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CCTO BER. 21, 19118
The Zoning and Planning Board
gular session at the CityT Hall
the following members present:
Eberling and Mr. O. C. King..
of the City of '~dest University Place met in ne-
on Thursday, October 21, 19l~8, 7:3U P.:. with
lvir. Chas. D. T~ehr, presiding; t~r~. '~d. E.
Dir. ?tSehr explained that Mr. H. E. Terry had submitted his resignation as
Chairman of the Board follo~n-ing h:is appoirt~~~en t to the City Council to fill
the vacancy created by the resignation of Conunissioner Douglass, and nominations
were now in order for a Chairman.
~~otion by b~~~s. Eb`rling, seconded by u:r. I~~Iehr that Fv~r. King be nominated as
Chairman. of the Zoning; Board to fill the vacancy created by resignation of hTr.
H.,E. Terry.
"`"` Voting A,ye : All
K ± Voting Noe c None
i~r. P. Bongio 6712 Vanderbilt, requested permission to subdivide the East z
of Lot 7, Block , :lest University Place lst. Addition into two tracts 50 X 100';
one to face north on Cason Street, and the south tract to become a part of the
South 100 F't. of Lot 8, Block I<, Nest University Place 1st Addition.
AZotion by Mr. Mehr, seconded by Mrs. Eberling, that the request of Mr. Bongio,
be granted wherein the East of Lot 7, Block 1t, ~~est University Place 1st
Addition be subdivided to form two separate tracts of land; one tract to be
50 X 100 Ft. facing North on Cason Street, and the south tract to be 50 X 100
Ft. to become a part of the South 100' of Lot 8, Block 1t, Nest University Place
1st Addition.
Voting Aye : All
Voting Noe: None
Mr. F. F. Douglass, 61~4U ~lakeforest, appeared before the Board requesting
permission to obtain a permit to make ir~ti.rovements to existing servants
quarters which measures 13 X 16.6 Ft.
Motion by Mr. Mehr, seconded by ~+'irs. Eberling that the request of Mr. Douglass
for improvements to his servants quarters be granted provided same stays .within
the specified amount of square footage called for in the building code and used
for servants quarters only and affidavit is properly executed stating that same
will not be used for rental purposes.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
dir. J, F. Currie, X105 '.ti`estheimer, requested permission to re-subdivide lots
7, and 9 in Block of Bissonnet Pace, creating 60 foot building sites in-
stead of the 50 foot sites as originally set out in the subdivision. Mr.
Currie explained that Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Rlock 1t are the only unimproved
lots in Block 1t facing on Arnold Street and the west 10 feet of lot 7 have al-
ready been re-subdivided and added to lot 6 upon which improvements had been
P~Iotion by P~Ir. Fehr, seconded by ~1rs. Eberling that the request of i~Ir. Currie
be granted permitting, him to re-subdivide east t~0 ft. of Lot 7, all of lot 8,
and the west 30' of Lot ~, making t-~.o building sites 60 ft. in ~vidth and 105
Ft. in depth to face Arnold Street.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
~+Ir. A. F. ;~eyer, otianer of property on iviercer and Bissonnet advised the Board
that he was desirous of making application for amendment to the Zoning Ordinance
permitting him to build a four unit apartment. ter. Beyer was informed that
the general procecure for making an application of t~~is nature was to obtain
signatures of all property ;vners within 200' of his property stat_ng that
they would not object to the proposed amendment and upon presentation to the
Board the request :mould then be considered..
Mr. James L. Sauk Jr. 6I~35 Belmont Street requested the Board to confirm
the re-subdivision of Lot , Block 9, nest University Place lst Addition.
Mr. Sauls :vas advised that the records of the City Hall indicate that Lot 6,
Block 9, Nest University Place lst Addition was officially subdivided on De-
cember 18, 1916, as follows: Lot 6A - Fronting 100' on Brompton Poad, 80'
deep on Pittsburg Lot 6B & 6C - 60 X 100' each facing on Pittsburg.
r. Sauls also requested the Board to waive the 51~ Brick restrictions on the
t~~o lots facing Pittsburg permitting him to erect houses using all asbestos
Motion by Nrs. Eberling, seconded by fir. Mehr, that aIr. Sauls request for
constructionof asbestos siding houses on Lots 6 B & C fronting on Pittsburg
be granted in vienv of the fact that there no~v exists in thi s same block four
houses constructed of frame.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
T~~r _P__2~~. Bush, 267 B.obinhood, requested permission7 to build a tool shed
9'X7' on the back of his lot as a separate accessory t~uilding.
lotion by ~drs. E~:;erling, seconded by i~r. h~ehr that .7r. Bush's request for
construction of a 9 x 7 ft. tool shed as a separate accessory building,, be
Voting Ayes All
Voting Noe: None
sir. P. R. Delgado, 3815 Case, appeared before the Board and explained that he
had obtained a building permit a few years back for the pur;.ose of adding a
screened porch on the second floor but en account of„illness could not con-
tinue with the .work at that time. Since that date the ordinance specifying
the set back line from the rear property line has been amended to require a
5 ft. set back instead of 3 ft. Bar. Delgado desired permission to complete
his structure as started with the understanding that nothing be added in the-
y' easement other than the studdings ~,rhich are already located. in t' is area.
motion by rr. ~~ehr, seconded by frs. Eberling that fir. Deli-..ado's request be
q~ r y
granted permittinC him to com~~lete the structure underway provided that
nothing be added in the 5' easement other than the studdings which are pre-
sently located in this area.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
l~,r. J. F. Jolly, City Building Inspector of nest University Flace, submitted
a proposed plan with information regarding certain improvements and extension
to a garage apartment ov~rned by ii~r. 'del. F. Cawlfield, 3131 Tan~;ley, and stated
that a baildinU permit had been denied for reason that such an addition is
contrary to the zoning restrictions in this particular zone. The Zoning
Board unanimcuslY,~ sustained Cdr. Jolly in his refusal to issue a permit for
completion of t'^is structure.
96th no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting
~~;as adjourned.
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`~LC:~- x~ ~/ ,.Gritz-~~
S,~,C'? FTAF3Y