HomeMy WebLinkAbout05101956 ZPC Minutes MITJtTfES OF ZONING BpARD METING Mgt lo, 1g56 The Zoning & Planning Board convened in regular session on Thursday, May 10, 1956, with the following members present; Mr. E. R. Davis, Chair®e-n; Messrs. A. G. Davis, David Hannah, Roy Maley and Charlie Wilson. Mr. M. C. Halbert was absent. With great regret the Board received the resignation of its Chairman E. R. Davis, so the first order of business was o e et a ne'w c rman. Motion by A. G. Davis, seconded by Roy Maley, that Mr. M. C. Halbert, Chair- man Pro<-tem be elected to the Chairmanship. Voting Aye: All No; None Mr, A. G. Davis was then unanimously elected Chairman Pro tem. In the absence of Chairman Halbert, Chairman Pro tem Davis took the chair and presided. It was suggested that a Resolution be passed to commend to the Commission and the Gity at large the fine leadership of Mr. E. R. Davis,. during his tenure of Chairmanship, The Board then unanimously recommended that Mr. Charlie Wilson who has been serving as an alternate member be immediately given full membership and that another alternate member be appointed as quickly as possible. Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall, x+202 Bellaire, appeared before the Board in support of their request for resonin~of pro~rt~y on Bellaire Blvd. immed- iately adjoining the Y.M.C.A. but were advised that no rezoning could be recommended on a spot basis, but that the area was under consideration, and they would be notified of any action. Messrs. Christianson. Starkey at~}d Vest appeared for further discussion of their proposal to rezone ,prox~ertY on Bissonnet,, be_t„~reeq„J~akefores,~~nd BeLont. Pho- tostats of letters were submitted concerning option on all remaining property except that owned by Claude L. Hollan and Mr. Christianson advised that a Mr. Blalock, Trustee for the Hollan property had given an all option to lease. These gentlemen were advised of the Board's previous discussion on the problem and their preference to entertain only a proposition embracing the entire area from Wakeforest to Buffalo. Messrs. Christianson, Starkey and Vest stated that they believed a cooperative deal could be worked out with the owners of .property between Belmont and Buffalo and they would try to get together with these people for further study. rs~ Helen painte,~,,_65~ Rut~e_r~. who had by letter of May 8 requested an aud- ience to discuss her request for separate gas and light meters for her home and garage apartment, did not appear. ~~ Mrs. G. A. Nitschman who had, February $, requested permission to build~„~a,_ servan s guar ers at,~~+02 Plumb had been invited to this meeting for further discussion, but did not appear. With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the meeting was adjourned. C~ ~--x--s:,~ SECRETARY ~~~~~ 1 1