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APRIL 20, 1950
The Zenin and Planning Boor, convened in regular session at the City Hall
on Thursday, April 2U, 1950, 7:30 P.Pv1. with the following members present:.
Mr. 0. C. King, presiding; it~essrs. Chavanne, Jones and Maley. Psir. Allen
was absent.
Cdr. R. E. Senay, 3902 Byron Street appeared before the Board requesting
permission. to erect a 12~ x 12~ utility house in his back yard. The utili-
ty house is to consist of No. 105 siding with a composition roof.
Motion by Mr. Chavanne, seconded by hr. Maley that the Board recorunend that
the request of Mr. R. E. Senay for permission to erect a 12' x 12' utility
house in his back yard be ;ranted, subject to execution of usual affidavit
that the structure gill not be used for commercial purposes.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No : None
i+.4r. and Rrs. Ey. J. McCarthy, 3725 Sunset Boulevard appeared before the
Board and requested permission to build an addition to their two-car gar-
age approximately ~ Ft. in width or a sufficient distance to convert a
portion of the garage space into a servants quarters.
Motion by ~i~r. Jones, seconded by P„1r. Chavanne that the Board recommend
that the request of R~lr. and Mrs. McCarthy to extend their two-car garage
in an easterly direction a sufficient distance to enable them to convert
a portion of the garage into a servants quarters not to exceed 250 Sq. Ft.
in area and to contain no kitchen facilities be granted subject to exe-
cution of usual affidavit that the structure ~Ti11 not be used for com-
mercial purposes.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No : None
A letter to the Zoning Board dated April ltd, 1950, from City secretary
r'dhitt Johnson advised that a 2~r. J. E. Leicher had made inquiry relative
to the use of the unimproved ~ acre tract of land known as Cambridge Place
which is located on"Bellaire Blvd. adjacent to the G.H. & S.A. Railroad
Track as a play ground by the Jewish Youth Organization. In view of the
fact that the Board way not given sufficient information as to the nature
or extent of use the organization proposes of the property, no action was
~lith no further business to -come before the Board at this time, the meeting
was adjourned.
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