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12131956 ZPC Minutes
~~' ~lINU'I'ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ZONING AND PLA~NNSNG BOARD December 13, 1956 The Zoning and Planning Board convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. on Thursday,. December 13, 1956, with the following members present: Mr. M. C. Halbert, presiding; Messrs. A. G. Davis, David Hannah, Robert Madeley and Charles Wilson. Mr. Charles A. Ginsburg and his attorney, Mr. William F. Grimes, appeared before the Board in protest of zoning restrictions on his`praperty at 2720 University Boulevard. Mr. r mes s a e ns urg had had several opportunities to sell the property for commercial purposes, but had lost the sales because of zoning restrictions, and requested that same be waived. He told the Board of in- stances where, in his opinion, the zoning ordinance had been violated, and he felt that his property should be unrestricted in order that it may be used for com- mercial purposes. Mr. Dupree Holman Mr. C. P. Lanmon Mrs. Lillian A« utler and w ntereste residents present at the meeting,. voiced ob,~ections to zoning restrictions being waived to permit use of the property at X20 University Boulevard, which is in a single-family residential area to be used for commercial purposes. After hearing all persons present who wished to be heard on the request, the Board took the following action: Motion by Mr. Madeley, seconded by Mr, Hannah, that the Board recommend to the City Commission that the request of Mr. Charles A. Ginsburg to waive the restrictions on Lots 11 and 12, Block 11, Virginia Court in order that it may be used for commer- cial purposes be denied. Voting Aye: All No; None Mr. George O'Leary resubmitted a request to inst~,~_i ~-itarx-~i i_i R in an exist- ing servants' quarters at 3121 Amherst as it was his apinion that the Board was not given proper information in the original request submitted November 24, which was denied. Mr« O'Leary explained that the existing structure was a room in connection with his garage which had been used as a laundry and utility room and had never. been finished on the inside for living quarters. He also told the Board that the purpose for installing the sanitary facilities was for the convenience of the. people who lease the property and have a servant working on the premises. Mr. O'Leary stated that he and Mrs. O'Leary were willing to sign an affidavit to the effect that the room would not be used far commercial or rental purposes. Motion by Mr. Madeley, seconded by Mr« Davis, that the action taken on November 2~F with reference to the request by Mr, and Mrs. George O'Leary be rescinded in view of the additional information submitted; and that they be permitted to improve the present utility room limited to the same square foot area and laundry facilities, but no installation of tub or shower; furthex, that affidavit be executed that the premises will not be used for comt~ercial or rental purposes. Voting Aye: No; None 4'6 Dr. David Jaffe, 55Q9 Morningside Drive, petitioned the Board to recommend re- zoning of the Northwest corner of Kirb Drive and Rice Blvd. to permit con- s ruc ono a two-story rick office bu its. Motion by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the Board recom~nd.to the City Commission that the request of Dr. David Jaffef~ to rezone the 1orthwest corner of Kirby Drive and Rice Blvd. be denied, as this would be considered spat zoning. Voting Aye: A11 No: None Mr. W. B. Lanford requested permission to resubdivide Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addition into two 55x105 Ft. lots. I~was exp. ne lot was originally 110 x 105 Ft. and he desired to sell the property to two different purchasers. Motion by Mr. Madeley, seconded by Mr, Hannah, that Lot i7, Block 16, Monticello Addition be subdivided into two 55 x 105 Ft. lots. Voting Aye: A11 No: N©ne A letter from Mr. L. Goldstan, President of the University State Bank, requested permission to place a large sign on the commercial vrot~erty an Kirby Drive. between Plumb and Tana].ev. Motion by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Madeley that the request from Mx. Gold.ston, President of the University State Bank, for permission to erect a large sigta on the property on Kirby Drive between plumb and Tangley be denied. Voting Aye: All No: None A letter from Mr. Walter M. Stefan, X126 Southwestern, was presented to the Board, asking permission to ~~h~ ~~g, o~' s nre~~nt~~ara~e approxitt~tely eight feet in length and ten feet in width in order to provide storage space for toys, gardening equipment and other items, and also permit the ear to go far enough. into the garage to close the Coors. No action was taken on Mr. Stefan's request at this time as the Board desired to visit the premises personally before making a reeammendation. Mr. R. R. Vest and Mr. E. J. Christiansen again appeared before the Board request- ing that they recommend the rezoning of property in the 2800 and 2900 blocks of Bissonnet to permit erection of an office builds No action was taken on the. request at this time, as the Board desire ffur er conference with the City Com- mission. Mr. Morris H. Brooks, Houston Manager for the L. F. Corrigan Interests, advised e oar a onal space was needed by the Bellaire Music Coan~an located in the shopping center at Wesleyan and Bellaire Blvd., and t ~y- c-~esi~ed to erect a second story to the bu ng, a exp ne the footings and columns ould note 1 ~~ ~.. sugport the weight of a masonry building, and requested use of asbestos board siding on three sides of the second story, the fourth side adjoining the existing fire wall of the Bellaire Theater. It was the thought of the Board members that this would be a violation of the Zoning prdinance' and of the Building Code, but they desired an opinion from the City Attorney before taking any action. With no further business to come before, the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ .:'CHAIRMAN ~.. .''l ~ a/ '7/... SECRETARY 1