HomeMy WebLinkAbout02131997 ZPC Notice~ . : y ' • THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF HARRIS X CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE X NOTIC~ OI' M~~TING Notice is tiereby given tl~at the Zoning and Planning Commission ~ • of ttie City of West University Place will meet in REGULAR session at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on tlie 13TH day of FEBRUARY A.D. ~ 19~, in the CONFERENCE ROOM ~ City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas. A copy of the agenda for said meeting, sl~ow:tng tt~e sub~ect (s) of such meeting, is artact~ed liereto. I hereby certify ttiat I posted this notice on ttie bulletin board located at a place conveiiient to tlie public in the City Hall of West University Place at 1:45 o'clock, P.M., on t}ie 4Tx da of _ Y FEBRUARY , A.D., 19 97, nnd tliat such notice was posted for at least the three days preceding the day of the meeting, or, in the case of posting of this notice for a period not ut least the t}~ree days preceding the day of the meeting, tliat tliis notice was posted before tl~e meeting was convened, or called to order, and that such meeting was called because of an emergency or urgent public necessity. Wit e s my hand and t e eal of tl~e City of West University Place this ~ ~ ~ day of , A.D., 19 9, ~ :r-,~- - ~- - -- - - -- ~ _ - - - - - - • CI7'Y OF WEST UNIV~RSITX PLACE . IIY SECRETARY ~,,.~ : ~