HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Board Minutes April_3_2024 1
Loca�on: Recrea�on Center
Chair: Stephanie Magers
Secretary: Richard Cunningham
Board members present: Stephanie Magers, Richard Cunningham, Rebecca Brownlie, Ryan
Firth, Stephen Damiani, Laura (Lulu) Lopez, Maryann Grahmann, Lauren Griffith, Arlene Wells.
Board members absent: Sami Morrison, Sarah Barret
Staff: Susan White
Council members: (none)
Visitors: (none)
Call to Order: Stephanie Magers called the mee�ng to order at 6:36 p.m.
Ci�zen Comments: (None)
Approval of the minutes from February 7 mee�ng: Lulu Lopez moved to approve and Lauren
Griffith seconded. Unanimous approval.
Council Update: (Council member Shannon Carroll was unable to atend.) Susan White
suggested that board members check the update on the Facili�es Master Planning page. Council
has added more informa�on about the Community Building / Seniors project. There will soon
be a �meline. Susan sent link for board members to sign up to receive no�fica�ons.
The Capital Improvement Project (CIP) will be going to City Council the week of April 11. The
first project on the list is the Recrea�on Center’s jogging track. Others include upgrades to
Friends Park, the Rec Center playground, and Liberty Hill.
Friends Update: Susan White updated the Park Lovers’ Ball results. The 2024 total net is
$432,000. Susan noted that this year’s ball was unusual due to the number of specific items that
donors were asked to consider. There were ten park benches, for example. There were also
picnic tables and a bike rack, and a large swing. A dona�on for the swing alone was $25,000.
Altogether, such individual items accounted for $114,000 of the total received.
Susan suggested that in the future it would be good to consider specific dona�on items to
include at the ball. Most of the specific items from this year’s ball will have plaques or some
other way to iden�fy the donor. The next Park Lovers’ Ball will be February 8, 2025.
Parks & Recrea�on
Update: The Wier Park
upgrade is con�nuing.
Crews are currently
working to grade (level)
the ground. The drainage
system is also being
improved, par�cularly on
the Belmont side. The
playground equipment
has been repainted. Next
week there will be some
addi�onal grading before
the ar�ficial turf is laid.
Once the turf is installed,
the fitness equipment will
go in. The seat wall along
the Belmont entrance and the sidewalk that leads to the tennis courts will also be installed.
Susan said that
unfortunately, some of the
playground equipment that
included a built-in shade
structure does not meet the
city’s wind load
specifica�ons. While this is
disappoin�ng, she is s�ll
exploring other ideas to
provide shade over the 5-12
Wier Park is scheduled to
open near the end of May.
The contractor, Jerdon
Enterprise, L.P., says the
project is on track. Susan hopes to plan a grand opening celebra�on. (Wier Park construc�on
photos from April 18.)
The Fee Commitee, which includes Ryan Firth, Rebecca Brownlie and Laura Turley recently met
with Susan via Zoom to discuss poten�al fee increases. One op�on is to increase daily fees,
which have been $6.00 since 2019. That may increase to $8.00. Non-residents currently pay
$12.00 per day and that may increase to $16.00. This is low, Susan explained, compared to
Bellaire. The new fees, if enacted, will match what Bellaire currently charges.
Colonial Park memberships may also be raised to cover increases in pay for part-�me
employees. The increases, however, will not be great.
“Couples” memberships at Colonial may be eliminated altogether. Individual memberships are
currently $270.00. A couple is $350.00, but most other facili�es have only individual fees.
“Family” memberships will be retained at Colonial Park, but the Rec Center may have a different
set of users. Not many families come together to the Rec Center. Staff members have suggested
keeping only the individual memberships for adults, with a 50 percent discount for children
under 12 and seniors over 65. The Fee Commitee is considering these changes, but it wants to
study the data further before making a final recommenda�on.
Staff’s goal is to get the first dra� of their report to the Fee Commitee by April 22. Parks Board
members will get to review the proposed changes ahead of the next Parks Board mee�ng. Laura
Turley will bring it to the Senior Services board at their mee�ng on May 9 as well. The goal is for
the Parks Board to approve a recommenda�on to City Council at the June 5 Parks Board
mee�ng. Discussion followed regarding fee waivers for economic hardship.
The Parks Department will meet with its so�ware company on April 11 to address Electronic
Fund Transfers (EFTs) and automa�c dra�s. The goal is to make the process smoother and more
user-friendly. Any changes will roll out in January, along with new fee adjustments. Another
issue that will be discussed on April 11 is the recovery of credit card fees, which currently run
about $30,000 annually. Do we need to charge a processing fee for credit card payments? The
city atorney said there was nothing to prohibit this.
The Spring Fes�val was March 23.
The weather was excellent. About
900 people atended. (photos from
March 23)
The next big city gathering will be the
Centennial Fes�val on May 4 at
Colonial Park, 4:00-8:30 p.m. The pool
officially opens the following day. The
Centennial Fes�val will have
entertainment for all ages. There will
also be representa�ves from all city departments. The city’s Communica�ons Manager, Bianca
Cuccerre, is organizing the event.
Park Ambassador Reports:
Colonial Park West playground and decks – Lauren Griffith
Edloe Street Pathway – Richard Cunningham noted that the u�lity pole which had been
blocking a por�on of the new pathway has been relocated. Susan added that three more holly
trees have been added along the pathway near Sunset.
Huffington Park – Ryan Firth
Friends Park – Sami Morrison
Judson Park – Stephanie Magers
Recrea�on Center – Rebecca Brownlie noted that the fence has holes big enough for soccer
balls to pass through. Steve Damiani added that the soccer field is heavily used on weekends by
groups who are not necessarily authorized to be there. Susan will look into it and talk to people
at Tri-Sports, the organiza�on that maintains the field.
Colonial Park East – Maryann Grahmann
Colonial Park Pool – Stephen Damiani encouraged parents that their children might enjoy
joining the Piranhas swim team. Registra�on is open now. Tryouts are in about two weeks.
Piranhas is for ages from five to 17, but most are under 12.
Wier Park – Lulu Lopez. Stephanie, who lives across the street from Wier noted that work starts
promptly at 7:00 a.m. each day and that the work is progressing well.
Jennie Hughes Park – Sarah Barret
Whit Johnson Park – Arlene Wells
Old Business: (none)
New Business: (none)
Adjourned: 7:40 p.m. Unanimous.