HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1639 - new personnel handbook ORDINANCE NO. 1639 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERSONNEL POLICIES; ADOPTING A NEW PERSONNEL HANDBOOK; PROVIDING AN . .. EFFECTIVE DATE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, a Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook was heretofore approved and adopted by the City Council on February 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of City Administration to replace the existing . personnel policies and employee handbook with new guidelines. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Section 2.021 (a) of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows: (a). Handbook Adopted. The City Council approves and adopts the "Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook, -1-99+-2000 Edition," including errata page, which is on file in the office of the City Secretary, together with all amendments adopted by ordinance. Nothing inthis section or the adopted handbook creates' any contractual or vested rights of any kind. The City Council has the continuing right to repeal and to amend this section and the handbook at any time, and the City Council does not purport to. surrender Qr abrogate any of its legislative or regulatory authority. Section 2. Thatthe new Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook shall amend, supersede and replace the comparable provisions of all prior personnel policies and procedures heretofore adopted by the City Council or by any officer or agency of the City. Section 3. That the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of West University Place. Section 4. r That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force .from the time of its passage and approval as required by law. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. I I I ,. 1 I I I I II II r- (1 Ii - -~ ,'-nr;l i I 11 '; n';il],llil,llll" I;lil"li. ; I Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open,Meetings Law, Chapter 441, Texas Government Code, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The. City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this ~ay of ,2000. ~ ,>>SED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, this & ""'day of ~2000. SIGNED~~'><">L Linda Lewi~' MaY~ ATTEST: AP~RM JamesL. Dougherty, Jr., City Attorney (SEAL) II I -Ol_._~<__=;o'''-E.----II!"':O-=''''''''''''-.' ... o=,_s..-..-.-..-_ .~~_.................~-- ~I -+- II 1I7i'i3ft 1W=rr ',mr",_.. Pj0:m wi; ~j f d&N ;:tBt; \";;%13 &fl; '" L ~ ~ -+- Cay of Wesl Universily PI~ce. Texas Personnel Policies and :Employee . Handbook -+- _ _________~.."'=__O=c"""_=~F=_.______=l"'I-~~"J!="-c"-,---~~=.7"~-"--,.-n!~.:J.L.._.. ~ __J~.j_ _,L.L_.~l__.-'-_.i.oJ"-~:_.L~-- --- - -----~~----------,-----:"F]re1':"-.c""l"~-l IL -+- Ii ~I +- II , " '" flIJSIl.ull!is.. ;/';,)1&% tm1 ~ WEil -+- Cfly of Wesl Universily Place Personnel Policies and ~mployee lIanJLook Y2K EJilion I. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................... 1 II. RECRl1ITl\IENT& -EMPLOYMENT .................... 3 ill. EMPLOYMENT STA.TUS ................................... 6 ~ PAY PLAN AND COMPENSATION GUIDELINES.. 7 ~ PERSONN'EL MOVES ...................................... 9 VI. BENEFITS &. SERVICES .........................-....... 11 VII. OVERTIME & COMPENSATORY TIME ........... 15 VIII. RECORDIN'G TIl\1E ....................................... 17 IX. ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES .......................... 18 x. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS ............................... 23 XI. GRIEVANCE PR.OCEDURE.............................. 26 Xll. COMPLAIN'TS ............................................... 27 + --.------~--r'.".-o- ,.--.''''-,l~=o':c._''".,....,,~,..-''_.---r-c-----o--c-'''''"""'.--.-- - "","",em".l 1 I :1 . :1':'1 Ill1IJH- Table of Conlenls ---- "nrrr" , I IL -+- II ~I -+ If '0r, tr0?!"J"";;;;] .~""'" ''"''I. ' ::;'4i~~ 0; lti }fufd fu-~~ Ji ~ "'~ ~.z'0 ~~ K:0$Z $'Ek;: -+- IL Cay of Wes~ Universi~y Place Cily Or Wesl U niversily Place Personnel Policies and Employee DandLooL: GIlNElW.. PROVISIONS The City of West University Place welcomes you to our staff. We want to make your first days on the job as pleasant and comfortable as possible" As a new employee you may have questions about City policies, procedures.- and' expectations of you as an employee. This handbook will answer most of those questions. The information in this handbook serves as a guide to you and provides information on procedures, policies and other personnel matters. It is your responsibility to . ask questions if you do not understand any policy or procedure. The more you know about West U, the easier it will be for you to understand your role in re- lation to other positions. The City retains the right to change, modify, suspend, interpret or cancel any. of the benefits, policies and practices at its sole discretion. This handbook is sub- ject to the City Charter as well as the constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the federal government. . This handbook does not create, reflect 'or imply' any contractual or vestedright. Either you or the City may terminate this relationship at any time. PersoDD;,} Policies aDd RmployeeIlandl.ool. - Page 1 + <, ""--'-r~~'="'='T' ..- =n r-- . 'rIr7I' iii;lil 11 1111'1111 1IIIIIIIr ~---"I;omll~'T'i--' ----.-- + II ~I + II ~ , i!klr$lftl'k1;"i!P.. ' -" ~ ?iE01'i f" ~;! ,'t;:$! ~:g ";:;' K<i =--"""# ==lll= IL -+- Ci~Y of W es~ Universi~Y Pla.ce Unkss.svcdficalh noted. References to benefits, in- surance coverage, leave accruals and holiday pay are applicable to regular employees only:-m}d to part-time employees on a pro-rated basis. The City Manager is authorized and directed to ad- minister this handbook, including the right to estab- lish whatever detailed regulations and procedures may be necessary to further explain'and clarify the provi- sions of this handbook, except with respect to those employees appointed directly by the City CounciL In addition to the policies and procedures outlined in this manual, it is the prerogative of each department director to develop and implement additional policies which are separate from or in addition to the policies, procedures and guidelines contained in this handbook. Department policies must be consistent with City poli- cies and in no case will departmental policies' super- cede those contained in this handbook. The City Man- ager will resolve any conflicts between department policies and City-wide policies. In order to be in ef- fect, all policies and promises regarding your employ- ment must be in writing and on ftlewith the Personnel Specialist. Many of the policies and descriptions in this handbook are summarized from laws, rules, plans, insurance poli- cies and other official documents which actually con- trol specific matters. These official documents take pre- cedence over this handbook in all cases. The Person- nel Specialist is responsible for providing access to the official documents during normal working hours. -+- It is your responsibility as an employee to read, under- stand and comply with all policies, procedures, guide- lines and practices of both the City and individual de- partments. This version of the City of West University Place Per- sonnel Policies and Employee Handbook supersedes all prior versions issued by the City. This handbook Page 2 · PersoDDJ Policies and Employee Dandlook -+- II r- "~T~~~"~" r----'----- -onl-,l I I 11 :1'11 '1111111111" -- -- -~--'----------rrm1i-; ,,- -i'n---~- ~I -+- II f31Z~Ji'W'1 aw~.