HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Travel ProceduresCITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,
Travel & Expense Procedures Manual
February 2, 2024
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1. Purpose of the Procedures
To protect the interest of the city of West University Place (“city”) and insure like treatment for all,
uniform procedures are established to govern expense allowances for city employees and city officials
who travel out of the city on city related business.
2. Advance Payments
Employees will be allowed to request advance payment on estimated expenses to finance contemplated
travel on City business. Upon review, the department director may authorize advance payment of the
estimated amount to the employee. When advance payments for travel expenses are made, the
reimbursement procedure, as stated in Section six, must still be followed. Advancing money for travel
expenses does not constitute approval for the expenditure of the entire amount so advanced, as all
expenditures must be justified and approved by the finance director. Requests for cash advances shall
be submitted to accounts payable at least ten (10) working days prior to the anticipated date of
3. Travel Expense Report
Any employee traveling on city business shall complete the Travel Expense Report (‘Report’) in which
a detailed record of their expenses must be stated. All items must be supported by receipts included
with the report unless specifically exempted by this procedure document. When the employee returns
from the trip, the employee’s Report is to be completed within five (5) business days. The form to be
used is located on the public drive in the Standard West U Forms folder. The finance department
will update the form as necessary. The period covered should include the date and time of departure
and return.
4. Expenses Approved for Reimbursement
The following list of expense classifications is for information and guidance in determining which
expenses are appropriate and reasonable when traveling on city business. The list is intended as a
guide and is not necessarily all-inclusive nor absolute. Discretion remains with the department
director, finance director and the city manager in approving travel expenses to provide for unusual
Items specifically prohibited include the purchase of personal items and alcoholic beverages.
Prohibited also are the expenses of the employee's family who accompany him/her on a trip.
Due to budgetary constraints, departments may set more restrictive policies for travel, but in no case
can the departmental approvals exceed the limitations allowed in the procedures manual.
Officials and employees are expected to make good judgment about travel expenses and have proper
regard for economy in conducting business away from West University Place.
a) Transportation: The least expensive air fare (advance purchase, non-refundable tickets) will
be considered standard air travel. Other classes of air fare may be used if advance purchase,
non-refundable tickets are not available. Air travel is usually more economical in time and
money when making a long trip.
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Round-trip tickets shall be purchased when air, rail or bus transportation is used. Employees
should purchase tickets using their city issued procurement card. If the employee pays for the
tickets, then receipts for travel expenditures must be obtained and submitted with the Report.
No travel allowances will be made over the actual cost of travel.
The use of personal automobiles for travel may be approved by the employee’s department
head when the convenience and best value of the city is served and when the convenience of
the employee is served. When personal automobiles are approved by the employee’s
department head for the convenience of the city, reimbursement will be at the rate set by the
U.S. General Services Administration (www.gsa.gov and select ‘POV Mileage
Reimbursement’ on the home page). Use an online mileage calculator
(i.e.,www.RandMcNally.com,www.Google.com/maps, www.distancebetweencities.us/) to
determine the current mileage between cities and provide a copy of the resulting mileage
calculation with the Report. Mileage reimbursement will be allowed between West University
Place and a Houston airport for employees (excluding employees who receive a monthly
automobile allowance) using personal automobiles to reach the airport. Parking fees will also
be allowed if the employee must park their car during the duration of their official leave of
absence (a receipt is necessary).
When personal automobiles are approved for the convenience of the employee, total allowance
shall in no case exceed the cost of standard air travel. If an air travel rate is not available, the
allowance shall be determined by the department director. When two or more employees are
traveling by personal automobile to the same destination on city business, they are encouraged
to carpool. Mileage reimbursement will start from home to hotel or conference unless the
employee leaves straight from work.
Mileage reimbursement will not be authorized for personal automobiles traveling within Harris
County and the immediately surrounding counties if the employee is receiving a monthly
automobile allowance from the city. Employees who receive a monthly car allowance can
request mileage reimbursement for 50% of the current GSA privately owned vehicle (POV)
mileage rate for travel outside of Harris County and the immediate surrounding counties.
Travel in city vehicles may be approved when circumstances warrant. When such travel is
approved, purchase of gasoline, oil, other routine supplies, and emergency repairs for the
vehicle will be allowed. The notation "city vehicle used" must be written on the Report. All
receipts for such payments must be furnished to obtain reimbursements. Repairs to personal
vehicles will not be reimbursed by the city.
Expenses for local transportation, such as taxi, or auto rental, will be allowed when such
transportation is necessary for conducting city business. Receipts are required for
reimbursement for auto rentals and ride share fees.
