HomeMy WebLinkAbout03181948 ZPC Minute~D~. MINUTES GF REGULAR MEETING ZONING & PY,ANNING BOARD THURS. MAR. 18, 19lt8. The Zoning & Planning Board of the City of Vilest University Place, met in regular session at the City Hall on Thurs., Mar. 18, 198, 7:30 P.M. with the following members presents Mr. H. E. Terry, Chairman Mr. 0. G. King Mrs. Y. E. Eberling ~1r. B. C. Pettitt, 6328 Rutgers, came before the Board requesting permission to erect servants quarters on the back portion of his property, located at the above address. Mr. Pettitt presented a plan of the proposed unit which consisted of 610 sq. ft. with bath and kitchen facilities. The Board explained to I~r. Pettitt that the Zoning Ord. of the City permitted servants quarters to consist of not more than 250 sq. ft. with bedroom and bath, but no kitchen facilities. The application of ~~.r. Pettitt was declined with statement that if plan was reduced in size to 250 Sq. Ft. with kitchen facilities eliminated, it would be approved upon resubmission to the Board provided conditions permit. Mr. E. 0. Rulon, 3221 Plumb Street, asked permission to add servants quarters and a play room over his present three car garage. The proposed plan consisted of a play room, bedroom and a half bath. No kitchen facilities were proposed. Motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mxs. Eberling that Bar. xulon~s request for permission to build a playroom and servants quarters over the present three car garage building be granted subject to properly executed affidavit stating that a construction would not be used for commercial purposes. Voting Ayes All Voting Noes None Mr. William S. Exley, b71.7 Vanderbilt Ave., appeared before the Board request- ing perm~.ssion to build servants quarters llt~ X 18~ on the ground floor in rear of the garage located on his property at the above address. The proposed quarters would consist. of bedroom and bath with no kitchen facilities. Motion by I~rs. Eberling, seconded by I~.r. King that the request of ~~r. Exley for servants quarters be granted subject to properly executed affidavit. Voting Aye: All Voting Noe: None &tr. L. Vv. Prokop and ~[r. J. A. Kelley, appeared before the Board with reference to proposed four unit apartment buildings to be placed within the business area on the north and south sides of Sunset Blvd. at a greater distance than 160 Ft. from the west property line of Kirby Drive. Action by the honing Board was deferred pending legal interpretation of Section 5, Ordinance 152, an amendment to City Zoning Ordinance No.lll, consideration being given to the fact that these were apartment houses and not strictly business or commercial structures. r~Tr. L. T. u`Ii11, Jr., owner of Lot 1, I31ock 1, Colle~;e~rew 3rd. S,dc?ition requested the Board to recommend lowering of .restrictions on this lot due to the size and shape of same. Mr. 1~1i11 stated he was led to believe that the ~C lot contained more square footage than a survey showed later, and it seemed almost impossible tc get a home of this let consistin& of 13E?0 Sq. Ft. as novr required by +..re Zoning Ordinance. ~~gotion by Mrs. Eberling, seconded by Ialr. King that recommendation be made to the City Council that Tyr. tiTills be allowed`.to build a house on Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeviesv 3rd. Addition containing only 110'0 sq. Ft. in view of the fact th-~t size of let actually contains a. smaller sq. ft. area than Nir. Vvills tivas led to believe vrhen he purchased same, which was verified by a certified survey. Consideration was also given go tree fact that directly across the street to the South are three frame homes containing _100:0 Sq. Ft. and across the street to the I~?orth is unrestricted property in the City of Houston. Voting Aye: All Voting Noe: None L%r. 'T. T. Barnhill~_2528 Bellaire Blvd. requested by letter permission to subdivdeTLot 5, Blk. 11, '~"lL'~' No. 1, into ttivo lots ~0 X 2Q~0 Ft., facing Vanderbilt. Motion by Mr. King, seconded by l.?rs. Eberling that action of the Zoning Board by le+,ter on I~~%ar. 12, granting permission to subdivide Lot ~, Block 11, 1u. U. P. T~To. 1, into tti~o lots 50 X 20II Ft. be ratified. Voting Aye: All Voting idoe: TTone Mr. Norris Lipscomb, 6501 Bzffalc ~peedvray, requested by to make an addition to his present garage building fcr the a play room fcr family use. letter permission purpose of providing I~ROtion by D~4rs. Eberling, seconded by Mr. King thU.t r~,r. Lipscomb be granted permission to make an addition to his present garage building for the purpose of providing a play room for famihr use if application is accompanied by properly executed affidavit. Voting Aye: All Voting Noe: TIone A~?r. F. T. Alexander, 2924 Jarrard Street, had presented a request through the uildin<U inspector that restrictions requiring a minimum of 51~ brick on Lot 13, Block 9, Rice Court be waived in order that he might build a house using all asbestos siding. Action on this request; was deferred ~.zntil Mr. Alexander could meet with the Board. 'di.th no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ---------------------------------- After consultation tivith City Attorney J. D. Kelley on March 19, 1948, the Zoning ~: Planning Board recommends that if it can be legally arranged, and if upon Public Hearing, it is approved, tr~en tree restrictions in regard to building y,i thin 160 Ft. of the west property line of Kirby Drive be changed on the IJorth and South sides of Sunset Blvd. It appears that +,he Zoning law requires a 2C~ Ft. space between any building in treat industrial area and next g~~ 10 ~ - _ _ adjacent private home. In view of the driveway being I2 ft.~ the Board recommends that the 2~ rt. restriction be amended also. C R T --~' "- ~~ SRC F,.sTA~tY 1 ~c~~