~. y~e~~it" ~1~ Mwil ~~ IB + IL Cily of Wesl Universily Pla.ce was approved by the . City of West University Place City Council by Ordinance Number 1551 and became effective on February 10,1997. It was revised by Or- dinance Number xxxx on r datel:-2umJ.- RECRUITMENT & EMPLOYMENT Equal EmplQyment Opportunity. We are-an equal op- portunity employer. Discrimination against or prefer- ence for any persouinrecrnitment, hiring, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, memberslrip, training,examina- tion, appointment, promotion. retention, discipline or any other aspect of employment because of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital stattis,physi- cal disability ornon..merit factor is prohibited. Harassment.. It. is the right of aU employees to per- form their jobs in an environment free, from all forms of harassment,inc1uding innuendo, physical contact, verbal suggestiveness or derogatory ethnic/raciall sexual remarks. While supervisors are responsible for creating and maintaining an atmosphere free of ha- rassment,employees areresponsible for respecting the rights of co-workers..Offensive material or conduct will not be tolerated. Anti-violence Workplace. The City intends to provide a work environment free from any type of violence that could bringhann to an employee or member of the public. Weapons. With the exception of certified law enforce- ment officers, City employees are prohibited from car- rying any type of firearm or prohibited weapon in City- owned buildings and vehicles. The Texas Open Records Act. This law requires that information collected by the City be publicinforma- tion and available to the public for inspection. In re- gard to your personnel fIle, you have the righttochoose whether or not to allow public access to your home PeftoDDel Polides and Rmployee Handl.ooJ. · Page 3 . ,..-- 11: j,.:::::lcllliUII,alr I -~ --.---111;1 - --11iiTl~lr'--~"Iil~ + Ir- ~I -+ II I_~- , 'x~itl:.~..'10.. /'i: ;g~ ~j2 8:; -+- IL Cily of Wesl Universily Place address and home telephone number. Home addresses and telephone numbers of public safety employees are automatically closed to the public. As a new employee, you must state, in writing, 'no'later that the 14th day after the initial date of employment, if this informa- tion is to be public. You may request a change at any time with written notice t()thepersonnel office. Accommodating Employees with Disabilities.. The City wlII not discriminate against those with adisabil- ity, because of the disability, in regard to application procedures, hiring, advancelllent~ discharge, compen- sati-on; tra:ining;l>n:>th--e-Fterms,' con(littons~an(lpiiVi= leges of employment. Further, the City, upon request, will, reasonably, accommodate qualified individuals with a disability s'othat they can perfonnthe essential functions of a job. Drug FreeWorlqilitce. The City is commirtedto pr<r viding a safe and productive work environment for its , emplOyees, ensuring the well-being and safety of its citizens and protecting the integrity of the City through the actions of its employees. The presence or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on thejob is prohibited,'Fur- ther, emplpyees areptohibited from working under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any other sub- stance which could. impair an employee's ability.. to safely and effectively perfornithe functions of hislher job. You will be subject to drng imd alcohol testing when a supervisor has reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol,use; after certain vehicle accidents; when re- turning to' duty as a result of self-referral; follow-up after a: detennination that you'were in need of assis- tance in resolving drug or alcohol problems; promoted to a safety-sensitive position; orifyou are in a safety- sensitive position. + Smoke Free Environment. Smoking in City buildings and facilities is prohibited, except in designated areas. PersonalAppearance.Attire and grooming shall con- formto common sense standards of neatness and good Page 4 · Personnel Policies IlDJ Rmployee lIilDd1,..ok + II ---'--~-'-'r~~-----r~~~--~"""I1 r--.~'=="'-=-~=~"""'nr,l I-II rITIDir' 'i:1lrli- n, i'~r- ~l -+- II %AP~'1D'!I'?I!~'.. Wii~ ~~j !~dI~ ~'gJ1 -+ Cily of Wesl Universily Place taste. Political Activity. You may not endorse a candidate for federal. state or local public office while on-duty or permit the display of the City logo or the use of any City equipment or property in support of such can- didates. As an employee, you cannot seek or hold an elective office in the City. Upon announcement of m- tention to seek or assume such office, you must sub- mit your resignation. Media Contacts. The City Manager and department directors are authorized to serve as liaison to media representatives regarding policy issues. Other employ- ees are not authorized to make statements on behalf of the City. unless directed to do so by the department director or City Manager. Exception: you may respond directly to an inquiry for routine factual information relating specifically to your duties and not relating to litigation, legal opinions or City personnel matters. If you receive an inquiry. you should report it to your department director, together with any response you make. Nothing in this handbook prohibits the exercise of constitutional rights. which generally protect com- munications made as a citizen on matters of public concern, but not copununication made as an employee on matters of personal interest. Conflict of Interest. You may not accept gifts, favors, services or promises of future employment that could relate to, or influence the performance of your official duties. You may not use your position to gain special privileges or benefits and are to avoid participating fi- nancially in any business enterprise which might in- fluence your official decisions and judgments. You may not hold any position with any business enterprise or governmental unit which would conflict with the proper performance of your duties or responsibilities. You, your spouse and minor children are prohibited from , soliciting or receiving gifts in any amount unless a specific statutory exception applies. PersoDDJ Pohcb," IlDd Ymployee IllUldl.ool. · Page {; -+- _. .__~ _ ., .____ ~ __0_ ~"".,.- _~-..,..---o. .T__.