HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1961 1'4 'kJ' REGULARME.ETING OF CITY Co.MMISSION MOImAY, JANUARY 97 1961 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, on Monday, January 9, 1961, 7: 30 P.M., \vith the follmving members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bmvman, Lutz7 Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. I ~! Commissioner Bowman pronounced the Invocation. In comp~iance with previous action taken by the Commission and Notice to Bidders pub~ished in the official newspaper of the city, the one and only bid received for furnishing delivery of two automatic chlorinators and re- cording instruments was opened and results announced as follows: Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. $107510.20 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the bid received from Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. for furnishing and delivering two automatic chlorinators and recording instruments be referred to the City Manager and Water Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No~ Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published, the one and only bid received for furnishing two one ton Liquid Chlorine Shipping containers was opened and results announced as follows: .The Columbiana Boiler Company @$ 416.00 -----' Motion by COmmissioner Bowman, seconded by COmmissioner Rice, that the bid received for furnishing two one ton liquid chlorine shipping con _ tain~rs be referred to the City Manager and Water Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz7 Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager brought to the attention of the Commission that Section 15, Article XXVI of the City Charter required an official newspaper to be selected annually. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Houston Chronicle and/or Southwest Neighborhood News section of the Houston Chronicle be ~esignated the official newspaper for the city during the en- suing year. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz7 Rice and Wall. None. Estimate NO.3, prepared by the City Engineer, in the amount of $57796.90, due Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company for work completed on the EqUipment '--.-' r---"-u,~~"~~,,--'"i''' -, r~" -'j -..- 'T ~" r . ! l.. ":) -0 """ U 0:: c:c [J:': . i: . !,' [J l:i;t'f A..\I' ~..:. ~U-..,. ~ ,~ storage and Utility Service buildings dUring the period December 1, 1960, t~ December 31, 1960, inclusive, was presented to the Commis- ' sion for consideration. Motion' by Commissioner BoWl!Ji3.n,seconded by.commissioner'Wall, thatlllsti- mate No.3, prepared by the City Engineer, in the amount of $5,796.90, . due JOe, E.Hajd:ik'construction Company for 'Work completed on Equipment Storage and Utility Service' buildings during the 'period December. 1, 1960, to December 31.:,1960, inclllsive, be approved-for ~ym.ent.. . '. .' ". VtJting Aye: 'Mayor Lamkin', Commiss'ioners BOWl'l'Ja.njLutz-, Rice and Wall. Voting No: ,'-- -lWne.' An e'Stimate' -tot-al111i$1,672. 72, due JoeE~ Hajd-1k Construction Company for Change Orders'Numbers 1,2, 3 and 5, which were not included in the. original contract, was submitted for :the Commission's consideration. , ' ". .,.' ~ ,. . .". ,,,,,..,', " Motion by Comm~ss;LonerBo"Wl8.n.1 Seconded-by Commissioner Ricejthat. Engi..; ~er'sEstima.te in the a:tnount:of-~"i.,672.'i2 forwoJ;'k completed by Joe E. .... Hajdik'Constr-UG'tion Company in-'6Ghnection witl:cCha.nge Orders Numbers 1, .' 2, 3hnd 5., be' aipproved for payment. - Y@i~' Aye: Voting Nci: Mayor Lamkin, . comm1ssioo,ers Bowman, Lutz; Ri~ and- Wall.: .1 None ,". ,J. ., "." ._. .".. . ..". . .'. . ~ ~.' - . .. /A repo:t't.#~!n.-!~"ASs~s.sor.~Ccill~ctbr w:tll,ta~.Di~t.ert; Jr~~shoWin~ tfu'lt,: 96.88~..of thetot~1.-ta.x'leVyfor'l960 ha's been collected' and an' excess , of actual collectiohEFovElr'collecti6ns estimated> in the 196i'budg~t 'of' '$8,462.45;"wa's':presented and diScusSed~ , ' , " A letter~from Mr>FtankE . 'Hangs, tend~ring;his' resignation 'as ~ a' member of the Zoning Boardd~<';lto' his engineering work which viii 'keep 'him 'in' Canada. forseve~al,mo~t~~~was ~ub~tted to the.Commission for considera- tion. ' . , . -- ' . , , lv1otionby Comlnissioner=.Rice, , seconded.' by" CbnnD:1s"s-iOJ1er Bowniati'; that the resignation of Mr. Frank Hangs as a member of the Zoning & Planninll130ard dUe to~~s being put 9f the city f9! an indefinite period of time, be acceptea~with regrets. . " ',: ' ' Voting Aye: Votitlg No': Mayor, Lamkin, CollJlIlis13ioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wa.ll. None ~ ' .' Motion py Commissioner Ric,e, seconded, by CQmm1ssioner Bowman, that R. Edglir'tbtt; be app01'nted as an oft16-1al'metriber of the Zoning Bbs.rd to . fill the':vacancy cI7eated. bythere13~&p.a.ti.onbfMr.Fi"ank:'Hangs. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, 'Commis$i6ner~:Bowma.n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. , None. . ' l , , ',',' I, , , . Appointments 'to ,other :aoards,t:l.n4,Co~j.ttees'were discussed and the 'follow- 'ing action. taken:" , ' ",' , 'p ,,':"""'-'''"~' f' . "j ----1 J 7'<1:. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Messrs. , ) J. Claude Morton, W. E. Furley, H. E. SchuLze, Jr., be appo;tntad to serve as members of the Personnel Board,. with M:t'. Thad Sanders to serve as an advisory member. VotiIlg Aye: ,Mayor Lamkini)i Co_ssioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall.. Voting, No:. . NOne... . (-I 1 I U. ~otionby co1Dll1issioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Messr~. O. O. Mi:t;chell, L. B. BI'icker,W. F. Ghiselin, Beeler W. Myers; Sr., H. L. Whiteside, Rolland A. Gray:, E. A. Nisbet and Clarence S. Redford., b~ appointed. to .serVel;l.S members of the Finance. Committee. Voting'Aye:, Mayor Lamki'9, Comm;issioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None.' Motion by CommiSSioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Messrs. .' Gus H. Comiskey, Pr-;J..de Blaek.,: Gee. o. Spencer, Jr., Ray w. Laird, Fred A. Rhodes, Jr.,.C. V., (Van) Berson,J.. O. Eason, John. E.- BOyd, .Jr. and B. B. Overstreet; be appointed; to serVe as members .of the Insurance Committee. <, Voting,Aye: Voting No: Mayor ~mkin, Commiss'ioners-,Bowman, Lutz, Rice an<:l Wa1.~te'~ None. :. .'.i; ...-... Motion by Cqmmissioner Lutz; seconded. by _Commissioner Wall, 't;;hat . Messrs. A.' B. campbell, DoD.i3,ld BQnd, Russell Br~nn9ti.; ::;tloyd B. Q,uitlby and GeoJ;'g~ 1,>ike, be aPP9in~ed .a.s members of - the: Corrosion: Pi'eventio'Q, Board. . . o VotJtlg 4.ye:. .Mayor Latnk.in,. commissioners Bowma.n!Lut~., Rice andW;a.;Ll. Voting'pNo: None. , . Motion bye6mmi~sioner Rice, seconded by CommisSionei"Bo~n, that Messrs. Ralph Browning, A. F. Kuhleman, M.C. Halbert, Paul Childers' and George McG1l.ee, . be appointe(l;~,'bo serVe as members of the B()ard. of' APPealS. . .. . . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor L8.mkin, Commiss'ioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. . , . . . vnn;:BEAs, the City of West UniVersity Place has cash ava:tla.bl~-':. in the ltea,ltl:ltj1nd, Trus'tiAgency -Fund,' I.tisurance Reserve Fund, Fire. Truck Fund; 'Sanitary Sewer capital Improvement Fund which wi~l not 'be requ~red for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of tp,e city's money invested to earn additional income and:Lt is necessary a.nd prudent to authorize investment of these certain $:ums of money: r--1 J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY CO~SSION OF I~" .- '" i ~ - :J. ~r 'j-----:--'--" ----::r t:75', rr'I:'" uCJ THE CITY O:iiWESTUNIVERSrrY~c.E~ TEXAS, tl1a.:ttheCity Treasurer" is hereby directed to invest f'undsin the amount of $1,500 from , the;Etel'l-lthFund.' ingouthwest,ernB~vitigs &;:t.oa.n Association, $350 from the TRust Agehcy Fund in University sa:vings & Loan Associa - " tion,$9,OOO from the Insurance Reserve Fund, and $4,000 from the Fire Tr\l<;kpound a_nd $3,655 ~om~a.nitc:l.~Y Sewer papital :rmprovement ;Fund, all'1,t1"Atnel"1can Savings and Loan . Association, at the' prevailing .divi,':' dend'i~~e 'of 4%;,' _' " . " _ " '.: <-' " '", ' L-' o ~ U 0: ' 0: . ., . . -'.' . '.: . ~. . Motion by Commissioner Lutz; seconded 'by CbnilfiiEfsioner Wall, that Rese;., lution 60-1, directing the City Treasurer tQ inves~, fundsa~ounting to $1,'50b1nom Health .Fund in -Southwestern: Bav:thgs & Loon :Association, '. $350 from Trust Ag~ncy F:ti,nd. in University Sav,iogs & Loan ~ssqciation, $9,'000 from ;J:nsurance Reserye Fllna,'$4,obo fi'bniF1re 'Truck Fund ana' $3,655 from Sanitary Sewer :Ca.pital Improvem~nt Fund, all in A.m.eric~n Savings ~d Loan Association, ,at the prevailing dividend rate of lJij" be passed and approved ~s read. voting Aye: voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. ~"--' If." i ~ .; , 'I , The City Man.ager ad:v:Lsed;-that as~ttiement of the claim against Factory Mutual Liability Insurance-,Oilmpany of America, amounting to $1,779.86,: 'had been agreed upon by: Attorney Vincent Rehmet if' proper release was executed by City O:ffic1als. The $1,779.86 claim was filed by the ~ity as a result of d.a.niages to one of _its police cars and radio equipment in a' foUr-way collision .'at the intersection of Post 4ak Road and RichmOlld Avenue and in which gobert Thieme, Jr., a client of Factory Mutual Insurance Company was involved. . The city was also requested to obt'a1..n'arelease from its' former Pol'ice Officer Fred Peebles who was the driver-of the--'eitY',s,~v~'hic'1.e at the' ,': time of the 'collision. The Factory Mutual Insurance C'ompa.ny agreed to pay $114.00 hospital cost for services rendered in conneation with in- juries ".sustained by Officer Peebles at the time of the collision. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded bY.Commissioner BoWman, that Mayor r.amkin pe authorized to execut~ the release.on behalf of the city acknowleCiging receipt of $1,779.86 from Robert B. Thieme, Jr. and Factory :Mutual Liability' Insurance Company of America; and re - leasing them from all claims which have accrued or may accrue as a result of the colli~ion on July 31, 1959; to property belonging to the city; a.lso that the City Manager be instructed to assist in obtaining a release from Fred Peebles, former police officer for the city. Voting Aye: . Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, L~tz, Rice and Wall. None. Mayor Lamkin administered the Oath of Office to' Mr. Charles Cockrell (as City Attorney. ~:I I. I I . . ~ . , 17Jl An alleged zoning violation at 4120 BellaireBJ;vd.. was b;rought to the attention of the Commission. The "-City Mariager,and C:i.tyAttorney were instructed to follow the normal routine to determine if a viola- tion existfJ ~and' tq give a five dS.y notice that any existing vioiation must ce~Se. ----, I I !-.J o The City Manager atid City Attorney vrereinstructed to take necessary action to determine whether drnotav1olation exists at 3521 Notting- ham'in connection with rental of a second living unit, and if so, to give notice that such V~Qlation must ceaee. Minutes' of the' mee~ing of ])ece~er 12, 1960, were. read' and approved. With no further business 'to come before the, Commission at this time, uponm.6tiQnduly ma.de, se,co'nde~ anq. cartied, ,the meeting was ad - journed':a.t J,g:15 a.m. Tmrsday, January 10, 1961. , , , ~;e.~ -- . .' MAYOR' City of; Wes't University Place, Texas ;-1 LJ A'PfEBT: '., J 1 r "J ,,,-, ~-.:'''- ::1 r' [l , ~ ,-"~ o ~ U 0:: 00 '[] n II U 1!' rrr- ' 71' ;, 1 1 .~ .~ . REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 23,-1961 The City Commission convened in,regular session at the City Hail on Monday, January 23, 1961, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamk'in, presiding; Commissioners Rice and 'Wall. 'TIle City Attorney and City Manager were 'also present. Conimissioners, Bdwman and Lutz 'Were absent due to illness.' The'Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner R:Lce. , ' , In compliance with action taken by ~heCity Commission and Notice t~~idders duly- published in the official ne11spaper of the city , bid,S received for ce- livery of six automobile and truck units were opened and results announced. Motion,py:Cotnmiss:loner Wail, sec'ondeCiby Co~isSioner Rice, that 'bids re- ceived"forfurnishing and delivering six 'automobile arid truck units be refer"'- red to, th~, ,City,-Man~ger ~nd-Cle'~rtment' h~ad,s for .tabulatiOtl and re:commendation, withthecommiss:l.on to meet in :tecessed seesionon Wednes,day,January 25, 1961, 12:'00 noon, to'take necessary action to expedite delivery of three passenger cars to be used by the, Po;Lice Department since the cost 6;f maintaini,ng,!;wo, of the pa,:trolcars 'in operating ~ondi.tion has become unreasonably hi~h. Voting 'Aye:' Mayor Lamkin, 'COliunissioners Ia~~ and Wall.. Voting No: None. Mayor L8.mkin administered the Oath of Office to Messrs.J. Claude Morton, W. E,. :rurley, and H. E. gchulze,Jr., as members of t?e Personnel Board. , ' . The oath of Office was also admirii'stered by Mayor Lamkin to members of the_ Board,of~ppeals or Review ~onsisting of Messrs. Ralph Browning, A.;I.". Kuhle- man, M~ C ~ Halbert," andFau:l Childers.' Miss Effie ,Boone, owner of the property: at,3~12 Tangley, appeared before the, Commissi~~requesting that she be permitted to use the two story garage on , her premises as a second living unit. In reviewing building permit records ':i:t'wa~ revealed that the "s:tructure was built after passage of the zoning ordinance; therefore:, Miss Boone was advised that a second living unit on thepre8dses wasinv10lation of the ordinance and her request could not be appJ;oved. In accordance ,with action taken by the City Commission on January 9, 1961, the C.i.~y ~nager submitted a study of ,the, bid,,:!=,rom Wallace 'and Tiernan, Inc. for furnishing two chlorinators and accessor'ies with a recotlltllEindation from the City Water Superintendent and City'Engineer that the lid in the amount of $10,510.20 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Rice, secopded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid from wa:l;lace and Tiernan, ~nc . for f'1lrnishing two autpmative chlor4nators 1 _c- -] '''I -';~--'~ ~ ~r' '17JJ' and accessories for theamoun,t of $10;510.20, be accepted as recommended by the City Manager, City Engineer, and Water Superintendent. Voting 4-ye: Voting No: Mayor Latnkin, Commissioners Rice and Wall. Npne J' ) .. , , TheCitYl-fanager advised the city. Commis'sion of' the fact that the owner of the property at 4120 Bella.;i.reBou;Levardhad been cOD:tacted in .con- nection with an alleged violation of the city! zoning ordinance. 'The owner, Mr.. David Feldman, stated that he had reated the premises toa tenant and that he would, advise him immediately that the property 'tvas. . not to l:le used for commercial purpOSes. .' Ordinarnce No. 7$6,captionea as:f'o11ows, was submitted to the Comm;ission for consideration and.. reard in full:, . ANO!IDINAN~AMEIIDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 535 OFT~ CIT'Y"9FJiESTUNIVERSITY PLACE, 'J!EXIS,; PROVIDIN& FOR, .... Q.-.lTALIFIED.".. ,.,.'......" '.'.,. .... PER.... ~p:NNEL... . "AS..MEMBERS. ......... .... ....OF,THE.. :..ELECTRIC..:AL.. . B~;._.. . CON!'AININ(fREPEAtmG .CLAUSE; 'AND PRovrn:rnG' AN Eli'FECTIVE DA'l'E. .. . . . Motion by'CQmmi$s.ic>tier Wa~l~ 'secQniied,by Co1nm1ssioner Rice" that. prdin- ance'No. 786, amEmdirig Section L of Ordinance No. 535" providing f'orm.em- . bers of the E'Lect:r-ical Boar9-'" be;pa~sed and approved as read. Voting Aye: VotingNb; Mayor Latnkin" CommiSSioners Rice and. Walt. None . fl' u App6:l:ntment of'add.1tiomil members _to serYe on, the, co:r-rosion'.Prev~htiori Bo!U'dand the.Zoning Board.was ,discus~ed andtp.e fo'Llowing ac:tion, ,taken;: .- ._.0 ... .0_ . . _ _ _ _ . , - l1otio'n by Commissioner R':ice"secbn~d'bYCQmmiss:i.oner Wa:Ll,that 'i$.'. C. H. Goodnight be appointed to serve on the Corrosion Prevention Boara. . . Voting Aye: '. Mt;l.~r Lamkin" dOnnnissioners RfcearndWal1. Voting No: None. , , ' Motion by Commissioner Rice"s?lcondeci.by Commissioner Wall, that ,Mr. J. C. Snydep "be appointed to .serV_e a,s,analternate meJllber pn t1:leZon~J1~Boa~d. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Latnkin, Commissioners Rice and Wall. None. Resolution 6k2, as tollows, waf! ,sllbmj,t.te.dfor .oonsideration ai:ldre~d . itl f'u~l: WHEREAS, it has bE;!en.made known to the City Commission of the Ci-cyof West University,:place" 'l'exas,by M1;s. Arbie E. Jopes, owner of Lot 16 ana the Wes:S~ofLot 11,Bloo~.1~,. Virginia CCl1XJ:'t' Addition, and also by theT. J. Bettes Company of Houston, Texas, that Mrs. Arbie B. Jones' rl u ~, r~"'~':r '~~"~"'''i':'''Jl r'-~':-~~~"'--- -- "-'] r- 1''''1}'' , . '-. ::~ ... Ii' '-= . '~" '" i :. " . has heretofore ,erected or caused to be erected during the year of 195:? on such premises improvements. over, on and acress an eaSement in which an 8" sanitary Sewer line had theretofore been installed; and ". '. . , , ." ".' . - , ' WHEREAS, Mrs. Arbie B. jones has heretofore entered into a contract to sell the afqresaid property, 'Out it is 'impossible to obtain. the neces-- sary r~financing because of the present location of the said sanitary 4ewerline under suchimp~ovements; and WHEREA~, the City Commission desires to correct this situation which . poses a possible danger to its sanitary sewer system. ...~ o . <:::r U . CC > CO [] NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Se~t:!.on:l.Tha;t ,the City of West University Place shall abandon the sect:I.91':1.<Pf' the"present easement over and across Lot 16 and the Westl of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court Addition, and shall relocate such 8" sanitary sewer line, with necessary sewer manh,oles, in an 8 foot easement to be granted by said owner, Mrs. Arbie B,.Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined by her hUSband, William W. Brooks,alqng,tlle. east'1:ine .of the west, ~ of Lot ,17, Block 12;~Virginia Court.J\,ddition,'providedthat thef'()llow~ng terms and conditions are. agreed to ,and comp:J..;i.ed with by Mrs. ArbieB. Brooks, ,formerly Mt's. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and joined,by her husband,'WilliamW. Brooks, towit:.. (a) Thlit ,Mrs. ArbieB. Jones shall pay to the City of West University Place "the sum of $1,50b~ob topartia1:l-Y ,defray the citJr~s expenSe inre- locating such line. (b) That Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and jo~ned by h.~r h~sbana., Willi~mw. Brooks, shall exe,cute ane~sem,ent- oyerat;l~ across tJ:1e afore:;>aidproperty,to the City of WestUniyersity - Place ',:which suche,asementshall qe at the , point as designated' in Section 1 a bpye, ~ -) (c) '. That Mrs. Arbie B. Brooks, formerly Mrs. Arbie B. Jones, a widow, and jo:i;ned by her hu_spand, Wi,lliam W. Brooks, shall eXecu;t,e' a release, to the C~~y of, west University Plaqe re:teas,ing ,and 'relieving said city of any and all liabilit;Yby ,Yirtue.of ~he preseni{loc~t:ion of said sanitary ~ewer line or.:,its reJ'lloV'9;land subsequentre::J..ocatio,q. Section '2. . Th~t the City Engineeris_here.byauthorized and instructed to pre.par,e,.tbe neeessary plans and specifications for relocation of the afore- said sanitary. sewer line. o Section 3. The existence of the aforesaid improvements over ~ Qn and a- cross sanitary sewer line constitutes a hazard to said sanitary sewer system and crea:tes an emergency; . therefore., the City.Manager is author- - ized t~engage_a qualified independent contractor to do the work as is necessary in relocating such sanitary sewer line without the necessity of taking public bids thereon. ! -~.~r~ -.. J._OV Section. 4. All SUms inexcessbf the $1,500.00 contributed by the afore- said owner of the property shal1. ,be paid from the Water-Sewer .Fund. o PASSED AND APPROVED. THIS THE 23RJ) DAY OF JANURAY, 1961. Motion 'by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Resolu- tion 61-2 agreeing that the-City shall abandon the present easement over and across Lot 16 and the wi of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court Addition and shall.relocate such 8" sanitary sewer 1ine, with necessary sewer man- holes,' in, an 8 foot easement to be granted the owner, be passed and ap- proved as read. ' Voting Aye: . Mayor Lamkin; Commissioners Rice arid Wall. Voting No: None. With no fUrther businesst6 com.ebefore 'the Commission at this time, upon motion dilly made., seconded.and carried7 the meeting was recessed'i:it.tl2: 30 A.M. until 12: 00 noon on-Wednesday; . January 25,1961. .." ... - - - - - --- ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~.- The City CommiSsion convened in recessed session at the City Hall on . WedneSday, Janua.ry 25, 1961, 10:00 Nodn, with the following members' pre- sent: Mayor Lamkin, presiding,' COtimliastoners Lutz, Bowman, Rice' and Wall. The City Manager. was a.lso pJtesent ~ . , Mayor Lamkin opened the meeting by announcing that the CommiSSion would c9nsider.b;tds received on Mond.ay,JanUary 23,. 1961, for a.elivery of three automobiles for the Police Department. A tabulation of the bids received was presented. ' 1'-'1 i--.J The Commission discussed the adViSability of' accepting the low bid on each of' the : three units or accept'ingan.automobile of the 'make which wolild be more economical-to maintaiIi and operate. After considering all factors it was determined advisable to purchase two different 'makes of automobiles .for comparative tests of operating costs. - Motion 'Qy Commissioner Ric'ejsecOnded byCominissioher Wall, that the low . bid of . Hemphill Ford' in, the amount of $1,012~08 be accepted for Un'it No~ 1, the low bid .bf'Jack Roach; Inc /iti the amount of'$l,04o. 36 be accepted for unit NO.3, and the bid submitted' by CoUrtesy ChevroletiIi the amount -of $1,209.70 be accepted for Unit No. 2 for comparative operating costs as records indicate that the additional'amount of the purchase price is so closely offset by less gasolirieccinsulIiption on a yearly operating basis. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. . None. In order for the commission to make future deciSions for purchase of automobiles for the Police Department, the 'following action was taken: J ~. j . T .. -- "--"l'~"-C ~i" --1 r -I --r I'S-1f - ~- _ I ~ Motion by Commission~r Lutz, seconded by pommissioner Rice, that complete and accurate cost records be maintain~d qneach new unit pruchased, to be . used as a better gUide for the Commission on future purchases. , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, . and Wall. . None. . . , . It ~s determined that no action h~dbeen taken by the Commission on bids submitted for delivery of two one-ton liquid chlorine containers for the water department a.nd the following action:' was taken: r....~ o "i U CC c:c Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded.by Commissioner Lutz, that a contract. be awarded to Columbiana Boiler Works:, Columbiana, Ohio, for delivery of two one-ton liquid chlorine containers on the 'basis of their bid on the a- mount.of$4l6.00 each. Voting Aye: Voting No: Maygr Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman7 Lutz" Rice7 and Wall. None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made; seconded and carried, cthemeeting was adjourned at 12:45 P.M. [] ATTEST: ~;t:~ MAYOR ... ~:. i: ! , I ~~T~~ ~"T"-l r- T,~<"4. REGULAR MEEmING OF CITY COMMISSION ,MONDAY,FBBRUARY 13, 1961 . The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, FebrUary 13, 1961, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members pre- sent; Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Luta, Rice, and Wall. The City Attorney.and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. The Oath of Office, was administered by Mayor Lamkin to members of the Insurance Committee' and FinanceCommi ttee. . Minutes of the Zoning Board Meeting of February 9, ,1961, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by CommisSioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Mrs. Ber- nice Yarrington7 2704 centenary, be permitted to replac~ the 110 volt wir- ing in the .-existing garage apartment at. this address,. .provided no additional circuits are added, in order that the, structure, might be maintained andito reduce a potential fire hazard. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, CommiSSioners Bowman, Lutz7 Rice, and Wall. None. Engineers Estimate No~ 4, in the a~ount of $5,865.08, due Joe E. Hajdik Construction:Companyf'orwork completed arid materials placed in the service center project was submitted to the Commission: Motion by CommiSSioner Wall, seconded by CommissiOt:ler. Bowma,n7that, Estimate. No.4, in the amount of $5,865'.08 for work completed and ma.tertaf placed in the service center project on Milton street be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bomnan7 Lutz, Rice, and Wall None. Resolution 61-3, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: ~ WHEREAS, one of the two sewage pumps at the sewage~isposal plant was in need of immediate repair, and WHEREAS, it was determined that.the.manufacturer of the pump, The Carter Pump Company,Hackensack~ New Jersey, could not supply repair parts under eight;:weeks -delivery, and.. WHEREAS, it was imperative that the. pump be available for continuous serVice, the Sanitarian engaged the Alpha Machine.Company, Houston, Texas, to make necessary repairs to the said sewage pump, and T~~~'O'~~--==i=-T" --r !I J' . , . ; r-1 ' , .LJ :] nJ ltJ }...~ c ~ u c:c 0;: I~ .~ 183: WHEREAS, it was deter_mined that the Alpha Machine Company was reliable' and equipped to make repairs to the said sewage pump, the City Sanitari~n and City Mariage,r engaged the Alpha Machine Company on a' material and labor agreement to make needed repairs to the a:torementi~ned pump; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF, :WEST UNIVERSiTY PLACE" TEXAS;' , 1. That the action taken'br the City. Sanitarian_ and City Manager to obtain; needed, and emergency repairs, to the sewage pUmp at the sewage disposal plant be ratified and confirmed, as replacement parts were not immediate1yavail- able 'anq. the sum of ,money expended for machine work was substantially less than new parts. 2. ' That the invoice in the amount of $1,115.31 submitted by the Alpha Machin~ Company be approved for payment," ,MotiorLby Commissioner Wall,_ seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolu- tion 61- J 'ratifying and confirming action tljLken by the, Ci:ty Sanitarian and 'Ci ty Manager '1;0 obtain ne,eded and emergency! r_epairs to, the~ sewage pump at the ,sewage di13posalplant, and approvingipayment irithe amount of $1,115.31 to the Alpha Machine Company, be passed and I approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BoWman", Lutz, Rice, and Wall. Voting No: None. 1 .! Rel301uj;ion 61-4, as follows, was submitted, ljtnd' read in full: W1IEREAS, the City of west University Place ~as cash available in the General , Dperat;i.ngFund and Street Improvement Bonds; 1948., Fund wli:i'ch wilt not be required for current operating expenses, an~ ' WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to'keep all of the city's mOney invested to earnadditl.onal'income auf it is necessary and , prudent to authorize investment of tp.ese certain sums ?f money: ^, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE ClTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSm".PLACEJ. TE~, 'j . .4 TH!iT, '!;he, City -T'~~~Si.lreriS h~reby directed to invest funds in the 'amout\t of: $39,000.00 From General Operating Fund + '$30,000 with Southwestern Sa~~ngs.& Loa!! Af3soc!at:i:~n a~.1.J:!:,usts:No.'l,12, and' 3. $1,500.00 From Street Improve1D.ent Bonds, 19~8, Fund with American Savings _ , arid Loan Association as 'Savings Share Account. . All at their preva~ling rate of 'dividends or 4%. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Co~issioner Rice, that Resolution 61-4, directing investment of $30,OOO.00,fr~mtheGeneral Operating Fund with Southwestern Savings and LoanAssociat~onas Trusts No.1, 2, and 3, and $1,500.00 from Street Improvement Bond Fund, (1948), with American ~ ~ ; r ".,~- - '~" -.. ~,. -T'''''' II T"--' ~ ~ -''- .L ~~'fh, Savings and Loan Association as Savings Share Account, be passed and ap-' proved' ~as,read. Voting Aye.: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman7 Lutz, Rice, and WalL None. u The City Manager advised the Commission that the front end loader used by the street Department was in need of extensive repair which would amount to approximately $1,000.00, and that the sum of $5,000.00 had been appro- priated in the 1961 budget fqrpurchaseof a new machine; however, upon checking with the equipment dealers, the sum of $5,000.00 is inadequate for purchase of anew machine as the price has increased considerably in the past 6 ~o 8 months., It ianow estimated that it will take approximate- ly $8~000.OO for a new machine. Two solutions were offered for consideration by 'the Commission; (1) That an immediate expenditure of approximately $l~OOO.OO be made on the present machine in order that it could possibly be used for'an- , other year ~ or (2) That an additional amount of approximately $3~000.00 be appropriated for the purchase of a new machine. It was the City Managers recommendation'that'repairs be made to the present machine with a new onet6 be purchased:;.possiblydtiring .1962; further that the sum of' $1,000.00 be trans- , ferre<i from the amount appropriated, for street Department Capital Outlay to the Street Departmentexpend:i.tures. Motion by,Commissioner Rice~ seconded by'Co-qnnissioner Bowman~ that the, sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from the amount' appropriated for street:Depart- ment CapitaJOutlay to the Street Department Expenditures in order that the front end lo~der might be repaire.g: and used for, another year by the street Department: o Voting Aye: Mayor' Lamkin~ Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, andWa'lL Voting No: None. A request from ~.,'Earl W. Gammage and John G. Holland for renewal of a , Vendor's Lien Note,in the principal amount of $16,666.66 and accrued' inter-' est in the amount of $1,360.00, a total of $18,026.66 due March 13, '1961, was discus'sed. It was eXPlained that this amount was the balance' due on a tract of land formerly owned by the City and used as garbage disposal:grpunds. Approximately:12 Acres of this ground is security for the said note which Mr. Galnmagedes,ire's to r€new for a 12, month period at 4~interest. It was the decision of the Commission thl;l.t the City Attorney should examine the, in- strumentand give his opinion as to the legality of such renewal at the next regular meeting. ' Incompliance with action taken by the Commission on January 23, 1961, the City Manager submitteda'tabulation on the bids received for delivery of automobile and truck equipment,with:arecommendation that Unit No.4-be purchased from Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company for. a net difference of $2,232.64; inasmuch as' the low bid submitted by Jack Roach, Inc., in the a- mount of $2,082.74 did not meet the specifications on the air conditioner also that records, indicate an, operating cost of ~ less pefmile for the Chevrolet automobile as compared to the Ford. It was recommended that'tne o T~-~~-'C~=~~I""'"'1' r~ -,~~- -~-1 ,f rrn lLJ. r,->~ o ~ u cc c:o Di: " i' ! . 0', ;' i t. l'GS '6" . -low pid of Don McMillian Company in the amount of $1,147.00 net difference on Unit 5 be accepted, and that the bid of $2,126.97 net difference sub- mitted by Raymond Pearson be accepted for purchase of Unit No.6. It was explained tliat the.low bid submitted by Courtesy Chevrolet Company on Unit 6 failed to include fish plating of the truck frame; therefore, their bid did not meet the specifications. