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THURSt)AY, P,4a.y 28, 194?
A regular meeting of the Zonint; ~c PlanninL; Commission of ttie City of ~4est University
Place was held on Thursday, iytay 28,1947,. at 7:30 P.I~t., at which meeting the following
members were present:
Chas.D.+Tehr ~'j.t~oy Letbetter
O.C.King IJZrs.~.E.Eberling,Secretary
In the absence of i,7r. H.E~Terry,Chairman, IrTr. Chas.D.t~ehr, presided.
;fir. -~ehrdeclared a quorum present and the transaction of business in order.
Old Business:
The following business was handled by telephone canvass of the members of the Zoning.
~ Planning Com-riission and action confirmed by letter to the City Rall by H,~.Terry,
Chairman of tl'ie Coning Board. It is the.desire.of this Board to place this action of
record in the minutes of the Zoning ~ Planning Commission, as folloroa:
hrs. Stephanova - 3106 Georgetown:. Application for permit for renovation of
a garage in order that a storage room may be added to the top of the. two car garage.
Potion by U.C.King, seconded by '~~.Ro~.~ Letbetter t}iat application be granted, provided
the usual affidavit is filed stating that room in question will not be rented cr used
for any e~c~r purpose other than o~nrners owri .use.
Aye - All
goes - Toone
J.U."`oolfcrd - application to allova construction on Lot 18, East half of Lot 19,
Block 27, College Vievr, Second lddition.
Note:: Records at the City iIa.ll did not shozl Lot 19 split.
Motion by C.C.Kin~, seconded by L?rs.'`~.E.Lberling, dividing. Lot 19 Block 27 College
View Second Addition, se that wile will be 1~2 to dot 18 and 1 2 to Lot 20.
Aye - All
Ttoes - gone
James G.tdci~urtry - Application filed in February requesting permission to construct
two story garage at 3302 Plumb Street. Tao action was to}:en in .the February meeting,
as ~r.t~c~?urtry was not present and the members of the Commission desired to talk to him
in person. i:4r. King now. reports that i,ir. =~ctsurtry has abandoned his project and
desires no action cn his petition.
Charles R. Olds - Corner University and Sewanee - Complaint by F.F~Badger on construc-
tion: Reference is made to the minutes of meeting held in April for details on this
complaint. The Zoning ~ Planning Commission referred this matter to the City Attorne
for a ruling, and undf;r date of April 28, ur. John D.Kelley, City ~~ttcrney, gave us
an opinion in letter form addressed to the Zoning ~ Planning Commission for the
attention of -~~r. H.E. Terry,Chairman. Copy of this opinion is attached to and made
a part of the minutes of this meeting.
Zoning ~: Planning Comrission ~ ~y
Minutes of regular meeting held I~;ay 28,1947 continued. 4
c+r. Olds and Isis attorney, ~<jr. iiarwell, were present at this meeting to protest the
opinion of the City Attorney in rulin~~ that ~the:re tivas a violation in connection with the
buildintTMs constructed b,~ ITr. Olds. ~Tr. Olds said tfcat in reply to the City Attorney's
statement that it tivas rw~~ored he (:r.Olds) vrould use the extra building as an office,
that such. was not the case and the building would. not be used for an office - that
it "vrould be used, in all probability, for some character of storage."
'Ir. F.F.Badger, complainant, was also present to uphold his complaint.
~Tr. r~arwell, Attorney for I~r. Olds, asked Ivr. Badger to tell him Izow this building
could depreciate the value of his home. i'~r. Badger then repeated his objection~(ivhich
are recorded in the minutes of tl:e pr wious meeting), and said that he objected to the
additional building because he believed it tivould be used as a garage or as a store-room
or office in connection with i~~r. Olds' business - grid that it depreciated the value of
his home to have the building sitting out in front of his house.
+lr, Olds stated that the building was not to be a garage or office, and his attorney,
~~r.harwell, stated that they ~rrould give a letter to that effect.
