HomeMy WebLinkAbout04151948 ZPC Minutes8
APRIL 15, 19l~8
The Zoning er Planning Board of the City of ~rJest University Place, met in
regular session at the City Fiall on Thursday, April 15, 1948, 7;3Q P. r2.
with the following members present:
Mr. H. E. TerrJr, Chairman Mr. Q. C. King
Mrs. ;';. E. Eberling Mr. Chas. ~. n4ehr
Mr. Ctokes A~a.r.~_1~~ Arno Gt.r~t, otivner of Lot 2, Blk. 1~9, WUP 2nd Addition,
corner Amherst at Rutgers, requested the Zoning Board to officially subdivide.
this 15Q X 15Q Ft. lot into two 75 X 15Q Ft. Lots to f ace Amherst St. action by
:"r. King, seconded ~.~~ ~'rs. 'berlin~ that Lot, E:lk. ?+9, ',`LP 2~d :odd be subdivided
Voting Ay?: All ,into .two 7,r, X 1~0 lit. lots to face ~mml~erst at.
Voting Noe: None
Mr. G. B. Tlichols, owner of Lot ll~, and ~~Y 5' of Lot h, Blk. 2, Sunset Terrace,
Section , located in the 370Q Blk. of Plumb St. requested exception made to
the restrictions requiring 51~ brick construction on this lot. b2r. Nichols
proposes to build a residence with brick veneer front wall with asbestos
shingle exterior v~ralls on two sides and rear.
Motion by T,2r. Mehr, seconded by P,4rs. Eberling that the request of Mr. Nichols
be granted due to the fact that ttilenty one existing homes out of a total of
!~Q in this particular block now have less than 51~ brick or no brick whatso-
ever; also this is the only vacant lot on this street.
Voting Aye; Mr. Terry, I~xs. Eberling, 1~2r. Merl
Voting; Noe : I~+~r. King
Col. 0. ~`d. Tdoel, oti~aner of Lot 5, Blk. L~., West University Place lst Addition
oca ecT ate corner of Buffalo Speedway and Cason Streets protested the set
back lines on this lot as set out by the City Council on September 22, 19l~7,
requiring 3 Q' Set back on Buffalo ,Speedway, 2Q' on Cason and. a minimum of 30'
for garage set back on Cason. Col. Tdoel stated. that he was advised by +,he
Chairman of the Zona.,li Board and the City Building Snspector at the time the
lot was subdivided that the set back lines were 20~ on Buffalo and 2Q' on Cason.
He notiv has plans and specifications for a large home that grill not go on the lot
if the 30' and 20' set back lines are a dhered to, and it was his desire to set
back 2~J' on Buffalo and 2C~' on Cason.
Motion by 1~2r. Pwiehr, seconded by Mrs. Eberling that recommendation be made to the
City Council that Col. Q. ~~1. Noel's re~uest be granted to effect that the
improvements ~r~-i.ll be built upon the N z of Lot 5, Blk.~, ~~ti1P lst Addition in
accordance tivith plans anal specifications submitted and set back lines by 2Q' on
Buffalo, 2Q' on Cason for both house and. garage. This recommendation based
entirely upon inform~a.tior, given Co. rTOel by both PYir. Jolly and Mr. Terry at the
time the lot was subdivided.
`Doting Aye : All
Voting Noe: None
Mr. I. ~. P~luller 3911 CasE
consideration for amencanent
apartmer_t houses on Lots 1,
Street, appeared before the Board requesting their
to the Zoning Qrdinance to permit construction of
2, 3, ~, Blk. ~., ;~fUP 1st Addi. located on Bellaire
h `~
Motion by T4gr. P~4ehr, seconded by TdRr. King that request for amendment to the
Zoning Ord. to permit construction of apartment houses on Lots 1, 2, 3, ~,
Blk. ~., '~'?UP is+~ Add. z~s denied for reason that Public Hearings have been
held on similar requestsin this vicinity and were denied.
Voting A re; x.11
Voting Noe : Tdone
h'Irs._ Marie M. ~'~s,tes, .3219 University Blvd. advised the Board- that she proposed
awing a 1300 `a_.Ft. home constructed on the T1 40~ of Lot 11, and S ~5- of Lot
10, Blk. 21, X51. U. P. 1st Add. of asbestos siding. The S ~5~ of Lot 10 is
located in the area ~oned for 1600 Sq. ', no frame, single family dt~rellings
whi le the L~C~T of Lot 11, is located in the area zoned for 1200 Sq. ~ frame
P~Tr. Howard Ponzer, 6318 Rutgers, Pdr. R.A Kerr, 6312 Rutgers, and ~~Zr. Banta, who
is constructing a house on S 6Ot of Lot 11, Blk. 21, protested the building of
a 1300 sq.Ft. asbestos siding house, stating it would lower the value of their
property, which is adjoining and across the street. Mr. A. "T. McStravick,
6328 Buffalo Speedway, expressed approval of the building proposed by Mrs. Gates.
ldotion by T4Tr. King, seconded by 1tlrs. Eberling recommending that I~rs. Gates
request be granted, providing, her-home is built according to specifications ar~d
arranged. property as per plat, for reason that property directly across the
street is non-conforming to restrictions and more than 50~ of the'lot is zoned
for thQ type of construction. wrich she intends to build. This recommendation
to be given to City Council in order for the City Attorney to study if any
further action. is necessary.
