HomeMy WebLinkAbout09161948 ZPC Minutes78
SEPTEMBER 16, 19118
The. Zoning and Planning Board of the City of rYest University Place met in regu- ~
lar session at the City Hall on Thursday, September 16, 19118, at 7:30 P.M. with
the following members present: Rir. Chas. D. Fehr, presiding; ~4rs, i~. E. Eberling
and Mr. 0. C. King. Chairman H. E. Terry was absent.
Mr. H. C. Everett 3816 Riley Street, requested permission to erect a utility
house not less than x12' nor more than lOxll~', in his back yard; to be used for
the storage of garden tools, work bench, hand woodworking tools, jigsaw and
overflow storage from the house proper. Mr. Everett desired the utility house
wired for electricity, .but no drain or plumbing to be installed.
Motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mrs. Eberling that Mr. Everett's request for per-
mission to erect a utility house in his back yard not to exceed 1Ox11~' to be~used
for storage purposes be granted in accordance with request submitted.. •
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
Mr. E~. M. Cummins 3808 Rile Street appeared before the Board requesting per-
mission to erect a home at 3 0 Riley Street on Lot 10, Block 6, College View
lst Addition, with an attached garage which would extend 20' in front of the
main dwelling and also requested the Board to waive the 20' set back restrictions
to a distance of 15'. Mr. Cummings explained that he desired this exception for
reason that a storm sewer had been installed by the City of Nest University
Place on the east side of this 0'x100' lot which he did not wish to build over,
and due to the smaal size of the lot and set back lines there was less than 3"8'
left on which to build a house and garage. Mr. Cummings also explained that
this lot was at the dead end of Riley street where property of `'Vest University
Place abuts property of Southside Place and the building of a house and garage
according to plans submitted would not be a detriment to any neighboring pro -
perty owner.
~.2otion by Mr. King, seconded by Mrs. Eberling that an exception be made in the
case of Mr. Cummings permitting him to us~ a set back line of not less than i5r
from the front property line for the garage building which is attached to the
front of the main residence, for reason that the City of aYest University Place
Storm Sewer being installed on the east portion of Lot 10, Block 6, College
View lst Addition making it necessary to build a narrow house and also because
this is the last lot on the dead end of Riley Street where no neighboring pro-
perty owner will be affected.
Voting Aye: All
Vot ,ng Noe : None
Mr. Robert E. Nesmith Lt219 Amherst, presented a petition signed by 13 property
o•+vners on the 200 Block of herst Street asking permission to erect car ports
in front of their attached garages.. The car ports would extend a distance of
20' from the garage which in most cases would leave a d istance of about 7' be-
tween the car port and the .front property line. This request was made for reason
that several of the residents have more than one car and the lot measurements do
not permit the building of two car garages.
Notion by :hrs. Eberling, seconded by ~~r. King that the request of I~r. Nesmith
and other property owners on the ~2Q0 Block of Amherst for permission to erect
car ports be denied for reason that the petition as ~+resented by fir. Nesmith
did not contain the signatures and consent of 80~ or better of the property
o~:wners within 2U0' of the areas affected.
Voting Aye: All
'Doting Pdoe: None
~7otion by ~tlrs. Eberling, seconded by Mr. King, that dir. H. J. Chavanne, 2915
Rice Boulevard be recom~r.ended to fill the vacancy on the Zoning Board which
was created by the resignation of fir. 'dd. F. Finley.
Voting Ave: All
'Doting Noe: None
There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon
motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned.
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