..
Church space (including auditorial
Community center, library, school or museum space (including
Health care tacility space (not including offices)
Theater or auditorium space (except as included in church.
community center. library, school or museum)
Office space used to provide medical services
Other office space ,.
Physical fitness facility space
Studio and gallery space. bank and financial services space
(except space used for auto intensive uses) ,
Space with auto- intensive uses
Retail space used for rental of personal property (except space
used for auto intensive uses)
Restaurant space. club, cafe and similar recreation or
amusement space (except space used for auto intensive uses)
Grocery store space. including neighborhood convenience store
space ,
Other retail and personal service space
Utility service space, research or testing laboratory space.
laboratories. warehouses '
Shopping centers
All other types of space and USes
Minimum number of parking spaces
2.0 per building site. See. also. Article 7.
2.5 (3.0 in PDD- THl'.PDD- TH2 an PDD-TH5) per DlJ. See Note 1.
1.0 for each three seats in the main auditorium.
10.0 plus 3.33 per 1,000 square feet of gross tloor area in excess of
2,OOOsquare feet.
Greater of 1.5 per bed or 1.5 per employee on the maximum work shift.
Greater of: (i) 1.0 for each four seats: or (ii) 1.5 per I~OOO square feet of
gross floor area, plus 1.0 for each employee on the maximum shift.
6.0 Per 1,000 square feet of gross tloorarea.
4.0 per 1,000 square feet ofgross tloor area.
10.0 per 1.000 feet ofgross tloor area.
Greater of: (i) 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area: or (ii) 3.0 per
conunercial unit.
10.0 per 1.000 square teet of gross tIoor area.
10.0 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area;
Greater of: (i) 1.0 for each three seats for the general public: or (ii) 10.0
per 1.000 square feet of gross floor area.
5.0 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
5.0 per 1000 square feet of gross floor area.
1.0 for each tbreeemployees on the maximum working shift. plus 1.0
space tor each tmck or vehicle used in connection therewith.
4.0 per 1.000 square feet of gross floor area. plus spaces required for
office. theater, auditorium and tOod service space. See Note :!.
Note J
10.0 per 1.000 square feet of gross floor area used or occupied by people,
Guest spaces. TIlere must be guest parkin!!, spaces marked ~d kept alwavs available for conunon use. not r;:served for specific
persons or classes of persons. Minimum number of guest spaces: O.511.!r DU.i!.:.O ~r DU in PDD- TH1. PDD- TH2 and PDD-TH5).
rounded up. See Table 7-1. Note 7 regardmg parkiiig'Thr "garden stvle use" in PDD- TH4.;See Articles 7 and \0 regarding grouping
and other requirements.
Additional spacesjor shopping centers: (a) If office space exceeds 10% of the gross Hoor area of the center. add 3.0 spaces per 1,000
square teet of office space in excess of 10% (b) If a theater or auditorium occupies 10%" or less of the gross floor area of the center.
Note 2
~H'B1i It -'
_~" '7";" "i -;,0_ total oages~
"--~~--'-~-~~T=- '
lli;l.,I" I! dllll' '.Ulilw,IL ",]IIJ1IiJ,UNU.'
add 3.0 spaces for each 100 seats in the theater or auditorium. (c) If a theater or auditorium occupies more than 10% of the center's
gross lloor area. the seats are apportioned on a square-foot basis. so that one portion corresponds to 10% of the gross floor area and
the other portion corresponds to space in excess of 10%; for the 100. portion. add 3.0 spaces for each 100 seats. and tor the portion in
excess of 10%, add 25.0 spaces tor each 100 seats. (d) Ifthere is any tood selVice space, add 10.0 spaces per LOOO square teet of
gross floor area of food service space.
Section 10-101. Parking Spaces; Basic Counting Rule.
To compute the parking requirements for any particular building, the total parking
requirement shall be the sum of the specific parking space requirements for each use or type of
space included in the building, as set out above. Exception: This does not apply to shopping
centers; see special rules, above.
Section 10-102. Minimum Dimensions; Desi2n.
(a) Parking Spaces. All parking spaces must be at least nine feet Wide and 18 feet long
in order to be counted toward the minimum required number. In addition, the following
regulations apply in the indicated circumstances:
(1) Ninety-degree angle parking: Maneuvering space shall be not less than 23
feet in length or breadth.
(2) Sixty-degree angle parking: Each parking space shall be not less than nine
feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle and not less than 18 feet in
length when measured at right angles to the building or parking line.