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that,-.the bid from Jack Roach, Inc. on Unit No.4 a.nd the bid from Courtesy Chevrolet on Unit 6 befrejected for failure to meet'the City's specifications. Voting Aye:. Mayor Lamkin, Connnissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. Voting No: None. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the bid submitted by Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company on Unit No.4 for a net dif- ference of $2,232.64"be accepted inasmuch.asit appears to be the most ad- vantageousto the City; and that the lOi-T bid submitted by Don McMillian on Unit No.5 for anet~dif~erence of $17147~OO, and the low bid,of Raymond Pearson amounting to $2,129.97 on Unit No.6 be accepted. . Voting Aye: . Mayor Lamkin, Connnissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. VC?tinf?; No: None. Authority was requested to advertise for bids for the City's chlorine re- quirements for the ensuing year.. Motion by Commissioner Rice seconded by Commissioner Lutz7 that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. March 13th, 1961, for delivery of chlorine amounting to approximately nine- ty 150 pound cylinders and twenty one-ton containers. Voting Aye: Vot~ne; .No: . . , Mayor Lamkin, ComttJissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, arid Wall. None. Ordinance No. 787, captioned-as follows,'was presented and read in full: , , , , . . . . . . ..~. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10F ORDINANCE NO. 89 OF TEE CITY . OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT THE E~G AND. SUPERVI$~G. BOARD OF PLUMBE::BS SHALL CONSIST OF FIVE MEMBERS : SETTING FORTH THE' nIDIVIDUALS QUALIFIED FOR ME~SEIP ON SUCH.BOARD: CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE . Motion by Commissioner Wall, . seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 787, amending'Ordinance 89 setting forth qua~~ficationsfor membership of the Plumbing Board, be-passed and approved ,as read. Voting Aye: V~t;i,n$:No: Mayor Lamkin, Connnissioners Bowman, Lutz,Rice, and Wall. .None. . ...... . ~ . o. .... - 1~'~ ~-~'1'1 ..,- r'" T . .' 18'0 .... The Commission' discussed the proposal' of Harris County to p~ve Buffalo Speedway and authorized the City Manager to advise with the County Engineer with reference to construction of the driveway returns of 14 foot minimum width instead of 10 feet as shown on the plans. \ :J . i The removal of poles and overhead transmission lines on BUffalo Speed~ way vms also discussed by the Commission, as a project to be coordinated ~ with the paving of the street. It was estitiJated tha.t the City's cost would he a maxill:Iq.m of $3,800.00 ,for removing the lines and re-rotiting .~', them through easements west of the residences fronting Buffalo Speedway. The City Manager was authorized to negotiate with officials of the Houston Lighting and PowerCompany-wh6 have agreed to bear t'of the to- tal cost of the project in order that a letter of agreement might be ' submitted for immediate action. Appointment of members to serve on the Electrical Board was discussed and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Messrs. A. L. Bodden, Jr.,-BO B. Byrne, -A. B. Fisk, J. S".Waters and B. F~ King- man7 be appointed to serve as members of the ~lectrical Board. " Voting Aye: Voting NO: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. , None. A letter was submitted from Mr'., Gus Comiskey, Chairman of the Insurance Committee advising that a list of insurance agents meeting heretofore established requirements had been revie1ved by the Insurance',Committee -and approved as being eligible-' to receive' 'a share of the insurance pre- mium distribution. o Motion by CommissioherLutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the folldwing insurance agents be approved to receive a share of the commis- , siems on ,i~sura~ce premiums paid by the City for the ye:!r 1960:' Messr.;..s. " , John E. Boyd, Jr. and Sr.j- Wynne L. Creekmore, Ed. J.Curry, W. J. Gebhard7 ; Charles Hughes, Robert ,F. Hughes, Ray W. Laird, R.~. Overstreet, Seth W. RamfY7 C. V. BerscU7 )'red K. Rhodes7 ~r. 7 W. B. Ruth7 T. P. He~tt7 Jr:7 C. D. Whatley, 'Joe G. Eason, As recommended by the Insurance Committee. . ~. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, COlmnissionersBownian, Lutz, Rice, and Wall. Voting No : None. Minutes of the meetings of January 23, and 25, 1961 were read and ap- proved as corrected. , , ' , With no::fwther 'business to come before the Commission at this time, , upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 12~'32 A.M. February 1:47 1961. ~ rd7-;"L t~"^~ ' MAYOR ::J"-' ,i " . , A'l'fES'l' : 1 -" ,~ ,--~" 1 ~<I .- r' " C'] rp.; UJ 1'.n 1'1", ',0';: \ REGULAR MEE'!'ING OF CITY,COMMISSION MONDAY. FEmnrARY 27, 1901' . .. , The City e~tnrQ.1ssiol).cOtiV~lIled 1n'it~~r,sessia.l1',a:t-- the City Hall en Monday, Febr'ti.arY2't, 196t~"'-7:.30P~K..witli the':fpll.~~~members present: Mai~ Lamkin, it~e"1ding; coim:irl.ssioti.r. Bowma.n./ Lutz, Rice and Wall. The Oi ty Attorn~to~at1~ C1ty~~er'W.,,~lso ~~~l![el1t~ ' , , - The In~6s;t1bri' Was'pr6nounc~d 'by Ma.~r'~lpldn~' ' . ".' -. . The O~1i}lo,f 9ft:t:~e traS a.q.tUI}.:J,stere.9ttG,Jn~1D.b~rft ,of the liil~c'!;rical Board $Jld the e6Tt'9Si6i1prti!ve.t~Q~i:B~~.DY.:~jot" ~~i~. ~~ " . MaYoJ;' ,Lauikinal~o.~mi~l1i~te.tted'tb.~-~t~_:~i-oti1ce to Mr.TOlI1 I.. Jones, eity~,~1n~e~.- " ~'. >: _,:~>~':~',~:',:i ,cco' . . 0 . Mi.nutes qt"aspe,c:i,8,l: ,~e:ti~'ot.~~~~ZoQ.!ng',~:p~nn1ng Board were presented for' consideration andthe'Jfci:(l~.'~~~~()ri.'~a.ke1\: . .' ' , , , .E;(;l~~~~~~~J~J:!J~~:'::~,' pliat),~e. .,,1. th _setback; r~qu1~emel\t,s '~1;l~ ,,eJfeC~911 '-O:f.t~u:; ~;ta.avi ttba:t'1;he " 'struetlute! w;t::l.l liot '1ieu:s.~dic)x! 're~~i ~r ':~q~r~-+~i.:@~'9Ses qf as '~ llving' unit. . - '. . .. -- - . . , o ~~~~~{ .~, ~~;'C~1~8'~?~~~n~ .L~. ~.i~and Wal1. Jl1t-. Faul. J:opJ.'in.t_rew~~e.nting the lIo~ton Liglrtiug& Power Compaay, .waspre- sent. al1'i discussed details with the' Commiss'iori reference 'removal of poles aud t,ratu;lpli,s)3iQu .lin~~ P.oil Buffalo Speedway between,Wroxton and University Boulevffi~~., '1fh~ :~e~te~:,Qf' agreement was presented for consideratd@n: ' .0 L ;: .:.." ~~~ "- 'rb.is, is, _tQc.Q..ntiJ.:"la owY~rJ>alagr.eeJl,le1'lts relatiVe to .' --, ..,;;t!t~~~#A~J~~;~~r~~;.'\. 1. :r(11 'Mis''&oiitets tlo~'receiv:ini8erv1C;;~rromoUr . ' .' f.~il1.~~~',>P~.ll~a.l? .i~e~dwa.y;.are .;\i.o-1;,~ax:~~e, : , 'tbe'il'""Wiriiig 'so as -to"'receive serviCi~.:,~oui ,t~ :~:, '. easement in the rear or ':pe-rm1 t the 'iustallatlc>l'l'- " . ,Q,t se~;i.c~. 1'Q1.~ :~~t e.eeqJl1pliAA;p;lfi, ~ba~&e,.; ", :J;u.. h ' ~' '~OJne " ,,~t(~s~'j~da~~il~,le~~eme~~' W.i~).i-~.,:'~~ceA;i,~t .;' , -as indicated O1fthe' outte't location'sketehes :rur- .. : nish~4,~Q'~_,.,~;< . ..,. ., . '.2.. N:~~\.-i~""~J;~~ri'~~~~. li~: ,9n:1.l~S:t,ch~pt~jf' ai,l~,,~e:',s~*~AA, "a.V1ilJl;,l:i~~'trojn . .' '.' .... .' . ." .. ~. ~ ..'~.-'_" ~.s.. ",~, .. ... .... :< ,; ;~: ,,;: . ':"':,iJ:"" > ; ;~ ~",: ....:, ~ ~.... .. . " ~ --~-~ l' ,,=-._----r-.......~..!=~~ .__J:~. . , --' 1;8;~' " ,.". ,:"". ~J ,.;." ~ "," . ~, easemeu:c;s" ,in rear of ; ~dts:ob Buffalo 'speeaWf!4Y~: . >', '". ;>" h,. " 3. ifhe ,ei~Y wiit autho$izethe rti!moVal of t11eir eX1s.t:l.ng ol'erhe,ad si;re~tJ,1~t~.on B:uftal-o, speeclRi~' "_.' . .... ".: .....". ;. '. ::':' :,.;", -"" "":. . '. H 4 .'1'bt{ jf~'~eeS't'b':' "to the cOm: 'n f'i ~ ,: _ ,.:..c".,;~,Jt ""'C"":',! "~Y:, '!, " ,. H,' pa.-,y -+~Y :per ' ~~trlf;o~, '~~'e 'actual'castE>1"relocating ," eQlJ1.~~:1"~,q~,~1~;e,s to be ~eterm1~ed upon" "'." campletXoif"d.f'.; the york. " Tlieestima.ted cO$.t . of this,Work i$:$6~:OOO.OO amd it is-,agr:~~d, ~"'" ,.' .,~t~t )i.n,"~~~ ,~veAii,.th~ ~qos~, ~xeeed,s thi~ ,,' " -'0' " ..~(t~~'~14el',C~~$1,~'.'C~'qt:lf1bution -will 'not _" ".: 'ex~."$'3,800~OQ '> " ' .... .'" . '. ...:. "" - ,it:ts:Ui1clerstQod?~ntf'(~~~~::~~ ~the w1ritlg c~nge.s'Uiust "" .:o'~ be' ad8bmpll-s1ied':a:nd the"~~as~i{tS'~ec~ed,' as 'outli.e.Jtiiu" ~ ','0 ::t:j1t~:~;~~~~~;~~~;~:f~::~::"~~~~ ";~g;~:,=~~;-" ".t~ c6UiP'l:yJYc)\lld-'~eit i1nP08SibJ.etoOremove'-them~" ',,' 11" the ab,ov,e meets :with yp\tr,approva], willyau -pleas~ ~ig~ , . - "'a.nd 'returuoneeGPT Of'.tne--'iet'~i- a:s'y6Ur~ au'b~o;r1iat~p~. " to proceed as 0utliued. --, ," 'cO'J' ' o . .~ yours very truly;- ". -- . :"'.; ::. .' . ~ :"..' .' . ". ~': ~ ." t;;'-':k" .-. . ~ j " '.~ :.."... ~ <" ,~>ts)_P..' W~ i9p11n,:,,~":;< j~'.; 'w, Industr'1al 'Engineer --n: ' :, , .,'-. ~ ~ : '. '.' ", ., .:-~ .:; ;t" Motion .1?:Y e911111iis,sf.on~~W~1+"secp~a;.~<l_b,Y' q(;)_~-$?ioner. ~~z, that'Mayor Lamkii:1, )e'~llsri~~a. "t~_,e~~:c:l1~~_' ~:b.Ei,'~c~~~:t_,~~~i 'Il~~tc?~, ,t.ight:i.ng" & Power 'COuI:pa;t1yrelative 'to' 'the. reUl.ova'lo1"-'the:tr'ttlS'tZ:i,~ll:t~"1'o. facilities f'rom Buti'alo, ~J?eedway between wro~~~, an<1__!~V:~Z:~ity;-,"" ' , ~~;~:;~~~: ~~~ :~~~'li,:'e~~i~!'i~li~~c~{~~~~,_~~tz, Rice and W~ll'. T~~ foiiOW':i.iiji:pro~iamatf'dti: 'Va.sJ:'~V.l:inatt:~d.'t;d~the 'C~ssion 'in response to , a. r~~~~~~~~~~~'e:~~~~~;q~~b'ot::lfe~~'Uti;,,~t~1,~i"~:Lace, and read in full: WHEBEASiga.rd.ens beauti:f"y -homes and CQ1DlIl.uu:Ltles'"inth colorful annUal . f~!ffl'~j~,f !_~~e: &8X~n~ ~t~1!,.~~~~:"p1", ~~n . Club, P~:. ,lifestUnivers:i.ty Place . ~~li~~~~~~~;-~"~rol1t.~~tt;;~';~(): t~Et p;~y.(;)tWest"l1niverj;1ty P],aee, 'J!~~}'1i;~~~,.!~~~~t~~E:~:.~~~~~:te~:1rl;th, th~e1ty ot West Univer- Si'ttP:6t~~q'inva.rioti's"b~~'tica;tiOtf 'projeets;'and -, ' 1. J ~~' -,' '--:~:I 1 -----=r [', ~.. ~ 0', , ' o ' r..c o ""'" u c:c cc o o r~~.::~ , " .wimREAs" :iardens ,~~st~ll" ~}).at,;lov:~, ,;of.,th~ -s911;, in jdl:tch democt!acy, , flQUr!s)i<<~, ';t>>:Q;Y;:tJ:f.~' ~l~'s,Q~'>:reerea:ti,Pl1 ~9~,,~~1 ages ~nd, a, ,," meE!t1ng !round 01" .g;a'-neighborS of "co_n>;'i.~eN~s, and 'get to . ~~9w ~~9~ ,,:Qthe.~"itlu::o:~~~~~, c,+~;~ ~ti~, '.:' , -':Bq~:~t~:~~fJ:ti:~~ ,;q()~n.J.tY;b,', ". ' ,'., . .... ", ." .~,~ ~~,-I; :~~.:L.'~, Bi;:v;~,~:~c: /.;r Al'J'firmlM" vm""J."JSJJ !If ME AS MAYOR OF cm'0F;',~ .'tmJ.a:asITY ',,""; :.... '=r~~~;,'~~'~j(~~~1~.~:f'~~":"~':: CF .JmSTOIVERSrn PLACE I TBXAS~ . ,. " WestlJDiversityPlace,.'" . '. ". ' Vot1~ jtye: -:Mayor ~nl' :.aq~:'~.~:i~,~;S; ~~~';"~~~~) Rice and Wall Voti~ .t!o':;;,.,;.lJo1\~'1'"", '. ' .,. i ~ ".- 'J1~,)I.;t~ar .UMti!~ '. atlLy:1f!e4 ~lJa,~r,&;,-19~7{~Che~~:l.~t..;pi~~p- .1?;-u~Jt ~edJ~n ' ,'>1il1e ....te~ l>epart1iJent was out, efserv1ce aJ.).!;i'}e~tt~:t~d,: tha't?:tkE! f.:~,~~ ' , qf~eed.ecl repairs would be approximately $300.00. r't-,rashis reeo."; - "'i,lM*~i~li1;~~t~,ij~il!l,jf~rt\9k ,"t)E!:;~r,~~d,::~'P. 911 ;.i-~wjpit~-rather tliaJl.,~v- 1.qit rep8.1red~ '. -.. -"-, :;',.!~i.l$'~;:~~ .!H_".~'Jti~"r ~~1.'\s~fJ..~~~,~~l~~l!t~io~e.r:~".n? tbat,\ t~City.nager be instr-~cted to advertise fer b~~8::f~,a>1l1ew ,,:i,5?~UP .' truekfor the Water Der;m-tJil,eat; bids to be received until .7: 30 P.M. ,; :,' "',:l:~~J!Z,i ~ !.~~:,::_ ;; _: ,~:~:; ., :': ; \','" .::d> " ,">:' _';;,.:' .,;'> .: ' . " _. "_4g'l'.w~~,):~y'o;';_:L@;~;!:,q,:J~o~j.~s.~o~~~fiJ~~'h ',L~~~~;Ri.ce'. ano;:Wa.ll ..' '. _'~t.~....:-;f;' '.9la~,!~ ,.' j;:.' ~..,:. j ,;:' _ . ", ~. . , . "- < ,,: . (' .....i";:5.i=~=:r.:;',,a~:~~=~~;=:;~:lo , ,-.-; ,ti:I.~~y:<an4!. co_tJ.lructi"-.","tn:'d.i~tur.S'xWit-h':'-abmtli_IIl..,wtdth . - '. \,:jQj~;~'{4L~~t~fiiU.t~;::ot,' lO;{,~_~t 'a~78~,~~:,,~;"~1X:," JOhIlSO~":' ,: - ,;, 1..:....... ;bbatdliC.~p:ZaP."".i~llfe1"~~,<8.sree~1.el ~ "'p~[tith,. the':'spec!1tlea- ',', .~,~~~.,j.ot~}westt:.Uliilv~tJ'-~'t'ol!f'eoustrue'btoll~tlr1..&.ftoet.urns-~':; ';.: _ ".;. ~}~:.:'\ h: ~'_~: f);-', ".~ ..'. :'~< . '~}~:l '._": ,," ,':;':::".[..;.'1'.;;'.:> ~:~~.~: _. "~ -",,--.. . ". ;.aree.:J;+allse "~riib~ .eti$n~itat:el1by 1;he,c61 't1::0olllDi;tsstell')Qa ,J'e);ruary.(13; '. ;,}f{ 19'tjt~tt0Attort$v,;el1a'e1eB",{'JCleDell repOirted.''tha1;l.~t':.hAti:::discl1Ssei ';\J'_\th.1.1~ EaItij~Ii_lEh'tbe 1 eantents;;of;'ae'Jendor.~ 8~tlttel1 . f9r lthlQh-'he::, . bad: requested 'renewal for a period of one year at *~intet~st~ . .. r.... ~!~"i ---, n1 -----r 190'~ .' ~. . . , .. . . ~ :-! '. . " .' f It was Mr. Cockrell' so.pin1on that the.' .re extel'1&j;ion and renewal of, the original obliga"ti~ 1rou~a.,nQt' ':atfe'ct-ihi Vendor'isLien Note ~ ' : ~ .-,.;. - . >' . lJ Motion by Commislilioner RiQ~, s~~c~e(f'by. Commissidner Bowman, that the MaYOr be authorized to exe~ute ~el'1~Wal ~f the Vendor's Lien Kote in 't~e.a1llO~nt'of $1'8',631.89 wKfCh'r$pr~sents:"the,'ba~needue 01'1'-; March 13':'t96i byicr,:"Earl GaMk~e'.at1a'.<>Jobn'liGlland on a tract " " ..,' " ,,',- "of iandoll Alief Road{fOt<~rlf'''ed-la:-B \theeit1's'- garbage disposaL ' grolinds, subject to the instrument. eonbdning the necessaryprov1s'iorls '-tuassure the citytbat its Vendor's Lien is still in being and covers tll~,~su~j~c~F'p~~jertY~:,:, ,"~"<'::\",;, Ir~:,:'~. ,,-' ,.' ,_ " ." " ' ~~:~:"~~!;:: ':~;,~~~~j":~~~S~i~~r<s,.,:8~n~t/~ut~i. Ri?e, and Wall. . < ~;. . ~suant to instructions, the City Manager advised the City Oommission that "the 'C_oln'Efetl.~utt> Gener-~i ;nus\lfal1eeCom~"8 ''0iaDltet'polici'~'9:n . 'both ~:pa~da.n' volunteef' t'iremeii"bBidbeen cane~ lled ::on:;Febr~t 11;:- 196~, .' and;1ih8.t a~' Ue1r:''Zp&liei- p:a~f';been 1wr:1t'ten>:bY' ''th~ AlIlerieanC8.~1ty . Company. of' Re8d:t1%~.' 'PenbsyLvatfta'j' -'fti~h ':provft\~d:<tlie>' f~~l.oWfue; :eo~enge: .", ....... t-,- .J- ~. Accidental Death Benefit -- - ~ -- - -$5,000.00 - Weekly :'!iiiemn.ity'l104' '1itiieks y.:' '.:. -' - -~' : 40.00: " Medical EXpense (max.) - - - ~ - - ..: ;;"';' 2,500.00. Theriewpollcy' was 'Written at.a.pi"eiu:um':ot $334.25irith aneffectiV'e ~te of FebttUai'y ll~ 196L.... ",..'- . . "', (':.... ....;. . u Resolution 61-5, as fGllOwS'jRS:'SUbm.1tted to thecommssionandread in hll: . :BE rr BESGLVE!)'Bl':'TtlEem'eeJlIfSS:r01r:OF';TD CIftOF.WEsT tmIVERSm PLACE,~, 'TBA1t: ',. . .'.'-,' (;':- . '." ..'; Section 1: ' The Assistant Cit:r Secretary is hereby authorized all\d'tirect- ed to give notice througb'pub11cation in the Official Pub~ication of the Cfty . of' 'West : fi:tve;rS1'W>Plaee; ..r~xas:t.On "M8.rcli ~8, '1961, AmlthroligK 'let- ters directed to three banking iistitutions in Harrts County, ~exas, that the cityeomrilission ot the 6:i.ty of West Un;tversitY,Place; 'fexas, will:re.;.> cei ve"writteils'-&lr,11tlatloms tGr-:.::,th~"eGtEid1' at tJiie' ~ei ty' is 'tuds froil any . . ba.,~lng... cor~l<~t:ton:' "assoeltattt)li\e!"lliti1vitililal"cbaDker <doing' bus-1uess in : .:Harri:si'e0l1nty,J-~exas)"itbat'::._7;)e' 'drf8:Jtred to ;'oe' 's~1.eeted' 'as"a 'depGsitory oftlie:' ClitT:~fWest:"niv.ersitr:".laee, 'le.s'~' $ucb:::nGt.1eeshallb~' pub:- .... . U-sb,,...oue: (1); -t1w&,and sl!1allJit:l:~c1r'iaV';baaktngr'eGrpGt,a-t:l:on, ."association or int:l:-v1;dlAftl~al.lker: 1nt~reeteQ;: i'D:~ )etug::a;e~j;g~tei-"as"de1JOs;l:tQry of the ' Cii;y to make itsapp1.iea.tiQl1,'W1i<hthe city Manager on or before 7:30 P.M. ,Mareh'21') 1961-',8.t:"theCitt':.11;; 3800;'Wnivers:tty Boulevard, HoUSton 5, Texas.. Such spplie4tipB'; 8hC1.11 state ,'the- termS :amd: comd1tioRS upon: which suehbanldmg e~ratiQnj~.s8Qe:f:a.t:t()!1{t()r i.divtd,ual. banker villha.dle the Cit:r's :funii;l~'.., ' . .'. . " [J '11.9"1'" >" f("... _," ",;k [0,' .1:. ;, Se~tion Ii:: The citico_ssian reserveliJ,~~_r:tght to reject. any anti. all applicatll)ns'r~(u:fiYed-~-'- . ". ...... :'.. ." ." .... .' S~~tio~; ill1: .' T1le IJmJ!l;L.~~tiI;~;~ns~eceived P':tts.~~t. ;to ~p.e.i~o~ice. heJ;~'"": iU$l.Jo,;e 'i.r.scri...,e~;_)~al1:- .li~. ...oPened., ~t :then ~eg11llar" c,?1IIJJli~i9l\ 1Jl8et:t.ng ;;lr~~=~~:i=1=~~, ance w1th.'th~ terms '8.ndprovisions of app1ica'b1e laws ot the state . 'pf Te~s, a1.1d Pr.9y,~"1.~ms "of .~br~'~:~h&rterr~t,~~~e.cU,ty';,9ir,w:est'Tltlir.ersity ,la.ce,T~xas. ~ ',,. i:" .~.~,-:- '~:::~k":'_;-~ .",.,., .,..;.... M"tiQlk)i,e~~"'io"eJ;"B~~i, ;,"~~Me~:::)YrQ",~~'j.o.~J;' J~J~; ~hat -'.' . . Resolution 61-5 author1Ziq tl1e eitY'M8.tl$ger te receive 'written app11- . ~li<:)~ 'fC?~,;;~.tg~ ~:~~~;C~V'~.~. ~~',ba~l,llg;"~~~"r.1;iop".i~ Harr;$.,- . Qou~t7 i''f.~., .~":l.Y;:'~_.,,;Wc b~hS~);.~~~@~ "",8.' 9@1~~itt?~:y ~., . Qi''t)1e~.eJ,.~y,;t>e.~~~(.t;lrU~:.~p.t~rtCl'',!..([iead,.,' " .' '. . :l;~~1~',A;xet .._~~r_i;~~tl~e;;;t,:~l~~~~s~~~j' ;~u~~;,l.U.~~ a.nd W~il Votillg..,~;...< '~~l:,<" -,.~ :,".:'; .. .. ,\, Mi:C:l\itt!~lt!9t~ 1;h~ r~p.~:.~t1g,,~f-"~~~,~y. ;J.3,;,,)~9,61~ ."w:~re)~ead.i.Aollcl if . a.pprGved as correete<l~. ", .;: ,... . ": ,\, :...":j o ~ u cc co . o .W:i.thJ~::-~"~ .~~.;~,~,~ ~.)l)~for,~ tl;le:eo_s.l,Q~'r:~i~,;;:;~d.s__!t:L"''i, ; u~'.t~.i4~l;Y;,j_e i: 'J~~~-Ql1_d\~.;,.e_.~!l.~~j. ..,thc;t . ~e1;~g ;J~a~;;a~owr.ed -~:;~l~;t~i~.;l!I._ '~:, ..', .;- ..., . . ,,:' "j f~ .:_ .~,: . '.>~ <....~.. :. ....f:. ".:" . '.;. ::'~?~~:.;"~. t ." L' - : f~..'J;~~'l'j.' ,,-~ ,~ .- - ; ,',', ,.,,:" .~~'< ras.., d ~:>',' 'I\~."~v: ~~ ~'V-'" , }':'~"'i::.Y()Jt. ' · -". ," .J ...., "' ...<'..........-'>- . AmS'f: .~\ .~ . ....' .' . . ,-1 ','-< ," ~'. -: /1:, _ : J .~~..':~.;~.t.. ~ . '. '. ., : ....' .~ ,:'" .~ ..' .' .;1';:. p.;,,"!. , . .....~ : ~..... " ,',.. . , \ ' . 1 ~:.. -: .' o L r~~~~-~~ ~~r'':''~ - r' ~l --' 1"9'2 REGULAR MEE'l'mG OF CITY COMMISSION . ,~< . ReJIDA!,"MAReJl 13~,1961 . .' ' , ' . The-"ci ty e\9imis,siol1 co.vened. tlf' regular' ;Se$s:toD'a'ti the Ci tYJlal1 en'" Molildaf' .rel1;'1.3v'1961:'7:30"~.)(..ith, the ,follQrlng ine1Ii'bers pre;;'- se~t~: ~'~~r,'J.i&~:l~r:~~~Sf~~~; }~~ss~oner~ '~l1i~~ee 'an<l-Wall~' The 'elt1"liiilier-was'alj~ ~prese1'it. . "EtommsS'ioner "t;'ntz 'And Ci tyAtt'Ol.'- neY':;e6cktelI!~wete,abs~itd.uEf'to -bbs!iih>'reaS6iisi(" ",.'; .' ,... ,:".f ,.,~, ;:.;~,.;"'~ '. .'.~ '.. . . ':,' ~:.~.~>: .' .. , ' .' 'l'he IIil'!tierj,t1f>n-'-Vasjfo1lWiineed-:'bY'ee1liln1sSiol!er;'~li.;' ~. -. Minutes of the ZoniBe; and Planning :Beard 'meeting on March 9 ~ 1961, verE!{s,ub~ifel_ ~tii'ee.s.!t_rat.:t~it';~:;'t1ie tte~l~_-'81e'i~u::taken. ' .;. ,"-- .~'.;":-:;'I,r ,':;Xv.: ~'.': ~,f"'_:~:.:;:.:::-" .:;.::... .4..... ."'. ".~'~ "',." Mot:llOl1'DY':"t.iflBi;sBit&1l@r'Wfi'll)' secouQed 'bj<,eotti:issit)De't ;:Rlce;~:that Mr. EdwtiLftciJ";'3$10 SUiifi'-t li<,;be':permi'tie"':~ to."~r~ an;a4di'lonto his/; existing q;8.'t"~ for USe as' "a';hEJb'by~'slklpt;a'n4";stE>rsge'irotim, -,su.bject to compl:t.ance with setback requi~e1llElnts and executi0n of an affidavit- t~ii,tlie.d:tit;~i€~' ow111:.' uc;'t;:1>ePilSed. .''.f.'I&r':1e~d1Jar ,pllr~seSGr .. Jl2:l:v- 1ng quartei"s~ as recomiD.endeflb7 the Zoning and Pla..... Board,., .,.'....:.y "ot!img':.:'_YCi)rLamkia~'~tJeiiiJti8j~ioUerS:BoWiilS.n;':aiee and:Wa;ll~ > ",>' VotimgNoiJfone. . .':.' > ',' _:;:::, -. I' ," ." _ . Mo't14i.;~;liy<"Ci,-ftjSioDe.it~.~'1eei S'eaGtdect;~ eamid:SJlierier 'Y.I:t)"theit"'~ ;.:. 'Mr'i_~~i'Xi1;~l,;,8t. :{{gOlJt"'ftf'.er~'\1l&1il.-evarcl :l;e'~t'ted.,:.t() eon- , stru.Ot a 10'X 18 Ft. storage room on the. rear of' his ex:L8't;i~j, 18. 'x Ja6 foetgarage, subJect to c~pl1allce wi1;h setback requirements and exe- cution of a~ El,f'fidav;l.tthat -the addition will. not be used .-for commer- cial plU'peses '~or _as' 1iV:ing, quarters. - ;- , .."...~.. -. ~..._......., ...~..'. ...-...' .--'-.., --..--. v<?ting Aye: MayirIimlkin~ Ooum1ssioners Bowma.n~ Rice andWa1l.. VotingN€;: ,Jolle . . The C01lllll1ssion confirtied action taken 'by the Zoning and Planning " :Beard cleny1~ the :request of Mr. William G. Pollard to ue Lot 5~ Block 5 Preston Place as a.~kingarea. TheCityManager requested authority to advertise for bids for'antici- pated' street 1iaterial needs during the cUrrent year. -. .' Motion 87 CG_ssiouer Riee sec0nded by c01iim:ts81~et'_il,.::that- the eity Manager beinsti'ueted to ad"ertise for bids to be receive~c until Aptil lO~ 1961, 7:30 P.M. ~ for l~OOO t~s--ofuGrade 3Crusbed Limestone Aggregate; 600'l0nS:$ride 10 Orushed Limestone Ascregate; 2~OOO~s .Crushed Lime- stone BaS-a ....terial~ :eeStg~t1DIl 215; 65~QOO-Ga'11on8 QCi>lasj 500 feet 15 inCh ano."'300 'f'ee1i 12 inch Retnforeed, Concrete Pipe. -,' e Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin~ CotllJd.ssioners Jowman~ Rice ~nd ,Wall. Voting No: None. ...i.... Ie -.. ~ .J=:::::l -[' :::r- . ~'l D \. [] .) J iJ 1,(.\'3' -v m LJ An. +nvoice va"'~~'~"':;'J;hIt~~~ot:$a'1e..25 for services of l!J~d Jf. Roaehe'f.~,lli~l\~_n~l):~1:;Qf'-:S~tement o'f Facts in ~he case of oeorgi"'Jf::''''JCi'l!iBtrvs':''~"ity.' ot~"est'U1!liversit7 Plac~ tB :tl1.. l,~t -:Dtst~1e:b'e~I:'-' Ae'J;ion was,::ieferred OJil:..ppro~lof -: ~e ;J.!l;vo~ce:: ~lIqUS ,;tlJir'b.:er Qtai~fJ:.n:-t\)1B :the, . City. Atto1"DeY:. . .. .~~:~. '"J. Tae Commiss1.on -,~1iJae4j.~v1~b11it,.., .Qfre,presenta,1f;i",eS:"of ,t~ eitYattendingsome of themeetitlgs -in AuStin'with reference to , v8.':r,t:;l.ous leSislative ae~1Q~~.~I:t,: .s:sugges-tedtllat:tli,le eit}" ~er ,atte1lcll the' mee~l1lgs whenever ",ssible together with any member of ' .:t4ee~#f&iQn' .cL.Sht: be: ;~11able to make the t~1p. . l.~ o ""'" u CO c:c .) . :...- " .' ~ letter -~~,~ec1..;l;~~.~~n'trom MrS.A.eollins, 2911 Rfidn - ",hOOd, requesting that, the Commission waive the 75tJ per month charge .' for off -s1;r~et sar~i >>~~p. .~~~sented.'.A.f$er - 4~SCUB..iBg the reql1:1!stit.~ the CGIIIIl1ssion's'decisioll 't.,'t. the; *101" should advise *'8.k .,Collins tlaat .the charge' could 'no~:,pe wai.yed. , , Mayor'~inadviBed: tbath~! ~:'re'Ceive4.--a:-reql1est:1;'to. Rad:i,o Station 1l'fB'l. te'express pUblie eODgratulat'1ons for .the Dew statioil" pnerS1l1-p",e;tc., aad:.,~.~t.E)'P:i:IlS;p", .ot, the. eo-'s:atp...;' ,It was -.: . ~e1r op1n;(.0-..' t~t'~l",:)tia.~ll' should. :.~tT with' th~ ,requ,est.. " . . .. , , , . G x .' ~. ._ . J . . TheOitY*&aier re,.-ted that a stUdy was being made of _..ved, streets i.. the s$uthw~st 'seetie)!1 of the e:l:ty .1nelu4ing ekip.ectione in ; tlte..~eft~~: My~d,st:$e~~ ..4. t~4:--s:ur,vey ,~& bei:ttg..-ie .:. .. ~]:fy:~:te19~1_~,tQ':~~'~'tI;T.~;~' ~~,;~efil~..; oteer-. ..1.... r."1;s ;. -'D ~~~-" ~_ If. tildl. ..ted. tm-. pav.i;q and ,tbat :1~;l__y,.A1tt.._Y'"e_l~1J.e~ell ~,~en. reElue:stedto:r.eviev.othe ').~Y".:1*Vi~~"se"'~ ~:f,;_..~ee; 1. or"r to: be '. prepal':ed ,to- . prasan ordinances :1. ;pq_Er.~t:t.n:yit:h;:tbeWQ~8ed~~op..,. .'. . ." ';. :,!rheC-1ty "'~-s:s:1.oll~f~'l:lWed.tk~:t<desil;rab11i:ty: o1!-j;pay1l18 :~erta1. . :sttt"~'b,,:&lUl' ~.~~'t~l.fh:toF' ;tl;Je -c::t1iy~:s'eQstaJJ.a,: i-.s~r'UC"'eGttA~,: '11t7Jfi\~:er.:t;o;eo.ti.",_th-tbestre:et pay!.. iprogram-nth. the:.. ' ;,~~t 01' 1Jl1tt~iqi:'''''. :Lu;,~he,ilDllfiJQ;ia-t~1 fut~e-.' : " " .' . .';..~'.:'-:. ..J 2 , .", ,',. ..~;~ ~~. _ .. fte City Manager reperWi, t9\-he eo_.sion .tJ1at.colJ..tr~ction of , the service center buildilags' -.as' not progress11lg very rapidly as ' _ S~.Ef:Q:fthe eonore~ ~~PertQl'1IJelif, byth,e R'-~ltle.eo"paa'y,~,nQt '_' acceptable.' i-- ' u, -' '.~.\l~~ of the~~t,1Df3-.Qf Feb~ry :2.7, 1961, werereai.ElQ ...pproYed 1 as cCi)rrected. ,:.' . If',:Lt:p, nofurth~~,:l?~~lll~S8~O t;91,Debeto;re, the c~a..i9...~t thilil tlnf:!j ~pt'i)nmo~:LonQ~lT' ..~,,~ec()~d .~carri~d~, th~meet1ng ,~s ati-: ;~l~r.)larued at.ll:19p..M. '. o ~~,~',~~ , MAY. I . T"" '-<'~I- ~ I II 19tt REGtJ:tAl{MIml'ING OF CITY COMMISSION; , : ',MGmDA-Y~;"lUtm~:i~'lli-961"'~ ' , "'l~< ' ..." ~ i"" ~"",.' r~ .' '., The City Comulission'conve-ned~\1.n,~egu:lar.session -at'the City Hall!'On Monday, *rch,27, '1::961;Y:30Y~l(:.~, :,w:th 'the'lrollmiing"',members 'pre$ent: Mayor'Lamkin, pl'esiding; Cotnn1i.S8ioners ~tz; Bowman# Rice and Wall. The CitYAttorney:~nd"eitYManagel'!"Were:,~ls~',preselit,,':'" '5,. <i":: o , Commissioner ~~t~~rori~uncedth~~inv6cation.' .....,.. " In compliance' with lioticfe' to'; Bidders dUly pub:tiShedin' 'tbe-:ofI'leial newspaper of the city, bids received, for delivery of one pickup for the- ',water Departmeil't lie;reapened; ,ariti' ~ref,Siil'ts; atlnotlne-eof-:!lJif follows:'; _"."... '. .: .._ '.~. ::.: 'l.~": ;: '. ";" . ,: , >:,' ' Luke 'J'ohnson.'" 'Netnelivered; price $1 379-.67 ; i:~kM~~~~i~n'; - ,;,> ,:::~":<- ~':,:::",; ", '."'::: ,..,..t::j~g:'~~' Ivy: Russell It " If 1,365.00 Raynibtid:Pea.rsO!i ' --:tr.: ,'''< > " ,;' 'T;28Q.ge " .. . ,. _ :.. ../. t. . ~.. . ',' In',the -'interest of' titneJ; atidso'ithata:-aeciS''iori';could .be ,madeduribg .the .meEr&in'g of-the' a bmmiffs ion'j the: C:J.'6y"1ilngineEh-was asked,to 'tab'li- late and check tbe bids received and submit the tabulations later in the ",evei11ng~"'; ,...,' '.;, ' <, ' , ".".; ~""! , In~e'Spons'e:<t6: ':invitation. and: publi:shed. ;notice1' appclica:tions re~' ;- ceived- f'romvat'iOt1B QamkIJJtt), StittveraiJi'aepdsitbry'.td 'handle 'the O:1:&'y's funds 'f'or,the>' ,'e't1stiing . t-wE>'~Yekra:'W&t~:'~pehEm;i&n({ I'ltad,aIoi.id., ;-, App].'tiCa- tions' 'were: "r.ecei ved' ,;r-I!(i)li1I:the";l1nl v~1fSi~ '3taite '=B8nkJ..:and.'tl1eFirst::!Ca ty National, :.nk;:'k 'le%-~r;'~btIV't1fe~~lJItald.idr,; tlle'''S0u'tflfite&t's~ated:19~;y did not wislitb: stiblrlJt%'a~:,:.P'P]::iba~toti: ;8:t'f'this :'t'ime-... '.. '. . . "'-, :] , ' Motion:.bN'i:CommU:J'S1i.oner!-lt4!Ce':i" 'secdbdet'r by- Colntni.ssiotier"J;utz ;" :tna:t;''6he aliplicatltEjbr 'fi!oul.-:t1:u;l: 'Ut1ive~S'lJty S'h&te::Bati&: LtQ.clrerve" as: depos;L t'or1;.tfor the' ensu:trtg ::01;0' ':yea:r.IJ' ito'(hatidle: :the-'.' oper':i:l<trtigfutu'ls 'ahdace'G'Iltn.t~ )G'l the City and that;th~': apPlJ,llea't1.on:-,trom 1thEf;'[p1rS~.O'i'ty'NationaL<lJa-n1t' to serve as depository to handle the city's Tax Revenue-Sinking Fund for the~jl&uing:,:t;w()"year-~period/be acce:pt~d'i-';" '" ' " . ,. .~; " ' . ....'" ", 'f' '. VotingAye:f~t_yor.' LELnik:lt17' dommiS$1ori~rs; Ltltz>7:B~n'1 Rice alid--ValL Voting No: None. ' ,', ,',"',';: Appointments 'uo .thEf:Plumbing'Board .&tidHeatirig andJAi-r>Condit:ioti&ng . . Board were discussed and the following action taken: ,. .' . . " , - .' ~'. . . - ..,- \ ~ Motion by ComDiias-tonef: Bb'Wman) ,seconded ~by :OotiDriis-slormr' 'Lutz; that, ' Messrs.'TomLJonesj: B. F. Kingmn,:'W111iatn M'oi';Merr:i:-t,Jr;, G. llt/ ' Smallwood, and R.G. Wallace be appointed to ser.veas' 'memlJers:of'qthe Plumbing Board. v;oting Aye: ,.MaYQrLamkin,CQtnmts'$ioners Lutz# Bowman, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. . ',' o o t....':l o """ u cc CO n I . ~ u n I I t-.J ~~ Motion by. Coll11lli8s1onex'Z'.R~eej:.;seconded'~by' Cqmmissioner ,B'blfma~,: that Messrs. E. R. Davis, Frank Pugsley,:Bert p! Fisher, W..;R,. Dadisman' Tony Fenoglio:, John' McICtnney, Frank Seymour, and Ralpb .:t;' Speich, be appoi~ted tqServe as. ~mber~,of'..tbe'Heating and: Air-,Oonditionitlg Boar!i~ - . , Voting~'_Aye:.)fayorLall1kin, Co.ssioners'Lutz, BOW'JJlau, Rice and Wall. ' Voti,opg :No: . Notie., , . ~ . . . . .. . . ' , C;i;~YEngiueerTomJone$ submft-ted;atabul8.tion of the:bids :for-delivery of a 1961 Ford EconoliJ1e Pickup for the Water Department which' indi- catedtbat'RaytnOUd'dPe~-o1:).:Ctt).I':1Y had submitted alow.bid. of $1280:~oo. It;w.:a&;.;r;e,co'll1JllB:nded ~i~ City;,.ifapager; that the low. bid. :submitted by . . the,~ Raoon9~d Pearson,-'Compan-y be ~accepted. . . . '." . ,. .' . '. . l<<otion,byco1llllliss~qner LUtz, secOJldedby Commissioner Rice that the lOW bid subm1'ttedby Rayaiond Pearson Company :for de11very of a 1961 Ford . Econoline pickup for use by.the Water Department foX' the net difference of.$:kg@O.OO be. 'accepted., VotingA'$'e: . Mayor~in, C9~ssionersLutz, Bowman, Rice and Wall. . Voting.lio:.; No:ne.. . ,Resoi~tion 61",:6, as' folloWs,. -Was; Presented to the C01iUD1ssion and_ read; . ::tti fUlil.:." .. ,,~:. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has- cash available in the Health Fund a.nd Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not ber.eq~ired for currentlcoperatiqs expens.es, and, . . . . . W'BEREAs, it is the 'obJectt-ve'ofthecity.<<:.otilmi.ssion to keep all of. the . city's .money invested toear~additional income and it is necessary and . prude~ttD authorize. inv$stent',_of.these'certaiil,:sums"o:f')nOney:," . NOW ..t~.ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE ern OF WEST'J~~r1'Y ~eE>,'J1EXAs;,:t~at~-the;City .Treasurer 'isherebydirect- ed t9; in,vest, funds .'. in. the: amount:; of' . .=;. ..' $20.00. aO'ficm ;the ;Health Fund witl:l;fJ:out)nrestern;:S&V;i~,; and: Loan' Aasoeiationto be added to the city's savirigs share account #31-20565; and. $55,.-00 from..the-SanitarySewer Capttal IlI1pr:ovementFund, with the.. A1I1erican SaVings and Loan Association to be: -added-to :the city.;'s;ea:v.:ings'" shara;'aOe-eUnt #. 427,' a:ctheir prevail- , ing':r;a~;'of '.d1_0;e.~~Q:t\.~..::".-: ','. .J ..Jf",-,:,';;~: . :. " Mot~on byComm1s8ioner,B~n, Se~o.nded:byCommissioner Rice, that Be- soluUon- 6l-6.;diree'bii1g;the:'Ci'tt lrea'8urer. to invest fuhd;$ in the'&tnal nt of'$2!900 :f'r:om;.the'lIealth Funtilrw.ithl. Southwestern.Savdngs and Lean: Asso- ciat~etk'tobe~s.dded,to' .thecit,...~-s 'saYings. sh&reaceo:'t1nt #31;..20565jand $55.00 .from the Sanit~y Sewel!' Capital Im-provement:F1!lBd).w1th the Ameri- can SaVings and Loan Association, to be added to the city' s savings share accoul;it#421~: be' passed andap~oved' as l!'ead.. . .... ,. ..... E"~~~~~C= ._ _[~ - ~'"'--'-~ -'-=-'-1 ----"' It9:'S' ,.,' :_", .~. '.~~. . '.. 196 Voting Aye:.yor Lamkin, CommisSioners BQwma.n, Lutz, Ri~eand Wall. Voting No:- None.. '. ;] A letter from the . She 11:, Deve 10pmeut. , Company requesting permiss:Lon>-to' 10,- cate a water line a.nd a drain line', to service tlieir building located east of the city's water tower, across a corner-'of the West University Place property immediately south of the She~l 'Company building at, 3737 Bellaire BOUlevard, was submitted forco~sideration. ' It was expJ..a;ii.ned that-the proposed lines would cross a corner or the West University Placeproperty'but 'WoUld.be'outside of the 1'enceuatthe tower location. Motion by -Co1J.l1liissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall that the- Shell Development -Compa.ny be granted permission, to loca.te a water line- and drain line acro~s a corner ot theW~st University Place prOperty immediately south of the Shell Company Buil~ing at. 3737 Bellaire Boule- vardon which the 'city'svatei' tower is.located, and in accordance with theirdra.wing. N(). A57A. 'Voting Ayer . Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman., Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No: None. '\ City Manager Whitt Johnson reported on the progress being made on the, Buffalo Speedway widening project by Harris County an~ the removal of poles'aJld lines, by the.Houston Lighting and :power Coinpan~ :!Teliminary plans for widening of the street and the proposed drainage.prepared by County Engineer HUgo zapp were submitted for the Commis~ions consi- deration. . . (-I I , j .--1 Motion by COmmiSSioner Lutz:,., seconded by Commissioner ~ice, that. the preliminary plans on widening 'and draining Buffalo Speedway be approved as submitted by the County Engineer, Rugo Zapp. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners..,BOWma.n, Lutz, Rice and WaJ,;l:~ Voting No: None. . The Ci tyManager reported that the:<irregu~ities - on 'the' concrete? work ' by Rackle Compa_oy. performed for .:the new service center buildings . had been worked out and that construetion:on.the buildings'was noW. ptogress- ingvery-satisfactorily.' . It was brought, to, the ,:eommis81o.,attentiontha't no. bids were received for furnishing chlorine reqUir~nts .f'Qr tJ;iEL emsti.tng year. and tijerefore, it would be necessary to re-adve-rtise for bids. . ~.' ..... Motion by Commissioner ~all, seconde~ by Commissioner Rice, that the CitYMan.ag~r be instructed to re.advertise for bids for furnishing the city's ,chlorine requirements fer the enSUing year, bids to be received' until 7:30P.M.,' J).pril 24., 1961~,. