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IViI:~V T1:nJ Vl, hr~n T ~~ I~iTTI1VU
~ t, Llil ~ e~L.c~
Ju~Y 15, 193
The Zoning ~c Planning Board of the City of ti'Vest University Place met in
regular session at the Cit;T Hall on Tharsday, Ju1,,~ 15, lyl~3, 7:3o P.I~I.
with the follor~ring members present« Chairman H. E. Terre, presiding;
~Irs. '~~F. E. Eberling, and hrlr. 0. C King.
ivlinutes of the meeting; of June 17, 148, were read and approved.
P:4r. V4m. Sims, owner cf vest 2 of Lot 7, Block 35, 'Jest Universit~r Place
lst Addition requested the Board to grant permission to face a proposed
home on Pittsbur, Street instead of Virginia Avenue which is now a drainage
Motion by Iu~r. King, seconded by IuIrs: Eberlinr~ that the Board recommend
approval of i~r. Sun's request to face his proposed home on Pittsburg
Street instead of Virginia Avenue, with a minimum set back of 30' for the
garage building on Virginia Avenue.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe:. done
DurSng the discussion of t:~is request, the fact was disclosed that Lot 7,
Block 35, ~~est University Place lst Addition had never been officially
subdivided by the Zoning Board.
bRotion by ivTr. King, seconded by hrs. Eberling that Lot 7, Block 35,
V~Test University Place lst Addition be subdivided to form two lots meas-
uring 65.125' X 100' facing; north on Pittsbur~° Street.
Voting Aye: All
Voting T1oe : None
I~Sr. Alvin S. Siff, 2;ylb No-ttir;gham, requested per~uission to bu7_ld an
additional 1C;' X 20' room to his present 9z' X 20' garage to be used as
a servant°s quarters with sleepir. and bathroom facilities. dir. Siff
stated there was no kitchen facilities intended and no intent of using
the buildinfl as a rental unit.
~FOtion by Mr. King, seconded by Ulrs. Eberling that t,h¢ request of ~Ir.
Alvin S. Siff to build and additional 10' X 2(?' roomto his present garage
as servants quarters be approved subject to execution of usual afi'idavit
declaring that such building would nct be used as a rental unit.
Voting Ayex All
Voting Noe:: None
PJIr. S. R. Swaller, 3021 Nottingham, anueared before the Board protesting;
the noise frcm. a pr~,fess~icnal horn titchin.j machine operated by P~7rs. Robert
J. Sve+„er, 3023 Nottintiharn EFrhich is located in an area zoneu. for sin~~le
family dwelling; units. It ~.~ras t'e o_ inion of nlr. Swa ~_ler t'_~~at this was
a business and should not be permitted in t'-_is area.
The Board advised lair. S~.waller that this matter would be referred to the
proper authorities for investigation.
Pdr. tiy`. F. Cawlfield, 3131 Tangley, advised the Board that he was owner
of th~~ North 100' X 100' of Lot 9, Block 17, V~Iest University Place 2nd
Addition and wished. to subdivide this lot into two 50' X 100' lots, one
to front 50' on Buffalo Speedway and one to front 100' on University
~4otion by Mrs. Eberling, seconded by Mr. King that N. 100' of Lot 9, Block
17, ~raest University Place 2nd Addition by subdivided into two lots of
50' X 100', one to front 50' on Buffalo Speedway and. the other to front
100' on University Boulevard.
Voting Aare : All
Voting Noe:. None
Mr. P. P. Bongio 6712 Vanderbilt St., requested permission to subdivide
East of Lot 7, Block , 'avest University; Place 1st. Addition in order to
make t=^ro sections 50' X 100' and also requested perr~~ission to move an open
front, three car garage building; onto this ]_ot anal build an additional
garage bl:~ilding and a lU X 12 servants quarters anti a 10 X 12 tool house,
all to b~: covered .with a galvanized roof.
~'~otion by T~~r. King, seconded by ivrs, Eberling that the Board approve re-
subdivision of tale East z of Lot 7, Block 1~, u'~est University Place 1st.
Addition in order to make two 50' X 100' sections; south facing 100' on
Vanderbilt and extending 'y~est 150'; t'~is lot to be divided by an east and
west line making two lots facing Vanderbilt Street 50' X l0U' each.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
The matter of movin the open garage building and erection of an additional
garage, servants quarters and tool house to be cov~,red with a galvanized
roof, ~~as referred to the City Attorney.
R4r. U. S. Killough, X202 Villanova, inquired as to restrictions concerning
servants quarters which he desired to build in connection with a proposed
two car. gara-ire building. The Board. advised Mr. Ki~lou~=h to have plans
drawn and present then at t'_oe next meeting- at which time they would be
considered for approval.
i~r. John ~~uendel and Mr. Chas, ~. Hall, members of the Bui~dinr; committee of
the St, Andrew's Presbyterian hurch, requested the Board to recommend that
East 60' of Lot 1, Block 89, tidest University Place 2nd. Addition be
officially designated as church property.
iviotion ky~T Ivirs.erlin¢, seconded by r~r. King, that ±.i~e Board recommend that
East 60' of Lota, Block 89, ~~~est University Place 2nd,. Addition be officially
designated as c;.urch propert<<l and added to tine rresent church s_~te.
Voting Aye: A11
Voting £dce: iv one
A letter from I4r. udoodrow F'. r~inley requesting acceptance of his resig-
nation as a member of the Zoning ~3oard was read b~• Mr. TerruT.
Motion bsr Mrs. Eherling seconded by Mr. King tr.at the resignation of Mr.
~ioodrow ~. Finley be accepted with regrets.
Voting Aye:.: All
Voting Noe: None
The following Letter from City Secretary '~hitt Johnson was read to the
April l~, 198.
Mr. H. E.'Terry, Chairman
Zoning ~• Planning Board
Houston 5. Texas
Dear Sir;
The Cit;r Commission desires to meet with your Honorable body for the
purpose of discussing certain measures of the Zoning Ordinance per-
taining particularly to granting of permits for garage apartments,
play rooms, etc.
The Commission has also requested city Building Inspector J. F. Jolly
to no longer issue permits of t_;is type until final approval has been
gr~: ted 'oy the Council.
If you desire, I shall attempt to arrange for the Council to meet with
you on Thursday August 19, at the time of your regular monthly Board
:t4ay I have you ~~ advice on this matter.
Very truly yours,
(s) Whitt Johnson
City Secretary
Members of the Board stated they would be glad to make arrangements for a
meeting ~~~.th the City Council and suggested that the Zonin~~ Ordinance be
amended to cover requirements on auxiliary; buildings of all types.
Pursuant to a request bar the Board on June 17, the following opinion was
received from Cit~r Attorney J. B. Kelley v~ith reference to the use of a
vacant lot on Universit Boulevard as a Baseball diamond.
°The property in question is in a single-family dvvellinrr district, and
according to the Zoning- Ordinance (Ordinance Ivlo. 111 and amendments), the
uses permitted in sin~°le-familjr dwellin~~ districts include public narks
ad play grounds. It is my opinion that the use of the lot involved is
not contrary to the Zoninu Ordinance. It is also mfr belief that even if
s~zch use were not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, such a prohibition
would be held to be contrary to public policy:'
M`dith no further business to ccme befm e the Bcard at this time, the meeting
was adjourned.
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