Maneuvering space shall be not less than 18 feet perpendicular to the
building or parking lines.
(3) Forty':'five-degree angle parking: Each parking space shall be not less than
nine feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle and not less than 18 feet
in length when measured at right angles to the building or parking lines.
Maneuvering space shall not be less than 15 feet perpendicular to the
building or parking lines.
~ Wheelchair-accessible parking spaces: Must be installed and maintained
with numbers and sizes prescribed bv applicable regulations.
(b) Walkways. A private walkway, ifprovided adjace~t to a non-SF building, shall be
not less than five feet in width and shall be in addition to the minimum requirement for parking
and maneuvering space herein required. ~~.QM!?S SchGdule I~ardin~ walkwaY5. In a OMDS,
there must be a paved walkwav (at least 3.0 ft. wide) to the curb from each main entrance
oriented toward a street area.
(c) Additional Space. In addition to the foregoing minimum dimensions, there must be
such additional maneuvering space and driveways as may be necessary to allow ordinary,
practical use of each parking space. See QMDS Sc.hedule Article 7 regarding garage
maneuvering space. Except for those which serve onlv one or two dwelling units, maneuvering
areas and drivewavs must be sized and arranged so that a large vehicle can leave the street
drivinS!: forward, enter !illv parkinS!: space driving forward, park in that space, and then re-enter
the street area driving1Q~ard, all with no ~ore than two stops to change dire~Jpns. As used in
this section. "large vehicle" means a truck 18 feet long, with a turning radius of24 feet (outside
of bumper).
(d) Traffic EngjneerinJ! Handbook. All parking spaces, maneuver!n~reas~ loading areas
and other vehicular facilities must complv with the applicable provisions of the Traffic
EnfdneerinJ! Handbook 5th Ed. (1999), including, in particular. Chapter 14. Where multiple
standards are provided, the highest standard shall applv. Examvle: "Parking Class A" standards
in Table 14-6 would applv. Where this Ordinance provides specific numerical criteria different
1XH1BIT A - '
--:-.r ~t 7-l_ t.,tal oaoes'
., --.... -~-
from the same criteria in the Traffic Enftineerin!! Handbook. this Ordinance controls.
(el Other criteria. See ArtiCle 7 for additional criteria, including driveway, parking and
garage regulations.
Section 10-103. Location of parking spaces.
(a) Same Site Rule. All parking spaces required by this ordinance must be located on the
same building site with the building space served. Exception: the required spaces may be located
up to 300 feet from the entrance of a building served (and may be outside the City limits) for: (i)
parking for building sites not used. primarily for residential purposes where an increase in the
number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or (ii) spaces allowed by this
Ordinance to be used jointly for two or more buildings or establishments.
(b) Certain Joint Use Of Spaces. The ZBAmay issue a special e~ception to allow up to
75 percent of the parking spaces required for any building site to be usedjointly for another
building site, if the ZBA finds that no increase in on-street parking is likely to result. See QMDS
Schedule Table 7;.5a regarding shared or grouped guest parking spaces.
(c) Above-Grade Parkin!!. No parking spaces maY be located above grade.
(d) Easements in PDD-Cl. In PDD-Cl. parking spaces mav not be located in anv
easement for underground utilities.
Section 10-104. Loading spaces.
On the same building site with every building used for non-residential purposes there
must be adequate loading space, separate and apart from the off-street parking spaces. The
amount ofloading space shall be sufficient in size and configuration to avoid the possibility that
loading or unloading would obstruct a street or sidewalk, taking into account the proposed use of
the building and the types of vehicles likely to serve it. However, there must be at least one
loading area (10 wide by 30 feet long) for each 20,000 square feet of gross floor area, or fraction
thereof, of building space likely to require loading space. Loading areas do not satisfY this
section unless they are located within 200 feet (measured in a straight line horizontally) of the
farthest point in the building space they serve.
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Chapter 20
Subchapter A. In General
Sec. 20.001. Definitions.
Sec. 20.002. Purpose. ,
Sec. 20.003. Authority ofZ&PC.
Sec. 20.004. Applicability, reviews, sketch
plats and site plans.
See, 20.005. Building permits not to be
Sec. 20.006. Bond and permit required.
Sec. 20.007. Variances and modifications.
Sec. 20.008. Surveying.
Sec. 20.009, Fees.
