HomeMy WebLinkAbout04081965 ZPC Minutes~ 9~' 1 REGULAR MEETING OF ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION APRZZ 8, 1865:. The Zoning and ,Planning C9mmisson convened in regular session on Thursday, April 8, 1965; 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Hannah, presiding; Members Bricker, Lottand Travis. Mr. Hilton was absent. Chairman Hannah called the meeting to order and."stated^'that the `first order of business would be the public hearing calTed~for,r'~i~0 p:i~i_~toi consider subdivision of I~~1, Rl nnk ~.R; T~7P~t rtn~ trPrsi tv ~ place Second Addition: into two lots each 75 X 150 feet to front on Ambers Stree-~, as requested by the owner, Mr. ELi J. Kipp. Mr. H. A. Duelberg and Mr. Edward J. Kiatta were the only persons desiring to be heard in connection with the appli- cation. It was stated that application had been made on March 15, 196.5 for sub- divis iqn of the aforementioned property, and that on March 22, 1965 a public hearing had'beeri"called by the Zdning and Planning Commission for the date o~ April ~;;19~5, 7:~0 pm. It was also stated for the record. that Notice of 1'u"blic'Hearng"had been published in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle on March 23, 1965 and that notices had been mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of the property on March 23, 1965, . Mr. H. A. Duelberg, 3216 University, stated that he had no opposition to the proposed. subdivision of the property. N1x'. Edward J, Kiatta, 3220 Amherst, stated that he was in favor of the subdivision. There was a letter which was received from Mrs. Anna M. Roberts stating that she. favored the subdivision of this property. With no f~ ther persons desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. Bricker, that the public hearing. called for the purpose of considering subdivision of Lot 1, Block 48, West University Place Second Addition, be closed. Voting Aye: Chairman Hannah, Members Bricker, Lott and Travis Voting No: None ..... -__ . _ .... _ __ _ __ ._ Motion by Mr. Travis,. seconded by Mr. Lott, that the ,request of Mr. Eli J. Kipp for subdivision of Ipt 1, Block ~+8, West University Place Second Addition into two lots each 75 X 150 feet to front on Amherst Street, be approved. Voting Aye: Chairman Hannah, Members Bricker, Ir~tt and Travis Voting No: None Mr. Hannah stated that an application for subdivision of a lot had been received from Mrs. A. W. McStravick. She requests subdivision of Lot 4, Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots ~~o each 50 X 150 .feet to front on Buffalo Speedway, and she submitted a surveyor's plot plan in triplicate, with her application. Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. Travis, that a,public hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., May 13, 1965, to consider su'~division. of Lot ~-, Block 21, West University Plaee First Addition i~.to.two lots each 50 X 150 feet to front on Buffalo Speedway, as re,quest~d :b-y the owner, Mrs. A. W. McStravick, and that proper notice be~given. Voting Aye: Chairman Hannah, Members Bricker; Lott and Travis Voting No; _None There was a,brief question and answer session between those present and. the Commission, cpncexn.ing zoning~in~general. 1 With no further business to come before the Zori' and Planning Commis- sion at this time, upon motion duly made, seco ded and carried, the.. meeting was adjourned. ~ a ire o A.TTES'E rman 1 Secretary