%r. =~iehr, Chairman, asked I~r. Olds if' he was going tb keep supplies in connection with
his business, in this building, and iar. Olds replied that he was. ter. f'llehr then asked
+ir. Olds if he didn't think that vrould be conducting part of`his business at his home,
and fir. Olds said"only in the same way that an architect would conduct his business".
i~Pr. Badger poi~zted out that there would be a great deal of hauling~in and out.by;
Ivx. Iv4ehr then stated that the Zoning & Planning Commission had considered this from the
standpoint of the building; being a garage and that the matter had been referred to
the City Attorney for a ruling and that the Commission had received the opinion from
the City Attorney setting out a violation in ttiso different ways.
'~~r. Behr then asked I;Ir.Badger what he ~^rould like tc have iir. Olds do, and 1,'Tr.Badger
said he v~euld like to see the extra building moved.
:sir. tartivell, Attorney for Ir.Olds, said that he believed the ruling by the City Attorney
was an invasion of 1'=1r•.Olds' rights to use his own property.
I~r. 'y~.Roy Letbetter then made the motion that the complaint entered by Iar.li'.F.Badger
tc the effect that he objects to the construction of this additional building for the
reason that such a building is a violation of tiie lcning Ordinance because same con-
stitutes an extra garage or a building wherein i,r. Olds might conduct business or
house building equipment, be sustained. I~r`otion seconded by O.C.i{ing.
Voting: Aye - All
Pdaes - None
llr. Olds and his Attorney, .r. Harwell, vrere advised tat they had the right of appeal
to the Cite Council from this decision.
6~ C~
(~ Zoning &: Planningm Coruaission
,'!inutes of Regular meeting held -~Iay 28,1947
?r. and l;rs. Ted i:i.Thayer - 4149 Riley St. - Application for construction of a room
over gara4;e for the occupancy of 1d~rs.Thayer's F'at~;er, Dr. ~:'.C.Bosley.
A letter was submitted by I.~rs.Ted j~=r .Thayer and also one by i~=r.Ted-~fr.Thayer, in
which it was set out the reasons for requesting the construction of tYis extra room -
one reason bung the fact that their home only contains one bedroom, and they do not
have sufficient room to take care of ~'Irs.Thayer's fat~er, Tvho is quite elderly. They
stated that the room they proposed to add to the garage would be used for Dr.Bosley
only, or as a storage or guest roars.
i=r. «in~ stated that he had talked to ~.~ir.and lags. Thayer personally and they had
assured him that tY~ey had n.o intention of using this room for any purpose other than
personal use.
r~~r. King then rude the motion that request be granted for the construction cf' a room
over garage at 4149 Riley with the usual affidavit required. iliotion seconded by
`~'~.Roy Letbetter.
Aye - All
noes - TJone
Al Hallo: Letter addressed to j~r.rI.~. Terry, re g_ esting 1 otter from the Zm ing &
Planning Commission to the FHEi stating that the 2700 block or gTroxton Road in ~'fest
university Place is zoned for apartment houses. Request ,was referred to r2r.Jolley,
Building Inspector for the City, who was asked to see that this letter was furnished
inasmuch as thisarea is already zoned for the type of construction proposed by
T~~r . Fial la.
.sir. Jolley then asJred that the Zoning c, Planning Commission act on a recommendation
of 1!;r. J.ti.letcalf, Fire °:,~arshall to the effect gnat from a safety standpoint,
builders of apartment houses and cuplexes be required to use conduit for the electrical
wirinr~ instead of the conventional knob and tube or romex.
L4rs . iberling then made the motion that t'rie Zoning ~~~ Plann.ing Commission of the City
of vest Universit~T Place recommend to the City Council that in the fut;ure, builders
of apartment houses and duplexes in the City of Y`lest University Place be required to
use conduit for the electrical airing instead of the conventional knob and tube, or
Votingc Aye - All
Y~Joes - Y~Tone
The Secretary tvas instructed to pass this recommendation on to the City Council for
I4irs. uladys ,ioise - K.S,Adams, Jr.,owner of Lot 1, Flock 92, Jest University Place
econd ~=dditien. hpplication for splitting of this property into lots in a manner
satisfactory to the Zoning ~ Planning Coranission.
