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APRIL 10, 1858
The Zoning and Planning Board convened-in regular session at the City Hall on
Thursday, April 10, 1958, 7:3o P.M., with the following members present: A. G.
Davis, presiding; Messrs. Hannah, Rice, Wilson, Campbell and Gi11.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bodkin, 3003 Jarrard, requested permission to demolish a
presen wo-s ory ~ara~e an r~ ace 1 with a one-story addition'-EEo tlie-Fiouse
to provide another bedroom and-bath, and to add a carport. The plans submitted.
revealed that the living quarters would extend to within approximately ten feet
of the rear lot line.
Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that approval of plans submitted.
by Mr. and Mrs. Bodkin to construct an addition to their existing residence at
3003 Jarrard which would extend to within approximately ten feet of the rear
lot line be denied, in view of former decisions.
Voting Aye;. All No: None
Mrs. C. R. Edgar, 3103 University Blvd., requested approval to re~,ir an exist-
ng room over a ~ara~e a e a ove address. It was explained that the stair-
way needed rebuilding, and they desired to replace the linoleum, wiring, as nec-
essary; to enclose the water closet, and to replace the old paper on the walls
with sheetrock. Mrs. Edgar stated the room had not been rented during their
ownership of the property, and she had no intention of renting it; that it was
her desire to repair the room to make a suitable guest room.
Motion by Mr. Gi11, seconded by Mr.-Rice, that the request of Mrs. C. R. Edgar
for permission to repair the garage room in order to make a suitable guest .room
be approved., subject to execution. of a.n affidavit that the room will not be
rented or permanently occupied as regular living quarters, and that wiring be
restricted to normal 110-volt circuits.
Voting Aye: All No: None
Mr. Ed H. Luckett, 3721 Nottingham, requested permission from the Zoning Board
to have his company's name, Gold Coast Advertising Company, listed in the tele-
phone directory at his home s ree nu er, sta ing a does no ransac
any us ness rom is rest ence, nor wou d he have any signs on the premises,
but wanted the listing merely as a convenience for customers.
Motion by Mr. Rice, seconded by Mr. Hannah, that the request of Mr. Ed H.
Luckett, 3721 Nottingham, for permission to have his company's name listed in
the telephone directory at'his..home number, be approved subject to an executed
affidavit stating that nothing other than telephone business be conducted.
Voting Aye: A 11 No: None
A request from Mr. H. R. Houck, Sr., was presented to the Board for permission
to erect a 46-unit apartment building on Lots 3, ~+ 5 and 6 Block 7 Cunning-
. ham Terrace, an approxima ely the north two hundred feet of Lot 2 , Cambridge
P7.ace, a distance of twenty feet from a ron proper y nes an S e n .
was explained by the Board that this is commercial property and construction
of apartment buildings is permissable. Substantially the same request was sub-
mitted by Mr. Houck on September lq, 1953, and recommended for approval by the
Zoning Board. However, the hearing called by the City Commission was discon-
tinued when no representative appeared on behalf of Mr. Houck's request. It
was also explained that the zoning ordinance requires a thirty-foot setback from
front lot lines for all commercial property.
Motion by Mr. Hannah, seconded by Mr. Gi11, that the Board recotmmend approval
for a twenty-foot setback on Stella Link Road for a proposed ~+6-unit apart-
ment project on Lots 3, ~+, 5 and. 6, Block 7, Cunningham Terrace, and the north
two hundred feet of Lot 26, Cambridge Place, in accordance with the Zoning
Board's recommendation on September 19, 1953, and"also that the request for a
10-foot setback along the north property line be approved since the proposed
usage is for residential rather than commercial buildings, and the usual set-
back for residential property is a minimum of 3 feet.
Voting Aye;. A11 No: None
Although not considered a zoning matter, the Board desires the Commission's
attention to be called to the fact that no off-street parking facilities are
provided, other than the carports at the ex reme nor a ge o e pro~y.
Possibly some additional space could be provided along Stella Link far visi-
tors, etc.
An application was submitted to the Board by Mr. Burke Holman, Attorney represent-
ing the several owners of property fronting Bellaire Boulevard, between Academy
Street and West Point Street. After studying the request, the Board expres'~'s~e~a
feeling that this request merits most serious consideration, but that careful
study must be given to the effect on adjoining and other fringe property.
Motion by Mr. Hannah, seconded by Mr. Gill, that the Board withhold immediate
action, but that the .City Attorney be requested to submit an opinion on the
legal aspects of the problem, and whether rezoning the property as requested
would jeopardize the overall or special ordinances.
Voting Aye; All No; None
With no other business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned.
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