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07131961 ZPC Minutes
T"3 REGULAR MEETING OF ZONING AND' PLANNING BOARD THURSDA.Y~ JULY 13, 1961 The Zoning and Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, July 13, 1961, with the following members present: Chairman ~,vid Hannah, presiding; Messrs. 0. P. Gi11, R.. M. Fitzgerald,Jr., H. Edgar Lott. Mr, J. C. Snyder was absent as he was out of the city. Mr. Loys E. Vest was present for a short timebut was unable to remain at the .meeting because of another engagement. Mr. Joe E.Sacco,-276 Bellaire Blvd., appeared before-the Board, requesting- permission to remove the present door on his existing garage at the above address and replace it with a small access door and comrert the garage into a storage room. Mr. Sacco prop©ses to replace rotten si11s, install a wood floor and sheetrock the inside walls. No plumbing or gas connections are proposed in the building. Motion by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Lott, that the Board recommend approval of Mr. 3a.cco~s request, provided-that he execute an affidavit that the building wi]1 not be used for commercial purposes or as living quarters. Voting Aye: All No: None. Mr. Edward W. Farmer 6332 Sewanee, asked the Board to recommend that he ' be permitted to construe a carport on the front of his garage. A proposed sketch of the carport revealed. that the support columns would fall within the required setback distance of the north property line. One of the sup~c.,'. port columns would be approximately 2~ from the property line and the other approximately 2t6" The Board advised. Mr. Farmer that they could not recommend approval of his request with the columns located as stated above, and it was recommended that he consider another means of supporting the carport with columns meeting the setback requirements and. that he contact the Building Inspector for a permit on that basis,. __ _ Mrs. Christian Jensen, owner of Lot 8 Block 32, West University Place First Additions asked permission to subdivide the property into two lots in order that she might sell the property. Mrs. Jensen stated that them are existing improvements on the south 5® x 15®t and that the north 5~ x ls~ is vacant. 1 1 In reviewing the plat on this property, the Board was of the opinion that there was a possibility that the lot had previously been subdivided and , recommended to Mrs. Jensen that she check with the City Engineers office for verification. Messrs. Har C. Hastin s and Frank Jacobs, representatives from the southwestern Bell Telephone ompany, appeared before the Board, asking their approval for construction of an addition to their present Mohawk Dial Building at Bellaire Blvd. and Academy atreet. Before taking any action, the Board wished to examine any existing files on the original permit issued to the Telephone Company for the present building. 1 ~:~ ~, 1 ~1 a ~3.th no further business to come 'before the oard at this tip, upon motion duly made, seconded and Carrie ,the meeting was adjourned. ..:cam-.~/ >~GC-a/ Secretary