HomeMy WebLinkAbout10081959 ZPC Minutes~.~~ REGULAR MEETING OF ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD ocTOBER 8, 1159 The Zoning and Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Ha11 on Thursday=, October 8,195,'?: 30~P.M, with- the following members present; Chairman.. Horace Rice, presiding; Messrs. Gill, Hannah & Wyngarden. Mr. 0. C. King was absent. Mr. 8o Mrs. Marcellus A. Battler, x+223 Lehig%; appeared before the Board in re- lation o a e er a e ep em er „ , whereby tl~~ey requested approval to altar their existing one-car~arar;e for use as a story e and hobby room. They fur- nished a dratiaing which- indicated plans for making alterations to their home as well as t'ae garage. Mr. ~ Mrs. Battler stated they had a large family and needed. the extra space in order to make their home morn comfortable. It was brought out that the e._isting garage tiahich they desired to use as a hobby room and storage rooms was detac3i.ed from the main house, therefore, the 20' back,jard requirement would be observed. Motion by Mr. Gill, seconded 'oy Mr. Hannal-~, what the Board recommend to the City Commission that IeZr. ~, Mrs. Marcellus A. Bettler's request for altering their e<,istng one--car garage building for use a.s a storage and hobby room be approved subject to suc'-. alterations being limited to installation of electrical outlets, doors a.nd partitions as shown on the drawing submitted and that Mr. Battler e:~e-- cute an affidavit t'.~at tY~e structure will not contain and= kitchen facilities or sanity-~°;T facilities and that the str~.cture zaill not be used as living quarters or for an;= commercial purpose; further provided that these restrictions be in= eluded in the terms of sale should t~_e property be sold... Voting Aye: All. Voting No: None. Mr. J. J. Mathis, Jr., 6336 Sewanee, appeared before the Board requesting per - mission o su ivice o , oc~ ._ , West University Place First Addition into t~ao 50 :~ 150 foot lots. Tt was revealed that t e south wall of an el~is~ting -cwo car frame garage has been constructed within two feet of the proposed new prop - erty line. In view of the fact that the three foot side setback requirements could not be complied with, Mme'. M<athis withdrew his request. Nir. Lloyd B. ~uinb;=, 5~1~ Ford~am, a^e quested permission to construct a two-story ~a-ra~e on his premises, °ing o ~, Block 8, Preston Place Addition. He stated that he desired to use t~~le upper floor for storage space and a photographic dark roan and hobby shop. Motion b~, Mr. Wyngarden, seconded by Mr. H`~.nnah, that t ;.e Board recommend ap proves of P~Tr. C`~uinb~.='s request; provided there be no kitchen facilities,. commode or gash basis installed in the structure; also that Mr. f~,uinby execute an aff- davit that the structure will not be used as living quarters or for any commercial. purpose; and further provided that these restrictions be included in the terms of sale should the property be sold. Voting Aya: All. Voting No: Nona. With no furtleer business to code before the Board at this time, upon lotion duly made, sacor_ded and carried., the meeting was adjourned. ~ •~ ~// ~. -~,~~.~ ChairY Secretar~~