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(InTT~T`s F:PL1~ ,i,r:;s BOARD
The Zoni nu ~4~ Planning Board of the City of '~~~~est university Place, met in regular
session at the City Tall on Thursday, ^1ov. 20, 19~~?, 7:30 P.TrI. with tl,.e follo~ving
members present:
lrr. I?. F. Terxy, Chaiz~nan ~r. :~. C. Xing
?~:rs. ':'d. E. Fberlirg r,~r. Crias. D. P~ehr
P:fr. . oo drove ?,'~. Finley
v'.rlai rman H. ~~. Terry, presid~_n~;, declared a, quo?~am present =.nd the transaction of
business i n order,
^•~rs. Charles 3. Carothers, 2?20 3arbara Lane, had aresented a ~ tter to r!r. Terry
dated ~ct..2d, 19.E?, req~;.estin~, permission to convert a garage room irate an apart-
ment for rental p?~rposes.
%~otion bar ~.Ir. Pkle'.~r, seconded bar ?~."r. :inl; that request of I~~rs. Charles B. Carothers
to comTer+,, a,garabe room ~ nto a..x1 apart„Tent for rental purposes be denied.
Vot i ~~; _~;;re : All
Tf ~tii rag *'+oe : TSOTle
P_`r. £~~ Irrs. J. ';rr`. O'Brien, 3202 Albans appeared before ~t,he Board requesting Lot ~,
Block 9,~~lest ~,~niv_ Px ~.,,t~ Place 2nd .~iddition, 100 X lo? F+.,. at the cor^_~er of ~'~~1~ans
and Buffalo C,~eedway be subdivided into two lots. It tivas the desire of ~!Ir. ~ ~.rirs.
O~Brien that ~,he lot be divided into one 100 X 100 Ft. lot, to face Albans, and one
67 X 100 Ft„ lot to face Buffalo Speedway.
"otion by iRr. Xing, secon~ted by I~,"rs. ~berli.n~; that the request of iJr. ~ .yrs. O'Brien
to subdivide Lot, ~, L'lock `39, ~,A~est Un~.versity Place 2nd Addition into one 100 X 100
rat . lot to face Albarks and one 6? X 100 Ft . lot to face ~3uf f alo Speedway be granted.
Noting ~1ye : All
Voting T~boe : ?;one
?r. ''Tm. Croft, o-v~rner of Lot ~, :dock 12, 'pest tJniversit~,~Place lst. Addition, deli red
+.,nis 100 X 200 Ft. lot facin$7 sTanderbilt Street subdivided into two 50 X 200 Ft. lots.
~- _ -_
'`otion by t:~r. King, seconded b~T intr. P4lehr that the request of D,'".r. Croft to subdivide
?mot ~, Block 12, ';'drest University Place lst. C~ddition into tv~ro 50 X 200 Ft. lots be
'Toting Aye: A11
Vo+.,ing Noe : None
'lr. 3i11 °;Fatt,?:e~,~rs, '.?~:ilder, rer,,_zested subdivision of Lot 2, Block i~9, :'est University
lace 2nd Addition, otianed by ?:fir. ''r. ?,?. Prouc~fit, into three 50 Ft. lots. ter. R4atthews
was advised by the Boar. d that this request, could not be granted in view of the fact
_ie dial riot o~m the tot in question, but consideration would be given if application
was made by the owner.
Pair. Floyd Reitz, petitioned the 3oard to lower the 1250 Sq.Ft. building requirements
on Lot , 31ock 3, '"~iest ?Tniversit;r Place 1st. Addition to nernit the erection of a
home containing 1000 Sol. Ft.
Potion by P~.~r. P!?ehr, seconded by Pers. ~berla_ng that the request made by fir. Floyd 0.
Reitz to lower the 1250 Sq. Ft. building re~lairement to Lot 6, Block 3, 'lest Univer-
sity Place 1st Addition be denied.
Voting nye : All
jloti nz Noe : ?lone
"r. R. ~?. Schneider, ?121 Judson Street requested the Board to grant approval for
the continuation of the construction of his home cn Lot 7, Block 21~., '"'est University
Place lst .addition located at the corner of LTr~versity 31vd. at Sewanee Street.,
although he was violating the set back line in accordance with deed restrictions.
