HomeMy WebLinkAbout09211950 ZPC Minutes5
~,~NUT;S of ~.~~uLA.?~. i~F,TZraG
sF.PTEM.B',~ 21, 150
The Zoning ~ Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Hall
on Thursday September 21, 150, 7:30 P.i~. with the follo~r~ing members present:
1l~r. 0. C. Kin;.,, presiding; i~essrs. !Ellen, Daley and Taylor. Nor. Doss tivas
Dr. T. C. Norton, D.B.C. requested permission from the Board to conduct
the practice of Chiropody in a d~ti~elling located at 500 Kirby Drive which
he intends to occupy as a home and also conduct the practice of his pro-
ie~otion by Pdlr. Taylor, seconded by loTZ'. Allen that the request of Dr. Norton
to conduct the practice of Chiropody in a dwelling located at 600l~ Kirby
Drive be denied as this dwelling is located in an area zoned fer a single-
famil~T dstirelling unit only.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No : None
~I(r. A. H, Teltschik, 27l~0 University Blvd. appeared before the Board
asking pe_~mssion to enclose the west wall of an existing structure at
the rear of 2710 University Boulevard which. has been used as a garage but
is not large enough at present for this purpose. Pd~r. Teltschik advised
that he desired to enclose this open portion of the gall and seal the
structure in order that he might use it as a ~:~ractice room in connection
with his concert work.
iv~otion by Pvlr. Allen, seconded by i~r. Laley that the request of I+~r. Teltschik;
for permission to enclose the west wall of an existing building at the rear
of 27~U University Boulevard be recommended for approval subject to exe-
cution of the usual affidavit as to non-commercial use.
Voting A.ye : All
Voting No : None
Pers. Ne~~ton Brown appeared before the Board asking information with refer-
ence to operating a kinder~arter~ at X120 Bellaire Boulevard at the corner
of Fairhaven Street. The Board advised P'rs. Bro~ron that this location was
in an area zoned for single family d•~relLing units and in their opinion it
was not advisable to recommend a change in the Zcnin~ Ordinance at this
rir'. H. A, Barnett, o~rcner of Lot 1, Block 1lt, ti`dest University Place lst
Addition requested the Board tc recommend approval of a change in the re-
subdivision made on this lot on January 20, 19l~9, :Waking one 80 x 100 Ft.
lot and two 6G x 100 Ft. lots. lair. Barnett stated that he built a house
cn the s0 x 100 Ft. lot and t'::ere was not enough back yard space. i~1r.
Barnett requested permission to take 5 Ft. from Lot 1B making Lot lA
85 x 100 and Lot 1B 55 x 100 Ft. Lot 1C would remain 60 x l0U Ft.
Motion by Mr. Allen, seconded by ivs. Taylor that the request of ~~r. Barnett
for a change in the resubuivision of Lot 1, Block 11~, G"pest Universit~r Place
lst be approved making Lot lA ~5 x l0U Ft. to front on Bromaton Road, and
Lot 1B 55 x 100 Ft. to front on Pittsburg and Lot 1C to remain 60 x 100 Ft.
t front on Pittsburg.
Voting Aye: A.11
Voting No : None
The Board took the following action ratifying a reco~rimendation made to the
City Council on eptember 11, 190, ~rrith ref erence to a request submitted
by Nir. Geo. Fegter 351l~ Cason tc remove his present one car garage building
and erect a taro car garage building with 16 x 16 Ft. living quarters to be
occupied by a member of his family..
Motion by ~~r. Taylor, seconded by TTr. Allen that action of the Board on
September 11, 1950, recommending approval of the request submitted by ;dir.
Geo. Fegter, 3511 Cason to remove his present garage and erect a t+^ro car
garage building vrith lb x lb~ living quarters to be occupied by a member
of his family, subject to execution of` affidavit, be ratified..
Vot ing Aye ; All
Voting No ; None
wdith no further business to come befcre the Board at this time, upcn motion
duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned.
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