~ r-- -- - -, .,,-~ rrr,l dll~ '1~lrc"r' IL -+- Ii ~l -+- II - ~;njff1l\Bfu;~%l... ' ~<<fjii! ::g~ .:':~ %~;; ~ -+- Cfly of Wes~ Universily Place III. Right to Search and Inspect. The City reserves the right: to question you and all other persons entering and leaving City property and to inspect ally City ve- hicle, package, parcel, purse, handbag, briefcase, lunch box or any other personal possession or article on City property.' In addition the City reserves the right to search any office, desk, file, computer, locker or any other area or article owned by the City. In this con- nection all offices, desks, files (including electronic or computer. files), computers, lockers, vehicle and any other piece of equipment or furniture are property of the City and are issued for the use of employees only during your employment. Inspections may be con- ducted at any time at the discretion of the Department. Director or City Manager with or without your con- sent or approval and with or without prior notifica- tion. Nepotism. The supervision ofa family member is pro- hibited. DUring the course of employment, should two employees become related and one is supervising the other, then one will have to leave the employ of the City. Internet. The City allows and "encourages employees to use the Internet to accomplish job responsibilities and tasks. Employees have an obligauon'to use such access in a responsible and informed way, conforming to netiquette, custom, and courtesies. Uses that inter- fere with normal business activities, involve solicita- tions, are associated with any for-profit business ac- tivity,or could potentially embarass the City are pro- hibited. EMPLOYMENT STATUS Provisional Employees. If you receive. wages from the City and work a minimum of 40 or more hours per week on: a regular basis, (53 hours for fire personnel) and have not yet been designated a regular employee, you are classified as a provisional employee. Page 6 · Pel'SODllel Policies and Employee I1andhoo!.: -+- ~___ _."~._-'-____~~_L- L-.;J...:..:.:.L:lll;~-----~-~'--,------c---- --~rr.J~~':";'l";-r-- IL + Ir- ~...I -+- ~I ~~;{~t:Trllm. x;dW ~",.;&~~:u_ ~ + Cily of Wesl UniversHy Place Regular Employees. If you receive wages from the City and work a minimum of 40 or more . hours per week on a regular basis, (53 hours for fire personnel and have satisfactorily completed provisional employee status, you will be classified as a regular employee. Part-time Employees. Employees who work fewer than 40 hours per week on a regular basis. Temporary Employees. Employees whose services are intended to be of limited duration and who work fewer than 1,000 hours in a six month period. New Employee Provisional Peripd. As. a new em- ployee,. you are consid~red. a proVi~ional . employee Urttil you are designated' fl. regular emp~()yee. This pro- visional period is desigDed to allow the" supervisor or department director.anoPPortunity to evaluate, train, coach and observe your ability to perform assigned duties. At the end of six months your imme.diate su- pervisor will prepare a written appraisal of your per- formance during this period' and discuss it with you. After one year. you will receive a tmal provisional performance evaluation. If your perfoImanceis satis- factory, you will be designated a regular employee. If your performance is less than satisfactory at any time during the provisional period you may be dismissed . without further recourse. PAY PLAN AND COMPllNSATION GmDEIJNFS Establishment of Plan. The City Council shall estab- lish the pay plan. The pay plan may be examined from time to time by the City Manager who has the author- ity to submit any recommendations for changes to the City Council. Purpose. The purpose of the City's pay system is to attract, retain and motivate employees through the pay- ment of financial compensation that is commensurate Persom"J Pohetes and Employee Randkok · Page 7 -+- IL -+- II - .W::I.__ .LI...-' ..:J.':JJI.LIlILH -~~--,-.,.--____m-___-----rnrnrr"r~'~:--~~~- ~I -+- II r .- {~~ ~'WK4~ ~@m;~~. ' "30W't WJi1lii' ~li!,_M. z@'0J ~ 4@M ~ -+- CHy of Wes~ Universily Place with your ability, responsibility and contribution to- ward the City's goals. It is designed to recognize and reward outstanding perfonnance and acmeveinternally equitable and -externally competitive compensation. Salary Ranges. Each position in the City has a salary range defmed by minimum and maximum salary lim- its and a midpoint. The salary' range defines the pay opportunities for the job. The salary ranges and mid- points are to be reviewed and revised to reflect chang- ing competitive positions, economic conditions and cOInpensation objectives; It is the l!eneralnolicv of ~ City that after comnletion of six vears of stalldard ser- vice in ~ nosition emnlovees will ~ at 95% of the mid- ranl!e of the Dav Imide: after comoletion 2! ~ years .2t: standard service in! Dosition emplovees will be at 95% of the.!gE ranl!e of the nav l!l'ade. Job Description. Each position in the City Will have a written job description using a standard format and will be prepared by using a Job Description Question- naire. The main objectives of the job description are: . To serve as a means of communication between the supervisor and the employee to clarify the responsibili- ties and expectations of the job; . To serve as the main resource to determine the salary range; . To serve as the basis for the annual performance ap- praisal; . To identify minimum qualifications and applied skills, knowledge and ability for the purpose of recruitment, selection, promotion and training. Evaluation of Performance. Regular employees will be evaluated at least annually. This evaluation will in- clude a discussion between you and your immediate . Page 8 · PeTso1UlJ Polietes IUld Employee D......Ibook 4(;- -1-- ~~~T1 l'III!lilflllf ~i;1rnr~rT- ",. ~'-'~'"'-i1fr- F i ij IL -+- Ii ~I -+- II Ii'!" % 7"#,"01 P'0'Jl ~ifi"*.. ~ 4 ~1$:K; bJfu:, 1 r~k+~ ,,"'//.~lliL"'<;'~'>~ -+ IL CHy of Wesl Universily Place supervisor to detennine goals and evaluate progress toward better performance and personal development. A record of the evaluation will be made on forms pre- scribed by the personnel. o1f:iCe. You will be given a copy of the evaluation prepared by your supervisor. Performance-based Compensation. Salary increases may be given to reward individual performance. Cost of Living Adjustment. From time to time, across the board cost of living adjustments maybe made in the salaries of all employees. PmtsONNEI. MoVES Promotions. It is the policy of the City to encourage and provide opportunities for promotion. Employees are encouraged. to apply for vacant positions within the City. Apromotion is defined as the assumption of job duties and responsibilities that are higher in char- acter and scope than the previous job. A promotion occurs. when the new job is of a higher salary range than the prior job and is accompanied by a job title change. Promotional Increase. If you are promoted, the amount of salary increase as a result of the promotion shall be an increase of at least five percent of your current salary or an amount sufficient to reach the mini- mum salary range for the new job, whichever is greater. Promotions and Provisional Period. Promotions are subject to a six month provisional period. If you fail to meet the provisional' requirements, you may return to your previous position or a similar position, if a . position is available. Lateral Transfer. A lateral transfer is a move from one job position of equal salary range to another with a job title change only. A lateral transfer will require a six month provisional period unless it is a position you Personnel Policies anJ Ilmployee DanJl,ooJ. · P"ge 9 + + Ir- ~I ~.