HomeMy WebLinkAbout08171950 ZPC Minutes MINUTE'S OF REGULAR MEETING ZONING & PLANNING BOARD AUGUST 17, 1950 The Zoning ~ Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, 7:30 P.i~. August 17, 1950, with the following members present: '~:r. 0. C. King, presiding: Messrs. Allen and Maley. Messrs. Moss and Taylor were absent. ;sirs. Rubyr ~'~right, 315 Sunset Boulevard, requested permission from the Board t o remodel anu a:~d bath facilities to an existing room attached to the garage on her premises at the above address. lYirs. aright stated that '" the room and bath ;would be occupied as sleeping quarters by a member of her family and would contain no cooking facilities. Motion by ~(ir. Allen, seconded by Pair. Maley that the request of bars. Ruby "`" Nright for permission to remodel and add bath facilities to the existing ,~ room attached to her garage be recommended for approval subject to exe- cution of affidavit stating that the structure would not be rented or used for commercial purposes. Voting Aye: All Voting ldo Ncne Mr. Taylor arrived at this time. l~r..David E. Rose submitted plans for a proposed office building on Lot 27, Block , Tangley Terrace Addition which is located at the corner of Tangley Road and Kirby Drive, and requested permission to construct the building in t~vo units. bir. Rose desires to build a 1~5 x 27 l~'t. masonry constructed building on the north portion of the lot with a set-back of 10 feet on Kirby i~rive in lieu of the 30 Ft. as n:w required by the Zoning Ordinance, as a first unit. Mr. Rose proposes to provide parking, space bet.~reen the new building and. the existing residence on the south of the lot :which he intends tc remove bef ore the second unit of the office building is con- structed. The request for a 10 Ft. set-back on Kirb~~r Drive along the east property line of Lot 27, B1ocr 5, Tangley Terrace Addition was made for reason that the lot is only 55' ~:dide and a 30' set-back would not leave enough space for the desired building. lair. Rose stated that the proposed second unit would set back 30' from Tangley Road with parking space pro- vided, anei. that the building; would also have an entrance frontin on Tangley Road. Motion by Mr. Maley, seconded by Mr. Allen that the request of Mr. David E. Rose for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit a set-back on Kirby Drive at dot 27, Block 5, Tangley Terrace Addition of 10 Ft. in lieu of the 30' set-back noyv required and to build a first unit of the office building to face on Kirby Drive be recommended for approval; provided how- ever, that'~pr.oposed Unit No. 2 be constructed with the main entrance facing south on Tangley Road and a 30' set-back line on Tangley Road be observed. • .Voting Aye: All Voting No None ~~~ Mr. R. A. Smoth rs, 653l~ Mercer Street, requested permission to build a garage 22 x 30' on the north z oaf -Lot 11, Block 35 which is directly west of the north z of Lot 2 , `+~est University Place lst Addition on which his home is located. Mr. Smothers stated that he proposes to build a 2-car garage with extra space for storage on the east end of the north z of Lot 11 as shown on the sketch submitted. Motion by Mtr. Rllen, seconded by Mr. Terry that the request of Mr. Smothers to build a 22 x 30 F't. two car garage with extra space for storage on the east end of the north 2 of Lot 11, Block 35, West University Place lst Addition as shown on sketch submitted be ap~roved. Voting Aye: All Doting No Atone ~Jith no further business to come bef ore the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned. SE~P~ETARY ' ..-- CH..IRiUtAN ,~ n