HomeMy WebLinkAbout10271947 ZPC Minutes~~ ¢' I4I~rYdUTBS ~ SPEC~L Iv,r;~;`l'IT~lG ZC~111rIG ~. PLkr~razrlG B~:~I u?CTOB~;R 27, 19l~7 The Zoning & Plaxlning Board met in a special called meeting on f~ctober 27, 1q~7, at the City IYa11 vrith the follov~ring me~n~ers present: Ilr. H. E. Terry, Chairman I~r. ~. C. King ~~rs . s~ . L . Eberling ~Ir. Terry explained -that the meeting was called in accordance ~~rith a complaint registered against I~Ir. Pat IV. IJeff, Jr., by T<Ir. J. ~. Graha-n, 6~1~6 't`takeforest; and ~s. ~T~ Hurst, 6 Brompton, questioning. the legality of the sub-division of Lot 1, Blocli lq, ~~est University Place ryo. 1, on Pittsburg betvreen 'e~akeforest and Brompton. Upon question by T~IIr. Terry, I~r. Neff explained that on January 10, 194b, he sold the E. 90' of Lot 1, :dock 19, Vlest University i'lace iyo. 1, to fir. J. Y'a. Graham, after having the lot sub-divided by deed only.I~lr. Pteff said he Wade applicatio n to a previous Zoning Board tivho concluded they had no jurisdiction since the lot had been sub-divided already. i~r. Graha~-n and Ir. Hurst objected to a building being erected on this property in question, stating it would be a very undesirable location for a residence since the front would face the back of buildings surrounding it. They also stated it was their opinion that the setivage capacity way not adequate to service another dwelling on this property. I~~r. Graham expressed a desire to buy the nro;oerty from fir. T7eff if a satisfactory agreement could b~ reached. Ir. Terry, Cnairman of the Yioard stated that in Zs opinion the situation seemed to be a real estate transaction where the gentlemen,could not see eye to eye, and there was nothing the Hoard could do. ~~Irs. berling stated that she could not see that it eras a problem for the Zoning Board to ~ ss on and the Board had no right to refuse Tr. Leff a building per~~lit. after further discussion, rir. Terry advised. that the matter be disr,Lissed until a later date hoping some agreement could be reached between IYr. Graham and dir. Yeff as to the purchase of the property. `T'hey agreed to determine the correct property lines by both ter. Jeff and I.r. Graham paying a portion of surveying costs. l~r. Burst also agreed to pay a share of the cost in order to get a correct line establisred an his property ti*rhicli is the a. ~~i. 150' of l:ot 1, Blk.lq. ~r. a,nd yrs. P. 1'. Beman, appeared before the Board requesting 1100 Sq. ~"t. restrictions on L. 10' of Lot 23, and a. t~.7' of Lot 2~., Mock ~., PrTonticello be :waived to allow the construction of a 1100 Sq. F't. Lome. 2'he Board advised IVr. <u: Lrs . Beman to pbtain a petition Faith signatures of all property ovrners v~rithin 200 I't. of this .property to the effect they do not object to a 1100 gq. ~'t. dtiwelling being guilt on this lot, and the request would be considered at time of presentation of such petition to this F3oard. I4~r. J. ~. "yvilliams, representing Houck Fealty Company presented a letter request- in~; ~the~oning~~'c ~`lanning Board to approve request to have Zoning ard~.nance 111, aa~miended to permit constructicn of 51 ~ masonry duplexes facing on I?uski n and covering lots 18 to 31 inclusive, block 1, Cunningham Terrace, lots 1 to 12 in- clusive, Block 3, Cux~~ingham Terrace. ~- Motion by Tv~rs. Eberling, seconded by fir. King that request for construction of duplexes in Cunningham Terrace on Lots 18-31 inclusive, Block l; Lots 1-12 inclusive, Block 3, 51 masonry, be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting Tdoe: None Y~iotion by dir. King, seconded by ~:rs. Eberling that Per. ti~oodrow'~i. Finley be recommended to fill the vacancy on the Zoning ~ Planning Board created by the resignation of P~Tr. ~T. Roy Letbetter. Voting dye: All Voting 1`doe : None PJiotion by P+~r. King, seconded by Pdrs. Eberling that the Board recommend to the City Council that in the future all applications for building permits on corner lots be referred to the Zoning & Planning Board for approval until such time as amendment to the Zoning ordinance covering such corner lots ,~,ay be passed by the City Council Voting Aye: All Voting Noe: None There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned. 1 G___ 1 Secretary