&c1fijjr._. > @WM dW ~ wD B1tl -+- IL Cay of Wesl Universily Place previously held. Demotion. A demotion occurs when you move from one job position to a position of a lower salary range and may. result in a lower salary based on the mini- mum and maximum of the salary range for that posi- tion. Reorganizations. You may be transferred, have ajob title change have your salary increased or decreased due toa department or City-wide reorganization. Reduction-in-force. From time to time economic con- ditions or the changing staffmg needs of the City cre- ate situations which will require a reduction in force or layoff from specific positions. -+- Resignation. In the event.you :f.md it necessary tore- sign, two weeks written notification is to be provided to your immediate supervisor. -+- Exit Interviews. EXit interviews with a representative of the personnel office will be scheduled if you are terminating service with the City. During the exit in... terview, you will be provided with an opportunity to discuss your job-related experiences confidentially. FinalPay. Upon termination of employment, you will be paid for all unused vacation, compensatory time aIid longevity pay which was accumulated at the time of termination. You may be eligible for payment of accumulated sick leave if you are retiring. Uniforms, keys, vehicles and other City-owned equipment must be returned in good condition to your supervisor prior to separation. Authorized deductions will be withheld from your final paycheck. Reappointment. Former City employees are eligible for rehire providing prior service with the City was satisfactory. Page to . Pe:rsonnel Policies and Employee Handbool ~I -+- Ir- ~I + II --------r- ,"/ii f..,y~P1iiP'iii1i.{i \\1.. ;p JL :::?tiJ ~Eill kJJLll g -+- IL Ci~y of W es~ Universj~y Place BENEFITS &: SERVICES. Health and Dental Insurance. You will be advised of group health and dental insurance plans, dependent coverage availability and current premium costs and will be enrolled in such plans during orientation. You, and anyone on your plans, will usually be covered on the :fIrst date of your employment. You will be allowed to make changes to your plans only during the annual enrollment period, or if you experience a change in family status. Flexible Spending Account. You have the option of participating in a flexible spending plan that allows you to contribute pre-tax salary to an account. Money allocated to this account can be used to reimburse you for medica1~ dental and presCription co~payments,un- covered medical or dental charges and dependent care coverage. You make an annual determination on the amount to be allocated to this account. Once you make a decision to participate, the decision cannot be re- voked unless you experience a change in family status or during annual enrollment. All contributions allo- cated to this account must be used during the year. Excess funds revert to th~'City. The City also allows you to have medical and dental premiums deducted on a pre-tax basis. Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insur- ance . You will be provided term life, accidental death and dismemberment insurance with a face value of $20,000. Long-Term Disability Insurance. Long-term disabil- ity insurance is provided for periods of extended dis- ability due to an accident or illness. The long-term dis- ability benefit pays 60 percent of basic monthly earn- ings, not to exceed a maximum monthly benefit of $6,000. Coverage is available after the elimination period of 180 days or the end of accumulated sick leave, whichever is greater. PeJ'BODDJ PJlcieo IUlJ Rmployee DanJl.ook - Page 11 -+- I IJ :-. --'miL ...LL......1L~.!.....!.!J.:lr~ ~ - ----:1:1ll:Ic'~ ' -+- II ~I -+- II r-.~ '1!i?@f-'Fd11~_tWi!II. ' ., r%'Qrii 1~ltA ?w~J lHr{m~1 , /13%1< ~0' %i12@ ~ -+- Cily of Wesl UniversHy Place Retiree Health Benefits. Non-exemvtEmvlovees - If you retire through the Texas Municipal Retirement Sys- tem and have been employed full-time for the City for at least 10 years immediately preceding the date of retirement, you can continue to be covered through the City's health plan. Exemvt Emvlovees - If vou retire throul!h the TMRS and"have a minimum of 10 vears of seniice credit with TMRS of which three vears immediatelv orecedinf! the date of retirement. were with the City. you can continue to be covered through ~S1ie~~The benefifincludesbaslc medi- cal coverage, exclu g accldental death, dlsability and dental. Your spouse and dependent(s) are also eligible for con- tinued coverage. You are responsible for all costs, in- cluding premiums, associated with spouse and depen- dent benefits. . All benefits terminate when y,?u become eligible for Medicare or other federal or state health insurance plans or if van become emoloved. You have one year from the date of retirement to de- clare your intention to continue health insurance cov- erage. If you elect not to participate, this deCision is final and irrevocable. Texas Municipal Retirement System. The Texas Mu- nicipal Retirement System is the primary retirement plan offered by the City. Effective the first day of em- ployment, participation in TMRS is mandatory if your position normally requires you to work at least 1,000 hours per year. Through payroll deduction, you will contribute six percent of your gross income and the City will contribute approximately twice that amount, depending on actuarial needs. Your contribution is tax deferred. Vesting occurs when you have made deposits into TMRS for 10 years. You may retire with benefits after Page 12" Personnel Policies anJ Employee HanJ"""!. -+- n Ii' . 'nr.] .11 __11 , ]J1)i!J 11111lH _n_--'Tl[n~~T '1 . IL -+ II ~I -+- II f!'