Expenses for parking and tolls with receipts will be allowed when such an expense is necessary
for conducting city business.
b) Hotel: Expenses will be paid for adequate lodging. Hotel accommodation should be
appropriate for the purpose of the trip and best value for the city comparable to market rates.
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Detailed receipts for lodging must be provided to obtain reimbursement. Refer to incidental
expenses for other charges incurred in addition to lodging costs. Lodging is not allowed for
less than a 60-mile one-way commute from City Hall for a conference or meeting, unless after
hour social events/activities accompany the conference or Director or City Manager approves
as it is in the best interest of the City.
c) Per Diem: When traveling, the U.S. General Services Administration’s per diem rates will
apply. On the first and last travel day, employees are only eligible for 75 percent of the total
M&IE rate for their travel location unless otherwise specifically approved. If the city or county
travel location is not listed on the GSA per diem rate page, then the standard Continental United
States (CONUS) rate, as defined by the GSA, applies. The per diem rates include meal related
tips and taxes, therefore the employee will not be reimbursed separately for those items.
Receipts are not required for the daily per diem allowance. Social events are covered with the
per diem allowance.
Meals included as part of the registration fee will not be reimbursed and thus should be
deducted from the per diem. Copies of agendas from the events attended should be included
with the report.
Reimbursement for meal and incidental expenses when no overnight travel is involved requires
that the reimbursement amount be reported as part of the employee's taxable income unless it
is a valid Group Meal with a clear business purpose and a list of attendees is supplied and
therefore will not be reimbursed.
(d) Telephone: Hotel charged telephone calls will be allowed reimbursement for official calls and
messages only. The employee should first use a city issued cell phone if one has been provided
to the employee.
(e) Registration Fees: Fees charged for registration at any convention, conference, training
seminar or meeting are allowed for reimbursement. A receipt or some proof of the fee, such
as a copy of the program setting forth the fee rate, must be provided with the report.
(f) Lodging, Meals and Travel Time When Traveling by Personal Automobile: In instances where
use of personal automobile for out-of-state travel is allowed for the convenience of the
employee and approved by department head, lodging, meals, and other expenses will be
allowed on the same basis as if the employee traveled by air.
(g) Other Methods of Reimbursement: If the city is to be reimbursed for the employee's travel
expenses by another government or agency, the employee may use the travel policy from that
government or agency for reimbursement of their travel expenses. A copy of the travel policy
for that government or agency must be attached to the employee's report. Also, employees
from other governments or agencies working with the city through joint task force agreements
may use the travel policy of their government or agency. A copy of the travel policy for that
government or agency must be attached to the report.
(h) Other Expenses: The city will reimburse for other expenses deemed necessary for official city
business (i.e., postage, etc..). Other expenses include but are not limited to fees and tips for
services, such as baggage handlers. It does not include expenses for laundry, cleaning and
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pressing of clothing, movie rental, or snacks. Note - laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing
will be reimbursed if the stay is more than five (5) working days.
(i) Non-Allowable Expenses: In-hotel pay television and videos, health clubs, spas, alcoholic
beverages, dry cleaning, and laundry.
(j) Spouse/Family Travel: When accompanied by a family member, an employee shall pay all
incremental costs related to having the member along on the trip. Examples of incremental
costs include the difference in lodging cost between single and double occupancy and all meal
and incidental costs of the family.
5. Overtime
Non-exempt employees shall be paid in accordance with Fair Labor Standards compensation 29 U.S.C.
Sec 201 et al when traveling and attending conferences. Conference socials outside of the conference
hours do not qualify for overtime.
6. Reimbursement
To be reimbursed for travel expenses, the employee must sign and enter them into the current financial
management system and have their department head approve their report within five working days
after their return to work at the City. No reimbursement will be made, or travel accounts will be closed
until the report has been approved by the department director and the finance department. The
department director and the finance department shall check for reasonableness, review the expenses,
and check the accuracy of transportation costs and time covered. Where cause is necessary, the report
will be submitted to the city manager, together with the opinions of the department director and the
finance director, for review.
7. Settlement of Advance Payments
If an employee has drawn expense money in advance, a settlement must be made based on actual
expenses and the unused balance promptly deposited with the finance department. If actual expenses
exceed the estimate, upon approval of the finance department, the employee will be reimbursed by the
city. Again, it is emphasized that when advance payments are made, they do not constitute approval
to spend this amount. All expenditures must be justified. Expenses not justified by the employee must
be reimbursed to the city and will be deducted from the employee’s payroll check if not timely repaid
by the employee. Reimbursement should be deposited with the Finance staff and the receipt should
be attached to the report.