Sec. 20.044. Dedications; land description,
Sec. 20.045. Statements of review and
approval. '
Sec. 20.046. Surveyor's and engineer's
Sec, 20.047. Processing.
Sec. 20.048. Proposal to be judged on its
Subchapter B. Prellininary Plat
Sec. 20,021. Preparation generally.
Sec. 20.022. Time for filing.
Sec. 20.023. Formal application required.
Sec. 20,024. Application form.
Sec. 20.025. Notice.
See. 20.026. Fonn and content of plat.
See. 20.027. Accompanyingdocuments.
Sec. 20.028. Processing.
Subchapter C. Final Plats
. Sec. 20.041. General fonu and content.
Sec. 20.042. Scale; malar finish; size.
Sec. 20.043, Number of copies.
Subchapter D. Improvements
Sec. 20.061. Construction required.
See, 20.062, Report upon completion of
Sec. 20.063, Building Official to notifY
Sec. 20.064. City not liable to furnish
improvements. ,
Sec. 20,065-20.075. [Reserved}.
Sec, 20.076, Lots.
See, 20.077, Survey, stakes, location.
Sec, 20.078. [Reserved].
Sec. 20.079. Water supply and distribution.
Sec. 20.080. Sewage.
Sec. 20.081. Drainage,
Sec. 20,082. Street ii-ontage.
Subchapter A. In General
Sec. 20.001. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings
ascribed to them by this section. Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be construed
as set out in the zoning ordinance, Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code or in
accordance with the customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practices,
(1) "Final plat" shall mean the map or drawing on which asubdivider's plan of,
subdivision is presented in final recordable form for approval by the Z&PC.
(2) "Natural channel" shall mean a discernible natural water drainage channel of.
discrete width as opposed to general puddling over a substantially uniform
(3) "Preliminary plat" shall mean the map or drawing on which a. subdivider's
plan of subdivision is initially presented to the Z&PC,
(4) "ASubdivider" shall mean the owner of the property who proposes to
subdivide a lot or tract ofland within the City.
(5) "Subdivision" shall mean the division of a lot or tract ofland into two or
more lots, sites or other divisions of the land for the purpose,whether
immediate or future, of sale or building development,
(6) "Z&PC" means the Zoning & Planning Commission,
Sec. 20.002. Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter"is to provide for the orderly, safe and healthful land
development within the City and to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the
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Sec. 20.003. Authority of Z&PC.
The Z&PC referred to in this chapter shall have the authority and responsibility for the
approval of all plans, plats and replats within !~e City in ~ccordance with .Ch~pter 212 of the
Texas Local Government Code, and the proVISIons of this subchapter which IS adopted under the
exercise of the police power granted to municipalities.
Sec. 20.004. Applicability, reviews, sketch plats and site plans.
(a) Generally. All property proposed for subdivision within the City shall hereafter be laid
out in accordance with this chapter for approval by the Z&PC, and no other subdivision will be
recognized by the City. Prior to the proposed plat being considered by the Z&PC, the Director of
Public Works will review the plat and make written recommendations to the Z&PC on said
subdivision request.
(b )Sketdl plats and site plans. For all proposed developments, except conventional single-
family, detached houses in the SF-I, SF-2 or SF-3 District, the following apply:
. . .
(1) an official site plan meetmg Ity stan ar s or a rova me u m t s Cater
Chapter 6 Chapter 9 Chapter 19. Chapter 22 the zonin~ ordinance as well as' other
applicable regulations). must be filed as part of the filing package for any plat or
(2) each official site plan must be filed among the City=s plat records, with the original
recorded plat; and
(3) all construction in a platted or replatted area must comply substantially with the
official site plan submitted and filed in connection with the plat or replat,
Review and approval of sketch plats dnd site plans is handled by the building official, who may
be advised by a committee of the Z&PCor a designee of the Z&PC. Appeals from the building
official are heard by the Z&PC regarding all matters within the platting jurisdiction of the Z&PC.
~ther appeals are heard in the usual mariner, by either the BSC or the ZBA, depending upon the ,
(c)EnfJineerinfJ reports. In addition to other engineering reports. the building official or
the Z&PC may require an engineering report to demonstrate that a site plan or a plat (or
development thereon) will complv with applicable regulations regarding parking.drivewav.
~gr~ss and drainage. ' They may require that the reports be 9repared by a registered professional
Sec. 20.005. Building permits not to be issued.
(a) Permits, No building, repair, plumbing or electrical permit shall be issued by the City
for any structure on a lot or tract unless a final plathas been approved pursuant to the provisions
hereof and filed for record with the City and the county clerk of the county.