%f~.tE!."WI.. Y<0 % I:\~;; :J;,,,*,,@ti__,'lJ %'}<< ""o=d m~-<>== -+- Cily of Wesl Universily Pla.ce 10 years of service at age 60; or at any age if you have 20 or more years of service. If you can no longer perform your job at the City as a result of an illness or injury, lMRS provides an occu- pational disability retirement regardless of whether the age or service requirements have been met. Should.you die while still in the"City's employment, lMRS provides a death benefit to. your beneficiary approximately equal to your current annual salary. Retirees are provided with a $5,000 death benefit. If YOU' have exhausted all accrued leave benefits and are on unpaid leave status, you will not be able to con- tribute to TMRS. IT this occurs, TMRS requires you to request an extension of your Supplemental Death Ben- efit and have it approved by the TMRS Medical Board. IT your employment with the City terminates and you are not eligible to retire or not vested in the retirement system, your retirement contributions may remain in an inactive account no longer than five years. You must apply for a refund of your contributions before the end of the five years from the time of your termination. The refund includes your contributions as well as any accrued interest. . Longevity. You will receive longevity pay of $5.00 per month for each year of continuous service. Longevity pay shall be in addition to. your base salary and shall be paid with the regular bi-weekly payroll. Longevity pay begins upon completion of one year of service. Deferred Compensation. A 457 deferred compensa- tion plan is offered on a voluntary basis through the International City/County Management Association. You can currently defer up to 25% of your gross an- nual income, up to established~. Employee Assistance Program. Recognizing that per- sonal problems can adversely affect your health and Pe:raonnJ Policies IIDd :Employee D_dl.ooJ. · Page 13 -+- _,"_._.._~~______m__"~_~_:-:-::C'C=':::-.'_T-"""':'::-"=O=.=~~_. IL -+- Ii ~"I + II , wrdtWW;I'i\iifJ;.\l_.-m. ~;fj %flif;; i$"~~ IL + City of Wes~ Universi~y Place job performance, an Employee AssistaiIce Program, which can make available free, confidential and pro- fessional assistance to help you and your immediate family members, is provided. You or an innnediate family member may contact the EAP diCectly. The City is not advised of any self-re- ferraL A supervisor may refer you to the EAP only on the basis of an unsatisfactory job perforinance. There is no chargeto you or a fari:rily member for the assess- ment andreferral services pfovide.d by the EAP. If the EAP counselor believes that a participant needs fur- ther assistance, tpe counselor will refer the participant to an appropriate agency or individualfor continuing care. Costs incurred for other' treatment which is not coveredbyhealthbenefits, your health insurance plan, or is not offered free by other providers, shall be vour responsibility. . Training Schools. If you are required to attend man- datory training for certification purposes, Of to main- tain certification, attendance at such training is at the City's expense. Trafuing must. be approved by the de- partmentdirector in advance. Tuition Reimbursement. fu instances where you want to accrue credit toward a high school diploma, high school equivalency certificate, college degree, post- college graduate degree, law degree, CPA designation or similar professional certification, reimbursement will be provided for 100 percent of tuition and related fees up to $2.000 per year offered by accredited edu- cational institutions under the following conditions: -+- . Classes and course work shall be completed on the employee's own time; . A grade of C or better must be received in the course; . Benefit is coordinated with and secondary to any other source of funds you may receive for the purpose of at- tending classes. Page 14 . Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook -+- Ii - ----,---,~------ - -~-."'-=,--.oc=!===--==l~'---------------r===C-~====="""~-'-''''"'''-=:''rrr=l_~.._ . _ __L.L......JL.:!....1Ji.:l:l.L. LJIDJAI: -- ----~'lfIDrrw'mT~1 ~I -+- II "^"""'--;m-=... W;;iliit <':Y'f&1 m,,~o"1 ~/. /~ ~& tif&' -+ IL Cay of Wesl Universily Place Should vou voluntarilv resi~ from the City within one vear fromreceivimr tuition reimbursement. you will be obli!!"ated to Dav. back to the City the reimburse- ment orovicded to you durin!!" this Deriod. If you are takiilg a leave of absence for educational purposes, you will not be eligible for reimbursement. OVERmm &: COMPENSATORY Too Overtime. Overtime hours are those hours worked which exceed a 40 hour work week. orin the case of Fire Department employees; a 53 hour work week. ExemptEmployees. Certain employees, due to their position title and responsibilities are exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions, - including executive, administrative personnel and professional employees. The following positions are considered exempt: City Manager Parks & Recreation Director City SeCretary Senior Services Manager Finance Director Recreation Manager Public Works Director Police Chief Fire Chief Chief Building Official Utilities SUDerintendent Planninl!&DeveloDmentAs- DeveloDment Coord. sistant Nonexempt Employees. Employees in all other posi- tion classifications who are asked to work additional hours will be paid overtime or be offered compensa- tory time at the rate of time and one-half in lieu of overtime pay. Time and one-half is used in calculating overtime and compensatory time in situations where the actual hours worked exceed standard work week hours. Work Week. The work week begins 12:01 AM Sunday and consists of seven consecutive 24 hour periods. The standard work week for most employees is 40 hours and normally will consist of five eight hour shifts. Fire VII. Persollllel Pollet... allJ J1...ployee DlIllJbooJ. · Page 15 -+- r: - -I C.._~.".TI-___m co. . --'~:-:-___~_~L.....lL_LJ.IT[IlIiII :n[l: :" ['l -+ II ~I +- II "%~ 1 "lWli SFWi/& fIiJIr. i~~~~~~illS -+ IL Cay or Wesl Universily Place Department personnel have a work week consisting of an average of 53 hours per week, based on 24 hour shifts with 48 hours off between shifts. . Accrual. . Police and Fire Departmeht employees may not accumulate more than 120 hours of compensatory time for hours worked. All other nonexempt employ- ees cannot accrue more than 80 hours of compensa- tory time. Assignment andAuthorizationfor Overtime. You are responsible for notifying your immediate supervisor if your work assignment cannot be completed within the established guidelines. You are expected to work overtime hours if requested to do so. No overtime hours are to be worked without supervisory approval. Waiver Prohibited. The requirement that overtime must be paid after 40 hours a week may not be waived by agreement between you and the City. Overtime and Absenteeism. If, during a regular work week, you work in excess of 40 hours for which you will be awarded cash or compensatory time, any paid vacation, personal or sick hours used by you during the same work week, will be calculated at your regu- lar rate of pay. In short, you Will receive overtime compensation only after you have worked 40 hours during a regular work week (53 hours for fire person- nel). + Administrative Leave. If you are an exempt employee, reasonable time off as administrative leave may be granted from time to time with approval of the depart- ment director or city manager. Responsibility for Controlling Work Time. Each de- partment directoris responsible for exercising adequate supervision to ensure that employees are complying with established work schedules and that unscheduled work is performed only in bona fide emergencies. The department director is responsible for controlling start- Page 16 · Personnel Polides IlDd Rmployee HllDdJ.ool. -+ II \-........