HomeMy WebLinkAbout01201949 ZPC Minutes~~ IoTINU`I'~ C' ~C,vULr1R: IEE'I'Iidu ~~i~1I id G 3c PLATU:v I id u ::3 GARli JAid L'ARY 2 Q, 1919 The Zoning €~ Planning Board of the City of ~tiest University Place met in ~ regular session at the City Hall or. Thursday, January 20, 1'?49, 7:30 P.P~. °~~rith the following me:cbers present: i~"r. 0. C. King, presiding; u:r. F. C. Jones, iu~Ir. Buncan A1.ien, y~r. H. J. Chavanne. :r. Roy +ialey was absent. fir. Gus l3. Reeves, o~mer of Lot 21, Block 1, Section 7 appeared before the Board requesting permission to face a proposed home on ~dloe Street instead of Arnold Street. 'he Board ad-rised P.;r. Reeves to have deed restrictions of Sunset Terrace checked to determine whet:~rer cr not this would be in violation. If not, the Heard vrould be glace. to consider the matter further. Nr. Lawrence P.. Gia~ir., representing ~rir._ A. Js .Penick, 2931 Amherst, desired approval of plans for .construction of~a ne~~ara~e with play room to replace tY:e present garage which has servants quarters or Tlay room above. :lotion by ~~~r. A11en, seconded by dir. Chavanne that the request of ~"fir. :~~~~in for approval of plans for construction of a ne~,~ Jarage Frith play rcom and bath facilities above be grantee subject to execution of affidavit stating that this structure ~;-i11 not be used commercially. °: offing A;,~e : All 'Doting No None i~air. Janes H. s:c~uirt, amrer of Lot 6, Block 20, -:`Vest University ;lace 1st. Addition requested an opinion of the Board as to the possibility of dividing the existi:n& lot into tr°ro lots so that each may be disposed. of separately. fine dimensions of each let ,r~ould be 1G0 X 150' fronting on University Boulevard. and 70 X 100' frontir..g on sTakeforest Street. I t i°:as the opinion of the Board that a request for subdivision of Lot 6, Block 20, 'West Universit~l Place 1st. Addition as outlined wauld meet taxi t}r favorable consideration. h.:r. J. L. Smith, 6537 :fiercer Street appeared before the Board. requesting per- mission to erect a storage rcom 15' X 18' onto his present garage. iJotion by P~?r. Chava~ne, seconded by lair. Allen that permission be granted i~7r. J. L. Smith to-ere•ot a storage room onto his present garage building not to ex;.eed l~' .X •~18' . Voting Aye: All Voting No None hfir. Eugene T. Seeley, 3~21~ University Boule~,rard desired permission to enclose a front porch on his Nome ~^~~hich Y~ould extend the front of the building about 32 feet inside the 30' set back line. The Board a;.vised r. Seeley they ~coald recommend apt:~roval of his request subject to a -~critten state'~'~e:~t from adjacent property o:~zrers on Universi.ty~ Boulevard stating they had r7o objection to the enclosure of the front porch. ?';"rs. S. T. Sikes, Jr., 5435 Brom.pton, appeared before: the Board desiring per- mission to subdivide Lot 1, Bloc's 1~, "pest University Place lat. Addition into - three lets. The dimensions of the lots ~rculd be 30' X 100' to face on Brcmpton Road, and two 50 X 100' lots to face on Pittsburg. Potion by ~Zr. A1.1en, seconded by ulr. Jones, that mot 1, Block ll~, ~`est university Place 1st. Addition be subdivided into three lets as follows: Lct 1~ to ?ce 80x100' ';,o face on Bro;~pton Road, Lot lb and le to be 60° x 1:?0' to face on Pittsburg. `doting Aye: All Voting No: None sir. J. D. Allstott, 112, arquet,te, advisees t'~e Board than, he was desirous of b~.zying 3' of the adjoining lot ~.~rhich was o;~rned by his Cotner, P.1rs. A. L. Allstott and asked that the Bo~.~rd approve t'^e subdivision of dot 102 Fairhaven ,vhich is 60' in ~rridth at the ;resent time. ~~it:tier. b;yr ~r~r. Allen, seconnded by P~°.r. Chavanne, teat permission be granted for ttie sub~ivison of Lot. 102, whereby 3 ft. may be added to Lot 103, Fairhaven. Voting A;,re : All Voting No None ~~ `rith reference to action of the Zoning Board on January r, 19119, approving of the construction of servants quarters at premises at 651.6 Buffalo Speedway, t~-:e folloNing action was taken: Lotion by =fir. Aden, seconded by iy:r. Chavanne, teat action approving constructs or_ of servar_•ts :quarters by fr, C. +. Burkhart %~e ratified. Voting Aye: All Voting No None ?~Uith no further b+a mess to core before the Board at this .time, the meetsnb ~~~as adjourned. ~r . /i --sip-cam/' // .%~iYZ~~~~-' SuC~t A Y 1