(b) Exception. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the issuance
of permits for any lot or tract upon which abuilding exists and was in existence prior to
September 12, 1983, the last recorded conveyance of which was prior to September 12, 1983, or
for any lot or tract in the City validly recorded in accordance with applicable law prior to
September 12, 1983.
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Sec. 20.006. Bond and permit required.
Before starting clearing for any construction to qualify a lot or tract as a buildable site
within a proposed subdivision, the developer must obtain the following:
(1) Performance bond. Aperformance bond guaranteeing to the City installation
of the improvements within a specified time. The bond, based on the
estimated cost of the improvements, shall be in an amount approved, in
writing, by the Director of Public Works. A cashier's check or other financial
security approved by the Z&PC, subject to the above conditions, may be
substituted in lieu of a bond.
(2) Construction permit. The Building Official shall issue a subdivision
construction permit only after the preliminaryplatis conditionally approved
by the Z&PC,
Sec. 20.007. Variances and modifications.
(a) Variances, modifications. If the Z&PC finds extraordinary hardship may result from
strict compliance with this chapter, it may vary the provisions of this chapter so that substantial
justice may be done and the public interest secured if the variation will not have the effect of
nullifYing the intent and purpose ofthis chapter.
(b) Conditions. In granting variances and modifications, the Z&PC may require such
conditions as will, in its judgment, secure the objective of the standards so varied and modified.
Sec. 20.008. Surveying.
All surveying of subdivisions shall be done by a licensed public surveyor of the State of
Sec. 20.009. Fees.
Any preliminary or final plat submitted under the provisions of this chapter shall be
accompanied by' a non-refundable fee in an amount established from time to time by the City
Council. The fees so established shall include all costs of publication and distribution of notice
and the cost of recording an approved plat.
Subchapter B. Preliminary Plat
Sec. 20.022. Time for filing.
The subdivider shall file three copies of the preliminary plat with the Building Official at
least 21 days prior to the date on which formal application for the preliminary plat approval is
made to the Z&PC.
Sec. 20.023. Formal application required.
F onnal application for preliminary plat approval shall be made by the subdivider in writing
to the Z&PC at an official public meeting of the Z&PC,
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Sec. 20.024. Application form.
An application form, published by and made available upon request from the Building
Official, shall be completed in full and provided along with other materials required at the time
the preliminary subdivision plat is submitted.
Sec. 20.025. Notice.
Notice of the Z&PC's hearing on each subdivision application shall be given as required by
Chapter 212 of the Texas Local' Government Code.
Sec. 20.026. Form and content of plat.
The preliminary plat shall show the following:
(1) The names, addresses' and telephone numbers of the record owner of the lot,
tract or parcel proposed to be subdivided, and the owner's agent, if any.
(2) A description, by metes and bounds, ofthe proposed subdivision and of the
lot, tract or parcel from which the subdivision is proposed,
(3) The subdivision boundary lines indicated by heavy lines, lot lines and the
computed area of the subdivision and each lot in the subdivision.
(4) The date of preparation, scale of plat and north arrow. The scale shall be one
inch equals twenty feet minimum, unless otherwise approved.
(5) A number or letter to identify each lot or tract.
(6) The front building setback lines on all lots and tracts and the side yard
building setback lines on comer lots, if applicable. The street to which the lot
or tract is dedicated and the proposed street address (if available) shall be
(7) The proposed easements for drainage, public utility easements and streets,
both public and private.
(8) Adequate topographicalinformation to define site drainage.
(9) A location inset, preferably in the upper right comer of the plat, to show the
subdivision in relation to well-known streets, and watercourses in all
directions for a distance of at least one-fourth mile.
(10) Other matters required by state law.
Sec. 20.027. Accompanying documents.
Each preliminary plat submitted pursuant to this subchapter shall include:
(1) Twelve paper prints from the original drawing of the plat, reproduced on white
paper with blue or black lines, and one reproducible copy.
(2) A notarized certificate on the face of the plat, executed by the subdivider,
which certifies that all existing encumbrances, such as easements, fee strips or
significant topographical features on the land being platted, are fully shown
and accurately identified on the face ofthe plat. Such certificate shall further
state whether the plat being submitted includes all of the contiguous land
which the applicant owns or has a legal interest in or whether the applicant
owns or has a legal interest in any adjacent property; and if so, a statement of
the extent of such ownership and a boundary description of the land involved
must also be provided.