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, 9ommissioners Bowman, . Lutz, Ri~e .and Wall. None. 1 I ; I I~ c:=- --~, r >"- -- -" - -" "--:--===r-- ~["--- , - , , 1 -----li. 1.91 rn LJ T1).~ C~mmiS'lioI?- was "a.<l.ViS~d tllaF ,:the, sma'l+ fr~ bUild;i;pg, 1o.~ted at the , corner of Universit;y )~Q~levar~'At':Buf:fla~p.$pe~4~Y, w~~~had,peen Olr7" . c:Q.j)ied -'by', Mr. Joe J::a'thl"iner Aba',we.st,.U.~iv~;-s~;by Bu1.1d:Lng ;,and :Realty Com- ~n;Yl3inc~, priorto_, tl1~" t~me,:t~ ~:Q~~n~k~rd1~Ilce ~s- ~seq.; ,~0Wap-. ' pearect ,to. be vacated and .therewas somepossi't;iJ..itytba.t ,~oi;CatJ::iriner " had discontinued the ~on...conforinins use. · The City Manager and' Oi ty At~orn~l 'we~~~:ill~t~'\lc,t~," 1S9,,01?:1'~~l};J~,ef~,1i1i :t~cin:e,or_..~i9A as ,'tP't;1;I,e. :_p~~,-ent sta~~' ,Of the :l,)ti~ld~,g -andre.,e~ta~ the :}ilext,.:~~tlg{:t-O:f.",t~, Cil<YC911lDl1s- s:to,n't,', '".-, ,,' """:;",iC:;'" L~ o o:::r u ca CO . ~ . I '" ".:", . . .... . .,:;:: ..' ';J' . . . _~ ".~."_ ..... ....." '. In complia)J.ce with action taken at the meeting' of March 13;-1961, the O~~y:;~;t~()rne;y :tfX~~~l1>~dth~:c~~e~; ,'c~n ;,t'4~, :,~w.ov.:~t o~_..,:;!na ,,:?5: :_d\lel!;<i~~_d M. R,oache" dourt .R~p()rter:,~,fq.11~ ~~Jt.v:.aq,~s'",.~~,e,oB.neatiQq )rj"t~ ,;the, ,~oni~,: ,suit on Bellaire Boulevard, Marshall vs. City of West University Place. Mr.,:,cJ?;Pkr~l~, stat~d. that, ~~:t~~:c1;~.g~,w~~ fo.r ;~l:i~ c+.~y;~~ c9PY o~f,:t?:I;1e 'AEllrt report~rs stenographic recordiug'of the statement of factE!reqlie,st,~~ L.~y . the city's caunsel in the suit, M;r. P$ul strong. o . .. . _:.t1,'~""...-._.'" ~ ...-...._...I.<.~:...<.-:: ~..~..l:-,._.."".::J. .... ,." ..-".. ,~":. .," .. " .......~ Mot~q~ :,b;r, .qomlni~~~on~H. _~~t ;:~~~ond~dp.~.Qo~~si.om.er, ~~ce;, t~t, iIop,ec, invo:Lcei' submitted lu Edward M~ Roache, cou:r;t.reP.Grte#, ~,,; ~h.~,,~pio~~tof' ; .$278.25 for stenographic'service~ in'connectionwith the reproduction of the state1lleut of facts in the zoning suit involving George Marshall et 801; vs. City of West University Place, be"appr,oved for payment~ Voting Aye: Maydr. La~111, Compa1s.ioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall.. Voti;-Tig'2jof' -' ione;~:'::/:>::;'.:~-'::"";":"';:'::::- ~,..:.::'-:,;,- .', The necessity of.-resUrfacing the 'interior of the city's swimming pool was brought to the Conmiissionts attentioll. Mr~ Merle Franke represent- ing B1:'ange-Xrachy, appeared before the Commission' and explained -the benefits- 10 'be, derived from using the Epo-Lux ,system. Motion by Covun1ssioner Rice, seconded by Co1'lDllissioller BOli1IIan, tba~..,-t).1e City MA~er 'be instructed to advertise :for bi~ to .bereceived,liIit:l.l'" 1:30 P~I(~, April 13, 1961, for resurfacing the interior' of the city's ,swimming pool. VQ-ting Aye: Voting": Mayor Lamkin,Commiss:i.onerS"-':B'Owian;.:;~tti~z--;':;;'Ittc'e"'a~~"_~li ~:~'~;; None. ' " n I LJ A 'r~pE>r\ vas . ptesented f'rom the Texas l{unicipa1League showiq results of the vote on Jm-14, the Firemen's Arbitratfo'n.Act,wla'ich, was 4-efeated , o~ tl'ie.Crd) thi-rd -reading byseventy-thr,ee (-73) to ~!xty-s1x (66) vote. The report stated that the ail1 wo~ld have set up a procedure for Fire- me~:t~'bave ::Local arbitratiol1f'oraggrievanees over wages and hours. If arb:l:tratio.1'l fai1.e~, the question would be decided at a public election. The Bill was .constd'erefi fietrimental to BomeRule and would . open the wa,y for all,municdpal eUlployees to request the'same privileges. . It was noted that all members o.f'the House of Represelitatives'of the lIouston District 22rvoted for the Bill, which was in opposition to 1I1Ostlofthe muniaipalities view pointS. T =--"_.=~--====r= f" ---.r 19,8' HoUSe BiilSeventy-three (73); The Fi:remen t s Pension Act, was discussed and it was.indicated that the City of West University Place would ;:00 requiredt6'-~y$5. 0,000 to's1irortize the prior service debt if such bill waspasjed. ''The Mayor~sauthQrized to officially oppose this propOs- ed le~islati()n. '. .... .~, .','" ". . .' l-l iJ .,;.. )' , . " . , Co8lriiissionerltoraceRic'e. reported. that. he . was . favorably impressed dur.;. iog hiSandtbe -C11tY. c..get t.s trip' to . Austin on March 20, 1961, 'to .' .' attend the Texas Municipal League meeting where numerous bills now be'- 1~re the Legislature were eXP+ained in detail. '.'Tnt! Commission' again discu'seda. date tor "OrientatioriDayf and agreeQ. that April 8, 196;r, woul6:'probaQ~ybe'-a; suitable time. . . . "... - ".. ' . ", '. '. T~ :~1tiutes,o:r -&he' ~et1ng:on Marbh;:13, 1961, were read and appro,ved as ::e~rrected~; ,:. ..: ';", . '. - '. '.' , With no f'Ul',"ther business to. come before the CommiSSion at this time, 11.,on 1Ji.Otion"du).ymade-,"secondeo. ahd 'carried, the meeting ~s adjoUrned at 12:101f.M'~j March28-;~ 19?1~ . . .~~ "J. ... , ". ~~~;!. . MAYOR' ", . . .. u AmsT'i.... ] "-" I -,-....,..------ ,. - r .--,. .-:="'~ ,-- ._.r: ,-- ~ 'Wc, 0' it "I,' ., : t..."=' o ~ U 0: CO o o 199c " REGULAR MEET:~N(iOF ern COMMISSION .- MO_Y"<A~1.l\.'"10,,,19'1 , " ,-'.' -. .'. . ~.... '. , .. . .' '. I ~.,: . - . . . ." . . .: - ". 1 '. . ..'~: . \ .,' ...., .'< _ '. ~ .:' .:' .... .; .... :. ;- The city Commiss:L,on, convened inregularsess10a atthe'Ci~y H8.1~t:Gn .. MQn.day"Apr1110,. ;L9~1, ,7t30"E..M.., ntht~e tollowing,r~~Q~s ,~esen.t: M8.yor L8.mkin, presid1ng-; comi1d.~$1oner,S,;~utz";~~i1,',,i\~4e;~ '8.n..4::W8.11. The CitY'l(a.nager and City Attoriiey'were'also'preseiit~ " " " :;-.;'J>.....;.tJ~ .~::.,~::' _ ........ ._..' ...~ ,~. CO'!D'l'iss"ener ,R;Lc~ _pr,()nQu~q~~:the (invo~~~~o~,. , 'Ini~~mPlia~~~ ,with woti~~:t~ ,:Bldders:'duiy'Pub1.1Shed iti theoffi~i~l: " neWspaper' otthe c~ty.,:b~#r.c~ived t'or.delivery- of,Jr,Jat~r:te.lrequ~t~a. fOr the current year bY' th~'streetDepartment we~e'openea and results' " a:D.ounced. ' MJ~~on bY,;<C.:ts.siqne:t,' L~t;;'s~~q~aed )>Y'Comm1~sione~,lHce,. tl1at bide; ,r~~~Y~d-,. tor .,de liy~rY;Qt'a.PP~9x;l.~te1.y ,li 009' tOlI~ :CrJilshep. L:i.mestone. , ,:A;~P~~t; ,A~'~$a;~ t"Gra(iE! ~~',:690.-t9P~ GJ;'~#~<i,~L:J.nie~~to~e,~sp~lt AW~gEl.te, Graa.~ .;l.q;, I~ 1. OQq"J 1;,QnfJ ,C:ru~heci;~;t;~!:r~o~e.; _~~e .:\ier;J.al, '; ])e~t~nation . 21.5; _' , 65,000 Gallons Colas; 500 Feet 15 inch Reinforced ConeretedPipe;:;and' 30~ rFe~t(.12 ineh rei_ufol'-eed,' concr~;t;~ ; p;l.p~,,., be referred. ~Q., ~e , qity ,Ma~er - -,..... .... I .' '.' ...., . ,". . -."...... '-" - .' " ",-. ,-.' '. "'.!. . .:' < t for tabulation a.nd rec01lllll.eudation. ",' '( .;. -', , ,- 'c' ,'~!~~ ~~e: J_iY.Pr~1IIki~,~C~~$;f..on~r~I.utz, B~lItRice,and. Wall.-; :Yo~~~N~;:.. ..,Nqne... "", " " ~-"'~';'";'/::'~:-.;''' -.' - . ". ,.~"<:'..- .....~~~.~.;.. ," ..~,.~..~., .~._' . '".; =,'. ,.... . :":."... . /i,). ".;'..: 'l'he"..0athQf,.e>ffice was..administered by...Mayor, La.i. tQ,,,!olll:I.Jones, '"" . ".> <; ,'. " - .,,' ',". . -', '" '. -' . ~". : ,. . ^. J. "'J ..1 . ," ....<. " .' _'.."_ . "" , " . . ~; . .",.. : "' .... ' .~" ." "' ;.'__, .;. B. F. Kingman, William M. Merritt, Jr., G. E.Smallwood, as mem'Qers, of- , the Plumbing Board. " ~. . " .". ". < ~ . '; > -' " - .:~' The",~~ll-,~'~erf~ce, ;~~. :a~ui~te;r~ft"~lso,,to ,J:. R ~,~l)av:is, "Franlt,' ~~y; ,>>~r't:Fi~her",.W,. ,~,,!~ill"ll~ I.rJ~llY FenQgl,io" ;;J.()hnMcIAnn~y." 7!ir~n:kSeyfJiQ~, , , , ",aIl4,;;R~:J..~bi. !'.:Sue1c~'1. a~_~Dlu,iberf,l ~~ ,the ;lI~at~r:i$' and,~;r,)qqn~~~;i.on;~,~~#rd. Everett P. Green, CPA, presented- a. repOrt ~n the city' s reco~d~and" ac~ . c9J111~IiS' f~r' the,y~a.;.;,,+9~0-l' ~~ttng"~~~_i;l1e.ci~Y'.~,i.n:,f!o~,,v:err,~ ~in~ c,,',Y financial p0sition. Mr. Green also discussed: va.zfous observat:J.ons _den"~, during 'the audit with refere~ce to accumulatiQn of can~el1ed bonds' 'and' --ctmP,ons,Qieth04' 9t.,.issU$pee. of ptn"p~",e ord.~rs,. laelt. of a sy-stamof, _ter~l :eon:trols;';,~nd. ij.~k ,of" ,iajiietil:.prof(:lriyiny~nto;r,y ~" Mr..',: G;r,~~n" ~t~o:re~omine~ded..t~~,~~", s~~~~~#~~~ ~ed~~~~~d tq ,det~~l11nec:ertaJ.n: a.~~" linquent tax accounts wbicl1~hQUld :li>e~,remove-d from,,: the, , tax. roll., ," . >< .' . .".,'" '""" " ~ . :. """ " ,','.' . . -'". " "" -' .'. ". . . ReSO::Lut'1~n ~1"'1 ",,.asA:ol~~vs,, ..s~"pre.se,ntedto:,the,:CouuniSSiol';l a~' rea~ ' ,ilh~ll: , " . .. ,. . ..' ;r.; .( ":)-:,;-, .f;<-::. .. '."". ,.- ~. . i.. ". '. .", .', ," : ..," . ... \ " ~." : ;. ~;" th~; ,G1 t,Y '9,f' W~~'t 'niv~Fsj,tl :P~ce:: lui!-s ca~b aVfi\ilable ~n th~ ''');;:~i7:~~ve}aue,til1nk'i~"hne.t:;I~eR*an~e,Re.sC!rve.Fund, :f1reTruck ~a.,:. .' ... , '.. _,:.c:~r,l'~r, AlIle'iltbnent :.R!$e~!~ .'"::\ 'a~e:t": fund I, ,J3a.n~tary Sewer Q~p,i ~al.lm9rC!>v~- ~1i:;,:Funti,- wh;l.q];l will.,notbert-efluirecif'or ctU"rent operating expenses" , 'and, , , -- -~- T~ ~~, ,.'~~ .'1 ----<.l 200 WHEREAS, 1'tis the objective o:r.' the City eolllDlissionto keep all of' the city's money invested to earn additional income and it isnecessa;t"y and prude~~,:tq;au~h,?ri.-ze,i~ves~mel1t ()f these certain ,sums of money: h' "f :.':::~ '-:.'':.' ..; ":" "'. ,~...;.. .-~ . .-,... .' ._.' . ':if~~~~9U,'/~~J~~(()tfu BY';mCiTY COMMISSION OF THE : . "-cm~;0F':lfESrl'~Wmtsrtt-meE'- '!'Ens' ," . ' . ",' ;,' , "'''''''',:':'',''.-', "c",':-:." ,-'..", .." ,,',',' !"l :-.-1 that the City Treasurer is her(ilby directed to invest funis in the amount, of: araX Revenue Sinking Fund; $7/too;' Ins-uranceReserve Ftma., $4,700; , Fire TrucJt,:Funq., $5,5l5;C:QbarterAmendmen~ Reserve - Water Fund,$18,oOO; San1.tary.'Sewel:'Ca.IHta:j>XmjSrbvement FUnd, $18~095;in savingS and LOa.n Associ~1t~o~:iJ.~"pt~~r,p.i-~~~:~~~'::~~e'otDi:viciends'c:>:f'~. " ,. Motion, by Co_issioner B~lIl, seconded Rice, that Resolution'61-7, direct- ing investment9t $7,700:eromthe T~Revenue Sinking Fund, $4,700 from the Ins~ance -':ae$erve'Ftirid/ $5,S15':rrcim'tbetF1re Truck'-.Ftthd, '$18,oOfJ: '. f'romthe -:elta.!".'t~l-o;!irie.diD.e.~t Re~erv~-Wa:.t~r- had, $18,09' from theSa;o.:ttary sewereapit~i':tUlpi<ov~taeil~':,utlclr:lti~YingS'and LOan; Associations at 'tlieir prevaiiingjifi*jte'- Qf' '-d1ffaet1as8t~L~"FJbe c'passed'andalJproved as rea.d."" '-. " '".: f"':~ i::~~"'r':'>'::.~.;~,.:", "".' "<. ]!......:{.~ .,:. . r::! .~;.~ _ .....:~.'.....:. ~. '. .' , 'VcitingAye: ",*:fo1-'IAilikin,'ColiliJilssidners Lutz; Bciwme:nj Rice and Wall. ' Voting N~: Bone. .... EftgineeZ;:lfj $sti.:tl!!'No'. 5< ii{the 'ani61itit of $12, 980 ~ 52 due JoeE. 1[ajdik ConstruetionCompauy for materials and labor used in cons~ruct1Qn of 'the. equip1ilen:t s~ora~e ~nd.~tilitybuildings was submitted for consideration. , It was";l!i.iivisea;'~~t th~!;':accl1mi1llitea td'bal'paid-on';the contract amounts- to $25;312,58~ c,:;,y.'--~ . ., . " -, '.- :---1 U " . Mot~on by C.issioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wa.ll, that the " Eng:theE!r '~;\lsti_~A:':No~ )i5'1t{th~;';aiiioutit' of-- $12' 98fl. 52'dtte Joe Hajdik> . . , e()iistrud'tf~~:.&i!njiw/torr~m8:~e:rialis: 'add ...lab()r'ti~ed; 1 n construction of'.. tke . . .: ~li\1i j1letit.stBrqe '~8.ftd.'utiHtirf'b'i;ca.ings 4.uring'tne per1od.from Jan1ll8.i"y 31, 1961 ~o ~el1 ~l~ , ~96l, be approvf;!d fo.r pa~n~.. " . ". :. .: " ,....;.,r..\'.T'... ''". ':< ..". ." .,," Voting"AY~lJ e-MaYQr 'La_ifJS, com:ihil1l~ioners Lutz, Bewman, Rice and Wall. votiufr.O:"""'jofle'~ :" -, ':", ' ': ,"~ "'",,"! "~'. " ".'. '. '. , Oi ty:'Att~t-n~y. e~~lii,S!: Cockrell' ci:tsdi1ssted various provisions f'6ra prt>-~' pos~d ;:Q1"dlnancze" ~bve:dng' '1'1e~1igeirtr (:bl-~is:lon" as recommi:mded . by ehief~' ot Pot:t(iEVB:~ .']f~. shifP;;:':"'lh~'- cb~YsI.H~n .it.1~trueted:Att~rney cockrell to.6b~ tain copte~ of'6rdfriaft-deu; tioV~fng"this;"su:bject for Study. ",-' ' , , The"e':lti:Ma~t adv1se\ll"th-e ebmmf'ss':[cnthat'the R,eal.Esta.te 61'f'i'ce -. located on the northwest corner of BUffalo Speed.WaY and University BO'tile- Yard, known as the West University BUilding and R~~lty co,,:pany~ and,operat- ed bY'Mr. Jo-e'Cathriner-ri$ '. closed and.i-apparEmtly'<'opera.tions in'the":btiilding had ceased and:'Vlse' bi tneb~i1A1.1\g:was-8l)a.ndond. 'The: que'Stionof' -abatement of'th~faon"c0Bf'Grmirig:;use;;;ot';ttie~bli:tiditig WasdlsC!Ussedb;f th~ City'COrmn1s- sion'at&d:' thEi';cityA:ttorney wasinst:r-ucted: to pre'pare a letter for the' . J L 'r'~T -, '~~::r---r' ,., I - --=r o r.o o ~ u CO . Q:l o n L_} 2;or Mayor' s signature:~(lV'ising the 'owner , Mr~' :Roge]:"t c. Reed, that .the building. could no lomger.a us-e~';f'qr_ 'eo~ercial purposes and would' . revert to residentia:lclas,sif1catlon. uhder-tlie'zoning ordinance. Min~teS';Gt.the 1,J1eeti;ag ,of.~eh 27, 1961, ,Were r~~d e.~d apP:r;'qY~d a.s ': Qorr.eeted.' . ,,, ", . , . . . . ~_;.~}!:., ',..; yo-' "~,,,;' ~ ""~.'~ . ,W::fi~a, ,;,no.'t)\r.therbllS$JaeSs- :t<'h;come. befQ:retl:l.eCommiss.ionat tl1is ':t,t,-,' upon motion duly made, secoQied. and caJ;"ri~, the~til)g ,liaS adjo\tr_~ .' ~:~~: ~ '~-"- .~~Qj--- , '.l:cm" .--" , , ':::. A'fTEST : ..;,: A._.'_.... . .i ~, ;. .~ .~.. '... .." .- . . :.' , ,.. ~;. ., '; "0,.- " r~---~~~:~l .J r"' " 1 102 SPEeIAL~'ING OFCITI COMMISSION 'TJm.RsDAY; "Am:IL 13, 1961 .~ . ..., '" J The City Commission convene~ in special session on April ,13, 1961, 7:30 P.M. ,.;at the eit:YHal:l, ,with the fOllowingmemberspresentj,e. ' *yor Lamkin, preJ$1ding; Commissioners Lutz; Rice and Wall. ,The, City Manager -was also present. Commissioners Bowma.nwas absent for business reaSons "find tlie ~ e:tty :Attornet was'tabsent :a8' "be was 'attenliing1he, meeting of.'theZonirig"&Plalin:l.ng B_d-..,'" , ' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Lamkin. , The Mayor announce,d: th8.t, this.,meetimg.,M,d been called' tor opening of bi.9.s::~~e'i'Y'~ti"t.Q:r>r~:flPi..~hi~j;b~ flOQ~ ,of the swimming pOOl. 'The fol- lowing bids were openea:e;iid~'iresults announced; SpeCification We;). 1 - Epo-Lux Coating , Gulf' star' Sandblasting 'and Coating, Inc. $2,192.98 , ' SpecifieationNo!? -: Alternate , Gulf star Stl~l:rlasting and Coating, Inc." 1,795.40 Tile .. X - System Houston Pool Corporation - Magna Bond System ::4,350.77 J[ughes Pool Supply, Inc.; r ~g~ :ao~~ Systelll ",'1,,7#7. 9.~:, One Additional Coat 525.00 s~c1f'ication No.3" Marble :DuSt Mo:r,-tar Application "Roward Pool Corporation 6112 Sq. Ft. @ .41 2,505-92 ,'.Houston Pool Corporation 6112 Sq. Ft. @ .65 3,972.80 Chrystal Pools, Inc. 6112 Sq. Ft. @. .30 1,833.60 ' Abernathy Company 6112 Sq. Ft. @ .43 2,628.00 I , J Motion by CommiSSioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that, bids rece,ived for refinishing the-f'lo~ of the, Swimming pool be referred to . the Ci.ty Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye:.. Mayor L8.mkin, Commissioners Lutz, RiceandWal,l. Voting No: . None. :J-' , ' MY.-. c. E. Posey, Sanitarian, and Mr'. Olyde Blackm.i:m" Manager of the Swimming Fool were present upon invitation to appear before the COmmis.;. sion to discuss certainpha.ses of the swi1ll'mingpooloperations. The . question of permitting people inside the pool area in street clothes was discussed and general admission prices to be charged for the coming sea- son. Mr. Blackman presented numerGUS rea.sons' why the pool a.rea should be closed' to all outsiders and a charge made for thcdr entering tne enclos- ed swimming pool area. It was stated that adverse criticism had been received last year for reason that citizens bad not been given advance notice of the change in policy with respect to admittance to the swim- 'ming'pool enclosure and that there was also objection to payiuga 65~ admission price. J r c-- o , ' , ' After thoroughly discussing the merits of the proposal, the following 'decisions were made by the city C'-o11imission-: ~,'" ~ 35; 'for c1i:tl~en),5 ye~sof age ~li~4.,i1nder ;,65; t,oi: ,aduits,,25;'pet-:'persot!1,J'o!" ;rio~..~mm~rs :d~s;ring 'to :~~:~e;~e encld~e~ 'sir~~~rlif)~o?~ .:~~~~ ~n .:,s~r,eet ." , It was also determined advisable to "remo~e that. pott:t6n~of' the'f'Ofu.( 4) f00t chain liQk fence wh:t.eh, separa.t~s th~ lQung:i,ng ar~a from the ma.:tn ,,_ ~ -:.. _ . . -.... .or. _ . . sWi~ng ,1',001 ~ea. .... ,: .' . 2.<" " . . Generai Admiss:1qn' L~ o ~ u ~ CO ,. . . .. . - . w::i. tl:i. rt()'~'further . bus:tnessto < come:betore the':C'ommissioit"a't --this time, upOn mo.ti()u duly 1I!Ilde,. s~~onded aIld carried, 'tfhe. mee~ing was adJ~1)ed, at 9:-3efP'ij." 0"':. ',,' ,'., ." " " " .' ':. ,. ....' '" ".:, ,: ' e c:';) 4.~::; :.': .' ~-. r "_' .:.:.j<i}~~}~>'" '20~r '4 ...... r ...... .:~-=,... ~:~ ~""" .n'" o' ~~ ~ . . . , lv!ayor , '.J ..... ~:< "', AT'!'EST : ' , o ....y , , .!f" . ~ . . ~ .... .. f..,.,:" ._, . . -.: ~~. , . ~ " - --..' ~. . , ~ . .. - ~.. , , ..... . .-- .,..:-.: '. " o ....,.j:. c=-- -----<l "I d, . ~~ '-""~"=r-- . [' , '-1 "'l.7':.'> ~...' . ~. ~ -.' ," ) ,...... . <....~-:,:>. ,< : "", " =- -5 ~ :'-- '. i'. ~ II> ... .. 2.04 REGULAR MEE'l'INQ QF CITY OO:MMISS~ON "', MONDAY :', :'.q1ttL . 24 '1961 '. -+"'-"'~:'"~''~''' .;.....'. <.~:~ : :J The Gi~y C~~~~9n~~E;ln~d,~n,~ga1ar session at 'the City Hall on Monda.v, April ,2h;,:::t9~i.~,27~3Q~~~,:,~t~.~hliP~,fol),ow.!,pg inem1?ersiP~eserit: ' Mayor ' , Lamkin, pr~~:LQingJ Q~.$icmets~)30WJi1a~, L.tz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and 'G1ty'M8.nager w.Erre{-~so 'present. The InToc~.:ti.on waspronganced by" C()~s.sione~ ,Wall. o . ! ..' '..: . _. ." .', ..... "' ".. . . . '. ". , ' In c<>mpii~nee Wi1ih'aet:ton. "k~i"by ih~ ci:tty'~C~~s~~n and.Notice. 4ul;~r:p.C'" lished in the' off"ioial newspaper of" the, 01 ty, bids recei ved for deli ve-Ty 'of ' chl(>,ri;ne ,~~r,r~~,;~mm1ng,.~a~..~~,~.~~ed,.d...r,~Slllt~}~~~l1nced as fOP,ow;s: ( ~~,~!r~ ~~~'~~~f.;s $li:~:rr'l~ ~:g:~:~pl'an.. Dixie' Chemical' 'Company - ,,'l'~n, 09ntAi:ne~8;:~$ .06 per lb. 1501b. eyls. .ll"" F. o. B. WOP ;F. o. B.WlJP . . .,' Motion by dommiss--ioner Lutz, st;loonded by Oommissioner. Rice, that bids re '- cetiwd for delivel;"yGfchlorine for the ensuing year, be referred to the City ~nager . for tabulation. a~drecommendatiOD. . . G...., " . Voting ~YatMayor L~m, ommissioners BOwman, Lutz, Rice and Wall.. Vo-t1ng No: "---Jfelle L ..._~..... Mayor Jiamkia aJmstebd the Oath of Offiee to Mr. G~orge; McGhee as a member of the Board of Appeals andMr."Rt. G.!!,li:~~e~, ~8 a. :ri1emQEI~ ~f tl1~ Plumbing Board. Messrs. McGhee "and Wallace ~ere ::absen'6@.t'the::.~:liiie" the>', Oath was administered to other members of these Boards';""" '., " Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting on Ap~l 13th WElre presented for the Commission's consideration. There was no action necessary at. this time d11e to no recemmenaatiomshaviBg been made by the Board. . J The Oommission couidered the selection of an auditor to audit the city's beeks, records and accOI11lts for the ,fiscal year 1961, and took the follew- ing action: ' . . Motion by Oommissioner Rice, secoB~d by Oominissioner Wall, that Mr. Everett P. Green, C!lPA, be engaged as. auditor for the fiscal. year 1961, on a fee basis fer examination of acccmnts Bot to ,exeeeli $1,100.00, and alee 'not t9 exceed $300.00f'orconterence and consultations. ioting A.ye,: ~yor Lamkin, Oo:rim1issif?n~rs Bowmam, Lutz, Ri~e and Wall. . eting No; lOBe ' ". tn accor<:ia.llee.:wi th action taken by the. Commi:s$i&D. 01'n ;April 10, 1961, the . i t}t Manager, ,n:Wt'\ied. a,tamuat~!n."", of bidS received for delivery of - . street materials for the e.suing year, with a reccmmendation that the low bids of Dancan Na,terials, Inc., Wright Asphalt Oompany and Johnsen Oon-,' crete Company, be accepted. J Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Oommi.ssioner Lutz, that the low bids of Duncan Materials, Inc., for delivery Qr Limestone Asphalt Ag- . . gregate, Grades a & 10, and Lime.stone Base Material, Designation 21~, to Wright Asphalt eompaDy, for delivery of Colas and to Johnsen Concrete T~m.~ -----r . ---:r m! : ! . r l.~ o ~ u CO CO o , o " ., t '" ~.' . ..; .. . . . _", ", r... ,".~" I. "~ ' ~.'" f ..: ,.' t.~. . ~ Pipe GplIJPany, I~c.,fGr ,deli:re;~w,Y:;o{)"~ 1!t15,:tn~li~~c~te ;pipe; 'be accepted as recOOmlended 'byth.e"crity"M'a:iiager~" ' '~,",',,:'" ...' . . . " . Voti,ng.Ay-e:. May.or I.~n" aQ~S.I!I!.o11..er.s Lllt;z, Bowman, ,,,R~ce anq Wall. Voting'No:. NODe ;'''' ." . ... ".,,,,,.. .. ",... ... .. ... A taJ~Il+~ionofbid~ .!yeei vad ~~f,~~i~,~~~ ~l1e. ;p,~!>r..of ,tJ~e~ng pool,~s pr~sented t4tll,'~: req~enW1ti'f)~':t!i8.~, the law bid ~~tted by". " Orysta:L Pools, Inc." ,r0~ :t~)m:tn ,of ,$.;30"~'~:)J:~ar~ foot;-.~~, 8:fl agg~,"" , . gate of $1,B33.60, 1'07- a' marble dust.'morta1"-~appl1ca.tion tCf the' 6112 square .~oo-t. area .of .the p~ol fioor,. be ,:~ceep:teti. ., ,. ." .. MotiO."byCOmM1s'sione:t W8J.i, sE{condea;'by ComDdSS10ne;"'Lut'Z, that th~ .. bid submitted by Orystal 'Pools, Inc., :f-or the sum of $0.30 per sqnare feet or an agg3;'~~~e. of ,.~~,833~,6,O~~r . ~ ma.r1?:J-e, ~~,t .mortar applioation := ~:~f;;d:~J~:~~i.;;e~:';g~~;.,'~~g))~~~,:~()6r',beaccepted,,', ....,) :.. V01;iDg..,~. . .=:'J.~~.~:~ ~~~;,~'''1e~ ahd,Wario ...: ::i1;;:'" CO.~~~~~t:j;i(.,~~~M.~ lritJr:~~re~ee~; . neglfgeJit colliSion' fex-the COmmissients'-b'($nsiderat:ton~:At'ter' the-erdi~>' . nanoe was read in fall and discussed~ i.t was deemed advisable to 'ifit(iiiF'-T, :~ th~ . p;t'Gpo~e~ erdi~atJ.~~t.9 ,t~e, Chief: ,of P()ili:~e r~~ -~;t;l;~. &1.ld. ;reeomm.e.nda:t~~,~ ~ ...... .,.. >. . ,.. , ." ..,..' ..... '." .. ~:.." .'., . ',.. -: .' .' . '., ..' ,: , . The ,(j~~i ~~~"r- ~~s,~~ 't~~~~~,',~~::~~~'~li::~~f3~;~~~~' whi.~~:'jf~~ ~be#'~,':,' ed al0niJj1,l~ . Q1fl:d:t*g-'J;:rnEf~betw'~n-LL(;ts'-16 &'):7''::.J3UeJ( ~~:,_::Y~~a" '.. ",~,..i Court, ':bad been relocat~,!i in accordance witli 'ae'tiotftaken'by 'the"C1ty ..' " Oommis~1\Rn}~~~ :~~$el\\~~~No.,9f...2,.t_;,~~,c!, ~~~y:, ~~~",,}.~9-l~0: 1.'he"~It: s~~~ ' tary sewer'1he .was ~I9ca:ted.in &n".8'" "e~seme1it ^cU'oifg"1;he:~~'~st liJiEi: Ci?~, ':~'''. the W i of Lot 17, Block 12, Virginia Court, and the contrAfct fer the':, ,',' relooa~f~~" ~f. t~e a~ ~~,:r ,;i~~,. ;3 ~~b.~le~d~~~'~ ~~e~~!-le~ ~s PE!~m, , ' filfilled and 'tlie aontraet6r~ .eo~er "dbmttrilc'tibn 'compai1y,'/"is .eJ:ititlEt~ , '^ ," to :receive paiYmeDt amounting to.. .2;525.00." A oertU,ication from 1d:in t~;".":'(' Jones, q;:&;Y:~Jl~~r, w~~ p~~: ". '. '~~~~ll~ ~~tJ~~~~,,:~f?r~.. in,!()lved ..' ~:m:i:I~!f~;14t~9 :r~,1;Qca:tiligf' f"" T~i~O~' ~~~.~~,:~~~f' ~:~~~~rad"~Oril~::::i"" I,:,,' ',' .;). . ~ .Motio~ ~yOoomiis&!~,Gner ,B~n.,,' se~,onded by Oonmd.ss1oner Rice, that t~e fi~,,~~~~t~;~,thev~~'>~:f :t~~~,?25 due Comer. Construction Co~any, for 'l'e1:"'~C'attft'.ltti"e"~~' .sanitary'sl!N'er, line in aaeordance With pro- . vision,s of Resolution No, 61-2, be appreved for payment. Voting Aye: .' Voting No: Mayor La.mldri, Commissioners Bowman; Lutz, Rice and Wall ~ ' . None" "., , , . In view o~ the above described Bft sani~~. s.,~r.line .haViD% be~n 'r:;~--. ,,', located, :Lt was deemed appropriate and ad'V1s.able~'to'_ab}l,nd~~t'h-e.'~lOI, ': _.~:' eas8f~nt! l'UMing along the di'Viding line between Lots-''1~'&'17, Block 12,' :Lrg3.niji Co\U"t. ',,; TO , ~~~ "'" ''''',' f' ;,... . 2.0'5: v 2.U5 Motien by ~ennnisBicmer Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that. the Mayor be a..tho~21ed :t()~~ecute: af61~asean4 qui~ ,c:i.aim of the city',s interest 'in a 2()1e~einent run~1!ig~~ng,a,dividi.ng li~~tween Lo~,~ 16 & 17, Block 12, irginia Court. . !J . --. ",. ,. . . Voting Aye: . Mayor Lamldn,dolninissiohers 'Bowman; Lutz, Rice and Wap.~ Voting No: None The City ~1'la~~ ;:~fied th!9:'Jro~~~(iIi'thai' thE9'"se;rvice Center bln;~~~:. ingswere~p;p~$na.:tely 95%.c~iU.P1~.te .~nd 1P.tJq,n,.a short time it woW;d be ready :toi;"' ~r.i'na~t~n~~~~ion )y ~nEL~1 ty AJ~llDIfi..sSiorJ: . Mayor Lamkin appeinted Conmitssloners Lutz, ""BoWman and Rice to repre- sent the Oi ty Commi~sion.~1'. final insp~c~~ of the . new Service Cente:r building8.~;' .'; { .' ; ".. "c'"; ... '. ", . . 0".... . . ~ " :1"' ~ . The desi~~'bjJiliy :of S:liJ,sti~~:&ing; t~rra~~oforcolqred coIiore:te, "on .the floors of xthe 'loekEirroOins;' . shc1iWer'rooms 'a,~d, ,t~ilet facilities was ~~". cussed. he Ci-ty ManagfiJr was advised that for an additional $400 over ." and a.bov:~ ; tne ,~tfor,the.. concr~t~,. no~~" ~~llizo e()1ll~ be lai,d in these".reelruJ"anciiOontracier .roeE.'mtjdik~sWilling to mLk~. this. ~~" sti tution. It was determined' "that the 'terrazzo floors would add" . . matertaJ,1y to i;h~:buAcli11g",v~d.rf:l~q~ .tUture ~nte~nce ,cost and. . ~~~~~_~~~..~~~~~~ap~ t~~.~, was a de~de~ .. 'MOtion 'i.{v'oommissioil~r"Bbwm8.n;secondedby connDi'ssioner"Wall, that~a.nge' Orde~, ,If-~~ .1.?-1'l,~ B~~'t;',)aU q~,nt~~,M~:L,~g.-be ~pproved., to i~9J,l1de, te,;r- . 1'&3200 fl~,Or;,~p;. the lQ~~'~:rcom~,'::Sllqwe:r 1'9.8, anq. ~9lle'tf~dli ties .:fer an a4cJj.~i~~e9S~,};f;'~.lt~'i,<< :,;,,:. ,.;::" . . " ' , . ~ .- '111 " ", ,- ,'.. - ' ", ,':. '.'. '-:':- ,'","', .. .', " ',. " '. ' " , ,," '. , .With:no~t,.~r,bii,~~~s~tQ ,~~e 'b.f~}~.th8$CQmmission .at, tllis ti11ie,,~.. .. iipon motion du1ymaae~'sec0rided and ca'rZ'i.ed, the 'meeting *as adj"OUrn,E\'i,d', ' at llOO P.M. . .' . ], ',-"'/". ,". ." ~.~. .. Mayoi"' '. :. ATTFS:r: .' ' ')., " :. .' u '. 1 "",' .' --., "~~~ ~1 r'", . .""~.~.l .r W,.r: l.r. ". . I': t~"':l o ~ u CO CQ o o .2072 .. , 1U:~ .QltTIW.G ,0'][ .Q1;,1'I,',OOJt4UaI,QN , . ;,M~~.,,~! R,19,61 ':,_ .. , . .. '~.". " ...... ~, -:- . '!'.he City :Gommi~Sic).'c()nteneilih~~ar sesS1on'onMbnMy/.t' 5, '~y6l, .' .' 7:30 P.M~,atthe City Hall, with the follOWing members present I . Mayor' Lamkin, presidi1'1';, Cpnuu:l.ssi~~r.~,:B~~'.t',:pu$z ~d lliqe.. ,f}.1e... Oi ty l\,ttorney and City Maria.ger were 'use pN'sent.'p 'COIIiIiiisSi6ner' Wa:L11ias' aDsent as he' . . was emt 'of tb.eeity. . . . .' The IrN:~~t.ioll. wa,.. pi'on~n~~d,,~y; ~~is'i.~!!r ~~n~:, '. "1''';'--'< . ;rncomPiiati~e ldth ac~ien~k6m by the" Oi~y)j~Al~n.G.il,:~ril, 24,.,l~61, . theOity lfaDager submitted a tabulCl.tion ol"btas"received ter delivery-of .' chloIiJ1~, ~O! t~,e~~ng~.ye{i,J"" ~~~;,,,,.::r,~9~~~t~~~. tl,1att~, low. bid ~b':" . mitted'-by,'ma:m0nd'Afka1iC~~~t'bej',:~~~,~~~~,;.,:' .;"..>;. ' ::";":'" ," :. . ,,:, , Mot:tOJl;-)ty'--'I.,QemlI1i,liI~t.~:r ..l)~", ~~9~4~~, J~Y, J~~~'~ss~~~z:" LllL:t~.,. :tp.at t.h.e ~9~, ". . .Ei=~5;:~~~;r~1~te~~';~; ceptedas receimnended'by:tlie'Oity'~g~~~-::,_;~,:: : <;:"di ,v:."s :;",' .' '.. '. Voting Aye. ,,~o:r,~n~,~~!1P'1;i$_3f;;On~,~n,.L~~~,~~4,Rice. , '"- Voting'Ne: 'Nene' ....'- c,..,....,.. (>.-- dC, ','.d., , .""', ' , I The '~YL~~gf3~,~~; " 8;~,,;Le1o~fJ~,~~',~~,~~~ .:,tohn.~ e~~~",~~J'.~f[!~" S~f~ As&l,~,oi\,the:,~~... ,~.1f~ve;~J,:~~;J.n,)ltotUle~~jjij1;~~h, .~'e,)ls.e Q~ . ,. ::et~:~~~e:f::1~;~~~~~I:~~::r4~~J~:~~:t~t:;_:;:i;::~"': '" ver~ ty PJ,.aee, tesurvey and ~stadY~1ie" cmiaftien'ol"tlle-sewer11nes'," . their ::;":i~:(~~I:~~~~f~~~~:::~~~,;~"~~~~t::~P~s~,~b~~:~~; : volve atl expeiAUture' of approXimately $;,OOOM~,;f.}ms'JioplQ.. u.Jd.vers;~y..,..:.', withe m1n0r, ejqiendi tures On 'the part of' tlie' .ciity~ pIlUS' use' . of part-iht, .. " city pers~e*: ~~;.~~~~~,..,~ll~'Fe~,~.J;4: ;rS~~;.. " i ' . "'. , It was the G.@bdon of the (Jommis~ion th8.1; the City Ma12Ager<shOUld obtaiti' "" ~~~ ~~ti.~ ,~t~, ,~,~re~ce. .t.o- t4e, ,cl.~Y't~ ,Ail~t, .an~ .;esp!'>ftsibili ty of the~.t~\-(< .'.;>~:,.. ,..,." ,,' ~-,:, . -, '~'; .....' . l' .~;'..~..-:t':'r.f:.; C',,:t. "-f_::'..E,:'";.':...,, '.,' _~ ..~'(;' ......:-,-:.:~..<~::. 'f~ ': :..:.~..~:': ',~. ':; .-;.""'-: :..:'. '. ...~..._,.,.... _ .i-.t..~~ _:'". ~ he Oath.of' O:rr;1.ce was administered'by 'Hayor"l.a1ii1dn 't'9 Ml". Ray .ta;t~<j alf;.Cl.,;~ member oi' the Insurance Camm! ttee. : . . ~ " -. .....,., . . ~~~~W~~l?~c~~~;(~~~~~ Ie health. 'he G-emmissien agreed te appoint anethe~ membe,;,,1>q, the..Fi~(t~~ ;,...... . Oommi:M~ee.' . ....'. ....... . ,",. . Estimate We; 6''in:.the ~ount'~:oi"$1l,fI&i$j,' i~r m~:t~irlals,:~tt lab~~:~QnJ~~~'< ServiaeCen'ter bUildings. was SllbDdtted by the City :Manager'wllo explained .... that- i~hEh~;tima.~J:i!~e1.l1;S)..~, e,,~,l':tf;1.~l!<~::m~s.t Atem~ 8:1,'44 9.5$,,":e~.th,-e.. ~, . .~ . :.::.'.d :..'.' : ':. <').: r:'t:-:. .' - '.~, ., :..., . .. ~'.. .... .. .' . .'~. . . .'. . '. .' , .:..... r~.~'~--~~"""'1 r"'- " I ~UH~ remainder. Motion by: Conim1ssiengpLutz,s6eOBdedby;ltOmridssioner Rice, that Estima:te No.6, in the amount of $11,Orlh~3, dUe Joe E. Hajdik aonstruction Oompany for materials a.nd,lab(l)r. on the Service Ce~~e,r buildi1ig~, be approved for pa;yment.. '. " '.- ' ' '~ . : , ."..J ..' '. , . . ioting .ye:,J1a,yor L&nlQ.n,~:ssioners B~n, '~l1tz'and' Rice.' 'toting' No ': 'NoneP' " . '. ...... . ..: .' c'c'."'. . ..' . ~" ".. Oi ty Manager Whitt J olmson gave a., ;repo~i> p(;)!\ ~he ,~~o ,~ee4way im.I?:ro"f8.. ment prqject,s1;a.~ng"tnatmo$t of.'thet' e~seme>>:tsmtd 'been: o'titained "fdr relocationo.t the ele~tri.eal, service ;from the :front of', the h_es on Buffalo Spee&fai ~di}~~ ana .320) ~"~oOd.., ).~__'-.'. . ...,,' : " .... The H~stGn Lighting:& Pewer:et>~~r~,:~~e,~~d: .th~'ei1i*'to, gr~~tai1~'"~as~;;';, ..... ment across Wier Pa.rkleeateooe":Si~set..~t'Belm6nt.:' .." . . . '.. ',' .., Mo~ion '~t: .Q~~~SiGn~r..t;~~,::S!~P.~d ..)t~~~~~~4!)~e~..r:#~z,/'t~'tth~/~ier. . be autnc,~z~d, to' ~:x;~~'e: am'~~~~~1;:~'tJ!: ,:tl!-~"JI~~c~:lf;~pt;:ag' &P'aWer ,~, . ~O:~~:~'~~~J.e::~=~:'::S!~~1~=~,!~:::~;~:~~::w::iJ~:;~~':":"~ with activities at the tennis eClUrt's'. '-','- _' c., . .'. , . .' . . - '.. ~. ~ '- . ,- . . Voting 4ye: ' .... :Mayot- Lamkin,OdiDmissiQl'iers:B~n;i.i-t~ and.'~ee. .' Voting H'Q:' lI()De. . . The aall~i~~~~~ ~~~#red.~, ~~~st:rt#. ~p(Oi:t'.t~,~~!,~tMt.;&he' p,~~e!l<~ ,_:' , i.,'J- policy, ~t:l'a;rt~.,c~ 'lDi~~~:g~'" ~l~~~: ''O't :'fj~' . ilJ.e.~':~.e for'11se. '01 pe~s:0Aa:r'", .' :~t=~i';:~j~~:r4::~~j';:~td~!~;'~;'~~t~1"~a1. .e~~seror::1t;se"'. ~~t~;~;i:Js~1~~"t~~~\Y~~t~the'>#~..i Voting .Aye: , Mayor Lamki"l~1',6_si:foners;BoWman';' 'l.utz 'aild:Ric~.' ,{' 'Voting }tc.t=" '1I~~~ '. " ,: <,' " . ,. ,'" ." .,r'.:. . A recemm~tida.t~on:Wa~ :subifjfiftet! 'by,'tliiji:mn;'ef' ofp..:t!ce;'iferlTtic:PARnlf(i ftps'J',{ to be iristalled en the west side of Wakeforest frOm 'Sunset to "a>jfi.fi: ,,":, . " 100 ~.et11lt\l~h and. om t~ e.ast side of W ~efore~ .:from Sunset ,to a point lliK)-ree' soailt'. '.,,' .,' ,,:', ,,"' ',,:' , , ':'-:' ".'.: ''-,',: ,",'" ,;, :':i' ::";."" "':" ,", :; ':' " ""."', ,-" ,'::, " , ' , , , " Mo.tion )y' C~sSioner B()WD1a,n, .s,eeonded, by ComndJls;l.one,rRice ,that NO' PARKING AT.Att1!DSf;'v'''be' 1mswfe:doIFthe'iiEtst "sidEFef W'a1letOlejt<tnm'lli1lsl!1; ,,,:' to a' 'p.~~ltt:'i~e~~ lG~h;anlf on, ;the'! ~a:~t si~: o:t':Ya~ef~~~ 'of~Gm ~tjjet' ~i> a peiltt'l. feet smlth. ' : '~, " ' .' "i^~'" .' , ,<' " .' K' Voting q~,:, ~yort~n, O()mmi$si~er~~ ,13owmar,., Lutz and ice. '. , . Voti~-:lfoi . NOne':.. . '. '.. .:... . . :"". .' ., . . .''', ""; ~. '. -:".' >. ~, " . " ",,,\ - .'" '. ," , :l;::~~d ~ ~~..:::: :rie~ ~i>:r:t~ ~l::"V:rlilty; . 'J- , from Mayor Lamkin which advisecihim of the. fa~t that an investigation had . ~-" 'n__~ r"'O~".--_n~~~-~r- r~' .. -~-l ~r D L':) o ~ u c::o c::o D D ti'o"'n' ,t/ Jr' ',. " , revealed that the real estate :1:ms:Lnes~, pre'V1ously carried 01'1 in the building had been discentiD1lSd,~ ihere~ore; ::the-preperty coo1donly be lised in the fawre :for a single family residence, wi thin t.he terms e! , the Zoni~ 'OrcilU.tance~ ,':I't.wasthe, deei.sien'1of :iihe:'(Jity,Uommiss.ionthat ' the Mayor:sb.,ftld'a.mswer~ MJ?:.Jlee:dt sJietter ~d>-:.a<<v:ilse biiJi c;;[, tne ~his-teX"Y, . ' of the use' o1\:t~ .properly.,.located,at'32m.ltfmirver,$i~m.d., as to the \ l'lon-cod&l'Ming..lt:tse 'stata_. aiI.€l tha't~:B.apermi1;: batheV;&r been i,s811ed,for:, pl1ilJtlbing facilities or a,c:omtee-t:b~..:..