--"._-_.~- .._~-~" -- f'=--i .- "'-11 IT"" 1 j . !""'llfTIJ'H""" TTW-'"""-lf"l r- ~I -+- ~I L_ --r"-=.----~-.,-- - ">tJjmllilffi~~.. ?';2lt ?i;i:J!il mk'!WII lllfu!d ;;"';ttr bdfj1tilliill~ -+- IL Cily of Wesl Universily Place ing and stopping times and all work time. If you start work early or late and the time for either period is seven minutes. or less, that time is considered incidental and will not require compensation. Overtime pay will be- gin the eighth minute and will be calculated in 15 minute intervals. Employee Responsibility. It is your responsibility. to comply with department work schedules and to avoid work that is unscheduled or unauthorized. RECORDING Turn Recording the Way it is Worked.-Each workday will be recorded separately with respect to hours worked. If you leave a work site periodically during the work day for various reasons you are to reflect the lost time on time sheets.. PaidNon""work 1ime.Paidnon-worktime (coded time) includes sick and injury leave, personal time,jury duty, task assignment time and any other paid absence. Rest and Meal Periods. Two 15 minute rest periods may be provided each day and are to be taken within the work area. The supervisor is responsible for sched- uling breaks. to ensure continuity of work flow and adequate representation of personnel throughout the entire work day. The meal period shall be of one hour length and shall normally be taken between 11 :00 AM and 2:00 PM for those employees working a standard eight hour shift. Any meal period of less than 30 min- utes will be recorded as hours worked. Supervisors are responsible for making every effort to avoid situations in which an employee is expected to work more than five and one-half continuous hours without taking at least a 30 minute rest period or break. Rest periods and lunch breaks are to be taken as assigned and can- not be stored or banked. Holiday and Overtime. Employees who are required VIII. Personnel Policies and Employee lIand1.ook . Page 17 -+- -+- II ~I -+- ~I ''lfxjl~liW.~'!.. " ig~ ~,ii~l ~:0&~_ -+- Cily of Wesl Universily Place to work on an official holiday shall, in addition to the regular pay for the hours worked, receive one and one- half time pay for the holiday hours worked. Pay Period and Payroll. Payroll is prepared on a bi- weekly basis and will be direct-deposited into your checking or savings account every other Friday. AT'l'ENDANCIi AND LEA VlS The Work Week. The normal work week for City em- ployees shall be 40 hours. Since certain' departments must operate seven days per week, some employees may be required to work during any day of the week on a regular schedule. The specific arrangement and adjustment of the hours of the work week shall be the function of the department director and the city man- ager, Holidays. The following paid holidays will be ob- served. althoul!"h certain emplovees mav be required to re ortfor du : New Years' Day; Good Friday; Me- morial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanks- giving Day; the day following Thanksgiving; Christ- mas Day;' and 'an additional Christmas holiday. Holidays Falling on Weekends. Holidays which fall on a Saturday will be observed oDthepreceding Fri- day. Holidays which fall on Sunday will be observed on the following Monday. AdditionalChnstmas Holiday. When Christmas falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, in addi- tion to the legal holiday observance, the preceding workday shall also be observed as a holiday. When Christmas falls on Sunday, Monday, or Thursday. in addition to the legal holiday observance, the follow- ing workday shall also be observed as a holiday. Personal Leave. At the beginning of each caIendaryear, you will be provided with 32 hours of personal leave that may be used at any time during the year. subject Page 18 · Personnel Policies and Employee HllDdl.ooL: -+- !:" "-""r-'=""""-~~-~O"'==-"""'~_~________..J..L-,-~,.-,-:.L!rcr~--,. -----~1i'jrEl:c:~.~'T':r-,--- - IL -+- Ii ~I -+- II ~P'1:''<WiB'>''!:;:fu~~.. < 1,% ~ &~IJ! /S4ffi iWiYi21 " ;<:L, ~ ,.,~ >.wffii"",<~~ + Ci~y of W es~ University Place to approval by your supervisor. This time, in one hour increments, shall be used for medical and dental ap- pointments, personal matters or the first day of each sick leave occurrence. This leave does not accrue, how- ever, unused personal time will be paid in cash at the end of each year. Vacation Leave. Vacation leave credits shall accrue as follows: . Four years of service or less -6.667 hours per month (10 days per year); . At the start of the :fifth year of service, but fewer than 1'2 years of service-:-lO.OQO hours per month (15 days per year); . At the start of the 12th year ofservice-13.333 hours per month (20 days per year). As a provisional employee, you will accrue vacation during your provisional period, but will be eligible to use such vacation leave oIIly upon completion of six months of service. If you aresepaiated prior to regular employee, status, no vacation accrual shall be cred- ited. All vacation leave schedules must be approved by the department'director. Vacation leave shall be charged and used in amounts of not less than one hour increments. Unused vacation credit, up to certain limits, may be carried forward. You may accumulate credits up to the maximum amounts as follows: . Fewer than four years of service-l60 hours . More than four years of service, but fewer than 12 years of service-240 hours Persolmel P..l1des and Employee H....d]",..!. · Page 19 + "--~~~~-~-~r-~=='--==-=-=-~I===~~='- " r-<O"'~<~'<'<O~~~~01l!"';] , ,',~J! I leUIM- -'r,l1lllr-'~l!"1 - IL -+>- Ii ~I -+ II 'V~$';1lirtw~ .M~lJ1B!. ~ ., .i~'t~~@%1f~~ -+ IL Cily of Wesl UniversIty Place . More than 12 years of service-320 hours If you reach the maximum amount of vacation credit, no additional time will be credited until the vacation time is used. Accrued vacation will be paid upon separation. The effective date for separation refers to the last date which you actually worked. Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay shall be granted when you have a physical incapacity not incurred in the line of duty; a personal or immediate family member ill- ness; or enforced quarantine. Sick leave time begins the second working day of the illness. The Inst day off each sick leave occurrence shall be reported as per- sonalleave time, vacation time, compensatory time or time off without pay. Along-term orrecurring illness, which requires outpatient treatment, shall be consid- ered one occurrence. You or your representative are required to report di- rectly to your immediate supervisor or department di- rector on the first day, and each subsequent day there- after, of your absence before the beginning of your shift or as prescribed by the department. Messages left with non-supervisory personnel , will not be accepted. Department directors have the right to verify the re- ported illness of an employee and may require a doctor's certificate for absence due to illness and the period of such absence Sick leave shall be accrued for all provisional and regu~ lar employees at the rate of eight hours for each two months of service with no limit to accumulation. For Fire'Department personnel, the accrual rate shall be 12 hours for each two months of serviCe. -+- Upon separation from the City, you will be paid for up to 90 days of accrued sick leave credit if you have at- tained the age of 60 and have completed at least 10 years of service or if you have completed 20 years of Page 20 · Personnel Policies and :Rmployee Dand1ool: -+- II :---------'-,--~~-~---'---~-~r~~c=~"[-~~-~-~-'--_____.--------~-~-=~------nr:l i:III.JTfI'1---------.-~----,-------.-'-- - -n~'m1i"-:-";T'rf---,- ~I + ~I X~ffi" <"';77)mi!fuP.. %0,1 "'* f'S4@! A WI m0W":;'- ":fu' t i<Ji",~M ~t)&if }1@fJ~3 ~ CHy of Wesl UniversHy Place service regardless of age. In the event of the your death, the City wiUpay up to 45 days of accrued sick leave to your designated beneficiary. . Sick Leave Bank. You, may voluntarily participate in the sick leave bank. The sick leave bank provides an added source of sick leave for those employees who have acatastrophic illness or injury and have exhausted all accrued sick and annual leave balances. Contribu- tions to the.bank must be.in units of eight hours and must be contributed from unused vacation leave. You may use sick leave assigned from the bank:in the same manner as accrued sick leave. .-, < Job Relatedlnjuries.Hyou sustain a job telatedin- jury, the injury is to be reported immediately to your supervisor or department director. A First Report of. InjuryF orm isabo to be completed. To the extent pro- vided by State law, worker's compensation insurance will' cover medical "expenses for treatment of such job related injuries. If you are abse~t for a period of more ~ 28 ~s and the City's carner has made a back payment to you for the first seven day waiting period and you have used accumulated sick. vacation. personal or comnensatOfY leave. yOU mav nurcbase the leave back~v relmburs- in the Ci in the amount of the a ment ou received for the first seven~v waitml! neno . Thls'reouest and pa~ent is to be made within 10 days of returning to . wor . If vou are absent for aneriod of less than 28 davs. the PersoDllel Poheies and Employee HandI.ooJ. - Page 2t + r~_____,~____~___.~_~_~_-,-----.~=:,,,"T_"_O-_'O-==__'_,,,_,_,_,.-~-~-'-p--=~'~-'----'----'_.""--- ~!T"!f1!I~'r<"~1~1~'1 ',.,----- -- IL + II ~l + II 7i~;bh rJ0~ %~i~ii~.. :~ ~~1:fua~.2 -+- Cily of Wesl Universily Place rity win mini:tlltp. ~my m;:p.n ~ir.k Vllr.lltlnn pp.r~nnl'll or compensatOlY leave used durin!; the initial waitinr period upon returnin~ to work. If you are absent due to an on the job injury or illness, you will continue to accrue sick and vacation leave benefits for the first three months of the injury. Accru- als will cease after three months until you return to work. Leave of Absence. Department directors. with approval of the City Manager, may. allow you - a leave of ab- sence for a reasonable length of time provided your absence does not interrupt the efficient operation of the City or place an undue burden on fellow employ- ees. All leave accruals will cease when you enter mto an extended leave of absence for a period in excess of three months. In an extended leave of absence. you shall pay all health insurance or other premiums. Funeral/Emergency Leave. You may be granted up- to five days of paid leave to attend or arrange the fu- neral, and settle the affairs of, an immediate family member. An im:Iil.ediate family member is a spouse, child or parent. Up to three days of paid leave may be granted upon the death-of a family member, i.e., sib- ling, in-laws, grandparents or any relative living in the same household. Dependent Care Leave. You may be granted up to 10 days of paid -leave to attend to personal situations in- volved with the post-adoption or extended care for an immediate family member. Such leave will be granted no more than once every three years. Jury Leave. Leave with pay will be authorized in or- der that you may serve required jury duty. Military Leave. If you are ordered to military duty, you will be paid the difference between your military Page 22 · Personnel Policies anJ Employee lIanJl.ooJ. -+- l' .. nCl_ ----'-'------ .....--111 lllil..Af: 'r']'l!I-::,-n'"lll'l IL +- Ii ~I -+- II 1.-.--- WJ!.y)i ;_W:Pl'llIfimJ!J!!-. Yii, , ~0,iF j!P'~, ~"';; wW,m C'",,, ~~t~~tWlli -+- IL Ci~Y of Wes~ UDiversi~y Place pay and your regular base pay for a period not to ex- ceed 15 working days. If you volunteer for military service during a national emergency or are called to active duty, you will be granted military leave of ab- sence without pay. Absence without Leave. If you are absent from work, without proper authorization, whether for part or all of a working day or for a longer period, such absence shall be grounds for disciplinary action or termination. Absence without leave for a period of three duty shifts will be considered cause for automatic termination of employment and separation from City service. Family and Medical Leave Act. . In addition to the types of leaves outlined libove, the City under FMLA, also provides up to 12weeks of unpaid leave to you for certain family and medical reasons, including: . the birth and care of a newborn child or because of the placement of a child for adoption or foster care; . the care of family members with a serious health.con- dition; . your own serious health condition. Your health .benefits will continue. to be active while you are on leave and you will generally have the right to return to the same or equivalent position at the con- clusion of the leave. The City has a right to. 30-days advance notice from you, where practicable, and we may require documen- tation substantiating the leave. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS If your performance falls below the required level or if your conduct fails to meet the standards established by the City, your supervisor shall inform you promptly PerllOnnJ Polici.... ....J Rmployee DanJLool.: · Page 23 + ~~~'-T"'- -I ~._- ~~"""""1"1 ,- -m',] :_IIIII~ ~1I'IT1TIT'lrrl +- Ii ~I -+- II ;'~'~tl[II... 