(3) A current title report, or title commitment from a title guaranty company
authorized to do business in the state, certifying that a search of the
appropriate records was made within the last60 days prior to the application
covering the land proposed to be subdivided and stating an opinion as to
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current record title ownership and any encumbra*ces, restrictions and
encroachments, if any, shown of record. A copy lof all land use restrictions or
deed restrictions, if any, shall be provided with t~e application, '
Sec. 20.028. Processing. Ii
(a) Generally, The Z&PC shall check the preliminary plat as to: its conformity with the
provisions of this Code and other applicable ordinances and state la~.
(b) Conditional approval or disapproval. Within 45 days afteIj the preliminary plat is
formally filed, the Z&PC shall conditionally approve or disapprove tl1e plat or conditionally
approve it with modifications. The Z&PC shall, within 10 days, notify the applicant in writing of
the action taken and if the action is one of disapproval, shall also stat~ in writing the reason for
said action and requirements to bring said plat into compliance, giving specific references to
sections of this Code or other ordinances or the comprehensive plan ~ftheCity.
( c) Effect of approval. Conditional approval of a preliminary p~at by the Z&PC shall be
deemed an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to
the approval of the layout of streets, water, sewer and other required limprovements' and utilities
and to the preparation ofthe final or record plat. !
(d) Length of approval- changes. Conditional approval of the ~reliminary plat shall be
effective for 12 months, unless reviewed by the Z&PC in the light of qew or significant
information which would necessitate a revision of the preliminary plat! If, prior to the approval
of the final plat, the Z&PC determines that changes are necessary in tne preliminary plat, it shall
inform the subdivider in writing of the necessary changes in the preliminary plat to bring it into
conformity with this Code or.other ordinances of the City, :
( e) Registered engineer required. All plans and engineering calqulations shall bear the seal
and signature of a registered professional engineer. :
(f) Not to constitute final approval. Conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall not
constitute automatic approval of the final plat. i
Subchapter C. Final Plats
Sec. 20.041.'General form and content. i
The final plat and accompanying data shall conform to the form akld content of the
preliminary plat and other required data as conditionally approved by tlIe Z&PC (or as indicated
in connection with an official site plan), incorporating any and all changes, modifications,
alterations, corrections and conditions as set out in the letters of preli~nary approval from the
Z&PC (or as indicated in connection with the official site plan) and mu*t show easements for all
utilities and drainage. This subchapter also applies to plats, such as amtmding plats, for which
preliminary approval is not required (or is waived as provided in this clta~,
Sec. 20.042. Scale; malar finish; size. I
The fmal plat shall be drawn to a scale of one inch equals 20 feet minimum, unless
otherwise approved by the Z&PC. The final plat shall be drawn on myl~ or a finish which is of
equal or greater durability and shall be one of the following sizes:
(1) Eighteen by twenty-four inches.
(2) Eighteen by thirty-six inches,
(3) Eighteen by forty-eight inches.
(4) Twenty-four by thirty-six inches,
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Sec. 20.043. Numberof copies.
The final' plat shall be submitted in such reasonable numbers as are required by the Z&PC.
Sec. 20.044. Dedications; land description, etc.
The final plat shall include, when applicable, a dedication forever of all streets and other
public ways delineated on the plat, which shall be the same as those shown on the preliminary
plat (or official site plan), signed and acknowledged before a notary public by the owner and
lienliolder, It any, ot the land and a complete and accurate description of the land subdivided.
The dedication and acknowledgment shall be in the current form required by the county clerk for
recording in the map records of the county and approved by the Z&PC. Private streets approved
by City Council shall be indicated onthe recorded plat giving the resolution, or ordinance
number allowing or approving the same.
Sec. 20.045. Statements of review and approval.
, The final plat shall include a statement prepared for the signature of the presiding officer
and the Secretary of the Z&PC stating that the final plat has been approved by such Z&PC. Also,
a statement of review and approval by the department of public works shall be provided on the
final plat.
Sec. 20.046. Surveyor's and engineer's certification.
The final plat shall include the certification of the surveyor or engineer responsible for
surveying the subdivision area, attesting to its accuracy. Each engineer and surveyor.must be
duly authorized to practice engineering or surveying by the State of Texas.
Sec. 20.047. Processing.