~(:the,' ~tart, 'sewer :,systemand,tba,t,', use of ... builGing in aeeommoda:ting the public would be a vielatiol'l of the ci tyfs sanitary code and ,&l$.":,,8tate':8tatut~s tV ~ : Mi.mLtes qf'."the meeting'of AprU,::2lJ, :1~1.~ 'We~':read andapprovecidas' correeted.:" ": ,"" ':"';" ',' ..:", ~ ""', , With mo 1\J.rther' business to come before' the CEmJInission 'at ,this time, upon motien'}~~ made, seconded, ~aD. ,o_ned, ,the~,meetingw.as ~'a.djfiJ1ll:"nedat ::' , 1l:30'P,M.", '," ',"',': ,'. ".':. '''.",'' " . '.,.: " .,' .:.~ - . t . " " -.,' ....: ".i :'i~::' '~~,~"", ~, 'Ma~&r'-: '" ' :" ".;. ,k. .~. :'" ~..... " ~.:. : o ."/'!: ",' ~;.' .....'j ;"<1'" >. :. ..'. ~.; ; . .".'~ ,... ." , ,; .... . !"'. ".:... . ,. ~.' ...,...... to _, .~, ~,' ,( _.n. . ,:~' ). ....~ ~:::'~'.: .: ., .;.: :.~ ~'.- . t-~ ::: . ..... ;.,'. ,".' . .:'.' ~ .~. ,j'.'" . ," -' 210 REQULAR ,MEEWtGJ)F. carn Q(}~SSION ' , ,MamA~ ~,Mrt 22, 1~61 The Oi ty Oommission' convened in regtila.r session O1'lMonday, May 22, 1961, 7')O'P.J.r.., at the' l2i"ty Iall, with 'the :fol1owing'memberspreseJlt:' Mayor Lamkil1,presitiing; :60D111is81oners'IiUtz~ 'Rice and Wall. ;The City Manager and Ci tj Attormeywere aIs:e, present., 6mnmis8'-oner' Jtowmart 'was ' , absent <as'Aewas _tef'tkeeityoneomp-a.ny~b1Ilsiness. ~ 1 -.J The Invocation was pronOllneedby G'mmnissiener Lutz. The mimtelil of the' regular' meeting of the ,'Zomngand ,PlaJil1illg Board, held on Thursday, May 11, 1961, were presented for consideration and tl18.efAlJlwing action takenl MOtion by 'Commissioner Wall,' seconded ,by 'Sommissioner,Lutz, that tJrerre- quest of Mr. R. W. 0sboriae,28OJ Sunset, for approval of the remodeling to his exist1.Bg garage, which consisted of'removing the 15' 8ft door and installing 105 siding across the front, With a stationary wind€JW, and a regular, Biz d~or, to be~'used':!&$a hobby shop, storage and utility r001Jl, SD;b~ect to'Fo~rememtof::a:building permit and execution of an ' affidavit that the structure will not be used for rental or commercial purposes, be approved asreeanmJ.ended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting A:ye: . VotingNe: :Mayor Lamkin; Gommissioners Lutz, Ricei and 'Wall. None '. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Comm1sSionerLutz; that the . requ.estof lJrs. Pa:uline 01:];)onohoe; bl24 ]hory, for permission to cons':" tract al8' x 20 ft. carport over the dri. vawa.y in front ,of an:\ existing. ,single car garage, convert the garage int0 an emclosed room and to ex;- , tend the enclosedstmeture 9 x 18 ft., making an GVerall enclosed strncture (no partition) approximately 19 x ,18 feet to be used a.s a washhouse, storage o:Ooset and barbeaue hOllse, be approved SUbject to executioJJl of usual af:tidayi t that the structure will not be used for cammercial or rental purposes. ] Voting Aye: ,Voting NO': Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None In complianee with the City's Oharter' requiring that a Board. or 'EquaJ.i- zation consisting of three members be. appointed, the followingactim. wa.s taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Ccmmd,ssion.er Lutz," that Messrs. David W~ Richard Ayers and Jess Sanford be.. appointed as members at . the Board of Equalization, with Mr. David Wyme to a.ct as Ohairman. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor Lamkin, Commissieners Lutz, Rice and Wall. None . The Commission discus~ed the advisability ofappoin:timg'a.nother perEn . to serve as an alternate member of the Board of Equaliaation and J ~~'=....:..or==:::::=l. _r:T "<~_.~-."...~ -" D L~ o ~ u ::c Q.:l o o 2'1i f: . ..: .'. agreed that an additional person should be appointed at the next meeting.:. ,.'" _..' " . .. . .". ""'.: ". ..;.,..". ." I . . ~ . . ,- . "\, '-, ". :--!. ..' . Est~iie 'No.7, and Fil1aI,.~aU~t~,~g:~tR,$8,,1.1~~37~: ~~ ~J~~)~,..HaJdi~ Constrcict!~n' o~.w, fo.i'l~~r.i~le1iion..ortij~. 'gpp,st:r.Q.c.ti9ri~,of ':t?Wo;'- , Service G~~ter1:>ui:1;dings. in ~q.ij:"8~QO;,,b10qk ~;~M11toJ!i~~x.~~~;.'wasi:p~. . sented fer eonsidera.ti0n~ . "'. .... . ,,' . '" '. ',.:. ' Motion by Gonimissioner Rioe,second~dby'Commissioiierwa.ii ~thatiinai estimatej"l1the. a.tJ1O\lnt oj:$8,~8.;n~dllle,~~oei;.~ ~jdikG~ns:t;~c:t?-o..1'l, .. Company t.~~9r :. ,final' :eOll1pl~'ti'on '.' o1!.-tp.. ;$qlqpmen~ :s.~Q~g~' and 'U:ti11ty" '&'1'- vice bl1U~mt_,:. bepatd; ::i.ubjeet.:to~ i'eb~ivi~ ,a:.' s'tateme~t all.li ~VidenCe . that intllcontractors and"Ve*~~~~r~v~'bee..p#(!..iP:tu;l,lfl':';':' ,...... ':..:..' A Voting.Ayet: lJayorLamkin,q.~JI,IRJi'fJ~Q~rs Lutz, Rice amd Wall. Voting ~t "'~.: None '. . __ r " Authority was requested by the)Ci,ty'~Ma1'lager to. adv:er.ifise. f.or.< bids to::beo reeei-v:ed I&~ delivery 'and ered:iol~'of '48 meta1.clothes.'leokers~fGi' 1i1&i-.' tallatiQn in the'~ew.,~ocker reGm.at~: the Semc-e. Celllter ~ '." .'" . . . . Motiom by Commissioner L'a.tz j ;sec-onded by O~ssio~er Wall, t~t the . Ci..ty"":Ma1iagerbe'.atithcriztird:te' a€1Vert:ls$:~i"0r.;'bidsi;o be reeei1'ed:tmtit ..... "~"';'" 7:ft)~~~MiJj' JUlle. 12) 1'61~ -f(tr: !t.@"Dletal)el()thes"ll;ilclters tob(t'.i-ilS,:balled,},: ':. , ..... in the l~ker room fer emP,loyees of the Water and Garba~e Departments. .' '- - "t" .. ..... ~ .' / - ,~ . Voting Aye: Voti1'lg No: ~ ..... . ~-. .'.:. '. ,l .' '. ::i - The Commission again discussed provisiems of an ornBallce on negligent collisiGn;. k0We'V:e1l',' :llo" ae\ioJ.1 Was talCe...pending "lui'ither . stlidt :by ,the. CitY'At~eyit.,.~.. ,<'f; ".;;- '<;~>~'"' .', '.;..c;.. ,>,4' '-." :';r ..":-:..;:":r:c;;.:\,' .-:...--:~.,. , ' ' . Mayor Lamkin related the recent acti'Vi ties' by. members of the Commis- . sio.: 'i.,~e:OnDect.td:i1Iittl1.;t.b..::'pl"GID.sed.';00l'111iiUm. tV> BUilafilj, p"je'c.t~ . ..' He explaift~d'i' _tine ancl1/ o"bhei,~tmEmi_p~&;e . the:- COlmrJtssiOJil.:hild~;'beeri' -to. ;'.' visit' V~~'lut;1fti:U~ltg.:~tiidJt_tJtoJil~:as:";weu.;;as" in:: otner" cities-,. " and ,.'. ... had met nt.h::;tlieXa.rehitect',tt.r~disa.~.'Ot1 the~:proj.ec~:,~'It was. de-:. aided that the City C'amnission. wwld meeilv.11lil()f'f$.ciany~a;t.;the";aity, Hall on Menday, . May 29, 1~'1., fer' furth$r disnssion of the Community 'D.:-il.;!,t'lllfi.ip-...;:t...."'t,: ,;, ;.:' ...'," " :';'" --, """; < ,', '" ...+ !-"; ,."".'. ,,:, ~.. ","..--'-, ',".' Da. ~~. .~:v..,...., .,)..~.. . .'..-.., . '. ~.'. .,u~.I,...!........ + . Mtmttes~::~~,~~i~i':_tm~g;'~r;Ma;"'.a~'C,t;.~;~:'~'.,~~~:~ad:.~~, appr~ed..~si:,.'. correctedi.".> "",";".. '".;, ::r ",;.., .:,:.;, ,:.-,;: ,'<':,.i,:." '< ,,','; ,,:,', :'.-;"" ',,' . ~ ~ ~ , , ...:- .f'.... Wi th no further business to come before ,the' Commission at this time, . upon motion dUly made,-~;jec&itde.a afld,~,e.me.d,:themeeting:was ,'a.d- journed. ' " . ,'<' ~'':':':),:. , , .. :o''-'':.} '.' '."' -. - ,:". :~~ . . ~~~ " Mayor ~.~.:""'....... .'.....,r-....~.. .~/~. ..' '--- ecre.. ary .: ..:...... T "'~," .,,---, . 1 I" ~'l Zl~ RE(]Ul,A.R MEETING OF CITY, COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 12. 1961 The Oi'ty Oommission convenedin regular session a"tthe Ci~y Hall on . Menday, '~un$);;2,199l,- 7:30P.M'!, 'wj.th the fo11owimg members prese~t: , Mayor LaiTJ,kin~,~~pr~~'~J.lgL:~~s;t,oneirs BOWm~lh Lutz~Riee; and 'Wa11~ ,The' Ci"ty At~~~~~et'w:aj'~~t~op~~l!Se~~., ,:Th~f' t'li tt>MS..~er 'was 'a~sel)tas h.e.:, was in Austin attending lane Texas O:t ty'Managerf s Traini~~ "Insti tu~~:.. o The Invocati9nwas ,p:r,onQUtlce~ by, qominisliJioner Rice. " . . '.. In comj!)litiacentB.1fotice to B;ddsrsPUblished in, the of.ficial'new~- . ',' paper"o:t". jih~--cit.y, bid. re~ei,ved for., del~vE':lrY'"anderection of 48'tft~tAl': clothes lockers for use at' th,e'n.eW~ServiceCenterbuUdittg were' oPeI;J!l'd:' and read aloud with feSUltsarifiifu.nced as .follows: ' , ", 0, " Gompan.v " Oa.rg.l11t s Alan Wo'ad,'Steel t';oiupany;'", .,' W.,W~ GaiDren~aompa.my;~;", ; Mayer O:ffice Furniture; Gompay-, Republic Steel cr~oratiom , " Total' (Jest ' $ 861.54 " ,,9~OiOO, , :~'3G-..OO . 828.11.8 871.68 iJelivezry Date~..".. ' .. '";.. ~. 4!5 days .3 weeks " ':::' " ,\,:. ,- JO':to"u.5 .days ;~, '" ;':;' 45.days' . h5 days . ." -'. .' ". ~ ". .' . . ". . .'.:. ," Motion bl1CemmissienerBeMman;, .seconded: by'Oomm:i;ssionerRice, 'that ,.;bi.dsH received"'be'referred 'he'the 'CityMall~g.er',for;t-abu1a.tio11i and reecmnlren4attila. , " Voting Aye: . Mayor :t~n, Oommi.s~ieners Bowman, Lutz, Riee arid Wall. !.J Voting No: .Bene.: :'" - . ,Resolution No. 61...8, as .fo110W's,was presented to the Qomm1ssion.' ~ - .. ~. . .- . ~ - . , '. " .. . '. ~ . r. <..." + ," WHEREAs" :JOQEPl[W~3CJLA.RKE"(die(L on,. May . .30t 1.961,af"ter twenty-six years of .faithfal service to the City of West 'Urdversity Place in vanoa..;.. ea.paci ties.; and ._, ~. WHEREAS, , JO$DH',W..c~,:~f.Si~e,ILbi~d~n1tia1, enpl.oym$n.t:;on,'April 6,.i935." by the CitT'e.r'WeSt;~llhti.versity:Place.,perrorm..edall:dut1fta ~ssign,ed, to: ~'. him efficiently: ai1d..L1li:tru: .ell,': cheer:tUihness, :a.i'fair.iJ.1 tyc and.. gOQd:h.umol1r:;. . that he'lfoIi"an: dtol&;.beri.of' :;frie1l1ds~,mot,~:0nly:fo-r,h1mself; but 'fGlr the City of W'es-t"tfniversityFfta8f" ',;"'i.a.nd..' . '" . ',' ,~. ." . . -. :.... ': ':~.~: . .~.::,' ..... .~: :,"T ..:. WHEREAS, dltriEg his tenure with the Oity of West l1niversityPPla.ce..-the',,' . said J8SEPH, W. CLARKE per.formedhis dl1ties in an exemplary manner and thereby ref'le.ete<trore(tt:t>upoD::.~tt1e~sa"icL City 1itm .the ,ttari<nis~admiRis$ra-; "', tions llJ!lder whioh he served ud at the 'time of bis death he was the'; Superintendent of, Garbage and Parks J and WHEREAS, the,CityComlilission ''of ,the-City efWest Universi tyPlace , ~e- sires to expre~s its aPJ!lrElciation for the long years of' service of , JOSEPH W. CLARKE and to fo.rther express its sympathy. to the widOW' and family ef Jo'8!Pa W~ CLARKE. ' NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT 'RESOLVED ,BY ~ CITY COMMISSION OF WEST UNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: IJ ,---, , I"-~"-'''~~' '-~'--~"I' ----'r--~ "" 1 .r o '0' ' , " o .' 21'3 ~ :J..t::L.~~~S~~:~;;~;~::~~~~~the~J'~ pre ssio1ilof thea.r QigIire-gard. Je)'X" the memor.ro:rJ0SEPHti.cmARKE~and . anappre.iaticm. for llf.$ :t~ithfti1 semee~ inbebalf of said CitYdurll1B. .' hiS'" twehty~sti' year80f etiiPiowmen1>'f' . '. '. ..... .... ' .. '..... . '.': , ..,' . '., '.. '.:'. . '. '. .. .. . . . 2. 'Th~t s~d, City ~resse,~itsCijJepest ~jIlJJpat.bij;,(), Mrs.~~~oe Damp ::=~~..:t~1?~~rj.f'~~..~80~J1.'.'.. ..=~~~~1:~l(;R~r;~~~~;~...... . ." .. . _ _'~ ._ n_ _' _ ,,_" .0 ." ..~~.~iL~it;:4~~~~1~!8~~~:~;r . ~::l~'!f.~~..~~::~~.~t;,~lifirli:~~ ~~.),.. ee~S~~~~~~~~f~~~:~;a.. ~.~. . . . . . . . E:r~1r~,;,.~,~.<,_.;t_J,;,...~\f,'~,;,f",;~:jt~~~~~n.~1t'~~~~~;;;.. - - __.- 0_ _. ~';i':-'" \."'.......-.:...~ ".' .... '.~ _. {~~~l#~~~~~,~c~;~*:~~,:~~::he!.~~:...~.. .:r;:::~e~I:=~~~i'=.!;;~~::=';l~:~t~!~r.t!~$;~~ta~~~~~ '. refereme_to-'bcrGh thtFpa' _nti installation o:r~street . lights. '., He. also. .~. :!'i . ." .. ' . ~ . _.. _. 'J, .".: i;..... . :~~;rtJf~\_~1:r~~i~~~~l:'~i.~:.e~. . . . . . ~1~~',~~~4'~~~~~~~~M~"i4ft. . . . . . . 21'4 utility "and, storager~ooi on ba~k:or_,h~r.:,exis.tiDggara,ge:;" be approved su)je,~'\i.' :tQ exetri1ti.~tl of aiiattiLcdilii;t.:tha-\: tb~ a~tiori 'Will.ot b~ used'for, co_er=cial.J>11rpe~es,,~~<a,l,!I:t~n~g ~:l's,~, : .. " " " Voting Aye: 'Mayor Lamkin, oOnIniis~i~~~~ 'i~Jl,L1J.t." Ric~:~d Wall., '" Voting Not Hone. Mrs. ' J. 0 .J!hlbaDks; 3.302~r';t.~tte.~t~h bad reque,:;rte~ 'permissio~ to . construata 'carpcirt in, tront '~ot'th~-'ei:fst1iig' ,two-car "garage,toerlend ~; eastward approximately 1.5 ft. to the east' prepertytiDe, which was' re"'; cOmmended tar approval :bytlle ,~~id.ng Boar<i.,It" w~ th~aomniis~ion's' , opinion that Mrs.' Enbanks,be:a~fJed :that;ap~Dlio,hea.r1ngw()uld be . necessary before the exception ,to: illa &rc:itnanca ceuld.'be,.rurther'con- sidered. " '0' , . ""." , '~' " With reference to the recQzrimendati0D.' c~cenP.ng', the, re~est ,from ,the ,Eastern StliLr-C~pters:, t":'P,ermt't';,aJL~Qejit~otl:t.o 0rdinQCe,,:No~ lllin 0, order'that ;r.ot~ ~;~;,3', Blocltl~'and tQts'l,2~J &4, Bl()ek 2, BissGnm,et P1.ace, "m1ghi; ~ 'used' te::'coils~ei; a mserting'place, i;he ~oi'1ing :Board ;;.e";' e~ende:~ ~p'~.-S:n1J~e~~ ~. the,d,~PP;I:j:~~t~- af:~iL~':,::thEl d8:diea~ed . ' streetagh't-ef-wa:r diir.tdi.ng Bloe-ks 1 ana 2, Bi:ssonnet Place; in order that off'-:-streetparldng'might be provide'd. ' Messrs. Ha11Ett!!'ilrand ' " " Herbe~dg~;nn~n appeared "~f~:re,:~theq~,s.i0n 's1;a1>;1.ng., they' were a~t110'" :rized, t:e:, n~g~tiate i'or'p.u.:t,llase"oi',t~e" npt";'of:-waj. ~A;f'te:r Jli.scussion ,! by the ,diti'aGlnmission;d:t\ was the' deetS:tol1 that the clty should set a " value of g_ ef the price, paid for, the~dj0iningnprq>erty which, Was " , 8lOk;i Pel"slq\lare foot. ',Re.pre.sentatlVes, of :theEastl3I'n Staz-" Phapt.ersagreed , to pay )IWPer ,sqUare,foo~ f~r~9 s.tree,t..rlgh~~f~way"b'etW~enBlocks ': 1 & '2, B:ifJsoImetPlace~' ,', ,"'~' " " "" ' " ',", " " J -' ...... ~ . - ." ."' -- .-:- .'. "". . ." ,Mo~i~n ,bY-, ~~SSi0D,,*,~Riee~-se.eonqe4 by':,cr()lllinissioner Bowlriiln, that, ,8. publiehearlngbe called'for Jilily10;1~{il; 1t30P.M~;,~for':thepurpose ' of consi4ering the rettaest of three -cha.pters or the Order' of the .' ' Easte~ ,s.t.~ "riam.ely,HOQst0,n",Ob~p$.!r;-Jo.' 30" :aa..fQrdOp,apterJ!lo.lJ5 and'iili.e auuhirieonapter<1fo~"3,,";-ror'permtssioD to 'cons~ruct: a new,' ..Eastern Star T'einple as 'at' meetimgplace on a. portion e.r"Lots 1,2,;, Bleck 1, ,and Lots 1,2,3 &4, Blook2;B:il\uil()1m.~'& Plaee, as .reoommended by the, Zoning and P'lamrl.ng-.:Beard of the' pity of ~s'& lJmiversity Place. ~ JJ " '.- . - . .- , " V~ting, Aye: ..Ha.y~r ~amkin, ,O$mm:ts.sioners 'Bawman, Lu~, Rieeand,WaU~ Voti~No: ')lone.' '-'" " , .. . " . . . - . . '. .,:~ .' . It'wasrepQrt~4 tll~;tCpaVing ,o:tl!he ,:1fhoUlders, or extenS10~'on Blll'falo SpeedW-.y w:t.th~QnCNte~ na;d,g0jjJ,l~Dq~Ci~.. PQ..tli~ Houston.Lighting &Pewer' Comp~:h.a.s.B)een, av.~~~ze~'?~'~~~JlC~' ,~?rk_;to,: reinovetli~ lines and' , . poles .f'rom i-SS0Dnet to 1Jm.vers:tty.EaliJements to us~private property at the rear"0f 3210 Rob~nb.ood, ,57~BuffalQ Speedway arid' 5712 :BUffalo Speedw~y'are u~btat~"ble. ,It.w.asalso rep,prted that letters had been,,: , ' \" '''' -' ,..," , " '. tr~r,.smitted ,tc;>:property:owners"Oll :Bn.ffalo Speedway explaining theim-r , , 'prG-vemerits. .'... " , , , , ' . Tlie OitY'~~$~en .~~~, ad;v:is~ci tbat"the::aity Maimger. bad received nom""" . areus 'o0Mplailitsn ti1' referenee--t~'tti.e sIMttlews' Operating' on Buffale J Speeclway lU'Jd usillg the corner at the 1ntersec1<ien ef ea."" a. a Turn-a:round. :-_ L ~-. r~. ~ r,__,~~~ .l:~ ... -,--., " --' ".r-- --r o L~ o o:::r u CO ~ o o L 2f5: The Oi ty Manager had contacted the Hou:sta Transit Company, and asked that the' use of this intersectien as a turn-around be dis- continued, which they agre'ed to do as of June 13, 1961. , Oity Engine,er Tom Jo~s presented, ~.. ~ketch of proposed improvements to the intersect:i:cn of Bu.ffaloSpeedway and University Blvd.) which congistedol remo'Ving'$ectionsof 'concrete and repaving a portion' of the intersectien,.Mr. JORes pointed O11t that the Contraotor nClW' doing work on Btrl'faloSpeedway ha.d'quoted a prioe for doing 'the work whioh was probably lower than any which could be obtained frQrn any ether con- tractor 'inasmuch as they were doing work in this area and would not. , , , have the cost of moving their equipment from anether location. The Oity Engineer was instructed tc? obtain a quotation in writing from the Gulf' 131 tln1li thic Oompany as well as from other contractors in order that necessary acti~n may be taken by the Oommi~sion. , , , . \. , . '. An invoioe'in the amou.nt of $1,833.60, from._~qn$ta,l':~,o~~, .rne~\for,~',,' refinishing thefioor ef the' swimrrdng pool was su.bmitted fo;t" con- sidera.tion! It was recommended that l~ of the intiroice be ~etained to guarantee satisfactory cOMple'tion since ''there were a few corrections which Mr . Hamilton Anderson, President of Crystals Pool, Ine. has agreed to mal5;e at the time the pool. is e10sed and can be drained. Motion by Commissioner'Wau, seoonded by Commissioner Lu.tz; that the , invoice from Orystal Pools, Inc." in the 'amount of $1,833.60 be paid subject to 10% being retained to' giiarantee satisfactory completion inaceordancewith their contraet.with the city. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. Voting No:. . None. . Lease o:rthe concession at the.sWimmi.ng pool for the 1961 Season was di,seussed and the lease agreement reviewed. It had beem recommended. by the City Manager that the concessiQn be leased to Mr. ,J. R. Howard for this season inasmuch as he has ful:f'i.~led the lease agreement without ex- ception .for the past , years~ . Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Oommi~sioBer Bewma.n, that the Mayor be authorized to execute a :Lease contract with Mr. J. R. Howard for operation o:tthe swimming pool:' concession during the. 196i season, as recommended by the City :Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: V Provisicms of an ordinance OD, negligent collision were again discussed; however, no ac:ti€ll'l was taken pending further consideration. Mayor Lamkin,Oommissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. N0ne. -- Minutes of the m~eting of May 22, 1961, were read and approved. With ne further bl1siness ,to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned 1 ~"C:===.'~--==::::1 c- ~ 2'16 at 11:20 P.M. ATTEST: " .- :.: . -~' r ' ,~"'~~, , 1 ~e;,r.a$, '.~' . . ~;" . .'v ~_' . . .,J" J <.~ r'o . ':;.."; ,,< D J . \ fl LJ 2 1~7 REGULAR MEETlNG. OF Cm',CGMMISSION . 'MQNDAY; J1JNE26,1961: ,: o The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 26; 1961, 7: 3QP~M.'}':'Wit'h the'fol1.6wing:'members present: ". .; . ( Mayor Pr'6-temLutz, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Rice and WalL' 'The- Ci ty AttlPrney and Oi ty Manager vere also present. Mayor Lamkin was absent as he was out ot' the :'ci ty oncoriipan;r:'bus::tness. ' Commissioner Wa~lii!onouncedthetriv0cati6r1. . Mrs,.J. W. C1arke'atJpearedbe:f"ore 'the 'C6mmi:ssionand officially' 'presented a scrapbook for the',cit;r's ,use in memory dfher 'husband.,:Thebook<con;,;. tained newspaper clippings and pictures of local' eVents !:lccumulated 'by, Mr. Clarke since the time he first because associated with the city in 193~. The Commi'ssionexpres-sed '.since:re appreciation toMt's . Clarke' 'for 'her,':- thoughtfulness in presenting the book to ~he city. ",' ; . . ;.~ ~ ," ~. '. In comPliance with, act:lotl taken by the COmmissiorl on' June T~th, MrS... J.t;). EubankS, 3302 Amherst, submtted a letter requesting that"a':pub1.ic.he'a.r,ing be called in order toco~sider an exception to the Zoning Ordinance to Permit; erection' of acal€port'.on--:her'; exfsting'garagewhich would eXtendC::~o the side property line 0riR~l"tgers,Street; , ' n l~ Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that a pub1.ic hearhi.g b'e':ca-1.1€id for' '7 :-30'P~'M./:Moriaa,y 7,'July 24/"19617' to, consider' a.n'-,:,~' exception'l;o","the. 'Zoning Ordina;uce"td permit ,erection'of.a carport; in'cen;.. 'nection withtheexistitig ga.rage tdextend to the.:'side property l.ine:dn' f RutgersStreetj aii reques:ted~ by Mr'ef. 'J. 'O~'Eubanks, 3302Amherst~arid :lie;' commended'by the2:oniri'g'and':p1.ah'ning -Board.',. Voting Aye: Voting'Nb: Mayor Pro-tem Lutz, Commissioners Bo~n, Rice and Wa1.l. '. Norte~:,: ' .:,. .. ,.,. ., !., ," A tabu1.ation.of.15adi received 6riJune,12/ 1961, for delivery and insta.lla- tion bf'~8 metalc10thes\loc.kers.)~tor employees of the Wa'terand Garbage Departme:nts,va:S'liubmittedby' the '-City Manager with 'a recommendation that the low bid received from Mayer Office Furniture Company be accepted. -. _ ~. 1 .' - ..... . ". ~ ':~ t',; ~. -' .-. ,'- . Motion by Commissioner lace, seconded by Commissioner BOWmah,. that the; l.ow bid submitted by the Mayer Office Furniture Company for de1.ivery and insta1.1:ation, of': 48 ,tne1>a/i:' . c'lothes 1l0'ak'ers,; ih the amount of $828~~8 /'be . a.cce.p'tedas, .r.ecmnfinended b;rthe~ City Manager. . . . ..:: ~ < Voting Aye :. .. MaY'orPro..,;tem I;ut~,;Commis'sioners Bowman, Rice 'and, Wa.l::!:.'" Votin'g No,: H Nohe ~. '-. ;'.:. City Manager Whitt John.son:adV'-i'sed the: Cdmmissionthat according,.to',Chatter requirements it was necessary that a 1'fdt:i:ce of ctheTax'Equa.liza.tion ,Boa.rd meeting be published in the official newspaper of the city. I_ - ! . ~. o Motion by Cottmfi'S,sioner :v1a-:kl:";!!Iecondedby Commissioner Rice, that the City Man~ger be instructed topublishii:ntheofficis.-1. newpaper; of'the, city'~ L 218 notice that the Boa.rdo;tE;q1;Ialt~~:tion w,i.ll.be'itl session at 1:00 P.M. July 11, 1961, at the Oity Hall,' f'Qr the'@PI'pose of hea.ring a.ny taxpayer who mightbe~([iSsatisfiedwi~h'tax'assessment matters. ..,- ,Vot:f;ng Aye: ,Mayor Pro.~t~1!lLu.t~;Co_iss:i.otlers :aowma.o7 R:i,ce and'.Wal1,;,,,"' Voting .NOt "None~":. ' ,",,'. '." u Quotations from three contra.~,~J;'W~; :for ;t!-e;pa.:v.ing theint~rsection of UniVersity :alvd. and Buffalo Speeawaywere presented for c:.onsideration. The Commission discussed the a~y:i$.s;bi'1.:j;tyof'doitlg thi;s w:ork.using,th~:~ city's personnel and equipment and thought it advisable to have the stJ;'e~t. . $upe,rintendent andCi tY'Engi~e~rpre-pare'.-Eln: ,-es,ti"mate'of' the:cost on this ~basistol:5e sJlbmitted for' further cClnaidera::tionat .the' next..,:> meeting:of. :t'he-Commis$ion" ',. ' ' . '- . - Resolution6l:"9,' a:sf~llows i.wa's :presenteq; and .rea(l.: .,in,'f'u11: , ' WHEREAS, the City of'West University Place has cash available in the Tax., Revepue: S;i:,nli;ing. Fund, a:ndTr.~st AgenGyFund whtqh will not bere- ,.qu;i;red'f'orc:uI-rent "o~r.atii:tng ex~ns,es:; __ :.and,,'" , h .. WREU'mA.f3,:c it is theob<1ective of.;the: O~ity ao~is.s'.Lon to' keep all of " . the city's mpney invested to earn'addi;tiotl8.1. incomea.t!dit 1,s !lleces~ " ' sary andprudent,to author:l.ze investment of' these certain sums of money. . ~. . / - . :.';. !.. ~ . .. '. .:- ." '". . -:; NoWj/,TFiEREFORE,,'BE ;rr~SOLVJlJD':'BY'l'RE,eJ~::C.(i)JlMIs.s!bNOF.TEE c,rry OF.",., , -WEST :tJNIVERSI'l1-;:.PLA~;-)~, that: tAeCit;;r:'fr~as:ur:~r is hereby' " di;rected to, ,j.~ve~fl; ~uQ~s,in .the' B,:l1'1ount:of'~ $4l~OOf'J:"o~.the Tax Revenue, ,: Si:nk:in,gFuJ1d),:$5()()f'rq1lJ.:th~:Tru,st ~e:~,p.y Fund and $.55 f'romthe San~~ tary Sewer Capital Improvement".F-q.:nA:;to-be:1,nVa$,ted with Savings' and Loan Associations at their ~evaiiing rate of dividends of 4%. u . . : ". '.', . ":).-; ;;.?,: \':: -~~ '~'" .- Motion by e~mmi~si~ner Rice, seconded by C0mmission~r Bdwman, that Resolution 61-9, directing investment of $4800 from the TuRevenue , ,Sink~ng: Fund;; "f,5..00 .fr(;)~tb,eT:rust- __Ag~n,qy ,'Fun4 8,'n4'$.55: :f'I'om the "Sani- " '. taryS~~lf'.:ea,,;Jpte;l I:lli'prove~~:t',Jru:nd"ll'i;thA~&yipgs .and Loa13 Associations ,c . at the~r :p3:'~a,lingdi:Viden.d.r-at,~: o-:f, :4~, be;, paBs~d ap.e. approveq. asrea.<l,~,;:' Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-tem Lutz, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. VotingNol "No.ne:, '. ' , ' . ; .' ,,- -,," . , . . . TheCi:ty _nagar requ~~tedth!!qQ~$8:t>0-ntp .e:sta.:bLish a policy~o:r . replace~nt' of' employees r perB~one..1: ,Property" da:maged:Eor :i!iilstroyedvp.ile performing regular duties. He stated that one emp;Loyee had recently brok~n;.one.Qf' ,the~.lens"in' h.is, g~$s:<while- tigbt1ng~ .tir,e and..h.e .' . had inquired as to whether or not the city would pay fQ:t.'the re:place-: .... ment of the lens. Each member of the Commission agreed that the city shou'la: ..~y'for:anyloS'B'itiQ:U!ltt'e,i :by ane,mIt1oyee:,'while~. pur:suing.. his. :d:utie:s:a.1ld-tOl:)}t;tl1e,f'Ql10Wi"ng ..ac'tion: _. .., <" ......-. 'i '-." . , Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Cp1imdssioner BOW1II8.n, that the City Managet', b.ea~thpri.~a: to.-r:eplace ~eye: .g-l.a,s;SJ!tB..j, ar.ti;a-le:B of alothi;ng-,:: or an'Y: pelt'sonal. ':pr9:Pert,y;of 'elilploy~esw:hiQ~ 'is~'la:ma.ged: ..or destroye,din' .,;: the pursuance of their du~iesj the City Manager to use his discretion . ' J c- -~f~~~" -~-~~= [ , ,,~,-- --=-=r o o [" , , , , c= 2 1 9. and judgment as to a fair and equitable reimbursement. , . . . ". '. .. Votin~ Aye:' Mayor Pro-temL:U;t;~?:; Commis~ioners BoWman, Rice and Wall. VotinffNo: NOt:Ie. Prepara.tion ofth~:hlldg~t for 19~~., ~~ dis(:rliss~d a~d it :was:'!iet~rTni~~dq advis~~le'formeinbers o:r t~e"Go$.nilssion to meet unb:f;f'icially" on Wednesday, 7: 30P-'1\l~ ,'t6'~fi:irth~rdis,~~ss. pl~ns for prepar;ing the' propo$~d budget;., Ordinance';No.788; ce(ptionea:asfol1ows, was'submftted forconsiderat:i,Qn, ....artd.-.:read "ih ftill~ : :~., -.. ." '.' ". "".. ".' '". - . . .'. ..... < .... . -. ",', AN ORDINANCE MAiaNG NEGLIGEET COLLISION AN OFFENSE, Al'ID PROV-J:DING:' A PErw.TY; D.EF'~G EEG~IGl!::NCE~ . J?ROVIDING~IIAT )?ROOF QF NOmT.1j:NT . ON:PAR'f Op: O~T():a~S 1{(l Dl!:F1\IN~.TO CHARGE;'EitEMi::TINGAIJT110RlZEQ" -'. 'FIRE AND POLICE VEHICIES:AM)'DEOtARING,AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .' '. .:. . ." ~ '". .;.. ".' .' ."....: ':- ,. "..'~ '... , . ...- '.0 .' . '. ,. . . . . Mo'tiq~bY CQlmni$sioner, B0wm8:ri" ,~ec.9.nd.edby Commission~r,Ric~',th8.tOrdt- nance No.'t$8,'ms.ki'hg tleglig~ni;cq1-i:tsion. aq:offense 7 ,'be ~~~,~d aria apPr,oved as retatl.' ... ,:' ,,::" ": . . . ,- ',: , . . , ' " ,... , , Vottng;Ayet *yor, Pro-:t.em ':tutz, Commfss'1oners' Bowma:n, Rice ~nd Wail. ' Voting'~o: ,N()h~~,. ., _ ,',. ' ' . , . . ..,. . :~; .' ." . or~~~~rl~~NO/:I~~.~aPtio~~a~~';f'~li~i, vi~spr~se1:1t~,d ,and read :in~i1.: AN ORDINANCE FJ:NDINGA1QD DETERMINING '~T IT IS NECE;SSARY THAT TIlE' . pEPO~I';f ~O+t.,~fJz;J;9~,,~o'li WN1~.,ANQ J3EWER.SERYIOJjl:eE. .INCREASED ::: .' FJtOM'THE,,$~9~,$1;g;OQ:'J1Q ~~ 'S~O)[ '*J,:5~OO WJiIin'T $UCHAP:eLICA:NT, 'Is ,';, . . =~~Ip.fO@iJO=i?i*~g;q~~1i$~~:ii'!~diO~~:~;':'~,,~, PROVJ;DING.,FPKA ~~$iT .PF, $).Q, Q(} li'O:aTHdSEow:NmG, 1'l!E,PROPERTX.' .. ,FOR WHtCit''TBE "smVtci!r 'IS' REQUESTEJ); 'PROVIDING FOR 'RE-PAYMENTqF. .., SAID DEPOSIT TO PROPERTY' OWDRS AT THE EXPIRATION OF 15 MONTHS i~OFR()M TB:E qRmINAJ,.,l~4'1;Wl 9~\.SAJ;:p, :Q~PQSIT,. IF. NO,DEI,.INQuENCIES.:Ji[KIST. '" . AGAINST SAID 'DEPOSIT; ". mOV:tDmo AYINAL ~bF SA,:rp' DEPOSIT ,..... . AND ~OVIDING AN EFFECTIVE' DATE. .. . . . M09#o:n py C~~is~iorierRiC~"s~c'9hd~!i 'hy. .Qommiss1oner :i3ov,iman, t~t: Ordinance NO~ 189 dete'i~mint;p~ 't~tJt.; ifCneQelSsjiry:ro~ ,:the: deposlt~qr ~ applicants for water and sewer 'serV'ice 'be increased from the SUill bf ' $10.00 to the, sum o,:r. $15.00 Whel:l:,.such applicant is not the owner ,of, " the property. for' whiqh.. the app'1~9"tton is made; and increasing said de"~ posit :trom'$~0~00 to $15.00 in .uch insta.nces and prOViding fora deposit 0~,$10.,OO for thQse ()~;ng, pro/~:rty" for,.w:l;iich the,s,erYice is reques.ted" 'itl'hocase lfl:l1' t,1,ie$J:5. 00, ,'6ra.ny' patt, be ref'u.ndedt6 th~ a.ppiica.~:t tlDti 1, his, e.,ccquntiSclqse~ ~ and . :f~~~l,,~ylile'tlt . ma49," be passed al1:d approved as. read and: c6i'recte,d.~" '. '.. .',. v. " . . Voting Aye: Voting No: . . , . . .".. , ~ . .Mayor Pro-tem Lutz, COlJIIIlisS1oners Bowman, Rice and Wa1i:. Ncme.. . Mr. W. J.Ebanks" 4029 Case Street, arid Mr. J. K. Hilliard, 4002 Case Street7 appeared before the Commission stating that they were interested - - ~- -- 1" r r~ . --:::I'" ---'---:--'1"' -- =r -y- 2 20 , . in getting their str~etpav~d w~th copcret~.and~d c~rculat~d a petition 1h theb1:bck'ahd"gotten s'ignatures from 14 of the 20, home . own.rs. They advised that 4 of' the houses on the block a.re used as rental.pr()per~ ~nd,).t;\ "Ph~~:r9P;Ln:f;.9P c::ould.,be aSSesseq. by the city. . T!1~ '9oTiJiri:i $Si(}n V~S vi;ary"'rilvorable ',tgwar.q: qommencing .apaving program..:" ....in the citY~l:>i,1t~ w~$ of .the ,()pin:ion''~~1;,tl:'),.~i'ei,sb,01ilq.))~ no skips pel!,:, , mitted and 'GMt at least 8rf/oot' the homeoWners' on a block shoula" . . . stLow their willingn~~~ toe::l:C~cut~ con:l;raqts, for ,})aVing. It was.con~-,'" :'sidered 's.dvisabie"for ..the"Mayor 'tc)"write':'letters to' each :of the. prop~r~y owners on the unpaved streets where some interest in paving has' beeri ' dispJ.ay;~d. ..',. .r.' .,-:. ;'-f;T"C ' "'~:' -.. .' " In$Ud,i\in$' th(ci ty:~s,~yrC:fli:'~e~~b~CI..;'~ i.t: Was.. d.et~~111in~l11 1iyar~p..~ resE!'otEi:'ti've 6f' Jt.S~ __neipaTtmerit..,6fH~a;1th~'Education . $ud ,Welfare :that . neither the 'cit'y rt6:r~H~i"bert G~Goide'ti Md'reported wages ,forSoc:t~l' Se.<mri t,:yp~~9sel!i..frq1!1, 1/1/57 to" I>rEj!~Eml:;. Tb,e. CitYMan,,~er advised J~]q.e .... . cotniniss.:ton '~l1at' Mr~Gqld~Q,)ta:s not _it;lcl,~d~c3,in '"Social. security a8it. ~ "W$is't'.h:is 'unaEji'fi'Ii'i1aridirig "tl1at 'if he'was' receiving a pension frOm the, :r;~dt~, :road company, he could not receiVe an additional person from Socia! . .. Sectlrity.as bot.h. we:re, admi~istl!~~~dJ?y ,th~.sa,me org~ni2;at~On; .1wwever"" itha.s:n6W1be~ti deterur.b1ed'that'Mr> Golden should hS.veb~en :r~ciude~ '" in Social Security coverage when all other employees voted to come'" , . under the, coveirage.ln order to settle ,the GASI claim relatiogto Mr".. . :Gola.enjc th~" city' s :C'ont~ibut'ibn ':JIil amotlnt ..to' $217 ~ 50 for 'ihePetiod." begit;lniJlg."lO/J,!?~Land.Wlding,6/3QI6~.., '" ....,.. "-'--' .... ...., ... ", _ ., -':"'. :.... .'.'. "i,. _ '. . ,':'. .' ' J. l ':.~.' :.. _ ..."' .' ".' " : ' .. . _ . . . '". ." ... _ . . _ ~ ~ , . . .. . .,_. ", _..' _ . ,., " _ . . "...._ ", ." .~ ...".. .'. :. '". . I",:.", MotJon :;~y':,c9.mmil!i~i<ipe'r.::BOWIilah~ ,s~conde.a:'by' CoJmniss:rotle~~ RiG~~thatthe Cit;y- ~~~ei:b~~~t,4di'J~ed :to ,:laY':.$~7~ 5ti,~93~he'Statene~,i#.tm~n1;i'Q'f: P1iblf<{W~'lr~r~, a~~ tJ:iEL91ty" $ .:ed~tr.!btit:totr:t<;(s,e:ttle .,t1;ie,OASI: eIa:i.w.' ...' . re latt9g:'tQ)i~Q'~*t:. (t~~gol;d$lJ,:~b'9-.,:snphld M~ :beeri,.inci.'u~diri.:s.oeiat Securi,~Y'C9.Y~:r~gE(. ,~i,~ce' lOt'J.!51 but .. tpro~p::' ami.sunde~sta.nditig'.wa.s ~: omitted~,. ',' '.,....,'....u' "-' '.,-,:',' . . . U .,';....', '. . '.:,:': Voting'~~:.- ,:OOiy.or,Pr.o~,t~VJ., I.utz:/,C?Wiu~siQi\ers:Bo~tl;"IUde an~'Wa~l<.>,'I Voting Not.' . None ~.", 9 ',. - . The Oi;Gy Mana~~~px:~sen:t~~ ,a, r:ti!Port,showi,D,~ cc>mpari,son pf,:;wimming PP-Q1;..' rec.~i pt~fo!r, ~b.e,~.~:c<.s ~j{'!e~~s .:' Frpm PJ*pitigdaite.. of the' pool thr~11$., :: June- 25th,' the'r-eceiptsshown:: were 'as f6l1.6ws: '. '. ..'- '. .~ '. '," ..,'".' . . . '. -~. . . ,~ ,".. r", ~ . . _ :- t~r(; . 1956:' :to 676.90 191:;7' "-.' 1((5'2'8'84' . ..;t." ":" _ ..' ,.. . ;1..0;'982:,65 ';. ..1966 ."8,686'.81 ".196'1 '19,58 . 1:959 -, 10 ,65~~OO ',,_.> "9 '98 '9' ,"" . ,2. 0" ",.,.", . d'. , ,The.: Cmm.ti.ss1oh difi~~sed .the ia'ct';'1;~t -'$~'v~~al' reports had. 1;,eet;l r~ce':.t v~~ '.:'reg~tdltxg[~gai-age "sale'S" beiti;g he'i~t.n' :th~'city.where,' re~i~ents were' .,',,' selling'vai<:tous" household. . i t'ell1$ . The .' Cdfmnission:tnstr~ted" 'tl1e . Oi ty' . ',..... . Manager to obServe such activities to determine whethe,!-'or' tlot the . ':," ZoningOrdinanc~. was b~~ng!i9+~~~d. Minutes of the meeting of June 12, 1961, were' read and approved. 1 ~'~~~, ----------r~~ ~~ '1 o i --1 .. \--.J J "\;,.. 221 D [] With nE> fl1ri:.her businesstoc'ome before' the Commission at this time, upon motion duly ma,de, seconded and carried, the meeting -was adjQ11rnedat 10:2p P.M. '. . , , " , ~"-:J...~...1;,," ... .... .. . 'yor Pro':'l'em ' ....... . " . , - . - . .. -.' ',. , .. . . ' , ATTEST: -". . ~ . . .. : ~. :. . . " . ',~ .' 'J3ec~e~:. .. .. ,1:1." 0 -.' ~", . .. ,'. 'm;1 i i . ; 1" .:. '. .