HomeMy WebLinkAbout02121953 ZPC Minutes.~ '~ ~ MINU'T'ES OF REGULAR MEETIlVG ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD FEBRUARY 12, 1953 The Zoning & Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, February 12,.1953, with the following members present: Mr. Roy Maley, presiding; Messrs. Davis, Halbert, Hannah and Taylor. Mr. James Earl Adams, 4207 Albans, requested permission to move an existing garage five feet toward the rear of Lot 14, Block 9, College Court Place, since it is impossible for him to drive his automobile into the garage as there is only 9 feet 6 inches between the corner of the house and the garage. Mr. Adams stated that by moving the garage to the rear of the lot it would permit him enough space to get his automobile into the garage; however this would leave only 2 feet 8 inches between the garage and rear property line. The Board explained to Mr.. Adams that the Zoning Ordinance required that no structure be erected nearer than 5 feet to the rear property line but they would recommend the existing garage be moved to the west within one foot of the side property line and to the rear of the lot to within five feet of the property line. Mr. Adams agreed that this alternate would help solve his problem and requested that such recommendation be made to the City Council. Motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Halbert that the Zoning Board recommend to the City Council that a public hearing be called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit Mr. James Earl Adams to move his garage to within one foot of his west property line. Voting Aye: A11 Voting No : None Mr. James M. Parsons, representing Mrs. Jim Martin, 6544 Belmont appeared before the Board requesting permission to erect a recreation, storage and bathroom on an existing concrete foundation to the rear of the residence at the above address. Mrs. Parsons stated that the foundation existed from an old garage apartment which had been demolished, and that new construction would be connected to the existing house and become a part of the present dwelling. It was the desire of the Board to make a personal visit to the property before taking any action on this request. Mrs. Claude Lindsey, requested approval from the Board for erection of an additional bedroom to an existing garage apartment at 6344 Mercer. Mrs. Lindsey explained that the property was owned by her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pruitt who lives in the residence at the above address and that she and her family occupy the garage apartment which was erected in 1934. Mrs. Lindsey desired to add an additional bedroom to be occupied by a member of her immediate family. Motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Hannah that the Zoning Board recommend to the City Council that the request of Mrs. Claude Lindsey for permission to construct an additional bedroom to the existing garage apartment owned by Mrs. W. H. Pruitt, 6344 Mercer, be denied. Voting Aye: All Voting No None Mrs. Newton. C. Brown appeared before the Board representing Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomason who was requesting permission to make an extension to an existing garage building for living quarters at 2913-15 Cason. A plat of the property revealed that there was a duplex as well as a garage apartment now existing on the property. Motion by Mr. Halbert, seconded by Mr. Davis that the Board recommend that the request of Mrs. Newton C. Brown representing Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomason for per- mission to add living quarters to the rear of an existing garage building at 2913-15 Cason be denied. Voting Aye: All Voting No None ,~.,; Mr. George Housen, 632+ Mercer Street, appeared before the Board requesting information reference construction of a residence on Lot 10 B, Block 25, ,:~,; West University Place 1st Addition which fronts Virginia Street. Mr. Housen was advised that he did not have a zoning problem provided he conformed with °'~'" building requirements for that area. A letter from the West University Baptist Church requesting that Lot 7, Block 19, College View 1st Addition be rezoned for church purposes was again con- . sidered by the Board and the following action taken: Motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Hannah, that whereas West University Baptist Church has made its several applications to the Zoning Board of the City of West University Pl.a.ce, all pertaining to a plan for expansion for the church and coincident to such plan has purchased Lot 7, Block 19, College View 1st Addition, abutting the church property on the southwest, such lot being presently zoned for single family dwellings, and. said church having made its application to the Zoning and Planning Board that said lot be dezoned in order that it may be utilized for church purposes on a temporary basis, in violation however of the building requirements in what is called the fire zone area limits of the City of West University and the Zoning and Planning Board having considered the application of said church and its representative Mr. W. C. Williamson, the Board recommend that the application of said church to dezone said lot for church purposes be granted after a full hearing has been held in accordance with provisions of Ordinance No. 111 and appurtenant amend- ments thereto, but in the event and only in the event, that the West University Baptist Church amend its application that should application to dezone, be granted after hearing that the structure placed and utilized thereon would conform with provisions set forth in the Fire Zone Ordinance and building regu- lations including 8 inch masonry walls. Voting Aye: Messrs. Maley, Hannah, Davis and Taylor Voting No Pdr. Halbert The petition signed by property owners in the 28-29-30-3100 Blocks of Bissonnet Street requesting that the property be rezoned to permit erection of apartment units or duplexes was again considered. Motion by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that the request of various petitio- ners to rezone property on Bissonnet Street be denied. 5 4 p +~, Voting Aye : All Voting No None With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. SECPETARY 1