<ars. ~'~Ioise explained that 2.Tr.ndams had bought the property, 150 feet on Bissonnet
and 25U feet on "`ercer, thinking he cculd build a gasoline station, but found that
the Zoning Ordinance prohibited that type of construction, and now he wanted to sell
the property. s9rs. ~ioise explained that she was a real estate dealer and had sold
the property to i{ir.xda~s, and was now handling the sale for him. She stated that
she had a buyer for the property provided ~t could be split into lots on Uvhich the
party could build several houses. Discussion brought out the fact that T~r.Gus C.
ZoninY; ~ Planning Commission
Regular meeting T~Zay 28,1947
Dittmar lived at 3505 Bissonnet, which ~~rould be next to
was suggested that .'fir. Di tt~aar be contacted ,And asked i
splitting of the lot. Nrs. Noise said she would secure
this connection.
The members of the Commission suggested that the lot be
lots: 2- 75 x 125 ft. on Bissonnet and 2 - 62-1~2 x 105
the property in question. it
E hs had any objection to the
a letter from ~~Ir.Dttmar in
split in no more than four
ft. on Pdercer.
4lotion by FJFrs. ~berling that a decision be deferred en this matter until the Zoning
°' Plannirg Commission received statement from 2~r.Dittr.-~ar that he had no objection to
the splitting; of the lot into four lots as recommended.
Aye -All
iaoes - None
I~rs. ~:~oise was requested to contact F=ir. Jolley when she had secured the letter from
tier . Dittmar .
Chas.~!j.Boyer - 3000 Block Albans -Lot 28, Block 3: Application for construction of
a two story house with brick face and cedar shingles, l'Fr. Boyer said that re and his
builder had been informed b~~ the City Mali that, the house. did not conform to the re-
quirements -for buildi.n~a in that particular area inasmuch as the req~zirement was 510
brick, but that he and F~is builder had previously drawn plans on the basis of other
similar construction in the immediate vicinity.
i~Ir. Boyer was told that during the vrar years :vhen brick was difficult to obtain, con-
. struction had been allowed using less than 51o brick and substituting asbestos shingles
in many cases. FFowever, novr that brick was :Wore plentiful, the Commission thought that
the requirements should be strictly adhered to, but that the Commission was willing to
give consideration to his application.
vTr. Boyer said that he could readily understand that attitude, but if he was forced to
rake the house 51a brick, under the present conditions the cost would be prohibitive to
him, and in view of the fact that he had his plans and specifications and 'Wad purc}~ased
the lot, he was asking the Commission to consider. granting an exception in his case.
After considerable discussion, ~~rs. Lberling made tF"ie motion that permission be granted
for the construction of imz,rovements on Lot 28, Block v, rionticello Addition, by
ly~r. Chas.l~. Beyer, using the plans submitted showing the brick front, and the balance
of the outside construction tc be that of asbestos Siding (or asbestos shingles) instead
of cedar shingles. T~iction seconded b;~ ~+.Roy Letbetter.
Aye -All
hoes -None
Sam Patillo - 2721 University Blvd. -Lot 5 and the E. 25 ft. Lot 4, Block lA,Pemberton
Place: Application to enlarge garage to two story, adding vaasi~-room,stere-room on
ground floor and z>lay-room ~~~pstairs.
~'%otion by O.C.i~in~; to grant request provided affidavit is executed to the effect that
it ~r,ill not be used commercially. Seconded by =~=rs.'%~. ~.Fberling.
ti oting: Aye - t~11
Noes - v'one
Zoning ~ Planninc Commission
Regular Yleeting - ~"ay 28,1947
There being no further business to
seconded, and unanimously carried,
sirs ,''; . ~.Eberlin~;, Secreta
come before the meeting, upon motion duly made,
the meeting was adjourned.
~ ~.
~has.D.~ hr,A~ting Chairman