(a) Generally. As soon as practical after the subdivider is notified of the approval of the
preliminary lat or official site Ian if the relimin lat is waived , the subdivider shall
submit to the Z&PC ten pat 0 t e subdlV1SIon or portlOn thereof to be considered at an
official public meeting of the Z&PC.
(b) Preliminary plat as prerequisite, No final plat will.be considered unless a preliminary
plat has been submitted and conditionally approved. This does not apply to amending plats or to
plats for which the preliminary plat is waived as provided in this chapter.----
( c) 'lime lImItatIOn. A lmal plat ShaH be subrrutted to the Z&PC within 12 months ofthe
date of approval of the preliminary plat approval of the Z&PC (or approval of an official site plan
and waiver). Failure to submit a final plat within 12 monthsSffiiITbe conSIdered a derual ot the
(d) Consideration of application. After all information has been provided as set forth in
this chapter, the Z&PC will meet in a public session and consider the application for appmval or
denial. During the Z&PC's deliberations, the Z&PC will consider the following prior to
rendering its decision,
(1) Whether the plan or plat conforms to the general plan of the City.
(2) Whether the plan or plat conforms to the general plan of the City for the
extension of City services such as streets, sewer, water, etc.
(3) Whether the plan or plat' conforms to state law and the general rules and
regulations that the City may adopt and promulgate to promote the health,
safety or general welfare of the community (including, if applicable, the
zoning ordinance and its regulations regarding Aqualified medium density
subdivisions, @ which are incorporated into this chapter by reference).
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(4) Whether the plan provides for the safe, orderly and healthful development of
the community.
(e) . When acted upon. The final plat must be acted upon by the Z&PC within 30 days of
formal filing with the Z&PC.
(t) Resubmittal upondenial: Iffinal plat approval is denied by the Z&PC,a subdivider may
not submit an additional application for subdivision of the same lot or tract within 12 months of
the date of denial by the Z&PC.
Sec. 20.048. Proposal to be judged on its merits.
Each application for approval of a subdivision shall be judged on its own merit as presented
at a public hearing.
Subchapter D. Improvements
Sec. 20.061. Construction required.
The subdivider at his expense shall, after obtaining required permits construct all streets,
curbs and gutters, drainage facilities, water lines and' sewer lines, and other required utilities
within or without the subdivided property in accordance with the specifications of the City, and
upon acceptance by the City Council the same shall become the property of the City unless
otherwise provided herein.
Sec. 20.062. Report upon completion of improvenients.
When the improvements required by section 20.061 are completed, the developer shall
report, in writing, to the Building Official after all of the following have occurred:
(1) . All work has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and
(2) The water and sewer facilities have been approved by the City=s Director of
Public Works.
(3) The Building Official has made a satisfactory final inspection confirming that
all work, cleanup and requirements of the Z&PC have been completed.
(4) The improvements have been accepted by the City Council.
Sec. 20.063. Building Official to notify Z&PC.
The Building Official may not authorize the issuance of permits for buildings in the
subdivision until all improvements are completed and the steps mentioned in Section 20.062-
have been accomplished.
Sec. 20.064. City not liable to furnish improvements.
The acceptance of a final plat by the City does not in any manner obligate the City to
finance or fumishany storm sewers, drainage structures, street, water, sewer improvements or
any other items or improvements whatsoever.
Sec. 20.065-20.075. [Reserved].
Sec. 20.076. Lots.
All proposed subdivision lots shall meenhe requirements of the City zoning ordinance and
other applicable requirements of the City,
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Sec. 20.077. Survey, stakes, location.
All subdivisions shall be surveyed on the ground and all lot corners stakes shall'be with
visible iron pins. The subdivision shall be located with respect to an original corner of the
original plat survey of which the proposed subdivision is a part. During construction, 'pavement,
drainage facilities and utility areas shall be visibly staked. All proposed streets in subdivisions
shall meet the standards and specifications set by the Director of Public Works and must be
approved by action of the City Council.
Sec. 20.078. [Reserved].
Sec. 20.079. Water supply and distribution.
All approved lots or tracts shall be provided by the subdivider with a water supply, water
distribution systems and fire hydrants meeting the requirements of the department, of public
Sec. 20.080. Sewage.
All lots or tracts in subdivisions shall be provided by the subdivider with an approved
sewage system meeting the requirements of the department of public works.
Sec. 20.081. Drainage.
Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, natural channel or stream, or where the
subdivision receives overland flow or other draina e from ad'acent ro ert there shall be
. . t . .
the public with sufficient width to accommodate the watercourse. channel. stream or draina~e
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