~ o : .. ".' . " .... .-,....,. ro", ._..... . or ,!o~.,..." \~~.~. ~ ,~. "7'"1 I"' rn ....... '. .> ' ;. .. 222 'RmULAR MEEmG OFOITYOOMMISSION MONDA.-"Yt JW.~:I.O.~ 1961 , . o The City Oomniissionconvened,in reguiar,session'a.tthe; CitY'Hall on Monday, July 10, 1961, 7:30 P.M~, with th.e .following members present:. Mayor Lamkin, presiding; OolrimissionersBowman, Llltz, Rice and Wall. The 'City ~ager was also present. The City Attorney was absent as he was out oftheciw, ~~ ya... cat!orl.,~_ _.' . - - .. :. . , , ' , , , " , , The . Invoca;tioIil~ ~a.a pr0n~laeetd;.1)1:::CeJJimi'ss-:ioner Bowman. '. _ .. .. .. _.' ..... ~,.. _ _. _ _ .' ';.n. _. __ ... .. _ .- _... . _ h ' __ . "~ . _ .. , , " , In--'aompliance~tlrpreYi0la8 action taken by the Oity., Conimi,ssion and Notice dulypubli's'hedin the -otficialJllewspaperot . the city, Mayor Lamkin an .:. . .... . . , nounced tha\aheanncwas in order''t;o consider an exoeption to the~o~:blg;;;:.\>, ordinarice~to'pemi> thr9~chapters o? th~' 'Order of' the Eas~em Star~name1y;' '. HOl1ston.Olutpter'No. '385, -- ~sfordOhapterNo. l35_and:su.nshifle . Chapter . No~ 399, toconstmctabUllding to serve as a building to seI"'l'eas' a ,meetincplace for iihe, three chapiiers: "...:" The Oath was iAdrrd.mstere-dto ~S$l:'s. Hall lSt"ter, 2202 SuBset, Roy. Hall, 4022 Amherst, . I{el,"bert ij:oElgeman,2339 McClendon and Mr. & Mrs.. QeorgeEme-r;n' 2)20 S_th. >Bl'V'q.,all represe..ta:~iTeso:f the Ordere:f'theEastern Star; . Ci tyMa!1ager~tt J o~~cin" and other intere~:t.~d pers9.1!l,.~~elYj Mr. ~ . Mrs. I.H. Beaker j$612WEuJ1:a,.an, ,Mrs.'-'3ohIi . Elson, '5616Wasl:ayaJl',"!r. &h ~s. .l\. '.J!. }fuller, :k027l3r~..,.e~srs.We'Sley lteBr~, 3030~UniversitY Blvd., . ; ._ . Carl Il11C,:5j21 P91,J:vet. Qd Roy 'E. Cook,. J775 ~cuse. . u , ' , , ' . .... ~ . . Ci 1;:1 MantJ.!ez. wnji.t~ Johns'GJi.~ . ,Iii &1,\lBwerto ),q1iesti.~ by Mayor Lamkin, stated .'1;laat ,pr,oper &pplic&j,ti;o.. ~d beet! m~de"bY represel1tat;l.ves'. of' the Eas.tern . star,GhaptersF,totlieZoning<iu1dPlanmngBoard, who ~connnended 'that the reques~J)eappro~d. :!tr.,Jonitson,firther stated thai proper notice was " ' . pllblishediJi. tli!'l;e.f!ieidnewspap~r of' tie eity,and }lotieeswere. ma.iled: to. a1lpr~l'ertT:QWerswithin~OO'()f Lots 1,2~'3.BlOCkl, and: Lots 1,2,3,~ Block 2, BissotriwtPlace,' after the City Cominissi0n :tooka.cti,on a.t their regalar'Jneeti.n~ 'f>Y1 ,J~n~~1:~~9~1, pal1ing:a ~blichea:ri~~.for JUlyl0~"f~1. . Mr., .H~1i~te];" 'i,.,~e$p~je:itoqUestions by Mayer Lalilkin,Bta~ed that 'he' .. had--beendetilipatedto repreeenii the three Eastem Star. Ghapters' il1re... . tqUestili, tl1~t.6tll~y-be'pe~tted'~o CG~strli~t' a bu:t~din~'c1\Lots 1~'2,3., "-Bloek 1, and.ot's 1,2,,3,&.Ji,Ji&!sonnet ~J.aoe,to se2"'t'e a,a'a<EaswnfSiiar TeltlE>le in .M~ '.ea.ch"~p~.r~:W:01l1Ji':Rold.their' W,Q' stated meeti~ia. each moiithllnd~~'~~~ .~o,.timej.'er"otl\&r,purpO$es neh 'assjeeial benefits 0,1' ba.z_rs-. he ~diftCw:ftld;no~a.llY',be 'Us.ed, sevell :Irl.lhts pel:' mOJJ.th, and.. the maxitu:Wn ai>~eitaa1iice:~permeeting:wwldbeapproxiniatel;r ,50 'to 60 people . with a:. maXimwnmnnber . of' ';0 ,automobiles ~ .At very . special' occasionsr,not. , oVer'1;9~p~0ple w~ld be ~ected ~th a"m&xi.mmno:f ~O .alltomo~Ues~ . Mr. Ette~.__expIa.i.~~4. tJaatthe organizitions we;r:>e goveJ:'J1ed by the by~laws()f . 1ihe Grallld L_GdI~' "~~ '.'fens Masonsalldthereis no row~SBlJ- ~nchl,. b:i.ngo '. parties, a_rd'parties allanQ intoodDting dri:aKs permitt.ed on thepremi,ses, . '. a.nd that the 0z'J~iZ'ati()ri is ~rel:r beneficent. andp~ilanthropic,w:iiih ac-., 0 ti'ritie. e_lOtbg ~ ~r",,<lsto help sapporl the Ma"OIIie erpaizatioa .1. j' I' ; / { / J ~r- o l.'" o ~ u CQ CO ~ '. ,,,>-' "~ o . '''' .~:~ r ._ . n U L '------.' -----. . ------ 2"":12"" ' "',, ,3,:, .: t :.- '. '.., . ". '. . '.. . ~. a '. :fbr ELderly loeated in.. Arlington, "Texas, ,qQnati'on or (mnsiderabletime to the M.-D.Ancl.erson Hospital, atl(}, ra:ising"funds fE)r ,scholarships to ministeria.lstudents,. A letterfrdmM'r:!,~.-P.Conner,owner of Lot.9'and 4i'of Lot 8, mock.2,. Bissonnet P>lace" ,.was.., read to ,:the Go~ssion : and ,th~ group. present.Mr.~,., " Conner "e:xpressed,. bis ' in.t~rel3t 'in, ilIIpro~rnerits" on ' the vacant. 'property in ",., th}t~area that wWid'be "penefieial"yo'the ,neighborhoed'and the Oity' of:. West LrniversityFlace." '. .' . ':' ", ";'" ,'" '" . ' .,... .... .' " Mr. A~ T.~ler" h027Brw~~~'ma:de iiiqliiiW)aS'to;-whi~h~ay:the build-,>: ing w~clfCl,(je ,and thEtloeatio]l.o.ftl:1e.:par.ldng,lot, at whic~: time Mr.'.; , '. . "~Irerbe:ft :Hodg~ma.n::,p~~ented,::~he ~~etcl1,o;f the. pI'Ope~ed building>showing . '. parking' faciii,ti~~".. andexpla.ining. t.hat.l1be"'blli:Lding:i ~lifelf,in all pr0-. bability, was to. be censtncted on'Lets 1,,2,3 ,& 4, Block ~, of Bissonnet, Place", with a 20'.f;t +se,tbaak b~tween iihl!;lrear of "thlLbuilding and 'the:, ..~'" . property to,the ~s.~,w:ith a ,6~br.i~.k:,wa1l along. thepropertyq.ines.-::':' .,' After being.shotf1L-:ehe'sketcb. ,o!.the;]):t'~'JIH\laed',building and:pa.rki'ngarea, ",'.:,;,.. .,,. , Mr., ,~ler..sta;ted,tb:at ~h~ . hac:}. . TIC) :obje,et'iens" to theproposal.Mr'$~ Jehn ,., " .' ElsdiJ,; 5616W:es:Layan; ~o:.11rlu-Jif,~ ,B." Becker)' $'612,Weslayan," n!!lb stSlt'ed:' ." that ::fuey did not obJect,to;r;th~ p'rpFH'~gal. and had .mttch ; rather have,an>-';' '.. improVemento:t't.his nature on the' ,vacant proPerly .tnanto have :,sOllie::Coin.;;"~, .' · mercial b1iildi~~~p.a~ ~_ fi.llingsta't~.E)~:\.~~' '9ther ~desi.rable .e~terp,rise. " ': ,,',',' ,":.- ,,'<',-.- ", -- . -.~-"<':'~': "',;' ,",' ':',." '''' ," .." ,', '\'e"~ .': ~Or L~Ii-,e~l9:~~e~ to th~,g?~p. pre~eai;;~ha.t.:'t1ie re'qnest presented pi.' ,.' the Q'~~r\fof',;f1:l~::~~ste:rn '~ar, ;c&p.'~ot.c:ohstitute' a':request for rezonfng::;.' but e~y;: ~ ;e~c.eptionwl1iC'h ,eoU1do,be,pe-~tted: under'SE!!c:t:"i;on 30 of the '::: ...... Zonin~,~dinance.'. ' '. .' . ;, ' . , ,,".- .._!.', . .'l'ttere being"n6' ether in;terested parties present who' de~~r~d to be he~r~,.. .;, the :r-!,,~~, ~~~i::on, w~s\~~e::.....:~~;.:/.: \.. ' < .' , , 'l :, " ;. ." . ~... ;.1 . Motion by Oommi:ssioner Rice, seconded by CommissionEn'- BOWlIlaD.,that the heari~g.:'B~~.~O" c:O~$id,~:r",a.n_exC<$.p:ti0n"'to ;Ordinanae:~No.1l1, to pei-mit ';':';"., " " thre~, .~1J.&PW_~ ,ot.,t.he.~, Or,d.eIL of: the:~ ~terv.Sta~-t(i) ~rect-:' a'build1hg""on ,..::~ "Cl: ' ", Lots'l;,~,},"mock i, and LOts 1,2,3 & 4,' Block 2, Bissonnet Place,: to . ' serve as an Eastern St'ar '1_1.~; ''be closed~'..., '. ....: ..... . ",':,'.", '.~' .'.: ",' ~ . ", - -:l:s"" .tt. _ 'J .' .' ~'. ,,~:ro~:L~kin~. Gon:nn.4.,s,$ioners ',' bwmatl, 'Llltz, 'ice'andWal1~ ' . 'None.~; ~ ...,. " '.". ~. '." . ~. :..: ~i i~;:~~. Voting,.,AYe': v.?t:i.Pi,',No:: " Motion fby' O~~~s:j.Qn~J:"~a.lh ,life:~~n(jed, bY~GQmmiss:i.ener.Bowma.n, that' the;~pk.... plica-ciori from thEil. Order of the' :F.a.stern Star' for permission.to ereeta' :' ' building:onL'ots: l,2,3Block 1, and Lots 1,2,3 &' 4, Block 2, Bissonnet ' , Plac~"dt.9"ser:ve:"tit$ a.n. Ea,:Jtern star W~mPle,'be grant.ed,:snbject;to ap-: " , ',,' " prova:L':~tf;inaJ:'p~~s,and ~(j!pir;t(;ta:t;:i:Q~sbY theOitY-'(3Ol11I1iiss~q~... :,'~., H.l4.>i;h."li;:':~';'._\':~;::';:;';:". ". ~'. ...', ,. VO"l~tee~ Fire Chiet C.: ,V..,,:J;l:~yn6):~',: who':w:a.~':pr.ese,nt',at' .tne"'meeting, :w.as~,~: 'commeri<!',i;(;bf t~e:.OQmn4&Js~on ,for h~,fj.Ilg' reqeb~Y:: iI'e;~:9i ved' a :certifi:cate' --;,~" " ;:' for exc$;UE;i1tt se~c.e 'by.the Texa$-', Fi;remetals. W-raining:School;Engineerii;I~(":,, ':< ';,..'. <"-\"( -;' ". "..... ' '\ .. l. , ':.(.;'.~ .~...~..~",-. 4:~',i.: ~: ~..; ~'i4.' ~:,..: _~ i ' . .~. 'C' -r .-f r"~" r'-~~__~ [' 2'2'14' Extension Service at TexasA&M College. Mr. Reynolds has served as instruetor'B.,t.,the?rexasc Fir-eme,nl:s TraiilingSrihool torti va years. It W~S also brought ,to the:.:a.tt'e:ntlol'f ot'theCommission'that, Fire" . Chief C. 'E. Duffin ha.s served as instructor for the past 4 years.' (0 ,1 "! . Mr. Ka,rl E. ,Kranzler, Insurance,C6unselor for the America.~ National,. In~1U'al'lc,eCompanyof'Galveston; Texas, appeared before the Com... .... mis$ion,' 'I"e~eBtingpemissiGn 'for-use '6f""city '.faeiliM,es for:payrol1 deduoti0tl roran insurance :plan' he p:roposed to offer Ci 1;;y employees., .' Memb~rs of the C6nimission e:x;pressed"opitii9ji$,-that such procedure 1rHm,ld possibly set a precedent for other companies to ask the same privi - lege 'a~d ,even at,:tlllisJtime,'it:'w,ould ~e very',eJtPensive,'for thecityt~ ,;,,:, ': __ ";;"';;;'" have.paYc.c~ecks.:.rep.r:inted'aJl.d!alF~d~ti0~:pla;te made for the' machine':fJj"~,:;:;;<,~,,y;+iii:, used,in,:prepanng;the ehe'c~s,.::hw~ver, .~~ Kr~lerwa'sadv:i;.s~~;.tha~' ~. ',' .'. , ..... " theywOl1ld co.nsi.der the requ:est0.rurtlier.: ,J--' " ',' ..... " ' .' ".', ' ,'.:,,: ~ ,. ~ ,-". . .' .. ' " .:.~., ~ .;- . . ; -'-. '., ,-, Mr.' PaUl, Jppli:~,>Indust'rial Engineer of the Hoo.ston Lighting & POW'~r .' _,' ,. Oompan:1, ,present-e4'a 'sketch sliCMing a proposal"for'installation of :~~' ~'~',q',~'2;;;' 42 to,4h'400 'Wattld~O;OOO 1.ume-nmei"autiMap~r'lights en Bu.ffalo " ..,~".....;.' . Spee~~y 'between' Bisso~t and:'Bellaira""Blvdio~ Mr. Joplin eXplained that,. ' theC0;st of, the :':lightswoUld ammmt to $1,8'. GO e';aIu;\TiaJ..,ly, per light ,iesS' '.~. ',: '.. :u~~~~reo;~:~~1~$;ai;6:bo~~,:Otd;;ligit~S'~,~~Vit~~',~w()~~,~; ammiht toana~.. '..~:;" " ,;, .":,,,*,; " . ': .., I ,.. . f .... .. '? '- .. ."':. . . . ,. ..... :-, . '.: ...}O ~... .. ' .' 'I ~~~.;-, 1;' : , Motion "bY' O<?mmiss~~~er.ttice, seconded by,' PQ~s~i~ner' ~ama.n, that ,~. ;;: '.:' ,.' "...,<:,:::",", i;heN,a,7.~"'~~ ~ll~h(j)~zed to enter in't'o a 9~jit!1q:h,"w:J.~P:, t\1~. ~ou~,ton' 'e',,,,,, """."..,' Lighting & Power"aompan~r tG eo'ver 'ltnstallaltioD"o! 44 "400 'watt' 20;000'" lumen' m~r.G'Il.fY..Y!P,;.c:w;;;trghts',on 'Ifuit!'~0 8pee~~y,1:)~tw~en Bissonne:t; and', J Bellaire Bl v4. at, a cost of $78 .00 each anim.ally and that" the budge~" ,,;.; ,; , ':', ,~, : I be revised to proVide for the additio~~~ appr~~ation of .f'nn<;is., . .;.,~.,~", " , .' '. ......... '. ',', . " . . . . . '. ..... ~) ~ . Voting Aye: :M8.#oi~ta.mld.n, ':6~~i~si~rS"B_~tutz'~~:Ririe and'Wall~ ";:'~,. 1(,:,; I';,"';~~';'~' ,Voting N9: ,. None~' ',!,:'~--~~+~,-~ ,.~~:~, ,~. ~,''':'''':' ":A" ',.,;,.:'.;:~__,. ,,', :~',,:: .,":::~' f - .' ~'., ":'., ~~:::., .... ".~. -.... .' .' ....... ..1...':.:.;...... '." .' _. "~" ..:. :..j..~:".~.,..,.._..t-.".t.:w~;..~. An inve.iee in, the amOunt 'O'f>$J22 fr'Onl' ,'the"~T:exas 'Mlinfe'ip8.1 'Leaguei'or ..i~, __ . the 'cit;yts sh~a"o~!tbe l!lost-,6f' lea;ga:e" servic~s'wa;s' subtidttei!:..fo;r; con";'.' sideratip,n. :... ' , ',:, . ' _......~~...,....~ . ~t.. . .. _ -... '~.".- r:o. ':T.' ".:. , ,""', .': I :,p.. ." I.. ::"'7-:~~f~~' '.C; 1;1....0 " '....; ;, 1. .,.".. . , ~.;"~ , . Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Oommissioner Bowman, that . '",'i<' , the ~:(ryeioe in the , amount. ~:f$$22fromc1ihe'!f~xa8~~cipalL~agiie 1:0.:( """'~i~i'" the ci1:.Y"8 ehare,,~+, the cost of leaguese}:v::i~~s, b~ app'r~ved forpa.ylilen~,I";'I',. '" '"" lTotipg: Aye:': ~Y9r j~_~i~, 'a~~:SSl:O~rsJ!-e~~p'-" ;r,~t?;! Rice' and Wall. . . Voting R,o,: None. ~. , ' , ," . , .' . . .' . " ;" . :'. ." ..... , ~ .. .... : - :' . .' The Cit7'.nag~r.',a:dvised' th~ 'OriIllll1ission thB:~ 't~e--Gity "Chart~r ~equire~, ~:'.~ ,. ,.,,;'" ~!;e,adoptionCi>!,the.:budget for tlie:';iie:itt:>~;tsp~,y~aI" whfeh ,wi1.:;L,,:1?egin .' . ,,,,., January 1, 1962, an~ e~d Dece~be,r 31", ,:l;9A~)\,po. +a~er than ~1l,~st 3;1." ^,,", ,,,,,;..,,,;,,,,, ,co, ....>;il;: i96l, ,al'lQ, at: leas1Fone 'pu'i;llte ' hearing' i$:~req1iiredduring the prepara-' . tiori of the bud,g~t..:' , .,....' Motion ."by 'CoinMi~1:Giier ,;tu~~;.e'e'Oi1de;d by.":<k>_$~t.~~~~Wa+l:,' ,\hat a , .' '"',:~:::;'" 'c .4.....,....'.' public '~hea;r.:Jiug'be ael'd',; .~lM~i'-AUgttst'-213;::i961:;'1:t'.3(r))' .M.~; to: Icon_'; , si~erthe:"p>!'<$osedbUdg.et',:fojf tlier.ei'Y- ~:terthe,'~ffscaliei!r;beginning' · .." January 1,1962,' and ending December 31,19p2,,?nd that the, C~ty Manager .,','-.,' , ., I, ,.,' , ). :.,,:' ~':' . .;. ";"""'0: . , , I ' ',_'1'1" . .r ~:..~.-.""",. .;. . :~ ..';.~.+v- ,'''''; '. . ..-~::;..tli-'J'! ~fli.'-.., It::..t-..:~. ., ''to. i... : t. t,;" ~ .' " I~-fl" ~~ ;~~ ~~ .;, .'-.;. '....; " . 'I... . ~. .l..l<"- A:"t .' ~f .1 i f.;.:tk'r"l.~r~.; ...... 1r*'''''''''~ ",... 2'2,5,: o be instnctea. to: have N6tice of ~ch hea.rlngpublished in the official newspap~:r, o:f ~Q;~cj,,~t .:: , Voting Aye.: Voting No,:, Mayor Lamkin,Oo:lnIi1issioners Bcwman,Lutz, Rice and Wall. 'None.:"'" ,"~: "', "",~, '. ,.. . Ii> t.~ o """ U' CO c:o Members ot the GommissioI:\.. dtseussed 'thefa.ct~:.th.at:a ,im.mberot residents ';,. . ' we'I'j9' ,pa;rldl1g" old: 'autolllQPile~:botb' :~' 'the:' st.Teet.s.<and ,nb. <'private pre-', '. , mises and leaVing, them unattended for long"p~n:i'Od'S' o;f:time~reating , " anunS1ghtly ~onditim1 when on the pre:miSEtS and creating a hazard in a m:unber, of instances :5fhen'park-ed 'bn;tb~"; critjf .streets:~" , . The Ctain'-" . . , .mission instructed the 61 ty Attorney t6, check the city's ordinances , too:_det!3rm1ne ~he'::&.teps :which, might" bs,ta.ken,to; :'eliminatebot}i' the' unstghtly: :an~haza.rd.s ,p-.nCtl,. t-.i. ~" ''''''': "'~~~':' ;" ' t ,".~.-...,.: ., .:j.....: .~~.., ~~...::...:..>...:: .... ".~':"-.:",::.c'..,...:..<: .!>.....'.-'.T~.:..~.... ..;,. ...... . NinJ1~es ~0.f~he1l'1e$ting:ot'June'26~. 196-l1':w:ere'reau' anah:a.pprOVed as. < correoi;ed._,:' ,,', , '~ ..' -- :"J ,'~ ' ". . . -, . . . - . - ~ -. With no further business t~, come before the' PoIiImission,ajfthis,t.ime-';- , upomnnot,ion" d1:Ll.y' made, sec:ondedand carri.e~;'the:meeting was ad - . jou~lad,at;',:q,iJ",&';~iM.;, ,!:' .:. . _ ' _ ".', ,,' ,'-,.' : ; "'~'" ~ ~....... .-~ . :;....' . .: . ~~: .t ~'-"-'" . , , . . . r. ::-:r:~:.~. ~'>. ': : ~ i .'~ ,', .;:, r ,.0, : . ~ . In " ~ c' .': . "' ~:... - ..If- ~ ,< . ~"-!' '.,;,. '-:"" '. .- ..:-.~~. , ATTEST:, r.~' ,". .tr. '/1. ~"'-' '-" ..., ~ . ," .~. . .-..~. . . ,,;,...;,,-.. -.. , " , , -ow.,... ;. ":.. ,', '4: .;....l* ,',( o o ' ~~. ,.. # ,( r--'''-'' . c:-r. . . ..--, T___....~_ L""'~ -"'1 ----=- '6 '2:2.,. ,..,', ~ ]@/ETING.OF CITY...OO:MMrSSION . " ....'MoNDAY;, ..riJLY)24,'1961 i,:.... ::< ., The City Commission convened in ,regular session at the Cit.y Hall on Monday, July 24, 1961, 7:30 P'.M~, With the following members present: Mayor~Pro~tem Lutz,'presiding;'Oommissioners Bownian, RIce' and Wall. The City Manager and' City Attomey were also present.. M'ayor,Lamkitr was' absent as he wasout'-:o.f..;me a1 ty' on "vaoati:<>n.: ,. . . h "_', Tlie Invocation was pronwncedby May.ori'Pro-tem'LtI:tz. !....-;. . . In compliance:;with preno'ils acti.bn;;takE:mby'the City' Commission, and Notice:" duly published in the official newapaper of. tha'-oity.;,Mayor'.Pro-tem Lutz.ah- nounced that a he'aring was in order to consider an exc eptt on , to the Zoning , Ordinance to permit :ere<rtion ofa'carPort on the,East !or:Lot 6,'Bloek:50; " West University Place Second Addition, to extend east from the existing".i garage 1:;0 the side p::t"operty line on Rutgers Street, as requested by the' ' owners, Mr..:& Mrs~ J~ O'.O<I.!lubanks.' ,- > ' ~ . . . The Oath was adnd:ni'stered to Mr. &'Mrs. :J. O. Eubanks and to City Manager: ' Whi~t Johnson by the MayorPro-tem. . City Ma~~:ger'WhittJohnson,,}n,a~swer tG questions by Oity Attorney Charles Oockrell,s:fjated t.pat .pr9~e'rn~'ice' was [P.11blis~ed in the official newspaper of the ci tyand -that :notiees'W'~r.e 'mailed"':toall, property owners within 200 feet. of the East iof Lot 6, Block 50, West UmV'ersit.y Place Second Addition" advising of a public hearing called for :7:30 p.m., July 24, 1961" to con": sider th,.e reqUest of Mr. & Mrs.rJ. 0'. Eubanks, aIld ,t1ia.t in'his opinion all"". ,prerequisites for calling a. public hearing had been met,. . __ - - '. I . Mr. J. O. Eubanks, in response toquest~..ilS'by Attorney Oockrell, explaine~ that his. garage is approximately 15 feet west of the prOperty line parallel.. to Rutgers Street . and he originally des:iJi"e.d t.o erect 'a ca.rport toerlend .. beyond the p;r-operty line into the rightJ.of:''W~y'~'b~twe-en his."prope;t"ty and .the di tah to the east. The Zoning Board had not. recommended enoroachrilent.' to this extent, but they did recommend tha~ permission be granted Mr. & Mrs. Eubanks to extend a carport from the .front of the existing 2-car garage' ap- proximately 15 feet to the east propertYiline, subject to compliance with building code requirements and provided that. such carport weuld never be enclosed on its north and south sides 'arid .fUrther provided that neither the roof nor a~ supports of sUch c~rpox:t will extend beyond the east . property ;Line of said Lot 6, Blo?k 50, West University Place Second Addition. There being no otherinten?ested parties present who de sir,edto be h~ard, the following action was taken: Motion by Connnissioner liice, seconded by tlJornmissioner Bowinan, that' the hea!\- iirg called to consider an exception to Ordinance No.111, to permit . construction of a carport in 'front of the exi~ting,two-car garage on the East t of Lot.6, Block 50, West UniV'ers~ty.PJ,.aqe Secon!! Addition, to ex:" tend east approximately 15 feet to the propertyCiine on"fiUtgers' Street,as requested by Mr. & Mrs. J'. o. 'Eubanks, be closed. L..... ~'~. ~ . ,-[ ---I' "D rJ i . ;. . J'-' , o o o I I ~ 227 Veting Aye: . Voting No: MaYGr Pro-tem Lutl?J:, CQmmissionersBowman, Rice and Wall. None. . " Motion by Commissioner BOwman, ,s,eceIlded bYH Cemmissiener. Rice, that an exceptiente erdiriane~ No" .111 1;>e granted to. permit construction of a carPort in front of the exi:sting two~car garage on hae, East i of Let 6; Bleck ?O, West Unive~sity Pl~ee' Second Additien, to. extend eas"tfj1rd appro:nmately 15 feet to. the eaBtprop~rtyline as reque~ed by r.' & Mrs. J. O. Eubanks, and re(Jomm:e~ded by ~theZQning & Planning Board. . V:e,ting Aye: VotiIi? No.: , , Mayor pro-tem' Lutz, Cemmissieners Bowman,. tice andWali. h~. . . , , , Minutes of the' meeting ()f;the~oning & Planning Board in regular ses- siGn an Thursday, JUly 13, 1.961, ': were subini tted to. the Cemmission .' for censideratie>n:and"thefollowingactientaken: .. Motion 1:;>y ConmdssienerBoWirian"Seconded by' CoIinnissloner Rice, that the" action conoeriling the requestqf':Mr. JoeE: &000,2706 BellaireBlvd.,. fer pei:'missi0n to remeve' the present' doer en the frant of his exi.sting . garage and replace it With a'Small aocess door. and to cenvert the garage', into. a sterage room, be .lji.thheld pending a sketch of the building and further infermation. V eting Aye: Voting ~o: MayerPro-tem ,Lu:f;1z ,~ommis~~ener.s Bowman, ~i,ce and Wall.; None,. . , . , , , ' , . . '. '. ". ~ The following greup"ef students.i'rom the University Gf Hquston were introduc",S, to. members of the ~CemInissian: Mrs. Leroy Wheeler; Judy Silber, !t.ichard Mills. and ~l,Krachy. ' .'." . . ="! . ~. '., i. .1:-. '.. i. ~':""'.. i The following recomtnendat1.on' :from ,the' Chief ef p'olice was pr.esentedto: the Cell1iniss1.on:. . . ; . ' '.. ' . " ' ";...' ... . .. ,I . . . ,..... . ... . '1" (a)ParaUel.parldng en the ):Hjuthsid~ pi' (Jase ,St~eet in the ,'." .. ,4100 pto!Jk. ~"ng."t~:~ng- peol prepeny:,.. . . (b) The west~ sa.deef RUtgers Street, from Albahs Road to. Bissennet street, b~ made a "NO ,PARKDlG AT: ANYTIME" zone. . {' . " ." " , , , , . , MotiGn by Commissioner BoWman;,s~'eonded 'by c()1$i,~Bione:J:' Rice, thatpara+- leI parking 'beestablishea~0n;tb:e so1ith$ide0f';C~l3e Street;. in ,the 4100 bleck along the sw:i.nnriing j)ool' p.:t'6J?erty, 'arid "NOP1R:KI)1G. AT. ANYTrME", zene, be established Gn. the west siae'of.-Rutgers. Street"beweemAlba.ns Road and Bissonnert. Street, as ree~eria~d.by the Chief. of PQli.ce, With .the prepersigns' to. be' installed( . . .. - ". . . '. "', V eting Aye: Veting No.: .' . " .. Mayor Pro~temLutz, COMmissiGners Bowm~n, Rice and Wa.ll. None. .. ... ,\ City Manager Whitt JOhnsoneXplaltned ,the work which had beElP. perfermed, at the intersection of Buffalo speedwa.y ahd Un! versi,ty Blvd. making the necessary correctionste thecOn~reteslab,'stating!that the'cest, amounted to. only. $27~ by havin~f'tFiejC. H. Hugg Company"l"estere the. pref3entTs~ab.t()propergfade ari~.llsin? cit~'f?rces' .for other necessary . work. he lowest quotatl.enfor remenng sectl.ens ef the concrete and.' - -- -~, r ~-~-'~"'" ~--'"'I' " 228 rer>aving a portion of the intersection am6l1nted to approximately $ 1,1()8.00. ' 0 r TheOit:vMima;gerintredu~ed Mr~' Odis D. :Gregg, recent1y emw10yed as,Slip.er;tiitendentofthe Garbage arid ;P:arkIlepartment,tomembers"" of the CoIiJInission. " " " , , .' .. , , , , , An invoice 1n'theamount 'cif$142.50f'rom Ha.rrisCountyfor'l1se of) votingl>>.achiriesinthf'1960"cityelectioriwasSubmittedto the Com':" O? issionf()rapprcxml., he Ci:by ~ager explained that he had .talked ,,'" ' whth ,"County, Judge- 'Bill'Elliottand" County Conmiisaioner 1{yleOhapma,n in regardtc the charge, .which'had f;leemed rather highQfor the cityts part. in using the machines, ,but, after, "hearfng their exp:.ta.nation, he was "of the0pinion tha.t they were justified--;tri making the charge and it was his ,reoommendation. that~J:i& invoice ,be paid. " ", , ' Motion by OoinIniss;LonerWall'. seqond~d by OommissioneJ:':ijice, "that ,the invoioe:in 'theamottnt' of ::$1h2.56 from' Prarnsdounty lor' theci ty1 s. use :of :L9vet:i:n.g machines in " the,196~ici ty el~~ti()n;:he ;appr()~ed,for paYJrl.ent~ ' ' , "'.. ,~' " , . ' " , , , Voting~et~MaYbrPI>o-tem:~utz; Oommis's1.oners BOwni~n,.Rice andJiill." VotingNotljone.,.' " .' " " , . , .I . .' Auth?~ty'wa$:~rec;ra.ested by' the, C;(iil HaJ;ia.ger toadverti~f,i' fo~ bicW t()be rece:tve4 .f~delivery.o.f4ootof 2~ and 2001 of It" t1re hose, fUnds, , atrlOJlr,J.ting, ,to $700.00 having 'J:)een appropriated .for this 'purpose ,ill' " ' the l~~.:bu~~t.' ,'" ..,',., ',' ' ,,\~;\~~~~'~;, <. a. " . . _. '. .... . Motio1i:!~ ~ssioner R1(le ~ se'coudad .bjcODmrissio~er.. BoWman, that the Oi1;y,:Matiager be atithorlzedtQadve~i~~,fp~ bids to be: received "'," 'unti17i~O'P'iM..;:.AUglis:U28,-19~1~' .for del:i:velry' .o:t 400tQf2~fand''- " 2ooto:fi~fi:re, hose." , , ,,' ' Voting Aye:,~ypr'~~h~,:temLu-tz,(Jomimtssioners .:Bowman, Rieeand Wall. Voting. No: " .~oIl!3. . . . . ..' . , ' , . '. .' Mayor !T~:tE$Lut~rep0rtedth~l:t-Mr.' J ohnLenz, Ite~earch, Starr. Assistant Project Engine,~ Of i?he ttf?lt~ IIogki~ Unive~~;i;~Y, ,had cpn1'erred with the Oity'Manager, '}1ater':'su.perl:r;l.tendeJ(1t ,and Oity Engineer cenoemng, the , propos~d:':~t~.~:'0~t"tl1eci,l:?yts,s~t1ita.:g sSijer l:i;nes" for the. plu'pose ,of' , gatl1ei':blg.'in,t(()rmatio~ :.roi' t;heYE!ia~ral ]~o'Using ~uthori t;r to be used ,in ." cOl1lle.e'ti0iJ,)dth "~pp1Y.;tnglnt~ti.Qn 'for1'!iture de,sign".of,sanitary sewer'liri$s."a~4syst~1Ii$;'>Mr~ Lenz st~tedth~t thereU-were anunil?,E3r~t'.," govei'tm1el1,~a:1'6ontraetspe1idin:g,'andth.at n0.Federa.l.i\inds were available att~st1tne,~t i:e ,t)J.6t}it.:yJwMstilJ.. iuterestedin the project, a..' con-bra.et'waalu'be,forwarded,tothecity for considerat:i.on.'. . The Mayor JTe-t~ reIJd.ndedthe . P1~mbeI's of the. City ,. CeIllIll:iss'ion : of . an inti ta.ti:ojen~n.~d'bY: t}ieHP1astoll Chamber of Co~erce tCiatte.nd. , the of:ficia.1o}i~n:it1g "'4):K~he . tJ.rat, s$ction of ~E!~Quthwe,s:b' Freeway'. ' . '. frOIll8mit~ ."St~~~~o, K:t:rby,"~ie:'~n" :the ,date, .ot::Wedi1esdaY,., JUly 25tb., . , '. . and ~. ,~er1Jie'ei.:tng~with. iil~bers~o:r :theBtate Highway Cp~ssion'"<,, .' ,~ ".: .:- _~ -r--->-._ __.._.=""'"O"_==-~ o . ' "'~'" o . . '".". .". .:~ ~.. t ~"'_ .. . D ,..,; o ~...." o ~ u CO CO o o 2:2>~> Houston Chamber of Connnerce officials and other municipal officials > later in th~>ev~ning,. . , . , '. . 0 . :. . ." ....' ~ . The City CO~$sion was' requested by, th~,~t.y".A;t;t,o:rneyto consider" codi:ricati'o:n o:r' 6rdinance:s.in,p:rEtparat~Qn . ot'1~~9:2 budget~,:ror an es- timated sum of $6,500.ao. ' . ..- . . ~. ~. f" .... . ... > Minutes of the meeting. of July 10, 1961~' were presented to the Commissio~,angapproved. . " !n ( . . '. . ' . .' , , ~.:.:". , ~ '_", With no :t't1rther busine,ss ,t() come betpr,e' the C~ssion at :thistime,,~,:,> upon motion di1ly made, seconded and caiTied,' the meeting was adj ourned. . ~~.." ~,-. ", . . . > f ',;, .:' - " ATTEST:.. City Secretary ~ . ~ . .," .. d ''\ , , r~~T'~~"~~ ~'J- ---'------r.. 2;3U, RmtJLAR MEETING OF CITY OOMMISSION MONDAY, AlJGUST 14, 1961 !-r , I , , \--1 The City Oommission convened in regular session at the Oi ty Hall on Monday, August, 14, 19~1; 7::30P.~." wi:t;h tne followin'g members presen~ Mayor Lamkin; preSiding} Op_s~onarS.BOWllla:l1~qRi,ce; Ll1tz.and Wall., " The Ci tyAttorneyand' Oi ty' Manager wet-e &lso' present., ' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Lamkin. ' Minutes of, the Zordng Board meeting on August 10, 1961., were presented for consideratio~,.and after. renewing each,application and,decision'o.f tJm~Boar~',indeta.U,' the .foll0r4ng ac~ion was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice:; seconded by Commissioner :Bowman, that a public hearing be called' for 7:30 P.M. Thursday, August 31, 1961, to consider amending the city's zomngordina.nce to permit subdi'Vision or Lot 8, moek~i4.:.West Univers;!.t.7,Place First Addition, in:to, two 50 x 1$0 ,.', r" \ ' foot: lO~"as ,~que,t~.J),.Mr~. Chri..-tian Jensen, and recommended by the Zoni~and'P1.a;taa.g :l3Oaiod. " , ' , , Voting Aye: Voting No:' Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, liice, Lutz and Wall. ' None. Motion by OolllBissionerWall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of theSouthwestern'Bell Telephone Company to construct a 38 x 89 foot base- ment and two-story addition to the rear of the ,present ,~u1ldi.ng on' Bellaire mTd. and Aeadem"y Street, with the proposed structure to be piaced 14 ' , feet we&t of theexis.ting building wall along Academy street and plans to ' provide head-in parking facilities across. the full length of the property along Academy Street, be approved, as recOlJllll.en!ied by : the ,..zoning and ' Planning Board. . J- 'I" , Voting .A;ye: ' Voting No: Ma.yorLamldn, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz. and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner.Lutz, seconded by OOnnni,ssioner Bowman,. that per'- mission to erect ,a residence OR Lot 10,. Block A, Pemberton Addition, with a setback of ,20 feet tromthe tront, property line 'as requested by Mr. J. W. Chandler, be approved, .since it has been determined tpat the rule per - taining to 25% of the property being bulltup is not applicable in ti;iis . block, .as e~st:Lmg .hous~s are set back dis.tances varying from 20' to ,ap- prox1J!1&~.l,. 3$.1'.'" ./." ,/.i': '" ' , . , -, Voting Aye:, ~yor La.mIq.n, Commissioners Bowman, Rice, Lutz, and Wall. Voting No: None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Oommissioner Bowman, that per- mission be granted to Nt-.. s. W. Wilburn, 6421 Westchester, to, constrnct a 10 x 10' storage building on the. rear of his pI,'operty, belng Lot 9B, Block 29, West UnivSisi ty Place First Addition, subject to execution of an affidavit by Mr. Wilburn that the bu1.lding would not be used for rental or commercial'-purposes, as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. 'j ~ ' r ~~.~~..~'.~ "~'-. '~------r' '~r- o tQ o ~ u CO CO [' I' " i i , , o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Comndssioners Bowfuan,Lutz, Rice and Wall. No:ne ~ . '. . . ' .Motion by OomJrd.!ssicmerWau, sec,onded by'. Commiss:Loner . Rice,' that per .. mission be granted to Mr..,H. P. Audley to construet:a'lCtx 14. ft. ' utility .room 011 the rear of his property at .4103 Ruskin, toinolude plumbing' 'am.d::electrb:uC'0!meetionsfor:',a' hal'r-ba1:ih, . washer; drYer~' waterheater;~d.eePf.ree'ze, . 'sink' and: work -t&ble"i;subjee.t.to 'executi:on' of a~ ar-ti1iiair.tt .'by.:1{r. ,Audley that. th$";'butldillgH;~i1J. ftot':be .uSed"', 'tor ren.tal or co1nmerciaJ. purposes, . as recommended by the Zoning & PlaDin,:Board-. , -, I Voting Aye: Voting:N().t ' :'Ma:ror"tamkin:,Commi.iSsioners; Bowman, LUt'2ij; Rice" and Wall'. . -None.c" :- . .,.... ,. . . . .'"11; . ":<:.'- Motion b;r 6ommisSiener'Riee', seeondi!Jdby .Commissioner BCM1ri8n, that Mr~ . John Hughes; :.3.3'O):lfcttfngnam" bepermit-t-ed::tC)'<'Coutrtlct a-10 x'14t6tt- " storage roOm'. at. ':the rear" b.r;his:'eXisti,ngT;g~e'}:ror : tb:e"purpose of .~t ' storing yai-d'too1s, etc:.'," Sttlljjectto:;.e.x~cUtioif:of' an)a:rrida"fi'tc.tha-t;' ". the stracture willno't be used for living. <piUte:r-s ,or. for cOlllJl1e~eia1' ,', purposes. "," ':,;,.:',- "~': ~ ';; ,t,~ ',.,>:' ~" f ' . i. " . ~ ."" :,'. , :.,~. j- , . . . ~;;,..-. ..' Voting Aye: Voting No: , , f, , , , Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz) Rice and Wall. ' ~m. . .30 ."-. Motion byComndssioner Rice, seconcied by Commissioner Wall, that per _ mission; begranted~' to<Mr't:R.;'R. SUips'Or11:to 'constrUct. a-~10 ':it 14'rt.~: " . . greeMO\1Se' om:, ~-',,s:01ithc' Bide' of, hiS-:'e.Xisting' tWQ' car. garage, . to be: used in connection with his hobby, subject to execution of an~a.r.f1aa.V;i.t' . that the stru.cturewill not be used for. connnercial~ purposes, as re _ commended. by the Zoning & Planning Board. ' Voting ,Aye:', ".~i6r tamIdni~ Domm;isS1~ners Bowman, Lutz,: rtice and Wall.. Voting ,No: .'.Nt,ne.' , "" , . Mrs,."a~. E." Small.1i6od, ,. 2t112 ~~nbY, 'a~:peared before the Co~ssion and pre- sented her ideasconceming~fa11out shelters :to be used by ~ss popula.tion" amd to be conlSt:nicted through local finanqing. , '. Mayor' ~n assured Mros~. SmallwQodthat the COllIIUis~ion was in faTor. :pf '. starting a ciVil defense program. and making a study of, the needs for' this area. .city Manager Whitt Johnson advised the Col11llli:ssion that he ha.d receiVed an interpretation as to how H. B.20, State 8ales Ta:x;;. wou1deffec.tci1>-i-es . in"T~s. He stated that UJader. the .tennlf'Qf thebiill-;'il'1'.~etpai'~""~ chasell are exempt, water sales are exempt 'and in general, West lJrdversity Place will be affected TeJ!y little by passage o.f the bill. . Mayor Lamkin st~ted that the Commission had di,.scussed details of a com :- prehensi-.e planning survey for the citywithF.. J. Von Zuben, Jr., Chief Engineer, Division of Sanitary Engineerimg, State Department of Public Health. . , . F;ach member SiD. the Commission expressed a. favorable interest im the sur- veTl and it was finally determined that the Mayor shoulp proceed with further imV'estigation of details of the application. r ,.., ~ - -- no -"-"1' ----'--r" -1 ---r 2312 .;. ~.:;j'~ ' , , - . City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented an ordinance whichwduld, prohibit the parking ,of autolnobiles'on the front and rear yards ot priva.te premises: amd on-,:va.eant:'10ts; :W'hicn.' have: been -a'b.ndoned, or " are temporarily inop_erable'.. ' ., Amendmen:h$ to the Qrdinance w,ere orreredbbythe. Oemmissionj-.nd the Ci.tyAtt~rney was inst-rJlet.e:~tto, No;-drawc, the oi'dinanceand pres~ntit:' for further consideration jt"the-~~en'reg1ilar,~ meeting of. the'.eo1'lllbis-- sion pn A;ugwst-28th. ihe Co1Jm1ission il'lStme:-ted" the. Ci 'by ';I\tto:rm.ey..to ti.le" .charge.s against: Mr. C. O. Boydstun, 2702 Talbot, for creation of a rmisanee by reason,,': ,', of the condition of the premi$es in that Mr. Boydstun's back yard was fj.a.le~'With j:unk;aban~~(k,~arpa;rts.j .eld _shingmaohine. and, , high gr0WtJ1.~Q'f,w~eds:'and'~.s'I,~a3..s~'he..lLsto fUe",,~elaarges for i1 ""'< " legal p~u::ldng-;o~"*u'tt$l~b11t.