P,~r. Schneider explained that he had obtained a budding per;ni.t fror,~ the City- of
'.'Nest TJn~_versity Place and complied tivi.th the City 3uilding restrictions, but after
laying the foundation he was advised b~T the City B~.tildin~ Inspector, T?r. J. A. P~etcalf,
a complaint, had been registered that he was k~~i:i.lding too near the front property line
accordin£ to dee~:z restrictions. P~.r. Petcalf sur;gested that he cease building operations
until he co~~ld get approval of the Zoning Board. to continue.
P~iotion b;T PTr. T~Sehr, seconded by I!Frs. EberlinL that Per. S.chneider.'s request to continue
h~_s building as the f oundation is now laid, be granted subject to approval of the
City Council.
Voting ".ye : All
~roting Noe : P1one
Dr. 0ene Schulze, Sc'~ulenburg, Texas, presented a letter petitioning the Zoning and
Planning 3oard to recommend the changing of restrictions to allow the erection of
multiple apartmen t units on an approximate 5 Acre tract of land known as Cambridge
Place located at the corner o~ Bellaire Boulevard and the G.,3. c. S.A. Railroad tracks.
It was his desire to bz~ ld apartment units on this tract of lard to house approximately
82 fa,w_lies.
P'loti on by P~Tr. King, seconded by ~:~r. P.iehr, that the Zoning Board reco,~mend to the City
Council that Zoning Or. cLnance l~lo . 111 be amended to allow multiple family dwelling
units to be erected on Lots 2-3-~}-5-6-? of Cambridge Place, subject to no deed re-
strictions bung violated.
Voting Aye: A11
~roting _Tdoe : Ptone
P~~Ir. Edgard Zepli n, t~116 Judson, questioned the ;3oard regardi ng the use of corrugated
iron on the sides and back of a proposed/garage building to be erected in 6200 block
on Edloe Street. pu'„lic
11~oti on by l:~r. ?~ehr, seconded by Pair. King that the request of P~~r. Zeplin for use of
corrugated iron on public garage building to be constructed on Edloe be denied for
reason that .'t does not comply with the type of wall structure set up in Sec. 14, of
Zoning Ordinance Plo. 111, of the City of '~~;est University Place.
Voting Aye; All
Noting Noe : rdone
r'r. E. `°T. Yoaku,-n, petitioned the Board to approve a 20 Ft. set back line and. the
use of all asbestos siding for house to be erected on Lot 1, Block 2, Sunset Terrace
at the corner of Auden and Sunset, contrary to Zoning restrictions requiring 510
brick construction and a, set back line of 30 rt.
^otion by ~Ir. ~.~ehr, seconded by ~~r. King, that l+~~r. Yoalcum's request as to a 20 ~'t.
set back line and as to the use of all asbestos siding be denied.
Voting Ayer All
Voting Noe: None
il4r. C. I. 'Tthit,ehead, of Modell P~ Company inquired of thF: $oa.r:d':; whether or not
it was per-nissable to erect a duplex on Lot 5, Block 1, Evanston Addition. Accord-
,,,~ ing to Ordinance No. 168, amending~rdinance ?~to. 111 of the City of ~L~fest University
.-~ Place, duplexes are permissible "in the fourth single-family dwelling district on
lots facinb North or. '"Troxton Road between Kirby Drive and 'Riakeforest Street," how-
~~ ever, the deed restrictions stat that "single family dwellings only" are permissible
~; on these particular lots.
~?otion by r:4r. P~ehr, seconded by ~~~r. King, that P.2r. 'u~hitehead's request for permission
to erect a duplex on Lot 5, Block 1, Evanston Addition, be denied for the reason.
that it is in direct violation of the deed restrictions of Evanston Addition.
?Toting Aye : All
Voting Noe: None
h~otion by T~grs. Eberling, seconded by ?~r. ~~ehr, that the Zoning Board. recommend to
the City Council that the following affidavit or statement be attached and made
a part of every application to the City for a building permit:
"I have read, and am well aquas.nted with any and all deed restrictions effect-
ing the above property, ar~d ~ request as set forth in this permit does not
violate an~r of the deed restrictions, and. if they do, I realize my permit
can be cancelled at any ti-ne."
Voting Aye: ill
Vo+~~ ng Noe; None
The Zoning Board discussed need for access to ecr>i es of deed restrictions to all
subdivisions in the City of 6'Test University '.'lace, but ro action was taken.
T?o further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made
anti seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
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