Voting Aye: All
Votinxg T~1oe ; p?one
Mr. Bavid Feldman, ov~ner of Lot 1 fc 2, Blk. 35, Cclonial Terrace and Lots l and
Q o~ air.:~.ven addition asked the Board to consider recommending a change of the
Zoning Ord. to permit business establishments on the above mentioned lots instead
of single family residences as now required.
Motion by Tt`r. T:Zehr, seconded by Tyr. Ki nf, that recommendation for a change iri
Zoning from single family dwellings to a business area on Lots 1 ~. 2, B1k. 35,
Colonial Terrace and Lots 1 ~_ 20 of Fairhaven, be der..ied.
Voting Aye : !ill
Voting T;oe : ATOne
T:~r. K.. R. Farris, requested. the Board to officiall~r subdivide Lot 10, Blk. 7,
i"+L st ~ d. into t~rro ~'? X 2~ ~ lots facing Belmont St.
T:'oticr: by Tars. Eberlin~, sECOnded by T;r. King that application for subdivision of
Lot 10, Blk. 7, 'TUP 1st Add. be approved.
Voting ~~yo; All
Voting Noe: Tone
Tyr. T. C. delraffenri~G, 6636 Brompton applied for per~iission to erect a
prewaoricated house to ~e~r_se or ser.~rantN quarters.
T.~oticn by Cdr. King, seconded by Tv~r. T~~e~r, that request of T~Tr. deGraf~enried
for permi ssion to erect a pref?.cricated ho~zse -to be used,for servants cnzart~rs
be granted subject to properly executed affidavit to the effect the building will
not be used cor~rnercially and subject t~.? not more than 250 sq. ft. to be used for
servants quarters.
Vot~.»~ c:-Te ; lilt
~'at~ Y2U 1iO~: T?one
T~r. I. I. T'reedman, o,~mer of the lot at 3~2~- Bellaire Blvd., requested by
letter dated T~Ia.rch 2I~, 19l~3, p~rmi.ssion to ~ of tre proposed home at a dis+,,ance
of appmxi~na.telZ- 1~Q' fr. ail the fr. ant lot lane
I~Totion by r,rr~ Vint, :seconded ?~~- Turs. Eberl~nU that action of the Board on
T;:"arch 31, appro~ ing T~"r. rreedman~ s request be ratified.
VotinU dye: X11
Jotin~ TToe; T1one
T,"rs. Tvlarie T,'. G~.tes, 3219 Bniv::rst;;r Bl~rc':. la:' reouested subdivision of Lot 1„µ;
and 11, Blae'_•c 21, '.'.~rF l.st { c?.d. into three to±.s measuring h~ ° _l_~~~ ~~r.d b5 X l;~'
?:~-d. i ~ 15C~ ~, all to+.,s to face nut~;ers Street.
~,.otion by T;Trs. rberlin~, seconded Br T.Ir. King, tTlat action. of the Board on
•~ r t, ?l' rrr~ r q + ± ~• r + 11, BlocT: 21, "TUP 1st ~_dd. into
;:a._ c.._ _ a_, .: ~ ink re u~:,s ,a ,a si: b-:~.;. ide bo „
t'iT0 lots of i)~ 1jn~ 8.:'IC~ ~~'C? ~ ljr't, any Tat lu', inta t1~J0 1GtS of 2j~ X 15Qt
arci ~ J X ~.~'~ T, all Tats to face Rutgers Ctreet, be ratified. The North ?~Q r of
Lot 11, ~~.n.d the soutTl 2~ ~ of lot ?_J ,,,r 11 be combined to ~ ake a bu7.ldin~; area
6 x 15a ~ .
Vot~n~ Tioe; Tune
Tilr. Bierbaum., 2~$ na.r~.~a.ra La_:o, nad requested permission to construct a
~zzest rYoan: ca~~nection srrit?l i~.1s present garage apartment building ~~r~~;.ch ti <~s
^nstructed priar to +,she ~~assy.:~; cf the Zcnirg ~rr?inance.
,, . .
~.FOt'? ~~~^ a;' P:"i . r!ehr, seconded bsr ITr' • ~'~berl~ng that action of file Boarcl ar. ATril
2, 143, ~;~ ~±n~ ~e:tiTil.:lsi:i1 02" CO'_1VErS7.Ori Of ?, garage lY'+.O ~. ~;ueSt roam be
ratified. ^ properly executed affidavit should accompany application for
'ou.Iding perriit.
Voting ~'._~r~ : ~'il~
Va i.n~ Tvoe : None
r,.2i;ss ~?u-';h Thaclc~ton, ar~th LTade~ ~ Co., requ~;>ti~d taU, lettn.r, dated T,~arch 2~',
+,, tr t o.: ~.. ions on to ~s 26 ano. ~~ BloclL 1~., I~.~al~„i.,ello ~+.dd. req°ai-rir~g
aol~struction of ~l o br~ek or better be waived.
T~'_ctic.~ '>~- '„'"a'. TCi ra, seconded bar T;~~r. ?~.Tehr tlla+, a.c+..i^~n of the Board an xpril 9,
1;~L~", denying the request that restriction.;, ~>n 1_-ots 21~ f 25 Blk. 1!.},
T•:?onticeila r.dr. requiri=.~g cons ~,x~action of ~?_ brick or batter be ~r~ra~aed.
Voting rive : X11
Voting T.;oe; hone
,11t~;:1 n0 f izrti~~r bL2S7''1G:i5 t0 COi?1° befC?"e +t::' ~O~:.ra a1; ±,til'!_S tii7:e, t':~' meetiii£~ ti'TaS
a c? -i o ~.u ne d. - -
C.-:r' l~~',y~.N