~*~een, .:t,b&--. curb and thesidew:alk and",' '. '. use of tl1e': garag~, fQr.2.o"fem.uling:j' 'ja!opieS;-,'jlmke:rs and, ,ra.n8.bouts. -, ,"~', '. " . " '!'he City Attorney advised that the oral arguments on the George < ' Marshall et a1 zoning case was' set ,for September 15th in the. Appelate Cou:r:te o.t>Wae.Oj, ,T~a$,.:~." ," ,"-' '. . "" Minutes of 'the meeting of JUly 24th were read ud approv~d as pre~ellted. . . . ,"-c;. "';' "- With no f\u1;h~:r ~s:tJ],es5 to'c(1)m.e b.e:e$J'e~,tne PoIlllJlis'd.on'at this,;time,"';" .. upon lR.eti_d1Uym~~; se~onQ@d,",d, c~ed,. the' meeting-was ad -,' . ' journed at,]J.:jQ. ~.M.. ' , .':' .,' ~" " : -..- -11 -:IJ r\:1-. . . ~ ..,.. . . MAIOR ~"; ".". "..'.<~:. '~.'" """.;- . "Q:tty, ()f.~~t,U~T~rsi~y;P+~ce, ,T.exa..s . .. . - , . , I" ATTEST:'" " ..''\-' ~'-' .." . . .. "," . . _. . . ~'. ~. . .. , ' . ~ ,," . ., .. ~ '. .' '. . - . . . - .." '. . n . 'ty. ..i.; i':-' _. .'f., t' ," J 1 !'".~ . ',". $~' #- " ". .-.: .;"~ " ,". ~ .. r----- r ,1 ~- ,~,' ~~'I r~' .~,-- '1 :] ] :J rD,"" o u o ,,' 233 ,Rm'o'LARMEETINGOF .m:~TY COMMISSION' . "MONDAY A.lJGl1[S.T~8 ~ . 1961 ,The City Go:rinnission cQJlve1ied in. recW-~ se,ssiQp. at the Oi. ty Hall on Mo~da1,. 'A.uga.st28,' 1961;-1':30 'P.M.",;"iTJ:'th the:fo110w1ng, membeirspres.ent't Mayor S. L. Lamkin,' presiding; ~CommiSsioners W.W. ,Bowman, H; A.' Rice andTC., L. Wall" Jr. . ~heOi,tt ~~er: was~so *~reseni#. 'CoJll1l1issioner,..' w. . Lutz, ~r. was ~Dsent que to):P.~e:ss :Ltl hi.sfamily a.n.d the City . Attormey was oat; 'of the city;. "" . - , , , The . Invooatio!l was~ron?ll!1~e~bY,~()l!JMis~~oner Rioe. , " . . _.:.. .' ~ . .Mayo~::L~n~~ee.d' ~h~~' Il.<pub~l? hearin~ w~d be. held, at t~s time' in. ,con;tpli:a.n~e.. ntli i t.y: Cba~er. requirements and. prenous1y publJ.shed le~a;n9t~(t~ ~ ~~ :~.~n.sid~r~~~:t,io~<oE a~budg~t,fo;l-. :the :fisnalyear '~ . January l- Dece,mberSl,_l962. Tl1e, MaY-or stated that the' ity OommJ.s- siORl1ad',ct)nsidete(fthe:preposed ~diet and" after- final revision;' it ' had'beeh"'riferred to the Fi-mU1ae. Oofumittee :for their study and reeom- mendatiE>n. ' ' . :...f' . ,,'__' .' a ~ <<... _ ';:~.:.<.. . .-<',,:-?'";,.~. :_.<:',P~"":;'}'~~" ''\ ~.... .".. - .i_ The MayO-I' s~tedthe-]'j,.~~(ie' C~_ttee had re'rl.~ed' the :projose'd' bu~ei<i on AugUst 21, 1.961, ~ u~imous1'1 agreed 'tJ;) endorse the budget as snb;;'; " mi.tted ill fi~ .rorm~' ":.,,,' -., " Mo:l#;i.en:by Cgnnni.~sio~~r~'c::~".;,:si,C1onded by.CommissionerBoWman, that the , hearlDi,t'9"eonS~der~~ptr,i.~:.~~;..t~$'1902, budget.be::'clos:d. ',' ' . "", . f;:. . . Voting AYe: ' Jfa.yor 'Lamldn~ C0mmissicmers Bowman, Rice and Wall. Votinc Igt::. None. ':- e . ' . Ordinan~eNo." 790, ca.ptioned as ',:fo1IliMS, was submitted' for consideration and rea.d:in..f:W.J-: ' . " .. 0.. . .. .. . . . 'AN omIDr6CEtEmlTGAND AimssrNG AN' AD VALOREM ..,....:=c!:e~==!~ OOLLECfitiN: ~F. ' ' '. - - _. ......._. -_ __ .t.. -' ~_ .~. ._._ -. ;, '.' .::,...... . . .- Moj:;~o~, .'6y .~~~~si9~~:;~,.' ,s~~n~ed":hi :Oommissfollier Weill;, that " . Ordi~e No~ '79P" Ji$'tPugYa.':'as~€isSi~gan':'aa '.valoremtaxon' prop" ' ert.x~c~~~n.the::c~ty: '~~rtlle:i~;:.1961" 'be: p~ssed'a~aJj)prove~ ,~s read.:. , ::.1;::-.,... Voting Aye: Vot~,nJmo: . }f8.yor Lamldn,O()rmids~oners B~n, Rice and Wall. , ,None. ' , " :' " ' .. . .--. "" , , . ...... , . . .-. Q;rqina.lilce,l{o.19i, eapt.t()neda$f"ollcms,'was: 'submitted for consider~tion and read ~n~,:" ", . . . Alt ORDnrAN~,~~'V.r.-~~:, A~T, FOR .THm,JITn OF .'1iJ!ST ll'lttVERS'Ifi PLACE,' TEUS,FOR" A '.lW.l!:EiVE;'MONTIl . P.ERIOD ~Q:.'JANUARY 1 . 1962 '.AND ElIDING ::=a3~~;F=V~~G~~~:~~P=TI~. r " ,..-.- - ''I .::r 234 p . ii" .:' '-:.' , Mot:tQii by G~~naissione.r Riee~ seconded, byCoInmissi'0iier BoWman,' that Ordinance Ne. 791, appronng, ~ bllgg~t ~~,r." lf~:~>~J~)'1i. yarei ty Place 'for theyea.r 1962, be" pasSed' a.nif approved as read. . ~. ".. . . .', . . . .. "." . '. . y()tiniAye : 11a.YQr. L:amld~",(Je1nilii~si~ne.rs Bo:wm~B;Ric,eand Vi all., ," 'Voting No: None."", ' , ' " " , ' '., , . > . i::< . G- Bids~cei~ed fQr;'!ieii~ri;6;t~~~Q.,-j;:ti":~'firehQ~e ~d h,oo'- o~ift" ~,'" f'irehose were Ope.e.d~nd re'S1U'tS_G1Ulc~das' follews: ' ' " American LaFranee. ~eka Bi.,.:Late.r~ D 2!~_ -Alfrp~: ),OO%Dae~O~,~~PJ'~:.,,~rIk~:~i~:;~:;;~~ " "'f '@$1~30'.ft'- i.ltt Defiance 2 , ' " D.J .,'.Dacroii& ' , "cotto.$l.-OO ft. . '.' . , "i' ',' ". ' ,2~ Defia~ce D~,J.Daer9~.& ' , ',c<;rt;to~~49 :ft. , I!" ALT1mlU.1'E,' , Crusader DacrQn filler,w!male & ' female roekerl:'l,1g':e.pU~.s;-;- , ..$..20 per :ft~leBs-- 'on;.1~: a:ad', 2i*hose prices above U .S.D.J .oottQn w/Da.eron " . t:tl'ler cord;1.~ff' -<3..!~;;' , -1.it' ...... $0 ~ 97 f'b'. ," ' 2ifi" - $1.39,rt~. ," ' ".". '-" ~~;r;e~l f;r:~:~:~~~~rI?~j:~:~:f~~~t::~~:;o::::':~~~::e~:~".: .' and FireCbief' .forst.udy" and reCOmmendation. .. , ' , ' Q Votimg Aye: Voting No: , ,. 7 . , . ... , . . .:' ~.'. ," .:-~' ..'- ,,": -;:;; .~' '.. Ma.yor~n,Cbmm1ssioners Bmrman,R,ieeand Wall.' None. . . o . .~.." :/. . .,.. . M:bmtes . of the special'; meeting of the, Zoning .'Board 6n~Aupst'24~' 1961'~' were introChieed for considerat,ionby the CommissJ.on. ' '. ..' . . .-.... -';~'.:' :,:": ,.......: ..~.. ~.... ..~. ,. .:.., ,- ," .,,,)-:' ." .." Mr. Davld Hamah, ,Cl1airma.n7,of~tie':Z~!Qt~BCard,waspre~~llt and lave informa1#iontQ':the ":Co_$si6ii<'()b.~1tiAe \r.eqaestol'OharlesD.-Pearce, . Jr., 2931'VWoxtotl. fer ~eiJnts~'on,'~'O cdasT;met""a"1'1a~om:22'x 32'con '.~' necting to the existinlg~~;e. . H' . ' Motion by Gommiss:toner Bowman., :$eeQntled'byc Oommi:ss!oner-<Riee~ that , the request. of: Cha.:rleff~D;'~P.e_ce" J'N,:.'29Jl:WrofiGil, -for pet'mi:ssi()n' ". ~ocamr~~9t a. (pla.yroom .:12, :X-' 32il " _be;appI'oved~ftbject' 'to the: :tollow"; -';... , iig-conclit!ons:' , '. . ~ . ~ . . - '.~ ..... -:... ~\ ~:., ". . ' . ..' Removal of the cover overtheea,seDlent which is a:t,ta.ooed''totne'garage'' and j€lined oB to the feti,,-e ree~ntly, constructed in the easement,. ' and" als~cthat,'a,:m' atfidavit"7be:',e~e8!ute'd ,that. 'thes'tr\te~' WilJ..;'net ',be '. . use,do:r oCqU,pieC!a.s l:i:v:1~qu~rters or for commercial pUrposes. Voting Aye: MayorLa.mkin;r;()~d.slllioners "Bewman;. . ~i~~;a:ndW all. Voting No:,:' ..' ~None.' ., " . . Mr~. Royfteed,,27l:i.0l1id~i-sity ,>appe~e'd-be;t'ore,the' Coni:filission re- . gard1J!g the':$tatus of; sepa,:ria~el:bVing~-'quarters on-the'rear of his' property. . , \' J Mr. Reed has heretofore exe,cuted an af'fidavittha,t the living quar- '..: ;. 'T ~<~~~~~-~ """T- r' ' " r' o L":l o ~ u CQ CO o o ~,35\' ters Will not be occupied" used for living purposes\other than for members of his innnediate family, and will not be used for com- mercial purposes. ' Mr. Reed stated he has bought the property on a lease purchase a arrangement and desires 'a'lett.erfrom the 'City 'of WestUn1versity " Placeto be presented to FHA that . the use' of theeXist'ing qilaTte'rs'by members ,ofbis tamilyis not .a ti:tola:cibn of the Zomng'oz.dinal'1ce; otherwise, FHA will not approve his ~OM' application. ',., After considerable discussion hy;theCommissi()n~ it was'decided to present this matter to the CitY"Attorney. . The Commission was advised of the status of charges. to' bafiled a- ' gainst Mr. C. O. Boydstun, 2702 Talbot. The City Manager stated that " upon inspections.by the~ 'Bani'tarian and Police. Chief, Mr. BoytlsiunprO-' ceeded to clean the premises,. It was suggested that a close eheck'be made on this citizen to be sure the property is maintained at all. times, . . The, 'Q.l'ls1gh1>ly condition of the yard and real tyoffice bUilding at, 320 2 Uni:v~ws;l:ty was 'di,seussedbriefly and photographs of the property were ell$ibited. '.. ' " The City Attorney had p'repared an'ordinance'regulating the parking of seeoll.da.ry, abandoned:motor ,vehicles on Private property and vacant lots, and tlie 'f()llow:i.ng action was ~a'!<=~ti:. ~. . Ordinance,.No. 792, caption~d as folloWs, ,was ,SupDdttedfor 'conp1deration and read in full:, ' " ,', ", ' ", ' " AN ORDnlANOE .D1lla.LA.R.INGTHE PARlC[NG OF MO'IDR' , VEHICLES ON. ANY RESIDEN'l'IALLOTs. EXCEPT ;rn . SPECIJ!'I.ED P~CES. A NtJISAN.CE-}.PROVIDING... FOR NOTre.E TO' mE OWNER OF SA!D LQT; P;R.OV+DING , A"PENALTY; PROVIDINn A SEVER4B;tL1'l'Y CLAUSE .. AND .DECIaARING A,}t IFFEdTtVE D,ATE.. '~ , . . . . ..- ' . . .' ... " *Motio.n by ComrhissionerW'all, seconded..by bOmnd$sionerBowman, thatOrdi": "nance No.. 792, regulating the parking of motor vehicles onpprivate 1>r<?pe.!".ty.ano.,vaaant lots, ,bep~ssed and ,apprc;>ved asread.- . ;', " ~ - . ~ - . ' '", . . Vot;ng Ay:e;Mayor Lamkin"Co~s~ionersBowmall"Ric~ and Wall,., V otirig No: Norie. . , The Commission then briefly.. ~~CU$Se4the casepf Sam We;i.~berger,6434,'" .. BttfftilQ.,Speedw.ay, where a 'bUild1:ni permttwas issUed :e:rnroneo.usly., .' "'Mentionw~s ma.d~ 'of theforthcomin~' meeting August 3i,196l, ,atwM$h . 'time a. Public Hearl.ng will. be held to. consider amending . the Zoning 'Ordinan.c~. to ..allOW'subdivis-ion :o.f; Lqt.8~ mock. .32! ,West.. ;Uni:ver~ty .' Pla.ceJri,rst ,Addition,. as. requested by Mrs. ChristJ,.an Jensen. .. he' City , Manager ',suggested the Commission>scheduke a ,meeting for the purpose . O'f' interview-ing representatives" of bond houses to serve ~s .financi;a1: --'- T ".,"~~~",~-- ~~-I----------r' "r-- -r 236 advisors in connection with the proposed ,Connnuni ty Hause bond issue. It was agreed there would be a meeting scheduled for August 31, 1961. A letter was ,submitted -from Gus Comiskey, Chairman of the Ins'!lTance Committee, . recammen'dingthat the bond 'of the Water SUperintendent'... be increa$ea. from: $l,OOO~OO to' $5',000-.00, with an ahnua.l increase in premium of app:z:0Xiinately $21).00.' . Motion: byCo_slllioner Wall, seconded by Coimnissioner Bowman, that the inSurance bond of the Watar-Superintendent be increased from' $1,000.00 to $5,000.00,. in accordance with the recommendation of the InSurance Committee., ' J . . t - .,. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commi~si'oners BoWman, Rice and Wall. Voting, No:~1\Tone. Minutes of the meeting of August 14, 196J., were read a.nd a.pproved" , . With no further ,busineSS to come before the ; Commission at this t.ime, upon motion' duly made, 'seconded and :carried~the meeting was reeessed' at 11:25 P.M. to reconvene at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, August 31, 1961. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' ' The City Commissii:>n' convened inrece'Ssedse~siona1:; the City Hall 'on" Thursday, August 31, 1961,7:30'P~M~;:with the following members present ~ May:or ~am~l?, p~esiding,;, CQ1lIIIlissioner~ B~an, Lutz, Ri.ce and'Wall.The(h.ty Manager was'also present. he City Attorney . was absent. The Invocation was pronOuncedl:)y Conindssioner Wall. ] In compliancewithi~gai .notice duly pubii'Shed'in the official.news- paper of the ei:&y, May-or Lamkin announceci that a public hearing was in order tQconsider an amendm~~tto' the cityts ~oning Ordinance tQ permit subdivision of Lot' 8, Block 32, West University' Place First Addition, into two 50 ~ 150 ft. lo:ts, as requested by~frs. Christian. . '.""" . Jensen;and, recommended 'by the Zoning ,'~h,d 'rJ.a,~nihg .:Board. . ''- ' ,,:, , ' . , ", , ' " " ""," , " . ,:..; .~. " . I ' City Manager Whitt Johnson, after "being .dU1;y sworn; testified in 'a.ns~ .j wer to questions by the Mayor that~l requiremElnts of the city'S . ordinance to call a:;public hearing 'hadbeeri complied with, and it was his opinion that the hearing was in order. .' ., , ' ( I"' r'-." Mrs.. ChristianJ'ens~n,h.~vin:g ~~Einddii1y',SVf~.) s&lited that it was' . her desi'ret:o: St't'Jjdi Vide' thelOOxT50 lot ip. order to provide' an- other buildin~ sitel one resid~nce presently existing on theS i of the lot. .. . Mr. Ge0rge Dickinson; ,6331 Bro~pton, haVing. been dU1YsWc::>rn~ sub- . mi;bted ace1:'tif'ied survey'he had made of ~the .property showing there were, noericroac~ents on the setba.ck li,l\e,s,}:?Y .~he ,existing ,resi- dence . ., . . . . .',..' , ''; ~ ;-, . . ... . tj;: j.. . .J!.........~ . .. ~'.. '.' There being ~o other :interested parties present who desired to be heard, the following action was taken: ':;' ;. " .,.. '..',.:' fJ' , , i' ' '"'' ",:;,'"j :".. , .' . 1 .... ~.., :~ '.: '. 4. .,. . ~ :. .,.. , " .. , ... 1--'---"~-~'~~ ~c:'- ---""1. o r.o o ~ u CO c:::o o D 2~~7 Motion by Commissioner Wall~ sec.onded, byCommissiorierBowma.n, that the hearing called for the purpose of considering an amendment to the city's zoning ordinance to pernrl.t subdivision o:f Lot 8, Block 32, West University Place First .Addition into two 50 x 150 foot. lots, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: MayorLamkin, Commissioners BCMInan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. I Motion by Commissioner Wall, . seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the hearing called for the purpose, of considering an amendrnent to the city.szoning ordinanci3 to permit subdivisi.on,;}of Lot 8, 'Block 32, West University ,;P':I;a.ce ~rst Addit~on into two,50 x 150 :foot lots, be closed. ,. . i . ; . .t .. V otipg Aye: Voting No: , , '; H t 'lIl I' : I '.d ' Mayor, ~amkin,Commi.ssioriers Bowman, Lutz,' . ice and Wall. . None." . . , I /. . .:~ " _..1" . '.~ 1 Upon inv;ita,ti.on,.,representatives o:f the ,following :Cirms appeared and . presented an outline of services they offer as financial_advisors t.o municipalities in connection with the issuance of bonds . . . ' -.' .,. Underwood. Neuhaus and Company - Tom Mas:terson,Representativ:~.. McClung and Knickerbocker,. Inc.- Messrs. Marvin Morland '.' . , . & .John Greer, Representatives E. F. Hutton and Company - &~ W..t6hzi"Bre.ndenberger,Represent'ative " . ..Moroney & Beissner & Company- Mr. Ernest BrCMn, Representa:tive. , ... Eddleman Pollok& Fosdick, Inc. - Mr. John Jay Fosdick,Repr;eseptative During the course of internew it was de.te,rnd,.ned the fee charged as f'in~n - cial ad'rl.sors was based on a. unif'o~ sc ~du~e as subscr;bed to by all t .,! f ,.' members of the Texas Municipal Advosory Council. After completing the inte;r- .. views, it was the. decision of the Commis~ion that the services offered by . ,the firm of McClung & Knickerbocker would be the, most advantageous to' '. . the city.. ' . :.: .r::i-;.~ ~ ,'.. . ,Mation by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the firm of McClung & Knickerbock~r, Houston, Texas, be . engaged as financial ad ~ visors in connection with the proposed COIllIl1llni ty House bond issue, subject t9 execution of' an acceptable agreement. Votin~ ~ye: Mayor Lamkin, COIlmd$sione~s Jlqwman,. Lutz, !tice 'and Wall. Voting No: . None~ '.' . '.~:" . .. i.... i; ~f ~l '" . .~ !~. '... . 1'. .~' . ~ , .: . ~ t" j 1 With no f'urthe~"buSiness to come before ,th~ Gommissi,on,ppon moti9~ du~t, .".'.,," .. m~de," secop.ded and .cB.!'ried, the Il1eElting ~as adjourned. ~. . '. ~ .. ''';'' , . " ,,~," , , . . . -I. ')GJ ()"... '" , ~.~.; ,... ,.... MAYOR .". · Cj,. ty of W est University Plaee ~ TexaS ATTEST: " '.:.......-., ;.-...r=.~" _~,'.^-.i-"';.'''' " ~~--- ----::r ,~~'.~' . REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION TUESDAY .<~PPF.MRli~R 'llfFi, 1961 J The City Commission convened at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 12, 1961, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin presiding; Commissioner,s Bowman, Rice and, Wall. Tb.e City Manager and City. Attorney were also present. Commfssioner Lutz was absent at the. opening of the meeting but arrived a little later. Prior toopeping the meeting, Mayor Lamkin stated the Commission was meeting on this 'date instea.d oi'Monday, September nth as regularly,: scheduled for reason of an . emergency brought about by Hurric~ne Carla.. The adverse weather. conditions cau.sedby thestormpr6:hibited the' Commission from convening on its regular appointed date. " j, , The Iqvocation was proriouncedbYMayorLamkin; The City Manager presented a tabulation of b~dsreceived on,August 28, 1961, for (i,eltvery'of'firehose together'wi~h a. recommendation for the purchase; of ;annual 'hose ':requirements. .No de c:i.s i6n was made by the"com- mission as Mayqr Lamkin feltthatthetabulatfon and recommendation should be'revised to more clearly pres~nt a comparison of :the hose bid on-by the-variouscutnpanies. The Gity Mariager wasil113tructed to re- vise the tabulation a.nd' submit qj;is recommendation at the next regular meet;trig. '" ;, . Messrs.' Knickerbocker and Moreland o:f'thebond firm McClung 8: Knicker- bocker, "Stppearedbefore the Commission 'to discuss some of the details of the proposed Community House Bond iSsue " Mr. Knickerbocker asked the (Jommission to select' alega:lfirm to handle the legal proceed-, ings of the bond,Assueand'suggested three or four firms doing bm.dness in'theStateQfTexas~ o ".:.- Motion by Conimissi6ner,Rice; seco'nded by Commissioner Wall" that the' firm of Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Searls, be engaged to ha~dl~ legal proceedings in connection' with the..issuance of proposed Community. House bonds.' . Voting:Aye Voting No: Mayor,Lamkin, CommiSSioners Bowman" Rice and Wall. None. The C:i.tyManager prese.nted .a general' outlihe of ,plans being madet6, re-' model the existing water pump:i..ngand office building 10c8:ted at 3825 ' MiitoP7 and stated thatt~e~fi~m of Smart & Whitehead had been tenta~ t:tvely engaged,.s~bj,e'cji to approval by. the CityCOllljllission., to. prE;ps,re preliminary design anddrawfngs of ,the proposed remodeling. Mr.Tommy 'Whitehead, representing the firm of Smart & Whitehead 7 advised the Commission concerning the architectural services offered by his f~rm. Motion by CommissiQherBowma,n, 'seconded by Commissioner Wall, that an ~. . ,- - -".- - '.' - . - - ":' - '.: - ' agreement..be entered,ipto vriththe architectural firm of Smart & / :---'1 ~ ' r~~'o'.~~ I~~.'~~".'~.==~=~=~.I-- OT- 23-9~' o Whiteh~ad to prepare plans, specifications and oontract documents' for ,remodeling the water pumping and office building located at 3825 Milton; sa1dagreement to be irt'accordance w~th the A.I.A. Stan- dard form of agreement on a 6 percentage basis for the total contract price of the work involved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. L" o """ u CO CO Mr. Wh~tehead was instructed to prepare final drawings and present them to the Commission for approval at the earliest convenient date. Mr. steve Sheva~, owner of Wizard of Cars, Inc~, and Lessee of the city's property located in the 4200 block of Bellaire Blvd'7 pres . sented plans to erect a metal bUilding 'on the present land in accordance with his lease for the purpose of expanding his business. to handle truck repairs. It was determined by the City Attorney that the Lease provides for erection of another building on the premises and no extra rental charge would be involved. Commissioner Lutz arrived at this ti~e. o Mayor Lamkin presented a request for consideration of a resolution en- dorsingcharity activities of the Interfaith Religion Association. Members of the City Commission desired additional informat10nbefore adopting hhe Resolution. City Attorney Charles Cockrell 'peported the folloWing legal matters: (a) An answer has been filed in the citation involving the paving lien assessed against 2720 University Blvd. 7 being Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Virginia Court,. (b) A brief has been filed in the Court of Civil. Appeals at Waco in Case No. 3737, styled George E. Marshall, et al., Appellants vs. City of West University Place 7 Appellee. The Mayor advised the Commission that a letter had bean sent to the citizens advising that, city forces would do eVerything within reason- able ~imits to clean the tree limbs and debris caused by the recent hurricane. Minutes of the meetings of August 28 and. 31, 1961, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come befode the Commission at this, time, 'upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. ATTEST: ..~.~ MAYOR . City of West Uriiversit~ Place, Texas o ~ .. , ' ~r ~ ' ..~/ ......, ... . City Secret . . .. .. 1- -~ . "r~~~'~._.~ '--I r~ , "'''1 -----r 2' -4"~"-';'" , .:~- - _..- .,,,,... ( REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPl'EMBER 25, 1961 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 257 19~17 7:30 P.M.7 with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager was absent as he was on vacation. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. l~. Tommy Whitehead, representing the firm of Smart & Whitehead, Architects, presented final drawings'for alterations and remodeling of the Water pump building at 3825 Milton Street7 for consideration by the Commission. After revievTing the drawings submitted and consulting with City Engineer T. I. Jones, and~Tater. Superintendent. W. T. Henderson, Jr., the. following action: was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice7 seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the plans for remodeling and altering the water pump: building be approved as pre - sented by Mr. Tommy Whitehead, Architect, and that notice be published in the official newspaper of the city for bids to be received, for performance. of this work 7' until 7: 30 P.M., October 23, 1961. " . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin; Commissioners Bdwman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & flanning Board on September, 14, 1961, were read and action taken on recommendation as fpllows: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissi~ner Bowman, that the re- quest of Mi~s Mabel Houlihan to install a wash basin and commode in connection with a water heater"washer and drier in the utility space of her existing , ," ( '" , garage at 39290berlin, be approved subject to execution of an affidav1,t . that the stTucturewill:notbe used for any commercial purpose nor as living quarters, as recommended by:the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkip; Commissioners Bmvman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. . Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by CommissionerWal17 that the request of Mr. and.Mrs. George F. Bertine, 2617 Pemberton, to convert a 9 x 18ft. section of the existing 3-car garage located at the rear. of their premises into a room to be used as a dark room7 utility room and storage room7 with plumbing facilities to include a sink unit7 commode and washer drain, be approved subject to execution of the 'usual affidavit that the room will not be used for commercial purposes or living quarters7 as recommended by the Zoning and :Plarlning BO/:l,rd. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman,. Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 1jjlQtion by Commissioiler;Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bm-nna.n7 that Mr. and Mrs. John Lomax, 6428 Vanderbilt, be permitted to construct a 22 x 26 ft.. playroom over the proposed carport subject to execution of the usual af- fadivit that the structure will not be used for rental or commer~~al ~ ~urPOSeS7 as recommended by the Zoning a~d Planning Board. Voting,Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners 'Bowman, Lutz, Rice alid Wall. '. None.. -r.~.= . [J C:J o ,~~~ ~) """""". ;...~ Ckj '] u o L'? o """ u CO CO o o L- :&41' Motion by Commissioner Wal17 seconded by Commissioner Bowman7 that Mr. John Wendel, 3766 Georgetown, be permitted to construct, an underground fallout shelter on his premises subject to a 5f06t setback from property lines and with the understanding that in event his sewer line is within 5 feet of the excavation, it will be replaced with cast iron pipe a minimum of 5 feet to each side of the excavation. ' Voting Aye:" Mayor Lamkin;' Commissioners Bowman, Lutz; Rice and WalL Voting No:, None.' Mr. Pride Black, 2912 Nbttingham and Mr. B. J. Ferguson:, 2906 'Nottingham, appeared before the Commission reqUesting use of the city's garbage dis- posal area on Alief Road to operate a leaf and wood chip compost. No action wa.staken on .the request as members of the Commission desired ad- ditionalinf6rmation as to detai~s of the operation and a more definite proposal 'Co the city . Messrs.~ Black and Ferguson stated they "\fOuld present the desired information a~ a later date for further consideration. street Superintendent A. L. Bearden presented a report to the ,Commission' on the retlloval,of trash'and ,debris cauSed 'by the recent'hur:ricane,stating, that extra laborers had been employed ,and extra trucks had been rented to expedite such removal. He stated that tnost Qf' the city 'had. received at least one pickup of debris and he anticipated at least one pickup from the M.lance, of the city by the end of the 1-Teek; however ,the regular 'garbage pickups and all, trash in containers are on the regular schedule. The Com,..' mission commended Mr. Bearden as we,ll as other department heads and employees for thewoi'k accomplis~hed during the recent hurricane and for their efforts in removing the tree limbs and debris from ,the city. Mr. Bearden also reported on the expenditure of $'495.00 to raise the con- crete slab'on Weslay~nbetweenUniver'sity&' Swarthmore by a mud-'jacking process;'He explaihenthatthe 'entire slab over a storm sewer line in this block had:Ci.ropped some two inches asaresuitof a_cavity and that the in- formal hid submitted by the C. H~ Hugg CompanY-in the amount of $495ims the lowesi; ofroUr bias received. ,.Members of ,the Commission concurred in the actioritak:enby Mr. Bearden and the City Manager. The 1961 tax roll, showing a total valuation of land, improvements, stock and f'ixtur~s and utilities in the City ofW~st University Place at $25,450,323.00 with taxes amounting to $453,015.597 was submitted for ap- proval b~ the, City Commission.' '.. I Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded-by Commissioner Bowman, that the tax rollf0r196l be accepted and approved. as ~ubmitted by' the City Treasurer. " 'I' " , Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin7 Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and1.Jall. Voting No:' , None~' . JI' ' A revi~e~tabul~tion andreco~e~~tidn.o~'bi~S received for.delivery of 200 feet of l-i ~nch and 400 fee~ of 2l1.nc fuehose from c~ty Manager Whitt Johnson, .was presented. Mr. JoJ:m~on ~ecommended ~h~tthe ~id sub- mittedby Amer~can LaFrance Company on -Crusader DacronFJ:~ler f~re hose be accept~d. Mot;t.on by CommissionerBQWman, seconded, 1:>Y Commissioner Rice, that the bid. of American Larrance for 200 feet of l-i" 'Crusader' Da;:cron" F:ii:lei":-F,ir:e' 1t6ffe :"~:. @$0.99 per foot and 400 feet' of 2~" Crusa.dr:f Dacron Filler Fire Hose@$1.47 ,- ~ f"=~'''-~~'--~' ~'~-=------=-r-:'~ -' ,- -, -. ""'--, ----I ~4:l: per ,foot, be accepted as recommended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. o A draft of an ordinance creating a,civil defense and disaster relief ,or- ' ganization was presented and reviewed by the Commission. It was considered desirable to study'the ordinance further before taking any action. Resolution 61-10, as ~ollmvs, was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of \oTest Uni vers-i ty Place ,vas struck by wind, of great force at various time~ between Saturday, September 9 and the l1:arly hours of Tuesday, September 12, 1961, as a result of the pass~- ing of the Hurricane 'Carla '; and 1'ffiEREAS, such high winds uprooted many large trees; removed many shingles from roofs; broke limbs from trees and other plants; scattered leaves and ip,generalcaused a great amount of damage to the property of the residents of the city; and WHEREAS, the damage aforesaid caused an unprecedented amount of debris of various kinds to be deposited through the city on private and public properties;, and WEEREAS,it was the duty of the officials of the city to remove such debris as quickly as possible for the public health and welfare of the residents of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and Mayor, recognlZl.ng such duty, em..,. ployed var~ousindividuais and equipment in addition to the regular employeesof'the Garbage Department to facilitate the speedyre- moval of such debris and it is estimated that ,it will take from three to four weeks, from September 13, 1961, to completetllis tremendous task at a costo:f' approximately $10,000~00 (Ten thousand dollars ). J NOW, THEREFORE, BE :rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM):SSION OF' THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l~ That the unprecedented amount of debris left on public and private properties in the city as a result of Hurricane 'Ca;r:la" created a public emergepCy,and its speedy removal? was, and is7neces- sary for the public health and vTelfa~~,Of the residents of the ' city. ~ -" Section 2. That all actions taken and expenditures made of con - tracted--f-or, by the City Manager or Mayor 'of the city, in connection ,vi th the speedY-removal of theaf'9resaid debris be , and the same are hereby, and in all things ratified, adopted, confirmed and approved. Mot ionby;P~...~&tsJiiit~nerWal1, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 61-10, approving actions taken and expenditures made or contracted for, by the City Manager or Mayor, in connection, with the speedy removal of debris caused by'Hur:ricane,Carla, be passed and approved as read. 1 \ I i LJ /' n u "L'? o ~ u CO CO 0, I : I : I ' ! n , I LJ I I l~ . 2,4\'3 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BOWlllan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 793, captioned as follows, was presented and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FDIDDIG AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ,ALL OF TEE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DOl'JE PREREQUISITE TO' THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF . ZONING ORDINANCE NO.l11 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE ,TEXAS , SO AS TO PERMIT TEE CONSTRUCTION OF A CARPORT EXTENDING FROM THE FRONT OFTBE EXISTING GARAGE STRUCTURE FORA DISTANCE OF 15 FEET TOTBE SIDE PROPERTY:LDlE ON THE EAST Ol'JE-HALF (1/2) OF LOT 6, BLOCK 50, WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE SECO:ND ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC EEARINGFOR TEE PURPO~OFCONSIDER:mG,AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO.ll1 HAS BEER DULY AND LEGALLY 1IEARD; APPROVING A.ND ADOPrING TEE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION' OF TEE ZONING AND PIANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO.l1l BE AMENDED SO' AS TO PERMIT SAID" CONS- 1RUCTION;FDIDINGTHATORDINANCE NO.lll OF TEE CITY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PlACE SHOU1J) ~, SO AMENDED; AMENDING' ORDINANCE NO.lll PERMITTING SUCH CONSTRUCTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner.Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 793, amending Ordinance No. 111, so ag to permit the construction o~ a carport extending from the 'front of the existing garage structure for a dis- tance t&Bee of 15 feet to the side property line on the East l of Lot 6, Block'50, West University Place Second Addition, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. . . . . , , Ordinance'No. 794, captioned as follows, was presented and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- ' CEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQ,UISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE.cITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE,' TEXAS; SO ,AS, ,TO' PERMIT THE SPBDIVISIONOF LOT 8, BLOCK 32, WEST UNIVERSITY 'PUCE' FIRST' ADDITION; FINDINtf'THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PUR- ,POSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY )IELD; 'APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FDIDDTG THAT ORDINANCE NO.ll1 , OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND' PROVIDING AN ' EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance, No. 794, amending Ordinance No. 111, so as to permit the subdivision of Lot 8, Block 32, West University Place First Addition, into two lots, bapassed and approved as read. . , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 24~ L~ Resolution 61-11, as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: WEEREA.S, the City of west' University Place has cash available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital ImprovemeritFund7 Trust Agency Fund, street Improvement Bond, 1948 Fund and Garbage and Refuse Sites :fund, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission .to keep all of' the city's money' invested to earriadditional income and it is neces- saryand prudent to! authorize inve'stment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BYTIIE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,OF WEST UNIV.ERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, that the City-Treasurer is hereby d,irected to invest funds in the amount. of' $55.'00 in the Sanitary , .Sewer Capital Improvement Fund;" $l,OQO in the Trust Agency Fund; $3,,200 in the street Improvement Bonds" 1948 Fund and $400 in the '. Garbage and Refuse Si tesFund. Motion by Commissione~ Rice7 seconded by Commis~ioner Bowman" that Resolution 61-11, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of' $55 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund,$l,OODf'rom the Trust Agency Fund, $37200fromrthe Street Improvement Bond, 1948 Fund and $400 from the Gargage and Re~de Sites Fund, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BOifrnan, Lutz7 Rice and Wall. , None Minutes of the meeting of September 12,1961 were approved as presented. With no further business to 'come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 P.M. ~K~~~ . ' . 'MAYOR City of West'University Place, Texas ATTEST: -~-~~~-r~:=':.:,:'='''.'::~:=~-:_-:..~-:':"::-::,:',:''~~-'""'--'--=---=-=-~~=-=-'-==~~~---'"'''! -==--.:~-- u !J o m L~ o """ u CO CO o n _J ~ 245 REGULAR.MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION. MO~IDAY, OCTOBER 97 1961 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 9,196177:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager, and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Bowman.. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised the Commission that the present Auxiliary .Pdlice Group Accident Policy would expire on October 287 1961, and he had received arene~alpolicy from the Comiskey Insurance AgencY7 with ~n invoice in the amount of $340.00 for the annual premium. :Mr . Johnson stated that he recommended renewal of the ,insurance coverage for members of the Auxiliary Police, written by U. S. Fire Insurance CompanY7 New York, New York. It was the opinion of the Commission that this policy be considered a part of the city's insurance program and authorized the coverage continued. . ~ . City Attorney Charles Cockrell reported to the CommiSSion that the case Marshall et al versus West University Place was heard on Thursday,. September .28, 1961.., in the Court of Civil A.ppeals7 Waco/Texas. A statement from At- torney Paul Strong in the amount of $780.91, for services rendered in connection with the case since December 31, 1959, was submitted for con- sideration. This figure represe~ts a balance due on the $1500 fee for work in the Court. of Civil Appeals in accordance with Ordinance No. 7667 plus $7.50 for a certified copy of Trial Court's Findings filed in the Court of Civil Appeals, and $23.41 for expenses incurred on the trip to Waco on September 28, ,1961; to:argue the caSe. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by COmmissioner Lutz7 that the state- ment in the amount o~ $780.917 from Attorney Paul Strong; be approved for . paynient. Voting Aye': All None. No: A draft of a proposed ordinance.creating a. Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Organization ~as again reviewed and discussed by the Commission, however, no action was taken at this time as further study was desired. The Commission'instructed the City Manager to prepare a list of garage apartments in the city that are occupied in violation of the city's zoning ordinance for cons~deration at t~e next meeting of the City Commission. A letter from Mrs. Bertha Wright, advtsing that she was discontinuing the use of her residence telephone aumber on her real estate signs and the use of her home address for business purpose~, was presented. The Commission was apprised of the fact that arson charges had been 'filed by Fire Marshal C. E. Duffin against Mrs. Jane Handrick, 3830 Tennyson, . after the residence at this address was greatly damaged by fire on the morning of October 8, 1961. A 3-page statement of facts, signed by Mrs. Jane Handrick7 was presented and read to the Commission. The City Manager ---- ~~ t-~,..,--~~--=<:;~~=--=-~~~---,-- .~ -- -~ --'--'."'T ----=- 2,46' advised that the FirecMarshal had enlisted the aid of Mr. Alcus Greer, Fire Marshal' for the City or-Houston, to investigate the alleged caSe of arson, and that Mrs .JIandrickwas given a polygraph test before charges were filed in the offices of the District ,Attorney. D The following report on expenditures for removing a total of 1156 truck loads of tree limbs and other debris caused by Hurricane Carla, was presented: . Truck Rental, Gasoline & oil ,Small tools, etc. Additional labor street Dept. la~or Garb. ,Water, Sewer Ins. & Miscl. $ 11-37.70 435.75 350.00 4414.20 2460.04 lhr. 385.20 600.00 ( 3679 man hours) ( 20~6 man hours) ( 320 man hours) Total $ 9782.89 Minutes of the meeting or September 25, 1961, Were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time" upon motio,n duly made; seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~'t-~. , MAYOR,.. 'flity of West Unilllersity.Place, Texas" u ATTEST: J r::""",~=-~~:~~::_::r ._CO -- '''1 ....1 . o .-"~ o ~' u CQ CO n LJ o 44'/' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1961 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall Monday, October 23, 1961, 7:30 P.M., with the foliowing members present: M~yor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners BOvn.nan7 Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. " , ConIlIiissioner Lutz pronounced ~he Invocation. In compliance with previous action taken by the City Commission and Not1ce to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids re- ceived,for altering and ,jremodeling of' the water pumping ,and office building , at 3825 Milton Street, were opened and the following results announced: . . . . .:J" Forest W. McNeir & Son .' H. . A. Klerks Construction Co.. ' . Gene Murphree C9rporation . .. $14,093.00 12,,450.00 13,690~00 Motion by Comrriissionertutz; seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceivedfor altering and remodeling the water pumping and offi.ce building at 3825 Milton Street, be referred to the City Manager and Architect for tab~lation and recommendation. Voting Aye: 'All No: None. Minutes 91' the Zoning 'and Planning Board meeting on October 12,1961, were present-ed 'to the Commission for consideration. There was no action neces- sary by the Commission. - '". . ~,.ofQMmki~sfltt>eGl-a~m;*Qhe~d?"tle~ftmiilequ~s<'5.ellt?:et- :eheflI&.ll)l.l~ton- Harris County TB Association to proclaimthepperiod November ll-December" 1961, as Chrisittnas Seal 'Season in w~st University Place. .,":,. ", " ". . Motion by'Commissione~ ~ice,~ seconded by Commissioner Bowman7 that the Mayor be aut~orized to ~xecute a Proclamation proclaiming the period November ll-December, 1961, as Christmas Seal .Season in, West University Place. , ' Voting Aye: All No: None. Article 286a0f Vernon's Ann0tatedPenal Code of Texas, known as the "Blue Law",W8.s'discussed and it wa.s'the'decision of the Commission that it was their responsibility to see that the state law prohibiting the sale of certain items' on the two conse,cutive days of Saturday and Sunday is en- forced in the City of West University Place. It \~ssuggested that the Mayor ~ite, a letter to all busi~ess establishments now remaining open for husinessoD.'Sund8.ys advising; the, mmers to acqua.iht themselves with the terms and provisions of Article 286a. A letter was received from Mr. Pride Black7 2912 Nottingham, containing further information on his request for use of a 'portion of the city's 6 acre tract on AlieftRoad for composting tree leaves and similar waste material. Members of the Commission were in favor of Mr. Black using a small section of this tract of land with the understanding that there T~~n~"' , "~ 1 ----r .~ "~'--'--'-'T 2'4tl:, was a possibility of the land being sold sometime in the future. Resolution No. 61-12, as follows, was submitted and read in full: WREREAS, the City of \>lestUniversity Place has cash available in the. Tax Collector Fund which wil~ not be required for ~urrent operating expense, and o WHEREAS 7 it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the cityts money invested to earn additional income and it is neces~ sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certa~n sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE-CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF . WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direc- ted to invest funds in the amount of $1007000 from the Tax Cillectorts Fund, as Funds become available through collection of current taxes in Savings and Loan Associations; at their prevailing divident rate of 4.%. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconaed by Commissioner Bowman, that. Resolution No. 61-12 directing investment of $100,000 from the Tax Collector:'s Fund in Saving and Loan ASSQciatlons,be passed and ap proved as read. Voting Aye: All No: . None. An invoice from Wallace & Tiernan, Inc., in the amount of $8,408.16, representing 8fY/o of the contract price of $10,510.20, for furnish- ing and installing tvTO automatic chlorinators ,vith accessories, residual chlorine r~corder and controller and two chlorine flow re- corders with necessary gallges and valves was presented to the COmm.ission,tbgether vlith a certifi~ationfromCity Engineer Tom!. Jones that the equipment has been installed and .is operating sa1;is~ factorily. Mr. Jones also recommended that Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. be paid 8fY/o of' the contractprice7 amounting to $8,408.16, and stated that the equipment will be observed and inspected for the next 30 days and a final estimate submit\5ed at :that time if no ob- jection to the installation of the equipment is found. o Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice7 that the invoice from Wallace & Tiernan, Inc., in the amount of $8,408.16, representing8fY/o of' the contract p~ice, be approved for payment as recommend?d by the City Engineer. . Voting Aye: All No: None. Ordinance No. 795, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: i-1 U :'---I:'::~:~='-::":"-:=~~'":---=-_~~~~____. _c.':'---~ - --=-="'C-:70=_~~=C-"-""'''':C~ - -. '-::-:=1-----------.- 2'49 o AN ORDINANCE CREATING A MUNICIPAL CIVIL DEFENSE i,:, AND DISASTER RELIEF ORGAiNIZATION;, APPOINTING THE ' ,MAYOR CHAIRMAN OF THE ORGANIZATION AND HIS ASSISTAN;J:'S; CREATING NECESSARY POWERS TO COPE WITH EMERGENCIES THREATENING LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING CO-OPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREE- MEIfrS FOR RELIEF BE'NEEN THIS CITY AND OTEER , CITIES OR COUNTIES; PROVIDING FOR NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL, FIRM OR PARTIilERSHIP WHO MAY BE CARRYING OUT THE DUTIES OF THIS ORDINANCE IN A CIVIL DEFENSE~mDN; PROHIBITING WILFUL DElAY OR HINDRANCE OF ANY MEMBER OF THE CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF; PRESCRIBED DillIES; DECLARING POSSIBLE EMERGENCY ,FOR THE PROTECTION OF ~TH, SAFETY AND WELFARE. r,.O o ~ u CO CO Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance No. 795~ creating a Municipal Civil Defense and Disaster Re- lief Organization, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: 'All , No: None. o City Attorney CharleS Cockrell gave a report on the decision of the Court of Civil Appeals in the'case George E. Marshall, et al. vs. City of West University Place, stating that the Court had rendered an opinion confirming the trial court's juqgment upholding the city's zoning ordinance. The City Manager submitted the names of 10 property owners who have a second unauthorized living unit existing on their premises. Investiga- tion ~eports from the Police De~artment revealed that 8 of'these property owners have tenants living in,th:e'tlhauthorized units. The City Attor- ney wa:Sinstructed tonotif'ythe ,following 8 property owners of the alleged violation and to advise them, that they would be given until December 1,1961, to vacate the unauthorized improvements: Sam Peiper, M.D., 5426 Buffalo Speedway Foye S~ Sellars7 -2740 Barbara Lane Mrs. Hattie Fails7 6341 B~lmont Mr. Roy Logsdon, 3601 Nottingharn Mrs. Lucy Darling, 4b40B:yron Mr. W. J . Trahan 7 3521 Nottingham Preston McGilvraY7 3419 Carnegie, C.'A. Patterson7 2801 Rice Ordinance No. 796, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion for consideration and read in full: n i !, i~j , , AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE MAXIMUM EARNINGS' TO' BE CONSIDERED IN CALCULATING DEPOSITS AlID CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE MADE BY REASON OF CURRENT SURVICE OF EMPLOYEES OF THIS CITY WHO ARE MEMBERS ,OF THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM;, PROVIDING FOR A BEGINNING DATE FOR THE DEDUCTIONS ON THE ANNUAL SALARY. ~ T""~' ----1 [" -- . ... ~-~''''l -' 2~5~" Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissi6ner Rice, that Ordinance No. 796, prescribing the maximum earnings to be considered in calculating deposits arid contributions to be made by reason of current seJtvice of employeeswh() aremeuiberS of 'the Texas Municipal Retirement System, be passed and approved as read. ' i'-l U Voting Aye: -All NO: None. The City Commission was advised that it was difficult to employ a qualified tractor operator who would maintain the city's equipment and be available at the necessary time t()bury the city's trash and refuse which was hauled to the city'ssa:i':iitaryland"fill site. It was determined by the City CommiSsion that it was ne~essary to en- gage a qualified operator and require 'them to move into the residence which is located on'the property for the purpose of serving as full , time caretaker' and instructed the,' City Manager to make the necessary arrangements to accomplish this end. The advisability of' drilling a water well on'the city'ssanitaryf'ill property on Ruffino Road to service the h()useand also to provide' water for cleaning equipment used for sanitary fill purposes, was again considered. The City Engineer was instructed to prepare speci- fications for drilling a well on the property and for a p~mp, storage tank arid necessary appurtenances. Minutes of'themeeting of October 9,1961, were approved as submitted. , f With no further 'business to come before the'Commission at this time, upon motion duly made7 seconded and carried, the meeting was ad- journed. il u ~~~ , MAYOR ' City of West Uniyer~ity Place7 Texas ATTEST: :1 , j U ~- r~-~~"~"-~- -r -- ,- , -- ---0.__',-------' 2'(5'1) REGULAR ME:ETDTG OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, . NOVEMBER 13, 1961 o The~CityCommissionconvenedin regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 13, 1961, 7: 30. P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Then.Invocation was pronounced. byConnnissioner Rice. L'":) o ~ u CO .~ Incompliance vTith actio~t~ke~'by the City Commission on October 23; 1961, a tabulation of bids received for alterations and remodeling of the Water Pumpirtg and Office ~uildi~g at, 3825,Milton street, was pre- sented with a letter from Mr. Thomas P. Whitehead, representing Smart apdWhitehead, Architects, recommending that. a contract be awarded It.. A.. Kler1csConstruction Company on their low bid of $12,450.00. Motion byComm1ssioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that a con-' tract be awarded toR.A. Klerks,Const:ruction Company for alterations. ,..r ._-",,' - _ _ - . :. - . " -_' _', '_ _ _ -. . _ -,' _ ; and:'.:r'emodeling of the Water Pumping and Office Building at 3825 Milton str~et. on their 1?\-Tbidof$12 7450.00, as recommended by Mr,; Thomas P. Whitehead, Architect 7 and theCi ty Manager. votfng Aye:' All. Voting No: ,None. o Min,utes . of a meeting of the' Zoning and Planning Board on November 9, 1961, were 8ubth1ttedtothe Commission for consideration and the followingact1on taken: Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that.the request of Mr. Harry w. Linderman7 4002 Arnold, for permission to remove an exis-(;ingtwo.-caI! garageand"replace i twi th a new two story garage building, the second story to be used as ~n amateur art studi07 storage space ,and achildren'splayroom7 be approved7 as recommended by the Zoning',Bo~rd,. subje~t to compliance with all setback requirements and provided. an affidavit is executed by Mr. Lindermari to the. effect that the structure will not be used as a living unit or for commer- ci6\.l Purposef)' . Voting Aye: AlL. Moting No: None. n . M'r...-R:obertV. Flanagan, Architect) representing the firm of Pierce & . :Pi~~.ce 7 presented pre liminary plans for a proposed Community Bli!.ilding i>Thichcontained 13,000 square feet of enclosed area with an estimated cost of $254,000.00. The Commission discussed the advisability of 'constructing a partial ~aSement of napproximately 900 square feet to be used as a secondsea:to:fGovernment.- It ,.tas- estimated by the ArChitectS that the additional cost for. this area would be approxima- tely $9,800.00. Mayor Lamki):l stated that in his opinion the Commission would be~emiss if plans Were not considered fora second seat of government from wh~ch to operate in case the City Hall is ever rendered inoperable. A few minor changes in the design were requested by the Commission which Mr. Flanagan agreed to make on the proposed plans. L___ .. r":-~'~'~"'~~~~:n:::J _[ "'n_ I ..J 25~: In accordance with previous instructions by the City CommisSion, the City Managers~Qmitted a liat of eleven names of property owners, with addresses, where it is alleged that the city's zoning ordinance is being violated. One person was reportedly operating a business from his residence and the other ten, according to an investigation by the Police Department; were renting unauthorized garage ,apart _ ments. The el~~en names, and addresses are as follm.;s: ' (.J : ' Mr. Harry S. Paes, 3108 Jarrard Mr. Harry Leri tis, 6424 Mercer Mrs. C. A. Voebel, 58:20 Fordham Mrs. Fannie Stevens, 6008 Charlotte Mr. Frank H. Crerie 7 6727 Buffalo -Spd. Milby Estate, :2931 Jarrard ~. J. F. L~ne, 4109 South'YTestern Mr. W. C. Webb, 3018 Nottingham Mr. C. O. Boydstun, 2702 Talbot ,Mr. John S. Hutto, :2808 Rice Mr. W. S. Graves, 6544 Brompton The City AttorneyvTas instructed to notify the eleven property owners that they would be given, until January 1, 1962, to abate the violation, otherwise, suit would be filed in the matter. \ The Commission discussed the, feasibility of~roceeding with a compre- hensive planning survey. It was decided that firms tQ act as planning consultants should be 'intervievTed as soon as the Commission agrees on the scope, of work desired. ,. , , , Consideration was given to installation 'of left'hand turn lanes on Buffalo Speedway at the intersections of University, ,Rice and Sunset. A report from the City Engineer'showedan estimated cost of $17392.00. The plan was c6nsider~d desirable, however7 funds had not beenap'- propriated in the 1961 or 1962 budget and action was deferred until the next fiscal year at which time it would be determined- if funds were available for the project. o Resolution No. 61-13, as follows, Was presented and read in full: WHEREAS 7 the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and Trust Agency Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses 7 and --~'~-, ~S;:\it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of thecityts money invested to earn additional income and it is neCeS- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS , that the' Ci tyTreasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: $117025.84 - Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, with Southwestern Savings Association at their prevailing rate of dividentof ),'1, - - ' , ~. . -. , $500.00- Trust Agency Fund - to add to Savings Share Ac- countf2.690 with University Savings and Loan Association at ,their prevailing rate of dividend of 4%. , J \ "~=------'.r:=-=',=='.O~:~~== __ [,. n - - ---- - --"'''"''''':'''1 _ ---1:'----- 2,5'3 o Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice7 that Resolution 61-13, directing investment of funds amounting to , $11,025.84 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund with Southwestern Savings Association, and $500.00 from the 'Trust Agency Fund to add to Savings Shart Account No. 2690, with University Savings and Loan Association, at their prevailing rates of dividend of 4%, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye:, All No: None. 'L":) ,0 ~ U CO CO Mr., DonWil1helmf requested by- letter the use of the Community Build- ,ing on the dates of J~nuary 97 16, 23 and 30, for the purpose of p , presenting an American Citizenship Program to be presented by Jim Dobbs & ~ssociates under sponsorship~nd direction of Free Enterprise, Inc. Mayor Lamkin stated that he had pers9nal knowledge of the contents of the American Citizenship Program and recommended it highly. ' Motion by Commissioner i-Tall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that use of the Community Build,ing be granted Mr. Don Willhelm without charge for the dates of January 9, 16, 23,and 307 for the purpose of pre- senting an American Citizenship Program. ' Voting Aye: All No: None. o Mayor Lamkin stated that Corporation Court, Judge Karl Kraft had ex- pressed a desire to resign effeQtive January i, 19627 and had requested the city to obtain a replac~ment as soon as possible. 'The City Attorney and members of the Commission were asked to determine a list of eligible attorniesfrom which a corporation court judge should be selected. Attorney Cockrell stated that Attorney Paul Strong had received a copy of a amicus curiae brief to be filed in a~pending case before the Supreme Court by Mr. Burke Holman which case is similar to the Marshall vs., City of West University Place case and in Mr. strong'sopinion7 it would be advisable for him to, file a short brief attaching to it a copy of the opinion rendered by the Court of Civil Appeals in our case. The "City Commission was of the opinion that Mr. strong should take such action in the matter as he saw fit for the best interest of 'the city. Minutes of the meeting of October 23,1961, were approved as submitted. With no further b~siness to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10A.M.November 14, 1961. ~iL^^~~ A , Mayor', City of West UniVersity Place, Texas ATTEST: ~, 0'...1 , I ,.-J 25,~: REGULAR MEETING" OF CITY COMMISSION MO:NDAY,NQVEMm;R 21, 1961 "" The City Commission convened at the City Hall on Monday, November 27, 1961, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney was also present. The City Manager 'Vms out of the city attending a City Manager's conference. ~o The Invocation was pronqunced by Mayor Lamkin. "' Mrs. DonaldB. Stone and lVlI's,. Jenny Disheroon appeared before the Commission on behalf of their sister, Mrs. Jean Allbright, who is having a new home constructed at '6624 Community Drive. Mrs. stone stated that Mrs. Allbright had requested that the requirement for construction of a sidewalk in front of newly constructed houses be waived in this instance as ,there are two large tallow trees which pro- hibit installation of a sidewalk. B. ]f. Kingman, Building Inspector, submitted a 1rri ttenrecommendation that the. requirement be waived in , this instance as there are a number of skips along this street and , the two trees prevent the installation unless they are removed. Mr. Kingman stated in his letter that final inspection was being with- held pending action by the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman7 that the request of Mrs. Jean Allbright to waive, the sidevralk construction re- quirement in' front of" 6624 Community Drive 7 bjl; granted as recommended by the Building Inspector. Voting Aye: Voting No: , MaYQJI!{;;,lamkin; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz7 Rice and Wall. None. :l u Mr. Joe E. Sacco, 2706 Bellaire Blvd., appeared before the Commis- sicn relative ,to his reg.uest submitted in July for perm.ission to remove the larg~ door on the front of his existing garage and re~ place it wit4 a small acceSS door and to convert the garage into a storage room. Mr. Sacco pr~s~nted a plot plan showing the location of his ~ouse and detached garage on" the premises. Motion byCommissiorier Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Mr. Joe E. Sacco be issued a permit to enclose the existing garage in order to convert it into ~ storage room subject to his execution of the usual affidavit tD.-at the structure will not be used as living quarters mv for comme~ciat purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman7 Lutz 7 Rice and Wall. None. ' I Rev. W. C. Webb, Jr. 7 and Mr. & Mrs. McKay appeared. before the Commis- sion on behalf of, M:t's. w.e .Webh7 Sr., 3018 Nottingham, mother of Rev. Webb and Mrs. McKay. Rev. Webb stated that his mother had received a letter from the City Attorney advising her that the use of an unauthorized garage apartment located on the premises for rental purposes is in violation of the city's zoning ordinance and he was requesting an '\'J-- extension of time given for vacating the apartment. He explained that r '~......'T__'" '~-""~'--r--"'-~'----" "r---- ~n o l.":l o ~ u CO CO o o ,- \~ 2'5'5 ~.. . -.- . .OJ Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCain had lived in the garage apartment for 7 years and had been very helpful in watching after ,his mother who. ispartia 11y blind and is to undergo surgery oriher ,eye's in the v:ery. near ;future., He was requesting an extension of .timeip. 'order that' Mr. & Mrs. MgCain might be orithe premises whileMrs.Webbrecu-perates from the operation. Mayor Lamkin explained ,the single family d'felling provision of thezonirig ordinance and advised Mr. Webb to obtain more information from the doctor regarding the length of timewhi.ch'wfllbe involvedto'rec,uperate 'from the operation and assured Mr. Webb that the Commission would co-operate ioTith them. ,in granting an extension of 'time,. '. Mayor 'Lamkin -reported .that he had appointed an Information Committee with Mr.J!:. 'E:. Davis as Chairman, to assist in publiciZing plans for the proposed Community Building. Mayor'LaUikin.sta"4ect that'Mr. LHarvey Houck,' owner of Lots'3, ~, 5 & 6, Blo&k .7)L;CUn~irfgham Terrace, anq. the N 200 feet of, Lot 26;' Cambridge' Place, had advis'gd.that'he contemplates proceeding. with."p1ansto cons, :, truc.t, a lt6un'it"apartment;building 'on. the :pr<operty and had asked if. the action taken in May~ 1958, to permit a 20 foot setback from Stella Link' Road instead of '30 ft. was still in effect. After reviewing the minutes of May 12, 1958,-i't was determined,.that'Ord:1.nance' 111 hadbeenilmended by Ordinance 738 to permit the 20 foot setback and is valid at this time; therefore, Mr: Houck could proceed by submitting his plans and specific:i'ations 'fo:i:' review by "the Building 'Ihspectlilrinwho is"to determine that "bu.:r.lding':cOde'and fire. zofie : requirements are being complied ,ytith and also.:to:o15tain approvEi.l'of-the plans from the state Fire Insurance, . Commission,' , i. A. ", Minutes of the meeting of November 13;'1961, 'fere approved assubmitted~. - , With ;noifft1rther business' to come before .theCommissioh at this time, .' upon motion.' duly made ,seCbnded:and. car:ded; the meeting was adjourned ,at 10:05 ;P,M~' .'~.~'.~' Mayor . "City- of"West University Place, Texas ATTEST: .;.-:- ':;r.'. -', -., J r '-' .~... ..' ."'!"; - -, ' T' ~ n- -,' m.-------r. ---r- --------r 25,6. BEGmAR DETINGOFCnrr COMMISSION MODAY, DECEMBER 11,1961 The City eo~i$sion eonvened in regular session at the City Hall Monday, flecember 11, 1951, 7:30 P.M.7 with thefollewing members present: Mayor Lamkin, presidimg;Clemm.issioners Bowman, Lutz and Wall. The City Attorney" and City Manager Were also present. Commissiener Rice was absent but had a~vised that he 'Would be present later in the evening. J The Invoeatiom was pronounceli. by Commissioner Wall. A _letter from City Engineer Tom I. JonesandWatez,- Superintendent W .T. .. Henderson, certifying that the new chlorinator equipment is operating satis- factorily at the Water Flant and recommending that Wallace & Tiernan, Ine., be paid the remaining amount of the eontraet:priee, amounting to $2,l02.0~, was presented for censideration. Motion by Oommissiener Lutz, seconded by CommiSSioner Bowman, that the.f'inal amount of the eom.traat price, amountim.g to $2;l02.0~, be paiti to Wa~laee Ie Tiernan7 Iue., for installation sf' ehlorilllatOl- efluipment at the Water Plant en :Milton street, as recommendeti by the City Engineer and Water Su.per- intendent. Voting Aye: Voting :No: :Mayor I.amk.in~ Commissioners :Bowman, Lutz and Wall. None. Estimate Bo. 1 from H. A. Klerks 60Dstruetien Campamy, in the amount Qf $1,671.00, for work 0empleteli on' altering alllQ. remodeling. the waterpump:tng building. at 3825 Milten street, was presented. with a letter from Smart,&: Whitehead, Architects, certif'yiitg that the job amd. materials on the site had . been examined. and recommending payment to II. A. nerks Const'ruction Company~ in aecor~nee with the estimate submitted. . J Motion by Cgmmissioner Bowman, seeoaded by Commissioner Lutz, that Estimate No. 1 in the amc)Ulllt of $1,'71.00 liue R. A. -Klerks COl1struetion Compauy, for wo:k completed in connection with altering and remodeling the water pumping building at 3825 Milton Street, be approved for payment as re- commended:by S:mart ~ Whitehead, Ar.7h~~ects. Voting Aye: . Mayor Lamkin, Oommissioners :Bowman, Lutz and Wall. Voting Wo: None Resolution No. ol-l~,as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: ."-- \ -...,. . ." '. ...' W1!IEREAS,the eity of West University Flace haseash available in the --c Tax eollector'sFundwhich will not be required far current oPerating expenses, and WBEBEAS, it is the objective of the Cit'yOo1llDl1ssion to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional .income and it i, necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, '1'BEREF@BE, EE.I'1' RESOLvED :BY 'fEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ern OF J ------' --~~~~- T 'no'"~~,-~"-, '--'~I' r~.u -, ,un "1 o n U o I--~ 2,5 7 WESTUNIV;ERBITYPL.A.CE., {f!,l~:XAS,:tl~~~.,th~ Qi;tY,T:r;e~&ur~. :LeJ:,J:ie~ebydi:r.-e,~:-< , .. ted to invest funds in the amount of $657000.00 in the Tax Colle~tor ,~~ ,,'., Fund, with Savings and Loan Associations at their preva:t.ling rate of divi- dend of 4%. .,' : '," ',,' _ <'J'",:;--,::/," . , , ": . L . "., ....,: Motion by Commissioner Wall, ~econded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 6l-l~" dj,.reetir.l~,.t~~,c,~ty:~~~~~~r.;.~o,:in"~!lt,:$.f)5,.OGQ~.o.~ f~om. th~T~x ;col~ -- lecto~~s ::ru.nd~ithS~v::L-ngi:, ,a:~.~~ .