HomeMy WebLinkAbout11191948 ZPC MinutesMINUTES OF '~EGULAR MEETING
NGVFMBE!~ 19 19?~8
The newly appointed ..-,embers of the Zoninb g Planning Board of the City of
.hest University Place met in their first meeting at the City Hall on Thurs-
day November 18, 19l~8, 7:30 P.M. with the following membe^s present: Mr.
0. C. King, Acting as temporary Chairman, Mr. H. J. Chavanne, Mr. Franklin
C. Jones, and Mr. Roy Maley. Mr. Duncan P. Allen was absent.
Mr. King stated that the first order of business wo~~ld be to elect a perma-
nent Chairman.
Motion by Mr. Chavanne, seconded by Mr. Maley that SFr. King be elected Chair-
man of the Zoning & Planning Board.
Voting A.ye: All
Voting No: None
Mr. Bond, of the Ea~~t End Development_Company, X011 La~ti Street, appeared
before the Board requesting permission to move a construction office building
to property on ~Yakeforest Street near the intersection of Bissonnet. Mr.
Bond stated that he would not be in the process of construction in this
locality for about trvo months, but desired to move the office building to
the property at this time and ob~ain a permit to occupy this space for a
period of six months.
Motion by Mr. Jones, seconded b}r Mr. Chavanne that application of Mr. Bond
for a temporary permit for a construction office to be moved onto property
on J~a'..ceforest Street near the intersection of Bissonnet be tabled for the
time being; to be considered again after ~Ir. Bond has definite information
that he will proceed with construction work in this area.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Mr. Howe..L1 Jones 5512 Buffalo Speedway, requested a clarification of the
Zoning Ordinance as to the use of vacant property for the grorviog of flowers
and vegetables in a single-family dwelling district. This matter was referred
to the City Attorney for an opinion.
Mr. Lee R. Chatham, 2920 Tangley, requested permission to construct a work-
shop to his present two-car garage which would not be larger than 6 ft. in
width by 18 ft. in length with no facilities within the structure other than
r~orkbench and storage shelves. The Board arproved this request on November
l~, 1918, at a special meeting.
Motion by Prlr. Chavane, seconded by Mr. Maley that action of the Board on
November 1t, 1948 approving request of Mr. Chatham to construct a workshop
to his present two-car garage be ratified.
Voting Aye.: All
Voting No: None
Mr. Anvil Colemenares of McRan Co., appeared before the Board and advised
that he was desirous of erecting a building of Strand Steel Construction on
a 25' lot facing west on ~Neslayan near the intersection of Bellaire Boulevard
for an individual who wished to use this structure as a book shop. Mr. Cole-
.- menaces desired approval from the Zoning Board on this type of construction.
blot ion by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Maley that the Board advise that the
erection of a Strand Steel building tiwith corrugated sheet or asbestos siding
would be in violation of provisions in Section 1~, of the Zoning Ordinance of
the City.
bor. Anvil Colemenares, also advised that he was owner of a vacant lot in the
2700 Block of Nroxton Road facing worth, and desired to build a duplex on
this lot since there are two duplexes on the adjacent lots and apartment
buildings on the north side of ~uroxton Road in the 2700 Block. It was sug-
gested that Mr. Coleenares obtain a petition signed by property owners within
a distance of 200 ft. of this lot stating that there would be no objection
to construction of a duplex building, and the Board would further consider
the request...,,
Mr. R. F. Herndon, Jr., 1~141t University Boulevard requested approval of plans
to enlarge his home at this address. The Board found no objection with ex-
ception of a screened porch which would extend toward the street property
`dine an additional t~.ro feet. iJirr. Herndon was advised that permission would
be granted if it was determined that this extension. was not in violation of
the set-back line after investigation had been made.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting
was adjourned.
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