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t~?'1UTECO~~T' B.E7 s~~IAR v?E~E~-TIti?Cs 7
ZQ~';,TI~",IG Apr. PL~TdI'lI'Y!'r C4~I~ttil.~Tl~iT~d
CT'~'Y r)F 'u~~L;~ST I?n,TTST~,R:>IT`~ LNCE
Thursday, 0`ct. 23, 1947
A reul.ar meeting of the Zoning ~~ F'lanni ng Co_nmission, City of `Jest 'Jni versity
Pl~e was held on Thursday, Q'ct. 23, 1917, at 7:3C P.'~T., at which meeting the
following members were present:
~r. Ei. E. Terry, Chairman I~r. Q'~. C. King
T~Trs. rd. E. Eberling lulx'. Chas. ~. P~1eTzr
~g~r. II. E. Terry, presi cling, declared a quorLUn present and the transaction of
business in order.
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church: A letter was read from Tyr. Chas. A. Hall,
Chairman of the Building Comr-nittee of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, to be
located at the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Bissonnet ut., requesting approval by
the Zoni_~g Board to erect a first unit according to specifications submitted in
letter. Tier. John "~endel, Cha:~x~nan of the Board of lleacons, explai ned to the
Zoning Board that due to the excessive cost of building stone they wished to use
asbestos siding on all the exterior walls with exception of the center front section;
however the foundations would be constructed for the use of the stone on all walls
at a later date.
"Notion by Tvir. Tying, seconded by i:Trs. Eberling, that the request of the St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church for use of asbestos shingles on the first unit of the pro-
posed Church building be approved.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Tdoe ; idone
L~r. ~,~I. A. Lang, 651.2 r'testchester, appeared before the Board reference a garage
apartment owned by R. H. Frieda, 6533 ?"destchester. P~Tr. Lang 4vas advised that
the City Council had referred the ;natter to the City Attorney to take whatever
action was necessary.
ToTrs. Sumner Harris, 1aJ02 Byron, presented an application for a building permit
to erect aone-stor~r, prefabricated, 1l~~ x 20~ play house to be used in the
operation of a kindergarten at this address.
T~4otion by ?Tr. 2ehr, seconded by T~~Tr. King that the permit for the erection of a
play hawse be denied due to the fact that the location is in asingle-family
dwelling district, and the operation of a kindergarten would be considered a
business, and in violation of the Zoning t~rdinance.
Voting Aye: A11
Voti ng TVoe : T1one
T~irs. Harris then asked the Board to consider amending the Zoning ~tirdinance to
allow the operation of kindergartens in Single family ds~reelling districts in
:'hest I7niversity Place.
Reg. ~~Ieeting, C~ct. 23, 197
motion by i•~ir. Tuehr, seconded by I.irs . Eberling, that Section 3, paragraph ~.,
of the City Zoning Ordinance Tdo. 111, be amended whereby a kinderbarten could
ue operated or conducted within the City of ~~~est University Place, su'oject to
any rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the City. Council and/or
by the City Attorney of Nest University Place.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Tdoe : TJone
T~alr. J. A. I~~Tetcalf, City Building Inspector, asked the Board's approval on issuing
a permit to ~Ir. Kelly of Village Lumber Company for construction of a -semi -fireproof
warehouse at Kirby Drive anal Albans.
~;,; Tgotion by fir. King, seconded by T~1rs. Eberling that request for permit be granted
..~ in view of the fact that the building would 'oe fire-proof with exception of wooden
rafters, and provided no part of the building extend more than 160E west of Kirby
Drive and the front set back-be at least 30t in compliance with Zoning Q~rdinance
`"~" restrictions.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe: None
Plat submitted from Houck Fealty Company for subdividing a plot of ground known
as the Cunningham 12 acres and. asking the approval of the Zoning Board.
T~iotion by v1r. T14ehr, seconded by NIr. King that plat submitted by Houck Realty. Co~-
pany covering Cunningham Terrace, subdivision of Cunningham 12 Acres, resubdivi-
sion of Lots 23, 21~, 25 and 26, Cambridge Place Addition, City of "t`d~est University
Place, as preloared by T~Zr. I. J. Johnson, registered Professional Engineer, Oct.
11~, 1917, be approved subject to the business area set out on said plat as Lots
23, 2~., 25, be identical to the business area as set .out on the plat heretofore
submitted by I~ouck Realty Company to this Board and approved I~iarch 29, 1917, with
exception of any variation that mar appear in the two plats as to the ploting of
atella Linlc Road.
Voting Aye: All.
Voting T3oe : None
Letter from Effie Boon, 3312 `1'angley Street, requesting permission to obtain a
percdt for putting asbestos siding on her garage apartment in which she resides,
was read- by dirs. Eberling. -
h~otion by hZrs. rberlin~, seconded by ter. King, that T:S~iss Boon's request for
permit to use asbestos siding on her garage apartment be granted.
Voting Aye: All
Voting Noe; None
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion duly made,
seconded, aYid carried, the meeting was adjourned.
, --`-