'ili:;iiJ}!b""",,~~,~ -+- IL City of Wesl Universily Place and specifically of such lapses. Causes for action. Discipline may be imposed for any of the following causes: . Incompetence, inefficiency or negligence in the perf or- mance of duty. This is conduct which prevents or hin- ders efficient public service, including, but not limited to: failure or refusal to follow instructions, rules or regu- lations [including departmental rilles and regulations]; restrlctingor hindering the work of other CitY employ- ees; theft; damage to, misappropriation of, or destruc- tion - of, City property; conduct that causes, or could cause, injury or death, or damage to pr~perty; being dillCOurteOUS to the public or other employees while in the line of duty; incitement, attempt to ibcite, or par- ticipation in a strike, work stoppage, slowdown, sit~ down, sick-out or other illegal jobactio:n; job abandon- ment - (absent for three or more consecutive work days without notice to the City regarding the reason for the absence), poor; wasteful or inefficient job performance; insubordination; or abuse ofleave privileges. -+- . Integrity. This is conduct which indicates lack of integ- rity or which presents the appearance of a lack of in- tegrity including, but not limited to:' solicitation or ac- cepting a fee, gift or other gratuity from any person which could for any reason conflict with the interest of the City or could compromise the employee in perform- ing his or her duties and responsibilities; altering or falsifying City records ; or use of official position for personal advantage. . Judgment. This is conduct which exhibits a lack of com- monsense; a failure of decision making ability; an in- ability to transact personal business normally; a failure to take action that might be necessary to prevent harm or risk to other people; or conduct prohibited by state, federal or municipal law. . Pre-employment Matters. This is conduct related to pro- viding false, incomplete or misleading statements made Page 24 . P""sonnel Poheles and Employee R...dkoJ. + II L--'------'--~..---~I=~~7~:~1"L-~~~,,'~~'______,,~'"~'~ "-" u.rn ;1 , 'I'll j ; 11~.ir '-----------.------'-c----fjj1rrmT:Tmlirl---- ~l + II >*ii\''''''''';"' '.'.. ~ %fr;~ !&:~ eztfi[ 24 ~ y.0fiA=^B~t:M-= -<+- Cily of Wesl Universily Place in connection with the hiring process; failure to dis- close a matter that could affect the decision to hire; or any conduct which has the same practic;u effect that it would have if it OCcurred after hiring. . Off-the-job Conduct. This is conduct that could ad- versely affect the City and its image and includes but is not limited to: the possibility of scorn or ridicule for the City; the possibility of the employee being subject to blackmail or extortion; or the possibility that the employee's personal interest would be in conflict with the interests of the City. Notice Required. Either a supervisor or department director may initiate disciplinary 8Gtion by providing you with a Notice of Disciplinary Proceeding con- taining the following information: .. Rules and allegatio~s involved Possible disciplinary action Your rights · Response meeting Receipt and requests (by you) Upon investigation and the opportunity for you to have a response meeting. the individual initiating disciplin- ary action -will issue aDisciplinary Action form pro- viding you general notice that disciplinary action in- volving your employment with the City is being taken and will contain the following information: · Rules and fact findings · Disciplinary action · Effective date · Your rights · Receipt and requests (by you) Prior to initiating disciplinary action, a supervisor may issue you a verbal warning. If such an oral warning has not resulted in the correction of the condition or more severe initial action is warranted, including rep- rimand, suspension, reduction in pay, demotion or dis- PerBODDJ Polld.,. lIDJ :Rmployee HanJ1.ooJ. · P"ge 25 ~ L_ ------~,--~,..-----,----,._=o~-c~fO-~--'~c,. ,__..",.--------------p-~-'___~~~~._ _~___~;.;.;...J.l.""""_';II[j~ -- ~r''r.ln~:~::''1~I!T~ IL -+- Ir- ~I + II '~r~ , .;jSff';;jj'ijm0lI:wm",.. ~;#; trgp~f~. -+- CHy of Wesl UniversHy Place missal. Notification to Council. 'The City Manager shall no- tify the City Council of all disciplinary matters acted on by the City Manager where the decision includes a demotion, a suspension for more than five days or dis- missal. The City Manager shall make hearing records assembled in connection with stich matters available to the members of the City Council upon request. What is not discipline. Layoffs, reductions in force, expiration of temporary appointments, separations al- lowed by other sections of this handbook, pay reduc- tionsor other measures reSulting from economy cam- paigns, reorganizations or other similar policies are not considered discipline. Applicability. This section is not applicable to persons holding the following positions: City Manager, City Secretary and City Attoniey who hold their positions at the pleasure of the Council, subject to the Charter; all Assistant City Attorneys who serve at will; Mu- nicipal Court Judges who serve at will subject to the Charter and state law; Department Directors who serve at the pleasure of the City Manager subject to the Char- ter; part-time, seasonal and temporary employees who serve at will; provisional employees who serve at will; and all other positions for which the Charter or state law prescribes disciplinary or dismissal requirements different from those stated in this section. GRIEV ANCll PROCIIDURE Procedure. If you have a grievance about disciplinary action taken against you, you may submit an Appeal of Disciplinary Action form which contains the fol- lowing information: . Time frame to submit appeal Page 26 · Personnel Pohdes anJ Employee DanJ1ooJ. II -+- r--' - .- I II 1,'11 '111111r 11111IT'lIT iIGI IL -+- II ~t -+- II r -,- :&3%f _q j![fi .'_. ",:0'/M WR;"A~ )d%'~ ",,-,,~4 gj bJ~",7 gf&,f0DJ2E.ttfu1~ -<+>- IL Cay of Wesl Universily Place Rules/fact finding and if such findings are contested · Type of appeal · 1)'pe of hearing · Delivery dates There are tWo steps to the appeal process. If you are dissatisfied with the response in the first step, you may then take your appeal to the second step~ . First Step . Second Step - Department director - City Manager Timeliness and Form of Appeals. Appeals must be submitted within 15 days following the day you re- ceive notice of disciplinary action. Appeals must be submitted on forms provided by the City. Employee Representation. You are be entitled to rep- resentation of your own choosing in appealing any grievance. Decision Time Limitsfor Appeals. The decision in an appeal shall be made as follows: . First step . Second step - Five working days - Fifteen working days Decision of the City Manager. The decision of the City Manager in responding to appeals is final. COMPLAINTS If you have a complaint about a work rule, promo- tional procedures, safety, working conditions, or any related matter or have a performance improvement suggestion, you should talk directly to yoursupervi- SOT or department director. If they are not responsive or if you are uncomfortable taking the matter to them - you are encouraged to contact either the Personnel Specialist of the City Manager XII. Personnel Polides and llmployee DllDdbook . Page 'i!l + rl r' - - mil I I II " 'il'llllllll( -.. -"""'TImi",lil"l -+- Ii