~o,~j,a.t~()~!l':a"p their:pr:evailing I'at~,pf-' , dividend",p,e ~sJl!ed&nda:p.pr:oy~,a,:~:::rea~~:>"'::,, ~'",:\:, " '_ ...";-J; i'" ,. ;): ....., : - !"j ~. ,". ':" :;.' ,'. :"~. .' ..:.. . : . Voting Aye:, .;Maypr ,:~n~;:eommfs.~io9:e1:s,~:B~n'I' ~u.tz,rand':il;all~, . Voting No: ' None.' " "':;~~:. -:" :.....: . ,::.:: ," ".: ":':",;'=;.~...~..-..~.; ."'':- ..~~~-.:J:..:...~~...:: . ,. .,~;-.: '.. '.._':;::~ '..'.. '~.:' ..~: >~>"'::".,~.1 'The 'tf:tty 'M;anl:!oger re{)o~ted. ;tJ::ta,t. tpe PQJ.,:I,~!lt; De~l'tmeti:t. ,haq" ,~d~;at:t (;i.nve~t:i-gati.on OIl n~,~emQer 5, 1961, of..,ttii ,~ii,:,g~a~',a~rtmetit:swb.~ra.ihe ~.City Atto:r:;r;I.f~lf~~Q,; . f:'oitotJt~~q., t~e , p_wnerJ3, .1ip()p.i~s~rv.~it.o~ ;pf'~e, ::q:~ti, qp~~ssio;q."i;~~,~, :Ol1e. .ii9;}'~~~~P was to be abated by January 1, 1962, 'or suit would be filed, and the following information was ,dE!t,e;rmi.nep.: :' ." : ',' '"., ""', .~".; "; '"(''' : ':" :;:;): :."\' '.~. . '::-- .....: ;. . ~. 5426 Buffalo SpeedWay Vacant 6341 Belmont - Vaca:nt" ,.:")', 4040 'Byron. Vacant 274q .,~~p~r.a' ~e7:",~imEFe~t,~'!ld,eq;;t.Q;""lzf,3l:/P2 3521 Nottingham - Vacant :3?01 Nottingham- Ay;>artment occupied by sister 'c ::~~~o,;~~~.s6i9~ :.i~str.~~~~,~~,t~~,'Qf-,~y",~n~e;r}o'i;~~i~,~(f4r~::^: ~~y ;,i;ged~p,',;o~; ~~~h (,','~ Not.-t:i:.jJ~l1~m.toth?, Ci i;Y,H~ll, '1;9.' "!$A~()pt:ls.,,,'t}1eOCG~R~:O:~Y" of', ~J.na~'bllori~ed) '.,11vi ng: . f;: qu~~~~.~.~ '..' ~ ,- ,.".:. >... :..-: :\;.,,~: 2~')"'-:.: ~". _" ....'-..; ;~: .,:'_~ "'<\:'i~" ~'.: .... ":.': .~~: ~: ." '. ~.~ .~ ~..."."n '::"' :~: ~: ,:'b-',' .~:;~.:r ~" ~.:. . .- .... .~:... '. _ ~..._ ~': -:~'-i ~:."')..:...."'~...:..;..('.j.'t>:-,:~] ..!'.... :" .~r;.. A ut~2r(it.y~s xeq-q,estep:: ,~(t alj;v~r.;f,~'j'fpr': bids. tQ.,cbet:p~,...qei v~j;; :f:Qr the '~fQl~Qwri:ng;: i;;~(~~ . ilJ,}J'i,ng.,t~e~.,~p~~~,~~~~~~~~~':f:f.Wi',;~~~~ P,Qo:J.'~~~:';~' ."7'~" ,.. ,; " ,-" ','," "b. Four patrol ca.rs fot Police Department. , ,.,) ,,,:,:"'" . .' " c. One a.utomobile foriuilding Inspector. '"o:~~;;,'E:t1~_~i~~~~~c o:~<< ,..".:'; ,.~:: :"i:,,,. Motion by Oommissioner Lutz,. se~~'!i~~d, ,PY:"::'iC:(j)JJIm1;$:S5J.on~~~'WlJlS;n',', tl1a:b::,:the ,ei-t~l' ..', -; Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be receiyed until 7:30 P.M., January~?,,;:lg6g,:+~ 9.;+;v:,~~gl~(9.W~;r;' ~4L}a,Ppwt-~~,~...~c~~;;:,t(j)iJ1',j s'Wti1llDt~ng popl.j, 4c:".. ,.'. . patrol carsf'or Police Department, one automobile for Buildi)!lg~~Inspect~I,' ,:.1 ',n,' truck for Garbage Department, onel ton pickup ~. Humane Of'ficer and one l ton pf<;;up::for 'W?:~,':JJ~t~r:p~,pq;tw.en:!#f:::':"" ~:';,:< '. .,.- . . .'i ;' I " '1;'. _~.; ~ '. ~r-~.r~.....' ..~:. ".~'., ~\~..,\1.,",. - .:~;it~:~;:~:D .:""i o,~" L .." . '0 0 :<. :'" :.... Voting:~~ :'; 14:~!'?~'~ ~i..li}."390_ssi!D~~lt!l.iiJ~n~;"Ji,ut~, " a"n.g..::'W~lj c.;.. VotingNo,~,::.,: No;ne'-':;;i_' ~.<::';;:-~;,' __ .:' >.'~ 'c'<'" .-' ',~ .~.;. :' c . " . ",1 . ~ . '. '. - ~. , .. j ,. - -- - . . /. ." .~r~-. . _~; t::~ ,t:.:?:.~. ~~~::' ' " ." , :" :..... ,'.' -, '. The" rate f.'oi:; 6~i,,~~:,:P99h;~e~~~p;)i~~ke~fJdl.ri~";t;~~:;'~n$ta+l~Jat<.Pl~n,w.etl).~d,. Qf '~,: payment W8.sdiscussed and ;the f'ollowing act~ol}~;1>~kel1:~:. ',:, ..,,'':>> Motion. by"Co~i.S!s~0?~;r:'1la~~1 . s~c@Jt~ea..1?Y~.G~~~lilfl~9g~J;', !J:.ut~~. :~~t.,~ea~Qth':'; . ':' tickets be,Jflet.~~>.'lQ:~,OQ,;fo~:::a,.>~il!lg;J:.e .t;ii:c.~ep,; > $14.00 f'Qi" a:eatij:43.;Y.~Qt' 11,W-O pat'~: ticipating . me~be:r:6'; ;,$~6...oo .,~9r; .a,:f.'..~;i;,!y 'of ;;:th1:e.e,;~~tic.i~ti,'ngmem1:>$:vs:;,~,and:';, ',:' $18.00 f'Or'foUTor"more'members,; and the 9PPol"tunity for purcha6ing the tickets on an insta.llment plan by adding 1/4 of' the ,total charge to.the monthly water bill for four months beginning with the bill to bemaired out February 1,1962, beapproved;further,~~t the general admi6sion charges be sent at 35; for . . ~,i,_~ ; T - , -- , , ''1' - '~'-------r , T ~ 258 children and 65~fora.dultl!U~ititl25f;,for., rion-swimmers who desire to enter'! the pool,s.!'ea'~ ' ,,' ' :_.,:) Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Dutz and Wa.ll. None. J Plans ,prepared by,the Houst'on Light'ing'& 'POlter <t<?ttJ:pa.ny'for a. lllercury 'vat,lo1-' streetlightingsysiiem'fot' Buf'~alo<~gpe'edW'aY'Weie 'submitted to the commis':' "" sion for approval. The plans designa.ted'~:toc,jtions'f'Cir 43'''' 2Oj'QOO lumen '", " mercury vapor ~mps on 30 ft. stand.al:d.s to repla.ce the present incandescent system serviced over ':heia.(Pdri wood~i{p61es,witb.undergr()und service. , ' ,.:;"': Motion by COmmisSioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that plans pz:ep- aredbY:the'HoustonLightfing&:Powet- eouipanyfor insta.1,:!:-at16ri of 43';.. 20,000 : lumen mercrU'yva.'p'orlamps 'oi{ 30' ':f!t\:standil to "replace the present irieandetr~en-t 'system 'servi,eedover 'head' bhi vood~n>p()t-es, with underground serv:t:,ce; be approfed. , " Voting Aye: " Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners(Bowman,Lutz, and Wall None. , CommisSioner RicEf arrived 'a:&' thist:tme. ' .. ;''; Mayor Lamkin staten that on November 13,,1961, Mr.' Robert V. Flanagan,Architect, repre:sentingthe',firmi of':'Pieroe: '& Pier tie ,: ':rnc,~ ,presented' pre iiminary:sketchesi/ pers,'eeti:Ve;~nd':.:eS!t!t'tDl1te,<O:B."a6s:tsf'orthe".proPosea; Comnmnity' Center. The;'C;oti::. < mission at that time authorized. some changes and modifications of the' ,desIgn",'" which have noW' been completed. PhaSe 1 of the architects' agreement with Pierce &Pier-ce '-:pr€)itlf.d$~ :&'E1ra.ceeptance of:': ,thefprel'indnary'des:i:gn' and' sketchesJ'ana.; i': .' under this agreement it is co~templa.ted that no further architectural work I Y will be eperformed' under, "the-'agreementuntilthe 'proposition- is voted otf1by U the eleetorate. . ,;",' ' , ' ..' , , , Motion bY-Commissioner Bowman, secondStllYby''C}olmdssioneI'''Rice,tha:t the'''pre- liminary plans,perspective and e$timat~(jf'aosts'prepe;red 'by' P;ie'rce &.1tierce, Architects, and designated as ~Q~e,etr.~'6t~Ol;"C:0mmuriit~ Ce!:ite~i~ b,~aecepted, satisfying the requirements of Phase 1 of the contract between the city and Pieree:& Pier~ee:;Areh!tteet's,;,{tia;ted:cJuBe"l,;1959.' "'" '''./ " , ,:C:,';,,:-;':' "'... .." ',,-" '. -l:' ....... ."" .- .". \.... " -'":' . _.r"' : '.' .!" . '.:. );i.L:", ~ ;>: voting' Ayel,~,:':May.or Lalliki,t:l; (}omissl;Otlers 'BE>W'rnan, 'Lutz, lUce a:nci'Waii.<'~'f-3';" f;";. Voting, No,:,f;',,:None~' :: " '. '. , , . ," "i;:-,';:,.-;.; , L ~~.!~. ;..: ,.~. i. Mayor Lamkin stated that the Finance Commitrtee'hEi.d:be'en' stlidying means 'afl;,;'':: financing construction of the ,propos~dCammunity Center other than through a bond issue, the-pefore,^ ,it Was':h:l's-:thaught it:yould' be:'desirable to; post'::;':< :7'> ',J' pone calling a. bond election in order to permit the committee'.to'-purS1:lEf"i" their study and mke a recommendati,on. The Commission agreed that any action , ' on thiS'$ttbijec~:shGuld-'be'postpbneil'until'December18tli'{'at~h1c1i time ' "',.,,";\ further consideration wil1:be;'giveti,~ - """ ,::; Mr. Marvin""Morelapd, :representingMcClungand KnicRerb6bker, presented a pla;tl for ref'ina-ncing $135,000 of',General'0bligatieri bonds issued 1n 1948;," 'and :;tneJf'ollbtfi ng :'ResoLution was: i ntreduced - ,and read "in ' full: ' , , '. t,) _' ,. " ",-' '. I., " : I' ~ r~~' --, - '''''I r - '1 o L'j o ~ u Ct:l CO o 10 I 259 " WBEltEAS,the :hereinafter describea outst~nding bonds of the eity (;)fWest Wn:I:versity Flaceareredeemab1:e;at the pleasure of the'cit"'tyat pa.r anE[aeerl1ed intere"at e;m' January T5, 1962, or em. " a.ny in'terest payment elate thereafter; "aild it'jJfnew'des:l.rable to " call said bonds; therefore ". :\: :BE :rr m:80LVED :BY THE eft! eeHMISSION 01' TIm arn: eFWE~' 9.lVsSITY PLACE, ~:na: ", . . .' . . . , , That, the: "City- 'Of west Universi tti Pla.e~,: TE:llCas', hereby. elects to exercfiae>i't-s option 'taredeem 'a.tpar ana, accrued interest, on January 15, tg62,:the hereinafter'deser1bElIii;bc>mds"s.nd the City Trea.surer is hereby authorized anti directed to give notice in the ,.nnerprescr,iblea1n theordinances"a.uthertl.zing. 'tiaid bonds that' sam have'been calted 'for redemption, 'insubstantially the follonmg'torml "' " " , "c" " ",' " '-, Bo't1ee is hereby gt'V'em. 'that the';([J:ttyot West University Place;' Texas; has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following described bontis: (1) "i ty ofUWestUn:iversi'ty' li'iaee, 'feXi:l.s') Street Improvement :Bonds, Se~!$~ 1,453 ,::'dated Se,tetb.ber' i, 1948, ~ nu'filberea.' from 45 to 128,' both ' inclusive, in the denomi"nation of $1,000 each, aggregating $84,000, , , bea.rtng" ilttetest's.:t ,the,,<?a4ie'S';o:f' ~3-l/~' and:' 3-1/4% per airaum,'" , :: ma.turtnS'Seri;ally;'llil each of t1ie';years:':L9~J' through,' 19'1 , both in- ' elusitve ,alia.: l'e<i~1Jlable:' on' Ja.nua.rY~5; 19'58'; er"on' any int~rest ,,' payment date~hereafte~, at ~ and accrued :interest,; and (2) ~~ty' o",We~ii"WJl~:v:~~~i;ty Pb.Q~",:Te~t:lS, St~~m: SeW~l:' :londs, Series, 1948):Alat~!l fll~Jll~e~ber-.J., 1948, 'n,uJ1lbeJ;"edfrom aa to ~e,b~thillcll1S1ve, :l.a the denom:l.~tion of $1, OOOeaeh, , agm:-ega.;b:l'llg$39 , oeo ;-be'~ring: "." interest at'the rates of 3-1j'ilf1, and 3-1/~])er annum;,ma.turing serial- ly. :i:.1Jlc:,~a~h,G:f/.:tl).eYe.a:rs1963 tl.p:,>~'\lIh.i:'.l9~J botk>'i:Qe1.uive, ;8.nli ' , redeemable on January '15, 1958, or' on any interest ~ymE!nt 4ate thereafter, at par and accrued interest; and . ..... . . .-- ) -. . ( 3) '",:~ity 'of west:WtiitveJisity"Flaee,' .'!~~a.s, 'GaXba;ge ' Dispo~al Bonds;' Series 1948, dated S~pte",ber .1, .1943, numbered. from 14 to 25, both i1'1elu~iVe,"itl, ti,.edenQlii:tilatiQn df'$l,OOO:'eaeh" 'adrepting$12,"OOO,' . bearing' 'iirt€!r~st' liar :tne rateso:f' 3i:.i/2!fo.'a:ria 3-ljlii{D'per: atmu:m /1J1a tlri'fng Serially in ea.ehof 'the "1eiii.rs 19t&3:through 19(ij8, both:'indlusivejana redeemable OIl January I~'n~5.~,:--oi"onz"a'8y';:'iiitere-st- paYment date there- after, at par andaearue(iiIitere~t. -'...' -- " ," ,," .'. .' A~1;4:r:;,sa:td'po.1'1ds 'havebee.11' eaJ..l,-ed fo~rede:ll1:pti0n.Qn. Jal1\lary 1;5:; 1962, . at;;'!hli~LF,Jtrst:att.y: lfat:islIa1 JlBank ,Q;f" JIoust-on,. "ltou'st,ot), ,TeXaS. (suc~elilsor t'o 'tlte'ia:i~y otfat'io.nal.'"BaBk1n.:}Ieus'ton, J1oust'on~';'fexas) w4erei:sa.id'bon~s .' ',shall~1he:cpjfeS;e.lll-te9-fQr:- i'a.~nj; '"a.~: p,s;r,,8.11d aaG~ile~ __~nterest,.tothe .date of call. 'Jia::t.~t<bon.d" sba.1,1,,'eea~.e to ,l;lear, ~nteI'est frOlll and :attar Jan:ua.ry 15, 1962;' ' . --" ., . - .;, , t ~,. .~, . --:--~ '26{} Motion by: ,CommissionerL)!tz'T~eC(>ndedby Commissionerliiee" thl;l'!;lte~\'Jl Resolution 6L~15., ~xerc:i.s1ngreserved option to redeem outstaliQingl;}~~a~ .,'.;,] bllJnb..$oi&itp city and ,~t~eriz:l.ng, the giving of notice of redemp- , tien, bepasse,d,and alirPr('i)veda~ read.'" Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, ~ommissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. , >~ll1e. City Attorney Charles Cockrell reported to the Commission that Burke Holman, Attorney, 1,"epre!i1.~m.tingpr,operty owners on :Bellaire Blvd.~, t."0i::ked, in the. z..9uing suit sctyledGeorge E. Marshall' etal, had, filed a,pliea.tio~_fo7;Writ of:Er7;or in the Supreme'Colllrt. . ". ~ .. .. . . A. request from, M.r .', ~ill lilechman, representing the Am.erican'Leglon" Post No.,77,:f0r~~m.issionto install six traffic-safety signs in, Weli;ltUniversity Place, was presented. The Commission agreed that they were not adverse to granting permission, as requested, however, t.heyai~desire i tQ, see eneof the, signs before such action is 'taken." , ' Aet1en vas alsQ,deferred OIl a request from residents in the 6300 ,bloek of Sewaneestreet for,permission to instl:j.lla "Children at Play" sign ,at, the ,;corner ot' sewallee and llIniversity :Blvd. as the Co~isSion desi~ed totake;~ctiep on bo~h re~uests at the same time. . " .. . It was b;rougbt to. the attention of t.he' C~nmnission 'that the regular meet1ng .-date )!or the fourth.- ltonEl.ajy would falL on Shristma.,s :eay, there~ fore, the followingaat,l.Oll De taken, provided by (i)rdinanee No., 725. , ' Motion by eommissioner Wall., aecended by eommissioner Lutz, that the present 'meeting b~,"reeessea. until !lecember lSth a:nd the option to fl)regothemeetins usually soheduledon ,the fourth MI1.mda;y be exer- cised: :as 'provided, by ordinanee lfo . 725. Voting k?Jei,' Ma10r'I.S.mki.n, Golmriissioners Bowma.n, Lutz, Rice & Wall. Voting' }ta: None~' .:....,.'., Minutes of t:he ,JP,eeting of :Nov.e~'be~ 27th,were approved as submitted. With no furth~r ~u~i~ess tocomebefare the Commis~d.on at this time; upon, mo'\;idn d.ulY1l;l8.de, seeor),dea. a.nd carried, themeeti~g was ,recessed. at'U~:.3HP~M~~o.~r~e~n~~~e.o~ ~o~~y!~e~e~b~r_ l~, 1961. ' , , *' ** .. *' ",**' ** '* * .. .... '* .. *' '* *' BE, ~S.- 'SED" ",~DlG OF em COMM!SSIO:N ' v;W MOWDAY~Dl!:~-U~, '1,961 - , - - - erhe O,itYCGlDBi.iSsion,ccimvene€l'inreaeSSE!cl session 'at the City JlallQu M.0ttds.Y;Deceniber ,18, 1961, 7:30 F.M., withthef"Qllowi~~ember,s present: .. 'Mayor :r.a;mkil:u,pres;tding, e'ol'DDlissioneJrs Bovma.n, Lutz, R:J.oe and W~ll. 'lfhe city Ranage'l" Wa.salsopresent~ ~e City-Attorney was ~bsent"hoyeVer, he had advised th8.t he would be~reseBt .lateril!l the eveUU!l.g. ' ., Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. Mayer,Lamkin announced that all the ~st meeting of the Ootm'JliSSion~ the Finance Clommittee asked for adli'htional time to study the city s ~ 1 1 .r" ..........,...-. -.=. ".<-0' "=''"f--------r -',' '------=r . c:~ !':~). f "'j ....... .--' ~_....< ~ .-...: ~"'1 :J i] o b":) o ~, u CO 00 o o q n; 1 ~Jj , . . '. financial situation ami make a recommenda.tion . f'or'fimancing the pro~ posed OOlllBlUaity Genter. After studying and considering t'he matter a~" great; length, they came to the eenclusion the City Commission, shou.ld. decitie' on, 'the ,'toposi~ion in the way they thou.sht bes1i. Mayor Lainkll!i' sta1ied.that~:everai'wa1S offinanclngtne :p.roposed 'buildings ,ha4 beem G()til~iiered; hW~ver.; they'h8.<i conal~ded'that'the'mesteeonomieal way wc)-dlcflbe t-nri;>ugh' a. DOna issue ~The . aetliln!Ssion agreetl tthat fer the best int'e~'st:'9f"th.e 'citfzeniil/anelect:1.on' shoula be' ca:lle'd'for JanUary RO~ .196)2 to consider the is~uarice of$325,OOOln:bbnds for the purpose of censt:mtet:tng~~ new.Community Center. Mr ~ Marvin. Morelam.d, representi5g Mcet:~~& & .'tiii.'ekero.OCker; financial advisors; 'informed i'~he Commis'sioB'" tha't'~''the'Stat~'>Sta:ttttes''reiU:1red'''a;' bond "eleetion:'te becalledJi6t more t1:i8;ri,;,6'"aa.1.~ :briess:,tba.,111 15 days bet'o~eth:e'aa.te: "$~t:f'or ';the eleeti'en,~~ ~~ ani pi"esen-e~d."thet'ej'11~:iwingnot:teecal1inga'special; inefi't:big :tor' 8:'00' ' A.M. 05 the 21st €lay at' December, 1961, ':t'or.thepurpose of . adopting a. . Res~~:u:1;~0ncal.ling a $3~5,Oe(i) bond. election to be held in the city on J'a!1tUi~i"20; 'i962~ .... '. '.. ..."..., '. "It 'i!hiskhall constitute the call and notice of' a ")il,ee~a.l"me$tins of" the City 'Co_is'sionot' theC:ity :ot' West,tfD:iTersity :Place, 'fexas; at . the regular . . .: "lIieeti..ng"plaee : df' .tddeommiSs1om, 'at' 8: 00' 0 t clack .' . A.M~ on the 21st ~y ofDe~ember, 1961, t'or the ,.; <>,..':p\1;lJ']ici'tiifet'ael6?p,#1:ng'a.--resolu.tioY1' calling a' . . ,: i,.~2',9(\)O'-b05'i'de1~~t~C\ln,~to ,be 'held in saHt city on ' "JaBury '20, 1962.' . EaQhci;f' '\;hee9,1imli~s:J,.01l1ers and the May~r affixed their signatures to the inst'tf_mtwitvins"notfeeand ::: edris~ni1rigto' the h01aing 'of ~ as;ee:La.l' meetl,mgon the 21st e.ay of December, 196i, for the speeif1elipurpose',' O:f'~~,t~mg .;~e. s8;~~ :r'esolution ?~P:.~~ a ,b~nci e ~e.ation. ~.. ,'-"'. " .' '- .' '- '.- .' '. '. ':' .. : - .,.':, . -". '. . . '" . . M:tn~~if'()~::;~J.i~ . Z0~ing ~'jna.n~~ng' E~~~d' meeting 011 Deeember 14;1961,. wet~.ip-re$~tit~a':to"'-ehe' eotDmi1'siotFa~d-'the f@llowing actib1i:takelll.: . , , , , Motio~ "Qy eo_ssion~r. JUee, seeendedby Oo'lBlilissioner :BOwman, that Kr. :it;::~~~~~iZ~~~~;f~~:~!~~:!l~:::p:~~;:~::d~:~;~l~h:' :;:~n~ & :pia.~rltn!it:'~artj. ~r.6v:lded there 'is: a lh":tveva.y conneeting nth. a' garage. .:.:,,:,~.,..,:.:\'";-J'''''''_':'\.;... .,..," -'-;..": ...~,~ ,-' ,~;: '. . .-~ "~ .. Voting Al~'i::'~ia;yor:{,.~1nkin, Commissioners iowtnaD.;' Lutz, Rice and Wall. votimg~~:'~:f~~,:~oiie '," ..... A5 invo'iee':'~Gm~Ma,.e;r Office ~Biture:aGmpa~yin the amount of $828.48 . for 48 11le.~~i,: ~o~ke;,s"ael1vereci' a,~~ 'i1i~:tal+ecf fit 'the locker reoms at the.:m.ew s'er'ra,!!'e,:ioe~te,r building on Miiton'street, was submitted with a letter fre:;tn~1i~ GitY:Manager reaommendiifltg that Payment be' made as the' .. 10ek~r~ had p~en~nstalled ~n coap~1anae with the city's specifieatio5S. . . :.,~;~~ .r<.r,V.~ ":r~"~:'~L;,' . '.' . ...:..L:.:":(..:.-C;. :::-'~. >.'..J':: :., .....:. t': .:,~.. , <';;. . .' . . M&tion By Cenunlssioner Lutz, 'seconded by OCMl1ll1issioner Riee" -- that lfa;yer Office Furni"ture OOJ!lpatJly be fl8.id th~ amount of $828.48 for lockers in- st~i~~~;''ri~tIi~''Serviceeeriter on Milt6i:I: Street in accordance with action takf!'ir:bY' the":Ofi.'oenim:tssion' on June'26,' 1961, and as .reeomm.encied by the wkt~~;$r~i-.i.~~ndent,. a:nd:,tHty'Manager . ..,. ..' . '.", r' ,','" ,... ". <l ~.. .~ "'--,~-- T ~'~~'~~"~~~~I T' u '1 262, / Voting Ape: Voting )To: Mayor Lamkin, CommissioIlers Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. City Manager Wh~tt Johnson advised that, construction wokk at 643~ Buffalo Speedway,asauth~izedby the Oity Commission for reason of' a building permit having been errc;neously issued by the City,had ,been cempleted and an invoice in the amQunt,of $1,086.40 had been received from Mt'. Paul Or oft , the e9ntracte.r,' employed by Mr. Sam Weinberger to rebuild the frontptlrch of his residence. 'J , ' Motion ,by GommissionerBovma.n; seconded by CommislS'a.oner Wall, that the amount of$1,086.4pbe paid to Mr. Paul Croft, President, South End lumber &: Buiid1.ng *te,l"ial.s, for rebuilding the front porch of ,the res.idence ofMr-. &: Mrs., Sam. ,Weinberger, 6434 Buffalo Speedway, in aq- eordance,with a p;rev;ou.sagreement. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, CoUunissioners Bowman; Lutz, :Rice and., Wall. None. A sign furnished by the American Legion Post 77 was presented to the Oommission with a requestfromt~t organization for the city to in- stall six of the safety signs at various loeati0nswithin~he ,eity. , ' Motion by eommissioner Wal1,seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that authority be given, for' 1n,sta,11ation of the 6 safety signs to be fur- nished. by American Legion Post 77, at locations to be designated by the City Manager. . .. Voting ,Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners BOWlDa.Ja, Lutz, Rice artEl, Wall. Voting No : -Bolle. (] A list of 15 insurance agents meeting the heretofore established re- . quirements as 'being eligible to receive\ a share of the commiss ions en t insur~nce, pr~miu~paid by the cit~.dtiring 1901, were submitted for consideration. . .. Rotiolil by (i)Qmmissioner'Wa.II,. seconde(i byGomm.~sioner Lutz, that the :f'011owing'insuranee.,~g~1its,beap,roved to receive a share of the aom- missions on insurance, premiumS;pai<JL by the city for the year 1961:' . Messrs. John E. BOyd, Jr. &: Sr. Wynne L. Creekmore , Eel J. Curry W. J. Gebhard . Charles :Hughes Ro bt. F. Hughes, ~y W. < Laird R .B. Overstreet . Seth W ~ Ramey C. V. Berson. ' FredA. Rhodes, Jr. W. B. Ruth T. P.I!ewitt, Jr. O. D. Whatley Joe o. Eason J. P. Huff ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz,. Rice and Wall. None. The City Manager advised the Oommission that the Houston Lighting ~ Power Companyhad.eompleted.removal of.poies and lines, from :Buffalo Speedway, in compliance with a written agreement between the city and Houston Lighting &: Power Company, dated February 27, 1961~ which provides ,for payment of 5r:f1/o of the actual cost of relocating J J"'" ,- '~I -, r--- -, r ' r' D L~ o ~ u CO CO o o ,--- ~63: the companyls facilities with the city's contribution not'to exceed , $3800. It was bis recemmendation that payment to Hou,ston LightiI1g & , ~!'C01lllllP1V3int1:te ,am(;nlnt' of $3800, be approved, since the aetual'cost of r(:'lll1oving and reloca.ting t1;l.efaeilities hadexceeded,"the first, estimate and a~ounted to approxima~ely $a,OOO.OO~ . ".... . Moti~n by Oommissi~ner Lu~z, se~onded by Commissioner Wall, that $3800 be pa,'id to the Houston L:J,ghi[;itlif & l'pw:er, Compat;ly fo;r removing and re+ocat- ing the street lighting:ta.ci+:t:t;ies oQ. Buffalo Speedway, in aeeorcilancewith the agreement between the oi ty 'and Jlouston Lighting, &, Power Company, ,dated Febru:ary'27, 19€i1.' , , Voting,Ay:e; Voting :No: Mayor Lamkin, OOmmissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. :None. Authority was requested for'paymentof an invo1cein the a.mount of $786.00 less ,2j, from American LaFra.nce for 200 ft. - It" fire hose and 400 :ft. - 2i~ fi~e hose, which has been delivered to the Fire Department in ac - c0rdance with their bid submitted on August 28, 1961, and action taken by theC~ty Commission, on ,Sept~~be~ 25, 1961. '~ . . " . . ~ :. ...... ;. '" , , Motion' by CommiSSioner Bice, secontiedby Commissioner Bowman, that the CityMel.nagerbe"atithorized to pay',the invoice from American LaFra~ce, in the amollnt of $7g6.00 ~ess 2$, for fire hose, in accordance with their bid submitted on August 28, 1961, and previous action taken by the Oommission. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamkin, Oommissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. A letter -.as received from Mr. P. M. McGilvray requ.esting that he be given an extension of time in 'vacating the unauthorized garage apartment at 3419 Carnegie street in which two young elders of the Mormon 'faith, John Dennis Hogan and Hal LaPray, are living. mr-. :McGi-lvray,-statedin his" letter tl:lat the two YOl1og elders do.not have too many months to go to com- plete their pledge to the 'church and they would like to continUe occull'ying the garage apartment until tkey complete one year. of service. After dis- cussing the matter, ,the Commission did not see fit to extend the time for Mr. McGilvray to 'comply with the notiCe given him by the Oity Attorney on, November 21, 1961. r City Attorney Charles Cockrell arrived at 'this time. With,'ref'erence to a request :f'rom residents in the 6300 block of Sewanee for installation of a sign "Ohildren at Play", the following action was taken:, Motion'by Oommissioner Wall, secbnded by Commissioner Lutz, that instal1a7 tion'of a sign "Children at ,Play" at the corner of' l1niversity Blvd. and Sewanee street, by city labor, be authorized with the residents in the 6300 block to purchase the sign in accordance with the city's speeifica~ tions as to materials and installation. ' Voting Aye:' Mayor La.mkin, Oommissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and WalL , V~ting No: None ~- l' ~1~"'" ~. ...::....~ .~----===r' 26~ Mr.F. M. Mainous, 3420 Albans, asked information regarding the pr0posed~ommUnityO~nter, particularly if the present buiiding was to be razed and a new one eonetrueted in the present location, the amount of bond issue and humber of years the bonds are to mature and if 'a tax inere,as~ ~a!3, necessary to finance the project. Mr . Mainons was.given'al1'details'of the prOject and was advised that . the present building Was' to be razed and a' bond. issue would be re':' quired, to matur'e'withi,n 11 y~ars, with an est:tmated 10% increase in taxes to retire the bOndsabd pay the annual cost pI' operating the (Jommuni ty Center. . With no further business to ceme' before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, secllmded and carried, the meeting was adjoUrned until 8:00 A.M. 'rlmrsday, December 21, 1961. .~^~~~ . MAYOR' . City of West 'University Place, 'fexas A'l'TEST: ~ .J ~'-~T~~ r ' ",-,-, ,-- o J o o L~ o ~ u CO CO o o c--' --- ~65 SPECIAL, MEETING OF OIfi 00MMISSION , 'TJnmsl?AY.' DECEMBER 21. 1961 The City'Commisaioa convened in :special session at, the Ci~y Hall on Thurs~y, Deeembe:r:, ~1,196l, 8lcOOA.M.,with the folloWing mem.bers present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding: Oommis~ioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Manager wasa~s() present. The City Attorney was absent. ~heJ!nvocationvas, ~onounced by Mayor Lamkin. . Mayor. Lamkin announced that this special meeting had been called for thepurpose,o:f'.calli.ng an election to decide whether or not the City Hall shall be authorized to issue $325,000 in bonds for the purpose of cQnstrlilcting a,.eommunity. Center. :Mr. .Rl;i.l..ph Br'Ow,n.ing,3032 Georgetown, appeared, before the Commission pro- testing the issuance of bonds for the purpose of constructing a Community Center. :Restated that, in his opinion it was wrong to do things for people other than the fUnctions of government and vas against increasing taxes for something peo~le sbould do :for themselves. Mayor Lamkin explained to Mr. ~own;i;l:lg that the aot1.oo' at'tliismeeting would beanty to call an elec- tion ;in order tha't theettizens might express' their desire. in the matter . and, de~cide',whether or not'to authorize the issuance _of bonds in the prin- cipaL amqunt'of$325, OOO"'for this purJ1lose and to authorize' taxes ;Jo be. levied sufticient ta,ay the interest on said bonds as it accrues. :~">: .. : . The fol'lE?Wirig<aesolution,61~16, was introduced and read in full: , " WlJElU!lA~; ;t.he(IJ;LtY-:'Ootmniss'ion of' the City of West University Place, Texas, deems,. it l'le.oe.ssary af;ld dei'sirable to call an election for the issuance of bonds for certain permanent public improvements hereinafter described, therefore " . ~ :. BE;rm' BES$L'V'EI) BY THE CJ'Tiff COMMISSION OF TEE OITY OF WEST lJNIVERSm PIAtilE:;' lJiIEXAB,f . Section 1. 1'hat a special el'eeti-en. shalLbe held in and thl"oughout the City of West University f'lace,'ifexas, on the 20th day of January, 1962, at which electi6nthere shall be submitted to the resident qualified elec- tors of said city Who OWIl"taxable property ,within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their' action thereupon, the fol,low;tQ,g prop?,si~iemJ t()-wit,;, . , , , . Sffll.Ll. THE' c;rtt Ge~SSIC)lf @F M"CfrTy0F WEST ' tmii1EaSffl m~,. AUTltOBlZED'fO iss~ THE:BOEDS '. @1>'lsA:ID C~' tt m PRDlOIPAL AAO~, OF $325,000-, MATURDlG SERIALLY WJI'!'lIDl 30 YEARS FROM TIlED. DATE OH,:DATES,:BEARING ~ST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED . 5%:'~~; JrOl\('~~,i:~PQ~ 0F OONSTRUCTJliG ' ~ .PtmL;I:C: m'B~~J.'t'J:S, TO-WIT,A :BUILDING 'r0 HOliISE Al;rIiW.Ri"' 4P:~A:N AtmrfORlruM FOR SAD) CITY", .... 'AND, TO t.E'vY TADS ,iJPeN'-ALL~TAXABLE PROPERTY WmmI SAiD em MOO1AI.t{'smmo;j:El\1.r' TO PAY THE J:NTERES'f eN . SAm :BO)IDS AS J:.f ACeRtmlB" Aim T@ CREATE Am> FROVIDE A S3I.'NKIWG F11.ND'TO FAY 'fEE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MA'flJRES Y ji l' -::::r ---'-"'--r -" ~ -or =r 26& Secti9n 2. !hat said election shalLbEfcqnduc:ted and held in the several election 'precincts of ,the Oit.y 6fWest University Place heretofore established, and at the respective polling places hereinaf:terstated, and the following named persons are,hereby apP0iElted offieers'toconduct sai.d election in said e1.ecti~n pre- ' cihncts; respect:iV'ely,to--i1i1;: Precinct No. 15 - ~ommunity Buildi~ 6104 Auden' Precinct No'. 87 - West University Elementary,Schoal 37:;6 Umiversity.:Blvd. PrecinctNc. 133 - City Hall . 3$00 lJni,versity'lllvd. Precinct No. 183 - street Dept. Bldg. 3820 Milton o H. E. Terry, Judge Mrs.. A. :B . Me<l:tnty , Clerk Mr. A. E. McGinty:, Clerk.. '. Mrs. 11. E . Terry , Clerk Mrs.' A.; C. Moss ': Clerk J~: H. .]larlow, Judge:'.. , . Mr ~ C. R. Wallaee,' Clerk Mr-s. O.,H.Wallace, €tlerk Mr's. J., i.Barlow, Olerk MrS. Jl[. 1l.Schadler,. ell.erk 'w. E~ EwingtJ~dge Mrs. W. E. Ewing:, Jr...j Clerk Mrs. H. M.Oliver,Jr., Clerk . Mr. H.M. 0liver, Jr .;J Clerk: Mrs. Sidney YOder,Clerk s. W. Garrison, Judge Mr. M~ B. Lee, IUerk.' Mt's. M. R. Lee, Clerk .. Mrs. S. w. Garrison, ,'61erk Mrs. J'. E ~ . E)zbur~, Clerk' :J ' ' Section 3. That the ballots of said election shall conform to Oha.pter 6 of the E~ection Code of the state of Texas, Chapter 492, Acts of the 52:nd Legisla-tlure 0f '!'exas ,1951, as amended; 'so far as applicable"aJid, in addition to the reql1iremen1;s of said Chapter, shall have pri~ted 'thereon the following: 0FFIl:1JIAL' BAI:.I.G'f . FQll . TIm- JrSSJANeE' 0F$$25, 000 B~lmS .. .... AGAniS'!' . Voting on said proposition shall be by voting machines, and each voter desiring to vote in, favor of'a PI"oposition sha.ll pull the voting pointer down iadica.ting "FQ~1f sl1eh proposition, alid ea.cl1 voter desiring to vote against the propos;i.t:iot\sha+l p'tillthe votiiig pointer down. indicating "Against!! ~u~h prol>os.:i:ti~li. <, .'. . As to absentleevotin~;~o'Wever, paper~ai.lbtsshal1'be used, and ab- sentee votes shrt.~lbe 'east iL.\U t~e ,~:[fice"9f' ~tl~el'Jity $ecretary at the City :B:all in We~t tJniTer.sity]'1.~ge" T~xasi Saia absentee ba.llots of said election,.shall cOJJf<;:>rm to the"r~.q~irelit~n:t;s of the Election COde, as amended, sof~r. astii,plicable",' an:~,.:i.t!.-.addlt:i:Qn to ..its r~quirements, shall. have printed ,thereenithe teUowiog,'" ':' fJ ~---~~... r" II T ~,,' > ~,~~ ,~" '''''I ' 2:61" OF:D'ICVL"MU.@'f o F@R ~ ISS~AN('JE OF ~:?~5,ooo llJOImS . :' . . . . .. . AGAINB't "" "ruE ISSUANCE ell' $32,5,000 BeNDS " , As to such proposition, ,the ablientee voter shall vote on the propD- sitton by scratching or marking oui; the e~pressionthat he, does not, wish to vote f'or, thus leaving the ene'net soseratched ormrked out as indicating his vote on sueh pz:opo$ition, ,in aeeordance 'with sai,a. ElectioneJdde, 'as amended. ' L"':l o ~ u co c::o , , Sect-i0n It..That Ela,ideleetio"D shallbehEllcliri aecordance 'wit;h tp.econ"; stitutfonand general laws of' the state of '.rexas andotily duly qualif'i,ed ," residentelecito;t's of's"aia. c:i..ty who own taXable 'property within' said' city and who have d~ly '!'E!udered the same f'or taxation shall bellualified" t(D vote ~ " o Section 5~ rrhat not:i,ce ~,f ~fl.iti eJ,.ee'!;i9~, $pt'!:1,J,.1;le giyen by: posting a copy of' a notice e~>nta;111~'I,'!g'a 'S1!~~tatitial'qo'py' iDftlli.$ ,reSolution at ' . .' ~... ~ . . . " ", . ' . :.>-'" ". . , . '.. : . , the eity Hall arulJ~','eae~,c:o:f',thef)~t~~ip~'pr~c~~-ets"'o1":the city not less ~han f'ourteen. (1lt.1~y~'prior:i>o, :tb.ed.al~bn: wh;tli!h filaid'election is to be held, a.n.dby~ub{i~at:totl':::cher'~q~t,S)l!i th;e ',sa~e: aay: in <aa.ch' 01' two (2) successive wee1is',inthe'}IQti~~S}i(~lj#q~:tQle;,S1a;id '1,levspape;r:"beill8 the of'- :fi'icial ,mewspaper; selected fore'said: cittiJ'. '~eceriia13e~wit)i,$ection 15, Article XXVI of the eityeharte~, and b~ng a newspaper published in the En.glish language and of general circulation. within said' city, ~he first of ,Said Pl.itil1'catioris,to'be~:tiB~e ~bt:ia:tE!r' than fourte'en(14) . days pr-ior to the'Glatese't for said." election. " Motion by Commissioner Bowma..n, s~c()n~ed by Commissioner Rice, that "" Resolll1tioD.. (\)1:'16, callil1g Elpec'ial bond eleeti(j)u, be passed and. approved as retld. , ' ' Veting,'Aye'i 'Ma:yer Lamldn;' e6mmi~,s,i'oners Bo"'W1R8.u, ];.],ltz,' Rice and Wap~~ VotimtWol'Non4. . " , , , Wlth'ne ~Ui-"thei- bUSi'ne:~s' 'to..eoni.~ '~~$:f'ore the eo_s,sion 'at this .time., upon motio'n'i'iuiy' Mae /seeonded8:nd aarrie'a. ,the Bi.eetin.g was adjourned" . . . '." '"~~"'~ " , .' .'. . . '.; '". . - :~,. .. :.;'y . ~'" '. . ". -,. . '. - . ", ;~' ",MAYOR "" "C.ity :0fWe,st,'v'n\f-versity Place, Texas A'J.IlfEm~: o