HomeMy WebLinkAbout08121965 ZPC MinutesLi.G~ REGULAR MEETING OF ZANING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1965 The Zoning. and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, August 12, 1965,. 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Hannah, presid- ing;•members Bricker and Hilton. Inasmuch as Mr. Paul Canto, owner of the property for which the Public Hearing was scheduled at 7:30, was not yet present and-had advised. that he would be there, the Board considered another request first. Application number 65-5 was presented to the Commission by Mr. J. L. Howell, Chairman of the Building Committee of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. He presented drawings and plans for a proposed building to be used in conjunction with their present building which is located at the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Bissonnet. He stated that the church, owner of Lots lA and 1B, Block 89, West University Place Second Addition, is request- ing that these lots be used for church purposes. He stated and showed on the plans, that they desire to align the new structure with the proposed building on Bissonnet Street. After discussion, the following action was taken: Motion by Mr. Bricker, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that a Public Hearing be called for the date of September g, 1965, 7:30 p.m., to consider per- mittin~ St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to use Lots lA and 1B, Block 89, West University Place Second Addition, for church purposes, and that proper legal notice be given. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Canto arrived at the meeting at this time, and the Board considered application number 65-3, which was a request for subdivision. It was stated by Chairman Hannah that proper legal notice had been published n the official newspaper. of the city on July 21, 1865 and that notice had been mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of the property on July 12, 1965, and Mr. Hannah stated that the Public Hearing called for this time was now in session. There being no persons desiring. to be head in connection with the proposed subdivision other than the owner, ~~a°"'Mr.'Paul Canto, Chairman Hannah administered the Oath to Mr. Canto at this time. Mr. Canto stated that he desires subdivision of Lot 10, Block 32, West University Place First Addition into two lots each 50 X 150 feet to front on Westchester Street. He stated that the house which was on the property is in the process of being moved away, and that if the sub- division is made, two new houses will be built on the lots. He stated that addressof the property is 6527 Westchester. Three copies of the plot plan of the property were presented to the Commission. They showed. no encroachments on the property. ~~~ There being no further questions, the following action was taken: Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Bricker,. that the Publie Hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Bricker, that Lot. 10, Block 32, West .University Place First Addition, be subdivided into two lots, each 50 X 150 .feet to front on Westchester, as requested.: by the owner, Mr. Paul .Canto.. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Application number 65-4, was presented to-the Board at this time for consideration. This was the application of Mr. W. B. Whenthoff, 2803 University Boulevard, for subdivision of Lot 6, Block 20, West University Place First Addition, into two lots, one 70 X 100 feet to front on Wakeforest and one 100 X 100. feet to front on University Boulevard. Three copies of a surveyor's plat plan were attached to the application.. There was discussion concerning.. the availability of a sewer easement to the front property f rooting on University Boulevard, if it were sub- divided from the. remainder of the lot. Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Bricker, that a Public Hearing be called for 8 p.m., September g, 1965, to consider subdivision of Lot 6, Block 20, West University Place First Addition into two lots, one 70 X 100 feet to front on Wakeforest Street and one. 100 X 100 feet to front on University Boulevard, as requested by the .owner, Mr. W. B. Whenthoff, and that proper legal notice be given. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before t motion duly made, seconded and carried, e` ATTEST:. ,~2~C°~~~~~ Secretary this time, upon was adisx~rned. Chairman 1 1