HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Board Minutes March_6_2024 1
Loca�on: Recrea�on Center
Chair: Stephanie Magers
Secretary: Richard Cunningham
Board members present: Stephanie Magers, Richard Cunningham, Sarah Barret, Rebecca
Brownlie, Ryan Firth, Stephen Damiani, Laura (Lulu) Lopez, Maryann Grahmann, Lauren Griffith,
Arlene Wells.
Board members absent: Sami Morrison
Staff: Susan White
Council members: Shannon Carroll
Visitors: (none)
Call to Order: Stephanie Magers called the mee�ng to order at 6:44 p.m. (another mee�ng ran
over�me in the same room)
Ci�zen Comments: (None)
Approval of the minutes from February 7 mee�ng: Maryann Grahmann moved to approve, and
Lauren Griffith seconded. Unanimous approval.
All board members signed a “thank you” card for the Friends of West U Parks.
Council Update: Council member Shannon Carroll noted that there have been two City Council
mee�ngs since the last Parks Board mee�ng. Ongoing priority items for Council include a
number of water-related improvements, especially to reduce the risk of flooding. One of several
projects is to improve the Wakeforest north to south drainage line and the Milton Water Plant
upgrade. She added that West U has received a grant of about $2.5 million from Representa�ve
Lizzie Fletcher’s office to help pay for the work.
Council approved an alcohol variance for Maximo, a Mexican restaurant that is going into the
former El Topo loca�on between Tiny’s and Litle Mat’s. The variance is necessary because the
restaurant is within 300 yards of a school. Tiny’s has begun the process to acquire an alcohol
variance as well.
Friends Update: Sami Morrison was not present, but Susan White noted that total neted in the
Park Lovers’ Ball was over $400,000, and thanked Friends for their amazing efforts.
Parks & Recrea�on Update: Work on the Wier Park upgrade has begun. The ground is being
prepared for the new ar�ficial turf. Susan White brought several turf samples and said that the
original turf selected by the
architect was too scratchy, so the
architect found an alternate
product. There should not be a big
price difference. (Photos are from
Saturday, March 16.) This por�on
of the park will be closed for about
four months, but the tennis courts
will remain open.
Another change from the original plan is to
eliminate the ar�ficial walkway (dark
green loops in this conceptual drawing
below) and instead use ar�ficial turf for
the en�re area.
Susan added that the contractor is paying
par�cular aten�on to drainage underneath the
new ar�ficial turf to make sure that it is adequate.
Public Works is also involved, making sure that the
drains are free and clear of debris.
Another change to the conceptual design is that a
proposed shade structure over the swing sets will
be eliminated due to technical and safety issues.
There will s�ll be a can�levered shade structure
over the two picnic tables at the northwest corner
of the park.
Susan is working with Donna LaMond, Friends of
West U Parks execu�ve director, on the idea of a
paver area inside the park. The pavers will include the names of people who have contributed
to improvements in the park. One issue is the life of the pavers themselves. Some that were
replaced on the Sunset side of the park five years ago are already worn down. Op�ons are to
put new pavers in a less-trafficked area, or to use instead a “Donor Wall” that would include the
names of park fund donors. Susan is working with Friends to come up with a plan for the
Susan discussed the city’s Capital Improvement plans for 2025. A�er City Manager Dave Beach
said that plans to build a water deten�on unit at the Recrea�on Center have been shelved in
favor of a different loca�on, Susan submited a 2025 Capital Improvement request for an
upgrade to the exis�ng jogging track around the athle�c fields. Susan asked PRB members for
sugges�ons to improve the Recrea�on Center’s playground area. The playground equipment,
for example, needs to be repainted or powder coated. She added that a donor has come
forward who wants to add a bench outside of the playground area.
Phase Two of the Facili�es Master Plan includes upgrades to the Community Center, Public
Works, the library, and other city buildings. We should get a �meline soon. Council has
approved the design work with the same company that designed the Recrea�on Center and the
Colonial Park pools. Susan will send board members a link to the Facili�es Master Plan.
Fee Commitee Update: Ryan Firth, Rebecca Brownlie, Susan White and Laura Turley (Senior
Board representa�ve) met earlier today (March 6). We are now able to look at fees differently
from in the past, thanks to the 2022 analysis done by the consultant group, 110%. The Parks and
Recrea�on Department has a cost-recovery model in place that considers both direct and
indirect costs. With this tool, P&R will be able to make more informed decisions about
membership fees. Susan will be sending all of our 2023 data to 110% . City Council has agreed
to fund another year with the consul�ng group.
Susan added that the improved analy�c tools provided by 110% are allowing P&R to be more
systema�c in the review of fees. Senior fees, for example, are reflec�ng a changing demographic
within West U. Approximately 30 percent of our membership are seniors who get at least 50
percent off their membership or pay no fees at all. The Fee Commitee will meet again next
month to review new input from the consultant and
to make recommenda�ons.
Susan talked about her experience at the 2024 Texas
Recrea�on and Park Society (TRAPS) Expo, which ran
from February 26 to March 1 at the Moody Gardens
Hotel and Conven�on Center in Galveston. This is the
premier educa�on and networking event in Texas for
the Park and Recrea�on community. West U’s Parks
and Recrea�on Department received top honors in its
category (Texas ci�es under 25,000) by winning the
2024 Gold Medal Award for excellence in parks and
recrea�on management. West U is the only Texas city
in this category to have won this award three �mes.
There was brief discussion about the use of credit cards, debit cards and electronic fund
transfers when residents pay their fees. The concern is that the merchant fees when customers
pay with credit cards can add up. Susan noted that credit card fees increased some $30,000 in
2023. Programming and membership fees may need to increase to recover this expense.
Park Ambassador Reports:
Colonial Park West playground and decks – Lauren Griffith brought a catalogue to show
outdoor furniture we might consider to create comfortable gathering areas within Colonial Park.
Discussion followed about the benefits of crea�ng such areas and encouraging people to use
them. There was also some discussion of food trucks and other vendors who might want to
operate in or near the parks.
Edloe Street Pathway – Richard Cunningham
Huffington Park – Ryan Firth
Friends Park – Sami Morrison
Judson Park – Stephanie Magers
Recrea�on Center – Rebecca Brownlie
Colonial Park East – Maryann Grahmann
Colonial Park Pool – Stephen Damiani
Wier Park – Lulu Lopez
Jennie Hughes Park – Sarah Barret
Whit Johnson Park – Arlene Wells
Old Business: (none)
New Business: (none)
Adjourned: 8:02 p.m. Unanimous.