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The Zoning & Planning Board-convened in regular-session at the ~'ity Hall on
Thursday, August 10, 1961, 7:30 P.M., with the following members presents
Mr. 0. P, Gill, presiding; Messrs. Loys E. Vest, H, Edgar Lott anal J. C.
.Snyder. Chairman Hannah was out of the city on ~aacation and Mr. Fitzgerald
was absent due to a business obligation.
Mrs, Christian Jensen, owner of Lot 8 Block 32x West University Place First
Addition, again appeared before tc~'relative~o bier request to subc.~de the
property into two lots After having been advised by the Board on July 1~,~1~ to
check with the City Engineerts Office to determine whether or not the lot had previously
been subdivided, it was determined that the lot had not been officially subdivided by
the city. Mrs. Jensen submitted a plan showing that the improvements existing on the
south one half of the lot would be within the setback requirements if the proposed sub-
division is approved.
Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by jr. Vest, that the Board recommend to the City Com-
mission that Lot 8, Block 32, West University Place First Addition, be subdivided into
two lots 50 x 150 ft. subject to all building setback requirements being complied with.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Messrs. Harry C. Hastings and R. I,. Knap3, representing the Southwestern Bell Telephone
Company, again appeared before the. Board in relation to their-request for approval of
preliminary plans to construct a 38 x 89 ft, basement and two-sto addition to their
present Mohawk Dial Building at Bellaire Blvd. and Academy tract. The represen -
tatives explained that the addition would be constructed 11~ feet west of the
existing building wall along Academy Street which wrnzld be ap~sroximately 10 ft.
from the side property line. They also explained that they proposed to provide
head-in parking facilities across the full length of their property along
Academy Street.
Motion by Mr. Vest, seconded by Mr. Lott, that the Board recommend that the request
of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to construct a 38 x 89 ft. basement and
two-story addition to the rear of the present building on Bellaire Blvd. and Academy
Street with the proposed structure to be placed l~.feet west of. the existing build-
ing wall along Academy Street, and plans to provide head-in parking facilities
across the full length of the property along Academy Street, be approved, subject
to all building plans meeting the approval of the City Engineer and Building In -
spector with relation to building code requirements.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Mr. J. W, Chandler x.012 Swarthmore, submitted proposed plans for a home to be cons-
tr~eted on of lfl, B ock Al Fem erton Addition, at the earner of Un:versit~r Blv
and A ohs, with a setback of 20 ft. from the front It was de-
terminedthat the depth of the lot was 100.8 feet, howeverpeexa~sting~hauses in the
block were set back distances of 3~.,1t, 30.2, 26.Ot, 31~.8i and 20.Ot, The action of
the Zoning Board and City Commission on August e. and 8, 1960, permitting the house on
a tract of land 100 x lOflr out of Lots 2 and 3, Block lA, Pemberton Addition, to ^
be constructed with a 20t setback from the front property line was reviewed, It
Motion by Mr. Vest, seconded by Mr. Lott, that the Board recommend approval
of Mr. J. W. Chandler's request to construct a home on Lot 10, Block A, Pem-
Berton Addition, with a 20 ft, front setback in view of action taken on
August ~+, and August 8, 1860, by the Zoning Board and City Commission,. with
reference to a similar request in the. same block.
had been determined at that time, by the City Commission, the rule pertaining
to 25~ of the property being built up was not applicable. After reviewing this
action, and determining that Mr. Chandler intended to comply with all building
requirements, the following action was taken:
Voting Aye: All No: None
Mr. S. W. Wilburn, 6+21 Westchester, asked permission to erect a 10 x 10 ft.
storage building on the rear of his property being Lot 9B, Block 2q, West Uni-
versity Place First Addition. Mr. Wilburn explained that one of the `main
reasons he needed the storage building was due to the fact that he plans to
tear down and reconstruct his existing garage which is in a bad state of repair,
and during the time of reconstruction he would need a storage place for tools,
lawn equipment, etc. which is now stored in the garage.
Motion by Mr. Vest, seconded by Mr. Lott, that recommendation be made that Mr.
Wilburn be permitted to erect a 10 x 10 ft. storage building on Lot qB, Block 2q,
West University Place First Addition, as requested, subject to execution of the
usual affidavit that the structure will not be used as living quarters or for
commercial purposes..
Voting Aye: A11 No; None
Mr. John Hughes, 3303 Nottingham, requested the Board's recommendation for ap-
proval to erect a 10 x 1 ft. storage room to be useii for the purpose of storing
yard tools,-etc.
Motion by Mr. Vest, seconded by Mr. Lott, that approval be recommended on Mr.
John Hughes' request to erect a 10 x l~+ ft. storage room on his property to be
used for storage of yard tools, etc., subject to execution of the usual affi-
davit that the strucute will not be .used as living quarters or for commercial
purposes .
Voting dye: All No: None
Mr. Jules Rosenbaum,. owner of the property fronting .University Blvd.. in the
3 00 block, between the Poor Farm Ditch and Edloe Street, presented a sketch of
tentative plans to demolish the old commercial structures now located on the
property which is zoned for commercial purposes and to rebuild a new one-story
structure on the premises. Bhe Board members looked with favor upon the tenta-
tive plans as presented. Mr. Rosenbaum was asked to submit a request in writing
with more detailed plans and specifications if action from. the Zoning Board s
Mr. H. P. Audley, x-103 Ruskin, asked. permission from the Board to construct a
10 x 1 ' utility room to include a half bath, plum~~ing and electrical connec-
tions for a washer, dryer, water heater, deep.'reeze s ink and work table..
Motion by P~1x°. Lott, seconded by Mr. Vest,that the hoard reco~Lmend that.
the request of Mr. H, P. Audley, ZE103 Ruskin, for permission to cons
truct a 1Q x 14' utility room, to include plumping and electrical
connections for a half bath, washer, dryer, water heater, deep freeze,
sink and work table, be approved, subject to .execution of affidavit.
that the structure will not be used as living quarters or for commercial
Voting Aye: All No; None
Mr. R. H. Simpson, 3~+C1 Langley, requested the Board to recommend ap-
proval for construction of a 10 x 14' greenhouse to be attached to
the south side of his existing two car garage. Mx'.. Simpson explained
that the structure would be used in connection with his hobby and. he
would execute. an affidavit to this effect.
Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. Vest, that the Board recommend
that the request of Mr . R . H. Simpson, 3+01 Tangley, for permission
to construct a 10 x l~' greenhouse to the. south of his existing two-car
garage, be approved,: subject to execution of an affidavit that the structure
wi11 be used only in connection with his hobby and not for commercial pur-
Voting Aye; All No; None
With no further business to come before the Board at this. time, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned.
~ ,,
Acting Chairman
-~~ ~. ~~
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