HomeMy WebLinkAbout12161948 ZPC Minutes MINUTES GF REGULAR MEETING ZUNING & PLANNING BOARD DECEMBEP~ 16, 19l~8 The Zoning & Planning Board of the City of Tdest University Place met in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, December 16, 7:30 P.~. with the following members present: 1~r. 0. C. King, presiding, Mr. F. C._Jones, :fir. Rcy Maley, and Per. Duncan F. Allen. Mr. H: J. Chavanne was absent. Mr. ~. F. Cawlfield, 3131 Tangley, appeared before the Board and explained that he had recently constructed an enclosed stairway on his garage apartment lo- cated at the above address which added a small amount of floor space to the existing building without first having obtained a building permit. Mr. Cawl- field requested the Board to approve the issuance of a building permit ~n order that he might finish the work on this str'acture. Motion by Mr. Allen, seconded by Per. Jones that a permit for enlarging .the garage apartment at 3131 Tangley Street be denied as it is a non-ccnform:ing building built in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. H. J. Chava.nne arrived at this time. Mr. John T. Crook, o~7ier of the east ~S' or Lot 6 arna a_1 of Lot 7 and west ' of Lot , Block 5, Tangley Terrace, requested the Board to waive the 51~ brick restrictions on this property to permit him to build a home of asbestos siding. Action on this request was deferred until members of the Board had an opportunity to make a personal inspection of other property in the vicinity. ~r. Robert L. Bonfield, Attorney representing IUtr. David Feldman made a re- quest that the Board consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit business establishments on certain property bettiveen +~est Point and Fairhaven Street. It was explained tc ~lir. Bonfield that the procedure on requests of this nature was to get a petition signed by all property ov+rners ~rrithin 20U' stating they had no objections to the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance per- mitting business establishments at this location, and t_~e Board v~~ould be glad to consider the matter at that time. ~Lr. Carl F. Modglr~, owner of Lot 3, Block 88, Nest University Place 2nd Addition which is dedicated to face Buffalo Speedway, requested permission of the Board to subdivide this l0O' x 150' Lot into two 75 x 100' Lots, both to face north on Albans Road. The Boarci advised i~r. Modglin that if the 30' set back lines were observed on the 75 x l0U' corner lot the building area would be very small but they would approve a subdivision to permit one 50 x 100' Lot on the west 50' of Lot 3 and a 100 x lU0 Ft. lot on the east of Lot 3, both to face Albans Road, or if he desired to build only one house on this lot they would recommend that the house face Albans Road. Mr. and n~rs. E. 0. ~Tiesner, 2620 Talbot, appeared before the Board stating they had obtained a permit for completion of both electrical and plumbing work cn a garage apartment at t'-~s address which was constructed in 1931. C~ Mr. Wiesner stated that the city now refused to furnish them with an inspection of the electrical wiring on grounds that they do not have a building permit, also that the building inspector had refused to issue a building permit. Mr. ~'Yiesner requested the Board to ~~.pprove the issuance of a building permit in view of the fact that a considerable outlay of money as well as inconvenience has been caused through the issuance of the. plumbing and electrical permits. Motion by 9~r. Jones, secended by Mr. Allen that the Zoning Board decline issuance of a building permit for work on the garage apartment of Mr. & Mrs. E. 0. Niesner, 2620 Talbot Street as a permit of this nature would be in vi- oiation of the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None JVith no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting; was adjourned. L 7. SEC°ET~RY C AIRMAN L